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February 17, 1942 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-02-17

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____________________________________________________________ I I

. P t t tti ttll

Letters To The Editor

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42
Editorial Staff

Emile Ge16
Alvin Dann
David Lachenbruch
Jay McCormick
Hal Wilson
Arthur Hill
Janet Hiatt
Grace Miller
Virginia Mitchell
Daniel H. Huyett
James B. Collins
Louise Carpenter
Evelyn Wright

* . . . Managing Editor
S. . . Editorial. Director
City Editor
.. . Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
Women's Editor
. . Assistant Women's Editor
. . . Exchange Editor
Business Stafff

Associate Business
Women's Advertising
Women's Business


The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Churchill Should Advise
British War Cabineto*
F you find Winston Churchill's logic,
please return it. Quick. He will
need it-and need it badly-before his talk to
Parliament later in the week.
Sunday he told the British public that they
should not criticize their government for its mis-
takes because-look you, people-the United
States is in the war, the Russians are winning
and three-quarters of everyone is on our side.
Maybe the people will stand for that-maybe.
But Parliament won't.
A good many M. P.'s were rightly disgusted
when, during the crisis two weeks ago, Churchill
made criticism of any member of his cabinet
seem synonymous with criticism of himself.
Such disgust will undoubtedly spread and be-
come more determined at this last display of
crooked thinking-if one may call it thinking.
Demands will certainly be made that the
Prime Minister revamp his inner War Cabinet
which is at present disastrously weak. It repre-
sents party leaders rather than the best men
available and, thus, includes no member with
enough force or brains to meet Churchill on
equal terms. In addition to this, the majority
of the members are engaged in departmental
work to such an extent that they do not have
sufficient time to concentrate on general pol-
DEMANDS will probably also be made that
the gang of appeasers which Chamberlain
left behind with his umbrella be swept out of
positions of importance and into some dark
corner, there to remain at least until the war is
over and preferably forever. It is this group of
men which renders ineffective too great a por-
tion of the British propaganda in Europe, be-
cause they are afraid of fostering revolutionary
* tendencies.
Why Churchill insists upon defending these
persons-ineffectual cabinet members and ap-
peasers alike-is difficult to understand. But
that it is his intention to continue this was ap-
parent in his Sunday address. -
In appealing for unity, the Prime Minister
somehow or other found comfort and basis for
argument in the Russian situation. He pointed
out that "the Russians have not , . . tried to
break up their government. Last autumn when
Russia was imperiled . . . the Russians did not
fall to bickering among themselves. They did
not lose trust in their leaders." Perhaps Mr.
Churchill was tired-very, very tired-when he
wrote the speech. There is scarcely any other
excuse for such a comparison.
When the Russian leaders said "all-out" or
"scorched earth," they meant it. They re-
treated, certainly. But when they did there were
no thousands of tons of rubber and tin left be-
hind for the enemy, there was no "destroyed"
causeway for the Nazis to cross, there was no
time out for tea at the Raffles House, there was
little just plain bungling and stupidity. We
wonder if the British would have had the guts
to dynamite the Dnieper Dam had it belonged
to them. Somehow we doubt it.
HERE, THEN, is where Churchill erred. He
compared honest defeats with stupidity and
lack of vision. The British people and the Brit-
ish Parliament can take defeat and come back

Let's Work Togethero. .
To the Editor:
O ASSUME that an extra hour of resentful
sleep, if that, is going to make our crop of
coeds any more physically fit, is making an as-
sumption based on pure folly. What possible
improvement could that extra hour afford? And
in the same vein--making the assumption that
our coeds are run-down because 48 out of 50
were rejected for blood donations (a rejection
which apparently "had no reflection on the
health of the volunteers") is not at all in keep-
ing with the scientific method. To say the least,
this is insufficient ground upon which to gener-
alize. Why not investigate health conditions in
terms of thousands of coeds before stating that
they are in poor physical shape-and then of-
fering them an extra hour, of bitter-tasting sleep
to cure all their ills.
.. Who in Heaven's name feels himself called
upon to "bring the war home to the students?"
Who could have made such an outrageous as-
sertion which to me and practically everyone
else is nothing less than shocking? The war is
"at home" with the students-you can rest as-
sured of that. It has been brought home time
and time again to every man on this campus
who is trying to start his life in this civilization
that's on its way to hell. And so does every girl
feel close to this war-every girl, who is in any
way concerned about her brother, her father,
her guy in particular, or her liberty, if I must
flag-wave. Yes, we know that there's a war
being fought and we resent what's being done
about it. And we particularly resent being of-
fered petty, paltry measures which are designed
to bring the war to our attention.
Let us know that the war has been "brought
home" to our faculty, to our parents, and to all
the members of the generation which furnished
us with this world to live in. Let's stop people
from going off the deep, deep end in prepara-
tion for what's to come. Let's stop bickering
about daylight saving or standard time. Let's
stop the pampering and get rid of those who
persist in rationalizing their positions,
Let's work together for a change.
- Bill Beck
The Reply Churlish
RAMBLING NOTES from one who spends his
weekends somewhere else anyhow. How are
they ever going to get over being anemic if they
have to go home so early? Heavenly days, as one
who spends his weekends elsewhere anyhow, I
am willing to admit the anemia part of the ar-
guments pro of whoever it is, but what a solu-
tion. Roast beef will be the next to go.
Undoubtedly when a thing like this occurs,
it may be blamed on the girls themselves. Most
of them look as if they ought to go home early.
Certainly in their little busybee soirees at the
Michigan League, the aces always go to the
grown up brand of teacher's pet. The elected
representatives of Our Womanhood are veddy
respectable dollies indeed, which means that they
get along with the ladies who run things, and ad-
mire same as Useful, High-Type Women. By a
painful and twittering accumulation of Points for
Things, like a best of breed, or best in show, the
girly girlies send to the council tables only their
finest and best-the girls all the girls like. And
if, after so much worthy effort along lines of na-
tional importance such as Freshman Project,
Sophomore Cabaret, Junior Girls Play, the Get
Together, the Aw Come On, the Whoop de Doo,
the Special Committee for the Relief of Fill in
Blank, these pearls with their grown up sisters
continue to look around for something with
which they can make like Susan B. Anthony, I
repeat, blame it on the tomatoes; they love it.
THE NEWS WRITERS are playing an enjoy-
able game of blind man's buff just now, pro-
claiming loudly in their stories that responsibility
for this outrage cannot be permanently fixed.
This is a quite natural expression of any news
writer's disgust with people who do things and
then disown them. But deep down in their hearts
the boys in the front room know exactly what
happened-they just want to watch 'em squirm
a little. The process is much like a cat playing
with a mouse. News writer calls A, and asks if

she had anything to do with anything. A says
why no, she really doesn't know who is responsi-
ble, maybe it was B, but don't quote her on it.
But A didn't do anything. News writer calls B,
tells her A said she might know something about
something, and B says oh, no, not her, she
thought it was all about knitting or extra des-
serts or something. Maybe it was C. And so it
goes on, the news writer keeping a perfectly
straight face through the whole business, and
then writing a story in which he makes no com-
ment, simply repeating the various hedges made
by ABC and the others.
AND THE NEWS WRITER, and you and I
know that it all resolves into something sim-
ple and universal which can be stated neatly in
the phrase "that's the way women are." Get a
bunch of women together and every time they'll
ask for the vote or Prohibition, or ban somebody
from the public libraries and buy the works of
Anna Sewell, (author of that touching novel,
Black Beauty) instead, or clean up politics by
electing that nice Mr. Shrdlu with the darling
moustache. The women, God bless them, want
something to do. We must all applaud them for
this sentiment. Trouble is, they don't know what.
As the simplest solution, offered gratis to the
ladies who can't figure out just how all this ever
happened anyhow, I offer a nifty little compro-

Abolish Eight O'clocks
To the Editor:
BRED of a boundless patriotism, a burning
passion for self-sacrifice, and an unequivocal
love of logical consistency, we take the type-
writer in hand to proffer a further suggestion
for civilian conservation of natural resources.
In keeping with the current proposals to cur-
tail excessive expenditures of energy-physical
and electrical-we wish to carry to its logical
conclusion the plan of limiting extra-curricular
social relationships to 12:30 Friday nights.
Whereas, we fully endorse such plan, we are the
protagonists of a more all-embracing policy, de-
signed to conserve more energy and to be more
universal in appeal, embodying the general wel-
fare, regardless of sex.
Our arguments are paragons of simplicity and
logically consistent with those set forth by the
League Council, before whose wisdom do we
humbly sacrifice our claims to originality.
1) "Conservation of electricity": The war
having decreed that there be no light at 7:00 in
the morning, in order to properly apply cos-
metics and/or adjust cravats (as the case may
be), and to pursue knowledge under best con-
ditions in the classroom, it is necessary to em-
ploy electricity.
2) "Promotion of physical fitness": Upon
physical endurance and alertness depends the
success of the future soldier. Realizing well the
value of sleep to the physical and mental wel-
fare of our nation, one additional hour in the
arms of Morpheus is desirable. Thus some stu-
dents will receive the benefits of six additional
hours sleep per week, or the equivalent of al-
most one night's rest.'
3) "Bring the war home to the students"; The
proposed 12:30 curfew would "bring the war
home to the students" only one night per week;
our plan would bring the war home every
4) "Demand for Blood": Of the 50 students
who volunteered blood, 48 were so run down that
they had to be rejected. This is a depressing
situation which must not be. The students must
have more time for breakfasts.
Therefore, in view of the vast benefits which
our proposed plan will reap-both in physical
fitness and conservation of electricity-we ap-
peal to the proper authorities (whoever they
may be) for immediate action.
-Howard G. Solomon, '42
Eugene A. Kane, '42
Drew Pectso%
Robert S.Alle
WASHINGTON-It is now possible to reveal
some of the inside diplomatic discussions re-
garding the defense of Singapore.
Here's the inside story: Only a few days after
Churchill arrived, the Australians got word that
the Far Eastern front was to be sacrificed, and
almost tore the British Empire apart.
Churchill was arguing that it was going to
be impossible to defend Singapore and the Dutch
East Indies; that the Pacific was a tremendous
ocean; that the Japanese could rattle round in
it for a long time; that it was much wiser to de-
feat the German Army on the Russian front and
in the Mediterranean area. He contended that
once the German Army was crushed it would be
a simple matter to clean up on Japan.
Admiral King Objects...
HOWEVER, Churchill ran into trouble im-
mediately from Admiral Ernest King, forth-
right new commander of the U. S. Fleet. King
objected vigorously, said that Dutch oil, rubber,
tin would keep Japan fighting for years; warned
that Japan could then put the squeeze on India,

while Hitler squeezed the British Middle East
from the Syrian-Turkish end.
King also referred in critical, almost scathing
terms, to the Libyan campaign in North Africa,
said that this was just child's play; that these
barren desert wastes meant nothing even if con-
Blunt-spoken as he was, however, Admiral
King was not half as tough as the Australians.
Their minister in Washington, Richard Casey,
told Churchill point-blank that Singapore would
have to be defended. He even went to the ex-
treme length of warning that Australian troops
would be yanked out of the Near East if the
British Government did not send reinforcements
to Singapore.
Furthermore, the Australian Prime Minister
even went to the extent of suggesting that if
London was going to desert the Australian peo-
ple by not defending Singapore, it would be per-
fectly possible for the Australian Government to
withdraw from the War and make a separate
peace with Germany.
Faced with this double-barreled barrage from
both the Australians and the U. S. Navy, the
British and Russians yielded. More reinforce-
ments for the Far East were decided upon. By
that time, however, it was late to send heavy
reinforcements. And the inside fact is that mod-

(Continued from Page 3)
panry, Pittsburgh, Penna., will inter-
view a limited number of men in the
above groups on Thursday, February
19, in Room 214 West Engineering
Interview blanks are available in
the Mechanical Engineering Office.
Interview schedule is posted on
the bulletin board near Room 221
West Engineering Bldg.
Academic Notices
Seminar Ch.E. 109 on Wednesday
at 4:00 p.m. in Room 3201 E. Engr.
Mr. Charles O. King will speak on
the subject: "Solvent Extraction of
To those students who have signed
for the special reading clinic course:
The class will meet Monday and
Wednesday at five o'clock, room
4009 University High School Build-
ing, School of Education. First meet-
ing Wednesday, Feb. 18.
There will be room to accommodate
a limited number of additional stu-
dents for this short term, non credit
remedial reading work.
Mathematics 10 will meet, begin-
ning Wednesday, in Room 405 South
Change of Deadline for Hopwood
Contestants: All manuscripts shall
be in the English Office, 3221 An-
gell Hall, by 4:30 p.m., Monday,
April 13, 1942. R. W. Cowden
Students who competed in the
Hopwood contests for freshmen
should call for their monuscripts at
the Hopwood Room not later than
Friday, February 20.
R. W. Cowden
English 136, The Analysis of Poetry,
will meet in Room 2225 A.H. (instead
of 2215 A.M.) Thursday, 4-6.
W. H. Auden
Portuguese Conversational Classes:
Two classes in conversational Portu-
guese are offered in the International
Center series of conversational lang-
uage services. A beginning class will
organize at 8:30 p.m., and an ad-
vanced class at 7:15. Both will meet
in Room 23 of the Center. A small
fee is charged.
Arabic Class, International Center:
The International Center, in cooper-
ation with Al Thaqafa, the Arabic
culture society, offers a beginning
class in modern Arabic at 7:30 p.m.,
Wednesday, February 18, in Room 23
of the Center. A small tutorial fee
will be charged.
Choral Union Concert: Joseph
Szigeti, Violinist, will give the Ninth
program in the Choral Union Series,
Thursday, February 19, at 8:30
o'clock, in Hill Auditorium. A limit-
ed number of tickets are still avail-
Alec Templeton, Pianist, will be
heard in a special concert Thursday,
February 26, at 8:30 o'clock, in Hill
Auditorium. Reserved seat tickets
at popular prices, including tax: main
floor 95c; first balcony 75c and the
top balcony 55c. May be purchased
at the offices of the University Musi-
cal Society, Burton Memorial Tower.
Charles A. Sink, President
Organ Recital: Palmer Christian,
University Organist, will present the
first in a series of second-semester
recitals at 4:15 p.m. Wednesday,
February 18, in Hill Auditorium. The

program as arranged by Professor'
Christian will include works of Bach,
Gluck, Martini, Stanley, Guilmant,
Copland and DeLamarter.
The public is cordially invite.
Violin-Piano Recital, International
Center: Miss Thelma Newell will of-
fer a violin recital with Miss Helen
Titus, pianist, at the Wednesday mu-
sic program of the International
Center. The recital will be at 7:30
p.m. in the lounge of the Center and
will consist of: Beethoven, Sonata
No. 1, Op. 12.
Mozart, Concerto No. 5 in A major.
Hindemeth, Sonata No. 2 in D,
Op. 11.
All interested are invited to at-
The Tuesday evening concert of
recorded music in the Men's Lounge
of the Rackham Building tonight at
8:00 will be as follows:
"Introduction" and "Dances of the
Persian Slaves" from "Khowant-
china" by Moussorgsky.
Bach: Concerto for Two Violins in
D Minor.
Mozart: Sinfonia Concertante in E
flat major.!
Beethoven: Concerto No. 4 in G
University Lecture: Dr. William H.
Weston, Professor of Cryptogamic
Botany, Harvard University, will lec-
ture on the subject, "Fungi and Fel-
low Men," under the auspices of the
Department of Botany in the Natur-


By Lichty

"Airplanes built by honorable toymakers no
then come apart!"

W, Pee

good-fly one mile,

Department of Physiology. The pub-
lic is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Dr. A. I. Lev-
erson, of Tulsa, Oklahoma, Past
President of the American Geologists,
will lecture on the subject, "Petroleum
Reserves and Discovery" (illustrated),
under the auspices of the Department
of Gelogy on Tuesday, Feb. 24, ata
4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphi-
theater. The public is cordially in-
University Lecture: Professor Lau- 1
rence H. Snyder of Ohio State Uni-7
versity will lecture on the subject,
"Heredity and Modern Life," (illus-
trated) under the auspices of the
Laboratory of Vertebrate Genetics, on
Tuesday, February 24, at 8:00 p.m.
in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The
public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Yves Tinayre,c
noted authority on vocal art, will give1
an illustrated lecture at 8:30 p.m.1
on Monday, February 23, in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theater, under the
sponsorship of the School of Music.
Complimentary tickets are obtain-
able at the office of the School of
The Hon. Hugh Gibson, former
ambassador to Belgium and Brazil
and recently identified with the Polish
Relief Commission, will be presented
by the Oratorical Association to-
night at 8:15 in Hill Auditorium.
The subject of Mr. Gibson's address
will be "The International Situation
as Seen through the Eyes of an
American." Tickets may be pur-
chased at the box office, Hill Audi-
torium, from 10 a.m. to 8:15 today.
French Lecture: Miss Helen B.
Hall, Curator, Institute of Fine Arts,
will give the fifth of the French Lec-
tures sponsored by the Cercle Fran-
cais tomorrow, Wednesday, Febru-
ary 18, at 4:15 p.m. in Room D,
Alumni Memorial Hall. The title of
her lecture is: "Poitiers, Bijou du
Moyen-Age" (illustrated).
Tickets for the series of lectures'
may be procured from the Secretary
of the Department of Romance Lan-
guages (Room 112, Romance Lan-
guage Building) or at the door at the
time of the lecture. for a small sum.
Holders of these tickets are entitled
to admission to all lectures, a small
additional charge being made for the
annual play.
These lectures are open to the
general public.
Events Today
American Institute of Electrical
Engineers will have a joint meeting
of the Michigan Section, the Michi-
gan State College Student Branch,
and the University of Michigan Stu-
dent Branch tonight in the Rackham
Building at 8:00.
Our group will meet the Michigan
State branch in the Dynamo Lab. at
6:30, from where we shall all go to
the Michigan Union Cafeteria for
Prof. W. G. Dow will speak on
"Electronics in War and Peace."
Mechanical, Electrical and Engin-
eering Mechanics Seniors: A repre-
sentative of the Chrysler Corpora-
tion, Detroit, Michigan, will inte-
view seniorstin the above groups this
afternoon in Room 218 West Engin-
eering Building.
Students interested may sign for
interviews on the Mechanical Engin-
eering Department bulletin board.
Judiciary Committee of the Michl-
gan League will interview all those
petitioning for Jordan assistantships
today, Wednesday, Thursday of this
week, 3:30-5:30 p.m., in the under-
graduate office of the League.
University Flying Club will meet

Alpha Nu of Kappa Phi Sigma will
will meet tonight on the fourth floor
of Angell Hall at 7:30.
Graduating Engineers - All bran-
ches of Engineering: Ensign W. L.
Chewning of the Naval Aircraft Fac-
tory, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, will
interview May and August graduates
in all branches of Engineering today
in Room 3205 East Engineering Build-
ing. Interested students will please
sign the interview schedule posted on
the Aeronautical Engineering Bul-
letin Board, near Room B-47 East
Engineering Building.
Women's Wartime Relief Project,
International Center. Foreign women,
wives of foreign students, and inter-
ested American women will gather in
the International Center at 2:30 p.m.,
today for the knitting and sewing
group in cooperation with the Ameri-
can Red Cross and the American
Friend's Service Committee projects.
All interested are invited to attend.
Publicity Committee for Assembly
Ball will meet today at 4:00 p.m. in
the League. All those interested may
attend even if they have not signed
up before. Please bring eligibility
Central Committee for Assembly
Ball will meet today at 3:0 p.m. in
the League.
The Aquinas Seminar will meet at
Lane Hall today, 4:10 p.m.
JGP Central Committee meeting
today in the League at 4:30 p.m.
Club Basketball for women, starts
at Barbour Gymnasium at 4:20 and
5:00 p.m. today.
Christian Science Organization will
meet tonight at 8:15 in the chapel
of the Michigan League.
Episcopal Students: Tea will be
served for Episcopal students and
their friends at Harris Hall today,
4:00 to 5:30 p.m.
The Meeting of the Bibliophiles
Section of the Women's Faculty Club
will be held at the home of Mrs.
Charles Davis, 2104 Brockman Blvd.
at 2:30 p.m. today.
Bowling - Women Students: All
girls interested in bowling are urg-
ed to attend the meeting of the
Bowling. Club 'at 4:30 this after-
noon in the basement of the Women's
Athletic Building.
The bowling team tournament has
been drawn up and is posted in the
Women's Athletic Building. Captains
are urged to arrange their team's
first match immediately.
Coming Events
Mathematics Club will meet Wed-
nesday, February 18, at 8 p.m., in the
West Conference Room, Rackham
Bldg. Dr. Everett will speak on "Vec-
tor Spaces over Rings."
Junior Mathematical Society will
meet Wednesday, February 18, at 8
p.m., in 3201,Angell Hall. Professor
Rainville will speak on "Mathematics
and the Boulder Dam."
Athena Members and Pledges:
There will be a meeting at the League
on Wednesday, February 18, at 4:30
p.m. Please call Anna-Jean Williams,
2-3159, if you cannot be there.
Polonia Society will meet Thurs-
day at 7:30 p.m. in the recFeaton
room of the International Center.
Results of the ballet will be discussed
and second semester officers will be
elected. All Polish students are in-
House Presidents' meeting Wed-

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