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May 06, 1942 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-05-06

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____ ___ ____ tw ~1CUL~N P ttY

Theatre Arts
Josephine Fitzpatrick Chosen
Assistant Head Of Committee;
Four Ploys Will Be Produced
Josephine Fitzpatrick, '44, Gam-
ma Phi Beta, has been chosen assist-
ant chairman of Theatre Arts, ac-
cording to Marjorie Storkan, '43, Chii
Omega, general chairman. Miss
Storkan also announced yesterday
the chairmen and assistant chairman
of the 15 sub-committees of that
projectfor the 1942-43 season.
Stage manager for Theatre Arts
will be lly Walsh, '43, Chi Omega.
Rae Larsen, '44, Alpha Gamma Delta,
will act as dance chairman while
Louise Mueller, 44, Alpha Chi Ome-
ga, will be'the assistant dance chair-
man. Scenery chairman will be Bet-
sy Broom, '44, Alpha Phi, and her
assistant will be Delores Knapp, '44,
Kappa Delta.
Eleanor 'Gray To Hlead Ushers
Eleanor Gray, '43, Alpha Delta Pi,
has been chosen to head the ushers
committee, and her assistant will be
Joanne Madsen, '43. Programs com-
mittee will be headed by Mildred
Bernstein, 44, Helen Newberry, and
Gloria Brugaletta, '44, Alpha Gamma
Delta, will be the assistant programs
The properties committee will be
headed by Sally Loughead, '44, Col-
legitae Sorosis, and Helen Garrels,
'44, also of Collegiate Sorosis, will be
her assistant. Bookholder for the
project will be Jo-Ann Peterson, '45,
Alpha Phi. Helen Eckerman, '44,
Alpha Gamma Delta, will act as cos-
tumes chairman and as the assistant'
chairman of costumes will be Dorothy
Treadwell, '44, Chi Omega.
Ticket Chairman Chosen
Chosen to head the ticket commit-
tee is Shirley Altfeld, '43, Alpha Ep-
silon Phi, and to assist her is Suz-
anne Wood, '44, Kappa Alpha Theta.
Music chairman will be Lucy Chase
Wright, '44, Delta Delta Delta, and
her assistant, Gerry Stadelman, '44,
Chi Omega. Contacting chairman-
ship goes to Martha Kinsey, '44, Kap-
pa Kappa Gamma, and the assistant
contactor will be Margaret Ross, '44,
Delta Delta Delta.
Publicity will be handled by Jean
Whittemore, '44, Delta Delta Delta,
and her assistant, Dorothy Bill, '43A,
Kappa Delta. There will be three
co-chairmen of make-up, namely:
Margaret Gardner, '42Ed., Delta Del-
ta Delta, Charlotte Morley, '43Ed,
Martha Cook, and Gail Parsons. '43,
Kappa Delta.
Four Plays To Run
Four plays will be produced by the
Theatre Arts group during the winter
season and, according to Miss Stork-
an, many more helpers will be needed.,
She went on to say that the job of
choosing her committee chairmen
from the huge numbers of petitions
submitted was a difficult job, and
she hopes that those to whom she
could not give positions, would parti-
cipate anyway.

hintz Adds Cool Chic

p pntics
Painting signs of the names of the various houses, pounding standards
in the ground and chalking off Palmer Field are just a few of the jobs that
will keep the WAA Board plenty busy this week, preparing for Lantern
Night Monday,
Undoubtedly the bigest WAA evet of the year and enveloped in tradi-
tion, Lautern Night. Sing has become qtite a part of the UTiversity and its
activities each year. ft's a lovely spectacle--the senior women marching in
caps and gowns with swinging lanterns, and then passing them on to the
juniors, symbolizing the end of their college years.
Lantern Night was first staged as a pageant in 1915, but since then
it has changed its face many times. One year it was an all-day affair,
with bo-lunchies eatet at Palwer Field, followed by the'line of march
at night.,
Another time the event became exclusive, since only the six most out-
standing girls in each house were perniitted to form the "M". All in all,
thGugh, few changes have been made, until we have Lantern Night as it is
this year. -packed with tradition.
* * * *
Here's a chance to get burned to a crisp-sunburned, of course. The
members of the Outing Club invite anyone interested to join them in an
all-day canoe trip up the Huron River Sunday, according to Dorothy Lund-
strom, '45, president of the club. The group will meet at 9:30 a.m. at Hill
Auditorium. Those who wish to attend are to sign up and pay a minimum
fee for the trip before Saturday noon in Room 15 of Barbour Gym. There
will be three persons to a canoe, and food will be carried on the trip.
Patty Berg has nothing on our own Betty Jane Courtright, '45, who
performed the amazing feat of getting an eagle on the 17th hole at
University Golf Course recently. Jealous? We are.
Good news is better than none-even if it is late-or something. Any-
how, this is not exactly hot off the press, but the University women's golf
team for "Sportsday" nosed out that Michigan State bunch, 21 points to 15
point. The three women who tied for lowest score were Barbara Rathke,
'45, Betty Jane Courtright and Marjorie Rowe, the East Lansing gang's
riepresentative -each with a 96.
The "Lucky-Eight" have been announced!-Lucky, because they are
entitled to play free of charge on the University Course until the next golf
tournament is played off in the fall semester. The eight highest scorers of
the last tournament and, therefore, the members of the University women's
golf team, are as follows: Trudy Andresen, '42, Barbara Rathke, '45, Betty
Jane Courtright. Ginny Frey, '42, and Mary Morse. Others on the team are
Donelda Schaihle. '42, Nancy Stock, '43, and Barbara Wallace, '45.
w1e cane home with wind-blown hair and eating dust, but there's
no doubt that "Sportsday" last Sahirday was really loads of fun. The
horse Show out at Golfside Stables was added excitement, taken be-
tween cokes. 5:30 p.m.-time to punch the time clock, so, so long.

Chintz dresses like this one will
be the rage this summer. They're
crisp and perky and cool and dif-
ferent from the uasual cottons. They
go well with sandals, saddles, or
spectators, too!
Ruthvens Hold Last
Student Tea Of Year
In Residence Today
Dr. and Mrs. Ruthven are holding
the last student tea of the year from
4 p.m. to 6 p.m. today in their home.
The members of the following
houses are especially urged to at-
tend: Phi Sigma Kappa, Pi Lambda
Phi, Fletcher Hall, Alice Palmer
House, Chi Phi, Martha Cook, Jor-
dan Hall, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Phi
Gamma Delta, Delta Tau Delta, Del-
ta Delta Delta, Delta Gamma and
Kappa Alpha Theta.
Mrs. Oberson of Delta Gamma,
Mrs. Kircher of Kappa Alpha Theta,
Mrs. Diekema of Martha Cook and
Mrs. Piett of Delta Delta Delta will
Members of the Social Committee
of the League who will assist at the
tea are Josephine Fitzpatrick, '44,
Phyllis Gardener, '44, Nan Grey, '43,
Jean Gaskell, '45, Frances Hall, '43Ed,
Marjorie Hall, '45, Margaret Harmon,
'44, and Josephine Holmes, '45.
All students and members of the
faculty are cordially invited.

New Rushing
Rules To Have
Many Benefits
There has been much general dis-
cussion by freshmen and upperclass-
men alike over the problem of rush-
ing in the coming years; and yet
many women still wonder vaguely
just why deferred rushing has been
In adopting the measures for de-
ferred rushing, the Panhellenic Board
under the direction of Virginia Morse,
'43, had several aims in mind, among
which is the safeguarding of Uni-
versity standards. Too many women
come from high schools to the Uni-
versity with purely social objectives
in mind. Now, with the new system
firts emphasis will be put upon the
academic side of school life.
Advantages Named
Deferred rushing will also be to
the advantage of the individual fra-
ternity. In the first place, it will
give them an opportunity to base
invitation to membership on real ac-
quaintance or friendship, rather than
on mere first appearance.
Moreover , a fraternity will be
safeguarded from having pledges who
cannot be initiated because of low
grades; membership in a fraternity
will be something to be acheived
through the test of intellectual abil-
ity and through observation of one's
social worth over a period of time.
No Repetitions
Lastly, there will be no repetition
of past experiences which have
shown that where frsehmen are
selected in the first semester, each
fraternity has had to spend an un-
due amount of time each year in
problems of orientation.
Interests of the individual fresh-
man will be protected by the institu-
tion of this new system. She will be
able to prove that she is capable of
doing University work before she
assumes responsibility in a fraternity.
Most important, the freshman will
have a semester in which to gain -a
wide knowledge of fraternities and
thus make a more intelligent deci-
sion in choosing a group.
Freshman's Load Eased
No longer will the freshman have
to add to her orientation to Univer-
sity life with the general confusion
of rushing. She will be able to get
started with her work and not feel
that the important thing is to "make"
a sorority.
Freshmen and upperclassmen alike
suffer from excess fatigue and colds
at the beginning of school after ti
rigorous activity of rushing season,
and with the new system this siege
will be avoided.
With deferred rushing sororities
will have a chance to demonstrate
their character training, for it de-
pends on them whether or not there
will be dirty rushing and consequent
bad feeling. Three successive Pan-
hellenic rushing secretaries as well
as the academic advisers and mem-
bers of the Health Service staff back
these opinions.
Couples Announce
Recent Marriages
Mrs. Louise I. Rogers of Cham-
bersburg, Pa., has announced the
marriage of her daughter, Helen Irene
Rogers, and Ralph Irving Blouch,
'40, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raleih I.
Blouch of Ann Arbor. The couple
were wed April 18, at Gettysburg, Pa.
Mr. Blouch is a graduate assistant
at Pennsylvania State College, and
will receive a master of science de-
gree there this month. He has been
nominated by Phi Kappa Phi, na-
tional honor society, and to Gamma

Delta, honor fraternity in agricul-
Sarah Elizabeth Scott, '35, daugh-
ter of Prof. and Mrs. Erman Orchard
Scott of Toledo, O., and John An-
thony Schild, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Jacob Schild of Ann Arbor, were
married recently.
Mrs. Schild is' employed in the
University registrar's office, and is a
member of Alpha Xi Delta sorority.

Any student who is worrying about
packing things to take home this
summer can help himself and aid
a worthy cause at the same time.
The text-book lending library for
needy students is trying to increase
its stock of books, and would appre-
ciate having students turn in used
text-books this spring to any one
of the University main or 'branch
Project Introduced
Dean E. A. Walter introduced the
project of loaning text-books to de-
serving students in 1937. Since that
time 1218 students have used the
service and 1439 books have been dis-
tributed. This year the League has
taken over the work under the direc-
tion of Mary Ellen Alt, '43.
Freshman and sophomore students
who wish to borrow books are inter-
viewed by their academic counselors.
Upperclassmen are interviewed by
the deans of their respective schools.
Approved students then apply at An-
gell Hall study Hall to receive for the
entire semester the books they need.
Many Books Available
At present, the lending library has
809 books for student use. Some
Alpha Gamma Delta announces the
initiation Sunday, May 3, of Helen
Ashley, '45SM, of Pontiac; Marion
Baskette, '44, of Pontiac; Gloria Brug-
aletta, 44, of Berkley, and Elva Stok-
inger, '44, of East Walpole, Mass.

StudentDonations Are Needed
For Text Book Lendirg Library

Alpha Delta Pi.

0 spectators

* dress and walking shoes

alumni funds for student aid' have
been turend over to the library to
enable purchasing of new books as
they are needed.
A full stock of regular text-books
would facilitate the use of extra
funds for the purchase of special
books when they are called for. In
order to make the maximum amount
of. books available, the committee is
asking for student donations.
Officers Announced
Tau Sigma Delta, national hon-
orary fraternity of architecture and
the allied arts, has announced its
officers for the coming year: Robert
Fisher, '43A, president; Aileen Olsen,
'43A, secretary, and Belva Barnes,
'43A, treasurer. The Alpha chapter
at the University was founded in
1913, members being elected on the
basis of scholarship, outstanding
ability, and general contribution to
their respective fields.
The marriage of Patricia Maye
Stearns, '43A, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry L. Stearns of Ann Arbor,
and H. Robert Cramer, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Lawrence S. Cramer of Fort
Ann, N.Y., will take place at 2:30
p.m. Friday, May 29, in the League
chapel. Miss Stearns is affiliated with
Alpha Delta Pi.

Senior Ball Lottery Car Stolen
As Enemy Sabotage Continues

Sp cial group of


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Disaster struck a lightning blow at
this yearrs Senior Ball yesterday
when it was discovered that a "per-
son or persons unknown" had ab-
ducted the Ball's newly announced
lottery prize, the official automobile
of the 1942 Ball, from its parking
place behind University Hall.
Although many students saw the!
car being pushed off campus, none
thought anything amiss and as yet
the Ball committee has been unable
to find anyone to identify the cul-
Follows Announcement
Following closely a Ball committee
announcement that the car would be
used to furnish free transportation
to and from the Ball for the lucky
couple winning a grand lottery on
Ball tickets, the crime is believed to
have been perpetrated by the same
party which has already made innu-
merable attempts to sabotage the
Speculation ran rife as to why the
thieves should push the car away
when they might have driven it off.
Owner Bob Summerhays, '42E, re-
vealed that the car was in running
condition as recently as 1932, and
that anyone with a piece of hay-
wire or a hairpin could have started
it. "I can't see why they'd bother to
push it," he said.
Explanation Offered
One explanation suggested was that
the marauders feared the noise would
bring alert Building and Grounds De-
partment men on them, and Sum-
merhays admitted that the last time
the car was running someone did re-
port a gang war to the police.
In spite of the undetermined fate
of the lottery prize, Ball chairman
Tom Williams, '42E, declared late
yesterday that the lottery would be
held as planned at 6 p.m. Saturday'
and that other arrangements would
be made for the winning couple if
the official car was not found before
the night of the Ball.
Official Ball detectives refused to
New under-arm
Cream Deodorant
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2. No waiting to dry. Can Lac
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5. Arrid has been awarded thc

say whether or not they had any
clues, but Williams promised that
"punishment will be swift and terri-
ble" when the identity of the abduc-
tors is known.
Already charged to the person or
persons seeking to block Ball plans
is the unprecedented ballot box stuff-
ing which even now gives Buck Daw-
son and his Six Bits a 13 to 1 lead
over all other dance orchestras as
the band most wanted for the eve-
ning's dancing.
Greatest concern of the Ball com-
mittee at present is that the kidnap-
pers may make further threats unless
plans for the Ball are abandoned
Marvelous Marbles
MISSOULA, Mont.-(A'1-Missoula
boys aren't talking much about the
city marble championship. It was
won by Josephine Campbell, 11, whd
will go on to the state finals.
Sigma Phi Epsilon announces the
recent pledging of Cecil Sink, '43,
of Dearborn, Richard Dunlop, '44,
of Plymouth, William Jacobs, '44E,
of Escanaba, Robert Hicks, '45E, of
Ann Arbor, Robert Green, '45E, of
Detroit, John MacLachlan, '43, of
Bay City, Edwin Hack~ett, 45E, of
Detroit, Sawyer Lee, '45E, of Ann
Arbor, and John Mansfield, '45E, of
Buffalo. N.Y.
Sigma Nu recently held an elec-
tion of officers. John Grandy, '43,
was elected president; Robert Lewis,
'43, vice-president; Don Cabral, '43,
secretary; Reynold Kraft, '44E, treas-

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