TTE MICHIGAN DAILY g ~ DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN The WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND By DREW PEARSON and ROBERT S. ALLEN Baby-Kissing (C.els New Twist Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the dse for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $.00, by mail $500. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. I College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. 4CkiCA6O " BOSTON " LOS ANGELES " SAN FNANciSCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941.42 Editorial Staff Homer Swander Morton Mintz . Will Sapp Charles Thatcher George W. Sallad. Bernard Hendel Myron Dann. Barbara defties Edward J. Perlberg Fred M. Ginsberg Mary Lou Curran Jane Lindberg . . . . Managing Editor * . . Editorial Director . . . . City Editor . . . , Associate Editor Associate Editor Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor * . . .Women's Editor Business Staff Business Manager . Associate Business Manager * Women's Business Manager . Women's Advertising Manager NIGHT EDITOR: JOHN ERLEWINE The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. People Should Prohibit Lindbergh From Defense A FEW MONTHS AGO the people of our country read in the newspapers that Charles A. Lindbergh, the bitter critic of the President's policies and of America's demo- cratic institutions, was hired by Henry Ford to work at the new Willow Run bomber plan. Ford intended to use the services of the once-famous aviator in producing the all-important Consoli- dated B-24 bombers. What most of the American people failed to learn was the attitude of the majority of Ford workers when they found out who their new fellow employe was going to be. When Lindbergh walked through the plant on an inspection tour, reliable sources disclosed the aviator was hissed and booed by his fellow workers. The men followed up their oral demon- stration with petitions demanding that Lind- bergh be fired from the service of the Ford Motor Company. THE FORD WORKERS had not forgotten the pro-Fascist utterances' and undemocratic aims of the self-styled statesman. They did not forget Lindbergh's vicious attacks on races and creeds. In short, the men felt they could have no faith in a person who had shown himself to be an outspoken foe of all we are fighting to protect and further in this war. Simply because Lindbergh changed his tune -or at least quieted down since Pearl Harbor -was no reason for the workers of the plant to believe that they could trust him now. His word today is little, if any, better than that of any other person who defends the Axis. Lindbergh has made his own little Munich with one of our country's great industrial leaders and somehow one has the feeling that he is wait- ing for "der Tag" when he can once more cham- pion the views of the Nazi propagandists. One cannot argue that just as the Republi- cans and Democrats give up their petty quar- rels in the best interests of the nation so can Lindbergh join with us in the war effort. The major political parties have always had the same goal-a more perfect democracy-no matter how their methods differed. But with Charles Lindbergh the story is far different. His goal never was a more perfect democracy. From his speeches the listener felt that he was for- warding some foreign cause which can never be reconciled with our way of life. It is for this reason that thousands of Ford workmen pro- tested the presence of Lindbergh in the bomber plant. THE IMPORTANT LESSON that all liberty- loving Americans must learn from this inci- dent is that pro-Fascist thought, particularly when expounded so thoroughly by a man like Lindbergh, can only be looked upon with the same abeyance as the words of any of the slick- tongued mountebanks of Europe and Asia. Lind- bergh cannot pass off his past actions with a few simple gestures towards the nation's war efforts. His kind must be prohibited from taking active part in the war program. -Myron Dann WASHINGTON-Baby-kissing is an old story among certain types of politicians, but Senator ("Pass-the-Biscuits-Pappy") O'Daniel is giving a new twist to it. The ball-bearing-tongued Texan is now kiss- ing 'em over the radio. Running for another term, he is bombarding Texas voters with radio transcription harangues from Washington, and in one of these last week he put on this remarkable baby-kissing act, preceded by a soulful rendition of the State's famous song, "Beautiful Texas": "While in Texas, in addition to being reminded of the great and perfect system of God's nature in the green grass, trees, crops, birds and flow- ers, I was brought face to face with another great and perfect work of God--the system of the perpetuation of the human race. I visited one of the large hospitals and there I saw one of the finest crops I ever saw; it was a crop of the sweetest little babies that you ever saw. "The room was large and just crammed full of little baby beds, and in each bed a little girl or boy was kicking up its little feet and nurses were running from one bed to another to give a little gentle touch of the hand, or administer a little comfort in some other way to the more boisterous, or more musically-inclined babies. "These babies were not interested in politics. They didn't care whether a man was a Senator. They were not worrying about the war. "I guess the modern system is okay, but it 'ain't' the way I was'brung up.' I like the old- fashioned way where the whole family mingles together and can touch each other without dan- ger of contamination. I'm glad I wrote a song one time about wives. I believe I'll ask our Texas song bird to sing it now" The song, "Your Own Sweet Darling Wife," then was rendered by O'Daniel's song bird. FDR's Labor Stand Here is one inside reason why Roosevelt leans toward labor. Basically, the President always has been pro-labor, and continues to be, even though he has become fed up with some labor activities in the past year. But in addition, U.S. war strategists are con- vinced that the chief hope of revolution in Eu- rope comes from labor. And most of the psy- chological warfare strategy being devised here is aimed at influencing labor in Germany, Czech- oslovakia, Austria and the occupied countries. Although not generally known, the nucleus of the old Social Democratic Party which tried to create a real republic in Germany is still intact. When Hitler came into power, they moved to Czechoslovakia. After the Sudetenland seizure, they moved to Paris. After the downfall of Paris, they moved to the U.S.A. Furthermore, it is labor in the European countries which is able to assemble or make radios.; German labor listens to the radio far more than other classes. Some labor groups even have published very small "underground" newspapers on hand presses and these are dis- tributed by hand. German labor resents the long hours in muni- tions factories, the small pay and the lack of food, more than any other group. Also labor is about the only group which was not taken over completely by Hitler. The Communists, his chief opponents, now have long been under- ground, but secretly active. To European labor Roosevelt always has been one of the world's greatest leaders. And one thought in the minds of war strategists is to show Europe that the rights of labor here will not be thrown completely overboard during war. Little Business Lsualties Despite all the government has tried to do for little business, it looks as if thousands of retail stores throughout the country are headed for liquidation or- bankruptcy in the next few months. Unable to get either goods or credit, they will not be able to operate when their pres- ent stocks run out. For the time being they have plenty of goods. They saw the pinch coming and stocked up. Inventories have never been higher. But the situation will be different next fall. In the first place, there will be reductions or complete bans on the manufacture of various consumer goods--refrigerators, woolen under- wear, steel desks, bird cages, wafers-you can hardly name an article that won't be affected. And in the second place, there may be little or no credit available for the retailer. So it looks very much as if one of the tragic symbols of the war will be thousands of "Closing Out" signs pasted across store windows from coast to coast. Covering Europe By Bicycle Junius B. Wood, one of the nation's greatest foreign correspondents, is now with the War Department where he is writing bang-up pieces, not for the papers, but for the psychological warfare division to appeal to the peoples of occupied Europe. Around the War Department, Wood is famous for the telegram he once sent to his ex-boss, Frank Knox, now Secretary of the Navy, then publisher of the Chicago Daily News. Knox had instructed him to cover Russia from Riga, capi- tal of Latvia, to which Wood replied: "Will cover Russia from Riga if you will pub- lish the Chicago Daily News from Winetka, Ill." Knox finally toldh imi e could remain in Moscow, but added to his assignment Turkey and the Baltic nations. Wood wired back: "OK, if you will send me a bicycle." T7he (4an ted jwPen Not one of the Detroit papers condemned edi- torially the General Motors Ternstedt Division for its disgusting lack of patriotism in using precious metals for the manufacture of non- essential brightwork on passenger cars. All of them- the Free Press, the News and the Times-take great delight in proclaiming their 100% support of the war effort. They continually harp at labor, sometimes even mention that "employers" should also sacri- fice. But when a specific instance of non- compliance appears within their own city they avoid it as though it were poison. Sometimes this sugar rationing works in funny ways. For instance, Prof. Ernest F. Barker, chairman of the physics department, discovered that the only way he could get sugar for the department's weekly teas was to register as a dealer. When he did so, the following conversation ensued: "How much sugar will you need per month?" "Five pounds." "As this order is good for two months, that would allow you ten pounds. However, we only give you half of what you ask for-which means five pounds. How much sugar do you have at the present time?" "About five pounds." "That means you already have your allotment for this period and we can't allow you any more. Good day, sir." - The Managing Editor (Continued from Page 2) sophomore standing at the end of the present semester and who plan to re- turn either for the summer term or the fall term should have their elec- tions approved for the next semester that they expect to be in residence, as soon as possible. There will be little or no time to sign up returning students during the registration peri- ods preceding either of these semes- ters, so it is strongly urged that this be taken care of now. You may make an appointment with your counselor by telephoning Extension 613 or by calling at the Office of the Academic Counselors, 108 Mason Hall. Arthur Van Duren, Chairman, Academic Counselors. All students who wish to apply for assistance through the National Youth Administration for the next FALL TERM and SPRING TERM, 1942-43, should leave their home ad- dresses with Miss Elizabeth A. Smith, Room 2, University Hall, before the close of this semester. J..A. Bursley, Dean of Students Notice to all senior engineers in advanced" R.O.T.C.: Turn in your caps and gowns on Thursday, May 7, 2:00 to 5:30 p.m. at the Michigan League. Your money will be re- funded. Other senior engineers may obtain caps and gowns at the same time while they last. Attention Seniors: A large number of graduate schools require the Grad- uate Record Examination from stu- dents who are admitted. Seniors in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, who took the Graduate Record Examination in February, 1942, may request these to be sent to graduate schools. Forms on which to make this request are obtainable in 1208 Angell Hall. The Annual French Play: The pic- tutre of the cast of "La Belle Aven- ture" is exhibited in the case on the first floor of the Romance Language Building. Place orders with the Secretary of the Romance Language Department, Room 112, as soon as possible. A cademic Notices The Botanical Seminar has been cancelled and will not meet today as previously scheduled. Seminar in Physical Chemistry will meet today in Room 410 Chem- istry Building at 4:15 p.m. Mr. Oliver Johnson will speak on "Radio- . m Wag? By TOM THUMB Barg~e's Will Eliminate Easterni (N I'Stioiiat91 (I am suffering from a sprained wrist (comma) and so am dictating this column over the telephone from my home where I am confined to bed (period) I will not see this column be- fore it goes to press so I ask you to bear with re if any errors should occur1 in the process of dictation (period)) [ THIS is the sad (comma) sad story! of Brunhilda La Gulch (comma) an unfortunate coed (period) Brunhilda La Gulch was unfor- tunate in that she was typical (peri- od) Reading from left to right (com- ma) one leg was bow (hyphen) legged (comma) the other knock (hyphen) kneed (comma) one foot was in the groove and the other in the grave (period) She had a handlebar moustache and sixteen hundred dollar (apos- trophe) s worth of gold in her teeth (period) In short (comma) Brun- hilda La Gulch was a mess (period) The boys called her (colon) (quote) a mess (period) (unquote) BRUNHILDA (comma) spent the major part of her college days in a vain attempt to attract the atten- tion of a man (period) Although there was no particular man she wanted (comma) any man would do she had decided (semicolon) (dash) until that fatal day (exclamation point) On that fatal day Brunhilda La Gulch caught sight of Siegfried Bea- gle (exclamation point) Not only was Siegfried Beagle tall and dark and 1 handsome (comma) but her sorority sister had told Brunhilda that he was a G (hyphen) Man (comma) from the F (period) B (period) I (period) (exclamation point) But Siegfried Beagle did not no- tice her (period) Until one day late in May (period) She had said to her- self (comma) (quote) How can I look attractive to him (question mark) (unquote) Suddenly she had an inspiration (period) She would buy some of those new (hyphen) fangled glasses and hide her left cross (hyphen) eye and her right wall (hyphen) eye. She ran to Health Service (period) (quote) Yes (comma) (unquote) said the ophthalmologist (comma) (quote) You definitely need glasses GRIN AND BEAR IT ByLichty Io 4 _.. a194J2.. L,C .go 'mes Inc. Reg. U. S. Fat. OMfASl Rta. Res. "If you call your secretary 'Sugar' again, 1Il punch you right in the ration card." active Eka-iodine and Some Chemicalc Applications of Radioactivity." t Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex-1 amination: All students expecting toI lect directed teaching (Educ D100) next semester are required to pass a qualifying examination i the sub- ject which they expect to teach'. This examination will be held on Satur- day, May 9, at 1 o'clock. Students will meet in the auditorium of theI University High School. The exam-t nation will consume about four hours' time; promptness is therefore essential. May Candidates for the Teacher's Certificate: The Comprehensive Ex- amination in Education will be givenE on Saturday, May 9, from 9 to 12 o'clock (and also from 2 to 5 o'clock) in the auditorium of the University1 High School. Students having Sat- urday morning classes may take the examination in the afternoon. Print-t ed information regarding the exam- ination may be secured in the School of Education office. Doctoral Examination for Herbert B. McKean, Forestry and Conserva- tion; thesis: "Glued Laminated Beams Composed of Two Wood Spe- cies." Today, West Council Room, Rackham, 2:00 p.m. Chairman, W. Kynoch: By action of the Executive Board, the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend the ex- amination and he may grant per- mission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum Doctoral Examination for Floyd Alden Bond, Economics; thesis: "The Washtenaw Gas Cmpany; a Study in Public Utility Regulation." Thurs- day, May 7, East Council Room, Rackham, 2:00 p.m. Chairman, S. Peterson. By action of the Executive Board, the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend the exam- ination and he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum Concerts The May Festival schedule of pro- grams is as follows: The Philadelphia Orchestra will participate in all concerts. Tonight, 8:30. Marian Anderson, Contralto; Eugene Ormandy, Con- ductor. Thurs 8:30. First part: "King Dav- id" (Honegger) with Judith Hell- wig, soprano; Enid Szantho, Contral- to; Felix Knight, Tenor; Rabbi Bar- nett R. Brickner, narrator; and the University Choral Union. Second part: Emanuel Feuermann Violon- cellist; Thor Johnson, Conductor. Fri. 2:30. First part: "The Walrus and the Carpenter" (Fletcher) - Youth Chorus; Juva Higbee, Con- quote) (dash) those which are at that jaunty slant (period) She colored the frames of her new spectacles with bright nail polish (comma) and then roamed the cam- pus in search of her G (hyphen) man (period) Finally she found him (peri- od) Her heart went pit (hyphen) a (hyphen) pat (exclamation point) Siegfried Beagle saw her and ex- tended his arm (period) Without a word he grabbed her around the waist (exclamation point) Oh (com- ma) ecstasy (exclamation point) (ex- clamation point) (exclamation point) He dragged her to his car cave (hyphen) man fashion (comma) and drove her to the Detroit headquarters of the F (period) B (period) I (com- ma) where she was held for ques- tioning as a Jap spy (exclamation (asterick) (asterick) (asterick) ductor. Second part: Carroll Glenn, violinist; Saul Caston, Conductor. Fri. 8:30. All-Wagner program Helen Traubel, soprano; Eugene Or- mandy, Conductor. Sat. 2:30. All-Rachmaninoff pro- gram. Sergei Rachmaninoff, pian- ist; Eugene Ormandy, Conductor. Sat. 8:30. Ninth Symphony (Bee- thoven) with Judith Hellwig, Enid Szantho, Jan Peerce, and Mack Har- rell; Choral Union. Eugene Orman- dy, Conductor. Concerts will begin on time. Doors will be closed during the numbers. Traffic regulations by direction of the Ann Arbor Police Department. Tickets will be on sale at the of- fices of the University Musical Soci- ety in Burton Memorial Tower until Tuesday, 5:00 o'clock. Beginning Wednesday morning, all remaining tickets will be on sale at the box office in Hill Auditorium. A limited num- ber of standing room tickets will be on sale as occasion may require. Charles A. Sink, President The carillon recital for Thursday evening, May 7, will consist of the music of English composers, as well as English and Celtic folk songs. The program is one of a series of spring carillon recitals played by the Uni- versity Carillonneur, Professor Per- cival Price, and will begin at 7:15 p.m. Exhibitions The Ann Arbor Art Association presents its Nineteenth Ann Arbor Artists Exhibition May 1 through May 13, 2-5 afternoons and 7-10 evenings, daily, except Sundays, in the'galleries of the Rackham Build- ing. Thirteenth Annual Exhibition of Sculpture in the Concourse df the Michigan League Building. Open daily until after Commencement. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Carol Ar- onovici, Director of the Columbia University Housing Study, will lec- ture on "New Concepts of Commun- ity Planning in Theory and Practice" at 4:15 p.m., Monday, May 11, in the Rackham Lecture Hall under the auspices of the College of Architec- ture and Design and the Depart- ment of Sociology. The public is cordially invited. Events Today The German Round Table which meets at the International Center on Wednesday evenings will be omit- ted this week because of the May Fes- tival. "Imperialistic Rivalries in India and the Far East" will be the topic of an open discussion held by the Young People's Socialist League at 7:15 tonight in the Michigan Union, Room 304. All are welcome. Students who are interested in attending work camps this summer are invited to meet with a committee of the Ann Arbor Friends' Meeting tonight, 7:00-8:00, at Lane IFIall where ways and means will be. dis- cussed. Information on possible col- lege credit will be available. Wesley Foundation: Student Xea and Open House today from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Coming Events Annual Regimental Parade and Re- view of entire R.O.T.C. Unit 'on Thursday, May 7, at 7:15 p.m., Michi- gan Football Stadium. The public is cordially invited. All R.O.T.C. Cadets will assemble at the Intramural Building at 6:40 p.m. on Thursday, May 7. WITH an oil shortage along the Atlantic sea- board, a threatened oil problem in the Mid- west, and a constant submarine menace to coastal oil shipping, an America that is almost entirely dependent upon her automobiles, buses and trucks must realize the likelihood of a breakdown in her transportation system and take steps to avert it. If we are to emerge victorious from this con- flict we must use that famed ingenuity, and right now it is exceedingly important that we find a method of transporting oil to replace the seagoing tankers which are falling a con- stant prey to Germany's submarines. Since U-boat warfare began last January off the Atlantic coast, at least 22 tankers, The Chi- cago Sun reports, have been sunk and five others are known to have been damaged. However, this is only part of the loss which resulted in government rationing that reduced the Eastern states' consumption of gasoline 33 percent and of heating oil 25 percent. The Office of Petro- leum Coordinator recently announced that there These waterways, forming a network secure from the Nazi raiders, thread all along the Gulf coast, north to Chicago, south and east and west from the gulf to northern Minnesota, eastward through rivers and lakes and the Erie Canal, westward through the Missouri River and tribu- taries. By use of necessary oil barges of either wood or steel the entire problem of oil distribu- tion can become an interior problem. While it takes more than a year to build one seagoing oil tanker which must travel in sea lanes constantly .jeopardized by raiders' torpe- does, it only takes from six to nine weeks to build an inland oil barge which can safely convey oil to the places of shortage. The barges can be built anywhere along the Illinois, Mississippi, Ohio, Arkansas and Cumberland rivers. Six barge tanks can take the place of one seagoing tanker. When traveling along the canals, bound together in groups of six, they use but, a single I pshe. L. J. Logan, writing in the Oil Weekly, has lauded this system, saying, "Use of inland barges would not only solve the emergency problem but