Weather Y Warmer. it Itl Editorial People Should Prohibit Lindbergh From Defense ... 1 VOL. LI. No. 163 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, MAY 6, 1942 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS. Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS " N, Japanese Storm Onto Defiant Corregidor British Hit Madagascar Naval Base Landing Assault. CV- Jap Vanguard May Capture Part Of Allied Burma Army British, Chinese Savagely Fighting To Halt Twin Invasions By Enemy; AVG Still In Struggle Tired Defenders RetreatRapidly NEW DELHI, India. May 5.--IP)_ Officers returning from the frontier between India and Burma said to- night that a rapid Allied withdrawal was in progress in Burma and a spokesman here said it appeared like- ly a considerable number of both British and Chinese troops would be captured by the Japanese. The Chinese 6th Army on the east- ern side of the Irrawaddy was scat- tered in small pockets for a hundred miles south of Lashio as well as to the north and east of this junction of the railroad connecting with the now severed Burma Road. Backed By Jungles British forces on the west side of the Irrawaddy were backed up against trackless, jungle - covered mountains standing between them and the Indian frontier. They were fighting desperately in spots but were outnumbered and un- der terrific punishment from Japa- nese planes. -; British soldiers flown out had been fighting four months without relief. constantly faced with fresh Japanese divisions and hammered unceasingly from the air. The final disposition of the Ameri- can Volunteer Group of pilots fight- ing with the Chinese and British forces could not be learned, but they are reported in the thick of the battle. 13 Japs Shot Down Four days ago, three of this "Tiger Squadron" tangled with a group of 30 Japanese fighters, shot down 13 and escaped without loss. However, on their return to their base they found the Japanese had bombed the runways. They landed on small un- damaged stretches, however, refueled and took off for more fighting. Meanwhile, the Japanese armies stormed onto Chinese soil through the Burma back door today, and, while thus menacing the cause of Free China on yet another front, be-1 gan a movement of envelopment de- signed to entrap and destroy the thin, tired line of British who stand be- tween the invader and India. The vanguard of the Japanese col- umns crossed the shallow Wanting< River into China's Yunnan Province at the end of a 500-mile advance up Burma.c Diego SuarezIsA ttacked By CommandosMarines Vichy Advices Put English At Andrakaka As Island Governor Musters Resistance LONDON, May 5.-(P)-British commandos, regular infantrymen and Royal Marines moved upon Madagascar's Diego Suarez naval base tonight in a swift incursion which struck from the reaching hand of the Axis a vital Indian Ocean position and effected a major Allied coup in the world- wide struggle for mastery of the seas. "Operations are proceeding and our casualties have so far been light," the Admiralty and War Office said in a brief joint communique at 10 o'clock tonight. "It is understood that the Governor-General of Madagascar has declared his intention to resist." Landing Force Protected By Warships The landing forces, protected by warships and warplanes, dashed ashore at Courrier Bay, ten miles across the Isthmus from Diego Suarez itself, at dawn this morning and by nightfall had broken the Vichy French coastal defenses, captured a battery which had shelled the landings and were smashing at the back door of the base through the hot tropical jungle. Reacting fiercely to the British attack on Madagascar, the Vichy govern- ment violently rejected today a United States warning against putting up a fight and ordered the island's garrison in the far-away Indian Ocean to resist to the death for the "honor of France." 49th Annual May Festival Opens Today Marian Anderson To Sing; Philadelphia Orchestra Will PlayOn Program Others To Appear In Later Concerts The most popular singer in the world-from Leningrad to Buenos Aires-Marian Anderson, great Negro contralto, will sing with the Phila- delphia Orchestra under the direc- tion of Eugene Ormandy at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium, to open the forty-ninth annual May Festival. The concert will open with the Overture in D minor by Handel-Or- mandy. Following this, Miss Ander- son will be heard in two numbers, May Mean End Of U.S._Defense Struggle's Progress Is Unknown; Capital Fears Last Philippine Base Doomed WASHINGTON, May 5.--()-The Army announced tonight that the Japanese had begun a "landing attack" on Corregidor, and the capitalj feared that thebresistance of American troops, lacking both food and am- munition and under constant bombardment, had about reached its end. The Army communique did not say what the prospects were. It con- fined itself to a grim, one-sentence statement that the assault was in pro- gress at midnight Tuesday, Manila time (10 a.m., Eastern War Time, today) Presumably a battle was on, but there was no hint of its trend or outcome. A total of 7,000 men or more were believed to be on Corregidor and other island forts in Manila Bay, although there was no official word of the num- ber. The defenders included both Americans and Filipinos. Follows Continuous Jap Bombing, Shelling The attack followed a day which saw the rocky, island fortress bombed 13 times, and shelled continuously for a period of five hours. Presumably the landing attempt was made from nearby Bataan Peninsula, the scene of an epic resistance but inevitable defeat several weeks ago. Informed opinion in Army quarters was that Lieut.-Gen. Jonathan Wainwright and his men on Corregidor could not hold out much longer. Not only has the fort been bombed from the air, but it has been pounded unceasingly by big guns emplaced both on Bataan and on the Cavite shore. It was generally considered that this battering had destroyed the fort's shore or beach defenses including barbed war entanglements, pill boxes and the like, thus facilitating the Japanese landing. Word that the soldiers on Corregidor lacked food and ammunition came for the first time, in a message which President Roosevelt sent to General Wainwright, before the re- '- ceipt of the latter's communication " telling of the landing attack. "In spite of all the handicaps of complete isolation, lack of food andA ammunition," the Chief Executive Sharply said, "you have given the world a " shining example of patriotic forti- Cuying tude and self-sacrifice.". Hoping for the best, but fearing the WSIGOMy5-(P-Mf worst, the capital foresaw, with the WASHGTON, May 5.-()--Stiff fall of Corregidor, the collapse as regulations controlling the install- well of two small island forts guard- ment purchases of nearly every ar- ing the entrance to Manila Bay. This ticle in common use in the American would permit the Japanese for the home were promulgated tonight by first time to make full use of the the Federal Reserve Board which in German Rift Over Russian War Reported Hitler, Generals Rumored Split; Von Brauchitsch Promoted Again LONDON, May 5.-(P)-A rift was reported -today between Adolf Hitler and a group of German generals headed by Field Marshal Walther von Brauchitsch. A responsible source said Hitler's generals told him bluntly that if his 1942 campaign in Russia fails they will try to institute for Germany a plan calling for "abolition of the Nazi system." This source said Hitler received the challenge calmly and replied by ap- pointing von Brauchitsch a member of the supreme command. Von Brau- chitsch was relieved as commander- in-chief of the Nazi armies last De- cember when Hitler, announcing that his "intuition" was guiding the ac- tion, took over the post. The source, which usually provides unusually reliable information con- cerning conditions in Germany, said the incident might mean either that Hitler needed the help of offended military men and restored von Brau- chitsch to a position of trust to still their criticism or that Hitler was be- ginning to recognize' his own weak- ness. Von Brauchitsch was one of the most outspoken critics of Hitler's plan to maintain German advance lines in Russia through the winter. He advocated the withdrawal from Moscow long before that strategy re- ceived the Fuehrer's approval, said to have been in sympathy with the former commander-in-chief were such important military leaders as Field Marshal Fedor von Bock, Col.-Gen. Franz Halder and Field Marshal Gen. Karl Rudolf Gerd. von Rundstedt. Pierre Laval, who made known ference, said Vichy, nevertheless, WAR SUMMARIES CORREGIDOR: Japanese forces on Corregidor Island. Little hope of continued defense of island. MADAGASCAR: British Comman- do Forces attack naval base. Vichy governor marshalls re- sistance. NEW DELHI: British, Chinese forces withdraw in Burma; many face capture. LONDON: Rift reported between Hitler and top German generals. these fateful decisions at a press con- would decline to take the first step -4 toward breaking off diplomatic re- lations with Washington as a result of its backing Britain in the Mada- gascar "aggression." With British sea forces. "waves of parachutists" and light armored forces following up an ultimatum in an attack on the strong naval base at Diego Suarez Bay, eighty-six-year- old Marshal Petain, Laval and Ad- miral Jean Darlan, defense chief, united in denouncing the attack and in urging French air, sea and land forces to resist. 20,000 British Estimated i Band To Lead ROTC Parade In Inspection Ruthiven Will Be Honored In Ceremony; Awards Will Be Made At Rally Marching in review before Presi- dent Alexander G. Ruthven, a score of state and local officials, and what is expected to be the largest crowd in history, 1100 ROTC cadets will present the year's most spectacular1 parade as they go through federal inspection paces at 7:15 p.m. tomor- row at the Stadium. Led by the newly organized ROTC Band of 75 members, the unit will parade in honor of President Ruth- ven, at the same time being rated by Inspecting Officers from the Sixth Corps Area Headquarters in Chicago. At the military rally-largest of the University year - all ROTC awards for the past year will be made. Among the awards are the American Legion Saber given to the cadet officer with the highest grades and the Chicago Tribune Medal which goes to the outstanding junior cadet selected on a basis of scholar- ship, leadership, and military effic- iency. Other honors to be announced are the Sons of the American Revolu- tion Medal awarded to the graduat- ing cadet who is outstanding in cam- pus activities, the Army Ordnance Turn to Page 2, Col. 3 G uerillasH it At Japanese CHLUNGKING, China, May 5.-UP) The biggest coordinated Chinese{ guerrilla swoop of the war has been going on for the past two weeks, the fighters raiding 15 Japanese-occu- pied cities and causing vast destruc- tion, the Chinese Central News Agency reported today. The guerrillas long had been oper- ating on the fringe of these towns but to no such extent as that reported by the agency which said they crept into Shanghai, Nanking, Hangehow, Nanchang, Ninpo, Wuhu, Amoy and other places and set off numerous Advices released by Vichy sources tonight said the British occupying forces, which the French estimated, perhaps excessively, at 20,000, had reached Andrakaka, four miles from the naval base. The same report put the French and Indian defenders at 7.500, nearly twice the London esti- mate. Vichy reports said waves of para- chutists had been landed at the out- set of adouble attack in which war- ships and squadrons of aircraft made a frontal thrust from the sea timed with the overland assault on the rear by light armored units landed in Courrier Bay. The French said also that the Brit- ish naval forces consisted of two cruisers, four destroyers, two troop transports and an aircraft carrier, and reported that two British planes were shot down. Attempting, apparently, to stand at the shoulder of Vichy, the German radio earlier in the day said a French submarine and tender had been sunk and that there were French casual- ties. Tulear Second Objective Diego Suarez was the primary Brit- ish objective, although it is likely there will be a subsequent move against Tulear on the southwest coast. Tulear has a good airdrome from which the Allied planes could patrol the entrance to Mozambique Channel between Durban and Tulear, 900 miles apart. British troops exclusively were con- ducting the operation, although in the cause of all the United Nations. There were none of the Free French nor dominion forces such as fought in the invasion of Syria. Distinguished, high-ranking and veteran officers led the occupying forces, Admiral E. N. Syfret com- manding the naval escort and Gen. R. G. Sturges of the Royal Marines, who fought at Gallipoli in the first World War, leading the troops. Late News SELFRIDGE FIELD, May 5.-(NP)- Lieut.-Col. William T. Colman, who joined the U.S. Army Air Corps shortly after his graduation from the University of Michigan in 1926, to- day became Commandant of Self- ridge Field. He succeeds Col. Mor- torn H. McKinnon. who was trans- ferred t~o another post. i. Registrationt For Rationing ClosesToday Campus registration for War Ra- tion Book One will swing into its final day today, and, in the words of Robert L. Williams, Assistant Regis- trar, "this, is the last chance." Williams again emphasized yester- day that students will need ration books in order to buy sugar when they return home and to buy other commodities that may be rationed in the future. Fraternities, sororities and cooper- ative houses who missed the regis- tration for establishments held last week were advised yesterday by Mrs. Luella Smith, Washtenaw County Treasurer, to consult the County Ra- tioning Board after May 21. Allot- ments to commercial and other estab- lishments are for two-month periods. Students who expect to leave Ann Arbor permanently within the next few months should apply to their 3 3 1 1 1 i 7 MARIAN ANDERSON "Lamento d'Arienne" by Monteverdi. and the aria, "Piangero mia sorte ria," from Julius Caesar by Handel. The orchestra will then perform Pro- kofieff's "Classical" Symphony and the "San Juan Capistrano" Noc- turnes by Harl McDonald. Miss An- derson will return for a rendition of Massenet's "Pleurez mes yeux" from "Le Cid." After that Mr. Ormandy will direct the remainder of the pro- gram in orchestral fragments from "Daphnies at Chloe," Second Suite by Ravel and the Waltzes from "Der Rosenkavalier" by Richard Strauss.I The Festival programs will con- tinue this week through Saturday' evening with matinee concerts on Friday and Saturday at 2:30 p.m. Tomorrow's program will feature Emanuel Feuermann, noted cellist. Other world-famous artists engaged for the Festival include Helen Trau- bel, Sergei Rachmaninoff, and Car- roll Glenn. Varsity Nine Defeated, 11-7, BY- Broi cos By BOB SIIOPOPI Michigan's nine lost its :econd baseball game in two days and its first at home as Western Michigan squared the two-game series between the schools, 11-7, yesterday at Ferry Field. It was the highest total of runs scored by the Broncos in a sin- gle game this season. For the fourth straight time the Wolverines' pitching staff was hit hard. Coach Ray Fisher used Mickey Fishman, who was the losing hurler, and Dick Savage against the boys from Kalamazoo, but neither was effective. Fisher is worried over his mounds- men. During the first of the season they displayed good form as the Wol- verines ran up seven consecutive vic- tories, but of late there has been only one hurler that could go the route. The pitching department es- pecially concerns the Wolverine dia- mond mentor because Michigan has two important tilts with Northwest- ern this week-end. PEARL HARBOR, May 5.-(A)-- The repulse of five Japanese at- tacks on Midway Island, the last oan March 10, was revealed officially today. Midway is 1,149 miles north- west of Hawaii. bay and badly shattered shore fa- cilities as a stepping-stone base to bulwark their war activities farther to the south. It would mean, too, that resistance to the invader in the Philippines had been reduced to the activities of iso- lated bands, which are still active on several of the islands. Mr. Roosevelt's message to Wain- wright was unstinting in its praise for the valor and heroism of Cor- regidor's defenders. "During recent weeks," it said, "we have been following with growing admiration the day-by-day accounts of your heroic stand against the mounting intensity of bombardment by enemy planes and heavy siege guns." Corregidor has been the mainstay of the fighting in the Philippines. It was the anchor of the fighting on Bataan, and haven for the fortunate few who were able to avoid capture. V" 1'G lLADVVv. n addition, decreed that ordinary charge accounts involving such arti- cles must be paid up relatively quickly. The charge account rules, first ever issued governing this type of buying, provided that an article must be paid for by the 10th day of the second month following the purchase. Effective at midnight tonight, the regulations were issued in compliance with President Roosevelt's recent re- quest that people pay off their bills and stay out of debt as much as pos- sible. Hitherto, the purchase on credit of a score of articles had been regulated, but tonight's rules length- ened the list to 46 classifications, and stiffened the requirements. The new list of restricted articles included all civilian clothing, kitchen articles and dishes, linens, jewelry, auto accessories, all electrical appli- ances, luggage, umbrellas, , sports equipments, used furniture and yard goods, in addition to the score of previously limited items such as fur- niture, radios, and vacuum cleaners. The rules apply only to the 46 listed types of articles and no others. Nazi Bases Are Stormed ByRuss ians MOSCOW, May 5. -OP)--Stealing the jump on Adolf Hitler, hundreds of thousands of Russian soldiers, tanks and planes smashed head-on today at three key German bases. from which it was believed the Nazi Fuehrer was planning his spring or summer drive. Under command of Marshal Se- meon Timoshenko, the first Russian general to turn back the German mil- itary machine with the recapture of Rostov last November, the Red Army struck at Kharkov, Kursk, and Tag- anrog in the strongest Nazi-held sec- tion of the long battleline. Action also stepped up on the northern sectors, particularly the hard-fought Kalinin area northwest of Moscow. The army newspaper Red Star said the Germans were routed from one position in the Kalinin front, leaving 400 dead after a bayo-. net charge. The Russians-both new and sea- soned troops-were supported every- where by a full winter's accumulation of British, American and Soviet equipment. The Nazis are known to have been gathering troops in Kharkov and Taganrog, both of which have been reported within artillery fire of the Soviet lines, for a drive toward the Caucasus. It was believed that Premier Jos- eph Stalin personally entrusted his most successful general with the task of crushing the German offensive power before it got started. Big RAF Bombers Strike At Skoda LONDON, May 5.--(P)-Giant new British bombers struck deep into the heart of Germany and her vassal states overnight, hurling bombs on both the Skoda arms works at Pilsen in old Czechoslovakia and on fac- tories at Stuttgart in the Reich's southwest. Other British planes attacked Ger- man airdromes in France and Norway and shipping off Norway and Hol, land, and fighter squadrons sped across to France again this after- F Ensign Fraumann To Organize T 7T * fN[N U niversity IN a A 16 man nucleus for a naval air corps version of the "Wolverine Squadron" heard Harlan 'Whitey' Fraumann, varsity football great, now ensign in the Navy, depict a colorful but tough year's training for the prospective flying cadets yesterday at an informal Union dinner. As the future flyers feasted on steak as the Navy's guests, Ensign Fraumann and Lieut. Harold Stoll described the $22,000 training each squadron member will receive during the next year. Five outstanding University ath- letes will be charter members of the squadron when it starts training around July 5. At the dinner were Alfred H. Piel, track team captain, David M. Nelson, football star, and ivy Air Squadron Behringer, '44, Ann Arbor; Charles A. Dean, Birmingham; Charles R. Dryden, '44, Detroit; Harry M. Gal- loway, '43F&C, San Antonio, Tex.; C. Phelps Hines, '42A, Eden, N.Y.; Leonard T. Millman, '43L, Ithica, N.Y.; Charles Sanders, Toledo, Q.; Stanley W. Sayre, '42BAd., Terre Haute, Ind.; Charles L. Solar, '42, Ann Arbor; John R. Bachman, '42, Birmingham; and Edward A. Cran- dell, '43, Durand. The members of the squadron will spend at least their entire first year of training together. On receiving their commissions, the cadets will choose between serving in the Marine or Navy air corps. Starting their first year of train- ing at the University of Iowa, the