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May 05, 1942 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-05-05

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Petitioning For Summer League Council Will Begin


Four Positions
For Semester
To BeAvailtable
Interviewing Will Be Conducted
Next Week By Present Officers;
Results To BeAnnounced Later
Petitioning for the positions of sec-
retary, social chairman, judiciary
chairman, and publicity chairman on
the summer League Council will be-
gin today and continue until Satur-
day noon.
Interviewing will be May 11, 13,
and 14, in the League, by the present
judiciary council. A woman in any
class, whether she is returning for the
eight weeks session or full semester
this summer, is eligible to petition.
Since this is the first time that a
full semester has been in progress
during the summer, the council will
be placed in a relatively new position.
Emphasis will be placed on estab-
lishing more direct relations with
graduate students,
Functions of the members of the
council are varied. The officers will
direct the official and social func-
tions of the League all through the
summer. The social chairman will
arrange many of the campus affairs
for both men and women. Week-
end dances, perhaps some of them
square dances, and defense work, will
be two important projects for the
summer council.
All chairmen will be announced
after interviews are held next week.
However, members of the various
League committees will not be decided
upon until the summer session starts
in order to give new students a chance
to try for positions.
Wyvern Women
Tap 13 Leaders
Of Class Of '44
Clad in the well-known yellow
sweater, brown skirt and yellow hair
ribbon combination, members of Wy-
vern, junior women's honor society,
tapped 13 women last night and cli-
maxed their lengthy tapping spree
by marching in and out the front
door of the Union, singing and re-
pelling the provoked Union men.
The 13 chosen women who will
wear the traditional garb on campus
tomorrow are Dorothy Bales, Delta
Gamma; Josephine Fitzpatrick,
Gamma Phi Beta; Nancy Griffin, Pi
Beta Phi; Rita Hyman, Alpha Epsilon
Phi; Helen Kressbach, Alpha Phi;
Jane Lindberg, Delta Gamma; Ann
MacMillan, Alpha Phi; Marilyn May-
er, Stockwell; Mildred Otto, Martha
Cook; Sue Sims, Kappa Kappa Gam-
ma; Esther Stevens, Chi Omega;
Constance Taber, Stockwell ; and
Morrow Weber, Kappa Alpha Theta.
With tapping over, the women
marched 32 strong down State St.
and through the front door of the
Union, much to the dismay of the
Michigan men who, however, didn't
feel equal to the protection of their
time-honored custom. In fact, hardly
a finger was raised against them---
"darn it," said Olga Gruhzit, leader
of the mob
Dessert and coffee was served later
at the League during which time
the new members were presented to
Dean Bacher, adviser of the group.
Margaret Dewey, president, deliveed
the welcome address.


Of 'No Time For Comedy'

To Make Fifth Appearance Here
* ______

WAA To Give
Cup To Group.
For Activities,



Petitc,' Pornics die fTerre,

Lucky Couple
To Be Chosen
For Free Ride

"A stranger in town" is not the tag
to attach to Doris Dalton; for when
she takes her place in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre in the play, "No
Time For Comedy," May 11, it will be
her fifth appearance on an Ann
Arbor stage.
The spring of Miss Dalton's first
year on the stage found her playing
here. This event reoccurred in both
her second and fifth years on the
stage, while those who saw the Ann
Arbor performance of "The Man Who
Came to Dinner" remember Miss Dal-
ton as the New York actress in the
Attended Wellesley
Miss Dalton was born in Boston,
Mass., where she attended school.
Her college days were spent at Well-
esley and it was during this period,
at the dge of eighteen, that she re-
ceived her first offers for the pro-
fessional stage. Robert Henderson
and Mrs. Richard Mansfield saw her
in amateur productions and offered
parts on Broadway.
While Miss Dalton had gone
through the "lace curtain" period and
"played at stage," this was the first
time professional life had interested
her. However, her parents objected
so strongly that Doris, remained in
school studying romance languages,
when actually her heart was in New
Joined Stock Company
Following graduation, Miss Dalton
tramped the streets along with hun-
dreds of other aspiring actresses, try-
ing to "get a break." One day she
was having luncheon with five other
girls. They planned a movie for the
afternoon, and Doris went to an
agent's office with them to wait
while they applied for a job.
Rather than just sit there she de-
cided to submit her name along with
the rest. This little gesture resulted
in her first job with a stock company
in New Britain, Conn.
Radio Is More Stable
Doris Dalton is now concentrating
her attention on the radio. "It is
more stable, in comparison to the
erratic stage. Stars like Ina Claire
are now out of work, because of the
conditions of the theater." She of-

fered some statistics to support her1
view by saying that "nine out of every
ten actresses are out of work."
When asked what she would advise'
young girls who are planning on
making the stage their career, Miss
Dalton said that, "No one can give
advice; go ahead if you want to-
but be sure you really want to, and
find- out the truth about the stage
first, not just the romantic stories
you hear.
"But don't believe what you hear
about politics running everything in
the theater. They are no more effec-
tive here than in any other profes-
sion. Doing your work well, is the
best rule." With these words she said
goodbye, looking very much like a
coed herself, in grey flannel slacks, a
red shirt, and a red ribbon tying back
her blond curls.
Meeting To B Held 1
A luncheon will be held for the
Assembly Board at noon today in the
Russian Tea Room to mark the last
official meeting of the year. Accord-
ing to Betty Newman, '43, Assembly
president, tentative plans for next
year will include putting out an As-
sembly booklet of information for
the freshmen. Next year's Orienta-
tion Tea will be discussed.

Besides a program of group sing-
ing on Lantern Night, May 11, the
WAA participation cup will be
awarded, true to tradition, to the
sorority house, dormitory or league
hcuse zone, which has the highest
average of participation in the vari-
ous tournaments and clubs of the
The method used to arrive at the
participation average, Esther Ste-
vens, '44, awards manager, explains,
is to divide the number of women in
the house into the number of women
who participate in sports during the
This method reveals the percentage
of the women who have taken part.
Then, that same percentage is taken
of the total number of points that
the house has accumulated, and the
final score toward the cup is reached.
April to April is the season of par-
ticipation, according to Miss Stevens.
Plans for this year's system of award-
ing include some improvements.
There is to be a more complete filing
system, which will enable WAA to
inform houses concerning their
amount of participation and their
number of points at certain intervals
during the year.
Sports in which women may par-
ticipate with a view toward winning
the cup are: basketball, bowling,
volleyball, fencing, ping-pong, swim-
ming, golf, riflery, outdoor sports,
dance, hockey, tennis, baseball, bad-
minton and archery.
Lists of all women who have taken
part in any of the clubs or tourna-
ments are turned in at the League
at the end of the year and are con-
sidered when League appointments
are made.
Defense Course
Will Be Today
Interviewing will be held from 3:30
p.m. to 5:30 p.m. today in the Un-
dergraduate Office of the League, for
all women interested in enrolling in
the full-time, 13 week course in Sur-
veying, Topographic Mapping and
Photogrammetry for the National De-
fense Mapping Program.
This course, which will be held
from July 6 to Oct. 3, is being planned
by the College of Engineering, Sci-
ence, and the Management Defense
Training program of the U.S. Office
of Education.
Aeriall ho ' ograhis

All we know is what we hear in the coffee hangout across from Angell
Hall, but most of that which we hear is beginning to push a faint suspicionI
into our mind that Play Production and its various adjuict courses breed
a strange race of people, indeed.
Most of it is in the carefully cultivated gestures that sweep by one's ear
every minute or so as a Play Productioner-mellowed, as it were, in the
technique of working up a fury with just the right amount of tempo and
restraint until the final bombastic, sweeping passion of it all overwhelms
him-makes a grab at the aii* the way Orson would do it,
They Spjea'Of The DiahI&,,ui
- Patr, of it is in the cultivation of the sibilant s's and the explosion of the
final t's in the Barrymore tradition, both of which, when done in any de-
gree, begin to slice at listeners' temples like an electric drill. And an even
smaller segment of it is in the little set phrases which are used most pro-
fusely by the Play Productioners whose only function behind the footlights
is to screw them in.
But the part of the whole setup to which we object most, is the de-
velopment in most of the clan of a certain casual approach, combined with
a grandiloquent phraseology in regard to any of the great arts or great
men of learning.
ih-Clarss Pla giarism.
All this sounds just a trifle vague, we admit, but what we're trying to
get across is the sort of conversation that we heard pulled off the other day:
it was in the booth just behind us, and the modulated murmurs were getting
a little louder-just as modulated mind you, but letting the larynx go just
a bit. "But migod, Strain," the voice was saying, "you're crazy!-Why,
Shaw is only a combination of Plato, Ibsen, and Nietsche!" All we can
say is that Shaw can't go on with this high-class plagiarism; someone was
bound to find him out some day, but it took a Play Productioner to do it. .
Still another little gem was added to our store of knowledge and our
supply of well-turned little phrases just today by another Play Productioner
who was informing his companion as he paid the check-and looking out
of the corner of his eye to see if he had timed it correctly-that "Fantasia
is just a glorified Mickey Mouse!" Gosh, we thought to ourself enviously,
why hadn't we thought of that?
A nther Anecdte ..
This hasn't much relation to Play Production-none at all, as a matter
of fact-but it's a little story we're sort of fond of. It happened a couple
of weeks ago at the Architectural exhibit at the Rackham Building. A friend
of ours who leans slightly to the acquiring of culture decided he'd take a
look in and see what he could gather in the way of long architectural names
with which to astound and delight his friends.
He walked into the first room and noticed a rather short, dark, foreign-
looking man who was staring intently at a particular phase of the exhibit,
as though mentally measuring perspective.' "Aha," thought our friend.
"One of The Boys, without a doubt. I'll follow him and pick up a few
hints on the subject."
So he followed him patiently through the whole exhibit, eyeing with
particular attention whatever the foreigner seemed to linger over. Toward
the end of the exhibit they approached a section on which was the placard
"The Aesthetic Aspects of South American Architecture." The dark one
looked at it for a second and then turned to our friend and said, "Say, bud,
what does esst'etic mean?"

The possibility that this year's
Senior Ball, scheduled for Friday,
May 29, may have to be held in two
alternating sections, one half the
attending couples being able to dance
at one time, yesterday marked an un-
precedented rush for tickets as fran-
tic students scurried to take advan-
tage of a new offer of free transpor-"
tation to and from the Ball for some
lucky couple.
In announcing the grand lottery,
which will enable one or more cou-
ples to attend the Ball in style and
without cost, Ball chairmantTom
Williams, '42E, warned that tickets
purchased after the end of this week
would not be credited in the lottery.
Drawing Held
"The drawing will be done at 6
p.m. Saturday," he announced, "and
anyone wishing to be eligible for the
award must have purchased their
ticket before that time."
Under present plans, it will be pos-
sible for the winning couple to invite
one or two couples to accompany
them, as an entire car will be avail-
able for their use the night of the
The car has been obtained through
the courtesy of Bob Summerhays
'42E, and has been used during the
past week to advertise the sale of
Ball tickets, being stationed in the
middle of the diagonal for a while.
Will It Run?
Although there is some specula-
tion among those who are familiar
with the car as to whether or not it
will run, Williams declared that in
case of an emergency a team of
horses would be provided, and in any
event the winners wouldn't have to
Although the car is of vintage '05,
it has five "good" tires,and is hence
invaluable. For obvious reasons its
whereabouts will not be disclosed un-
til the day of the dance.
Dawson Popular
Meanwhile a flood of votes for
other bands failed to check the surge
of ballots cast for Buck Dawson and
his Six Bits as the band to play for
the Ball, although more ballot box
stuffing was discovered yesterday and
2,372 Dawson votes were thrown out.
A continuing search for one Tom
Collins, '42E, confessed enemy of this
year's Ball, has as yet been in vain;'
Williams said, and until he is appre-
hended anything can happen.


American Educational Methods,
Compared To Lithuanian Plan

"Lithuanian schools have a ten-
dency to develop the most intelligent
part of the population rather than
the mass of the people, as in Amer-
ica," declared Hypatia Yeas, Grad.,
from Lithuania, in an interview yes-
"However," she added, "anyone
with intelligence can get an educa-
tion in my coultry. For instance, my
father came from a poor country vil-
lage and, having gone through high
school and the university, became
Minister of Finance for Lithuania"
Must Know Subject
Miss Yeas, being at present a stu-
dent teacher at University High
School, is in some position to judge
and has noticed that American stu-
dents are allowed to stay "young"
much longer than those of Lithu-
ania. "In Lithuanian high schools,"
she said, "pupils are treated in a
more adult fashion so that by the
time they reach college it is consid-
ered more important for them to
know the subject than to attett
rlasses and take blue books."
Primary education, ending at about
the time the child is ten, is all the
schooling that is free in Lithuania,
Miss Yeas pointed out. High school
tuition is $30 a year, though the gov-

ernment is striving to reduce this.
Eight years of work comprise a
Lithuanian high school curriculum in
which a wide general knowledge, es-
pecially of the classics, is emphasized,
with the result that high school grad-
uates have the equivalent of an
American junior college education,
according to Miss Yeas. When he
has finished college a Lithuanian
student is given what amounts to a
master's degree. Miss Yeas herself,
having completed three years of un-
dergraduate work in law at the Uni-
versity of Lithuania was given gradu-
ate standing here.
Eradicate Illiteracy
With such a thorough school sys-
tem, Lithuania has almost eradicated
illiteracy, declared the Lithuanian
student; and from the beginning of
the independent Lithuanian state
(1918) women have had equal rights
with men.
"But," emphasized Miss Yras,
"since the Russians and then later
the Germans have torn up iOur coun-
ry, slfoolmi1 h S'l No y very much
disrupted, and, except for those
studying German-encouraged techni-
cal subjects, the young people have
been mostly carried off by either the
invading Russians Or Germans, the
young men into the armies of the two

The purpose
train students
making maps

of the course is to
in the principles of
from aerial photo-

graphs, in the operation of stereo-'
scopic machines and in the related
principles of surveying and topogra-
phic mapping. Those trained will be
available for employment in the Na-
tional Defense Mapping program,
directed by the U.S. Corps of En-
Women will readily find positions
in this field, particuhi ly in photo-
graphic mu-a pping and in work relat-
ed to it. This course will permit
those who successfully complete it
and who possess all other prerequi-
sites to qualify in the Federal Civil
Service examination for Engineering
Aid and Photogramimetric option.
Necessary Experience
Qualifications cisenual for enroll-
Went in this course are two years of
civil engineering experience or two
years of college training with major
study in engineering, architecture,
1) I, cs, cheI1 ry,, majthema)i.tics,
forestry or geology. Three and a
half years of college study will be
accepted if the applicant has had
trigonometry in high school or col-
Further essential is United States

citizenship. Also the applicant must
take a physical examination before
the civil service appointment is made.
The Federal Government will pay
tuition and all similar expenses. The
students, however, are expected to
pay their own living expenses, pro-
vide for textbooks and supplies. The
expenses for books and supplies will
vary from $20 to $35.
Further information will be avail-
able at the interviewing today. Appli-
cation blanks can be obtained at the
office of the Social Director of Wo-
men at the Lieague.
Snoods Are News
Newest slack team mate is the
snood of loose mesh crocheted yarn,
silk or ribbon-often, bows or fabric
flowers are ensnared in the mesh. It
covers your hair but it makes the
same flattering framework for your
face that a long bob does. And an-
other hair note is a huge bow of plaid
or checked gingham perched smack
back of the pompadour with the rest
of the hair tightly upswept.




cN an,
Engagemen ts
Mr. Edmond M. Hanavan has an-
nounced the engagement of his
daughter, Eleanor Jeffries Hanavan,
'41, to Dr. Herbert Pedersen, son of
Lieut. and Mrs. Peter Pedersen of
Staten Island, N.Y.
Miss Hanavan attended Smith Col-
lege before she graduated from the
University. Mr. Pedersen also at-I
tended the University and is a mem-
ber of Phi Beta Pi, medical fraternity.,
Announce Engagement
The engagement of Doris Irene
Smith, '42, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Hanson Smith of Marine City,
to Ensign William E. Leeder, '41E,
son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Leeder of
Kenmore, N.Y., was announced re-
Miss Smith is a graduate (f Vir-
ginia Internnt College and is affili-
ated with Kappa Delta here.
The final Language Table of the
year will be held at 6 p.m. tomor-
row at the West Quadrangle. All





___ .

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her somethiilfg 1or her IPER;USON AL
Send her a desirable, last ig gift.

Gifts for


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So.. ®giveI"something special"
on Her, day, May 10th
Let her know she's in your heart, even tho' you're miles
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you pick the one gift that will most delight your kind
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Hosiery - gloves - scarfs pearls - earrings - clips,
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Slips from $2 - Handbags from $3.
Blouses from $2.50 - Housecoats from $3.95
Cotton dresses from $4.



F )CTLY I4f; t-r ct q IitYh fom 109J
r ollrget arc etday , takin , K atliaine
Gibbs secrtar ialtraiing -preparinq
to apply their colege education in a
very practicable and profitablewa
to the victory program. Thiere are a
ways erasiable positions openI to the
coll~ege woman qualified as a Gibbs
" Collee graduates have choice of









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