',1 Weather Slightly Warmer.~ d+ IcAr 4 ait Editorial Congress To Reduce Money In Circulation o 0 VOL. LII. No. 162 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, MAY 5, 1942 Z-32s PRICE FIVE CENTS British Seizure OfMadagascar Foils Japs Red Army Opens Possible Spring Offensivet WPB Order Forbids Use Of Iron, Steel For Civilians' MOSCOW, May 4.--(P)-For the first time in recent weeks, the Russians announced officially tonight that Soviet troops "waged offens- ive battles on several sectors of the front" during the day, indicating the Red Army might have gotten the jump on the Germans and launched their own spring drive. (The people of the Ukraine were urged today by Marshal Semeon Timoshenko to engage in guerilla warfare behind the German lines and so prepare the way for a Red Army of liberation. (This could best be done, the Marshal's proclamation noted, by blowing up bridges, by preventing the Germans from carrying away material and manpower, by breaking down the German communica- tions, and by watching the direction of the enemy's flight and attack- ing the Germans from the rear.) Kappa Sigma Retains IFC Sing Title As 1,000 Listeners Shver Generalissimo Asks. Chinese To Sacrifice Warns People Of 'Greater Difficulties'; Japanese Threaten India, China CHUNGKING, May 4.-('P)-With China's Burma Road lifeline choked off and a Japanese column within 25 miles of China's frontier, Generalis- simo Chiang Kai-Shek told his peo- ple tonight "we must prepare for a prolongation of the war and for Metal As Are To Substitutes, Gold, Silver Excepted; Operate On Barred Alone Decree Public Edict Is Climax Of Priority Bans WASHINGTON, May 4. - (P) - A sweeping order of the War Produc- tion Board tonight forbade the use of iron and steel in virtually all ar- ticles of civilian use not covered by previous decrees - more than 400 kinds of articles in all. Not only must the makers of these things stop using iron and steel- they must not use any other metal as a substitute (except gold or silver, if feasible). The order means, un- doubtedly, that manufacture of these articles will stop for the duration. Civilians Must Sacrifice Thus when the present stocks in the stores are exhausted,. plus the few articles permitted to continue in manufacture for a short time longer, civilians will be forced to do with- out. The stop-production order is effective in 90 days. Limited produc- tion will be permitted until then. Going beyond the scope of previous curtailment orders of this nature, the new decree makes the general public responsible for obeying it, along with the manufacturers, distributors, wholesalers and retailers. Consumers are forbidden to receive articles known to have been made in violation of the order. Drastic Conservation Order The long awaited edict-most dras- tic conservation order so far issued- gave what amounted to a finishing blow to the country's durable con- sumers' goods industry, which WPB chairman Donald M. Nelson has or- dered choked off in order to con- vert materials, machines and man- power to war work. Effective after midnight tonight, the decree climaxed a series of stop- orders covering automobiles, refrig- erators, vacuum cleaners, typewriters and other articles whose output was ordered suspended in the interest of a "sound but lean" civilian economy for the war's duration. On the banned list are toilet sets, compacts, jewelry boxes, cigarette cases and lighters, combs, permanent wave machines, hair curlers and dry- ers, Jewelry, lipstick holders, mani- cure implements, perfume atomizers, and purse and handbag frames. Druids Initiate 25 In Annual May Tapping Druids, sons of magic, Foretellers of the future, Judges-very knowing, wise,- The fires in the stonehenge Are set alight,j With flames to heaven raised; Look upon thy awenyds, Called from out they might court- The uniformed who would seek thy light. Hence to the oak grove, There to test Their unworthiness. With eyes to heaver raised, Invoke a blessing from the skies, Perpetuate thy heroic deeds- Keep ever bright Thy burning torch- The glory and wisdom of knights of old. Stalwart DRUIDS, true and bold, To the rock of DRUIDS have been summoned: Phi Delta Theta Is Dogs 'Sabotage' Of SigmaPhi Second; Chances Epsilon Kappa Sigma, two-time winner of the annual Interfraternity Sing, "did it again" last night when, spurred on by the cheering efforts of Delta Gam- ma and Phi Sigma Sigma sororities, they captured the IFC's first place trophy for their harmonious rendi- tion of "Vesper Hymn." Singing to more than 1000 chilly students, faculty and townspeople who gathered in the bleachers erected in front of the library, 10 fraternities, backed by almost twice as many sor- orities who acted as rooters, partici- pated in the competition. Awards Walker Bans Social Justice Coughlin Magazine Ceases PublicationVoluntarily WASHINGTON, May 4.-(iP)-So- cial Justice, weekly magazine started by The Rev. Charles E. Coughlin, has ceased publication, its editor an- nounced today, but the Postmaster General proceeded to ban it from the mails anyway. Attorney General Bid- dle had charged that it published "clearly seditious" material, Editor E. Perrin Schwartz wrote Postmaster General Walker that the magazine would "not hereafter be published" and that it was abandon- ing its second-class mailing privi- leges. Father Coughlin telegraphed his approval of the action. The publishers of Social Justice had been notified to appear today The Detroit Free Press claimed last night that Rev. Charles E. Coughlin may be subpoenaed be- fore the Federal grand jury for In- vestigation of Nazi propaganda in this country. before a panel of three Assistant Postmasters General to show cause why it should not be excluded from the mails. Instead, they sent notice that publication was being suspended. Calvin W. Hassell, assistant solici- tor of the Post Office Department, told the three examiners that since the United States entered the war Social Justice had preached a do- trine of defeatism and "substantially reproduced the enemy propaganda line.'' Hassell said that in its Jan. 5, 1942, issue Social Justice declared the United States should terminate "a war which no one can win completely and which America can lose com- pletely." War Corresp ondent Allen Wins Pulitzer Prize For Reporting NEW YORK, May 4.-(P)-Larry Allen's graphic Associated Press stories from warships of the British Mediterranean Fleet won him a Pul- itzer Prize in International Reporting today but Allen wasn't around to hear about it-he was back with the Medi- terranean fleet. The 33-year-old AP foreign cor- respondent was awarded the coveted were presented by Miss Edith At- greater difficulties in'the future." water, female lead in the Drama Fes- China's national mobilization act tival's play "No Time For Comedy." comes into effect tomorrow and the Phi Delta Theta's songsters, who Genesio ased the were recalled to the platform by the Generalissimo asked the Chinese pe- judges for a second hearing, as were ple toretict consumpti, intensif Kappa Sigma's carried off second production and place all their re- Kpri.SigmaPhi Epsilon, interrupted sources of labor, skill and knowledge przSga e sin teupd at the disposal of the nation. by what some called a "sabotage at- a h ipslo h ain tempt" when the Phi Delt's canine Chiang broadcast his appeal to the mascot took the limelight in a three- people as three powerful Japanese sided battle with two other dogs, columns pushing through Burma came in third. The second place win- threatened to invade both India and ners, cheered on by Alpha Omicron China. The Japanese were within 150 Pi and Kappa Alpha Theta, sang "A miles of India. Phi Delt Song," and the Sig Eps, The enemy had advanced 60 miles sponsored by Pi Beta Phi, harmonized up the Burma Road from Lashio to upon a "Southern Medley." smash at Chinese positions near Kut- While the crowd awaited the kai, but the scantily-equipped forces judges' decision, the Psurfs, formally commanded by Lieut.-Gen. Joseph known as the Ann Arbor Surf-Rid- W. Stilwell fought them fiercely ing and Mountain Climbing Society, through the night, a report said. demonstrated their vocal ability by 40 Miles From China a group of songs rendered in the best Kutkai is within 25 miles of an barber-shop manner. Adelia Cheever, appendage of Yunnan province which winner of the 1941 Lantern Night, juts into Burma, but is about 40 miles was unable to appear on the program from China via the Burma Road. A due to an enforced Choral Union Japanese column which attempted to practice. flank the Chinese positions was re- Donald B. Plott, '44SM, was song- ported repulsed in the bitter engage- leader for Kappa Sigma, while James ment. Aldrich, '42, led the Sigma Phi Ep- A second Japanese column was silon group and James H. Gormsen, pushing other Chinese slowly north '42, was music-director for Phi Delta 'along the Irrawaddy River beyond Theta. Judges were Prof. William D. ruined Mandalay, probably driving Revelli, Prof. David Mattern and toward Bhamo, 110 miles away. Prof. Clyde Vroman. Bhamo is an alternate terminus of the Burma Road and the northern- - * most navigation point on the river. British Planes Strike At Nazi U-Boat Fleet Japs Withdraw Second Reconnaissance Force From Nadzab Region LONDON, May 4.-WP)The Royal Air Force's aerial artillery hurled bombs upon three strongholds of Ger- man naval might today in a sudden and sharp offensive against the Nazi U-Boat fleet massing at its bases for the summer campaign on North At- lantic sea-lanes. Swinging out over a 900-mile front in pre-dawn attacks, the RAF blasted at Hamburg, great German port; St. Nazaire, in Occupied France from which big German "pig boats" are sent out to harry the United States eastern coast, and at Kristiansand, from which submarines sally forth to raid the northern supply route to Russia. In swift, daylight follow-up of these powerful attacks, Boston (Douglas) bombers protected by RAF fighters made an intense raid on Le Havre, in Occupied France, another base for German naval operations against the Allies. Five Nazi Fighters Downed The RAF fighters shot down five German fighters which attempted to intercept the British bombers. They also shot down a stray German bomber in the daylight sweep. Three RAF planes were lost. The three chief targets of Kristian- sand, Hamburg and St. Nazaire were still afire from British bombs when United States Admiral Harold R. Stark, commanding the U.S. naval forces in European waters, stressed American and British concern with undersea attacks in a talk to the press iLondon. Despite bad weather over Ger- many, Hamburg was bombed in what one source called "considerable weight." Pilots said they saw large fires in docks and shipyards as they left. Japs Withdraw From Nadzab ALLIED HEADQUARTERS, Aus- tralia, May 4.-(/P)-A second incur- sion of the Japanese up the Markham Valley beyond the New Guinea moun- tains protecting Port Moresby again has ended in a withdrawal, Austra- lian dispatches reported today. The withdrawal occurred less than 24 hours after it was learned that a sizeable force had marched up the valley to Nadzab, 27 miles in the in- terior. Apparently the expedition was for reconnaissance purposes, for no contact with regular Australian or American forces was reported. Australian bushwhackers operating as guerrillas in the area were not be- lieved in sufficient number to have forced the retirement, if the Japanese purpose was to establish fields for the dispersal of their aircraft from the coast airports hammered almost daily by Allied bombers. A second Japanese column which had advanced southward kept its po- sition 17 miles south of Salamaua on the coast, however. Here the Japanese were separated from Port Moresby by 165 miles of jungle and mountains 13,000 feet high. Port Moresby is the key to shallowf Torres Strait, across which the Japanese would have to move for an invasion of Australia from New Guinea. Manila Bay Forts Suffer Five-Hour ArtilleryShelling WASHINGTON, May 4. --(P)- Thirteen separate air raids with both light and heavy bombers and a con- tinuous artillery shelling for five ear- splitting hours was the punishment rained upon flag-flying Corregidor today by the still-baffled Japanese. Air raids, which have been launched at the 13-a-day rate for the last three days, sank the United States gun- boat Mindannao nr the island cita.- U.S. Announces Full Occupationl Formal Declaration By State Department Warns Vichy Against Retaliation WASHINGTON, May 4.-(P)-The British, stealing a march on the Japanese, have occupied the great French island of Madagascar athwart vital Allied supply lines in the Indian Ocean, and the United States served formal notice tonight that, if necessary, American forces will help defend it against all comers. The move, announced here and in London, marked a perhaps historic change in a march of events which has seen the Axis get the jump, in virtu- ally all other instances, on its foes. A formal statement from the State Department declared that the coup by the British had the "full approval and support of the United States," since there was definite danger that Axis Powers, especially Japan, would seize the island. Bluntly, the statement warned the Vichy regime of France not to per- mit any warlike act against theoccupying forces. Island To Be Held In Trust For France After stating that the island would be held in trust for France, it said that "any warlike act permitted by the French Government against the Government of Great Britain or the Government of the United States would, of necessity, have to be regarded by the Government of the United States as an attack upon the United Nations as a whole." At another point, the statement said that "the Government of United States is at war with the Axis Powers and if it becomes necessary or desir- able for American troops or ships to use Madagascar in the common cause, the United States will not hesitate to do so at any time." While a communique issued in London said merely that a combined British naval and military force had arrived off the island at dawn this P'ettions Due' For Congress Council .Posts Candidates for the three open posi- tions on the Executive Council of Independent Men's Congress must return petitions with five signatures to the Student Offices of the Union before 3 p.m. Wednesday. Petitions may be secured at the Student Offices all day today. All independent men are eligible to vote for these candidates at the all-campus elections to be held May 8. Three student members of the Board in Control of Student Publi- cations, a member of the Board in Control of Intercollegiate Athletics and six Union vice-presidents will also be elected at that time. Union vice-presidents will be elect- ed on the following basis: one from the literary and graduate schools to- gether; one from the engineering and architecture schools; one each from the law, medical and dental schools; one from the remaining schools together. The polyglot British Army of Gen. Harold Alexander was falling back slowly on the right flank "to prepared positions," the communique added. Some fighting was in progress in the Monywa area of the Chindwin River valley, some 60 miles west of Mandalay. It was this force that appeared to be nearest to India. 3,253 Get War Ration Book One On First Day Three thousand two hundred fifty-three students received War Ration Book One yesterday in the University registration, which will continue today and tomorrow. Robert L. Williams, assistant registrar, yesterday urged all stu- dents to secure their ration books now. "No ration books will be issued on campus after Wednes- day," he declared, "and those who fail to register will have to appeal to the Ann Arbor Rationing Board. Students who failed to register on schedule in the literary and graduate schools the first day may still register during the remaining two days, Williams said. morning, the State Department went further and said President Roosevelt had received word that the occupa- tion actually had taken place. There had been considerable spec- ulation over the reported presence of a Japanese military mission in the island, fourth largest in the world. In the past, Japanese missions have sometimes been the precursors to in- vaslon. Lying in the. Indian Ocean oppo- site Portuguese Mozambique on the African East Coast and sheltering the 25-mile wide Mozambique Channel, Madagascar stands near the Cape Route sea lanes to all the Indian Ocean ports. Menace To Eastward Movement Thus, in enemy hands, it would be a possibly fatal menace to the east- ward movement of troops and ma- terial to Australia, India, all the Middle East, and even Russia; and it would be an offensive threat to Africa itself. The island is nearly a thousand miles long and could be a threat to the Union'of South Africa, which al- ready has broken off relations with Vichy, to the British colonies fur- ther north on the African mainland, above Mozambique, and to Mauri- tius, Britain's mid-ocean base lying to the east of Madagascar. In addition to serving as a base to cut off Allied supply lines to Russia, China and the Middle East, Mada- gascar could also have served as a port of call for Japanese ships carry- ing vital war supplies from Japan's newly conquered teritories in the East to Germany. Diplomatic Relations Broken The threat of the Vichy-controlled island was given new significance when the Union of South Africa broke off diplomatic relations with Vichy when Pierre Laval returned to power as chief of government in mid-April. It was then that rumors- always denied-were put in currency about the arrival of a Japanese mis- sion in Madagascar. From British Mauritius to the east of Madagascar, came reports that forces were at work for the benefit of the Axis in the island. From the island capital itself, Tananarive, came more reports that the Free French were being rounded up and imprisoned under orders of Governor General Armand Annet, a Parisian who formerly ruled Dahomey on the other side of Africa. A correspondent at Tananarive managed to get out a dispatch to London, declaring no defense, had been made against Japanese infiltra- tion and no successful defense against them could be made--evi- dently referring to the reported arri- val of the Japanese advance mission. United Nations Communique The joint Admiralty and War Of- fice communique announcing the ar- rival off Madagascar said: "The United Nations, having de- cided to forestall a Japanese move against the French naval hase of Boim Hit Hard As Nine Loses To Irish, 11-7, Wolverine Tennis Team Wallops Wayne, 90; Subs Get Chance By BOB SHOPOFF Special to The Daily SOUTH BEND, Ind., May 4.-It was an especially cold, dreary day for the Wolverine baseball team to- day as it absorbed an 11-7 licking from Notre Dame. The Irish batters shelled two Wolverine hurlers for 16 hits to give themselves an even break in the series between the two schools. Michigan was still in the ball game going into the last of the seventh, but relief pitcher Bill (Sugar) Cain The University of Michigan baseball team will meet Western Michigan today at 4 pm. on the Ferry Field diamond. served up a home run ball to rangy Andy Tallet, who blasted it far into right center field. Two mates were on the paths at the time. It was this blow that stopped the Wolverines. Coach Ray Fisher sent Irv (Pro) Boim up against Notre Dame today in an effort to try to make it two in a row over the Irish. Michigan won the first game last Wednesday, 3-2. The stocky sophomore did not have his usual control as he allowed 10 hits and eight runs before he was lifted in the middle of the third frame. Big Andy Chlebeck was the hitting star for the Irish as he collected three hits in five trips to the plate, one of which was a homer which came in Turn to Page 3, Col. 3 Wayne Beaten, 9-0 By BART JENKS Playing in a chilly wind, Michi- gan's powerful tennis team walloped a mediocre Wayne outfit, 9-0, yes- terday. tFaced with two important matches this weekend, Coach Weir took ad- vantage of the opportunity to give his top reserves, Fred Wellington and Jim Bourquin, a chance to play while presenting Tom Gamon a well de- served day of rest and allowing Jerry Schaflander to take it easy with a Turn to Page 3, Col. 5 Exploding Kerosene Can Burns Child To Death Campus Committee To Protect Student's Purchasing Interests By MARK LIPPER Closely paralleling the work of the Civilian Defense Volunteer Office's Consumer Information Center, a new committee representing the League, the Union, the Interfraternity Coun- cil and Congress will inaugurate a campus research project at the start of the summer session to protect and educate consumers' interests. Plans for the project originated when Charlotte P. Thompson, '43, League president, returned from an A.W.S. convention recently at which she heard suggestions for salvage' drives and consumer education on campuses all over the country. Miss Thompson submitted the idea ing materials and preventing waste, the use of substitutes and ways to keep nutrition and health at effi- ciency level. Every house and organization on campus will be contacted when the project goes into effect. An announcement of the local CDVO assured all city residents that the Michigan State Troop now sta- tioned at the Armory does not mean that registrations for civilian defense can not continue. In fact the soldiers' are very cooperative and escort vol- unteers to the different offices. The CDVO also reported that a new branch of the County Council of