THE MICHIGAN DAILY 1 The WASHINGTON MERRY-GO-ROUND By DREW PEARSON and ROBERT S. ALLEN Yes, We'll Have No Bananas ' Editorial Staff i omner Swander . . . . Managing Editor Morton Mintz . . . . Editorial Director *111 Sapp .. . . . City Editor fharles Thatcher . . . . Associate Editor george W. Sallad . . . . , Associate Editor Bernard Hendel . . . Sports Editor Myron Dann . . . . Associate Sports Editor arbara deFries . . . . Women's Editor Business Staff dward J. PerIberg . . Business Manager bred M. Ginsberg . Associate Business Manager Mary Lou Curran . Women's Business Manager bane Lindberg . Women's Advertising Manager NIGHT EDITOR: HARRY LEVINE The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers 'Negro Bias Violates prit Of Honor Society T HOSE OF US who are idealistic enough to think that a stronger and urer democracy may result from victory in this r have had to put up with a discouraging mount of anti-democratic spirit in the form of acial discrimination. We have ordinarily been able to fight back at uch prejudice and still retain an optimistic out- look-even when that discrimination comes from ndustrial and Army and Navy officials. BUT it knocks the wind out of our sails to. learn about anti-Negro discrimination rampant in "educated" circles-and it is al- most nauseating when it comes from the future "educators" of our youth. Ever since its organization, Phi Delta Kappa, )national education honor society for men, has ,estricted its membership to "white" students. I'wo years ago the Ohio State chapter initiated i Negro student and an oriental; the chapter was immediately outlawed by the national or- anization. This affected some of the chapters sufficiently to start a campaign to amend the constitution so as to remove the "white" clause. n order to amend the constitution, two-thirds %f the chapters must vote in the affirmative; such a vote is being taken now. But before submitting the question to the Chapters a preliminary test vote was taken of X11 the members of Phi Delta Kappa throughout the nation. A total of 4,848 voted for the amend- nent, 3,285 against. The members of the Mich- Igan chapter voted 159-95 for the amendment. It is almost unbelievable that almost half of this nationally represented honor society for our future teachers could exhibit so Sclar-cut an example of racial bias and un- Sdemocratic attitude If there is any one group which might be x xpected to show the way of democracy and lerance to a public which sorely needs such a esson, it is our future teachers. And when one )ea lizes that they will soon be one of the most mportant influences on the character and atti- ude of our youth, it is especially deplorable. The Michigan chapter, although its vote in the current amendment balloting was unani- mous in favor of the amendment, could not boast of a much better record than the na- tional organization in the preliminary vote. - Nearly a third of the members of this chapter retain the present anti-Negro clause. The difference between this vote and the more recent unanimous one in the Michigan fhapter is difficult to account for, part of it possibly attributable to the fact that members iot now on campus voted in the first balloting and not in the second. But that obviously cannot account for all the anti-Negro votes the first time. And to wha- ever extent those votes were from campus mem- bers, it is to that extent a reflection on the whole campus. One cannot help but wonder iust how indicative this is of the intolerance on the campus as a whole. E ARE, nevertheless, encouraged by the nannimity of the second vote: and we feel WASHINGTON-Behind the scenes, a mighty battle has been raging over bananas. Re- sult of this battle is that no more bananas will reach this country; and we are faced with the problem of finding means to prevent revolution in three countries which have been largely de- pendent on banana exports to the United States. Before the battle was decided, however, all kinds of diplomatic intrigue took place. In the first place, the Navy found that it needed all of the ships of the United Fruit Co. and other private shipping lines in the Caribbean for car- rying vital war supplies in other areas. But the mistake was made of notifying the United Fruit Co. directly, instead of informing the Maritime Commission. So the United Fruit Co. passed word to the governments of Honduras, Guatemala and Costa Rica that no more bananas could be shipped to the U.S.A. And these countries immediately flew into action. It happens that of Honduras' total exports, bananas constitute exactly 70 percent. Bananas also are 40 percent of Costa Rica's exports, and 35 percent of Guatemala's. So these countries protested to the State Department, and pro- tested in no uncertain terms. To shut off bananas meant not only bank- ruptcy to the growers, but also bankruptcy to the .governments, for there is an export tax on bananas. Potent Friends So the State Department, not wanting revolu- tion in Central America, protested to the Navy and Maritime Commission. The United Fruit Co. also had powerful friends on the Maritime Commission, including Harris Robson, director of Emergency Shipping; also M. L. Wilcox and Ralph Keating. Part of the banana battle was between the private shippers, who favored "business-as-usual," and those who favored an all-out war effort. N THE END, the all-out-war group won. Ba- nana shipments will be stopped. The fruit boats of the Caribbean will be taken over for the war in toto. And to prevent revolution in Central America, the United States probably will loan money to Honduras, Guatemala and Costa Rica to buy up their bananas and, since they rot quickly, feed them to the populace or throw them into the sea, "Yes, we have no bananas," Consent Decrees One interesting exchange during the Senate Patent Committee's hearings on the German cartel agreements of Rohm and Haas, Inc., Philadelphia plastic glass firm, was not reported. It arose out of a double-barreled blast by Sen- ator 'Homer Bone of Washington, committee chairman, against "consent decrees." This is the legal device whereby corporations escape anti-trust prosecution by promising to be good in the future. "If I should rob a national bank, could I sit down with you and talk about a consent decree?" Bone asked William Hutchinson, of the Justice Department's anti-trust division, "No, sir," replied Hutchinson. "Your crime would be a felony. A monopoly, or a conspiracy to restrain trade, is a misdemeanor under the law." "WELL, why do you pick out one type of crim- inal for punishment and not another?" persisted Bone. "I have practiced law, and from my experience it seems unusual for a criminal to come in and say he is guilty and thereupon to be gently stroked on the brow and released," "The consent decree," explained Hutchinson, "has been used for some time and is for the purpose of getting more from an economic standpoint for the government-such as the use of vital war patents that these monopolistic concerns control-than we could get by criminal prosecution." "It seems very strange to me," contended Bone, "that a big corporation can commit a crime against the government and go scot-free, while ordinary people, like you and I, have to pay the penalty. It's high time Congress cleared up the law on this point. Corporations can get away with anything because they hire a lot of legal slickers to render them immune from the law. "They operate on the theory that they have the right to parcel out the whole civilized world, like Caesar or a super-government and that the people whoni they exploit are not entitled to know about it. Instead of stroking their brows, I think Congress ought to begin slapping them down." Note: There is an old English proverb that "The law doth punish the man or woman that steals the goose from off the common, but lets the greater felon loose that steals the common from the goose." Of all the states hit by gasoline rationing, probably Maine will suffer most, for every sum- mer, the rockbound coast of Maine blossoms forth as one of the great tourist spots of the East. Over a billion dollars is spent there each summer-enough to tide the state through its dreary winter. The (4in ted PEN POINTS OF THE WEEK go to whoever was responsible for the fact that the Navy V-1 meeting was held during the same week as the Army Air Force rally, without coordination or cooperation. Supposedly the two are not competing, so why not have both of them present their plans to the same audience at the same time? Twenty-five lonely civilians sat in Hill Audi- torium on a hot Friday afternoon while 700 thronged into the Rackham Auditorium for a Wednesday night session. Good sense would dic- tate that the Army and Navy get together. * * * "THE (General Motors) Corporation's only purpose in producing service material during the past months has been to make available such material to its car owner and to keep as many of its employes working as: possible pending the complete retooling of its plants for war production."-C. E. Wilson ex- plains priority violations at his Ternstedt divi- sion. - The Editorial Director DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN SUNDAY, MAY 3, 1942 VOL. LI. No. 161 Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices Student Tea: President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to students Wednesday afternoon, May 6, from 4 to 6 o'clock. Registration for War Ration Book for Individual Consumers: This book is to be used for rationing all com- modities that, from time to time, may be placed on the ration list. It is not for sugar alone. Individuals should register for a book whether they need sugar or not. 1. Who Should Register? All students whose permanent home address is outside Ann Arbor and whohave passed their eighteenth birthday should register for a war ration booklet at the time and place indicated below according to the school in which they are enrolled. Students not yet eighteen must in- struct their family unit at their per- manent home to register for them and secure their war ration book. Booklets will not be issued on the campus to those below eighteen. Since supplies have been delivered to each school according to the en-e rollment of that school, students are1 requested to register with their school. Ann Arbor students, Universityi employees, or students living with anI Ann Arbor family as a member of thea family unit should not plan to regis- ter for the war ration book on theI campus but should register at theI nearest elementary school as indicat- ed by the city school board. This is a matter of law not of convenience to the staff. 2. Time of Registration. The dates for registration on 'the campus are May 4, 5 and 6. The places of registration will be open during the usual University hours from 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. Students are urged to register as soon as pos- sible. Several units with small enroll- ments may shorten the time to one or two days if properly announced and understood by the students en- rolled therein. Please watch your school bulletin board. 3. Place of Registration and Offi- cial in Charge. a. College of Literature, Science, and the Arts-Alumni Memorial Hall -Professor C. M. Davis. Students are requested to register according to the following schedule: A through G inclusive-Monday, May 4. H through '0 inclusive-Tuesday, May 5. P through Z inclusive-Wednesday, May 6. b. College of Engineering-Room 244 West Engineering - Professor Axel Main. ac School of Medicine---123 West Medical Building-Miss Vera Cum- mings. d. Law School-Law School Office -Miss Katherine Murray e. Pharmacy School-College Of- fie-Miss Aileen Grace. f. School of Dentistry-Dental Li- brary-Dr. Floyd Ostrander. g. College of Architecture and De- sign-Architecture Library-Profes- sor W. V. Marshall. h. School of Education-1431 Uni- versity Elementary School-Miss Ma- rion McLellan, i. School of Business Administra- tion--First floor lobby, Tappan Hall -Miss Tresse Musil. j. School of Forestry and Conser- vation - College Office - Mr. Leo Shames. k. School of Music-Music Office- Mr. Leonard Gregory. 1. Graduate School -Room 100, Rackham Building - Mrs. Grace Smith. Students are requested to register according to the following schedule: A through (I inclusive Monday, May 4. H through 0) inclusive-Tuesday, May 5.1 P through Z inclusive--Wednes- day, May 6. m. School of Nursing--Lobby Couz- ens Hall-Miss DeArmond, n. School of Public Health-Den- tal Library-Dr. Nathan Sinai. o. University Hospital - For in- ternes, nurses, and others receiving meals at the Hospital-Second Floor Lobby-Mr. A. B. Cook, Assistant Director. 4. When you receive your war ra- tion book, do not use it to buy sugar unless you need it. 5. The cooperation of all students in carrying out the plan will be ap- preciated by the faculty and staff who are serving as registrars in this period. Robert L. Williams Forestry Students: Special arrange- ments have been made to issue sugar rationing coupons to students in the School of Forestry and Conservation in Room 2046 between the hours of 8:30 and 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 and 4:30 p.m..on Monday, May 4. S. T. Dana, Dean Commencement Week Programs: Programs may be obtained on request GRIN AND BEAR IT a By Lichty L 4 ~ p _"} rr 9 "Wa a hT w eand3butturiuesinrsad as? ed by 6:15 p.m., when procession en- ters the Field House. The public address system will be interfered with by outside sounds, and the audience is therefore requested to avoid conversation and moving about. Automobile owners are asked kindly to keep their machines away from the vicinity of Ferry Field during the exercises. In case of rain the power house whistle will be blown at intervals between 5:30 and 5:40 p.m. to notify all concerned that the Commence- ment procession has been abandoned. Herbert G. Watkins, Assistant Secretary To the Members of the Faculty of the College of Ltierature, Science, and the Arts: The last regular meet- ing of the Faculty of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts for the academic session of 1941-1942 will be held in Room 1025 'Angell Hall, Monday, May 4, at 4:10 p.m. Edward H. Kraus AGENDA 1. Consideration of the minutes of the meeting of April 6th, 1942 (pp. 834-842), which were distributed by campus mail. 2. Consideration of reports submit- ted with the call to the meeting: a. Executive Committee, Professor I. L. Sharfman. b. University Council, Associate Professor Lawrence Preuss. c. Executive Board of the Gradu- ate School, Professor E. F. Barker. d. Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs, Professor A. W. Bromage. e. Deans' Conference, Dean E. H. Kraus. 3. Elections (Nominating Commit- tee: Professors R. L. Belknap, H. T. Price, and A. S. Aiton, Chairman.) a. Five members of the University Council, to serve for three years. b. Two members of the Administra- tive Board, to serve for three years. Consult pages 762-764 of the facul- ty minutes for lists of present mem- bers of tloe University Council, Ad- ministrative Board, and other com- mittees. 4. Summer meeting of the Faculty. 5. Physical training requirement. See recommendations, page 5 of the accompanying communication from the War Board. 6. Faculty Scholarship Fund. 7. New business. 8. Announcements. Staff Travel by Automobile: As a measure of economy it is requested that faculty and staff members who have occasion to travel on Univer- sity business by personally owned or University owned automobile report their plans in advance to the office of Dr. Frank E. Robbins, Assistant to the President (Campus telephone 328), in order that, when feasible, persons going to the same place at the same time may ride in the same car and save both tires and expense. A record of such plans will be kept in the President's Office, and those who find it necessary to make a trip may inquire there as to the possi- bility of riding with others. Waste is sabotage. LaVerne Noyes Scholarships: Pre- sent holders of these scholarships Swho desire to apply for renewals for 1942-43 should call at 1021 Angell Hall and fill out the blank forms for application for renewal. Frank E. Robbins Freshmen and Sophomores, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Students who will have freshman or sophomore standing at the end of the present semester and who plan to re- turn either for the summer term or the fall term should have their elec- tions approved for the next semester that they expect to be in residence, as soon as possible. There will be little or no time to sign up returning students during the registration peri- ods preceding either of these semes- ters, so it is strongly urged that this be takern careu' of now. You may1 undergraduate and graduate students who ae candidates for the Teacher's Certificate during the academic year will be held in the Lydia Mendels- sohn Theater on Tuesday, May 5, at 4:15 p.m. This Convocation is spon- sored by the School of Education; and members of other faculties, stu- dents, and the general public are cordially invited. Vice-President Yoa- kum will preside at the Convocation and Di. DeWitt S. Morgan, Super- intendent of Schools, Indianapolis, Indiana will give the address. All students who wish to apply for assistance through the National Youth Administration for the next FALL TERM and SPRING TERM, 1942-43, should leave their home ad- dresses with Miss Elizabeth A. Smith, Room 2, University Hall, before the close of this semester. J. A. Bursiey, Dean of Students Certificate of Eligibility; At the be- ginning of each semester and sum- mer session every student shall be conclusively presumed to be ineligible for any public activity until his eli- gibility is affirmatively established by obtaining from the Chairman of the Committee on Student Affairs, in the Office of the Dean of Students, a Certificate of Eligibility. Before permitting any students to participate in a public activity, the chairman or manager of such activ- ity shall (a) require each applicant to present a certificate of eligibility, (b) sign his initials on the back of such certificate, and (c) file with the Chairman of the Committee on Stu- dent Affairs the names of all those who have presented certificates of eligibility and a signed statement to exclude all others from participation. Blanks for the chairmen's lists may be obtained in the Office of the Dean of Students. German Table for Faculty Mem- bers will meet Monday at 12:10 in the Founders' Room Michigan Un- ion. Members of all departments are cordially invited. There will be. a brief talk on "Der Oberstaatssekretar Samuel Pepys" by Mr. H. T. Price. To Men Students Living in Room- ing Houses: The full amount ocf room rent for the second seinester is due and payable on or before Thursday, May 7, 1942. The academic credits of students owing room rent may be held up upon request of the house- holders to do so. (C. T. Olmsted, Assistant Dean of Students The Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information has re- ceived the following information from the H. J. Heinz Company. "A representative of the H. J. Heinz Company will interview stu- dents who desire summer vacation jobs, in room 304 Michigan Union on Wednesday, May 6. "These summer positions are in con- nection with our seasonal work of inspecting receiving and salting pickles in rural Michigan." Further information may be ob- tained by calling at the office of the Bureau. Bureau of Appointments and - Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall The University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational Informa- tion has received notice of the follow- ing Civil Service Examinations. Last date for filing application is noted in each case: Michigan State Civil Service Parole Board Member VI, salary, $525 per month, May 20, 1942. Adult Probations Corrections Ad- ministrator VI, $525 per month, May 20, 1942. Procedures Analyst , salary, $155 per month, May 20, 1942. Procedures Analyst II, $250 per month, May 20, 1942. Steeple Jack I, salary, $155 per month, May 20, 1942. DOMINIE SRYS RECENTLY three college men met on the street and fell to discussing the diplomat, the statesman and the prophet. "A diplomat," said the student of assemblies with fine orator- ical powers, "is a man who understands the mixed motives of men and knows how to please, how not to pledge his support unduly, and how to win certain goals precious to himself." "But the statesman," said the man of govern- mental affairs, whose maturity lends caution to his aspiration, "is my ideal. He, too, knows men and is wise enough to promise sparingly, keep away from the uncured social movements, but always appear just in the nick of time with a winning enterprise to satisfy the people and se- cure the verdict of today as well as the approval of history." "The prophet," said the third, "is a romantic and prodigal man compared to the diplomat and is very unwise compared to the statesman." Then he observed, "However, at his best he is sacrificial and willing to stake all on what ought to be, regardless of consequences. He has usually been there ten years ahead of the statesman and a quarter of a century before the diplomat, but the cemetary alone carries the record of his deeds. Or perhaps they are alive deep in the which ought to be tends to make him a bit un- real and to isolate him from the people. He lives a lonely life, seems always to be pushing upstream while he neglects the opportunities to enjoy the current. This may be why there is a gap between the churchmen, of which there are millions, and the prophetic person, a few in each decade, On the contrary, the diplomat, indifferent as to ethical status, is always near to his fellow men, and his life is warmed by their shared ex- perience. If to have friends is part of the world's work, then he may yet be counted with those elect souls of merit. As to the statesman, his work entails isolation from those battles in which men engage with sweat, fear, and daring while the issues are but partly known and- the initial discoveries of social values are being ham- mered out. Hence, the statesman may be pay- ing too dearly for the approval of history and his career may seem quite as far from reality as that of his friend the prophet. "IN SELECTING 'THE OCCUPATION," they agreed, "before one gets his aptitudes cali- pered by the psychological clinic or the voca- tional guidance experts, he should decide which services are most needed in an age of disloca-