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May 02, 1942 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-05-02

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ga'"n Batty


Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
; College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42


ditorial Staff

Homer Swander
Morton Mintz
Will Sapp
Charles Thatcher
Gleorge W. Sailade
Bernard Hendel
Myron Dann .
Barbara deFries
Edward J. Perlber
Fred M. Ginsberg
Mary Lou Curran
Jane Lindberg

* . . Managing Editor
Editorial Director
City Editor
Associate Editor
Associate Editor
* . . . Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
Women's Editor
Business Staff
g.s9. . Business Manager
. . Associate Business Manager
. . Women's Business Manager
Women's Advertising Manager

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
British Demand
That Churchill Act
T HERE IS a growing feeling in that
tight little isle called Britain that
No. 10 Downing St. needs a new occupant,
Wednesday's by-elections in which both Church-
ill supporters went down to defeat are an indi-
cation that the British are not only dissatisfied
with the present cabinet, but are actually ready
to do something about it.
Less and less is the cry heard that Church-
ill's inspirational force is necessary to the
war effort, and more and more are heard
the names of Bevin and Cripps. Their politi-
cal potentialities are not yet fully realized,
but unless the British Lion is on the offen-
sive by fall, a desperate people will have to
take the chance.
There are two principal complaints concern-
ing the Churchill government, and both of them
are so well substantiated as to leave little doubt
concerning their validity.
NUMBER ONE CHARGE is that excess profits
are being made far too frequently and in
far too great amounts by manufacturers not
alone of munitions, but of luxury goods. Such
enormous profits are being made that Britishers
gasped in amazement at FDR's recommendation
that our maximum income be cut as low as
$25,000 for the duration. A labor government
was on its way in when war broke out, and the
sentiment which was bringing labor to the fore
will not long stand idly by when such profits
are being made.
The second, and if possible, more important
charge concerns the directing of Britain's war
effort. Lord Beaverbrook last week voiced the
hopeful feelings of millions of British and colo-
nial peoples when he asked for a second front.
The English are getting terribly impatient as
they suffer setback after setback, and RAF
raids are not enough to satisfy their desire for
a conclusive victory in some war theatre. Bea-
verbrook, a man who should be in a position to
know, has told them a second front is both pos-
sible and plausible. Nothing else will suit them.
Churchill, one of the Empire's greatest cohe-
sive powers during the last two years, is no
longer functioning as well in that capacity. He
seems to have acquired a defense-complex, one
that permits none of the daring gambles of 1916.
Unfortunately, Britain's present situation calls
for some first-class chance-taking, and Church-
ill is evidently not the man.
Unless the Allies' third best bet, John Bull,
wins a race this summer there'll be a new jockey
up in the fall.-- Hale Champion

WASHINGTON-Inside intelligence informa-
tion is that Japanese propaganda agents are
now marshalling their forces for a concerted
attack against the United States in Latin Amer-
ica, with Argentina, Brazil and Chile as focal
Japan will resort to a number of typical Axis
methods to sway neutral countries away from
collaboration with the United States, including
the Axis-worn tactics of making overtures and
giving assurances that she has no imperialistic
aims toward these countries. On the other hand,
the Japanese will emphasize that the United
States has been greedy in her international trade
relations and has imperialistic designs on Cen-
tral and South America.
In launching this propaganda attack Japan
has instructed her agents to do everything pos-
sible to solicit the good-will of Spanish and
Portuiguese representatives in Latin American
In addition to propaganda agents and diplo-
matic representatives, Japan has recruited
agents in commercial firms throughout both
Europe and the American countries to propa-
gandize persons of Latin culture and Catholic
faith. In this connection, plans have been made
to go even so far as to try to exploit His High-
ness, The Pope.
Already $50,000 has been forwarded to Japa-
nese representatives in Chile to be used in at-
tempting to bribe government officials.
One of the most audacious phases of the
Japanese plan is the one that calls for an at-
tempt to induce a revolution in the United States
by cooperation with factional groups within the
country, and creating dissension among the
people by sniping at the Roosevelt Administra-
Republican Harmony .
Except for a brief, isolationist flare-up against
Wendell Willkie's resolution pledging full sup-
port to Roosevelt's war policies, the Chicago
meeting of the Republican National Committee
was completely harmonious.
This was due chiefly to skillful GOP Chairman
Joe Martin, who not only engineered adoption
of thte Willkie proposal, but placated a Willkie-
hating bloc of Midwestern committeemen who
were itching for a showdown brawl. Also, Mar-
tin put his foot down firmly on any talk about
1944 presidential candidates, which was another
However, there was one minor slip-up which
had Martin in hot water for a few moments.
According to custom, the chairman-to-be of
various committees offer the resolutions for
creation of the committees. John E. Jackson,
national committeeman from Louisiana, wad
slated to head up the committee on proxies, but
Martin forgot to notify him,
When it came time to appoint this committee,
Martin declared: "The chair recognizes the gen-
tleman from Lodisiana, Mr. Jackson."
Jackson, a prominent New Orleans attorney,
rose and stammered:
"But I don't wish to be recognized, Mr. Chair-
man. I have nothing to say."
During the roar which followed, quick-thinking

Martin recovered with this clever piece of par-
"The gentleman from Louisiana moves that
a committee on proxies be appointed , . . . I hear
no objections . .. It is so ordered,"
Unfortunately it looks as if the little business
man now has no better chance for government
loans than during the days before Jesse Jones
was stripped of sole control over little business
Under the President's executive order de-
throning Jones, the Army and Navy were given
authority to grant loans to subcontractors for
war work. That is, they were empowered to ex-
tend loans, in the form of advance payments, up
to 100 percent of the needs of the little business
But neither the Army or Navy is using this
authority. Both are resorting to the same banker
practices for which Jones was condemned.
Instead of using their authority to cut red-
tape and make direct loans, this is what has
happened: The Army and Navy have laid down
rules that compel little business men to seek the
credit they need from commercial banks. For
this money they will pay from 1/2 to 3 percent
interest--on loans guaranteed up to 90 percent
by the government,
The Reply Chur ish'
AS the days grow longer and hotter, and sen-
iors do less and less work, there comes a
feeling that certain last words are called for, and
I think that from now until I am through on
this job, I shall tell you my life story. I envy
you the experience you are going to have dur-
ing these palmy days, reading about me. In
order that we shall not have to cast too far
backwards in time, I shall begin this interesting
story at the time when I entered college, and
stop it where it logically must stop anyhow, ie,
when I end the final column. If anything inter-
esting comes up during the days ahead, I'll
write about it, but at a risk of offending the
intense Slosson, and bringing down his fervent,
vital wrath upon my head, I can say that I don'I.
expect to digress.
SEVERAL YEARS AGO I was a freshman.
Certain of my friends, who are rife, are given .
to setting the date of my entry into the Univer-
sity rather earlier than it was. Suffice it to say
that on the best Moscow precedent, I adopted a
five-year plan of education, considering the
usual four-year period not quite adequate to the
full cultivation of my mind.
AS A FRESHMAN I was rather lonesome. I
suppose all freshmen are, unless they are
girls and pretty. I lived in a rooming house
which had not seemed quite so far from campus
when I drove down to it in a car early in the
summer before I entered upon my vivid career
here. I wrote informal essays for a special Eng-
lish class, and came prematurely to regard my-
self as a talented and sensitive creature, approx-
imating a cross between Alexander Woollcott (I
can still spell his name correctly) and Christo-
pher Morley. I was not a dormitory freshman,
but somehow I became involved in a very minor
way in class politics. A fraternity pledge brother
of mine,who never did become sufficiently eligi-
ble to take the office, was elected president of
the freshman class, and I coasted into whatever
class politics were, on his coat tails. But even
so, I did not know many people.
SPENT much of my time in my room, reading
books, which is a habit time has taken care
of. At first I studied timidly, and failed to make
Phi Eta Sigma. Later on, as I wrote more and
more, and became more and more sensitive, and
more like Alex and Chris as I called them, my
studies suffered. Finally in the second semester

I was dropped with E from a botany course for
overcutting and various other sins such as not
knowing how the fibrovascular bundles worked,
or" where the cortex went. I was never a good
science student, and microscopes worked for me
in the same way James Thurber says they
worked for him. I have never been fond of that
botany teacher, for purely personal reasons, but
I have given up the idea which I carried for a
long time, of socking him on the snoot when I
graduate. He may rest easy now, if his conscience
will allow it'. It was the first course I had
flunked in school, and I took it rather hard, and
after all these years I still do.
AT THE END OF THE YEAR I was still lone-
some, but not so much, because I had started
to work on the Daily and was becoming known
as a writer of informal essays. I had been in
Black Friday, seen the football riots of '37, and
though much of my confidence was gone, and I
was afraid of the University, I had my fraternity
pin to wear, and next year was another year.
Continued in the next issue. So long until soon.

(Continued from Page 2)
School of Education Convocation:
The seventh annual Convocation of
undergraduate and graduate students
who are candidates for the Teacher's
Certificate during the academic year
will be held in the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theater on Tuesday, May 5, at
4:15 p.m. This Convocation is spon-
sored by the School of Education;
and members of other faculties, stu-
dents, and the general public are
cordially invited. Vice-President Yoa-
kum will preside at the Convocation
and Dr. DeWitt S. Morgan, Super-
intendent of Schools, Indianapolis,
Indiana, will give the address.
Forestry Students: Special arrange-
ments have been made to issue sugar
rationing coupons to students in the
School of Forestry and Conservation
in Room 2046 between the hours of
8:30 and 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 and
4:30 p.m. on Monday, May 4.
S. T. Dana, Dean
College of Engineering: Students
who expect to attend the Summer
Term, June 15 to September 26,
should notify the Secretary's Office,
Room 263, West Engineering Build-
ing, as soon as possible.
A. I. Lovell, Secretary
Freshmen and Sophomores, College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts:
Students who will have freshman ort
sophomore standing at the end of thei
present semester and who plan to re-d
turn either for the summer term ori
the fall term should have their elec-
tions approved for the next semester
that they expect to be in residence,$
as soon as possible. There will be
little or no time to sign up returningn
students during the registration peri-2
ods preceding either of these semes-
ters, so it is strongly urged that this p
be taken care of now. You may
make an appointment with yourn
counselor by telephoning Extension
613 or by calling at the Office of then
Academic Counselors, 108 Mason
Arthur Van Duren, Chairman,f
Academic Counselors.
National Youth Administration:
Students who will register for the
Summei'Term and will carry at least
eleven credit hours may continue
working on N.Y.A. until June 20.
Those desiring to do so, please noti-3
fy Mr. Harold S. Anderson at thea
N.Y.A. office in the Storehouset
Building, Telephone Univ. Ext. 709.
ROTC: The Provisional Rifle Con-n
pany will meet at ROTC Headquart-t
ers today 1:30 p.m. Problem onp
Rifle Platoon in an outpost.f
The University Bureau of Appoint- .
ments and OccupationalInformation
has received notification of the fol-F
lowing Civil Service announcements.i
The closing date is given in eacht
United States Civil Service
Tabulating Machine Operators, F
$1,260 to $1,440, until further notice.
Printer, Monotype Keyboard Oper- t
ator, $1.26 hr., June 9, 1942.c
Bindery Operative (hand and ma-t
chine), $.66 hr., June 9, 1942. i
Under Mimeograph Operator, $1,-t
260, until furthei notice. r r
Michigan State Civil Service
Dockman B, $115 a month, May 8,
Dockmaster A, $135 a month, May I
8, 1942. I
Further information may be ob-
tained from the announcement which
is on file in the office of the Univer-
sity Bureau of Appointments and Oc-t
cupational Information, 201 Mason
Hall. Office hours 9-12 and 2-4.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information It

The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments has received notice of the fact
that the Y.M.C.A. of Chicago is in-
terested in recruiting twelve univer-
sity and college graduates for thej
Junior Secretaries' Training Plan.,
The openings that are available are
described in detail in the announce-
ment in the University Bureau of
Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. Of-
fice hours, 9-12 and 2-4.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
The Ulniversity Bureau of Appoint-t
ments has received notice of the fact
that the Yale University School of{
Nursing has decided to enter a group
of students for the preelinical course
in nursing on Jne 23. This group
of students will be in addition to
those who will enter the regular
course on September 16. Further
information may be had in the Uni-
versity Bureau of Appointments, 201
Mason flail. Office hours, 9-12 and1
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
The Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information has re-
ceived the following information
from the H. J. Heinz Company.
"A representative of the H. J.
Heinz Company will interview stu-
dents who desire summer vacation
jobs, in room 304 Michigan Union
on Wednesday, May 6.
These summer positions are in con-
nection with our seasonal work of

1..Y j K >w y! ,, .



By Lichty

f rte- _ .



1Ji , Vhiuago TimesIc
R'-g It. S. Pat. Oft..AllReRePs.

fOiN ted

tion has received notice of the follow-
ing Civil Service Examinations, Lastu
date for filing application is noted'
in each case:A
Michigan State Civil Service
Paiole Board Member VI, salary, i
$525 per month, May 20, 1942. e
Adult Probations Corrections Ad-I
ministrator VI, $525 per month, MayV
20, 1942.t
Procedures Analyst I,salary, $155 i
per month, May 20, 1942.b
Procedures Analyst II, $250 per b
month, May 20, 1942.
Steeple Jack I, salary, $155 per
month, May 20, 1942.
Complete announcements on file I
at the Bureau, 201 Mason Hall. Of-
rice hours: 9-12 and 2-4.t
Bureau of Appointments and V
Occupational Information i
Academic Notices
Biological Chemistry Seminar willH
be held today at 10:00 a.m. in Room L
319 West Medical Building. "Aceto- S
acetic Acid" will be discussed. All in-
terested are invited.
The Bacteriological Seminar will
meet in Room 1564 East Medical p
Building, on Monday, May 4, at 8:00A
p.m. The subject will be "The Search &
for Laboratory Animals." All inter-e
ested are cordially invited.t
Doctoral Examination for Olaf
Preysz Bergelin, Chemical Engineer-
ing; thesis: "Liquid-Liquid Extrac-
tion across a Known Interfacial
Area." Today, 2028 East Engineer-
ing, 10:00 a.m. Chairman, G. G.p
By action of the Executive Board,
the Chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doc-
toral candidates to attend the exam-
ination and he may grant permissiont
to those who for sufficient reasonp
might wish to be present.3
C. S. Yoakum
Doctoral Examination for Samuelc
Kaplan, Mathematics; thesis: "Ho-t
mologies in Metric Separable Spaces."t
Today, West Council, Rackham 9:30t
a.m. Chairman, R. L. Wilder. V
By action of the Executive Board,
the Chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doctor-1
al candiates to attend the examina-s
tion and he may grant permission to
those who for sufficient reason might1
wish to be present.t
C. S. Yoakum f
Doctoral Examination for Wini-
fred Sharlene White, Zoology; the-
sis: "The Environmental Conditions1
Affecting the Genetic Mechanism ofl
Wing Production in the Chrysanthe-
mum Aphid." Today, 3089 Natural
Science, 8:30 a.m. Chairman, A. F.t
By action of the Executive Board,
the Chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doc-
toral candidates to attend the ex-
amination and he may grant permis-
sion to those who for sufficient rea-
son might wish to be present,.
C. S. Yoa.kum
The May Festival schedule of pro-
grams is as follows:
The Philadelphia Orchestra will1
participate in all concerts.
Wed. 8:30. Marian Anderson, Con-
tralto; Eugene Ormandy, Conductor.
Thurs. 8:30. First part: "King Dav-
id" (Honegger) with Judith Hell-
wig, soprano; Enid Szantho, Contral-
to; Felix Knight, Tenor; Rabbi Bar-
nett R. Brickner, narrator; and the
University Choral Union. Second
part: Emanuel Feuermann, Violon-
cellist; Thor Johnson, Conductor.
Fri. 2:30. First part: "The Walrus
and the Carpenter" (Fletcher) -
Youth Chorus; Juva Higbee, Con-
ductor. Second part: Carroll Glenn,
violinist; Saul Caston, Conductor.

Concerts will begin on time. Doors
will be closed during the numbers.
Traffic regulations by direction of the
Ann Arbor Police Department.
Tickets will be on sale at the of-
fices of the University Musical Soci-
ety in Burton Memorial Tower until
Tuesday, 5:00 o'clock. Beginning
Wednesday morning, all remaining
tickets will be on sale at the box office
n Hill Auditorium. A limited num-
ber of standing room tickets will
be on sale as occasion may require.
Charles A. Sink, Pr'esident
American compositions for caril-
on will be heard from 7:15-8:00,
Sunday evening, May 3, at which
time Professor Percival Price, Uni-
versity Carillonneur, will present the
tenth in the current spring carillon
recital series.
Printed programs of the entire
eries are available in the lobby of
Burton Tower, at the Union and
League desks and in the office of the
School of Music.
The Ann Arbor Art Association
presents its Nineteenth Ann Abor
Artists Exhibition May 1 through
May 13, 2-5 afternoons and 7-10
evenings, daily, except Sundays, in
the galleries of the Rackham Build-
Thirteenth Annual Exhibition of
Sculpture in the Concourse of the
Michigan League Building. Open-
ing Monday evening, May 4, at 8:30
p.m. Those interested in the Arts
cordially invited.
Events Today
German Club will have a picnic
today from 3:45 to 6:30 p.m. Meet
in front of the Rackham Building at
3:45 p.m. In case of rain there will
be no picnic. It is imperative that
those wishing to go sign up on one
of the German Department bulletin
boards by Friday noon. Everyone in-
terested, although not a regular mem-
ber, is invited. Election of officers
will be held.
Square Dance for all graduate and
professional students and faculty,
sponsored by Graduate Outing Club
and Council tonight at 9:00 in the
Rackham Assembly Hall. Dating op-
tional. Instruction provided. Re-,
Crop and Saddle Horse Show:
Members of Crop and Saddle will
leave Barbour Gymnasium prompt-
ly at 1:35 p.m. today. Other riders
and spectators will leave the En-
gineering Arch at the same time. Bus
transportation is to be furnished for
a small fee. Spectators cant be ac-
commodated. In case of rain, the
show will be held otn the indoor ring.
W.A.A. Board must. be present at
12:30 p.m. today at the W.A.B. to act
as hostesses. For further informa-
tion call Bette Sachs, 2-5570.
Coming Events
Varsity Glee Club: Theke will be a
special meeting for election of offi-
cers on Tuesday, May 5, at 9:00 p.m.
Music deposits will be refunded at
this meeting, and members are re-
minded to bring their music folders
and receipts.
Alpha Nu, honorary speech frater-
nity, will hold its next meeting on
Tuesday, May 5, in its chambers on
the fourth floor of Angell Hall. This
meeting will include induction cere-
monies of the newly elected members.
Michigan Outing Club will not go
on a hostel trip this week-end as was
originally planned.


F you live in a rooming house don't let your
landlady lord over you about high-priced
contracts for the summer semester--if you're
going to be here.
* * *
If she starts talking to you about "some
bomber plant people" who have offered her
$8 a week for your $5 room, kindly remind
her that an OPA ruling of a day or so ago
has cut rents down to the April 1, 1941, level.
* * *
Landladies will be on an honor system to
maintain the prescribed rent rates until July 1
when Federal inspectors will make a spot check-
up. Henderson says that "chiselers" who don't
pare down to the new ceiling are subject to a
$5,000 fine or a year in prison, or both.
* * *
This may even mean a cut in your rent, but
watch out for that "utilities" gag.
- The City Editor

Inseci Powder, Not Dyllailile

EVERY NOW AND THEN, when the asininity
of Representative Clare Hoffman of Michi-
gan falls to a new low, we are tempted to let
loose with both barrels. But by the time we get
the powder horn out and test the flint to deter-
mine whether it is sparking, we think of the
remark made by the venerable Carter Glass
years ago.

"Why waste dynanite, when inse(t pow-
der will do just as well."
Mr. Hoffman, who has achieved an almost
unequaled mastery of the art of compressing
the smallest possible amount of thought into
the largest possible number of words, is more
of a nuisance than a danger.
Teddy Roosevelt was wont to speak frequently

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