THE MICHIGAN DAILY FRIDA T oay Is Last In Universit All students interested in eur in the university Honors Pro should file applications from 3 to 4:30 p.m. today in Room Angell Hall. Hionors work, which involves ciedit hours per semester andv replaces the traditional concentr program is taught under ane man board of tutors headed b John Arthos of the English de ment. Founded in the belief that the ent liberal arts program, lay much stress on men as speci the program is an effort to pri a course of study which will. students to best understand an fill the responsibility that belon them as educated men and wom It is designed to acquaint th dent with the principles which have developed through long pe to guide their thoughts and ac Then, by making use of the they can integrate their own thi and the course of action they undertake. Illustrative of the unity of CLASSIFIE MISCELLANEOUS MIMEOGRAPHING - Thesis ing. Brumfield and Brumfiel S. State. WASHED SAND AND GRAM Driveway gravel, washed pe Killins Gravel Company,r 7112. SHOWS DAILY at 1-3---7--9 PM A,.A..mya ,, , w-w- BRIAN DONLEVY WILLIAM HOLDEN ELLEN DREW Montagu love Porter He Vl,*cftd by STUART H!ItER Navel an.d S ,.,. Py by pDle.. Tram! Extra "Courageous Australia' Popeye Cartoon News of the Day Coming Sunday - WALLACE BEERI "THE BUGLE SOUNDS' Chance To Enroll 1 D. Schuman Students Given Ta Day Posts y Honors Program WillGive Talk In Drive Fo rresh Air CampI olling y ' Urganizations On Campus Entrance to Arcade, Kappa Delta; gram throughout the program is its system . ' . Diagonal, Delta Kappa Epsilon, Kap- p.m. of examinations. At the end of the Noted Scholar To Discuss To Contribule Services pa Alpha Theta, Theta Chi; Univer- 1204 senior year the students take two For Friday Campaign sity Hall, Alpha Tau Omega, Alpha tests. One, an oral examination, is 'The Road To Victory' Epsilon Phi; Couzens Hall, Theta Xi. s five designed to test the subject matter of In Rackham Auditorium Students selling tags the first hour Observatory, Mosher Hall; Uni- whic the individual group as well as the _of the day will report to their posts versity , Hospital, Stockwell Hall; ation special studies which the idividual Brilliant scholar and lecturer Fred- Corner Main and Huron, Sigma Chi; eight- has undertaken. erick L. Schuman, professor of gov- Corner Main and Liberty, Theta y Dr. The second, a written examination, ernhent at Williams College, will (Students selling downtown-please Delta Chi, Helen Newberry; oiner part- is the same for all students1 in the speak on "The Road to Victory" at distribute yourselves so that all four Williams and Main, Martha Cool, program. Whether the student has 8:15 p.m. Sunday in the Rackham corners of intersection are covered.) Adelia Cheever; Drive between Nat. pres-. studied Renaissance, tragedy or col- Auditorium under the auspices of All other shifts go directly to as- Science and Chem., Alpha Omicron s too lectivism he has in fact been con- Hillel Foundation and the Post-War signed posts and get tags and con- Pi, Acacia. alists, cerned with methods of analysis, un- Council. tainers from those of previous shift. ovide derstanding and criticism, and this Titling his talk "The Road to Vic- Please be prompt, as they may have M u train exam shows how fully the student tory," Dr. Schuman will analyze the to make a class. Do not leave post mran H eads d ful- has realized his capacity to analyze methods of gaining a victory. He under any circumstances until re- igs to and criticize. will point out the mistakes and the lieved. If relief does not show up on en. means of correcting them, time, please report to Room 4, Uni-S l e stu- Lim-Yuen Enters Contest An authority on world events, Dr. versity Hall so that arrangements i men Schuman has gained wide renown can be made. For 12th Year eriods Paul Lim-Yuen, '43, will speak on for his sensational forecasts of com- More tags will be brought to posts tions. "The Pacific Charter" at the North- ing events as well as-for his books on at frequent intervals. Once or twice past ern Oratorical League Contest to be international happenings. during the day cans will be replaced The name of James D. Murnan is nking held today and tomorrow at North- Studied In Europe J by committee members with official aticsynonymous with Arkets. y will western University. He is accom- Traveling to Europe for study, Dr. Tag Day identification. Do not give panied by Prof. Louis M. Eich of the Schuman possesses first-hand knowl- cans to anyone else. Stores are not In the 11 years that he has been aim speech department. edge of European governments, af- to be solicited, as they have already company manager of the Dramatic fairs and political parties. He has been contacted. Season group, Murnan has handled studied and observed government in 373,760 tickets. Charged with keep- England, France, Russia and most Those on for the last shift bring ing the tickets for the eight weekly I, A D V FBTISING of the other continental countries. cans and tags to Tag Day Head- performances straight, manager At the time ofPthe Nazi seizure of quarters, Room 4, University Hall, Murnan has worked out an efficient power in Germany, Dr. Schuman about 5 p.m. system. Tickets in 11 colors denote was on the scene to observe the work- Walk between U. High and Art prices and differentiate between ings of the then obscure party. He School, Delta Gamma; Martha Cook matinee and evening shows in the TRANSPORTATION also was present at the inauguration ldgKapa NhAlen y vertical columns of a ticket cabinet. bind-ALLIEDRANSLIN ,IONof the sweeping "Five-Year Plan Law Quad, Lloyd House; Steps of Files are kept on all season ticket ALLIED VAN LINES, INC. Long i the Soviet Union. Union, Alpha Phi, Chi Phi; Alumni buyers so that in case of loss or- d, 308 distance moving. Call Godfrey's. Forecasting the second World War Memorial Hall, Alpha Xi Delta. more habitually - leaving tickets 6c 6927. 410 N. Fifth Ave. 350c as long ago as 1933, Dr. Schuman I home on play nights, ticket purchas- demonstrated his knowledge of poli- Angell Hall Steps, Kappa Kappa ers will be able to see the play any- EL- Gway,,afteracheckingtwithiMurnan. E FLORISTS tics. Topping his achievements as Gamma, Delta Tau Delta, Sigma Phi way, after checking with Munan. bbles a prophet was his forecast of a ma- Epsilon; Romance Languages, Con- For this purpose the office in the phone FLOWERS-The way to a girl's heart jor crisis for the exact day that Ger- gress House, Gamma Phi Beta; Ha- Garden Room of the League is kept 7 is to give her flowers. Be sure her many marched into Austria. yen Hall, Sigma Nu, Guild House open throughout the day and for 15 flowers are from LODI GREEN- Post-War Problems Co-op; Engineering Arch, Phi Gam- minutes after the night curtain has HOUSE. Tel. 25-8374. Familiarity with proposed recon- ma Delta, Alpha Delta Pi; East Med- been rung up. struction plans makes Dr. Schuman ical Building Corner, Zeta Beta Tau benrngtup. WANTED TO BUY an able lecturer on post-war prob- Alpha Epsilon Phi, Phi Sigma Delta; Ann Aors chararmakesticket lem. H ha itenivey tuded heNorth University Entrance to Diental managing more difficult than in League of Nations and is interested Bldg., Alpha Chi Omega other American theatres featuring CLOTHES BOUGHT AND SOLD- egeo ain n smetd-- big-name stage and screen stars. Due Ben the Tailor, 122 East Washing- in the Inter-Democracy Federal Kresge Corner, Phi Sigma Sigma, to a multitude of campus activities ton. Phone after 6 o'clock, 5387. Union plans. Alpha Gamma Delta; Kresge Corner- which conflict with many perform- Dr. Schnman's latest book, one of South Side, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, ances, the first choice of Dramatic CLOTHING WANTED TO BUY- the many that have received enthu- Sigma Alpha Mu, Phi Delta Theta; Season ticket purchasers is not final. Pay $5 to $500 for Suits, Overcoats, siastic receptions, is "A Primer of For the same reason local theatre Typewriters, Saxophone, Fur Coats Power Politics." AF goers do not take seats on the same (Minks and Persian Lambs), Taking his doctor's degree at the /dayont te satseforthe same Watches, and Diamonds. Phone University of Chicago, Dr. Schuman A r yiP lo tayr rte same time for the four Sam, 5300. taught there until 1936. He now in other United States theatres. holds the Woodrow Wilson Profes- A ttsr ' But James Munan will have a LAUNDERING sorship of Government at Williams si/plertimeoifrthewi42 avea Y Colege.simpler time of it for the 1942 Dram- LAUNDRY--2-1044. Sox darned. CPart of the permanent work of the More than 50 applicants, most of atic Season, opening May 11, because Careful work at low price. 2c Post-War Council, Dr. Schuman's them inspired by Wednesday's mass due to the new shortened run sched- meeting, turned up at the Health ule, only 23,760 tickets will have to LOST and FOUND lecturhwillfbe heldundr ath on Service yesterday to take mental and be handled this season, instead of the bs physical examinations for the Army customary 35,000. GOLD BAR PIN, set with six pearls, t.Air Force. between Martha Cook, Tower or Many of these appearing desiredGU St. Mary's Chapel. Ruth Dean. New W artim.e immediate servie, but the vastma- ' ' Ian To (ive Martha Cook. Reward, jority of students were interested in r Snday ,f + +the new Army Air Force deferred HELP WANTED Labor Poli ieS service plan as explained by Lieut- Col. John A. Carr at the Rackham Popular band tunes and light opera STUDENTS for soda fountain work. A1 rally, selections will be heard at the first Nights and Sundays. Wikel Drug A e e leste Among the teatures of this plan 'Pops' concert, a musical series to be Co., 1101 So. University. are its deferment of any college stu- initiated by the University Band at TYPING CHICAGO, April 30. (/1) The dent until graduation, the fact that 8 p.m. Sunday on the library steps. Chamber of Commerce of the United it demands no special courses during Prof. William D. Revelli, director L. M. HEYWOOD, experienced typist, States established its labor relatios that education, and that in time of of the band, announces the program 414 Maynard Street, phone 5689. policy tonight in a resolution advo- emergency the Secretary of War will as the first of three to be given this .,,- eating the open shop and suspension call all those enlisted into immediate spring. These are a revival of a simi- MISS ALLEN-Experienced typist. of all "artificial limitations upon training. lar type of concert given during the 408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935. hours of work" during the war. Those accepted by the traveling years of the first World War. An amendment to the resolution, examining board now in Ann Arbor Featured this Sunday will be hum- introduced by Sterling Morton of will be enlisted as reservists on a orous songs by the Meta-Four, Char- Chicago, secretary of the Morton deferred service basis and will be les Thatcher, '43E, Bob Roberts, '45E, Salt Co., asserted: "There should be given a special wing insignia to in- Louis Davis, '43SM, and Don Wallace, immediate legislation by the Federal dicate such status. '43SM, a 'barber-shop' style quartet. Congress to protect the right to work," As adopted at the closing session of the Chamber's 30th annual meet- fgJ ing, the labor relations resolution set forth in part: A "Until recent years the right to work has not been seriously chal- lenged in this country, but on this right there have now been successive encroachments that concern every American. In the face of national peril, these encroachments have im- peded maximum war production. Nei- tier labor nor management hias "iSTYLED T+PT Y{ right to promote its respec tive miter S L TO U Y Sests a the expense of thr general WAY AHEAD IN THE welfaeright to obtain employment, FASHION PARADE. and to remain in employment should not be conditioned upon membership, or non-membership, in any organiza- tion, or upon any payment to any one. "The right to strike should never exist against government-federal, Whie Summer state or local. When the nation is at suedewith drawn war the national interest would be - ' 'or Blue Calf, or R BU R E A U ? served if the exercise of the right Black Patentt were volun arily suspended by all 1gh, mid-hi,low workers." heelsi HEADLINE If Dukes are rnot amot n or ere:"rtiiil ia'n pn/HIT style idea* AfDksaenothaogyorn er section of the resolution o orfvrt prized possessions,you're miss- declared: "Artificial limitations upont ing something. We mean Man- hours of work, whether imposed by statute with penalties for employers hattan's famous Duke white or by labor organizations with pen- broadcloth shirt! Examine its alties for employes, should by law smooth, snowy broadcloth; be suspended during the war." trace the clean, close stitching with your fingers; study the de- tail at yoke and cuffs! It fits so For Finest well because it's Size-Pixt*, be- cause it's Man-Formed, because CUSTOM it's Collar-Perfect. You ought TA LORIANNEYLOKJUSTLIKE to own some Dukes. Get them TA I LOR ING - $10STYLEHITS today. ine Shoe$ ALTERATIONS DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN i i i I I IS TH1ER YOU' I e 4 6 a 0 at -