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May 01, 1942 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-05-01

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Showers And Warmer




Hard-Boiled Handling
Of Race Riots Urged,,



Nine Plays
At Indiana
First Battle Of Two-Game
Series Is Slated Today;
Boim Is Mound Choice
Team Seeks Eighth
Special to The Daily
BLOOMINGTON, Ind.; April 30-
Michigan's 15-man baseball squad
arrived in town late last night full
of confidence that it would keep its
Big Ten record clean this week-end
when it plays a two-game series with
the University of Indiana.
The Wolverines filled the holes in
what was left of last year's cham-
pionship team with promising sopho-
mores and are now definite favorites
to successfully defend their title.
Since coming back from the South,
Michigan has won its last seven tilts,
including two Conference games
against Purdue last week-end.
Boim Will Pitch
Coach Ray Fisher has named Irv
'Pro' Boim to start for the Wolverines
today. 'Pro' will be opposed by John-
ny Logan, Hoosier ace moundsman.
Logan was counted on heavily before
the season opened, but he started
slow and is now rounding into shape.
His record stands at two wins and
two defeats. Today's game will
start at 4 p.m.
Coach Paul Harrell's squad has
had trouble in its Conference games
so far this season. Last week they
lost two to Ohio State, 5-4 and 6-1,
after previously losing two to Illi-
nois and splitting a two-game series
with Iowa. Iowa has one of the best
teams in the Conference this season.
Great Lakes beat Indiana, 13-4,
Indiana Has Slugger
Pacing the Hoosiers' attack is big
Ev Hoffman, first baseman who has
been doing plenty of slugging lately.
Against the Buckeyes he knocked out
a single, a doule and a home run
in three tMmes at bat. Playing
against Wabash he hit a triple with
the bags loaded to aid his mates in
winning 20-6.
Ready to match blows with Hoff-
man are Wolverines Bud Chamber-
lain and Paul White. Michigan's
star third baseman is batting .326 in
12 games and has batted in 18 runs
by his many long hits. White has
collected four home runs to date and
his batting is rapidly improving as
his .353 average shows. Michigan has
four men in the lineup batting over
Coach Fisher received news just
before the team laft yesterday thati
Turn to Page 3, Col. 4
Nation Awaits
Ersatz Rubber
Experts Demand Proof
Of Inventor's Claims
WASHINGTON, April 30. -4-')
Within a week or two government
experts will crowd into a little glass
laboratory not very far from Wash-
ington and demand a put-up-or-shut
up show-down from a man whosays
he can make rubber from natural
gas, grain and either woodpulp or

The turn of events in that labora-
tory may spell the end of the na-
tion's rubber shortage - or spell
D-U-D in large, crestfallen letters.
Anyway, it will be a chapter in one
of the war's strangest stories.
For weeks, harried by the critical
rubber situation, the experts have
been checking into the inventor's
claims, testing his product, attempt-
ing to analyze it, and losing sleep
over its mysteries. Not even today
will any of the government men pass
official judgment.
It's the consensus that there's nev-
er been any material quite like it-
except rubber itself. Known syn-
thetic rubber reactions are missing,
analyses seem to show crude rubber,
..while actual tests with tires indi-
cate qualities superior to synthetic
and equal or superior to crude.
Scientifically the experts say, it's
almost unbelievable; therefore, they
have their fingers crossed.
But, since there's just a chance the
inventor can do what he says he can
do-make rubber that's better and
ahenaPr +an erd euing raw ma-

Mass Meeting Will Hear
Talk On V-i Plan Today
Lieutenant Wisner Will Explain New Navy Program
To Underclassmen And High School Seniors

The Navy will open an intensive
drive to recruit Michigan students
under its new V-1 plan when Lieut.
Trusdell E. Wisner, Navy recruiting
officer at Chicago, addresses a mass
meeting of freshmen, sophomores
and local high school seniors at 4
p.m. today in Hill Auditorium.
Lieutenant Wisner will be intro-
duced by Capt. R. E. Cassidy, Com-
mandant of the Naval ROTC. Mem-
bers of Captain Cassidy's staff will
attend with uniformed NROTC ca-
In advance of Lieutenant Wisner's
appearance here the Navy yesterday
announced an important change in
the V-1 procurement plan. A new
provision now permits V-1 enlistees
who fail to pass the Navy compre-
hensive exam, required after one and
one-half years of college work, to
enter Class V-5 (Aviation Cadet).
Admission to this class will be grant-
ed to such students provided they
can pass physical and mental exami-
nations for prospective aviation offi-
Lieutenant Wisner will explain in
detail the new deferred service plan,
which enables students between the
ages of 17 and 19 to complete at least
two years of college and offers them
the possibility of becoming officers
in the Naval Reserve.
Under its Officer Procurement
Plan the Navy will enlist approxi-
Labor-Prof its
Bill Is Tabled
In Committee
Naval Group Administers
Final Blow By Small
Margin;_FDR Is Uphei
WASHINGTON, April 30. -(-
Legislation to limit war profits, in-
crease the statutory work week from
40 to 48 hours, and freeze the status
quo of closed and open shops for the
duration of the war was killed today
in the House Naval Committee by a
vote of 13 to 12.
The action, taken under parlia-
mentary procedure which bars recon-
sideration of the bill except through
unanimous consent of the full com-
mittee, apparently meant that Presi-
dent Roosevelt had effectively halted
for the time being the movement in
Congress for new labor legislation.
Possible Senate action was deferred
indefinitely earlier this week when
Senator Connally (Dem.-Tex.) de-
clined, in view of Mr. Roosevelt's op-
position, to press a labor bill he had
In his message last Monday on the
cost of living, the President told Con-
gress that no labor legislation was
needed at this time, that strikes were
at a minimum, that retention of time
and one-half pay for work in excess
of 40 hours a week was necessary to
preserve the workingman's standards
of living.
By its vote, the committee also left
the question of limiting war profits in
the hands of the Ways and Means
Committee, which now is studying the
Chief Executive's suggestion for a
$25,000 limit, after taxes, on individ-
ual incomes, and the treasury's de-
mand for sharply increased levies on
excess profits of corporations.
Board Petitions
Must Be Filed
At Daily Today
Nominations of candidates for the
positions on the Board in Control of
Student Publications to be filled at
the all-campus elections May 8, must
be in the hands of the secretary of

the Board at the Student Publica-
tions Building by 5 p.m. today.
Seniors or graduate students are
eligible for positions on the Board,
and may be nominated either by a
committee composed of retiring edi-
tors and business managers of publi-
cations or by petitions signed by 100
Candidates for the six Union vice-
presidencies will be selected by a
committee appointed for that pur-
pose by the Board of Directors of the
Union. Nominations may be made
by petitions bearing the signatures of
200 Union members. Petitions, avail-
able until Monday at the Student Of-

mately 80,000 college students each
year. Basis for keeping V-1 trainees
in school is to enable them to re-
ceive preliminary training that will
qualify them to become Naval offi-
In addition to receiving educa-
tional training, students enlisted in
V-1' will also receive physical train-
ing. Present plans call for a mini-
mum of four and one-half hours of
rigorous exercise per week.
In his telegram to President Ruth-
ven last month announcing selection
of the University as a center for the
new plan, Secretary of the Navy
rank Knox declared that "young men
who apply for enlistment under this
plan will be serving the nation if they
continue their college courses no less
than those alumni who are already in
active service."
Press Meeting
To Open Here
Fifty-Three High Schools
Send Representatives
To Annual Conference
More than 500 students represent-
ing 53 high schools will gather in the
Union Ballroom for the opening ses-
sion of the Michigan Interscholastic
Press Association meeting at 1 a.m.
President Alexander G. Ruthven
and Dr. Charles W. Brashares will
address the convention, with Prof.
John L. Brumm presiding. Professor
Brumm is head of the journalism de-
partment which is sponsoring the
convention in cooperation with the
Discussions and addresses revolving
about the theme "Tomorrow-Whose
World?" will take place throughout
the day. At the executive session at
11 a.m. a representative from each
of ten high schools will address the
convention in a three minute presen-
tation of his publication's views con-
cerning the editorial policies of high
school newspapers during the war.
Schools represented will be: Roose-
velt High School, Ypsilanti; High
School of Commerce, Detroit; West-
ern High School. Detroit; Creston
High School, Grand Rapids; South
High School, Grand Rapids; Central
High School, Detroit; and Muskegon,
Mt. Clemens, Highland Park, and
Petroskey High Schools.
The adviser's luncheon at 12:30
p.m., with Arthur G. Hughes of Ford-
son High School presiding, will be
followed by a general assembly at
2 p.m.
A demonstration in the art of in-
terviewing will be presented at this
time by R. Ray Baker, special writer
for the Booth Syndicate. Mr. Biker
will conduct an interview after which
he will answer questions from the
floor. Prof. W. H. Maurer of the jour-
nalism department will preside,
Rationing Plan
For University
Is Announced
Procedure for registration in the
University for War Ration Book One,
part of the nation-wide registration
to be held May 4, 5 and 6, was an-
nounced yesterday by Robert L. Wil-
liams, assistant registrar.
The University registration is held
for students whose permanent home
address is outside Ann Arbor and who
have passed their 18th birthday,
Williams said. Ann Arbor students,
University employes and students liv-
ing with an Ann Arbor family as a
member of a family unit should reg-
ister at elementary schools as indi-
cated by the Ann Arbor School Board.

Students under 18 should instruct
their families at their permanent
home address to register for them
to secure their ration books and to
forward the books to them here.
Books will not be issued to students
under 18 in University registration.
The War Ration Book is to be
used for rationing all commodities
that may be placed on the ration list
by the Office of Price Administra-
tion. Separate books will not be is-
sued for individual commodities..The
only item covered by the Ration
Book at present is sugar.
Williams emphasized that students
eating in restaurants, fraternities,

WPB Claims
GM Violation
Of Steel Ban
WPB Charges Ternstedt
Division With Violation
Of Priority Regulations
Suspen sion.Period
Is Penalty Ordered
WASHINGTON, April 30. -(P)-
The War Production Board today
cited General Motors Corporation,
Detroit for alleged violation of prior-
Ity orders. The order charged that
the Ternstedthmanufacturing divi-
sion of General Motors used consid-
erable quantities of scarce chrome
steel and aluminum in the manufac-
ture of "bright work," decorative
moldings, radiator grills and other
body hardware for automobiles, in
direct violation of regulations.
A suspension order, effective Sat-
urday, prohibits General Motors
from manufacturing any replac-]
ment parts for passenger cars, trucks,
trailers or buses for a period of three
months, except functional replace-
ment parts necessary to keep vehicles
on the road,
The Board announced also it had
investigated complaints "from vari-
ous sources" that Ternstedt also was
using up large quantities of copper,"
nickel and zinc in violation of WPB"
conservation orders.
The investigation revealed, WPB"
said, that the company's use of those1
metals did not violate any orders
then in existence.
The suspension order charged that
Ternstedt used 10,259 pounds of
chrome steel-a hard metal highly
important to armament production-
in the production of decorative mold-
ings between Jan. 7 and March 9 of
this year.
The company used 9,239 pounds
of primary aluminum and 11,492
pounds of secondary aluminum be-
tween Jan. 24 and March 13 in pro-
duction of the radiator grills and
hardware, WPB alleged.
General Motors was the third ma-
jor war contractor cited by WPB
on charges of priority violations.
Court action was instituted last week]
to enjoin Carnegie-Illinois Steel Cor-
poration and the Jones and Laughlin]
Steel Corporation from continuing,
alleged improper diversions of steel
from military to non-essential civil-
ian uses.
Walter P. Reuther drector of the
United Automobile Workers (CIO)
General Motors department, com-
menting the citation expressed regret
tonight that the order would necessi-
tate laying off thousands of workers
for three months.
Reuther recalled that more than
six weeks ago he had charged in a
letter to Donald M. Nelson, WPB
chairman, that General Motors was
using critical materials at its Tern-
stedt division plant.
Twenty Jap Planes
Destroyed In Raid'
tralia, April 30.-(P)-Twenty planes;
on the ground at the Japanese air]
base at Lae, New Guinea, were de-1
stroyed or damaged by Allied bomb-1
ers yesterday, the Allied Command
announced today.]
A headquarters communique also"
said large fires were started at Lae,
raided almost daily by Allied airmen
who are trying to break up Japan's
invasion forces in this area.
Japanese planes attacked Port

Moresby, New Guinea, three times
yesterday but did only minor damage.
On Tuesday, a report from an ad-
vanced Allied base disclosed, one Roy-
al Australian Air Force flier, courag-
eously braving an escorting force of
14 zero fighters, broke into a forma-
tion of eight Japanese bombers over
Port Moresby and scored a hit on
one bomber.
RENO, April 30. --OP)-- A fire
chased a truck a block, but the
truck got away.
A valve on an oil-spraying tank-
truck was being cleaned with a
blow torch. The torch set the oil
on fire.
Oliver Evans, the driver, sped
the machine up the street. Oil con-
tinued to spray from the valve, ig-
niting as it struck the ground, un-
til another workman finally suc-
ceeded in closing the valve.
* * *
PRYOR, Okla., April 30. -(IP)-
fan n Rnth Tulsa nrinting

Flaming Lashio Captured
As Japs Cut Burma Road;
Axis Meeting Anticipated
I' .. I.4

Hitler, Mussolini, Hiroshi
May Coordinate Effort
In GiganticSingle Front
RAF Planes Attack
Plants Near Paris
BERN, Switzerland, April 30.-OP)
-Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini and
probably the Japanese ambassador
to Berlin, Lieut.-Gen. Hiroshi Oshi-
ma, are expected to meet soon (if
they haven't met already) in an ef-
fort to coordinate three-power Axis
war efforts toward what the Italian
press.called today a "gigantic, single
Bit by bit the picture of new tri-
partite consultation was filled in by
Axis propaganda agencies. Bern, as
one of the few neutral spots remain-
ing in Europe, has become a cross-
roads for information on Axis moves.
The Tokyo newspaper Hochi, ac-
cording to a Tokyo broadcast, fore-
cast a meeting within a few days of
Hitler, Mussolini and Oshima, with-
out indicating where they would get
The Berlin Radio put out a Mun-
ich dispatch reporting Oshima's ar-
rival at that past meeting place of
Hitler and Mussolini. But he was
there ostensibly to participate in "the
week of interstate cultural work."
Oshima recently returned to Ger-
many from Bulgaria where he con-
ferred with the Japanese ambassa-
dor to Turkey, presumably canvassing
the Axis situation in the Middle East.
The editorial mouthpiece of Itali-
an Fascism, Il Giornale D'Italia,
without mentioning Oshima, contrib-
uted a hint that the meeting would
be one ¢f a series which would par-
allel "examinations, decisions and
fresh resolutions" under the three-
power pact.
"We are on the eve of great events,
both political and military," said this
Rome newspaper which is edited by
Virginio Gayda.

Menl8 To 20
May Register
Around July 1
INDIANAPOLIS April 30. -(P)-
Major General Lewis B. Hershey,
Federal Selective Service Director,
said today men 18 to 20 would be
registered around July 1, if possible,
and at least by late summer.
Hershey, here to address the Amer-
ican Legion's National Executive
Committee, told an interviewer that
Congress might be asked ct amend
the Selective Service Law to allow
drafting of men under 20.
He remarked the United States
Government would be lucky if it got
five per cent of its army from the
group over 37.
Selective Service, the Director said,
does not plan to strip the field of men
with dependents to meet army re-
Men beyond 35 not in essential in-
dustries, however, will be called pro-
vided their families have enough in-
come for reasonable support, he said.
And I mean reasonable support,"
he added, "not necessarily on the level
which the family has been accus-
Hershey said the Government still
aimed at an Army 3,600 000 by next
Jan. 1 and he believed there would
be enough housing facilities and
equipment for them by that time.
Stalin Praises
U.S. Assistance
Order Of Day Broadcast
Lauds 'Friendship Ties
(By The Associated Press)
MOSCOW, Friday, May 1.-Joseph
Stalin told the Soviet Union today
that the United States and Great
Britain are "giving our country more
and more military assistance against
the Fascist invaders" and that the
Red Army has forced the Fascists
"clear out of a considerable part of
Soviet territory."
The Russian Premier - Defense
Commissar, broadcasting an order of
the day to the Soviet Union on May
Day, declared that the United States
and Britain occupy first place among
the freedom-loving countries helping
Russia against the invaders and said
that the Russians are connected with
those two Allies "by ties of friendship
and unity."
It was his first order of the day
since Feb. 23, the 24th anniversary
of the founding of the Red Army,
when he confidently declared that
the German invader would be cast
from Soviet soil in due time but
warned that a "stern struggle" lay
After more than 10 months of war,
he said, Russia has become consider-
ably stronger, the Red Army has be-
come more organized and more pow-
erful than it was at the beginning of
the conflict, and has "passed from
the defense to a successful advance
against the enemy troops."

RAF Planes,
Plants Near


LONDON, April 30.-V)-Pressing
the offensive on the continent's aer-
ial "second front," the RAF spread
flaming ruin in the former Goodrich
Rubber factory and the Gnome-
Rhone Aero Works near Paris last
night and fought a far-flung battle
with German pursuit planes over
Dover Strait this afternoon.
The Germans countered with an-
other short but sharp night raid on
Norwich, but a British commentator
said these retaliations were invited
deliberately on the theory that every
ounce of force expended against
Britain is an aid to Russia.
Today's dogfights, reminiscent of
the autumn of 1940, were fought out
at about 25,000 feet. Watchers at
Folkestone followed the combats by
the twisting skeins of exhaust vapors
that marked wide expanses of sky.
Le Havre, Calais and enemy ship-
ping in the channel were attacked in
U.S.-built Douglas bombers also
attacked Flushing, The Netherlands
and Abbeville, France.
The air ministry said six German
planes were destroyed during the

Chinese Troops Hang On
Under General Stilwell
After Desperate Battle
Casualties Mount
As Fight Continues
CHUNGKING, China, April 30.-
(A,)-Flaming Lashio was in Japanese
hands tonight. The Burma Road had
been cut at that vital junction and
the British and Chinese defenders
of all Burma had beeneseparated by
enemy forces of overwhelming
'This was the outline of disaster
given in a communique of the Chi-
nese command, which disclosed that
Lashio had fallen to the invader on
Wednesday, after a great and bloody
battle along that left anchor of the
Allied line, but reported too that
the Chinese troops under command
of the American General Joseph W.
Stilwell still were fighting doggedly
in the vicinity ff the city.
Casualties were high on both sides.
Fall Of Lashio
The fall of Lashio, taken in one
of the swiftest drives of the whole
Japanese campaign, was told thus
tonight by the official Chinese ac-
"Under cover of violent artillery
and aerial bombardment the enemy
launched a mass offensive on the
new and old towns of Lashio Wed-
"A large number of tanks, armored
cars and airplanes joined in the at-
tacking operations.
"As a result we were outnumbered.
"Our forces defied the enemy pres-
sure and fiercely resisted until 1 p.m.
Wednesday when both towns fell into
the enemy's hands.
"The battle of Lashio resulted in
heavy casualties both for us and for
the enemy.
"The battle is continuing in the vi-
cinity of Lashio after its occupation.
We destroyed 12 Japanese tanks dur-
ing the operations."
Only Empty City
Later an Army spokesman said that
the Japanese found only an empty
city when they took Lashio; that its
fall did not disrupt supply lines for
other fronts because new lines al-
ready had been arranged under or-
ders of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-
Both the Chinese and British, he
said, would fight on until the last in
An unknown quantity of lease-
lend supplies which could not be sent
northward toward China along the
Burma Road before Lashio's collapse
had been put to the torch; the entire
city was reported a core of fire.
Police Protect
Four More Families Move
Into 'Sojourner Truth'
DETROIT, April 30.-(P)--Four
more Negro families were moved into
the million-dollar Sojourner Truth
housing project today as state troops,
with fixed bayonets, and state and
city police patrolled the area to guard
against possible violence.
There were no incidents as the
four families joined 14 others who
took up occupancy in the federally-
sponsored projct yesterday. At-
tempts to form picket lines by neigh-
boring white persons, who claim ten-
ancy by Negroes would depreciate
their property values, were frustrated.
Nineteen more Negro families are
schedulednto take up, residence to-
morrow and another 10 on Saturday.

Officials of the Detroit Housing
Commission said that only 58 leases
in the 200-unit project, named for a
famous Negro woman abolitionist,
had been granted. They added others
would be disposed of soon.
' At Lansing, meanwhile, Governor
Van Wagoner issued this statement
regarding the use of state troops:
"The state has no voice or official
connection whatever with the hous-
ing project, prior to a few days ago,

Volunteer Workers Will Sell
TagsFor Underprivileged Boys

Tag Day will be held today, and on
campus and in downtown Ann Arbor
the coins that roll into collection
boxes will enable the University Fresh
Air Camp to carry on its work of
Instructions to fraternities, sor-
orities, dormitories and coopera-
tive houses assisting in Tag Day
collections, together with their re-
spective stations, are listed on page
2 of today's Daily.
providing under-privileged city boys
of this area with a chance to have
psychological and physical malad-
justments corrected.
From 7:45 a.m. to 5 p.m. volunteers
from the various campus fraternities,
sororities, dorms and' cooperatives

four-week vacation through the gen-
erosity of campus students.
In addition to the funds received
from today's canvassing, local mer-
chants in the downtown business sec-
tions, as well as fraternities and sor-
orities have been solicited for special
Campus organizations cooperating
with the student committee in charge
of Tag Day, under the general chair-
manship of Richard Schoel, '43E, in-
clude the Union, the League, The
Daily, Interfraternity Council, and
Panhellenic Association.
All students interested in en-
rolling in the University Honors
Program should file applications
from 3 n.m. to 4:0 n.m. today in

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