a Weather Continued Warm! w Ico 3a4% Editorial Sales Tax Is Not The Answer, Senator..e _ .. , VOL. LII. No. 158 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1942 Z-323 PRIOR FIVE CENTS Nine Squeezes 3-2 Triumph Over Airtight Irish Hurling Notre Dame Mound Work Excels, But Wolverines Make Most Of Breaks To Keep Streak Intact Michigan Downs State Netmen, 8-1 By BOB SHOPOFF Michigan's baseball team squeezed out another victory yesterday as it beat Notre Dame, 3-2, to run its string of wins to eight in a row. The game was played before 600 specta- tors at Ferry Field. For the second straight day the Wolverines found themselves in a tight ball game as Johnny Metzger, Irish hurler, scattered two hits among the usually powerful hitters in the Michigan lineup. Metzger had trou- ble all day getting the range of the plate as he issued 11 free passes, but he was effective when it counted and as a result Michigan left 11 runners on the base paths. Mickey Fishman also pitched a beautiful game for the Wolverines as he gave up only five hits to the boys from South Bend, but he was lucky to win. He almost missed winning when he slipped up on his fielding in the ninth, but he managed to come through. Stenberg Stars Outstanding in the field yesterday was the play of Bob Stenberg, who re- placed Wayne Christenson in the fifth frame at second base. "Stenie" adds plenty of pep and vigor to his play and he really showed it in the ninth when he helped Fishman out of a hole by turning in two swell de- fensive plays. Michigan scored all its runs in the second inning and spent the rest of the game protecting that lead. Paul White came through with the big blow in that inning as he blasted a long triple onto the tennis courts in right field to score Christenson, who had previously walked. With nobody on Don Boor walked and went to second when Metzger's second toss to batter Capt. George Harms went for a wild pitch. White Turn to Page 3, Col. 1 Michigan Downs State Netmen, 8-1 Mass Meeting For V1 To Be Held Tomorrow Freshmen, Sophomores Will Hear Lieut. T. Wisner Describe Naval Program In Hill Auditorium Chinese Supply Lines Imperiled By Sudden Jap Thrust On Lashio; Trondheim, Kiel Blasted By RAF The Navy's new V-1 program for college freshmen and sophomores will be described to University students and local high school seniors by Lieut. T. Wisner, Assistant Naval Re- cruiting Officer, Chicago, in a mass meeting at 4 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditoritum. The University was selected this month by the Navy Department as one of several centers in the country for training future Naval Reserve of- ficers under the V-1 program. Prof. Russel C. Hussey,of the geology de- partment, is coordinator of the pro- gram in the University. "It should be made clear," Hussey declared in an interview yesterday, UAW, Broach Officials Come BackToday Return From Washington Meeting Held To Settle Friction At Local Plant Representatives of the American Broach and Machine Co. and the UAW-CIO are expected to return to Ann Arbor today from a Washington meeting apparently called to discuss union charges that "anti-CIO activ- ities" by the company are causing a drastic drop in its output. According to Victor Swearingen, state labor mediator, Francis J. Lapointe, president of American Broach; John Campbell, president of the American Broach Benefit As- sociation, independent union at the plant; Ralph MacCauley, interna- tional board member of the UAW- CIO; James Morgan, UAW-CIO in- ternational representative; and Frank Bowen, director of the Detroit office of the National Labor Relations Board, met in Washington yesterday to attempt settlement of a jurisdic-- tional dispute without stopping pro- duction. Company officials have not yet commented on a statement by Mor- gan that ". . . the discharging of highly skilled and irreplacable em- ployes in the American Broach Com- pany for union (CIO) membership has resulted in a 50 per cent cut in production at that plant." "that students wvho enter the V-i program and stay in school are not avoiding military service, but are actually entering military service by taking training that will eventually qualify them as officers." Under the new plan freshmen and sophomores between the ages of 17 and 19 are given the opportunity to enlist in the Navy with the possi- bility of qualifying as Naval officers within two years. Examination Required Upon the completion of one-and- one-half years of regular college work, students in the V-1 program- who will be designated as Apprentice Seamen on the inactive list-will be required to take a comprehensive ex- amination prepared by the Navy. Those who rank sufficiently high on the examination and who meet the physical requirements will have a choice of transferring to the V-1 program (Aviation Cadet) or the V-7 program (Deck and Engineering Of- ficers). Volunteers for V-5 training will be permitted to finish at least their second school year before being transferred to officer pilot training. - Education To Continue Students choosing the V-7 program will be permitted to continue their education up to the bachelor's de- gree. Upon graduation they will be ordered to reserve midshipman train- ing leading to commissions. V-1 trainees who fail to qualify for the officers' training programs will be called to active duty as Apprentice Seamen at the conclusion of their sec- ond college year. NOTICE The attention of students of the College of Literature, Science and the Arts is called to the official examination schedule for the sec- ond semester 1941-42 on page 6 of today's Daily. Dancy Explains Race Problem .In War Work' Citing instances of discrimination against Negroes in defense plants and the armed forces, John C. Dancy, di- rector of the Detroit Urban League for social service among Negroes, said yesterday at a meeting of the Stu- dent League of America that "Ne- groes have a definite contribution to make to the war effort but they must <", . n British Bombers German Naval in Unrelenting Wreck Bases Assault Lieut. Rowan Rallies Students InArmy Air Corps Meeting 0- Australian Leaders Define War Status LONDON, April 29. -(P)- Trond- heim and Kiel, important bases for the menacing Nazi naval power, were left blasted and burned today by heavy RAF assaults as Britain re- lentlessly prosecuted the fiercest air offensive of the war. This afternoon United States-built Douglas bombers, strongly escorted by fighters, blasted again at the broken docks of Dunkerque and other fighters swept deeper into Northern France. The score in fighters lost was two for the Germans, two for the British. Nine British bombers were lost in the overnight raids, whichaincluded attacks on low-country airdromes and a power plant at Ghent, Bel- gium. (The Germans claimed the toll was 25.) 137 Bombers Lost The RAF's figureeraised its April bomber losses to 137, but the offen- sive score included a three-hour raid on Trondheim Monday night, four nights of deadly assault which all but erased from the map the German Baltic port and factory town of Ro- stock, and incessant day and night blows against points along the Nazi "invasion coast." Last night's raid on Trondheim, second in succession, emphasized the British concern over the presence in that Norwegian port of the German super-battleship Tirpitz and several other powerful warships on the flank of the vital supply route to Mur- mansk, Russia. The Air Ministry told of great fires started at Kiel, but was hesitant to claim great damage at Trondheim. Heavy Raiding It was conceded, however, that ther bombers "reached and attacked" ob- jectives at Trondheim and reports from Sweden said Monday night's raid was so heavy that exhaust flashes were visible on the Swedish border. British quarters expressed belief that the destruction of shore supplies and facilities at Trondheim and Kiel would either hold the Nazi ships in port or drive them out to sea ill- New Enlisted Reservists Plan Explained; Carver Announced As Adviser By HALE CHAMPION Dramatically launching a campus recruiting campaign for the new Army Air Force deferred service plan, Lieutenant Rowan, navigator who re- cently returned from the Far Eastern theatre, told an enthusiastic, cheer- ing throng of 700 potential aviation- cadets that "We're going back to the Philippines." Hit of the two hour program, Lieu- tenant Rowan told of his career as a navigator in a Flying Fortress crew that took part in action at Clark Field in Luzon, Mindanao, Java, and Aus- tralia, stressing that while such a life was far from devoid of hardships, it also brought a priceless experience. During the program Lieut.-Col. Interfraternity Sing' Finalists To Be Chosen 21 Houses Will Compete Today In Eliminations For Monday's Contest In spring q fraternity man's fancy evidently turns to thoughts of sing- ing, for 21 houses will compete at 7 p.m. today in the elimination contest at the Union and the League for the seventh annual Interfraternity Sing. Out of these contestants, 10 will be selected to sing in the finals at 7:15 p.m. Monday, May 4. Following is the schedule in which the frater- nities are asked to appear: x In Room 316 of the Union: Acacia, 7 p.m.; Alpha Sigma Phi, 7:10 p.m.; Beta Theta Pi, 7:20 p.m.; Phi Delta Theta, 7:40 p.m.; Sigma Phi, 7:50 p.m.; Phi Gamma Delta, 8 p.m.; Pi Lambda Phi, 8:10 p.m.; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, 8:20 p.m.; Theta Xi, 8:30 p.m. and Sigma Upsilon, 8:40 p.m. In Grand Rapids Room at the League: Lambda Chi Alpha, 7 p.m.; Alpha Delta Phi, 7:10 p.m.; Alpha Tau Omega, 7:20 p.m.; Chi Psi, 7:301 p.m.; Phi Kappa Psi, 7:40 p.m.; Phi Sigma Kappa, 7:50 p.m.; Psi Upsilon, 8 p.m.; Sigma Chi, 8:10 p.m.; Sigma Phi Epsilon, 8:20 p.m.; Zeta Beta Tau, 8:30 p.m. and Phi Sigma Delta, 8:40 p.m. Applicants to the Degree Pro- gram for Honors in Liberal Arts- a course of study designed to help students establish standards by which to live-are being inter- viewed from 3 to 4:30 p.m. to- morrow in Room 1204 Angell Hall. Joseph A. Carr announced the ap- pointment of Prof. Harry C. Carver- who acted as master of ceremonies at the mass meeting-as the official University adviser to the plan here. All speakers attempted to clarify the new deferred service plan which calls for simplified mental and physi- cal qualifications, and they especially emphasized opportunities for those not fully qualified to be pilots. Colo- nel Carr stressed that 88 per cent of those afcepted to date have received officer s commissions.' Under the new plan any student in good standing in an accredited college or university may enlist in the Air Force on a deferred basis until the termination of his college edu- cation. He will be called sooner only under circumstances which the Sec- retary of War deems urgent. Establishment of the University as one of the 31 focal points for the na- tion-wide program gives the plan and its operation here special impetus.' In addition to the group headed by Colonel Carr, the regular district tra- veling examining board is here for re- cruiting, and although the new plan is not expected to swing into full op- eration until after May 13, this board will handle all applications Fnd give the necessary tests during the re- mainder of this week and two days of the next at the Health Service. Men- tal examinations will be given at 9:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. , Dea dine Nears Ont Petitioning Petitions to nominate candidates for the May 8 elections to the Board in Control of Student Publications must be returned to the secretary of the Board in the Student Publica- tions Building tomorrow. Eligible to the board will be seniors and graduate students. A special nominating committee consisting of outgoing editors of publications and retiring student members of the Board will nominate nine members. Petitions signed by 100 students will nominate additional student candidates. Publications experience will give preference but is not nec- essary. Petition nominations for the six vice-presidential posts of the Union may be obtained at the Student Offi- ces. They must be returned 'bearing 200 Union members' signatures be- fore 9 a.m. Monday to nominate can- didates. Candidates in addition to those nominated by petitions will be selec- ted by a committee appointed by the Board of Directors of the Union. Two nominees for the Board of Control of Intercollegiate Athletics will be selected by the Board of Di- rectors of Intercollegiate Athletics. The candidate elected will serve two years. Lightning Stroke Menaces Railway, Burma Road; Hsipaw . Is Threatened Allies To Continue Strong Resistance -- BULLETIN SAN DIEGO, Calif., April 29.- (P)-An air raid alert was ordered in San Diego at 10:24 p.m., Pacific War Time, tonight, as all southern California radio stations went off the air simultaneously. Air raid sirens signaled a general blackout in San Diego at 10:40 p.m tonight. Police said the Fourth Army In- terceptor Command at Los Angeles had ordered an alert at 10:24 and a "red" signal almost immediately afterward, indicating an air raid was imminent. City lights blinked out immedi- ately. A complete tlower blackout was reported in several districts. CHUNGKING, China, April 29.- (P)-The outskirts of Lashio, eastern terminus of the Mandalay-Lashio railway and teeming hostel of Chi- nese truck drivers who for three years have kept traffic moving over the Burma Road, have been reached by a Japanese spearhead which thrust with a lightning stroke through the mountanous Shan States, the Chinese announced tonight. Still another dire menace to the vital feeder line to China was appar- ent, with the Japanese brushing around Chinese flanks toward Hsi- paw, 40 miles southwest of Lashio. So grave was the threat to the en- tire Chinese position as a result of this all but completed severance of the famed Burma Road, that the C.hinese command felt compelled to assure the world that it had no inten- tion of giving up the fight. "It is obvious," said the communi- que, "that the Japanese occupation of Hsipaw will have serious conse- quences. "On the other hand the gravity of the Burma situation by no means weakens the Chinese determination to continue resistance in Burma." In the westward thrust toward Hsi- paw the Japanese were said to have reached the town of Nanmang (too small to appear on available maps). (Sources in London suggested Nan- mang probably was a misprint for Namlan, which is 25 miles southeast of Hsipaw.) Michigamua By BART JENKS (Special to The Daily) Ruthven Gives EAST LANSING, April 29.-Under a blazing sun here this afternoon W ar Aim s Michigan's tennis team decisively de- feated Michigan State, 8-1. Expecting a tough battle from a GRAND RAPIDS, April 29.-U)- Spartan team which had previously Declaring that the present University lost a hard-fought 7-2 .battle, the of Michigan program is directed not Wolverines this time left no doubt of only toward the war effort but also their superiority. The only loss suf- to training its graduates for life after fered by the varsity came when Co- the war, Dr. Alexander G. Ruthven, Captain Wayne Stille lost to a tough President of the University, assured customer in Earl May. Grand Rapids alumni tonight that In the number one singles, Co- "we are refusing to cheapen that job Captain Lawton Hammett continued as some other institutions, unfortun- his fine play defeating State's Cap- ately, are already doing." tain, Frank Beeman, in straight sets, ".. . We still maintain that training 6-4, 6-3. Hammett was at his best of young men and women for their today in winning. Using an accurate civic duties and the professions is volleying game to good advantage he our primary responsibility . . . In continually made placements for our opinion America's young people points or forced his opponent into are her most valuable resource and errors. we aim to conserve that resource by Porter Downs Maxwell making the best possible use of it," Jim Porter looked very good in de- Dr. Ruthven said. be integrated with other nationality equipped for the challenge of the groups." Allied Navies. This country must adopt an in- This was in line with the British air ternal good neighbor policy, Dancy policy as announced to a cheering claimed, for the 10 per cent Negro House of Commons today by Sir population, if used in the war effort, Archibald Sinclair, Air Secretary: may be a decisive factor in winning "To destroy the enemy capacity to the war. Dancy pointed out Secre- make war." tary Knox's refusal to allow Negroes to enter the U.S. Navy, and the w:ecent Island Still Menaced dissention about a "rainbow division"~ in the Army as sad commentaries By Possible Invasion nnnn Ameriran uniit Braves Size 'r Up t &ytm kal UL . Dancy, who has long been promi- nent in Michigan social work, has, served since 1918 as director of the Urban League which is a Community Fund Agency. During his tenure of office, he has lent his best efforts, toward advancing the Negro race by improving their social, industrial, and economic conditions. I feating Bill Maxwell 3-6, 6-3, 6-3. Playing an accurate, steady game he forced Maxwell into many errors and after a poor first set easily bested the Spartan number two man. Wayne Stille faced the best State player of the day in May. Although Stille tried hard he just couldn't match the play of his red-hot oppo- nent and lost, 3-6, 2-6. The rumber four singles found Gerry Schaflander pitted against Herb Hoover and Gerry showed that he was not over-awed by that illus- trious name by copping the match, 10-8, 6-4. The scores do not quite Turn to Page 3, Col. 7 Bayonets Guard 'So jourrier Truth' DETROIT, April 29.-G')-Protec- ted by armed state troops, state and city police, and jeered by neighboring white residents, Negro families to- day began occupying the $1,000,000 federally-sponsored Sojourner Truth THTuing Proiet in northeast De- Annual Fresh Air Camp Canvas Will Be Held Here Tomorrow With the goal of raising $1,500 to give 300 underprivileged boys a four- weeks' summer vacation, student vol- unteers will canvass the campus and downtown districts tomorrow in the 22nd annual University Fresh Air Camp Tag Day. Collection posts will be manned by members of fraternities and sorori- ties, who will present each contrib- utor with a tag bearing the picture of the famous "boy on the diving board." During the past week local mer- chants have been solicited for con- tributions, and fraternities and sor- orities have also been solicited for special gifts. Proceeds from Tag Day enable boys of southeastern Michigan in need of social readjustment to get away from the city's streets. At the of Tag Day is under the general chairmanship of Richard Schoell, '43E. Other members of the commit- tee include Andrew Caughey, '43, men's organizations; Mildred Otto, '44, women's organizations; Jack . CANBERRA, Australia, April 29 (A)-Australia's leaders gave their continent the heartening news today that many more U.S. troops, tanks, planes and guns have reached these shores, but they warned the people earnestly that the threat of Japanese invasion remains very real. Prime Minister John Curtin and Air Minister Arthur S. Drakeford, in Parliamentary speeches, said frankly that Allied air blows had not yet loosened the Japanese grip on the islands to the north, northeast and west, and that these were being rein- forced with sinister purpose. Reports Confirmed Private advices from an advanced Allied base bore them out, and so did Tokyo's own utterances. The Allied base dispatches said a full-scale Japanese attack on Port Moresby, Australian outpost on New Guinea to the north of the continent, might be expected within two weeks. At least 15 enemy ships were reported concentrated at Rabaul, New Britain, with others off Lae, New Guinea. The Japanese also were reported massing new and better warplanes in the northern islands. Tokyo broadcasts yesterday re- ported the occupation, as of April 19, of "all strategically important bases" on the northern shore of Dutch New Guinea and in the Molucca Islands to the west, all of which might be used for attack on the North Austral- ian coast. Airdrome Raided Ann Arbor will take the spotlight again next week as the cultural cen- ter of the State of Michigan, when the University Musical Society usher. in its forty-ninth annual May Fes- tival. Beginning Wednesday at 8:30 p.m and on through Saturday, there will be four solid days of great music performed by great artists. Heading the list is the famous Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra, returning here for its eighth consecutive season, and led by its regular conductor, Eugene Ormandy. The orchestra, which will partici- pate in every concert, will have the assistance of such world renowned artists as Marian Anderson, Helen Traubel, Sergei Rachmaninoff, Em- anuel Feuermann and Jan Peerce, besides Mack Harrell, Carroll Glenn, Felix Knight, Barnett Brickner, Enid Szantho, and Judith Hellwig. The opening concert will present Miss Anderson as soloist with the Many World-Famous Artists To Be Featured In May Festival f Music faculty, will direct the Phil- delphia Orchestra at its second con- ert Thuprsday at 8:30 p.m. in an inusual program consisting of the Dvorak concerto for violoncello and )rchestra in which the noted 'cellist, Emanuel Feuermann will perform as soloist, and a symphonic psalm en- titled "King David" by Arthur Hon- Agger. The Honegger work will have the services of Barnett R. Brickner, noted Cleveland rabbi, who will act as narrator in this Biblically flavored work. Assisting as featured vocalists with the University Choral Union will be Miss Hellwig, Miss Szantho and Mr. Knight. Carroll Glenn, sensational young American violinist, whose personal attractiveness holds almost as much interest for male student audiences as does the artistry of her music, will appear in Friday afternoon's con- cert, playing the Tschaikowsky violin concerto. On the same program the 22 Palef aces Listen to this tale of romance, Tale of Indian warrior bold. In the early moon of greenleaves Came they forth the stoic valiant; .oth they romped to paleface wigwam, Wigwam one of friend great chief, Paleface mighty among his kind; Came he forth to take their token Of the warpath they would tread, Then to the mighty oak of Tappan Dashed the screaming yelling redmen; To the tree of Indian legend When the whitemen pale and trembling Stood around the mighty oak; Warriors choice of paleface nation Choice of tribe to run the gauntlet. Down the warriors, painted demons, Swooped and caught their prey like eagles, Loud the warcry stirred the stillness, As they seized their hapless captives, Forth they bore them to their wigwam There to torture at their pleasure. There around the glowing bon- fires, Heard the words of mighty wisdom, Smoked the pipe of peace and fria,",ch