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April 29, 1942 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-04-29

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i x Nirt 3Y, Ar iL 29,1B4?,

Applicants To Degree Program
Will Be Interviewed This Week

Associate Sports Editor

v ____

(Applicants to the Degree Pro-
gram in Liberal Arts, for which
sophomores with a B average are
eligible, are being interviewed from
3 to 4:30 p.m. today and Friday
in Room 1204 Angell Hall.)
Sometimes described as a "labora-
tory course" in thinking, the honors
program offers work under the tu-
torial system in three fields-science,
social science and literature.
Although all classes in the pro-
gram have a definite focus, empha-
sis in the course is on the develop-
ment of critical and analytical abil-
ity in the student rather than on
the retention of factual material.
Exemplary of the honors program
CIO Charges
Drop n Output
Of Local Firm

(Continued from Page 1)
and pressure put on workers by the
Max Tobias, 20 years old, who has
been working in the surface finish-
ing section for 13 months, was fired
"I reported for work Monday morn-
ing wearing a CIO button for the
first time," said Tobias, "and I was
discharged at 10 o'clock that morn-
,ing. And I think that company
pressure on the fellows to stay away
from the CIO is responsible for as
many of them leaving as are direct
dismissals. They just don't want to
work in that kind of a plant."
"The company said that I was
being laid off because I failed to
obey orders," he continued, "but that
is not true. It seems rather strange
that they should fire me for that as
soon as I put on a button. The real
reason was my joining the CIO."
Eckerle asserted, "They have con-
tinued to fire 010 men since I've
been returned to my job and although
they are trying to make replace-
ments, the only men they can getj
are inexperienced, slow and waste-
ful. They can't get experienced men
for the money they want to pay."
"The surface finishing section is
one of the key spots in the plant,"
he pointed out, "and although the
fellows are working as hard as they
can, we just can't get the volume we
did before. The whole plant is be-
ing slowed down."
Walter Butler, also of the surface
finishing department, asserted that
"according to the company, I've been
fired for being two-thousandths off
in milling a broach. But I know fel-
lows there who have been 15 thous-
andths off. They ruined the broach-!
es they were working on, and they
have kept their jobs. It's just' that
the company has decided to fire every
man who wanted to see the CIO come
into the plant."
The attempt to organize American
Broach is part of a CIO drive to en-
roll all Ann Arbor industry in its:
ranks. Local 38 of the UAW has
been established in attempt to have
the CIO represent workers in Hoover
Ball Bearing, Economy Baler and
International Industry plants.
Prof. R. Freyber g
Of Medical School
Gets Russet Award
(Continued from Page 1)
medical science pay greater attention
to rheumatism and arthritis. His ar-
ticles in several medical journals, and
recently in a report to the Board of
Regents, have maintained that arth-
ritis should be regarded like tuber-
culosis and cancer, with many special
hospitals for its treatment.
At present Freyberg is director of
the Rackham Arthritis Research
Unit, established five years ago to
investigate the cause and treatment
of arthritis.
Following the award announce-
ment, Dr. William H. Worrell, Pro-
fessor of Semitics, delivered the an-
nal Henry Russel Lecture. His sub-
ect, "An Account of the Copts from
Coptic Sources," was based on a
study he has conducted in this field
as holder of the 1941-42 Henry Russel

is the work being carried on by the
class under the tutelage of Prof.
Palmer Throop of the history depart-
Work in this group is centered on
the Renaissance, and a careful study
is made of Italy and. Europe to ap-
preciate the wide changes occuring
under its influence. The effect of
the Renaissance on Florence and on
some city chosen by the individual
student is also investigated, with the
purpose of attaining proper perspec-
The work of the one year course
is concluded with a careful study of
Machiavelli, the influence which the
Renaissance had on him, and his re-
sulting effect on Europe.
Great latitude of approach is
stressed by Professor Throop, and in-
dividuals are free to do much read-
ing in fields of particular interest to
Some essays being written in the
course illustrative of the many ap-
proaches from which the subject may
be treated, are on the military his-
tory of the Renaissance--by a ROTC
member-the Florentine Academy,
and the Medici Popes as patrons of
Purpose of the course, as seen by
Professor Throop, "is to help stu-
dents learn to think critically in
terms of social institutions, notice
how these institutions and their
functions change, and realize the in-
teraction of ideas and institutions."
Harold Gray
.Draft Refusal
Waits action
Harold S. Gray, 47 year old two-
war conscientious objector, yesterday
waited at home for the red tape of
selective service machinery to unwind
itself and allow his case to be settled.
Informed that his Ann Arbor draft'
board would take no notice of the
case until all registrants' cards are
sorted, Gray remained convinced that
no matter what results from his ac-
tion it was necessary.
Draft board member Edward F.
Conlin, Ann Arbor attorney, declared
that Gray's open refusal and state-
ment would in no way change the
handling of his case.
Elaborating on the procedural as-1
pects of the case, Lieut.-Col. Philip
C. Pack, legal adviser for the state
selective service director, outlined the
steps to be taken once official cogni-
zance of the situation had been tak-,
en, and explained that such steps
would involve several further delays
in action.
He added that at the end of the
trail for Gray waits a Federal Court
with the power to impose a sentence
of five years, or $10,000 fine or both.
Meanwhile Gray waited quietly for
an answer to his statement to At-
torney Francis J. Biddle which set
forth the religious convictions moving
him to refuse to register for the

Band To Play
Q'Pops' Music
New Weekly Programs
To Start On Sunday
The "Pops" concert, a program of
marches and light opera selections,
will be initiated on the Michigan
campus when the University Band
gives the first of its spring series of
concerts at 8 p.m. Sunday on the
library steps.
Under the direction of Prof. Wil-
liam D. Revelli, a program of popu-
lar light concert tunes will be com-
bined with a special feature, to be
varied each week. This Sunday the
Meta-Four singers, a male "barber-
shop" style quartet, will contribute a
group of songs. The Meta-Four are
Charles Thatcher, '43E, Bob Roberts,'
'45E, Louis Davis, '43SM, and Don
Wallace. '43SM.
The 'Pops" concerts will be given
every Sunday from 8 p.m. to 9 p.m.
for the next three weeks. They are
a revival of a similar type of concert
started in 1914 and continuing
through the war period. The idea of
bringing back this well-like enter-
tainment was conceived last fall by
Stuart Park, '42, business manager
of the Band.
The new business manager recent-
ly elected to take Park's place for
the coming year is George Irwin, '43.
Irwin was assistant manager for the
past year and played clarinet in the
Band. He is affiliated with Phi Gai-
ma Delta.
Judge Sear], Michigan
Grad., Dies In Lansing
LANSING, April 28.-GP)-Judge
Kelly S. Searl of St. Johns, 80, vet-
eran officer of the Gratiot-Clinton
County Circuit Court, died at St.
Lawrence hospital here today. A
graduate of the University of Michi-
gan Law School, Searl served on the
circuit bench from 1906 until 1918

Collins Reveals
EnGine Banquet
Inside Story On Slide Rule
Mystery, Talk By Case
President Are Features
Although "The Engineer in the
Post-War World" will be the chief
discussion topic at the annual all-
engineering banquet May 6 in the
Union, another equally interesting
subject--the disappearance and re-
turn of the engineers' famous slide
rule-will also occupy the dinner talk,
Bob Collins, '42E, general chairman,
revealed yesterday.
Tickets for this banquet, at which
Dr. William E. Wickenden, president
of the Case School of Applied Sci-
ence, Cleveland, will address an ex-
pected audience of 300 engineers,
were placed on sale this week, it was
also announced. These are on sale
from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. daily in the
Engineering Arch or in the lobby of
the East Engineering Building.
As a result of expert sleuthing
done by some of Michigan's own
engineer-detectives, the "thrilling"
inside story on how the slide rule was
stolen from the Union ballroom the
day of the Slide Rule Ball and where
it has been since then has been
learned and will at last be released.
Also, the banquet-goers will be en-
lightened concerning the details of
how its return was daringly conceivedI
and executed, Collins declared.
Toastmaster for the 1evening will
be Ted Kennedy, '42E,retiring presi-
dent of the Engineering Council, and
the main speaker, Dr. Wickenden,
who has been long connected with
both the operative and educational
phase of his field, will be introduced
by Ivan C. Crawford, dean of the
College 'of Engineering.
He announced that the committee
members in charge of the arrange-
ments which have now been complet-
ed are Tom Poyser, '43E, ticket chair-
man; Ted Kennedy and Bob Sum-
merhaze, '42E, program chairmen;
Howard Howerth, '43E, publicity
chairman, and Jim Edmunds, who
is the newly elected president of the
Engineering Council, menu chairman..

News Sales Analyst

Prof. Brogan Speaks
On British Democracy
Engiishnen no longer formulate
their political views along party
platforms, Dennis W. Brogan, Pro-
fessor of Political Science at Cam-
bridge University, declared yester-
day before the Political Science
Journal Club which met in the
Rackham Amphitheatre.
Speaking on the topic, "Work-
ing of English Democracy in War-
time," Professor Brogan further
stated that because of the present
crisis, public meetings have given
away to small community gath-
erings under the leadership of lit-
tle-known men.
Professor Brogan also com-
mented on the present status of
the English press.



Hold your


Nowicki Rejects Bill
LANSING, April 28.-(VP)--Budget
director Leo i. Howicki said today
ne was rejecting an unpaid bill for
$550 for repair of a house on the
state fairgrounds occupied by the
(Continued from Page 4)
La Sociedad Hispanica will not
meet Thursday, April 30.
Episcopal Students: There will be
a celebration of the Holy Commun-
ion at 7:30 'Thursday morning in
Bishop Williams Chapel, Harris Hall.
Breakfast will be served after the

* * *
James Daniels, '43, was appointed
sales analyst of the Student Publi-
cations of the University last Mon-
day by the Student Board in Control
of Publications.
This position of analyst has just
been created at the request of the
Gargoyle, 'Ensian and Daily business
staffs to fill a current need for a gen-
eral publications analyzing and pro-
motional service.
Daniels' duty will be to observe the
market conditions and to advise the
various business departments on
what policy they should pursue in re-
gard to their sales and advertising.
He will also act as consultant on mat-
ters of personnel and business poli-
Daniels is a member of Phi Eta
Sigma, scholastic honors fraternity
and was Service and Publications
Manager on The Daily this past year.

Th -
Vartner! i
Odorono Cream keeps
Arthur Murray dancers
"Sweet" in a close -up
Whether the music's sweet or
swing,you'vegottobe"sweet." ..
Use Odorono Cream--choice of
Arthur Murray dancers. Non- .
greasy, non-gritty-gentle
Odorono Cream ends perspira-
tion annoyance for 1ito 3 days! ?'
Get a jar and hold that partner
-spellbound!100, 390, 590 sizer
(plus tax).
THE ODoRoNo Co., INc.
44Wo.... P1 3 P A~
1 FULL OZ. JAR-ONLY 390 (plus tax)

AGAIN 0...

Spending part of yesterday at his and then was reappointed in 1927,
cooperative Saline Valley Farms, serving since.
Gray willingly explained his beliefs He wrote several books, including
to reporters. He reiterated his hatred a five-volume work, entitled "Searl's
of totalitarianism, but maintained Michigan Pleading and Practice."
that conscription was a part of totali- Death was attributed to pneumonia
tarian concepts. following an operation a week ago.


tlr i

4l °

New under-arm
Cream Deodorant
Stops Perspiration
1. Does not rot dresses or men's
shirts. Does not irritate skin.
2. No waiting to dry. Can be
used right after shaving.
3. Instantly stops perspiration
for l to 3 days. Removes odor
from perspiration.
4.. A pre. wPhitpe- raseless.p

li Last year, on 39 different college campuses, men were asked for can-
did opinions about clothing styles. This poll, conducted by The Saturday
Evening Post, is being repeated this year for more than reasons of fash-
ion. It should have important usefulness in the national conservation of
cloth and other materials.
Manufacturers and retailers want to know exactly what kind of
clothing college men like best -what they find most practical. Govern-
ment regulations about clothing make it vital to get such facts in advance.
Maybe you were one of the 4,179 college men who helped provide
the information last year. Maybe you also saw the Post Portfolio of Col-
lege Styles in your favorite store when you bought clothes last fall. It
made buying simpler for a good many men.
The 2nd Annual Post Poll of College Styles will be made very soon
through cooperation of the MICHIGAN DAILY.
Results will again be available to you in leading stores this fall. When
your local reporter asks you for information, your answers will be

9 Sunny leathers ... lots of shine! Our Spring fore-
cast for every smart Polly's feet. Rich,
supple calf you'll cherish-and polish
for jewel-like gleam. With lasting
Walk-Over quality and comfort..
comes shinin' through long miles

Blue Calf-$8.95
Beige Calf-$7.95



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