THE ICHIGAN DAILY cl 4P mir4loan Daily B OTypica rType By TOM THUMB --- .. -, : _ MP , Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office 'at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.00, by mail $5.00. "EPREENTED FOR NATIONAL AOVER~TIJNG 6Y National Advertising Service, Inc. . College Publishers Representative 420 MADiSON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CICAGO BOSTON + oL A'wRkHgs" SAW PRACISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Editorial Staff Homer Swander Morton Mintz . Will Sapp Charles Thatcher George W. Sallad . Bernard Hendel Myron Dann . Barbara deFries . . . . Managing Editor Editorial Director . . . . . City Editor . . . . Associate Editor Associate Editor . . . . Sports Editor Associate Sports Editor . , . . Women's Editor Business Staff Edward J. Perberg . . Business Manager Fred M. Ginsberg . . Associate Business Manager Mary Lou Curran . . Women's Business Manager Jane Lindberg . . Women's Advertising Manager NIGHT EDITOR: MARK LIPPER The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Income Limritation Is Too Lenient. W ITH President Roosevelt's anti- W minflation message Monday night came opposition and criticisms from all angles. Some said his measures were too drastic, others affirmed that the President had made his pro- posals vague and had been too lenient. Criticism was especially aimed at the third of his seven-point program which will stabilize wages and limit individual income to $25,000- after the payment of taxes. It is the provision "after the payment of taxes" which is causing most of the discontent. Though this income limitation may seem like a drastic measure-even for wartime legislation, when analyzed it is realy rather mild and in- volves comparatively few individuals. The limi- tation is on net income after payment of all taxes including Federal income taxes. This provision will exclude more than half of the 50,747 individuals earning more than $25,000 from the wage ceiling legislation. It is generally known that during peacetime many high income groups shirked Federal taxes by donating money to various causes and reliefs. Other methods were also used to keep from pay- ing high taxes. With this new and supposedly "bold" legisla- tion there will be a great deal of shirking and sneaking under the $25,000 ceiling. Many high- salaried men will buy taxable real estate and spend all income in excess of $25,000 on local, state and Federal taxes, at the same time build- ing up large estates for themselves. Had President Roosevelt posed a flat $25,000 limitation without allowance for taxation, the measure would have had more value and import. Then high income earners would not be able to avoid the legislation by purhasing more and more taxable property, Someone may mention "patriotic duty," but very often patriotic duty is overlooked . . . es- pecially when it involves personal welfare. Many individuals will satisfy their consciences by ra- tionalizing that the government benefits from the taxes they pay and the more property they own the greater the taxes the government will receive. Maybe the President feared severe opposition if he made his proposals more drastic, or maybe he felt that war costs should not be borne to an excess on the shoulders of the high income groups. Yet it seems that if the government wants to bear the brunt where it will hurt least a flat $25,000 limitation should have been im- posed. .- Mark pper The Least Of Our Problems . . Last year President Ruthven kept on his lawn six specimens of the rare flagpole horse, "Equus stylites." DID THEY SURVIVE THE RIGORS OF OUR NORTHERN WINTER? F THEY HAVE )HE IHIBERNA'ING HABIT, ARE THEY STILL HIBERNAT- ING? DID THE ARMY TAKE THEM AS RE- URCHIN L. BEAKER was named by his high school yearbook as "most typical high school boy." Therefore he shall be the object of our scrutiny this morning. One morning Molasses L. Beaker, Urchin's father, said to little Urchin: "Urchin, my boy, it is time we thought seriously about your career. I have here catalogs of 7,396 different colleges recommended by the American Association of Schools and Colleges." Young Beaker picked the catalog with the most pretty girls on the cover and decided to enroll immediately in the Uni- versity of Texas. He was rejected, however, because he did not fulfill the rrequirements for physical culture, color photography and style of haircut. He applied to 63 other colleges and was accepted at Michigan, which, at the time of writing, had run out of tall, blond boys from the state of South Dakota, for such was Urchin's state. "Urchin, my, boy," said his father the day Urchin departed for Michigan,"I want you never to forget that you are a Beaker." W HEN Urchin L. Beaker arrived at Ann Arbor, he was accosted by a taxi driver. Never having seen a taxi before, little Urchin entered, for he had read about taxis and the places they take eager young men. The 'taxi took young Urchin to a massive dormitory, where Urchin spent his first year. He had 16 cents upon his person that year, and he would have liked to live in a less expensive residence, but there was a rule about freshmen. So young Urchin lived in the dorms. Poor Urchin found it impossible to study, for the other young boys in the dormitory were constantly running up and down the halls shrieking and screaming, hitting each other over the heads with coke bottles, playing softball in the recreation rooms and practicing on their trap drums. This was i4;. Drew Persos otd RobertS.AleoQ WASHINGTON--When Harry Hopkins and Averell Harriman arrived in Russia several months ago, one thing Stalin told them was that he didn't want any American observers at the front. "Our regime is different from yours," Stalin said in effect. "I know you have foreign ob- servers and newspapermen at the front, but we run things differently. So please don't askus for this." Therefore, at no time have American or Brit- ish observers been on te Russian front. A few U. S. officers have made trips behind the lines, but only for a short time. This is why U. S. official knowledge of the exact condition of the Russian army is either second-hand or deduc- tion. However, according to the best sources avail- able, here is an approximate estimate of Rus- sia's strength and her chances of holding out against Germany this spring and summer. The picture is neither black noi' white. It is mixed. First, it is an inescapable fact that the Ger- man retreat during the winter was not so im- portant as generally featured in Moscow cables. Actually, the Nazis executed a brilliant maneuver in straightening their lines, and an examina- ton of the map shows that teir retea t, was not vey substantia l. However, the Russian army has shown itself to be of much Drew Pearson tougher stuff than anyone ex- pected. Its man power seems unlimited. Morale is high, while German morale is reported poor, with troops tired and depending in part on Bul,- garia, Hungary, Rumania and Italy. Russia's greatest lack is tanks and airplanes. These have been going from thO United States and England as fast as we can ship them-but toot fast enough. On the other hand, the Rus- sians have a good tii ply of small arms and machine guns . Tierefore, Rj- issia iu ci a 1-1(P5 gal iist ,ithe cr- mans ought to be about fifty-fifty--perhaps even better in the extreme south where they will be aided by the steep mountain peaks of the Caucasus. Worry Over NearE ast What worries Allied strategists is the prospect of a Nazi push against the British in the Near East-simultaneous with a drive against South Russia. British troops unfortunately have not stodd up well against. von P omnmel in Libya. At one time he was reduced to only thirty tanks, and if the British were not able to wipe him out then, things don't look too optimistic for the future. in the quiet hours. During the noisy hours it was every man for himself. So young Urchin bought himself a dollar's worth of "nekid-gal calendars," a pencil box, a used copy of the Little Red Hen, a dry-cleaning contract, a subscription to Garg and a girl friend, and started to work in earnest. By the end of his freshman year, young Urchin had learned: The difference between an esker and a drumlin. Women arenot to be trusted. How to smoke. How to cheat on examinations. Napoleon's middle name. That the campus is controlled by Com- munists. How to find the men's room in the Natural Science Building. THEN Urhin was pledged to a fraternity, where he spent his soplomore year. He was intent upon studying this year, but his brothers insisted that he go out for an activity. He was on the League Council for seven weeks before he discovered it was for women. By the end of his sophomore year, young Urchin had learned: Nothing new. When he was a junior, everything was differ- ent. Young Urchin quit his fraternity (as 87.3% of frat men do their junior year-and who can blame them?) and lived in a quiet little house near Saline, which he picked up for a song. He raced to and from campus in a repossessed Cord roadster which he paid for by scraping corpses off the Field House floor after pep rallies, and instead of going to classes he spent his time evading the auto ban (Note: He sure fooled you officials-and I could have given you his name and address but you didn't ask me). By the end of his junior year, young Urchin had learned: You can make 11 miles to the gallon In a Cord. The girls have more of a tendency toward Buicks than Cords these days. 1N Urchin's senior year he bought a Buick. He paid his best friend, Partridge Silkworm, $5 to attend each class and take each exam for him. At long last, Urchin graduated. By that time, he had learned: Absolutely nothing. He even forgot the difference between an esker and a drumlin. One day, Mr. M. Greasy Gosling, president of Amalgamated Industries, Inc., looked through the month's batch of job applications. One stood out. It said: Name-Urchin L. Beaker. Do you hold a diploma?-Definitely. Did you receive any honors while at school.- Yes, Pu Pu Pu fraternity. "A college graduate," squealed Mr. Gosling, "and a fraternity brother of mine as well! Put him to work in the Shipping Department imme- diately!" "But," interrupted the personnel manager, "he's a moron." "Excellent!" Mr. Gosling replied, "make him a vice-president!" So goes the story of Urchin B., Bashed on the head at the age of three, Voted the typical college grad,- Ahi! how true, but oh! how sad! Egypt, Syria and Palestine, and so blast through the gateways to the oil fields of Persia and Mesopotamia. This would open the way to an advance on Russia from the south. This prospective blow at the Near East is the biggest worry of all. However, balanced against tis is Hlitler's own worry over a British-U.S. invasion of Europe or NorthI A frica. plus the tremendous supplies we are del vering both to Russia and Egypt. So the picture is mixed, with only one thing sure: Hit- er has got to will this Ui1mmerorl he is finished, Cap1itadl(Cuaff Anna Rosenberg, Washington's female Felix Frankfurter, would not be averse to getting the job of Miss Lhand, private > seretary to the President. She has had her finger in all sorts of pies lately-from guiding Nelson Rockcfeller's show t o liking Paul McNutt as Manpower Adininstratorf .M. lie Nayi. ' ari broadcast- ing messagcs like tHis to Puer- to Rico: "Admiral Hoover- doesn't have to paint his Robert Allen buildings green. We already know where they are and the green paint camouflage won't hide them." Admiral Hoover is naval commander at Puerto Rico, and it is a fact that he has been painting his buildings .. . There is pretty good reason to believe that the Nazis know the date of sailing and cargo of every ship leaving U.S. ports ... Mayor LaGuar- dia now has five stars on his c'a - -one more than MacArthur. ''hey represent the five bor- oughs of New York . . . Commander Paul Smith's room in his home was rifled the other day, Commander Smith, ex-editor of the San Fran- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 1942 VOL. LII. No. 157 Publication in the Daly Official Bulletin Is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices The United States Treasury offers the following schedule for the sys- tematic purchase of Series E United States War Bonds: If your weekly And you In one year earnings save each you will are week save $ 5- 10 $ 0.25 $ 13.00 10- 15 .50 26.00 15- 20 .75 39.00 20- 30 1.25 65.00 30- 40 2.00 104.00 40- 50 4.00 208.00 50- 60 6.00 312.00 60- 70 8.00 416.00 70- 80 10.00 520.00 80-100 12.00 624.00 100-150 20.00 1,040.00 150-200 35.00 1,820.00 Over 200 . . . . . . Shirley W. Smith Seniors: The firm which furnishes diplomas for the University has sent the following caution: Please warn graduates not to store diplomas in cedar chests. There is enough of the moth-killing aromatic oil in the av- erage cedar chest to soften inks of any kind that might be stored inside them, resulting in seriously damag- ing the diplomas. Shirley W. Smith Note to Seniors, May Graduates, and Graduate Students: Please file application for degrees or any special certificates (i.e. Geology Certificate, Journalism Certificate, etc.) at once if you expect to receive a degree or certificate at Commencement on May 30, 1942. We cannot guarantee that the University will confer a degree or certificate at Commencement up- on any student who fails to file such application befor'e the close of busi- ness on Thursday, April 30. If ap- plication is received later than April 30, your degree or certificate may not be awarded until next fall. Candidates for degrees or certifi- cates may fill out cards at once at the office of the secretary or record- er of their own school or college (stu- dents enrolled in the College of Lit- erature, Science, and the Arts, School of Music, School of Education, and School of Public Health, please note that application blanks may be ob- tained and filed in the Registrar's Office, Room 4, University Hall). Please do not delay until the last day, as more than 2500 diplomas and certificates must be lettered, signed, and sealed and we shall be greatly helped in this work by the early fil- ing of applications and the resulting longer period for preparation. The filing of these applications does not involve the payment of any fee whatsoever. Shirley W. Smith Staff Travel by Automobile: As a measure of economy it is requestedl that faculty and staff members who have occasion to travel on Univer- sity business by personally owned or University owned automobile report their plans in advance to the office of Dr. Frank E. Robbins, Assistant to the President (Campus telephone 328), in order that, when feasible, persons going to the same place at the samne time may ride in the same car, and save both tires and expense. A record of such plans will be kept in the President's Office, and those who find it necessary to make a trip may inquire there as to the possi- bility of riding with others. Waste is sabotage. LVerne Noyes Scholarships: Pre-1 sent holders of these scholarships w%o desire to a;ipplv for ren ewa s for 1942-41 should crll at 1021 Angell ba11 ll andfill 0OW1the lau)Lk Ioinils for F'ra n ;. .obbins Students fr-om the C'ollege of Lit- erature, Science, and the Arts who are participating in the Reserve Of- ficers Training Corps 'trial review, Friday, May 1, at 4:07 p.m. will be excused from classes at 3:55 p.m. E. A. Walter, Assistant Dean 'T'eaching l)epartments Wishing to Recommend tentative May graduates from the College of Literature, Sci- ence and the Arts and the School of Education for Departiental Honors should( sei ud:11 nam 1,O tl Ir1egis- trar's Office. oom0 4, 11. I lall before May 1. 1942. ll1bert I. Williams, Assistat. elgistrai'. Public l'alth Assembly: An as- sembly period for all students in public health will be held to- day at 4:00 p.m. in the Audi- torium of the W. K. Kellogg Institute. Dr. H. T. Dean, Dental Surgeon, Division of Infectious Dis- eases, National Institute of Health, U. S. Public Health Service, will speak on "Research in Dental Cries." All students iinmpublic 1health <1m'ecexpecOit- ed to be presO'int an d rothers illerested are welcome. Men's Residence Halls: Reapplica- tions for the Summer and Fall Terms in the Men's Residence Halls should 79 142. Chicago T . Re. . .P-, f All It r CS. OF o l s ' GRIN AND BEAR IT . .................. r. "I'll just write Mr. Henderson in Washington and have him put a price ceiling on your thumb!" B.B.A. degree. Application blanks and information available in Room 108 Tappan Hall.,'t . Wanted at Once: Men students who are willing and able to do inside and outside work, such as houseclean- ing, painting, yard and garden work. I have a considerable number of odd jobs listed at the Employment Bureau available to young men whot wish to earn some extra cash. Apply to Miss Elizabeth A. Smith, Employment Bureau, Room 2, Uni- versity Hall. Telephone 4121, Ext. 2121. ROTC Review: The Deans of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts and College of Engineeringa have approved a blanket excuse for ROTC students from classes at 3:55 p.m. on Friday, May 1, to permit them to attend the ROTC trial re- view on that date. Candidates for the Teacher's Certi- ficate for May, 1942 are requested to call at the office of the School of EducAtion, 1437 UES, this week (no later than Friday) between the hours of 1:30 and 4:30 to take the Teacher Oath which is a requirement for the certificate. Admission to Degree Program for Honors in Liberal Arts: Sophomorest with a B average or better may apply for entrance into the Honors Pro- gram not later than Friday, May 1. Applications are received at Dean Woodburne's office, 1208 Angell Hall. Academic Notices English 150 (Playwriting): Instead1 of the regular class meeting Mondayi evening, May 4, the class will attend the laboratory production at 8 o'clockl in the University High School Audi- torium. . Kenneth Rowe German 160 will meet in 407 Libra- ry on Thursday at 3:45 p.m. as usual. Doctoral Examination for Gloria D. Cortes, Chemistry: thesis: "The Preparations and Reactions of 3- Methylphenanthrene and Related Compounds." Thursday, April 30, 309 Chemistry, 2:00 p.m. Chairman, W. E. Bachmann. By actions of the Executive Board,. the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doctor- al candidates to attend the examina- tion and he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakun Concerts Tlc recital by Professor Percival Price on the Baird Carillon in Burton Tower at 7:15 p.m. Thursday, April 30, will be devoted to the music and composers of Russia. In addition to Russian folk songs and songs of the Red Army, Professor Price has planned to include compositions by Rubinstein, Tchaikovsky and Boro- din. - / . Ulniversity Lecture: Dr. Carol Ar- onovici, Director of the Columbia University Housing Study, will lec- ture on "New Concepts of Commun- ity Planning in Theory and Practice" at 4:15 p.m., Monday, May l1, in the Rackham Lecture Hall under the auspices of the College of Architec- ture and Design and the Depart- ment of Sociology. The public is cordially invited. Even is Today Col, Joseph II. Carr and Lt. Rondel Cox of the Army Air Forces will dis- cuss the new Aviation Cadet Enlisted Reserve program at 8:00 tonight in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The talk will be accompanied by sound fic" will be presented by Professor Wesley H. Maurer. The coffee hour is open to all students and towns- people. Quarterdeck Society: There will be a meeting in Room 336 West Engin- eering Bldg. at 7:30 tonight. Mr. Philip Mandel will speak on "Organ- ization of Ocean Commerce." Elec- tion of officers for next semester will also be held. Alpha Phi Omega will meet tonight at 7:30 in the Union. Everyone should return the money and tickets of the Swing Concert. Polonia Society will meet this eve- ning at 7:30 in room 305, Michigan Union, for Polish folk dancing. This will be one of the last social functions of the society this year. Phi Beta Kappa: A special meet- ing is to be held today at 3:30 p.m. in 1018 Angell Hall. All members are urged to attend. The German Roundtable, Interna- tional Center, will meet tonight at 9:00 in Room 23. Miss Joe Reisher and Mrs. Lettie Dresden will lead the discussion on "Wortspiele." The Annual French Play: Le Cercle Francais will present "La Belle Aven- ture," a comedy in three acts by de Caillavet, de Flers and Rey tonight, at 8:30 in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Tickets will be on sale at the Box Office of the Theater today from 10:00 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Phone 6300. The annual business meeting and luncheon of the Faculty Women's Club will be held at 12:45 p.m. today at the Michigan League Ballroom. Music will be provided by Psurfs at one o'clock. Coming Evtents The Ann Arbor Library Club will meet in the Amphitheater of the Rackham Building at 7:45 p.m. on Thursday, April 30. The program has been prepared by students of the Department of Library Science. "Propaganda is the topic for discussion. Miss Eliza- beth Simkins will discuss "Propa- ganda in the Library." Professor James K. Pollock of the Political Science Department will speak on "An American Propaganda Offen- sive." The general discussion will be directed by Mr. Franklyn Bright. A short business meeting with elec- tion of officers will precede the pro- grain. Refreshments will be served after the program. Members of the Club are cordially invited. The English Journal Club will meet Thursday evening, April 30, at 7:45 in the West Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Mr. Kenneth Millar will speak on "Donne and Herbert," and Mr. Richard Fogle will discuss "The Imagery of Keats." Graduate students in English and other interested persons are welcome. Women of the University Faculty: 'he dinner meeting will be held in the League, on Friday, May 1, at 6:30 p.m. Reservations must be sent to Dr. Adelaide Them before noon on Thursday, April 30. Varsity Glee Club: Meeting at 7:30 Thursday night in the Glee Club Room. Phi Beta Kappa: Annual Initiation Banquet of the Michigan Chapter will be held at the Michigan Union, on Saturday, May 2, at 6:30 p.m. Dr. Harlow Shapley, Director of the Har- vard College Observatory, will speak on "Stars and Politics." Reserva- tions should be made with the Secre- tary, Hazel M. Losh, Observatory by r ___,.. -_-_ J _ _ LL Mx r _ t i 1: t ; rE . - :_, i ° , 111c 3 i;; ; p 1; - j -.. ---, _ y, - -, _ ; ;. . r , A _. '" i\ r / FAA a : \ ~ ' t K .,