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April 28, 1942 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-04-28

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TVt~DA~ ~iThTL 28, 1~42


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Ticket Sae For Senior

Ball To






Each PurchaseI
To Al low One
Vote For Band
Dance Will Be Given May 29
In Sports Building, Only Seniors
May Buy Tickets Tomorrow
Tickets for the 1942 Senior Ball,
to be held May 29 in the Sports
Building, will go on sale from 1 p.m.
to 5 p.m. tomorrow at the Union.
The ticket sale, as well as the
dance, will have a theme this year,
namely, " Pick-Your-Band." A stub
attached to the ticket will contain
the names of four of the "biggest
name" bands in the country. Each
purchaser can in this way submit his
choice fo' the band to play at Senior
To Be Best
"Since it is probable that this will
be the last Senior Ball for the dura-
tion of the war, we want it to be
the best that Michigan has ever had,
and the "Pick-Your-Band" poll is a
part of making it the best, Lee
Cleary, '42, andeRobert Getts, '43E,
ticket co-chairmen said.
There will be a shortage of tickets
this year so that the Sports Building
may be more enjoyable for those at-
tending, In view of this, tickets may
be purchased tomorrow by seniors
only, and identification cardssmust
be shown. "In this way we hope to
insure seniors having the first chance
to go to their own dance," Getts an-
nounced. The sale will continue to-
morrow until all tickets are gone.
Theme Is Nautical
"The theme will be nautical,"
Phoebe Powers, '42A, decrations
chairman announced, "and further
particulars concerning the idea will
be disclosed later." Weather permit-
ting, an outdoor dance floor will also
be erected.
Price of tickets will be $4.00, in-
cluding tax, and all seniors are urged
to purchase their tickets early be-
cause of the limited supply, Thomas
Williams, '42, general chairman said.
One vote for the band will be in-
cluded with each ticket. After the
choice has been checked the stubs
are to be dropped in a ballot box
which will be provided.
(Continued from Page 4)
Coming Events
The English Journal Club will meet
Thursday evening, April 30, at 7:45
in the West Conference Room of the
Rackham Building. Mr. Kenneth
Millar will speakgon "Donne and
Herbert," and Mr. Richard Fogle will
discuss "The Imagery of Keats."
Graduate students in English and
other interested persons are welcome.
The Department of Journalism will
hold a coffee hour at 4:00 p.m. on
Wedpesday in the editorial room,
210 Haven Hall. A review of George
E. Taylor's "America in the New Paci-
fic" will be presented by Professor
Wesley H. Maurer. The coffee hour
is open to all students and towns-
Phi Beta Kappa: A special meeting
is to be held on Wednesday, April 29,
at 3:30 p.m. in 1018 Angell Hall. All
members are urged to attend
The Annual French Play: Le Cer-
ele Francais will present "La Belle
Aventure," a comedy in three acts by
de Caillavet, de Flers and Rey to-
morrow, Wednesday, April 29, at 8:30
p.m. in the Lydia Mendelssohn The-
ater. Tickets will be on sale at the

Box Office of the Theater, today
from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and
Wednesday from 10:00 a.m. to 8:30
p.m. Phone 6300.
Phi Beta Kappa: Annual Initiation
will be held in the Michigan League
Chapel on Friday, May 1, at 4:15
p.m. Professor H. A. Kenyon will
ad dress the initiates. All new mem-
hers are expected to attend.
Phi Beta Kappa: Annual Initiation
Banquet of the Michigan Chapter
will be held at the Michigan Union,
on Saturday, May 2, at 6:30 p.m. Dr.
Harlow Shapley, Director of the Har-
vard College Observatory, will speak
on "Stars and Politics," Reserva-
tions should be made with the Secre-
ta ry,Hazel M. Losh, Observatory by
Friday noon. Members' of other
Chapters a) e cordially invited.
Polonia Society will meet Wednes-
day evening at 7:30 in room 305,
Michigan Union, for Polish folk danc-
ing. This will be one of the last
social functions of the society this
C0. Joseph IC. Carr and Lt. Rondel
Cox of the Army Air Forces will dis-

Women's Glee ClubTo Give First Informal Musicale Today In Union

c and
&ngagemen ts
Capt. and Mrs. Ellis E. Reed Hill
of Chevy Chase, Md., announce the
engagement of their daughter, Claire
Lea, '42, to Charles J. Dillman, '42,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R. Dill-
man of Rochester, Mich.
Miss Reed Hill is a member of Pi
Beta Phi and Mr. Dillman is affiliat-
ed with Theta Chi.
The engagement of Mary Quinn
to Ralph H. DuBois is announced
by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hen-
ry Badge Quinn, of Birmingham.
Mi. DuBois is the son of Mr. and
Mrs. Francis W. DuBois.
Miss Quinn attended Denison
University where she was a men-
her of Kappa Alpha Theta. Mr.
DuBois, who received his degree
from the University, is affiliated
with Phi Kappa Psi.
The engagement of Frances Chal-
mers to George Ellis Gray, '42E, son
of Prof. and Mrs John Clifford ray
of Annapolis, Md., was announced
Saturday, April 18, by Mr. and Mrs'.
George Chalmers, of Ann Arbor. par-
ants of the bride-elect.
The wedding will take place in the
First Presbyterian Church of Ann
Arbor en May 30, the day of Mr.
,.ray's graduation. Miss Chalmers
graduated from Michigan State Nor-
mal College last June
Dorothy Erxleben, daughter of
Mr" and Mrs. Charles E. Erleben
of 'Wyandotte, and Dr. Chessie E.
Rehberg, son qf Charles Rehberg of
C'airo, Ga., were married Saturday
in Wyandotte Trinity Lutheran
Church. The Rev. E. A. Hessler
read the service.
Mrs. Rehbei-g received her mas-
ter's degree from the University
and Dr. Rehberg attended Emory
University and the University of
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Crosby of Den-
ver, Colo., announce the engagement
of their daughter, Peggy, to First
Officer Donald R. Suchner, son of
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Suchner of De-
troit. The wedding will take place
in May. Mr. Suchner attended the
University and also Wayne Univer-
sity; the bride-elect attended Uni-
versity of Colorado.
Overalls And Slacks
Are Best For Motor
Mechanics, Picnics
The season for picnics has finally
arrived and the season for Motor
Mechanics courses and such has al-
ready been here for months,, neces-
sitating the use of more slacks, cov-
er-alls, overalls and what-have-you
than most of you would ever have
dreamed possible
For the female mechanic, a sug-
gestion of denim coveralls usually hits
the nail on the head, and they're
made now so that they're becoming
enough to use for your picnics and
outings too. We have one outfit in
mind that is beautifully tailored, has
snappy metal buttons, and four
roomy patch pekets which always
come in so handy.
Another model available is a sleeve-
less coverall, under which you can
wear a cool, fresh blouse, or if you
want a sun-tan, no blouse at all. If
you want to try your hand at mak-
ing a slack set, there's an easy pat-
tern which has a snappy bolero to
slip over the sun-back top. It's
trimmed with giant ric rac all the
way around, too.
Transfer Orientation

Officers Appointed
The newly appointed officers of
the transfer orientation committee
are Betty Kefgen, '43, adviser-at-
large; Marjorie Lovejoy, '44, secre-
tary, and Ann Kahn, '44SM, Barbara
Pierson, '44SM, and June Amitio,
'44SM, School of Mpsic advisers.



Rain. Rain, Go Awn

Is Arranger
And Director
Twenty-Nine Women To Sing
Songs Taken From Fif teen ll
Century To The Present Time
The first informal musicale to be
given by the University Women's Glee
Club will be presented at 8:30 p,s
today in the Union Ballroom. Twen-
ty-nine women who comprise the
newly-formed group will participat
in the concert.
. The club, which was just reo'gan-
ized this year under the direction of
Wilson Sawyer, has been rehearsing
diligently in prepasation for t eir
first public appearance. After prac-
ticing music from the Italian Ren-
aissance as well as modern arrange-
ments, the group is ready to present
songs from the 15th century to the
present lay.
Program Listed!
Among the 11 numbers of the pro-
gram are "Gloria" by Guillermus Du-
fay, Benedictus from Mass "Regnurm
Mundi" by Pierre Certon, "Latani-
ni In Domino'' by Giovanni Mara Na
nio, 'Oh Morning Star" by Philip
Nikolai, and'"Pesia" by Enilioi del
Other pieces which have been ar-
ranged for th'e concert by Sawyer
are "Adoramus Te, Christe" by Mo-
zart, "Drink To Me Only With Thine
Eyes," "Music When Soft Voices
Die" by Hugh Roberton, "The Mat
I Love" and "Summertime" by
George Gershwin, and theme and
variations of "Where Oh Where Has
My Little Dog Gone."
Officers Named
Officers of the Glee Club include
Marjorie Gould, '44, president; Irene
Mendelsohn, '43, vice-president; Lea-
nor Grossman, '43, secretary-treasur-
er; and Geraldine Stadelman, '44,
librarian. Members who will take
part in the concert as first sopranos
are Jacqueline Bear, '44SM, Margaret
Emery, '44SM, Winifred Murray, SM,
Marjorie Gould, '44, Dorothy Steffes.
'45, Martha Elliot, '44, Rutli Roden-
beck, '44, and Ruth Sanford.
Others who will participate are Ann
Kahn, '44, Marjorie Hardy, '42, Mar-
garet Gardner, '43, Midge Davidson,
'43, Eileen Blum, '45, Pat Kennedy,
'45, and Jane Kneedler, '45. second
sopranos. Harriet Cooper, '44, Carol
Cothran, '44, Phyllis Crawford, '45SM,
Betsy Follin, Miss Mendelsohn, Mar-
cia Nelson, '44 and Florence Zapa-
tochna, '42SM, are second altos.
Group Completed
Gwen Cooper, '44, Melvina Eberle,
'44, Henrietta Gordon, '44A, Miss
Grossman, Gerry Stadelman, '44,
Cleone Topp, '45SM, and Betty Wil-
son, Spec.SM complete the group as
first altos. Members of the Glee Club
will wear formals, and the concert
will be open to the public free of
Other appearances of the new choir
include the Baptist and Presbyterian
Churches, and Fort Custer.
Phi Gamma Delta
Announces Officers.
New officers of Phi Gamma Delta
for the coming year are Bill Schoed-
inger, '43E, president; Robert Nor-
wick, '43, treasurer; Bill Loughbor-
ough, '43, corresponding secretary;
Lyons Howland. '43, recording secre-
tary, and Buck Dawson, '43, historian.
Second semester -pledges are an-
nounced as Ken Allan, '43E, Al Gard-
ner, '44, Sam Upton, '44, Charles Dot-
terrer,'44E, Larry Alberti, '45, Art
Mancl, '45E, Douglas Watkins, '45,
David MacFarland, '45, Phil McLean,
'45, John Kamin, '45, Norman Shum-
way, '45, and John Terkeurst, '45.
Initiates of the second semester are
Bob Cole, '45E, Art Upton, '45, Ha-
old Anderson, '45E, Edsell Eady, '45E,
Harry Anderson, '43, Tom Kuzma,

'44, Bob Eich, '45, Stratton Bull, '45,
Bob Dunlap, '45, Ross Hume, '45, Bob
Hume, '45, and Dick Brashler, '45.
The pledging of Mildred June Jan-
usch, '43, is also announced.



J2a, I/d4
Petites Pommes de Terre
The highest form of anything on Michigan's campus-or any other
campus for that matter-is recognition of one's abilities and fine traits and
general felicity for humanity by one of the University's honorary societies.
Since the tapping season is close upon us, and it is possible that freshmen
who have not trodden the hallowed way of the BMOC are not initiated into
the mysteries of the honorary society, it might be well at this time to give a
full and complete account of these institutions which do so much to brighten
the lives of aspiring young students.
The first sign which one has of honorary societies comes long, long be-
fore the tapping itch is upon the members. It is traceable in every cam-
pus fraternity house early in the fall. Everywhere, wise heads bend over
the ears of the juniors, and anyone viewing them from afar would say the
venerable seniors were whispering sage counsel into the young brothers'
ears--words of wisdom designed to shape and guide their future lives. And
so they are.
"Now listen to me, jerk," they are whispering. "I've got you in good
and solid with the Pyramids, (Junior Honorary Society) and now it's up to
you. You don't wanta just hang around this campus picking daisies. A nice'
clean-up on a few good positions; that's what we want. And that's what
they want."
"I've got a good start," one of the unitiated remarks. "I've been working
like a dog over at the Michigan Melee-All The Humor of The Campus
Told The Spicy Way office. If I get to be editor, that ought to let me in."
The senior looks at him, his eyes widening with horror. Obviously
amazed that here in Ann Arbor, in that hub of civilization, there could be
walking the public streets a man ignorant of a cardinal fact of life, he
gropes for the light.
G;etting It All Straight ..
"You don't know much about honorary societies, do~you?" he says, and
to the negative proceeds to explain that although honorary societies cop-
scientiously reward any fine work or noble effort, impartially, that never-
theless, it simply isn't precedent for an editor of Michigan Melee to be in
the honorary society. So the young aspirant switches and starts to work
on the Junior Conservative Club Council. Naturally, he make the honorary
society, because he does fine work in the right place.
As to the final meeting of the honorary societies wherein the choice
is made as to tappees, we have our own ideas on them, too. Once called, the
business proceeds at a regular pace, no doubt,with names being proposed, a
few comments being offered after each proposal, such as, "He's the Michi-
gan World Telegram editor, isn't he? Certainly, he's all right."

WAA To Hotd
Sports Event
Plans For 'Sportsday', To Be
Saturday, Are Near Completion
Plans are being completed for the
WAA "Sportsday" to be held at 9
a.m., Saturday at the WAB ald Pal-
mer Field, according to Bette Sachs,
'43, general chairman of the affair.
Friendly tournaments among wo-
men from various nearby colleges
and a University team will make
up the day's program of events.
Three contestants from each college
attending will be required to enter
each contest. At Palmer Field the
following tournaments will be played:
fencing, badminton, tennis and arch-
A golf tdtirnament will be held
among the visiting schools and a
University team at the University
Golf Course. Making plans for this
will be Gertrude Andresen, '42. Be-
sides these events, representatives
from the guest schools will enter the
Crop and Saddle Riding Club Horse
dhow, which takes place .at 2 p.m.,
Saturday, also, at the Golfside Rid-
ing Stables.
Three contestants from each col-
lege will ride in the University's wo-
men's open class of the Show. Feat-
ure of the day will be a luncheon for
the guests at 12:30 p.m. at the WAB.
Every out-of-town guest at "Sports-
day" will be accompanied during the
day by one of the members of the
WAA Board or by members of the
various clubs of the organization.




If you're old Michiganites and
have been here for a year or two or
three, you're pretty well up on the
tricks that Ann Arbor weather can
play, regardless of your clothes, your
coiffure and your not-so-rain-proof,
Pictured above, however, is just
the thing to help you keep your tem-
per and your looks when the rain
comes pattering down. It'll help to
transform a sudden shower into a
spirit-raiser instead of a spirit-
dampener. With fireman hat and
umbrella to match, you'll feel like
bucking any old storm, whether you
liked the idea before or not.
This outfit has probably been seen
around by most of you, because it is
so practical and so flattering. It
comes in natural or in any of the
very popular pastels and has the ex-
tra-special attractions of a fly-front,
and two big patch pockets, accom-
panied by a smaller edition of them-
selves, for change. Not only that, but
it's cut so well you can just toss aside
the hat and umbrella and wear the
coat even when the sun is shining
Kappa Delta announces the recent
initiation of Shirley Holman, '44.

No need to bury your head
in a trivial temporary job. A
worth-while career is yours
through Gibbs secretarial
training. Current enrollment
includes 648 college women.
Send for booklet, "GIBBS



Then a fraternity brother of one of
pus gives a name. The attitude of-
general benevolence toward all
BMOC's begins to undergo a slight
modification. All (except another
fraternity brother) gaze with a chilly
loathing at the first fraternity bro-
ther. "Frightful," one murmurs. "He
does radical things. He cooks up
crazy stunts. We simply can't have a
character like that in this organiza-
tion. We must be fair and impartial,
even if he has done a good job in his
So the poor old eccentric doesn't
get in, but by heaven, the honorary
society keeps its reputation. In fact,
it increases it, so that it soon rivals
the Junior Conservative Club Council
in respectability.

the more prominent men on cam-'




Dresses, Si Coa
Junior sizes 9-17, women's and misses 10-44.
None of which can be replaced at their former price.
Special groups priced now at



$' 9.95

Better DRESSES Costume SUITS,
Evening and Dinner Dresses.
Former values to $35.
Two groups of COATS - fitted and boxy
styles - black, navy, blue, tan.
Two groups of SUITS - plaids, pastels,


Coat and Suit
a t $22.95.

group includes $25 values
$22.95 values at $19.95'

One group of better DRESSES
pastels, navy and black.
suits and evening dresses.

r:r ..ra . .air r r irrn rrirr.ri.

l .
. .
- _.
x F a'Y
1 s S,
t. r
, ,

MkeU t



SuitS Smmer

Values to

gleams a military air...
that lives up to its freedom-loving

One group of two-piece suits pastels,
plaids, tweeds.
at $5.010 $7.00 $ 1000
Two groups of DRESSES - prints, pastels,
navy and black crepes, also pastel
woIC\ VniVls from 1$895 to $22x95.


look with ease-loving ways!
Yours to pamper your
budget as well as your
feet vours in brown



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