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April 28, 1942 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-04-28

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New Daily Staff
Takes Over .



Hendel Given
Sports Post;

Will Lead 'Daily' Sports, Women's Staffs

deFries Gets
Women's Job
James Daniels Gets New
Spot As Sales Analyst;
Will Act As Interpreter
Of All Selling Problems
Dan Is Associate
Daily Sports Editor
Barbara de Fries, '43, of Ann Ar-
bor was named woman's editor and
Bernard Hendel, '43, of Pittsburgh,
was selected sports editor of The
Michigan Daily yesterday by the
Board in Control of Student Publi-
Miss de Fries is affiliated with
Delta Delta Delta sorority, is a mem-
ber of Mortarbord and Wyvern, and
is majoring in German.
Hendel, affiliated with Zeta Beta
Tau fraternity, is a member of
Sphinx and Sigma Delta Chi, honor-
ary journalism society. He is con-
centrating his study ip the field of
Sales Analyst
The newly-created position of sales
analyst for Student Publications will
be filled by James Daniels, '43, of
Chelsea. The position was created by
the Board at the request of the Gar-
goyle, 'Ensian and Daily business
staffs to fill a current need for a
general publications analyzing and
promotional service.
Myron Dann, '43, of Detroit was
named to the position of associate
sports editor. During the past school
year Dann has been a night editor on
the sports staff and junior editor of
the Gargoyle.
Mary Lou Curran, '43, was chosen
woman's business manager for The
'Enslan Appointees
Senior appointees on the 'Ensian
staff named yesterday are Dorothy
Johnson, '43, woman's editor; Don
Artuso, '43, associate editor; Stu Gil-
dart, '43A, art editor, and Ruth
Wood, '43, woman's business mana-
Chosen to hold senior positions on
the Gargoyle are Harry Anderson,
'43, managing editor; John Rieger,
'43, assistant editor; and Robert Gal-
lup, '43A, art editor.
New junior night editors on The
Daily appointed yesterday are Bud
Brimmer, '44, Hale Champion, '44,
Charlotte Conover, '43, John Erle-
wine, '44, Marion Ford, '44, Leon
Gordenker, '44, Irving Jaffe, '43,
Harry Levine, '44, Mark Lipper, '44,
Robert Preiskel, '43, Mary Ronay, '43,
and Beryl Shoenfield, '44.
Daily Sports Staff
Jack Flagler, '44, Bart Jenks, '44,
Kevin Jones, '44E, George Kozloff,
'44E, Bud Low, '44, Robert Shopoff,
'44, and Edward Zalenski, '44, were
selected for the junior posts on The
Daily sports staff.
Serving on the woman's staff of
The Daily will be Alice Fretz, '44,
Betty Harvey, '44, Phyllis Present,
'44, Shirley Raskey, '44,' Fran Tries-
tram, '43, and Janet Veenboer, '44.
Headed by woman's advertising
manager, Jane Lindberg, '44, Martha
Opsion, '44, Suki Shaffer, '44, Marcia
Stern, '44, and Marjory Walber, '44,
will hold junior positions on the wo-
man's advertising staff of The Daily.
Appointees to the junior woman's
Turn to Page 2, Col. 1
Court Okays
Wire apping

WASHINGTON, April 27.-(/P)-In
a ruling which the Justice Depart-
ment said would further its counter-
espionage activities. the Supreme
Court today held that the use of a
mechanical device for overhearing
telephone conversations was legal.
The 1934 Federal Communications
Act outlaws wire-tapping but the
court said that this protection cov-
ered "the means of communication"
and not "the secrecy of the conver-
sation itself," Thus the court upheld
the use of a device called a detecta-
phone which, from another room, can
pick up the conversation when a man
speaks into a telephone.
In another decision on the same
subject, the court held that testi-
mony procured through actual wire-
tapping could be used in court if the
drfndant were not a narty to the.

PRYOR, Okla., April 27,-(AP)-A brief, violent tornado reportedly
killed at least 100 persons and injured 250 late today in this war boom
town, and left the main business district in ruins.
Three persons were reported killed and at least 15 injured near
Talala and another person was killed at Tiawah, southeast of Clare-
more, as the tornadic winds fanned out over this northeastern Okla-
homa area.

Soviet Opens
Spring Drive
Develop Counter-Offensive
To Uncover North Flank;
Thaw Not Yet Set In
Nazis Fear Russian
Drive In Lapland
LONDON, April 27.--(P)-Russia's
immedate hope of knocking Finland
out of the war, thus uncovering the
northern flank of the main German
armies, rested tonight on a develop-
ing counter-offensive on the still
frozen terrain of Lapland and Karel-
ia in the eerie light of an almost
continuous Arctic day.
There where the thaw had not yet
set in, the Red Army strove against
Finnish troops and an intermingling
of Germans while the main German
armies still generally marked time
in thesslush and mud from Leningrad
2,000 Finns Dead
About 2,000 Finnish soldiers were
reported to have fallen in the past
On this front, the lines of battle
were reported to be drawn well in-
side the 1939 Finnish frontier, on
territory gained by the Russians in
their winter war with the Finns when
Germany did not participate.
In Lapland, the Russians were re-
ported to have launched an offensive
as powerful as that which forced
Finnish surrender two years ago.
That campaign settled Russia's de-
mand for bases on Finnish soil to
shield the sea and land approaches
to Leningrad but when Germany at-
tacked Russia last June Finland
again went to war.
Lapland Drive
The Lapland drive would serve
particularly to ease the threat to
Russia's Arctic ports of Murmansk
and Archangel, gateways for help
from the United States and Bri-
Other advices from Russia told of
only minor engagements on the main
Russian-German front but Kuiby-
shev's atmosphere was electric with
the possibility that any moment
might send the world's two most
powerful armies into general action.
Council Heads
Are Matthsews,
McCalin out

> p)

13 Million Men.
In 45-64 Age
Group Register
President Roosevelt Signs
With 'Nation's Oldsters'
For Non-Fighting Work
WASHINGTON, April 27. -UP)-
The Selective Service finished regis-
tering the nation's oldsters today,
about 13,000,000 of them including
one who, filling out his card, said he
was blue-eyed, grey-haired, ruddy-
complexioned and that his place of
employment was the White House.
To each it will send a question-
naire to find what non-combat war
work he might do best if the need
The capital's local draft board No.
9 visited the White House to enroll
President Roosevelt,. Its chairman,
James D. Hayes, somewhat nervous,
made a little talk at the end of the
America's Selective Service ros-
ter was enriched yesterday by the
addition of the names of leading
lights of the University's adminis-
trative and teaching staffs headed
by that of President Alexander G.
Included in the 45 tO 65 age
grcup which registered in the
fourth enrollment were Dean of
Students Joseph A. Bursley, Dean
Wells I. Bennett of the architec-
tural college, Dean James B. Ed-
monson of the education school,
Dean Ivan C. Crawford of the en-
gineering college, Dean Samuel T.
Dana of the forestry school, Dean
Albert C. Furstenburg of the medi-
cal school and Dean E. Blythe
Stason of the Law School.
ceremony in which he remarked that
the registering of the Chief Executive
was "proof and symbol" that all of
this democracy share in the fight.
Sitting at his desk in the cabinet
room, between the American flag and
the Presidential ensign, Mr. Roose-
velt filled out such portions of the
card as were not already taken care
of by the board. He said that Mrs.
Roosevelt was the person who would
know his address, wrote in some other
answers, then hesitated when con-
fronted with the line asking the
name and address of his employer.
Finally he wrote that the people of
the United States employed him.

Brown Tells
Far East
Ace Newsman Describes
Sinking Of British Ship
In Singapore Battle
Expressing amazement at anti-
British sentiment in America, Cecil
Brown, ace radio newsman, told an
Oratorical Association audience last
night in Hill Auditorium that the
British have "all the guts in the
Drawing on his experiences with
the British fighters in Egypt, in Sing-
apore, in Australia, Brown defended
them, emphasizing that they have in
many battles fought on little more
than "nerves" alone.
"Complacency" and "apathy" were
present in fallen Singapore, the Col-
umbia Broadcasting System's famous
reporter admitted, charging, how-
ever, that Americans are not free of
the same crime.
Colorful, harrowing experiences
with the British were the lot of Cecil
Brown. His report was one of scenes
few men live through.
Clinging to the tilted deck of the
doomed ship, Repulse, lost in the bat-
tle for Singanore, Brown saw the
struggles of the men of the British
Navy, the heroism and the sacrifice.
His audience heard of those men's
bravery in this awesome spectacle.
Swooping down so low that "the
color of their eyes could be seen,"
aviators of the Japanese air force
sent the death-dealing torpedoes into
the Repulse on which Brown was
traveling as an observer. Two tor-
pedoes sent her to the bottom.
Two ships, the Repulse and the
Prince of Wales, proceeded unes-
corted by planes from the port of
Singapore. "They had to go out
and they did," Brown said of the
disastrous expedition.
The progress of the war in the
Far East was summer up in Brown's
terse sentence: "We, the people of
these United States, are being
The alli r in the United Nations
gave Brown more encouragement.
"The Russians have performed a mir-
acle in this war," he said as he told of
the ruthlessness America must, adopt
in prosecuting war in an all-out

British Planes Hit German
Airdronies; Americans
Help InDaylight Raids
Swift Jap Attack
Nears Mandalay
OTTAWA, April 27.-(A)-The
Canadian press said tonight that
the ominion in today's plebiscite
released the government of Prime
Minister MacKenzie King from
previous commitments not to send
drafted soldiers into battle over-
LONDON, April 27.-VP)-Heavy
formations of British bombers and
fighter planes smashed violently at
German airdromes across the Chan-
nel today, cutting away at Hitler's
air strength and daring him to make
good his threat of full-scale retalia-
tion against these islands.
The day's raids, centered on Mar-
dyck and Le Touquet, followed the
fourth consecutive overnight attack
on Rostock, German Baltic port from
which German men and supplies go
to the Russian front. Rostock now
lies blackened and seared by an ag-
gregate of 1,600,000 pounds of Brit-
ish bombs.
Attack Airdromes
The Hurricanes roaring across the
Channel this morning to these new
attacks on the German semi-circle
of coastal airdromes saluated the big
bombers returning from Rostock.
Earlytonight it w stated authori-
tatively that in the day's offensive
sweeps the British had shot down
10 German fighter planes and lost
two bombers and nine fighters.
The American Eagle Squadron, in
what was believed to be its sharpest
fight yet, was credited with baggingI
five of the enemy craft, all of them
Germany's new Focke-Wulf 190 "su-
Lille and Ostend were among the
Nazi bases attacked.
So completely had the British seiz-
ed the initiative in the 'air that the
day brought rumors that the German
High Command was anxiously trying
to decide where to use its newest
fighter squadrons.
Swift Jap Attack
Nears Mandalay
NEW DELHI, April 27.-UP)-Swift
Japanese shock troops were reported
by the British to have reached a
point 85 miles directly east of Man-
dalay tonight in a powerful thrust
from captured Loilem which gravely
threatened the railway to Lashio, ter-
minus of the Burma Road.
Another version of the Salween
front combat came from Chungking,
where a Chinese Command com-
munique acknowledged that Lollem,
120 miles southeast of Mandalay, fell
Friday and said the Japanese had
driven 72 miles to the east.

Roosevelt Tells Congress
Of Anti-Inflation Plans;
n AF Bombs Airdromes


,* * *
Harold Gray
Refuses Draft
Harold S. Gray, conscientious ob-
jector in World War I yesterday re-
fused to register in his draft group
and sent to Attorney-General Fran-
cis J. Biddle the reasons for his ac-
Storm center of one of the greatest
controversies of 1918 when he was
tried before a military tribunal which
had the power of inflicting the death
penalty, Gray reiterated his belief
that conscription was completely con-
trary to a proper moral code.
Operator of the cooperative Saline
Valley Farms near Ann Arbor, he is
now 47 years old.
He admitted freely recognition of
the fact that his action would mean
little more than a gesture, but said
that it was action he felt compelled
to take.
His philosophy is summed up in his
statement to Biddle: "I am conscien-
tiously opposed to war . . . the back-
bone of war is conscription . . . and
I cannot reconcile war with my in-
terpretation of Christ's way of deal-
ing with men."
Much of his communication re-
peated the words of his book "Char-
acter Bad" which was published in
1934. The title was taken from the
Army report at the time of his trial.

Stabilized Prices, Wages
Called For; Will Explain
Plan To Public Tonight
Corregidor Deals
JapsSharp Blow
WASHINGTON, April 27. -(AP)-
President Roosevelt outlined to Con-
gress today a broad anti-inflation
program which would fix general
price ceilings, freeze most wages "at
existing scales" and syphon into gov-
ernment coffers all individual income
over $25,000 a year.
These steps, with taxes that -would
lap up all corporation profits not
necessary to continued production,
with a reduction in the present legal
maximum prices for farm products,
with increased War Bond buying and
debt paying, and with rationing of
scarce essentials, would he predicted,
avert the cost of living hardships of
the first World War.
"We cannot fight this war, we can-
not exert our maximum effort on a
spend-as-usual basis," Mr. Roosevelt
said in a special message to Congress.
"We cannot have all we want, if our
. In 1940, last year for which in-
come tax studies are available, 50,747
persons reported incomes of $25,000
or greater. However, probably no
more than half that number at most
had $25,000 left after paying the tax
soldiers and sailors are to have all
they need."
By implication he opposed any
change in the wage-hour law, assert-
ing that most defense workers were
now working more than 40 hours a
week, and that they should be paid
time and a half for overtime, lest
there be a. reduction in their weekly
pay envelopes.
In addition to slashing higher sal-
aries down to $25,000 by taxation, he
foresaw a process of stabilizing wages
through protests to and decisions by
the War Labor Board, which would
"continue to give due consideration
to inequalities and the elimination of
sub-standards of living." Existing
contracts between employers and em,
ployes should, he said, be fully hon-
ored "in all fairness."
The Office of Price Administration
is expected to announce tomorrow
a general price order, freezing prices
as of some time in the recent past,
probably March. Tuesday evening,
Mr. Roosevelt will make a radio ad-
dress explaining the program to the
people of the nation.
Except for taxes and for reducing
the limit on agricultural prices, Mr.
Roosevelt said in his message that no
new legislation would be needed to
make the program possible:
Corregidor Deals
Japs Sharp Blow
WASHINGTON, April 27. -(P)-
Besieged Corregidor dealt the Japa-
nese sharp new blows today, nearly
three'weeks after the fall of Bataan.
Replying to a four-hour crossfire
pounding by enemy siege guns, the
artillery batteries of the Philippine
Island fortress broke up a hostile
troop concentration in the nearby
peninsula and set afire a group of
parked motor trucks.
The War Department reported de-
velopments in its first communique
dealing with action in the Philippines
since such announcements were
channeled five days ago through Aus-
tralian headquarters of Gen. Doug-
las MacArthur, the southwest Pa-
cific Commander-in-Chief.
When from out the paleface
From behind the staring moon-

Comes the slow and solemn four
Telling that the evening spirit
Wanders o'er the woods and
Lights the campfires of the
Then the Mlchigamua warriors
In their feathers and their

By A Man, Who's Tried It:
Carver To Offer Math Course
For New Air Corps Reservists

UAW-CIO Stages Campaign
_o Organi"ze I oeaI[ndwsry

Ann Arbor-called "one of the last
strongholds of the oPPen shop" in an
orgazniation speech by James Mor-
gan, International representative for
the UAW-CIO is in the midst of the
most intense drive ever stagedt here
by the CIO
'"There is no justifiable reason for
the discrepancies between wages paid
here and in other similar industries,"
asserted Morgan before 100 workers
at a meeing in the Masonic 'Temple
last Sunday, "Wages in Ann Arbor

* * *
Robert A. Matthews, '43, of Ulei -
coe, Ill., was yesterday appointed
president of the Men's Judiciary
Council, and J. David McCalmont,
'43, of Park Ridge, Ill., was chosen
The other members of the Council,
under the newly revised constitution,
will be Donald C. West, '43E, presi-
dent of the Union. Homer D. Swan-
der. '43, managing editor of The
Daily, Norton Norris, '43, president of
Congress, Jol n W. Fauver, '43,, pres-
ident of the IFC m i James M. Ed-
m111nds. '4:1'r, L:?lrir]eeril g (:I11n i f
Matthews is treasurer of Delta Tau
Delta fraternity and a member of
Sphinx and Toastmasters. During
this school year lie was a member
of the Union executive council.
McCalmont, a member of Beta
Theta Pi fraternity was on the junior
business staff of The Daily this year,
and is a member of Sphinx.
Until this year all seven members
of the Judiciary Council were ap-

a ssrtecd, 'ii t 1 )f I a Cl I hat we flnoW
have goveri uncut a gt icP:; for urrdi
ation purposes"
Through the us, of these agencies,
Morgan continued, it is possible for
labor to make gains without resorting
to the use of strikes."

The Army Air Force's campaign to
enroll 100,000 aviation cadets in its
new Enlisted Reserve opened through-
out the nation yesterday and received
official recognition in the University
with the announcement by Prof. Har-
ry C. Carver, of the mathematics de-
partment, of a new course for stu-
dents enlisted under the new pro-
c.ureent plan
The plan, which provides for stu-
dent enlistme ntin the Air Force on
a deferred service basis, will be de-
scribed in a mass meeting at 8 p.m.
tomorrow in the Rackham Lecture
Hall by Lieut.-Col. Joseph H. Carr
and Lieut. Rondel L. Cox, Army Air
Force representatives. Carver will
preside at the meeting, which will
include sound movies on aviation ca-
det training.
Carver, who returned to Ann Arbor
last week from a leave of absence,
has been enlisted for the past seven

'Mathematics 20: Air Navigation," is
designed as an aid for future air
navigators. It will cover essentially
everything offered on the ground in
the first six weeks of training at the
Air Navigation School. Carver be-
lieves that widespread adoption of
this type of course in colleges will
enable the Army to shorten its air
navigation training program and thus
to produce a greater volume of navi-
At the request of the War Depart-
ment, Carver has undertaken to in-
troduce the pre-training course idea
to other institutions. The course will
be offered here for-the first time dur-
ing the summer semester, he said,
and will include several mathematics
instructors from other colleges, who
will teach similar courses in their own
institutions next fall. The course,
which will carry two hours of aca-
demic credit, will be one-half semes-

0 1

Police Don't
Amateur Ball


?t may be all right in Brooklyn,
but plaving ball in Ann Arbor

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