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April 26, 1942 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-04-26

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A Simple Tale
From The Hills

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
Collee PAiblishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-4 2

Enile 0e16
Alvin Dann
David Lachenbrucn
Jay McCormick ,
Gerald E. Burns
Bl Wilson . .
Janet Hooker.
Grace Miller
Virginia Mitchell .
Daniel H. Huyett
James B. Collins
Louise Carpenter
Evelyn Wright

. i



. . Managing Editor
. .Editorial Director
. City Editor
. Associate Editor
* .Associate Editor
. Sports Editor
*Women's Editor
Assistant Women's Editor
. . Exchange Editor

Business Staff
s . ffBusiness Manager
. Associate Business Manager
. Women's Advertising Manager
Women's Business Manager

The editorials published in The Michigar
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
New Staff Assumes
Heritage Of The Daily ...
entrusted with one of the Univer-
sity's greatest traditions-The Michigan Daily.
At the time we reviewed the record of national
awards and citations which have proved The
Daily the best college newspaper in the country;
and we thrust out our collective jaw and swore
to maintain this standard of excellence, while
entertaining a squeamish uncertainty in our
* Since then we've confronted the difficulties
of upholding so weighty a tradition, and we've
run into a war. We've had to live up to a chal-
lenge we ourselves made. "Our challenge is that
you freshmen (and all Youth) start preparing
yourselves now for the problems being prepared
for you now by your fathers." The basis for this
challenge was our belief that the students of the
University are as capable of formulating and ex-
pressing opinions as the average American; that
the leaders of tomorrow have as much thinking
ability today as the common man; that old
age and wisdom are not the opposites of youth
and enthusiasm, for recent history has shown
that too many mature people have gained no
lesson from experience, while too many young
people have met the "new order" with a fresh
determination and intelligence infrequently
equalled by their elders.
THOSE who work on a student newspaper have
a unique opportunity to encourage youth in
meeting this challenge; and we who have enjoyed
this opportunity are proud of the way we have
used it.
We are also proud of those who are to take
over our job; for we know they share our ideals,
and believe as we do in The Daily as a medium
for exercising these ideals. Thus, we who are
about to retire salute them-Homer Swander,
Morton Mintz, Will Sapp, Charles Thatcher, and
George Sallad6; and pass on to them a great
heritage, knowing full well they will cherish it
and perpetuate it as we have done.
-Emile Ge6
Alvin Dann
David Lachenbruch
Jay McCormick
Gerald Burns
Freedom Of Expression
In Wartime -
THE QUESTION of freedom of ex-
pression is an inherent and vitally
important problem facing all democracies even
in peacetime. In a period of war it takes on
monumental proportions.
The recent arrest of William Pelley and the
proceeding against "Social Justice" have brought
the problem abruptly before the public eye. It is
a question which obviously must be settled one
way or another. We cannot fight for the preser-
vation of a political system without knowing
exactly for what that system stands on questions
as vital as this and just how that stand is to be
applied in time of war.
The recent events involving the limitations of
freedom of expression in wartime have brought
on a number of proposals from all sides suggest-
ing criteria by which such cases can be decided.
Membership in fascistic or communistic organ-
izations; "subversive" intentions; advocacy of

T HIS is the story of two Michigan alumni,
Glottiseal Fritz and J. Hamilton Noodle-
Both Glottiseal Fritz and J. Hamilton Noodle-
necker were in the same class back at college
and both worked on The Michigan Daily.
When they joined the Freshman staff of The
Daily, people used to say, "It's so hard to tell
them apart" (Not that they looked alike-far
from it-Glottiseal Fritz had a concave face,
and J. Hamilton Noodlenecker's features were
convex). They were alike in that their abilities
were exactly matched. Both were experts at
croquet and newswriting. Neither could ride a
horse or decipher a cryptogram.
WHEN they had attained the sophomore staff
on The Daily, people used to say of a story,
"Give it to Glottiseal Fritz," or"Give it to J.
Hamilton Noodlenecker," because they were both
fine newswriters and intelligent boys and had
very good news sense (although Glottiseal Fritz
had a concave face and J. Hamilton Noodle-
necker's features were convex).
One exciting day, the Board in Control of
Student Publications met to decide who should
be appointed junior night editors. They de-
bated long and furiously, and when they reached
their decision Glottiseal Fritz and J. Hamilton
Noodlenecker were on the top of the list (their
names bracketed so as to show no favoritism
between the two, so close were they in ability).
Glottiseal Fritz and J. Hamilton Noodlenecker
were always fine night editors. Their stories
were neatly written and their editorials were
persuasive. But they even used to get fan mail
addressed to both of them. The letters would
"Dear Glottiseal Fritz and J. Hamilton Noodle-
"I think your stories in The Daily are simply
divine. I especially liked the one about unsani-
tary conditions in the Amalgamated Mopmakers'
Union and the one about the pigwashing monop-
oly in Ann Arbor.
"My name is Cora Baywindow and my room-
mate's name is Esther Horsetrough. We live at
Betsy Barbour and we are home every night
after 7."
FINALLYcame the fateful day when the
Board in Control of Student Publications
convened to decide on the senior staff members
of The Michigan Daily. The entire staff and the
entire Board were agreed on one thing (or I
should say two things): that Glottiseal Fritz.
and J. Hamilton Noodlenecker both deserved
the position of Managing Editor. To leave ei-
ther one out would be a grave injustice.
The Board deliberated for three days and a
night. They haggled, they dwelt on small, in-
significant points, but the facts remained: Glot-
tiseal Fritz and J. Hamilton Needleneker each
had written 3,672% inches of copy, each had
written 16 editorials, 34 feature stories and 212
news stories of two inches or more. The work of
each was of the very highest calibre. In fact,
they were exactly alike (except that Glottiseal
Fritz had a concave face and J. Hamilton Noo-
dlenecker's features were convex).
Finally, in desperation, the Board in Control
flipped a coin. Heads was to represent Glotti-
seal Fritz and tails was to indicate J. Hamilton
The coin landed tails up. There was much
rivalry and excitement as the Chairman of the
Board announced that the new Managing Editor
was to be J. Hamilton Noodlenecker. Glottiseal
Fritz was immediately appointed City Editor as
a consolation.
BUT for Glottiseal Fritz it was all or nothing.
He turned down the offer flat. He was a
failure, a dismal failure. He bummed into De-
troit where he got drunk in a cheap saloon off
Michigan Avenue and stayed drunk for 15 days
and three nights. While he was drunk he took
up with some newspaper people, who were at-
tracted by his concave face and his ability to
drink straight gin.
J. Hamilton Noodlenecker, on the other hand,
that the application of any criterion to a situa-
tion must of necessity involve the molding of
the criterion to fit that situation; a rule de-
signed to decide any possible situation must be
a flexible one, subject to new interpretation
each time a case arises.

Whatever is the criterion for cases of freedom
of expression, at any given time public opinion
and the general attitude of the public toward
any alleged abuse of the privilege of freedom of
speech will decide the issue. Any rule there may
be regarding the question will either be flexible
enough to allow this, or public pressure will sub-
stitute another rule for it.
NEVERTHELESS, we must face the practical
necessity of having some guide to help us
decide these very important cases which will
probably confront us in increasing number as
the war gets into full swing. The only solution
is to find a criterion which is flexible enough
to meet most situations and yet not so flexible
as to permit individual judges to violate the
public welfare for the sake of personal interest.
Finding such a criterion is an extremely diffi-
cult task, as has been implied throughout this
editorial. The criterion which is most widely
used now is that suggested by Justice Holmes--
classing as unlawful the expression of only those
opinions constituting a "clear and present dan-
ger" to the state. Imperfect as is this criterion,
it seems to be the best one evolved to date. It is
broad enough to permit clamping down on any
real danger, and yet prevents, by its very word-
ing-"clear and present danger"--the extension
of the rule to unfair lengths, as was done in the
1- - :,,"yttA r lik sr mlfnr! n(YP-" ri rk s c

became The Daily's most successful Managing
Editor. Upon graduation he became editor of
Time magazine and married a movie star.
Glottiseal Fritz died in a sanitarium six
months after graduation, a dismal, drunken
* * *
NOW, I suppose I've fooled you again. I know
what you thought. You thought that the
failure was going to be a success and vice versa.
But you never can tell about old sly Tom Thumb
-no siree!
So, whether your face is concave or convex
Work hard and forget the opposite sex,
And don't let failure
Nail ya.
A rose by any name would smell.
Dominic Says
FEWER THAN ONE THIRD of the students
gave evidence that in Democracy citizens have
obligations as well as privileges." This is the re-
sult of a study of high schools. Worse, still, 90
percent of the students in that study by the
Educational Policies Commission, actually de-
fined Democracy in terms of rights but made
little mention of duties. What has a religious
educator or Church leader to do with the case?
Has religion succeeded in a country where such
a result must be recorded? How does such a
failure touch America?
The separation of church and state was
brought about in early America to prevent es-
tablishment. They desired to stop taxes from
maintaining a church at the expense of some
who desired a different religious emphasis and
to allow each family to create its own plan of
religious education for its children. That was ac-
In the plan there was no intention to dis-
count religion, to ignore the teaching of Christ-
ianity, and to negatively indoctrinate on this
whole zone of the spiritual life. Nor was there a
definite desire to keep back from the children
and youth the knowledge about Judaism, Christ-
ianity, Church leaders, and the Bible. Yet that
is about what has resulted in many American
Today, an occasional senior in the University
will betray that he not only got through the ele-
mentary and secondary schools but also through
the University without knowing the most ele-
mentary facts about the Bible, the Church and
our theories of existence and destiny. It is at
this point that the above question as to obliga-
tions in a democracy falls alike into the laps
of the school leaders and the churchmen. Both
have failed in a measure. For the first time
in a quarter of a century they seem to be willing
to walk up to this question together. Always be-
fore each blamed the other and neither did any-
thing very constructive to remedy the total
.T church leader? While it is the responsibil-
ity of the school leader to provide educational
facilities, such as texts stating the facts of
history, the basic truths of religion, and a plan
for teaching these facts and truths at various
level, and while it is his duty to admit to the
schools every teaching which is religious but
" not sectarian and to exclude whatever is sec-
tarian, it is not his obligation alone. It is just
as much the responsibility of the church leader
to create this literature and provide the teach-
ing plan. For example, for the church leaders
to sit daudling every Saturday and Sunday,-
25 percent of the week-when they might be
teaching religion and to criticize eloquently the
school men because religion is not taught thor-
oughly on the other five days of the week, is
futile and out of harmony with the religion we
Religion, being the dynamic of morals, has an
element to offer which might "spark" our de-
mocracy. Both Judaism and Christianity are
self starting loyalties and, as such, where prop-
erly presented serve to motivate children and
youth to create a heirarchy of values and to
inspire sacrificial group behavior. Where sacri-
ficial behavior prevails the obligations parallel
the rights. More important, the obligations be-
come privileges-Noblesse oblige prevails.

Edward W. Blakeman,
Counselor in Religious Education
WASHINGTON-For years the United States
has had a huge surplus of cotton. The idea
of importing cotton seemed fantastic. Yet that
is exactly what is about to be done, as the latest
development in the Good Neighbor policy.
Oscar Johnson, leading Mississippi cotton
planter and former official of the AAA, will go
to South America to buy surplus cotton from
Peru and Brazil. He carries a checkbook of the
Commodity Credit Corporation, whose funds
for domestic and foreign crop purchases amount
to $4,000,000,000.
Both Peru and Brazil are suffering severely
from loss of foreign markets. Brazil's cotton
was sold in Europe, Peru's to Japan. Both Latin
American countries wholeheartedly backed the
United States at the Rio conference and now
Uncle Sam is returning the favor.
For some time; Department of Agriculture

SUNDAY, APRIL 26, 1942
VOL. LI. No. 155
Publication in the Daily official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
Registration for Selective Service:
1. Date of Registration: April 27.
One day only.
2. Who Shall Register:
All males born on or before Decem-
ber 31, 1921, who have not registered
for Selective Service at earlier times
and who will not have passed their
sixty-fifth birthday on April 27, 1942.
Individuals who have previously
registered for the Selective Service
do not reregister at this time.
3. Places of Registration:
For the convenience of University
employees the following arrange-
ments have been made for their
(a) University Hospital staff and
patients will register in the Hospital
at a time and place to be designated
by Mr. A. B. Cook, Assistant Director.
(b) Buildings and Grounds em-
ployees will register at a time and
place to be announced by Mr. E. C.
Pardon, Superintendent of Buildings
and Grounds.
(c) Assistant Dean Charles T.
Olmsted will be in charge of the regis-
tration of all other University em-
ployees. Registration for this group
will be held in Room 4, University
Hall from 8 a.m. to 12 noon, and
from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Any
individual wishing to register before
or after these designated hours may
do so at Tappan School or Slauson
4. Registration Certificate:
Each registrant will be given a cer-
tificate which he should carry at all
times, "as he may be required to show
it from time to time."
5. Change of Address after Regis-
tration: Each individual who changes
his address at any time after regis-
tration should address a communi-
cation to his Selective Service Board
indicating his new address. This is
the individual's responsibility and
cannot be borne or shared by any-
Robert L. Williams
Note to Seniors, May Graduates,
and Graduate Students: Please file
application for degrees or any special
certificates (i.e. Geology Certificate,
Journalism Certificate, etc.) at once
if you expect to receive a degree or
certificate at Commencement on May
30, 1942. We cannot guarantee that
the University will confer a degree
or certificate at Commencement up-
on any student who fails to file such
application before the close of busi-
ness on Thursday, April 30. If ap-
car Johnson as the choice for buyer.
This worked like a charm. Cotton
congressmen have fril confidence in
Johnson, and they 'even approved
importing some cotton, especially
the long staple variety from Peru,
which does not directly compete with
U.S. cotton.
Meantime, plans are being made
to purchase other Latin American
agricultural surpluses, including beef
and vegetable oils. But Argentina,
which is suffering more than any
other country, will get no U. S. help
while President Castillo remains on
the neutrality fence.
HllmanIEa sed Out
BEHIND the White House an-
nouncement of the appointment
of Paul McNutt as head of the new
War Man Power Board was a human
drama that left a sour taste in the
mouths of insiders.
The announcement stated that

"Mr. Sidney Hillman, present direc-
tor of the old Labor Division, has
been appointed Special Assistant to
the President on labor matters and
will assume his duties shortly. Clear
inference was that Hillman had been
elevated to a very important post
and had accepted it.
Actually, the opposite was the case.
Inside facts were these:
The new job is little more than an
empty title. It was thrust at Hill-
man to screen the fact that he was
being shelved by Roosevelt after
more than- two years of devoted serv-
ice; after wrecking his health and
incurring the enmity of powerful la-
bor elements.
At the time the White House issued
the announcement, Hillman was flat
on his back in a hospital exhausted
from overwork. Doctors have told
him he will have to remain in that
bed for at least a month,
Hillman knew nothing about the
announcement until friends told him.
He had not accepted the job, has
not done so to this day, and has no
intention of taking it. And that isn't
A week before, a White House ad-
viser sounded out Hillman on the job.
He flatly declined, with thanks.
"I didn't ask the President for
anything when he appointed me to
the old National Defense Commis-
sion," Hillman said, "and I'm not
asking for anything now, I'm ready
to leave any time."
This was reported to Roosevelt.
Later, Administrationites proposed
that he use the situation to renlae

,I .ChicagoTimes.
"Grandma said I could register for Grandpa-at this time he
usually has his afternoon nap!"


plication is received later than April
30, your degree or certificate may not
be awarded until next fall.
Candidates for degrees or certifi-
cates may fill out cards at once at
the office of the secretary or record-
er of their own school or college (stu-
dents enrolled in the College of Lit-
erature, Science, and the Arts, School
of Music, School of Education, and
School of Public Health, please note
that application blanks may be ob-
tained and filed in the Registrar's
Office, Room 4, University Hall).
Please do not delay until the last
day, as more than 2500 diplomas and
certificates must be lettered, signed,
and sealed and we shall be greatly
helped in this work by the early fil-
ing of applications and the resulting
longer period for preparation.
The filing of these applications
does not involve the payment of any
fee whatsoever.
Shirley W. Smith
Staff ' Travelby Automobile: As a
measure of economy it is requested
that faculty and staff members who
have occasion to travel on Univer-
sity business by personally owned or
University owned automobile report
their plans in advance to the office
of Dr. Frank E. Robbins, Assistant to
the President (Campus telephone
328), in order that, when feasible,
persons going to the same place at
the same time may ride in the same
car and save both tires and expense.
A record of such plans will be kept
in the President's Office, and those
who find it necessary to make a trip
may inquire there as to the possi-
bility of riding with others. Waste
is sabotage.
Wanted at Once: Men students
who are willing and able to do inside
and outside work, such as house-
cleaning, painting, yard and garden
work. I have a considerable number
of odd jobs listed at the Employ-
ment Bureau available to young men
who wish to earn some extra cash.
Apply to Miss Elizabeth A. Smith,
Employment Bureau, Room 2, Uni-
versity Hall. Telephone 4121. Ext.
LaVerne Noyes Scholarships: Pre-
sent holders of these scholarships
who desire to apply for renewals for
1942-43 should call at 1021 Angell
Hall and fill out the blank forms for
application for renewalE
Frank E Robbins
Public Health Assembly: An as-
sembly period for all students in
public health will be held on Wed-
nesday, April 29, at 4:00 p.m. in the
Auditorium of the W. K. Kellogg
Institute. Dr. H. T. Dean, Dental
Surgeon, Division of Infectious Dis-
eases, National Institute of Health,
U. S. Public Health Service, will speak
on "Research in Dental Caries." All
students in public health are expect-
ed to be present and others interested
are welcome.
Faculty, School of Education: The
April meeting of the faculty will be
held on Monday, April 27, in the Uni-
versity Elementary School Library.
Tea will be served at 3:45 and the
meeting will convene at 4:15.
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m.
in the Founders' Room, Michigan
Union. Members of all departments
are cordially invited. There will be
a brief talk on "Malaiische Liebens-
gedichte" by Mr. Senstius.
Residence Halls for Men and Wo-
men Applications for Staff Positions:
Upperclass, graduate, and profession-
al students who wish to apply for
Staff Assistantships and other stu-
dent personnel positions in the Resi-
dence Halls may obtain application
blanks in the Office of the Director
of Residence Halls. 20;South Win.

Admission to School of Business
Administration: Applications for ad-
mission to this School for the Sum-
mer Term must be filed not later
than May 1 by candidates for the
B.B.A. degree. Application blanks
and information available in Room
108 Tappan Hall.
Teaching Departments Wishtng to
Recommend tentative May graduates
from the College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts and the School of
Education for Departmental Honors
should send such names to the Regis-
trar's Office, Room 4, U. Hall before
May 15, 1942.
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar.
The Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information has re-
ceived word of a number of vacancies
for students interested in work for
the summer at Cedar Point-on-Lake
Erie in Ohio. Information regard-
ing the types of work available and
the salaries for each can be obtained
by calling at the Bureau. A repre-
sentative from the company will be
at the office of the Bureau on Tues-
day, April 28 and anyone interested
in seeing him can make an appoint-
ment by calling University extension
There are also a number of excel-
lent positions for cooks and assistant
cooks available in Michigan resorts
and camps. Persons interested in
such work can secure information
by calling at the office of the Bureau.
Any students who are interested
in summer employment of any type
and have not registered with the
Bureau of Appointments for summer
work are requested to call at the
office of the Bureau immediately
since there are still many positions
open in camps, resorts, and hotels.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
201 Mason Hall.
Academic Notices
The Bacteriological Seminar will
meet in ,Room 1564 East Medical
Building, on Monday, April 27, at
8:00 p.m. The subject will be "An-
aerobes." All interested are cordial-
ly invited.
English 31, Section 7: The hour
examination set for Monday, April
27, at 11 o'clock will be given in
Room 25 Angell Hall.
W. R. Humphreys
Doctoral Examination for Andrew
Alexander Ormsby, Biological Chem-
istry; thesis: "Changes in the Nitro-
genous Constituents of the Urine
Following the Administration of
Amino Acids." Monday, April 27
317 West Medical, 1:30 p.m. Chair-
man, H. B. Lewis.
By action of the Executive Board,
the Chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doctor-
al candidates to attend the examina-
tion and he may grant permission
to those who for sufficient reason
might wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
Geology-Field Courses at Camp
Davis: All students planning to en-
roll in the field courses given in Wy-
oming this summer should meet with
the field station staff in room 3056,
Natural Science Building at 7:00 p.m.
on Tuesday, April 28. Students should
start inoculation against typhoid and
Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever at
Health Service inimediately.
Doctoral Examination for John
Robert Hardison, Botany; thesis:
"Physiologic Specialization of Ery-
siphe graminis on Wild and Culti-
vated Grasses." Monday, April 27,
1139 Natural Science, 2:00 p m.
Chairman, E. B. Mains.
By action -of the Executive Board,
the Chairman may invite members
of the faculti sand advaned dnc-

By Lichty

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