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Board Names
'Daily' Editors,
Business Staff
(Continued from Page 1)
vice-presidency of Alpha Phi Omega,
a brief appearance in the Union Op-
era of 1942, and the chairmanship of
the Bomber Scholarship Swing Com-
mittee-to say nothing of Sphinx,
Les Voyageurs, and a counselorship
at freshman camp Rendezvous.
Douglas is also affiliated with Phi
Gamma Delta and is a member of
Sphinx. Holding the post of junior
business manager in charge of ac-
counts, publicity, and national ad-
vertising, he took time off to appear
in the opening chorus of the Union
Miss Gruhzit has been extremely
active in League work, taking part
in frosh frolic, frosh project, soph
cabaret, and JGP. She is a member
of Alpha Phi and served as junior
editor on the Gargoyle with feature
Zimmerman, president of Chi Psi,
served on the Union and The Daily
before becoming circulation and pub-
licity manager of Gargoyle. He was
also a member of the Student Senate
before his February resignation.
Secretary of Sigma Delta Chi, Sal-
lade is a member of Sigma Phi and
the Quadrangle Club, while Thatcher,
a major in chemical engineering be-
longs to Sigma Chi.
Thatcher is also president of the
campus chapter of AIChE and vice-
president of Scabbard and Blade. He
is a member of Tau Beta Pi, Tri-
angles, Vulcans, the Concert Band,
and the Glee Club.
Junior appointments on all staffs,
and other senior appointments will
be made later this week.
Clarinet Quartet,
University Choir
Will Give Concert
A joint concert will be held at 8:30
p.m. today in Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre by the University Choir un-
der the direction of Prof. Hardin Van
Deursen and a clarinet quartet un-
der the leadership of William H.
Stubbins, instructor of clarinet in
the music school.
The program, which will consist
of English and American folk songs,
will feature singers Leo Imperi,
'42SM, and Robert Holland, '43M,
and instrumentalists Arthur Berg,
Grad, Norris D. Huston, '44SM,
Charles Hills, '44SM, and Robert
Sohn, '45SM
At 7:15 p.m. today Prof. Percival
Price will present the sixth carillon
recital of the current spring series
in Burton Memorial Tower. The
series dedicated to the music of the
conquered nations of Europe will feat-
ure the music of Czechoslovakia.
MIMEOGRAPHING - Thesis bind-
ing. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308
S. State. Bc
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Company, phone
7112. 7c
LAUNDRY --- 2-1044. Sox darned.
Careful work at low price. 2c
6c per lb., rough dry. Shirts extra
10c each. Handkerchiefs, lc each.
Phone 25-8441. 295c
CASH for used clothing; men and
ladies. Claude H. Brown, 512 S.
Main St. Phone 2-2736. Sc
Ben the Tailor, 122 East Washing-
ton. Phone after 6 o'clock, 5387.
Pay $5 to $500 for Suits, Overcoats,
Typewriters, Saxophone, Fur Coats
(Minks and Persian Lambs),
Watches, and Diamonds. Phone
Sam, 5300.
LOST-One key chain with seven
keys. Call International Center,
Excellent condition. Call 1104
Ypsilanti betwee- 6-8 p.m. i 340c
L. M. HEYWOOD, experienced typist,
414 Maynard Street, phone 5689.
MISS ALLEN-Experienced typist.
408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935.
Named To 1942-43 Michigan Daily Senior Staff Positions
the dil
here rec
meet c
Hudson Loses In Speech Contest
an Hudson, '44, winner of test which was in the form of a
trict meet of the National roundtable discussion on the ques-
Gore-Discussion contest held tion, "How Can We Best Imple-
cently, lost out in the regional ment the Good Neighbor Policy?"
onducted Friday at Western From this group, Hudson was elim-
University in Cleveland, 0. inated, thus ending Michigan's repre-
on competed with 16 other sentation in the txtempdre-Discus-
ants in the preliminary con- sion.
Of ficial
..- City Editor . .. Editorial Director
... Associate Editor ... Associate Editor
1209 South University
Proposal Puts
Supervision On
Dr. Ford And Goodrich
Suggest State Control
In ' Research Pamphlet
A more comprehensive plan of con-
trol of municipal finances by the
state to check the excessive growth
of municipal debts is recommended
by Dr. Robert S. Ford, director of
the Bureau of Government, and Ken-
neth S. Goodrich, former research
assistant, in the Bureau's pamphlet,
"State Supervision of Local Borrow-
ing," released recently.
Any such plan, the authors declare,
would include administrative super-
vision by the state, an over-all county
debt limit linked to the property tax
levy or collections for several pre-
ceding years, and permission to in-
crease the debt beyond the limit, sub-
ject to the approval of the Public
Debt Commission and the electorate.
The suggested plan could be easily
administered by agencies that are
already in existence, and it would
meet the urgent need for an effec-
tive method of debt control. Possible
agencies are the State Public Debt
Commission and the county alloca-
tion boards.
Dr. Ford and Goodrich point out
in their study of the municipal debt
situation that the present state con-
stitutional and statutory debt pro-
visions set up four different mechan-
ical limits on the amount of debt
that may be incurred by municipali-
ties. These limits may be classified
as (1) the flat amount; (2) fixed per-
centage of the tax to be levied or
collected"; (3) fixed percentage of
assessed valuation; and (4) a maxi-
mum tax rate for retiring debt in-
curred for certain specified purposes.
Engineers' Picnic
Tickets To Be Sold
With more than a hundred tickets
to the senior engineers picnic already
sold, the remaining fifty will go on
sale tomorrow at a booth over the
engineering arch.
The annual picnic, which has been
moved up from its usual post-exam-
ination place to keep pace with the
defense-shortened semester, will be
held at 5 p.m. Friday on the Island.
Inter-departmental softball teams
have been formed specially for the
event and formation of a faculty
team has been rumored. Playoffs
will be held at the picnic and will
feature contests between chemical,
mechanical, metallurgical and ma-
rine engineers and naval architects.
Hitler To Meet Reichstag
LONDON, April 25.--OP)-Reuters
reported today that the Berlin cor-
respondent of the Swiss Gazette de
Laussane said Adolf Hitler soon
might address the Reichstag on Ger-
many's relations with France. The
correspondent was quoted as saying
he had learned that a large number
of French prisoners were to be re-
leased soon, but that most of them
would remain in Germany as factory
workers or be returned to French in-
dustries producing for the German
military machine.
cU Tag Day Receipts Will Send
Under-Privileged Boys To Camp'
If the annual University Fresh Air
Camp Tag Day, to be held Friday,
May 1, reaches its $1,500 goal, over
300 underprivileged boys of south-
eastern Michigan will have a four-
weeks' summer vacation and a
chance to become better citizens than
their present circumstances promise.
A diagnostic rather than a correc-
tive institution, the Fresh Air Camp
every year gives
maladjusted boys
a respite from
their environment
in' congested ur-
ban areas. At the
camp, located on
Patterson Lake in
Livingston Coun-
ty, wholesome food, sunshine and
rigorous exercise contribute im-
mensely to the health of the young-
sters, accustomed only to the recrea-
tional facilities of the city streets.
Boys are chosen for the camp
largely on the basis of need for psy-
chological correction. According to
Prof. F. N. Menefee of the civil engi-
neering department, camp director,
the chief cause of delinquency among
boys who attend the camp is lack
of proper parental attention. This
Canadian Draft
To BeDecled
Dominion-Wide Plebiseite
Will Be Tomorrow
OTTAWA, Ont., April 25. --?
From the Yukon to Labrador Cana-
dians will vote Monday on the ques-
tion of freeing the Government from
present restrictions on the use of
drafted man power in service abroad.
More than 4,000,000 of Canada's
nearly 7,000,000 voters are expected
to cast ballots in this second Com-
monwealth-wide plebiscite of Domin-
ion history.
The Government, having commit-
ted itself not to impose conscription
I for overseas service, is asking the
people to free it from the commit-
ment. The people will mark their
ballots "yes" or "no."
It will then be up to the Govern-
ment to proceed according to the
plebiscite results.
Nearly 500,000 Canadians in the
Army, Navy and Air Force, among
them about 150,000 volunteers who
are serving overseas, started marking
their ballots April 16 and completed
their voting today.
Prime Minister W. L. MacKenzie
King and the leaders of two major
opposition parties, R. B. Hanson of
the Conservative Party, and M. J.
Coldwell of the Commonwealth Fed-
eration, have joined in, urging an af-
firmative vote.
Organist To Give Recital
One of America's foremost young
concert organists will present a reci-
tal at 4:15 ,p.m. today when Clair
Coci plays in Hill Auditorium.
Miss Coci who is renowned for her
interpretation of the classics and her
ability to play on the most compli-
cated and intricate organs used on
the concert stage will devote her en-.
tire program to the music of the
deficiency results in a disordered
home life, which leads to dissatis-
faction and frequent trouble with
the law.
The camp does not attempt to cor-
rect these defects during the boys'
four-week stay, but opportunity is
given the trained counseling staff to
observe child reactions and to make
recommendations for treatment to
the social agencies which sent the
boys to the camp. The counselors
are graduate students of the Univer-
sity in psychology, sociology and ed-
ucation. They receive six hours of
academic credit for the eight-week
season. The boys are drawn largely
from the Ann Arbor, Jackson, Flint
and Detroit areas.
So successful have been the efforts
of the Fresh Air Camp that it is
ranked as one of the foremost insti-
tutions of its kind in the country.
Recognizing its worth, social agencies
contribute regularly to the camp's
budget. The rest is secured through
private donations and the annual
University Tag Days. The camp has
been located on University-owned
property on Patterson Lake since
1923. Previous to that year the
camp's sites were Port Huron and
Moon Lake in Livingston County.
The hillel Foundation Student
Council will meet at 10:30 a.m.
tomorrow at Hillel Foundation.
Two vice-presidents will be elect-
ed. All council members are urged
to attend.
Slosson, White
To Open War
Forum Series
First Discussion Group
Will Be Held Today
In Unitarian Chureh
The first of a series of three for-
ums dealing with Revolution and Re-
construction will be presented at 11
a.m. today in the Unitarian Church
by Prof. Preston W. Slosson and
David McKelvey White.
Today's discussion will particularly
emphasize the "European Back-
ground" of the general topic. White
served in the Spanish Revolution
with the Abraham Lincoln Brigade
and was formerly a professor at the
City College of New York.
Prof. Mentor Williams of the Eng-
lish department and Walter Nelson,
a leader in civil rights, will discuss
"Signs of Fascism in America" in
the second forum on May 3.
Speakers have not as yet been pro-
cured for the May 10 forum, the topic
of which will be "Opportunities for
Intelligent Change."
The committee in charge includes
Harry Stutz, Grad, Marvin Lerner,
'43, Wayne Ericksen, Prof. John F.
Shepard and Mrs. Leonard Dornbush.
Records of the Chinese and Red
Armies will be played in the inter-
missions of the forums.
Recently returned from
Singaprore and Austt'kft
.. .Reporting .. .
Ie Wi ithetacto
u sensatiowal word pictuire of the
tW.' is the Far East.
Tomorrow Night, 8:15 P.M.
Tickets $1.10 - 83c - 55c (including Federal tax)
Box Office Open All Day Tomorrow
Starting TODAY
"I'mdust a
Poor Little
Girl in a
W~e-T C- .. S...
0s* ~ %GG
Ladies and Gents, meet Roxie . .. as
demure a load of dynamite as ever
blasted tlfe screen 1 Here's her whole
hiLarious history .s.. from boudoir to
bail bonds...from petty larceny to just
pettin'! She's coy!l She's cutel She's
cataclysmic I And so is the picture!I
Attend Matinees
1 -3--5--7-9 P.M.
First NEW DAILY 1-3-5-7-9 P. M
Tarzan thrill
in yers! NOW PLAYING
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.tiff::.. .. . .. ..:1 : V .. , 1 . ...: : s titi