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April 25, 1942 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-04-25

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Continued Warmn.


it A



Should We Adopt Student
Evaluation Plan? .. .




M' Whips Purdue
Nine In 13-1 Rout;
Drake Meet Opens


Regents Give Approval
To Reinstatement Policy
Adopt Resolution Giving Faculty Virtual Guarantee
Of Post-War Return To Teaching Duties

RAF Bombs Dutch Port,
Rostock In Heavy Raids;

Sprint, Mile Relay Teams
Place High In Carnival;
Ostroot,_McCarthy Score
Chamberlain, Boim
Are Stars In Victory
It took the Wolverines 40 minutes
to play their half of the first inning
but it was worth it as they scored
11 runs and aided Michigan in tak-
ing a lopsided 13-1 victory over a
very mediocre Purdue nine
The Varsity's win on the Ferry
Field diamond yesterday afternoon
opened their defense of the Big Ten
crown in a fashion which gave ample
proof that who ever wants to take
the title from Michigan will have to
fight and fight hard for it.
Boim Comes Through
Not only were the Wolverines a
great hitting team in their opener
with the Boilermakers but the five-
hit pitching that Sophomore Irv Boim
turned in was some of the finest hurl-
ing that Maize and Blue fans have
been privileged to see in many a day.
Bud Chamberlain, hard hitting
Michigan third sacker, continued to
come through in the pinches as he
blasted a homer in the first inning
with the bases loaded and socked a
single in the same frame with a man
on second and third to make a total
of six runs the scrappy junior bat-
ted across the plate for the inning.
Fifteen Wolverines Bat
Fifteen Wolverines came up to the
plate in the opening inning and be-
fore they had batted around once,
Michigan had chased Walt Leffheit,
Boilermaker starting pitcher, to the
showers and were belting Tony Ber-
to, his successor, all around the ball
Boim showed plenty of stuff as he
struck out eight Purdue batters and
held the opposition to one run. The
Pro would have had a shutout except
for a little wildness on his part dur-
Turn to Page 3, Col. 1
Thinclads Place Three
Relay Teams At Drake
(Special to The Daily)
DES MOINES, April 24.-Display-
ing h.n all-around performance of
speed and power that presaged very
good results for tomorrow's finals,
the Wolverine track squad pried the
lid off its outdoor season in the thirty-
third running of the mammoth Drake
Relays carnival here today.
Michigan's thinclads grabbed a
second place in the finals of the
sprint medley relay, finished third
in the distance medley relay, and
qualified teams in the two sprint
relays and in the mile baton-passing
event. In the individual contests,
Frank McCarthy garnered fourth
place in the broad jump, with George
Ostroot taking a similar position in
the discus throw.
Lyda Paces Aggies
A sensational half-mile reeled off
by barrel-chested Bill Lyda of the
Oklahoma Aggies in the university
sprint medley relay enabled the Ok-
lahoma aggregation to establish an
American collegiate record which
featured the opening day of this
gala track festival. The Oklahoma
quartet, with Lyda running the an-
chor leg, finished the 440-220-220-
880 yards in 3:23 seconds to clip one
fifth of a second off the record set
by the University of Texas in the
1941 relays. The Aggies conquered
the heavily favored Texans today,
who finished third behind second-
place Michiganl.
Lyda was clocked in the sensation-
Turn to Page 3, Col. 6

800 Students
Hear Boucher
At Convocation
Noted Nebraska Educator
Declares Universities
Are Wartime Need
Strikingly contrasting the Nazi
fear of enlightened peoples with the
wartime educational policy of the
democracies, Dr. C. S. Boucher;
Chancellor of the University of Neb-
raska, told the 19th annual Honors
Convocation yesterday that our
greatest hope for postwar readjust-
ment is to be found in the school and
the church.
Our Universities have successfully
changed to keep pace with the vary-
ing needs of our dynamic society, said
Dr. Boucher, and it is of the greatest
importance that democratic leaders
everywhere are emphasizing higher
education, and insisting that stu-
dents remain in college.
Despite tremendous handicaps, all
universities in Great Britain are in
operation with a total reduction of
less than nine per cent. "Every male
student in the scientific and pro-
fessional schools, with the single ex-
ception of law, is allowed to stay in
the university until the completion
of his course, provided he maintains
a grade of not less than 80 per cent,"
said Dr. Boucher.
Dr. Boucher contrasted the demo-
cratic principle of the greatest pos-
sible enlightenment for the greatest
number of people, with the Nazi be-
lief that the masses should remain1
illiterate and uneducated.
Phi beta KIpp,,a
The University chapter of Phi
Beta Kappa, national honor society,
announced yesterday the initiation of
69 junior and senior members, a sub-1
stantial increase over last year's1
number of initiates.
Among the senior initiates are:4
John E. Allen,Robert L Alpern, Betty
L. Altman, Edward A. Anderson, Jane
Baits, Bernard Barash, June E. Ben-1
der, Walter M. Bury, Victor J. Calde-
court, Michael Chiappetta, Horacet
W. Dewey, Jack P. Doan, Gerald J.
Eder, Elaine L. Gardener, Joseph C.
Greenwald, Theodore W. Hilde-i
brandt, Bettyraie Hileman, Marsha(
J. Karn, Marjorie J. Keller, Jean E.t
Krise, William T. Kruse, Jr., Henryt
Levinstein, Joseph S. Likovsky, Phyl-
lis A. Lovejoy, Richard M. Ludwig,(
William P. Mallick, Florence Maer
Matthews, Sidney Milgrom, Grace E.
Miller, Jean Mullins, Chester Mys-s
licki, Edward G. Newcomb, Charlottet
A. Riff, Robert M. Samuels, RobertV
G. Shedd, Mary B. Shinkman, An-I
thony Stampolis, Shirley J. Stump-t
meyer, Aenid E. Taylor, Virginia M.i
Walcott, Betty J. Whitehead, Stefan1
S. Fajans, Margaret E. Haggan, Her-L
beet L. Pariser, Leonad D. Posen-
man, Bernice C. Sachs, John A Wo-
Junior students initiated into Phip
Beta Kappa include Wilbur R. Birk,d
Robert T. Duff, Margaret M. Garrit-t
sen, Elaine Glass, Audrey H. John-u
son, Bruce J. Kirchenbaum, Freder-e
ick W. Stanton, Jr., Ferne E. Wheeler.i

Acting on the recommendation of
the War Board and the Faculty Per-
sonnel Committee, the Board of Re-
gents yesterday laid down a new Uni-
versity policy in regard to leaves of
absence of faculty members enter-
ing government service connected
with the war emergency.
The resolution adopted - which
supplants that of May 23, 1941-ap-
plies to all regular full-time staff
members who are called into the
armed forces of the United States,
enlist in anticipation of call or who
are called into civilian services of
the United States which are an es-
sential part of the war program.
The Regents declared that it would
Roosevelt Tells
Of Production
Goal Increase
Steel Shortage Is Cause
Of Shipbuilding Lag,
Not Labor Slowdown
WASHINGTON, April 24. -(i)-
President Roosevelt hinted today
that the already gigantic goals of the
war production program may be in-
creased, so well is the program going.
The only lag of any consequence
was in shipbuilding, he said, attribu-
ting it primarily to an overall short-
age of steel shapes and plates rather
than to any management of labor
slowdown. Steps are being taken, he
added, to increase the nation's steel
production capacity.
Too Much Steel Used
The President's statements, made
at a press conference, revealed, too,
that he believed civilian consumption
of steel was too great, and that the
War Production Board held a con-
trary view. A survey on the question,
is in progress, he revealed.
An indication of the rate at. which
production is moving came mean-
while from Harold D. Smith, the
Director of the Budget, in figures
which he submitted to the House'
Ways and Means Committee for its;
guidance in formulating the new tax
Total spending figures for this fis-
cal year, <ending June 30 he said,
will be $28,000,000,000, instead of
$26,000,000,000 previously estimated.
Next year's total, he added, had been
revised upward from $56,000,000,0001
to $70,000,000,000.
Schedules Anmounced
When the schedules were an-
nounced in January, administrationc
officials were admittedly "settingt
their sights high." The figures were
based not on what the country would
need to fight the war, but on whatt
officials thought would be industry's
maximum output.
It was obvious from the President'sf
statement today that the administra-
tion, with an eye to the expansion of
war production since Pearl Harbor,
has concluded that however "fan-'c
tastic" the figures might have seemedf
in January, America's capacity to
produce the tools of war had actually
been underrated.
Thue President's indica~tion that the
schedules may be correspondingly ex-
panded came in reply to a press
question on the country's steel pro-f
ducing capacity. He was asked whe-f
ther he thought that plants nowI
under construction or in process of
enlargement would be sufficient to
meet all wartime needs.

be University policy to reinstate staff
members upon ternination of duty
with the government unless in the
meantime fundamental changes have
taken place which render reinstate-
ment impossible.
Because essential functions of the
University must be carried on and
consequently essential positions must
be filled during periods of absence,
the Regents were not able to guar
antee reassignment to exactly the
same capacity as the one formerly
Reassignment, however, will as far
as possible be to positions compar-
able with those formerly held.
Must State Facts
Applications for leave, which must
be presented to the Regents, should
include a full statement of the facts
of each case. Although the period of
leave is not to exceed one year at a
time, renewals may be applied for by
the person in question or by an ap-
propriate administrative officer.
At their meeting yesterday the Re-
gents alsoaccepted $85,613.07 in gifts.
The largest grant was from the W. K.
Kellogg Foundation which gave the
University $55,000 for furniture and
fixtures for the new building of the
School of Public Health.
Other donations included $25,167
from the U.S. Office of Education for
use in defense training, $2,400 from
the Upjohn Company for use in clin-
ical research by Sidney Walther Fox,
Turn to Page 2, Col. 1.
For Honors
Enrollees in the University Honors
Program can file applications and
gain information on the program ev-
ery Monday, Wednesday and Friday
from 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. in Room
1204 .Angell Hall until May 1.
Approximately 40 students includ-
ing sophomores with a B average,
will be admitted to this course of
study, designed to promote analytical
and critical thinking as well as pro-
vide a factual background, and car-
ried out under the tutorial system.
Literary types epic, historical,
novel, comedy and tragedy-arebe-
ing studied by the group working
under Otto Graf of the German de-
partment which is illustrative of the
Honors Program,
"Purpose of the program," asserted
Graf yesterday, "is to impart grounds
of literary criticism to the student,
to make him aware of structural con-
siderations, and to have him investi-
gate the relationship of purpose, con-
tent and form."
Examples-good and bad-of the
various literary genres are culled
from literature of all the ages, and
are studied from a critical and ana-
lytical approach designed to enable
students to recognize the essential
elements of the different types.
Sta ()rclwsIt'as
A un ednw aFestival
Ain unprecedented pageant of


Japs Advance



, !> -- --

New Thrusts Imperiling
Mandalay; 40 Planes
Harass Chinese Lines
Allies Inflict Huge
Losses At Toungoo

(By The Associated Press)
NEW DELHI, India, April 24. -
Mechanized Japanese vanguards
have reached the Taunggyi area
within 100 miles of vital Mandalay
in a thrust of nearly 80 miles north-
ward from the region of fallen Loi-
kaw, a Chinese communique disclosed
This force was located at the town
of Hopong, 10 miles east of Taung-;
gyi, in confirmation of a previous
announcement from British head-
quarters that the Chinese were locked
in violent combat with the invader
in that region.
Chinese Announcement
The Chinese announcement stated
that 40 enemy aircraft had been con-
tinuously bombing the Chinese posi-
tions, which are at the left of the
Allied Burma line, and that there
were heavy casualties on both sides
in continuing fighting.
On the Toungoo front far to the
southwest of this action, Chung-
king's communique reported the Jap-
anese had suffered 3,000 casualties in
a week's fighting between the Swa
River and the town of Pyinmana and
that in four days about Pyinmana
itself 3,000 invaders had been killed
or wounded against Chinese losses
of 1,000 killed or wounded.
Fighting on that front was said
now to be centered about Tatkon,
which is 30 miles north of Pyinmana.
British Communique
The earlier British communique
telling of the invader's thrust far
above Loikaw had thus briefly sum-
marized the action:
"Chinese Front: Fighting attacks
were developing in the east front
vicinity of Shwenyaung and Taung-
gyi. Reports of both actions were
meager but matters appear to be de-
veloping satisfactorily."
These Chinese troops are under
command of the American Lieutenant
General Joseph W. Stilwell.
Hope To Head Caravan
For Army, Navy Relief
HOLLYWOOD, April 24. -OP)-
There's a legend growing up out here
around Bob Hope. People ask is he
twins, or triplets, or the man on the
flying carpet?
What with camp shows, and bene-
fits, and pictures and the radio Bob
is undoubtedly the busiest man in
town. And, as you might expect,
he'll do most of the work on the
Hollywood Victory Caravan's tour of
the country, which heads east Sun-
day in search of dollars for Army and
Navy Relief organizations.

Army Plans
For Students
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., April 24.-(/P)-
Brig.-Gen. J. H. Hilldring, assistant
Chief of Staff, disclosed today that
within the next few weeks the Army
would announce a plan whereby col-
lege students could enroll in the en-
listed reserve corps and remain in
school for further training.
He said the plan was identical with
the one already adopted by the Navy,
and would include studentsbetween
the ages of 18 and 20. They would
receive training as officers in all
branches. The plan was announced
at a meeting of the National Asso-
ciation of Deans and Advisors of
Men. I
A similar plan was announced this
week for the Army air force, but Gen-
eral Hilldring said leading educators
would meet in Washington next week
to formulate a program for all
branches of the Army. ,
Students enrolled under the Army
and Navy programs will be given ex-
aminations at the end of their sec-
ond calendar year and those who
rank highest in nationwide competi-
tion will remain in school.
Cecil Brown
To Talk Here
Noted War Correspondent
Will LectureMonday
Cecil Brown-the CBS reporter
who slid down the side of the bombed
British battleship "Repulse," dived
into the water 20 foot below and then
reached safety via boards, stools,
rafts and a destroyer--will tell an
exciting tale when he talks here Mon-
day before an Oratorical Association
When the news of the attackfof
the "Repulse" and the "Prince of
Wales" came into CBS's New York
studios, his friends there were cer-
tain that cable was Brown's epitaph.
Instead they were startled to re-
ceive a "newsreel-clear" description
of the ships' sinking, cabled virtu-
ally from the spot, in one of the
greatest journalistic scoops of the
From Singapore, where he was
taken after rescue by a British de-
stroyer, Brown continued to broad-
cast accounts of the progress of the
war, accounts that were eagerly re-
ceived by American audiences.
The British authorities in Singa-
pore, however, found them "detri-
mental to public morale" and reveal-
ing a state of mind which made it
necessary for them to "regard Cecil

Greatest Attack In History
Of Service Is Executed
By Hu~ndredsOf Planes
No U.S. Objection
On Interned Pilots
LONDON, April 24. -(AP)- The
largest force of RAF fighters ever
sent against a single objective escort-
ed bombers attacking the Nether-
lands port of Flushing by daylight
today, following up a pre-dawn as-
sault on therHeinkel aircraft factories
Sand the German Baltic port of Ros-
tock in which the Air Ministry said
massed bombers loosed the "greatest
weight of bombs" in the Service's
1 history,
l r.Nine Fighters Lost
Nine fighters were lost in the
f Flushing raid and in sweeps over
northern France, while five Nazi
planes were destroyed. One of these
was a Junkers 52 troop transport,
shot down in flames by two Ameri-
can Eagle pilot officers, Arnold Skin-
ner, of Webb City, Mo., and William
Daley, of Amarillo, Tex.
In saying the fighter group was
the largest ever employed, the Air
Ministry declined to disclose the actu-
al number.
It said the hour-long raid on Ros-
tock and the Heinkel works, which
cost four planes, started gigantic
fires visible for more than 90 miles
at sea.
The "very heavy" explosive bombs
set the town and harbor ablaze in an
attack officially described as "effec-
tive as that on Luebeck."
Attack On Luebeck
The tremendous attack of March
28 on Luebeck, 60 miles southwest of
Rostock, was a landmark in the
campaign to sap the power' of the
German offensive preparations in the
east and north by wrecking indus-
trial areas. British authorities say
i0 per cent of Luebeck's main area
was destroyed, on the basis of photo-
graphic evidence.
In striking just as heavily at the
Heinkel works near Rostock, the Brit-
ish bombers dropped down to 3,500
feet and did not release a bomb un-
til the center of the factory area
was in the bomb sights.
U.S. Won't Protest
Internment Of Pilots
WASHINGTON, April 24. --()-
High officials indicated today that
the United States government had no
disposition to object to the reported
Russian internment of an American
plane and its crew which landed in
Siberia after bombing Japanese
When reporters called President
Roosevelt's attention at a press con-
ference to Moscow dispatches con-
cerning the incident, the Chief Ex-
ecutive replied with light banter.
However, he did supply the tangible
information that he had received an
official communication from Moscow
relating to internment of a plane.
Presumably, this communication
was from the Soviet government, for
Secretary of State Hull told a later
press conference that nothing had
been received as yet from Ambassa-
dor William H. Standley.
The State Department head went
on to say that he was not in a posi-
tion to discuss the international le-
gal aspects in the absence of a report
from the ambassador. But, he said,
news dispatches from Russia indi-
cated that the matter was being dealt
with according to international law
and precedent.
Foley Designates
City Of Ann Arbor
As Defense Area

City officials were notified yester-
day that Ann Arbor has been desig-
nated as part of a defense housing
area with its builders qualified to
construct new homes for sale or
rental to war workers.
The ruling lifts the existing War
Production Board ban against new
According to Raymond J. Foley,

marching bands,
famous directors,
House at 4 p.m.
standing feature
State Band and
takes place. r
This festival,

led by nationally
will fill Yost Field
otday, as the out-
of the Michigan
Orchestra Festival

Sc 00 masters Discuss War:
Labor Supply To Be Exhausted
By_1943, Gen. McSherry Says

supervised by

the I

Landers, Loiidiboroiigli, A ger1
T-op Studenit Seniate Elections,

Speech Pro gri i
Marks 50 Years,
Fetes Treblood
Climaxing the celebration of the
fiftieth anniversary of the University
Department of Speech was the pre-
sentation made to Dr. Thomas Clark-
son Trueblood, professor emeritus of
Public Speaking and founder of the
department, at the program held
yesterday in the Lydia Mendelssohn


A junior from Springfield, Mass.,
took top rating from the campus yes-
terday as Jim Landers gained 173
votes to be the first candidate elect-
ed to Michigan's new Student Sei-
Landle'rs easily exceeded the quota
of 152 firs place votes as did Bill
louc glhoro " "l " and Bill Ager, hoth
'43. Under the Hare system of pro-
portional representation, these men
were chosen on the first count.
hudson Chosen
Fourth in number of votes was
Herman Hudson, '45, nearly-blind
Negro student whose battle against
ordinarily overwhelming odds has al-
ready received recog ni Uion from the
Tie remaining nominees selected

large electorate in every past senate
election. The party's demise in this
race has been n:imar'ently a natural
one) '
Yesterday's ' 't ion was o1 of 11c
most quiet campus polls th t have
been condu; ted throuhout t e is-
tor' of t1e senat" Thr" " "no
instance of ballot-box stuffing, ac-
cording to Election Chairman Ted
McOmber, '42, and no ambitious elec-
tioncers were to be seen.
To Form Policy
h'le nine members elected to the
senate yesterday will form a policy-
making 0group which will have only
legislative and executive functions.
All administrative activity, such as
committee organization and general

Michigan School Band and Orches-
tra Association, is the instrumental
division of the State Schoolmasters'
Club conference which is meeting
here Thursday, Friday and today.
Six high school bands, including a
group of more than 300 students,
will perform Saturday in a mass
demonstration condch wted by Prof.
William D. Revelli.
Grend Rtlii4 lit la'jirw
Grand Rapids Union ligh School
speakers tdok first place honors in
the all-state debating finals held yes-
terday by defeating representatives
from Flint Central High School be-
fore a crowd of 3,000 people in Hill
Speaking for the afirmative on
the topic, Resolved, That every able-
bodied male citizen in the United
States should be required to have

Following the formula of every
conference since Dec. 7, the fifty-
sixth annual meeting of the School-
masters' Club yesterday reexamined
education's position in a world at
Featured speaker Gen. Frank J.
McSherry startled the assembled
teachers as he told them that the
nation's potential labor supply would
be exhausted by 1943, and that 1944
would see boys, women, and old men
called into industrial service.
McSherry, deputy director of the
labor s iply and training for the
War Production Board, told them of
the terrific manpower problem which
he predicted would be especially acute
in this area.
Emphasizing that college freshmen
would soon be earmarked for special
tasks, he added that although con-
scription might not be employed
there could be no alternative to en-
tering some phase of the war pro-

Conference, Prof. William Hart of the
University of Minnesota emphasized
the need for mathematically trained
students. Even girls should be train-
ed, he said, citing instance after in-
stance where authorities on educa-
tion and war had employed girls as
instructors in military fields.
He advocated the placement of ev-
ery possible student in high school in
mathematical courses and particu-
larly stressed the importance of such
training for those contemplating
.joining the Army Air Corps. Such
men should take math through trig-
onometry, as well as some physics
and astronomy, he said.
Lee J. Smits, commentator on De-
troit radio station WXYZ, told an
audience in the League that "suavity
and self-assurance of German radio
propaganda has in the last month
given way to semi-hysteria," and
without fire and force has lost much
of its conviction.

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