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April 24, 1942 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-04-24

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Special Honors'
Program Open
For Applicants
S u h,- Having B Average
Eligible For Enrollmient
In pecialized System
Designed to further the develop-
ment of student thought and writing
expression, the Degree Program for
Honors in Liberal Arts is now open
to sophomores with a B average. Ap-
plicants will be interviewed from 3
p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday, Wednes-
day and Friday until May 1 in Room
1204 Angell Hall.
Work being done by a senior group
in the field of social science under
Prof. Richard C. Fuller of the sociol-
ogy department, is illustrative of the
procedure and aims of the program.
"Attention through the course is
centered upon labor and its role in
different types of society at different
periods of historical development,"
said Prof. Fuller yesterday, "and
labor's place under primitive, slave,
feudal, merchant capitalism and in-
dustrial capitalism."
Professor Fuller does not believe
in the "great book" system. but
selected reading is done in many
great works, and Adam Smith, Marx,
and other major labor writers are
studied intensively to get a picture
of the theoretical systems advanced
by those thinkers. This approach
is in keeping with Fuller's belief that
work in his program should involve
a compaartive analysis of past sys-
tems and a critical study of import-
ant theories and' commentaries.

Hudson Goes.
To Cleveland
For Contest
H~erman Hudson, '44, will represent
the University at the regional meet
of the National Extempore-Discus-
sion contest to be held today at West-
ern Reserve University in Cleveland,
This contest will be in the form of
round-table discussion. The 16 par-
ticipants, representing universities
and colleges from Ohio, Indiana,
Michigan and Pennsylvania, will be
divided into two groups. One of these
round-tables will be held at 3 p.m.,
and the second, in which Hudson will
participate, will take place at 8 p.m.
At these round-tables the prob-
lem which will be discussed is "How
Can We Best Implement the Good
Neighbor Policy?" After this period
of the round-table is completed, each
participant will be required to pre-
sent a seven minute extemporaneous
speech outlining his opinions on the
From these two round-tables, six
contestants will be selected to par-
ticipate in the final meet to be held
tomorrow at the City Club in Cleve-
land. As in the finals of the district
contest, recently run off at the Uni-
versity, this final meet will be in
the form of a forum discussion.
The winner of the contest will rep-
resent the Central Region in the
final National program of the six
regions on the United States. This
meet will be the Town Meeting of
the Air program on May 14, and will
be broadcast from New York. All six
speakers will be taken (conditions
permitting) on a tour of the other
American republics this summer.
Hudson is being accompanied at
this contest by Dr. Glen E. Mills of
the University Department of Speech.

Ballot Box Attedants For' Seniate. Yo tiu-



Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
-Withz mcmhcrship curdt.. .30c

Union : 9:30 a.m. Eileen Olson,
Winifred Steinforth; 10 aim, John
Purdue, Kenneth Wood; 11 a.m., Geo.
Rorney, Kenneth Wood; noon, Phyl-
lis Adams; 1 p.m., Bob Grimshaw;
2 p.m., Corwin Denny, Gloria Nishon;
3 pm., imi Sears, Olive Beebe; 4 p~m.,
John Walcott, Jim Kehoe
League: 9:30 a.m., Beverly Stew-
art, John Walcott; 10 a~m., Chuck
Weiss, Gloria Nelthrope; 11 a.m.,
Peggy Goodman; noon, Mary Jane
Fisher, Dorothy Goetz; 1 p.m., Bev-
erly Stewart; Lorraine Schwab; 2
p.m., Hal Coleman, Beverly Stewart;
3 pnm., Hal Coleman, Beverly Stew-
art; 4 p.m., Bernie Osmond, Ray
Library: 9:30 a.m., Kenneth Wood,
Art Kolin; 10 a.m., Ernie Bush, Bry-
ant Dunshee; 11 a.m., Dean Thomas,
Al Grier: noon, Bill Gray; 1 a.m,
George Roney, Ray Davis; 2 p.m., Al
Bott, Ernie Bush; 3 p.m., Buck Daw-
son, Ellie Nelson; 4 p.m., Sam Hol-
land, Bob Emerson.
Angell Hall: 9.30 a.m., Asa Row-
lee, John Powers, 10 a.m., Dorothy
Sets IDeadfiiie
Ajplications DuIhe iMnday
' or' Inliwetion (ilrses
Application deadinc of the fourth
term in the Ordnance Material In-
spection defense courses has been set
for Monday while Col Henry W.
IMiller, administrator of the program,
and A. B. Bishop, district representa-
tive, prepare to open the new series
on that date.
IIn partial fulfillment of a pledge
made by Colonel Miller at the open-
ing o1 the last Ordnance Inspection
term, requirements for eligibility will
be made less rigid
A college background of either one
year in a recognized engineering
school oxr two years in other college
divisions will be required of appli-
cants, However, special concessions
may be made by the instructor con-
cernedl if hie is satisfied that the stu-
dent's background in mathematics is
sufficient. High school mathematics
through trigonometry will probably
be required in all cases.
Quialified women are being admit-
ted to the course for the first time
this term and several have already
enrolled. Mr. Bishop explained that
trained women will be admitted to
defense courses just as men have
A salary of $125 a month is paid to
students during the period of instruc-
tion and the enrollee must agree to
serve as Ordnance Inspector upon
completion of the 12-week course.
Interested students should go to
Room 414, West Engineering Build-
ing for furt her details.
A ttij"CIcps , riieii
l H 1° i r I c ces
Plent Iy of mloans and gioan s were
expec(ted( from Ann Arbor bicycle
riders today a.s police tmade the an-
iv atuncment,. that;I all bike owners
tiu st pu rci i i ct19~42 . iricseI la es-
The-le's rof I ie 19~42 I)I; t':;, xil Ibe-
gin~ todl. All lb cvy'Iis whi'icharcs
oper'i'l ed onh Il o' si i c41', xiiib're-
(tiljr'd Io boll, lkiiw i'i ("a, P[oie
wil be oti ti!loikoiiilliiorvehicle
be(aingt otld l ic''ns~e pla:i e:, Ir' rvay 1.
uii hlis, ye~i'r': licctcs will be Sub-
ject to h~a ve'Itis vehiiclec con fical ed
lnail he li putn'lvts newvones. 'Thle de-
I i ttuIeiI aso warined ih U , violators
l of t' license oi'lia ore nmy vili
VViI I lk the ;ili1(uiii('(' itt of I I' II i
.ar i ' 1I942 liciu:c';z iJ:o cantioe' Ilie

t .;irt iig to stleit Is i11and )~i~~OI)
f li f)1 krepall b ic'yc'lc })lroil)C'ly
Ic ikd )t te ir) wO il ituit' test iitto
he~ 1 J' tli 1iOO oh IIefNo'c vel de li
1)"('11rlof )li c ;1c 1('s rs I fi ej in I' ) I ta1111
1i mit' h;) W .'hiownan iiti't');S'
1XA I' avr( i 'I l 'srii p
Winner of f I lie li1ita Ischohlal o
iofi fed byI lie fAtnn Arbor chapter
f' LIhe A mcii can A 1soci Lit itiof Uni-
Vis yWo) )ficu "will Io a nnoi ii icd atI
luncheomn;)t, 12 :4,) ply) tojnorrow in)
The a war(1is gi vcn in), honor of a,
d ifferexcit, Berson every yc a I, ', a 1(is
entrifted this yea r "The Dr,)i'. May Pres-
hfii 'Slo:ssoli Sch),i'sI ip'' in Ihonor
1 ;I cion~t of offlicers, and a t~alkc by
Dri. Mitry Craig Meica chy, member
of t~he British t'tnba;ss y in Washing-
ton will be 01,1(he r f tis of the

Wineland, Mary Jane Kenney; 11
a.m., Rae Gustafson, Evie Wright;
noon, Dorothy Briddon, Martha Wilt;
1 p.m., John Mikulich,- Jim Sears;
2 p.m., Bill Brooks, Bud Brimmer; 3
p.m., Bob Krause, Bill Ludwig; 4 p~im.,
Carol Henderson, Joan Ross.
Hill Auditorium: 11 a~m., Bill Ell-
mo n.
Engineering Arch : 9:30 a.m., Buzz
Stuch, Helen Rhodes; 10 a.m., Bill
Schwab, Dean Thomas; 11 a.m., Hen-
ry Zeller, Chuck Ranson; noon,
Frances Wilcoxen, Elinor Porter; 1
p.m., Chuck Fish, Max Pearse; 2 p.m.,
Bea Bouchard, George Sallade; 3
p.m., Mary Jane Kenney, Betty Ho-
gan; 4 p.m., Bob Shirrlc, Janet Veen-
,john C. IDancy%'
W ill T alk Here
John C. Dancy, Jr., dir ector of the
Detroit Urban League will address a
meeting of the Student League of
America at 8 p.m. Wednesday, April
9, in the Union.
Dancy has behind him a lifetime
of service to the Negro race. During
his twenty four years of service with
the Detroit Urban League he has
striven to advance the Negro's social,
industrial, and economic conditions,
and thereby raise his general stand-
ard of living.
At present a memaber of the Selec-
tive Service System, he has partici-
pated in many other public service
(Continued from Page 4)
Exhibition: Museum of Art and
Archaeology, The Maud Ledyard von
Ketteler Collection of the University
of Michigan, Rackham Galleries,
April 9-25. Hours 2-5 and 7-10 p.m.,
European anld Far Eastern Axrt Ob-
Exhibition, College of Arc'hitccture
, snd Design: An exhibition of ink-
and-brush life dlrawing.s by Milton
Horn of New 'York City,. a resident
sculptor under a Carnegie Founda-
tion Grant at Olivet College, is being
shown in the ground floor eases of
the Architecture Building. Open
daily 9 to 5. except Sunday," through
April 28. The public is invited.

Monday evening in Hill Auditorium
on "The War in the Pacific." The
Oratorical Association presents Mr.
Brown in place of Quentin Reynolds
and season ticket holders are advised
to use the Reynolds' ticket for ad-
mission. Single tickets will be on
sale at the box office, Hill Auditor-
ium, Saturday morning from 10:00
to 12:00, and all day Monday.
Evet s Today
The French Roundtable, Interna-
tional Center, will meet at 8:00 to-
night in Room 23 of the Center.
Open discussion will be carried on.
Anyone who is interested in French
Conversation is invited. Dr. Paul
Bourelly will lead the discussion on
Pi Lambda Theta Sorority will
sponsor a tea for visiting members
and friends attending the School-
masters Club today, 4:00-5:30 p.m.,
in the West Conference Room of the
Rackham Building.
Guide Service Committee will meet
today at 4:30 p.m. The room will
be posted in the League.
Biological Station: There will be
an illustrated. talk on the Biological
Station today at 4:15 p.m. in Room
2116 Natural Science Building, All
interested in learning more about
the Station as a prospective place for
study are invited to attend.
Westminster Student Guild joins
with the Interguild tonight for their
evening party.
Episcopal Students: Tea will be
served for Episcopal students andI
their friends at Harris Hall this
afternoon, 4:00 to 5:30.
Conig v9t
The English Journal Club will meet
Thursday evening, April 30, at 7:45
in the West Conference Room of the
Rackham Building. Mr. Kenneth
Millar will speak on "Donne and
Herbert," and Mr. Richard Fogle will
discuss "The Imagery of Keats."
Graduate students in English and
other interested persons are welcome.
Phi Delta Kappa State Fellowship
Luncheon will be held Saturday at
12:45 p.m. in the Michigan Union.
The addxress, by S. I. Hayakawa, will
be on "Language and Democracy."
Initiation ceremonies for Omega
chapter will take place at 12:15 p.m.
preuceding the luncheon.
T~he Angell Hall Observatory will
be open to the public from 9:00 to
11:00 Saturday evening, April 25. The
moon and the planet Jupiter will be
shown through the telescopes. Chil-
dren must be accompanied by adults.



Chpd/ N OW!

It's never too late to start the training which you have missed
in your high school education. There are thousands of posi-
tions open to skilled men and women who know typing and
office work. Either call us, or drop in for information regard-
ing summer courses.
Air-coo/ed Classrooms
Hamiltn usnesole
'Wit/an at State

1\ c-)

supper and transportation, Please
bring. your -car, since only private
conveyances are available.
The Micbian Outing Club will go
on a week-end work hostel to the
Saline Valley Farms on Saturday,
April 25. The group will leave at 1:00
p.m. from Hill Auditorium. For fur-
ther information call Dan Saulson
(9818) or Libby Mahlman (2-2539).
Modern Dance Symposium: The
University Dance Club is holding a
symposium on Saturday, April 25, in
the University High School Gym-
nasium. Nancy McKnight, formerly
of the Hanya Holm, Concert Group
will teach a master lesson at 11:00

a.m. An informal program of dances
will be given by the participating high
schools and colleges at 4:80 p.m.
Spectators are welcome to attend
these events. There will be no admis-
sion charge.
Theatre Arts Petitions are due, in
the Undergraduate office of the
League not later than noon, Satur-
day, April 25.
Graduate Party:; Dancing and table
games will be available at an inform-
al party Saturday evening, Rackham
Assembly Hall and Terrace. Come
with friends or come to meet others,
Refreshments. Open to all graduate
and professional students and faculty.

No mantter what style of
lhat you pref er, you'll

always enjoy
food served

the fine
at The

Tn vesin,


TA tR Clat338 MAYNAIU)

IExhibition: An extensive collection The Annual French Play: Le Cercle
of French Realia of particular inter- Francais will present "La Belle Aven-
est to studensts and teachers of ture," a comedy in thr~ee acts by de
French will be on display in, Gaillavet. de Flers and Rey, on
IOli Granud IRapids Rootm, Michigan Wednes.,da)y, April 29, at 8 1:30 p.m., in
Ieaguc today. F our's 3~-6 p.mi. the Lydia Mc dlsso n 'Theater.
"P'ickets will be on sl at the box-
office of' the f heel fcr on Tuesday,
{ r!E11LI( '. Apr-il 28 from 10:00) a.mx. to 6:00 p.m.
Iti'iiry F cneI l tvF r ir+ea D. Wil- and on Wednesday, April 29, from
liaii~.Worel, rofsst'of Semi- 10:.00 a.i to 8:30 p.m.
tic". villgivc I lie Inivroc-s---Le




Plain Dresses - Men's Suit's
Now $-41,2
Ii w, cilltgc III potlc'y is (ilic 1() 111-
C1'1 d (')5 f iw1I( rs';11V a,1 I w .1 '

Iail ' or'tlxi 110sub~iect, "''A Account. of
ILie Ccw,tsfrom (Coptic Sources''an
Ttzesdaiy, April 28. at l4 :1,5 p.m. ill the
I&(ckha in Anip ifir I hatr. A I,ths
Impix pold;i anntitcrtiiit ef cthIe
' ltixt" ( I+;l sl Axva " i 'd w ill bIi t ' ial e
1 (' re i it tt r urt , rj it r' I r N'> frrte
corepc liet Ifor CAK. will sPcui

Hird Study '1 ript: 0Open to all facul-
Iy and g:ratet<ir students insofar as
Ira nsporrtation is available. Leave
nortwestdoorr of Rackliax at 2:30
p m. on Sunday fo-ruone of the Port-
age lak,":whe tre Dr. IUannmwill dcii-
i ta] It;'hi r ltr 11)1 ,hn ng ad
1)irtIl habits. Supp of xi I 1<i1ake
Warm i mlt ci' s ;vilb:,i cseof
inclement ea hr.Smll f ee fr

IRI rPP PrPrPrPsPrPE P.. .!'''' S rPP r P P P PI rIa r.'rP4P0P P P P.r ! I rPr rEr PErIw. P


A - AdvrI~rJ iiihLIFE Mag azineC.



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Nfl" () h'.stra


1Jlb jII 1 (

JMfa )cd
1 sc'4tritri -

1Ir _ri.

NB('- 'Orchestra

i 1INI aVi( its ll FuCIM llnof -1
golif ? Not 'h lticc l'i tang' !? I ~II t c
lt chligt'. yoltI' Mitit IMatiiuctari, I_^ r'vv, .
Play is ~cutt owI.furl. a doule, I life. [p'i iCt',
r;,-lly wt I1 i Ic, fitsi casually wit lcwo. ,A
miake' it I lte icl.'al cottiveril i ,rt.-- a nat-
ural lcr i b'. sports Scasuln
Thw dualpurpose kr~by

1< (/iI/ilI I .- --foiidoii S )'u; pihoiv (Oraht'sira
Played by
WIT r I cVI ii YOUR TASTE; IN m usic- - whhr for classical, semi~-
rlassicdal, or M/odecrn Sivi Ig -01 VICTOR REiCORDS you can. be sure
oif //)e r(' ill('/rpre/a//onls by /Teuworld's ,greatest artis/s.

Rtlig by

Torrent JACKETS,
arnd windproof for

Rugby LOAFERS. For fCouii
pus wer 13Bc smortly

0*9, ll.* & -247.


.+w. vw r.ar.-. .rr irY rr tn hr ha °v1 r*.


I i


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