TIE ICHIGAN DAILY [I34t izrn ktt g Basis For Inflation Danger Facing United States Analyzed By OPA Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rierf $4.00, by mail $5.00. REPRESENTED POR NATIONAL ADVERTISING SY National Advertising Service, Inc. ..College Publishers Representative 420 MADisON AYE. NEW YORK. N. Y, e hbIcor sca LollegieSPANGEES 9SAN44RANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941.42 Edi itorial Staff Emile Gel . Alvin Dann David Lachenbruch Jay McCormick Gerald E. Burns hal Wilson Janet Hooker Grace Miller . . Virinia Mitchell. Daniel 1..fHuyett James B. Collins Louise Carpenter Evelyn Wright . . S . . Managing Editor . . . Editorial Director . . . . City Editor . Associate Editor . . . Associate Editor . . . Sports Editor . . . Women's Editor . Assistant Women's Editor . . Exchange Editor (Editor's Note: The Office of Price Administra- tion has issued a series of releases explaining funda- mental aspects ofethe inflation problem. This second article cmphasizes the historical nature of this economic disease.) M~,AYBEwe ('all push throuigh to victory with- out doing anything about inflation. In that case we will probably end up like the sick man who reached home in time to die. Inflation is a disease, inflation is an economic fever. And it resembles some physical disease in this-that the end effect of the disease is even worse than the disease while it is running its terrible course. We might have uncontrolled inflation and still survive the war victoriously, but the post- war world would almost certainly find us par- alyzed, powerless to do anything about the ter- rific problems confronting us when the firing is over. Certainly, if inflation continues, we shall be powerless to do much toward rebuilding the world into a fraternity of free men, into the sort of world for which we are fighting. We shall be too weak for that. Consider the course of inflation in World War I, a course which has been paralleled, thus far, in World War IL The early stages of that World War I infla- tion, like the early stages of the present infla- tion, were exhilarating. They were the first flush of fever. There was a flood of new buying power which eventually found its expression-- as scarcity ate away other consumer goods-in the war-rich workingman's silk shirt (we were- n't fighting the Japs then). In the beginning we had a spreading prosper- ity. New jols, higher wages, bigger profits. TIOLESALE PRICES kept going up, but for awhile the well-stocked stores along Main Street continued to sell at the same old prices. That was the stage from which we. in the present war, are just emerging. In this war we have more and better controls than we had in the last war, but even these controls are not enough. In that beginning period a lot was going on behind the shiny new backdrop with its painted scene of prosperity and plenty. Backstage, de- mand for goods was racing around in an effort to catch up with rising price of materials. Busi- nessmen who didn't want to be caught without the materials to meet their orders bid up prices and bought more than they would have bought in ordinary times for what are known as "stock- piles," which is simply another name for reserve supplies. Besieged by buyers, these businessmen marked up their selling prices. At first none of this seemed really important, but after awhile the hidden factors began to operate. Hoarding reduced supply and ham- pered prodi iction. High prices funneled their way down from the top into the retail markets and into the retail stores and the phrase "high cost of living" became something more than a joke. The cost of almost every~thing soared so rapidly that people whose incomes remained fairly fixed had a hard time making both ends meet, while even those who had received raise after wartime raise felt the effect on their stand- ard of living. And, over all, the war effort itself was partly paralyzed.- This was America in the second stage of World War I's inflation. It wvas a stage in which the workers and the farmers whose incomes weren't rising fast enough to keep pace with mounting prices and all those unfortunate folk whose in- comes didn't rise at all, were able to buy less and less with their shrinking dollars. T HIS WAS BAD, but the worst was yet to come. The worst came after the war; the worst came when the remains of the war pro- gram could no longer support the demand for goods and the whole mad-house structure col- lapsed about our collective ears. Then, in 1920, businessmen were caught in a low-price market with stocks of goods for which they'd paid tremendous prices. The write-down of business inventories in 1920 was almost 11,- 000,000,000 and liabilities of bankrupt firms in the following year were almost double the pre- vious all-time record. The farmer and the worker suffered too. In 1918 the average farmer's income was up twenty- four percent above his buying power in 1913, even allowing for the astronomical price of "store-bought" city goods. Then the farmers were riding the tidal wave of inflation, a wave which had doubled farm prices. But by 1922 the receding wave had carried the farmer's in- come even below what it had been in 1913. As for the worker, he took his blow in the form of heavy unemployment. And it was a terrific blow--a blow to more than offset the memory of easy money and silk shirts. This time there is every indication that it would be worse. This time we are faced with a monumental crisis and we are right up against that crisis now. We are right up against that crisis because our national income continues to rise steadily while the output of goods for which that income may be spent is just as steahdily, Just as constantly shrinking l:ty by duy, week by week, month by month. Unless we control inflat ion we could double the cost of a war which even at present prices promises to cost us more than 100 billion dollars. UNLESS we control inflation we shall be buy- ing the weapons we need for our soldiers and the soldiers of our allies in a runaway market. Unless we control inflation we shall continue to be harassed by shortages in materials hoarded for speculation. Unless we control inflation millions of Ameri- cans in the end will be faced with huinger and want. Unless we control inflation we may very well lose the war, and even if we win the war we shall stand to lose the peace. And that we cannot, that we must not, permit. lbusiness Staff Business Manager * Associate Business Manager . Women's Advertising Manager . Women's Business Manager NIGHT EDITOR: ALVIN A. DANN The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Speech Department's Progress Reviewed T"ODAY the fiftieth anniversary of the speech department will be cele- brated. An assembly will be held. Speeches will be given by President Ruthven and members of the department. But one can't pay tribute to the speech department without taking his hat off to one man. a man who had an inspiration and who worked to make that inspiration a reality, Dr. Thomas Clarkson Trueblood. It was in 1884 that President James B. Angell invited Dr. Trueblood to the University for a course of lectures in speech. In each year that followed, Dr. Trueblood continued his lectures until 1889. when his services were demanded for the full academic year. Throughout the ten years following his ap- pointment as head of the speech department all the courses .offered were taught by him. Through his efforts the importance of speech courses in a university were finally realized and since then the department has grown both in size and importance. ANY STUDENTS go through the University, majoring in history, government, economics and other specialized fields. They graduate with high honors and numerous degrees. But often broad knowledge and superior intellectual devel- opment are wasted because the student has not learned to communicate his ideas effectively. That is where the speech department renders its invaluable services. Students have entered the University lisping, stuttering and stammer- ing and have left it as able speakers. But the departments activities have not been restricted to correcting speech defects. Dr. True- blood and his staff experimented and expanded their curriculum so that today courses in public speaking, debating, interpretation, play produc- tion, speech science and radio are offered. Michigan can now rightfully boast of one of the finest speech departments among the lead- ing universities, a department which started with one man, Dr. Trueblood, and today consists of 23 instructors. So it is that on its fiftieth anniversary we sa- lute the Department of Speech, a prominent feather in our cap. -Mark Lipper Senate Election Needs Your Vote Today . . 'IE TUMULT and the shouting which began two months ago with a com- plete reorganization of Michigan's decayed Stu- dent Senate will come to a head today. Every student on campus will have his first (and per- haps his last) chance to vote for a truly repre- sentative and truly governing body in the Student Senate election today. The people who take the strongest stand on representative campus government are little concerned about which party or individual gets your vote. Fa more important than politics is the desperate need for a large campus vote to back the policies of this new group. Franklin Delano Roosevelt could do little on this campus with the support given to past senate elections. There have been many questions raised as to the merits of the senate reorganization plan, but none dispute its basic efficiency and democracy, The fundamental problem, however, concerns DIAILY O®FFICGIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) Members of the faculty are asked to enter by the rear door of Hill Audi- torium and proceed directly to the stage, where arrangements have been made for seating them. The public is invited. Alexander G. Rnthven Commencement Tickets: Tickets for Commencement may be obtained on request after May 11 at the In- formation Desk in the Business Office, Room 1, University Hall. Be- cause the Yost Field House will be used for the exercises, rain or shine, and because of its limited seating capacity, only three tickets will be available for each senior. Please pre- sent identification card when ap- plying for tickets. Herbert G. Watkins, Assistant Secretary. To All Members of the Faculty and Administrative Staff: If it seems cer- tain that any telephones will not be used during the summer months please notify the Business Office, Mr. Peterson. A saving can be effected if instruments are disconnected for a period of a minimum of three months. Herbert G. Watkins To Students Graduating at Com- mencement, May 30, 1942: The bur- den of mailing diplomas to members of the graduating class who do not personally call for their diplomas has grown until in 1940 it cost the University over $400 to perform this service. The rule has been laid down, as a result, that diplomas not called for at the Sports Building immediate- ly after the Commencement Exercis- es or at the University Business Of- fice within three business days after Commencement will be mailed C.O.D. The mailing cost will be approximate- ly 30c for the larger sized rolled diplomas and 4c for the book form. Will each graduate, therefore, be certain that the Diploma Clerk has his correct mailing address to insure delivery by mail. The U. S. Mail Service will, of course, return all diplomas which cannot be delivered. Because of adverse conditions abroad, foreign students should leave ad-i dresses in the United States, if pos- sible, to which diplomas may be mailed. It is preferred that ALL diplomas be personally called for. Herbert G. Watkins, Assistant Secretary Group llospitahization and Surgi - cal Service: The period for filig new applications for enrollment or revi- sions of contracts now in effect ex- pires on Saturday, April 25. There- after no new enrollments or applica- tions will be permitted until next October. Applications filed in the present enrollment period will be- come effective May 5, 1942. Applica- tions filed in the present enrollment period will become effective May 5, 1942. Application cards are avail- able at the University Business O- lice. Candidates for thie readier's Cer - tificate for May, 1942 are requested to call at the office of the School of Education, 1437 UES, during the week of April 27, between the hours of 1:30 and 4 :30, to take t',h TeacherI Oath which is a requirement for the certificate. F1aculty, School of Education: The April meeting of the faculty will be held on Monday, April 27, in the Uni- versity Elementary School Library. Tea will be served at 3:451and the meeting will convene at 4:15. Admission to School of Business Administration: Applications for ad- mission to this School for the Sum- mer Term must be filed not later than May 1 by candidates for the B.B.A. degree. Application blanks and information available in Room 108 Tappan Hall, Engineering Students: The Depart- ment of Mechanism and Engineering Drawing is desirous of obtaining sev- eral Engineering Students who have Drawing 1, 2, and 3 to act as student assistants in the Ordnance Training Courses. They must be free on M. W. F. 10-12 or Tu., Th., S. 10-12. The Course runs from April 27 to July 25, including the two weeks that the regular students have vacation, May 30 to June 15. Apply to Col. H. W. Miller, Room 412, W. Eng. Residence halls for Men and Wo- men Applications for Staff Positions: Upperc lass, graduate, and profession- 0l students who wish to apply for Staff Assistantships and other stu- dent personnel positions in the Resi- dence Halls may obtain application blanks in the Office of the Director of Residence Halls, 205 South Wing. Unmarried members of the faculty holding the rank of 'Teaching Fellow or above are invited to apply for Resident Adviserships in the Quad- rangles (House Masterships). Posi- tions of all grades will be open for the Fall and Spring Terms; and it is probable that there will be a limited number of student and faculty staff vacancies for the Summer Term. Karl Litzenberg Notice to Property Owners: If you have purchased imuroved property Washnton Merry-Go-Round By DREW PEARSON and ROBERT S. ALLEN GRIN AND BEAR IT ByLichty p5 -1 1 "Maybe women CAN take over men's jobs, but I'd certainly feel silly working for one!" WASHINGTON--Two headlines which blazed across the Washington panorama recently indicate part of the reason why Federal Loan Cz-u' Jesse Jones was eased out of the policies :nd lower of the Defense Supplies, Metals Re- serve, and Rubber Reserve corporation,,s. Th1 Ie l leadlines were - Armies Face Quinine Shortage With Java's Fall Battle Of Bataan Ended Because Quinine Pills Ran Out The facts behind these headlines constituted one of the things which jolted the President and caused him to transfer the buying of vital war supplies to Vice President Wallace's Bureau of Economic Warfare. What happened was this: Shortly after Pearl Harbor, the War Produc- tion Board and the Bureau of Economic War- fare urged Jesse Jones and his purchasing or- ganizations to buy quinine. Ninety-five percent of this drug comes from Java, which seemed likely to fall. This drug is almost an all-out essential in combating malaria. And with thousands of U.S. troops slated to fight in the tropics, malaria is about as dangerous as the enemy. Too Late However, Jesse Jones and his staff waited. Sumatra fell. Then Java was attacked. The world's only real source of quinine seemed sure to fall. Jones ordered a small amount. THEN, on March 5, just one day before Ba- tavia, capital of Java, was captured. Jones' Loan Administration finally sent a telegram, by this time ordering all the quinine there was to be had in Java-about 52,000,000 ounces. The telegram was signed by Will Clayton, Texas friend of Jesse's and Deputy Federal Loan Administrator. Wishfully, the telegram spoke of June and July delivery. But not one ounce of quinine will ever-be delivered from that order. Prior to this frantic teleegram, the WPB and BEW had held many meetings with Jones' staff urging the purchase of quinine. Lives Vs. Dollars At one time, a BEW official told an inter- government meeting which was arguing about quinine purchases: "If the war is over early and we are left with I - _ _ __ _ _ _ - - - - .__-- -__-- - - _ _ _ a lot of quinine on our hands, then we have only wasted dollars. But if tihe war lasts a. long time then we've wasted lives." And it now looks as it that were whtt would happ('n. It is not fair, of (ourse, to blalme Jones for failure to send quinine to Bataan. But it remains an unfortunate fact that for U. S. troops in Africa, Persia, India, North Australia, and the West Indies-to say nothing of United Na- tions troops in all these and other areas--we have a pitifully small reserve of quinine. IT CONSISTS chiefly of 3,165,000 ounces pur- chased by Jesse Jones from Merck and Co., which had had the foresight to order it long ago. Thus this was merely a transfer from a U. S. firm to a government firm of quinine already here in the United States. It did not enrich our total quinine supply. We also have some other reserves. but added all together, the total is pitifully small for a nation at war. And if we had acted early enough we could have had Java's total annual output of 52,250,000 ounces. Hot Time In INaziband The Senate Patents Committee recently lis- tened to testimony on the business aspects of the cartel deal between Remington Arms Com- pany and the Rheinisch-Westfaelische Spreng- stoff Company of Germany, whereby Reming- ton, though a friendly U. S. company, agreed not to sell an ammunition ingredient to Great Britain. Also the Senate Committee discovered there was a chummy "social" side to the cartel business. JUSTICE DEPARTMENT attorney Allen Dobey caused ripples of laughter when he read a letter written by A. A. Dicke, former Remington vice president, who went to Cologne, Germany, to negotiate the ammunition deal. Describing a dinner he had with R. W. S. officials, Dicke wrote: "That certainly was a treat. You can imagine the rare wines, champagnes, foods, etc., not to mention some 1828 cognac which was used to drink a special toast to the friendship of the two companies and to the success of our plans for cooperation to mutual benefits. Dr. Muller (head of R. W. S.) is also well acquainted with the duPonts, who usually stay at his home when they are in Cologne." Remington Arms is a duPont subsidiary. Wanted at Once: Men students who are willing and able to do inside and, outside work, such as houseclean- ing, painting, yard and garden work.' I have a considerable number of odd jobs listed at the Employment Bureau available to young men who wish to earn some extra cash. Apply to Miss Elizabeth A. Smith, Employment Bureau, Room 2, Uni- versity Hall. Telephone 4121, Ext. 2121. German Table for Faculty Mem- bers will met Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Founders' Room, Michigan Union. Members of all departments are cordially invited. There will be a brief talk on "Malaiische Liebens- gedichte" by Mr. Senstius.1 The Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information has re- ceivetl word of a number of vacancies for students interested in work forr the summer at Cedar Point-on-Lake, Erie in Ohio. Information regard-c ing -the types of work available and? the salaries for each can be obtainedf by calling at the Bureau. A repre- sentative from the company will be at the office of the Bureau on Tues-1 day, April 28 and anyone interestedi in seeing him can make an appoint-1 ment by calling University extension< 489. There are also a number of excel- lent positions for cooks and assistant cooks available in Michigan resorts and camps. Persons interested in such work can secure informationt by calling at the office of the Bureau. Any students who are interested1 in summer employment of any typer and have not registered with thef Bureau of Appointments for summerf work are requested 'to call at the office of the Bureau immediatelyr since there are still many positions open in camps, resorts, and hotels. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information 201 Mason hall.- The University Bureau of Appoint- ments has received notification of the following Civil Service Examinations. Detroit Civil Service Intermediate Typist (Male), $1,500, April 27, 1942. Student Public Health Nurse (Fe- male), $1,560, until further notice. General Staff Nurse (Permanent- Female), $1,680, until further no- tice. General Staff Nurse (Relief-Fe- male), $1,680, until further notice. Upholsterer (Male), $1.10 per hr., April 29, 1942. General Welder (Male), $1.15, April 30, 1942. Sheet Metal Worker (Male), $1.10, May 1, 1942. Calculating Machine Operator, $1,- 560 ($1,716 after 7/1/42), May 5, 1942. Posting Machine Operator (Tem- porary employment only), $1,560 ($1,- 716 after 7/1 42), May 5, 1942. Communicable Disease Nurse (Fe- male), $1,800 ($1,980 after 7/1 42), May 11, 1942. Technical Aid: (Bu.§. Adm.,, Gen- eral; Medical Science; (Male and Female). Salary, $1,560 ($1,716 after 7/1 42); Last filing date May 4, 1942. Residence rule waived for male applicants; residence rule restrict- ed to State of Michigan for female applicants. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information The University Bureau of Appoint ments wishes to again call attention to the United States Civi Service Announcement of the examination for Junior Professional Assistant. This examination is open to graduat- in' seniors in all fields. Applica- ti'is will be accepted until April 27, 1942. Further information and the application form may be obtained at the offices of the Bureau of Ap- pointments, 201 Mason Hall. Office hours, 9-12 and 2-4. Bureau of Appointments and English 31, Section 7: The hour examination set for Monday, April 27, at 11 o'clock will be given in Room 25 Angell Hall. W. R. Humphreys Pre-Medical Students: The Medi- cal Aptitude Test of the Association of American Medical Colleges will be given today at 3:00 p.m. in 1025 Angehl Hall. Students who are plan- ning to enter a medical school dur- ing the school year of 1943-1944 should take the examination at this time. There are still some tickets available at the Cashier's Office. Please present your Cashier's receipt at the door. Be on time. Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex- amination: All students expecting to elect directed teaching (Educ D100) next semester are required to pass a qualifying examination in the sub- ject which they expect to teach. This examination will be held on Satur- day, May 9, at 1 o'clock. Students will met in the auditorium of the University High School. The exam- ination will consume about four hours' time; promptness is therefore essential. May Candidates for the Teacher's Certificate: The Comprehensive Ex- amination in Education will be given on Saturday, May 9, from 9 to 12 o'clock (and also from 2 to 5 o'clock) in the auditorium of the University High School. Students having Sat- urday morning classes may take the examination in the afternoon. Print- ed information regarding the exam- ination may be secured in the School of Education office. Doctoral Examination for Charles Winslow McNeil, Zoology; thesis: "Pathology and Embryology of the Giant Kidney Worm Dioctophyma renale (Goeze, 1782) and a Compari- son of its Larva with the Larva of Paragordius varius (Leidy, 1851)." Saturday, April 25, 3089 Natural Sci- ence, 8:00 a.m. Chairman, A. E. Woodhead. By action of the Executive Board, the Chairman may invite members, of the faculties and advanced doc- toral candidates to attend the exam- ination and he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum Doctoral Examination for Frances Elizabeth Wynne, Botany; thesis: "A Revision of the North American Spe- cies of Drepanocladus." Saturday, April 25, 1139 Natural Science, 9:00 a.m. Chairman, W. C. Steere. By action of the Executive Board, the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doctor- al candidates to attend the examina- tion and he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakmi Concerts The University of Michigan Choir under the direction of Hardin Van Deursen, Conductor, will be heard at 8:30 Sunday evening, April 26, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, with Leo Imperi and Robert Holland as soloists. The choir will be assisted in the program by a clarinet quartet organized and trained by WillarH. Stubbins of the faculty of the School of Music. The public is cordially invited. Claire Coci, well-known concert organist, will appear at 4:15 p.m. Sunday, April 26, in Hill Auidtorium in a program open to the general public. Miss Coci plans to present a program of compositions by Bach, Langlais, Jepson, Liszt and Weitz. Student Recital: John Wheeler