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April 24, 1942 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-04-24

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Contin ued Wam


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Speech Department's
Progress Revewe .. .




Nine To Face
Purdue Here;
'M' Will Race
In Drake Meet
Michigan To Open Defense
Of Conference Baseball
Crown At Ferry Field
Trackmen To Start
Campaign Today
Michigan will open its defense of
the Big Ten baseball crown at 4 p.m.
today on the Ferry Field diamond
when they meet an unpredictable
Purdue nine from West Lafayette,
Ind., in the first of a two game series.
The Wolverines have played six
non-conference tilts already, taking
four and losing two. Purdue, on the
other hand, opened its Big Ten sea-
son last week when it split a two
game series with the strong Illini
Batting, Pitching Good
Purdue showed plenty of batting
power and good pitching against Illi-
nois so Michigan will have to be on
its toes if it wants to take both ends
of this all-important series.
Walt Leifheit will be on the mound
for the Boilermakers and will be
seeking his second straight win. The
junior curve ball artist set down Illi-
ni batters with only six hits and one
run in the eight innings he worked
against them, to give Purdue its first
conference win of the season.
Boim Or Fishman To Start
Coach Ray Fisher will probably
start either Pro Boim or Mickey
Fishman in the box for Michigan.
Pro has already dropped two games
this season but his recent appear-
ance on the mound against Wayne
boosted his stock considerably.
Fishman has made an excellent
showing so far this season. In his
first game against Maryland the
stocky senlor allowed but five scat-
tered bits and last Tuesday when
he pitched against Western Michi-
Turn to Page 3, Co. 3
Twuny-On& khrn Squad
To Enter Annual Races
Michigan's itinerant track squad,
along with 57 other college and uni-
versity thinclad crews, arrived in
Des Moines today to open its 1942
outdoor season at the mammoth
Drake Relays track carnival, an-
nually one of the most gala round-
ups of track and field stars in the
With only a few weeks of open-air
training under their belts, the Wol-
verine cindermen are still an un-
known quantity as far as outdoor
competition is concerned. But with
entries listed in seven relay events,
along with the individual field events,
Coach Ken Doherty does not expect
his charges to bring a team title back
to Ann Arbor, relying on the Drake
festival more as a warm-up for the
important Conference meets lying in
the not-too-distant offing.
Besides serving to raise the curtain
on the Wolverines' outdoor season,
the Des Moines classic will also give
the Maize and Blue runners a very
large sample dosage of the kind of
competition they will encounter in
their dual meets, for every team in
the Big Ten, with the exception of
Indiana, will have representatives at
Drake. The Hoosiers turned down
the Drake invitation to accept a bid
Turn to Page 3, Col. 4

Vul caws Invite 14
Students, Burslcy
Into Organization
Vulcans, senior engineers' honor-
ary society, invited 14 students and
one faculty man to membership Wed-
nesday night when they carried out
their annual spring tapping cere-
mony by dragging sleepy initiates-to-
be from their beds, intermittently
dunking them, and then forcing them
to make a hike to the organization's
secret rendezvous.
The Vulcans tapped Dean Joseph
A. Bursley, as honorary faculty mem-
ber, who will join the ranks of other
such membets as President Alexander
Ruthven, and Dean Ivan C. Craviford
of the College of Engineering,
Students who were tapped include
Charles Thatcher, '43E, Rudy Smeja,
'43E, Philip Sharpe, '43E, James
Kline, '43E, Don West, '43E., Robert
Sundquist, '43E, Thomas Poyser, '43E,
Freeman Alexander, '43E, Gene
Hirsch, '43E, Paul Wingate, '43E,

Speech Program Today
Celebrates Anniversary
Ruthven, Trueblood Will Participate In Ceremony;
Annual Speech Awards To Be Presented

Commemorating its fiftieth year,
the University Department of Speech
will hold a special anniversary pro-
gram at 3 p.m. today in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Two prominent speakers will be
presented at this program. President
Alexander G. Ruthven will describe
and pay tribute to the founder of the
department in his address "Dr.
Thomas Clarkson Trueblood and the
University." He will be followed by
Dean Edward H. Kraus who will
speak on the "Development of the
Department of Speech."
After these addresses, Dr. True-
blood, now Professor Emeritus of
Public Speaking, will present a re-
sponse to the speakers. He will be
introduced by Prof. Richard D. T.
Hollister. A presentation to Dr. True-
blood will then be made by Prof.
Carl G. Brandt.
This anniversary program is being
held in conjunction with the annual
Speech Honors Assembly which is
under the direction of Prof. Henry
M. Moser. This assembly is sponsored
yearly in order to honor the out-
standing members of the department
and speech contests.
The assembly part of the program
will be opened by Prof. G. E. Dens-
more, head of the Department of
Annual Honors
Will Be Given
At Convocation
C. S. Boucher Will Speak
On War And Education;
Classes To Dismiss Early
Paying tribute to 831 students with
high scholastic standings, the 19th
annual Honors Convocation will be
held at 11 am. today at Hill Auditor-
ium. Classes will be dismissed at
10:4 a.m. to permit the student body
to attend the Convocation.
Dr. C. S. Boucher, Chancellor of
the University of Nebraska, will de-
liver the main address of the Honors
Convocation, speaking on "War and
Education." The famous educator
and historian is a Michigan graduate
of the Class of 1909, and a former in-
structor of history at the University.
Educational work has taken Chan-
cellor Boucher to many schools
throughout the nation where he has
served in teaching and administra-
tive capacities. Accepting the posi-
tion of Dean of the College of Arts,
Literature and Science of the Uni-
versity of Chicago in 1926, Dr.
Boucher served there until 1935 when
he left to become president of the
University of West Virginia. In 1938
he became Chancellor of the Univer-
sity of Nebraska.
Of the 831 honor students invited
to the Convocation, 203 seniors will
receive commendation for I eir
scholastic achievement. Fellowships
and scholarships will be given to 87
graduate students and 171 others will
be honored for their school records.
Special awards to 130 persons will be
announced at the Convocation. Over
300 freshmen, sophomores and jun-
iors possessing unusually high aver-
ages have been invited to the honor
Presiding over the 19th annual
Convocation will be President Alex-
ander G. Ruthven and Joseph A.
Bursley, Dean of Students, will act
as chairman of the Honors Commit-

Speech. Professor Moser will then
conduct a presentation of the Speech
31 and 32 contestants, and Prof. Wil-
liam Halstead will also preside at a
presentation of the Speech concen-
trates, Prof. Louis M. Eich will con-
clude this section of the program
by introducing the graduate students
of the department.
Among the leading universities, the
University of Michigan was the first
to offer credit-bearing courses in
Speech, and the first to establish a
separate departmenf of speech. This
department was founded in 1892 with
Dr. Trueblood as head.
Union Appoints
Junior Council
For Next Year
Appointments for the 1942-43 jun-
ior staff of the Union were announced
yesterday by President Donald C.
West following the annual installa-
tion banquet.
Marvin L. Borman, '44, Indian-
apolis, Ind., member of Zeta Beta
Tau and David F. Striffler, '44, Pon-
tiac, independent, were named to
head orientation for the coming year.
Cooperative heads are Richard C.
Ford, '44, Delta Upsilon, and Arthur
J. Geib, '44E, Caro, Theta Delta Chi.
Chosen as Union publicity chair-
men were Burnett H. Crawford, '44,
Tulsa, Okla., Phi Delta Theta and
Alan E. Brandt, '44, Brooklyn, N.Y.,
Phi Sigma Delta.
Social chairmen of the incoming
staff are Robert B. Shott, '44E, Phi
Epsilon Pi and Charles M. Dtterrer,
'44E, Detroit, Phi Gamma Delta.
Robert L. Schwyn, '44, Ionia, Delta
Tau Delta, and Herbert S. Heaven-
rich, '44E, Milwaukee, Wis., Zeta Beta
Tau were appointed as organization
Retiring President Robert S. Sib-
ley acted as toastmaster at the in-
stallation banquet held on the Union
Terrace. The banquet was attend-
ed by the Board of Directors, retiring
officers, and the present staff mem-
bers. Keys were presented at the
ROTC Society
Richard Cole Elected Hcead
Of Scabbard And Blade
Scabbard and Blade, honor society
for junior and senior officers of the
ROTC, elected Richard L. Cole, '43E,
captain for the next year as the group
met last night for its first meeting
following the induction of 18 new
initiates early this week.
Other officers for 1942-43 include
Charles Thatcher, '43E, first lieuten-
ant; Eugene Cleveland, '43, second
lieutenant, and Edward Dytko, '43E,
first sergeant.
New initiates into the organizat ion
include: Jim Pierce, '43E, Edward
Holmberg, '43, Dean Rockwell, '43E,
Edward Dytko, '43E, Henry Dong-
zillo, '43, Robert Ogden, '42E, Clinton
Heinbach, '43E, Ed Hague, '43E, Ru-
dolph Axleson, '42E, Frank Thorpe,
'43E, James O'Malley, '43E, Leo Doyle,
'43E, Bob Brighom '43E, Bill Hutch-
enson, '43E, Dick Schoel, '43E, Carl
Giddings, '43, Neal Spearhake, '42

Poll To Elect
9 To Senate
Every Student Is Eligible
To Vote Today In Race
For Posts In New Unit
Identifiation Card
RequiredOf Voters
A new deal in student government
will be offered this University to-
day as 18 candidates for Michigan's
new Student Senate go before their
constituents in an all-campus elec-
Nine senators will be chosen in to-
day's proportional representation poll
to fill posts in a policy-making body
which has been termed "the last
stand of truly democratic govern-
ment on campus."
Every student on campus, with-
out regard to class standing or affili-
ation, is eligible to vote in this elec-
tion. Identification cards are the
only qualification that has been
set up.
Since this poll is to be conducted
under the Hare system of propor-
Assignments for ballot-box at-
tendants in the Student Senate
election will be found on Page 6 of
today's Daily. Attendants are in-
structed to prohibit electioneer-
ing in immediate vicinity of poll-
ing places.
tional representation, it is impera-
tive that all voters fill in nine choices
,in numerical order of preference.
Only those ballots that are correctly
marked can be counted as valid.
Polling booths have been set up
at all central points on campus and
Michigan's student body will be able
to cast its votes from 9:30 a.m.
through 4:30 p.m.
Election Eve Quiet
Election eve was unusually quiet
for a senate race, but well-informed
sources attribute this to the fact that
only one party has entered the field.
Twelve of the 18 nominees are inde-
pendent of any party affiliation and
the high-speed machinery of the
Michigan Party is standing idle for
the first time in many years.
The senate to be selected today
will differ greatly from its predeces-
sors in that it has been cut from 30
members to nine. This reduction
grew out of a sweeping constitution-
al revision in March which also saw
the creation of a senate administra-
tive staff to handle committee func-
tions and actual operation for the
new body.
P'ersonnel Revamped
Equally widespread was a revamp-
ing of senate personnel through con-
stiutional change. All members of
the present senate have waived any
claims to office in the new unit,
The revision was instituted after
heated criticism of past senates for
inefficiency and a "debating society"
status in campus government.
Benefit Show,
Opens oight
With skits designed for laughs,
streamlined and back to vaudeville,
unique and original "Hillelzapoppin',"
Hillel Foundation's stunt show for
the war effort, will be presented at
8 p.m. today at the Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre.

Entire gate receipts will be do-
nated to various war relief agencies.
The major portion of the funds will
he given to the Bomber Scholarship
Fund. the rest to be divided between
Red Cross, Russian, Chinese and Brit-
ish War Reliefs and the World Stu-
dent Service Fund.
The stunt night, never before
shown at Michigan, was made pos-
sible by the Hillel Players' sacri-
fice of their annual major produc-
tion iti the interest of the war effort
and a special grant for Hillel Foun-
dation's Student Council to pay all
exe nses
S'ick(t ar(' 110w '111 sale at the
Lydia Mendelssohn l'heatre box of-
fice from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and be-
fore the show. They can be pur-
chased at Hillel Foundation and from
campus representatives also.
IMCedical College Aptitude
r ,' .,, '
T 4 stI' 0He GiVen T oday
Tie national Medical Aptitude Test
of the American Association of Med-
ical Colleges will be given at 3 p.m.




To Help Soviet Armies

Beaverbrook Demands


Hayden Returns To Address
Phi Kappa Phi On Far East

Nearly All Of. Nazi
Concentrated In
Both Sides Mass


Honor Society Announces
New Members Initiated
At Annual Banquet
Western dominance and control of
the Far East is doomed and the myth
of Asiatic inferiority has been com-
pletely shattered, Prof. Joseph R.
Hayden, chairman of the political
science department, asserted yester-
day. At present on leave in the office
of Coordinator of Information at
Washington, D.C., Professor Hayden
spoke before the fifteenth anniver-
sary meeting of the Phi Kappa Phi
honor society.
Speaks On Post-War East
"Every yellow man and every
brown man, no matter how much he,
may hate the Japanese, is thrilled
that the white man has been thrown
out by an Asiatic tribe," said Profes-
sor Hayden as he depicted the con-
ditions of the post-war East. It is
ironical, remarked Professor Hayden,
that Europeans and Americans seized
their Eastern dominance through
superior power and mechanization
and now are losing their hold to the
mechanized Jap hordes.
Stressing the importance of the
tremendous "tower of strength"
which the United States has built
through her liberal and non-preda-
tory Eastern policy, Professor Hay-
den predicted that America will lead
in post-war collaboration.
Such collaboration must evolve in
form of organization in which small
nations are properly represented and
in which a defeated Japan will have
voice and control proper to her popu-
lation and power. Greatest nation
and center of such an organization
will be China.
New Members Announced
Professor Hayden was the featured
speaker at the Phi Kappa Phi dinner
held at the League, at which new
members elected from the Class of
1942, were announced and initiated.
At the dinner Dean Edward Kraus
awarded to Margaret E. Haggan,
'42M, the newly established Phi Kap-
pa Phi award of $100 to be made
annually to a student elected during
the year who has maintained very
high scholarship under pressure of
Announcement was also made that
Richard Milton Ludwig, '42, has been
appointed first alternate for the na-
tional Phi Kappa Phi fellowship for
further study next year.
New Officers
Phi Kappa Phi officers for the
coming year were also elected. These
are: Prof. Peter Okkelberg, assistant
dean of the Graduate School, presi-
dent; Prof. Arthur D. Moore, of the
electrical engineering department,
vice-president; Dr. Mary C. VanTuyl
of the psychology department, secre-
tary-treasurer; Miss Gertrude Frey,
secretary to the Dean of Women,

journal correspondent; and Prof.
Marguerite Hall in Public Health Sta-
tistics and Dean A. H. Lovell, of the
College of Engineering, executive
committee members.
New members from the College of
Literature, Science and the Arts are
Joseph Conrad Greenwald, Betty
Louise Altman, Elizabeth Anne Burh-
keiser, Victor John Caldecourt, Jack
Pershing Doan, Judy Katherine
Gold, Anthony Stampolis, Charlotte
Riff, Mary Berniece Shinkman, Ed-
ward Andrew Anderson, June Eliza-
beth Bender, William Thomas Kruse,
Jr., Gordon Edward Hanson, Edward
Liss, Marjorie Julia Keller, Mary Vir-
ginia Mitchell, Joan Mullins, Susan
Jane Udell, Robert Francis Walsh,
Mary Elliott Haforkamp, Bernard
Barash, Adeline June Gittlen, Lois
Azine Shapiro, Janet Louise Cottrell,
Gerald Jerome Eder, Joseph Kop-
chick, Helen Marie Searson, William
Gordon Jackson, Yale David Coggan,
John Richard Carney, Janet Claire
Slottow, Theodore Ware Hildebrandt,
Eleanor Helen Abramowitz, William
Max Feldman, David Harry Steven-
son, Harry Weimar Alcorn and Wil-
liam Markham Altman.
New members in the School of
Education are Matthew James Zipple,
Opal Mae Shimmons, Julienne Mar-
jorie Fenske and Dorothy Jean Lind-
Turn to Page 2, Col. 5
Hear Hannah
Discuss Youth
President Of MSC Urges
- Seniors In High School,
To Follow Own Course
"High school seniors not planning
on college should be encouraged to
enter either the armed forces or de-
fense industries immediately upon
graduation; others must continue
their education," President John A.
Hannah of Michigan State College
declared yesterday before a confer-
ence meeting with the Michigan
Schoolmasters' Club.
He expressed regret about the lack
of feeling of a personal stake in the
war by those going into service. His
views were supported by Dean Emil
Leffler of Albion College at the same
meeting. Dean Leffler attacked the
acceptance of high !school juniors for
college entrance, and Dr. Owen A.
Emmons, Detroit princiapl, repudi-
ated acceleration of the high school
Smaller groups within the club
will meet during the day and at 6
p.m. all members will attend a ban-
quet in the Union Ballroom.

Chinese And British
Retreat In Burma
NEW YORK, April 23.-()-Lord
Beaverbrook, declaring that "Russia
may settle the war for us in 1942,"
called tonight for a great new offen-
sive by the British in the west to help
the Soviet armies battling Germany.
"By holding the Germans in check,
possibly even by defeating them, the
Russians may be the means of bring-
ing the whole Axis structure down,"
the British publisher told the annual
dinner of the American Newspaper
Publishers Association.
"This is a chance, an opportunity
to bring the war to an end here and
now. But if the Russians are de-
feated and driven out of the war,
never will such' a chance come to us
"Srike out to help Russia. Strike
out violently. Strike even recklessly,
but in any event such blows that real
help will. be our share and contri-
bution to the Russian battlefront."
The British publisher, who recently
left Prime Minister Winston Church-
ill's cabinet to come to the United
States on a government mission, said
that he believed in the Russian the-
ory that "the best form of defense is
attack." He paid high tribute to the
vital aid the United States has given
the Soviet armed forces.
Speaking on the same platform
with Francis B. Sayre, United States
High Commissioner to the Philippine
Islands, Beaverbrook found an at-
tentive audience in the publishers.
Closing their fifty-sixth annual con-
vention, they had sent a resolution
to President Roosevelt pledging "Our
... unswerving support to our Com-
mander in Chief in this hour of na-
tional crisis. ...
Beaverbrook made no effort to
minimize the misfortunes the British
have been surviving on their present
home front, and he also made an ar-
dent defense of Stalin and his Com-
munist Generals.
Russians Prepare
To Face Immense Threat
KUIBYSHEV, U.S.S.R., April 23.
-(IP)-Nine-tenths of the whole Ger-
man Army is on the Russian front
and Hitler has called up 1,900,000 re-
serves, but the Red Army is moving
up enough men to meet this im-
mense threat, the official Soviet
spokesman declared today.
Constant skirmishing, some of it
violent, continued on the vast quag-
mire of the front, but there was yet
no sign of a German spring offensive
and Red Army dispatches laid stress
on the fact that no major action was
being joined.
Russian reports did say, however,
that aerial activity was mounting
sharply in several sectors, with in-
tensified German bombings but with
Russian air advantage being gener-
ally maintained.
The army newspaper Red Star
said the German air force was par-
ticularly active around Staraya Rus-
sa, where a German Army has been
long encircled, and also in the Kalin-
in area and i the southwest. It
said most German air raids were
against troops in frontline positions,
attempts against Murmansk, Lenin-
grad and Sevastopol having been
Japanese Force
Chinese, British Back
CHUNGKING, China, April 23.-
WI)-Japanese encirclement tactics,
pressed home with plane-supported
tanks and hard-driving fresh infan-
try, have forced the Chinese to fall
back from Loikaw and Pyinmana on
the east side of the Burma defense
lines, while the British withdrew
from Taungdwingyi on the center.
Battles raged today at key points

all along the Burma front, from the
Shan states near the Siamese bor-
der westward to the Yenangydung
sector on the Irrawaddy, but it was
on the eastern flanks that the ten-
times-superior forces of the invaders
made their most dangerous gains.
A Chinese communique said Loi-

State Band, Orchestra Festival
To Be Conducted Here Today

Ann(ual T/g Day In A Arbor
Will-Help Send Boys To C:amp

'.re 22nd annual University 1res
Air Camp Tag Day will be held onr
campus and in the downtown dis-
tricts Frida.1y, May 1, with the im-
mediate goal of collecting $1,500 and
the ultimate goal of sending over 300
under-privileged boys of siutheast-
ern Michigan away from the city for
a four weeks' vacation.
Located on Patterson Lake in Liv-
ingston County, the Fresh Air Camp
U.S. Plane Forced Down
li Far EasternI . jsia
LONDON; Friday, April 24.-(/1)-
The Moscow radio said tonight that
an American plane had been forced
down in Russian territory, and Reu-

has had a continuous existence since
1920. Boys are chosen for the camp
by social agencies in Ann Arbor,
Flint, Jackson and Detroit on the
basis of need for physical or lpsycho-
logical correction.
WIile not ifel fa ;I1r wrcctive uiis -
tution, the Fresh Air Caip provides
opportunity for trained youth coun-
selors to make observations of mal-
adjusted boys. Those observationsI
lead to recommendations for treat-
ment of the boys by the social agen-
cies which sent them to the camp,
The counseling staff of the Camp
is made up of University graduate
students in sociology, psychology and
education, The counsellors receive
six hours of acalemic credit for their

Solo and ensemble competitions
with student from more than fifty
high schools participating, will open
the Michigan State Band and Or-
chestra Festival, held today in co-
opera tion vith the Schoolmaster's
Club Convention.
Entries totaling 300 and including
all combinations of string, brass and
woodwind instruments, have already
been received, according to Mr. Paul
L. Rainier, president of the Michi-
gan School Band and Orchestra As-
sociation. The Association, working
with a local committee under Prof.
Williao D. Revelli, conductor of the
"University Band,is sponsoring the
annual festival.
Students Form Conunittee
Students from the University
School of Music, with Dick Worth-
ington, '42S \, John Ginther, '42SM,
and Boris Theodoroff, '42SM, have
formed a committee to furnish
guides, monitors, typists, registrars
and sight reading room assistants.
This committee will continue its
work tomorrow when more than fifty
orchestras will arrive to compete for
high rating. Hill Auditorium, Ann

group selections will be given indi-
vidual ratings as well as being judged
with the idea of presenting helpful
suggestions to directors.
Climaxing the festival, a colorful
pageantry of six marching bands will
fill Yost Field House at 4:00 to-
morrow to perform before the entire
Schoolmasters' Convention. Nation-
ally known directors, including Prof.
Revelli of the University, Mr. Cliffe
Bainum of Northwestern, and Mr.
Leonard Falcone of Michigan State
College, will conduct the great
massed numbers.
Open Festivities
The solo and ensemble program
which will open the festivities to-
morrow is as follows: violins, violas,
string ensembles-Perry School Aud-
itorium, Packard and South Division;
cello, string bass, oboe, bassoon, Eng-
lish horn and woodwind-Burtonj
Memorial Tower, Room 202; clari-
nets-Tower, Room 303; saxophones,
alto clarinets-Tower, Room 402;
flute, flute-horn duet-Tower, Room
502; baritone, tuba' and brass en-
semble-Jones School Auditorium,
401 North Division; bass clarinet,

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