Weather Warmer. .iLt 4hr Ap 111tr4t an gait Editorial Wartime Living Costs Threaten Students VOL. LH. No. 152 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, APRIL 23, 1942 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS Nine Defeats Wayne, 12-6 In One-Sided Sluging Duel Michigan Aided By Tarta Errors In Fourth Win: Visitors Score 11 Run In First Four Innings Netmen Favored In Badger Match By MYRON DAMN The Wolverine baseball team got more base hits yesterday afternoon than they would in a lengthy bat- ting practice as Michigan soundly thumped a Wayne University nine, 12-6. The game was a knock-down, drag- out affair that saw Coach Ray Fisher use 17 players, four of whom were pitchers, while Wayne used 11 play- ers in an effort to stop the rampag- ing Wolverines. The win for Michigan was their fourth of the season and their sec- ond straight since their return from the Southern trip. Ferry Field spectators knew from the very beginning that this would be a high-scoring contest because the Varsity scored three runs before the first inning was over. The Tartar nine was one of the poorest fielding teams that Michigan has faced in many a day. The boys from the auto city made six costly errors which accounted for at least four of the Wolverines' runs. From the parade of six that saw action, the only good pitching job for the afternoon was turned in by Pro Boim. The hurlers' colorful sophomore struck out five men and allowed but one hit in the two in- nings he worked. Don Robinson, sensational Maize and Blue shortstop, continued his heavy hitting by helping himself to three hits in three official times at Turn to Page 3, Col. 1 Tennir Squad Faces Wisconsin Today (Special to The Daily) EVANSTON, Ill., April 22.-Michi- gan's defending Conference net champions open their Big Ten dual meet tennis season here tomorrow when they battle Wisconsin on the Northwestern courts. Coach Leroy Weir will stick to the same all-letterman lineup which he used in the Wolverines' first two matches of the season,ewith the ex- ception of the number one and two doubles teams. Co-captains Lawton Hammett and Wayne Stille will form the new number one combination while Jim Porter and Gerry Schaf- lander will hold down the second spot The only bright spot in the Wis- consin array of tennis this season seems to be in the number one singles spot where Capt. Sherwood Goren- stein is back for his final year of collegiate competition. He has shown a great deal of improvement this spring and should be set for his best year. Hammett will be his opponent, and the two should put on the best match of the afternoon. From here on down the line the Badger squad is a big question mark. Coach Carl Sanger has no team bral- Turn to Page 3, Col. 4 Strother Martin, Wolverine Diver, Joins Navy Today Strother (T-Bone) Martin, star diver on Michigan's Big Ten cham- pionship swimming team during the past season, will leave this morning for training at the Navy's Yoeman School in Toledo. The stocky senior underwent a physical examination in Detroit Mon- day, and received orders to report at the same station today. He will immediately be transferred to the Toledo school where he will remain for two months before being assigned to active duty. Coach Matt Mann's springboard, artist dropped out of the University two weeks ago in anticipation of his enlistment. Martin will become a, Naval Petty Officer, third class, upon the completion of his preliminary training, and last night he expressed the hope that he would see action on the high seas.- Union Tn Hold Annual , ..-.. , -.. a- Iffen. s Glee Club Invites Campus To Sing Today Russian Troops Smash Finn Lines In Campaign On Northern Front; Gasoline Will Be Rationed In East n - Daily Photo by Bob Killins LEO IMPERI, '42SM, HAROLD STERN, '43, JAMES ALDRICH, '42, DONALD PLOTT, '44SM By MARY RONAY The lowliest freshman and the most august professor will have an opportunity to show off their pet harmonies today at an all-campus sing free to the public at 8:15 p.m. in Hill Auditorium. In keeping with the joviality of the occasion, a bartender's quartet of the Men's Varsity Glee Club will put their heads together to sing such favorites as The Bird in the Gilded Cage" and "The Strawberry Blond." The quartet will be aided by a group of fellow members who will portray the implied actions of the songs through pantomime. This song-fest will take place as the second half of the Glee Club's annual spring concert. The club, under the direction of Prof. David E. Matter, will present a program of T sacred and secular numbers at the! beginning of the concert. Stat ne Several soloists will be featured in Schooli oma rgrm n h e this formal program. In the Le- febvre's arrangement of "Forever C n Free," Kenneth Repola, '43, will carry Con fe rnc the tenor solo part. The numberp will be followed by Beethoven's "In OpesJ JwDndJ Questa Tomba" with Donald Plott, ____ '44SM, bass, as soloist. More than 3,000 teachers and ad- Headlining this part of the concert ministrators will arrive in Ann Arbor will be a special arrangement of'today and tomorrow for the annual Wolfe's "De Glory Road" which will be made especially effective by the meetings of the Michigan School- use of colored spots in a darkened masters' Club to be held today auditorium. James Gillis, '44, Dan through Saturday, Saulson, -'44, and Robert Thompson, Opening the program will be the '45, will be featured as soloists in this Thirteenth Annual Conference on Of special interest to those inter- ested in college songs will be the nual Conference on Problems in presentation of a new and melodious School and College Cooperation and Michigan hymn at this concert. This the Modern Language Conference hymn, "Artes, Scientia, Veritas" dinner, which will take place today. (Mater Michigan), was written by Dean James B. Edmonson of the two members of the Glee Club, DavidSDelnEJames n. Edonson of the Plott composed the music assist'ed teacher Education, sponsors of the by Clarence Klopsic, '42BAd, on the chairman at a discussion at 10 a.m. words.1 'Meal Ticket' Plan Will Cut Motorists To Maximum Of Five Gallons Weekly Sugar Restriction To BeginTuesday WASHINGTON, April 22. --(p)- A "meal-ticket" system of gasoline rationing, with average motorists allowed from 212 to 5 gallons a week, will be instituted by the Government in 17 eastern states and the District of Columbia on May 15, it was dis- closed today. The Office of Price Administra- tion announced the plan was a tem- porary stop-gap pending establish- -ment of "a more elaborate and com- prehensive coupon rationing system" about July 1. Automobile owners will be issued gasoline rationing cards during a three-day registration period begin- ning May 12. Operators of trucks and other motorvehicles "easily recognized as commercial vehicles" will not be required to obtain ration cards and their purchases of gaso- line will not be restricted. OPA said the ration cards re- semble meal or commutation tickets and would contain seven squares, each representing a unit of gasoline which the ticket holder would be en- titled to buy anytime between May 15 and July 1. The number of gal- lons in each "unit" will be announced McDaniel's Auto Kept From Japs This is the end of my car, C. Yates McDaniel explained in telling in pictures the story of his escape from Singapore on Feb. 12. "Willing hands pushed it into the water to keep it from falling into Japanese hands." The Associated Press correspondent was about to start his eventful trip from Singapore to Java. E. N. Brown, Educator, Dies, One Of Oldest Graduates Succumbs In Chelsea One of the University's oldest grad- uates, Edwin N. Brown, '83, died Tuesday afternoon after suffering a brief illness at the Methodist home in Chelsea. A well known educator in Michi- gan and Ohio, he was the holder of four degrees from the University and was a member of the Emeritus Club. Brown entered the University in 1879, received his bachelor of arts degree in 1883, his master's the fol-i lowing year, the bachelor of law de- gree in 1887 and a doctor of phil- osophy degree in 1902. He was 82 { years old. Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. today in St. Andrew's church and will be conducted by Dr. Henry Lewis, rector. in the 'Terrace Room, second floor of the Union, of the general topic, "War Demands on Schools and Im- plications for Teacher Education." Speakers will be Prof" Harlan C. Koch of the education school, who will present the proposals in the re- port of the Educational Policies Com- mission on "A War Policy for Ameri- can Schools," A. N. Zechiel, lecturer in education, giving teaching prob- lems caused by the war, and Super- intendent of Schools Loy Norrix of Kalamazoo, presenting the adminis- trator's view of the subject. An in- Turn to Page 2, Col. 2 NOTICES Balance payments for the 1942 Michiganensian must be made on or before Monday, April 27, at the 'Ensian business office, upstairs in the Student Publications Build- ing. Hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. * * * Those interested in trying out for the Varsity cheer leading squad are asked to report at 5 p.m. Monday in the Union. Room number will be posted. BOSTON, April 22.--UP)-The Automobile Legal Association today protested gasoline rationing in easternseaboard states as a limita- tion "wholly out of proportion with the hardships which are imposed on other sections of the country." In a telegram to Price Adminis- trator Leon Henderson, General Manager William A. Thibodeaunsaid that the gasoline shortage in the coastal states "should be alleviated by transferring transportation fa- cilities from the central states." shortly before May 15 and may be changed later, depending upon the supply situation. Service station attendants will tear off, mark or punch a square for each unit of gasoline delivered to a ra- tion card holder. Taking effect on the eve of the I summer vacation season, the plan will permit only a bare margin of luxury driving and will force motor- ists to chose between using their automobiles for vacation trips or daily transportation. Sugar Restriction To Begin Tuesday WASHINGTON, April 22. -(A)-_ Sugar rationing will start Tuesday, May 5, Price Administrator Leon Henderson announced today, warn- in that the Government would "hit chiselers, and hit them hard and fast." Final details for the registration of household consumers at grade schools May 4-7, inclusive, were made pub- lic in a formal rationing order which provides half a pound of sugar a week for each person during the first eight weeks of rationing. A 50 per cent cut in sugar use by restaurants and other food services was decreed. Other commercial and institutional users-bakers, bottlers, confectioners, ice cream and dairy products manufacturers and thelike --will get 70 per cent of their 1941 consumption. The wholesale, retail, industrial and institutional sugar purchasers will register April 28 and 29 at high schools throughout the country. Restrictions were set on the amount of sugar which could go into each can of packedfruits and vegetables and other foods, but no limitation was placed on the total amount of 1942 food crops which may be packed. Blanket Price Control Is Announced WASHINGTON, April 22.-(A:)-A blanket freezing of virtually all prices at last month's levels probably will be proclaimed next Tuesday as part of the Administration's drastic anti- inflation program, authoritative Fiftieth Year To Be Marked At Celebration Members Of Department Of Speech To Conduct Anniversary's Program Featuring addresses by President Alexander G. Ruthven and Dean Ed- ward H. Kraus, the fiftieth anniver- sary of the University Department of Speech will be celebrated at 3 p.m. tomorrow in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Among the leading universities, the University of Michigan was the first to offer credit-bearing courses in Speech, and the first to establish a separate department of speech. This department was founded in 1892 with Dr. Thomas Clarkson Trueblood as head. The celebration of this anniversary is being held in conjunction with the Speech Honors Assembly which is under the direction of Prof. Henry M. Moser. This assembly is sponsored annually in order to honor the out- standing members of the department and speech contests. The program will be opened Friday by Prof. G. E. Densmore, head of the Department of Speech. Professor Moser will then ^onduct a presenta- tion of the Speech 31 and 32 con- testants, and Prof. William P. Hal- stead will also preside at a presenta- tion of the Speech concentrates. President Ruthven will then open the anniversary celebration by pay- ing tribute to the founder of the de- partment by his address, "Dr. Thom- as Clarkson Trueblood and the Uni- versity." C. S. Boucher Will Talk Here In Convocation Address To 19th Honors Meeting Will Describe Education In Wartime Dr. Chauncey S. Boucher, Chan- cellor of the University of Nebraska and graduate of Michigan in 1909, will address the 19th annual Honors Convocation for scholastically out- standing students, to be held at 11 a.m. tomorrow at Hill Auditorium. The famous educator and author- ity on American history, will speak on "Education and War." While a student at Michigan, Dr. Boucher was very active,'iserving as editor-in- chief of the Michiganensian and as J-Hop chairman in 1908. In 1935, Dr. Boucher became president of the University of West Virginia, in which capacity he served until 1938 when he accepted the position of Chancel- lor of the University of Nebraska. Most morning classes will be dis- missed at 10:45 to permit students to attend the Honors Convocation. President Alexander G. Ruthven will welcome the guests to the Con- vocation and Joseph A. Bursley, Dean of Students will act as chairman of the Honors Convocation committee. Commended at the Convocation for their scholastic achievement will be all seniors having at least a 'B' average and ranking in the upper 10 per cent of their class; other un- dergraduate students having an av- erage of half 'A' and half 'B'; and students receiving scholarships, fel- lowships and other special awards. Vichy Embassy Officials Hand In Resignations; Turn To Free French American Fliers ClaimedCaptured KUIBYSHEV, U.S.S.R., April 22.- ()-The Russian Karelian armies, freshly reinforced by reserves, pushed through two break-througlis in the Finnish lines tonight in violent fight- ing, and Red Army dispatches said the Finns had suffered grave defeats- in an exhausting attempt to stem the Russian advance at any cost. With the vast German-Russian front a quagmire in many sections, the northern battles, while not on a major scale, appeared to be the hard- est and most significant. (Helsinki dispatches attested to the ferocity of the Russian drive against the Finnish lines, although claiming that the Finns were standing firm. The Finnish dispatches said the Rus- sians had made 150 attacks along the Svir River in two weeks, using six divisions, four brigades, an armored regiment, numerous ski battalions and other combat units, and lost 14,- 000 killed in terrible charges.) (The main fighting is going on in the Svir River area of Karelia be- tween Lakes Ladoga and Onega, and the primary Russian objective is to free the lower sections of the Mur- mansk Railroad to clear the way for movement southward of U.S. and British supplies now accumulating at Murmansk.) In one sector of a three-day-old breakthrough, the Russians were wid- ening the gap in small but sure ad- vances; in another, where the Finns had fortifiedna town, a Red Army unit found a weak spot at a- uncton - of the Finnish troops, threw reserves into the breach and compelled the Finns to retreat with heavy losses ini a night assault on the flank. Two Vichy Embassy Officials Resign WASHINGTON, April 22. - (A - The revolt in French official quarters here against the collaborationist pol- icy of Pierre Laval flared up anew late today when Etienne Burin Des Roziers, second secretary at the French embassy, handed his resigna- tion to Ambassador Gaston Henry- Haye. He was the fifth member of the French embassy and consular staff to quit in protest. Earlier this after- noon, the embassy counsellor, Leon Marchal, followed up his resignation by appearing at Free French head- quarters here and announcing his loyalty to the cause headed by Gen. Charles DeGaulle.I Meanwhile, London reported Mad- agascar, the strategic French island lying athwart the Allies' vital Cape Route to the Indian Ocean ports and the Middle East, to be undergoing a reign of terror in the enforcement of new Vichy orders to imprison Free French sympathizers. A dispatch to the Daily Express from Tananarive reported orders from Pierre Laval, Vichy's new "Chief of Government," led to terroristic practices in the island. American Fliers Claimed Captured (By The Associated Press) Japanese Army spokesmen in To- kyo and Shanghai were quoted by European radio stations yesterday as saying that several1American airmen who raided Japanese cities last Sat- urday had been captured in the oc- cupied zone of China after making emergency landings. The Vichy station said they were to be taken to Shanghai to meet newspaper correspondents. These reports on a reverberating episode were vague in content and added new conflicting data to what previously had been put out by Japa- nese officials. In other words, it appeared the Japanese still were try- ing to put together a jig-saw puzzle. Radio Tokyo, moreover, was not heard broadcasting the same reports offered by the Vichy, Bern, and Ber- lin stations. Take Them Off The Streets: Tag Day For Fresh Air Camp To Be Held On Campus May 1 Clear Tin Pan Alley: Hit Song Of JGP Skyrockets To Fame With Charlie Barnet By CLAYTON DICKEY Campus organizations and student volunteers will conduct the 22nd Uni- versity Fresh Air Camp Tag Day Fri- day, May 1, in the annual effort to take the "boy on the diving board" and 300 other under-privileged boys off the city's streets and give them a four weeks' summer vacation. Proceeds from Tag Day enable boys from Ann Arbor, Flint, Jackson and Detroit to attend the Fresh Air Camp on Patterson Lake in Livingston County, where they receive physical and psychological adjustment. Boys ties will be in charge of separate col- lection posts both on campus and in downtown Ann Arbor. Fraternities and sororities are also being solicited for special donations. The student committee organizing the drive is headed by Richard Schoel, '43E. Other committee members are: An- drew Caughey, '43, men's posts; Mil- dred Otto, '44, women's posts; Jack Wiese, '44, fraternity and sorority collections; Gale Doyle, '44, tags preparation; Ray Dixon, '45, collec- tions; Helen Kressbach, '44, mer- eh~nq-and RI Phi-ft C'n '9142Enti By BARBARA de FRIES and BEATRICE BOUCHARD Receiving first public recognition at this year's Junior Girls Play, Al Waterstone's "Why" skyrocketed into new heights last night as Charlie Bar- net put his 17-piece swing band through an arrangement especially prepared for him by Bill Rhoades, Grad. Five minutes after the concert was scheduled to begin, Barnet was un- aware that such a song as "Why" even existed. The arrangement, sent to him weeks ago, had obviously been sleepless days and nights on an ex- tensive tour of one night stands, Barnet willingly sat down to talk with interviewers shortly before concert time. Outside the tissue-paper walled office, pandemonium raged among the other 16 musicians who were bus- ily and noisely tuning up. Frankly-the interview was most inadequate. Between the mascot dog, Judy, Manager Jimmie Lamare, pho- tographers and Buck Dawson, ques- tions were asked but the answers got lost. Anyhow, you can't cover a guy's life in 15 minutes.