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February 15, 1942 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-02-15

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1 A _

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during 4he
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42
Editorial Staff

Emile Gel .
Alvin Dann
David Lachenbruch
Jay McCormick
Hai Wilson
Arthur Hill
Janet Hiatt
Grace Miller.
Virginia Mitchell
Daniel H. Huyett
James B. Collins
Louise Carpenter
. Evelyn Wright

f --- "!J

. .Managing Editor
. . . Editorial Director
. . . . City Editor
. . Associate Editor
* . . Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
. . . Women's Editor
. Assistant Women's Editor
. . Exchange Editor

Business Staff
S. so. Business Manager
* Associate Business Manager
. Women's Advertising Manager
Women's Business Manager

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Going To Bed
Won't Wake Them Up...
p ASSAGE of the "kiss the boys good-
night at 12:30 plan" is easily the
funniest campus episode that has occurred in a
year noticeably dull for Joe College entertain-
Consequently, anyone criticizing the action
may appear ridiculous for even becoming in-
volved in the dispute. Assuming that risk, there
is a fundamental problem involved in the ruling
wichl we consider worthy of serious editorial
cAmment. Most intelligent people who read the
reasons for the early curfew, saving electricity,
protecting health, and bringing the war home to
the students, considered the first two reasons
something out of Gilbert and Sullivan. But the
third argument calls for more sober analysis.
VWE FULLY AGREE with those on the faculty
who say that the student body on this cam-
pus is far too complacent during a grave crisis.
The Daily in its way has been trying to improve
tlke situation and up to the present it does not
seem to have been successful. Probably the best
explanation for the students' failure to recognize
the emergency is that a spirit of complacency
exists not only here but throughout the country
a$ well. James Landis, new director of. Civilian
Defense said recently, "Tpe greatest trouble with
civilian defense is that people have not awak-
ened to the fact that the United States is at war."
In last week's issue Time devotes its whole first
page to a worried discussion of the problem.
Consideration of this national apathy, however,
does not mean that the University should wait
for the rest of the country. It does indicate that
the problem should be treated from that per-
Imposing petty, irritating restrictions on stu-
dents without first providing an adequate pro-
gram of defense activity is not the way to im-
prove student morale. The reaction of students
during the week-end demonstrates clearly that
cutting hours at this particular time is not an
effective psychological weapon.
THE DAILY believes that social activity should
be cut down by spontaneous student action
in- the form of giving fewer and less elaborate
parties. Th administration should suggest and
obtain real student cooperation rather than force
at the outset any restraints on student social life.
-Alvin Dann
Safari To Victory*.
After this war will anything be left to occa-
si n surprise, anything to wonder at? As one
reads of men plunging into the dark heart of
Arica, and coming out on the other side-leav-
ing behind them no mere footprints on the
sands of time but two gigantic roads-one's first
response is to calculate what this may mean in
military terms rather than to wonder at the
The men are Free Frenchmen. They have cut
these roads through dense wilderness from the
west coast of French Equatorial Africa, a Free
French possession, deep into the Anglo-Egyptian
- Sudan, where they meet routes to the Red Sea
and to Cairo. What Free Frenchmen can do
makes any lover of liberty wish that today all
Frenchmen were free.
Over these roads will flow war supplies from
the Americas. Equipment that the Russians may
sorely need if the Nazis can open a spring of-
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Coeds Protest Curfew
To the Editor:
It seems ironic that the majority of students
are against the new hour regulations and that a
small body of women, that is, the League Coun-
cil, which is not even representative, should be
the mouthpiece and "yes-women" for the deans.
THIS present generation is the one which will
be most affected by the war and it is only
right that they should have their say, instead
of continuing under the dictates of a generation
who muddled their, and our, chances of living in
a peaceful world. Let us look at the issues, taking
each of the "reasons" for the change and anal-
yzing it in turn.
(1) We must save electricity. In this respect
let us say that (a) when students are congre-
gated in the Union or the League, they are all
under the same dim lights, but following closing
hours, hundred-watt globes switch on in every
University women's room; and (b) these wom-
en's lights are on for at least an hour after
arrival home, no matter how early or late and
if early, probably longer, since the women are
not yet tired.
(2) Coeds must be physically fit during the
war. (a) If one hour a week is going to improve
the students' physical condition, we'd like to
know about it. (b) Why not credit us with some
intelligence: after all, women between the ages
of 18 and 22 know when they are tired and need
sleep and won't accept dates if such is the case.
(c) The time w really lose sleep, if this matter
is serious, is during the week, preparing for,
classes. So aren't we entitled to two nights of
play? (d) As for seniors, the only privilege we
have had extended to us in this institution is
one extra hour a week, on Saturday nights; at
the age of 21, when we have reached adulthood,
we should be entitled to the extra privilege. (e)
And as for the men, they will not be in any
earlier than before, as we know their evenings
do not end when they take their dates home.
(3) It will "bring the war home to the stu-
dents." This statement is the most ironic and
uncalled for of all those listed. Could it be that
the person who issued this statement had just
awakened to the fact that we are in a war? (a)
Nothing could be more significant than having
had brothers, relatives and those we love called
to defend our country. (b) And we in turn are
doing what little we can by taking Red Cross
courses and trying to live sensible lives despite
the present hysteria.
(4) Of the 50 coeds who volunteered blood,
48 were so run-down that they had to be re-
jected. This statement is almost amusing in
view of the statement made by Dr. Healy that
the rejection had no reflection upon the health
of the volunteers.
UR POINT is not that we object to the one
hour ruling in itself, but rather that we con-
sider the reasons given unutterably stupid and
that we feel that we as adult citizens are not
being allowed to have something to say about
the matter. The need for living a stable and
sensible life during war time has been stressed
by our superiors, but they in turn have taken
the first hysteria-inciting step. What is to
come? - Margaret Ann Hadsell, '42
Lou Carpenter, '42
Dominic Says
E VERY MAN must merge fact, stereotype and
idea to develop a scheme of existence for
himself. Just now we are conscious of general
weakness not so much because the personal
stereotypes have gone to pieces about us as be-
cause the national platitudes have all collapsed
at once: 'America can never be attacked suc-
cessfully'; 'government is a menace, give us less
of it'; 'democracy has a universal appeal'; 'the
president and leaders in trade are making the

war'; and similar ones have collapsed.
The immediate result is confusion, failure of
the platitudes to serve us. We discover an in-
ability to state anything which at the end of
the phrase will sound like the venture which
prompted the impulse at the beginning. If we
had no experience with this medley of fact,
stereotype and idea which make communication
possible, and if we had no faith in humanity and
our culture, one might well yield to despair. But
we do have faith and, on a narrower range, we
have come through such situations many times.
We shall come through again.
THE POINT is rather, how shall we come
through? It will depend on many factors,,
only two of which can be mentioned at this
juncture. First, can I accept the changed time
and rethink my program? Can I rethink my
life-outreach and start afresh with cheer and
drive? Can I rethink my relation to the armed
forces and the organized defense so as to in-
crease my own contribution many fold? Can I
rethink citizenship and learn some of the funda-
mental facts about the United States so I shall
become a contributing member rather than a
hitch-hiker begging a ride?
Second, the problems before us are not merely
national, but are family problems. The issues
are not merely international but are community
issues. The revolution is not merely a world
revolution but a personal one. While it is a
terrible time to live, it may become the turning
point of human history. For example, there
never was a nation, unless Soviet Russia is now
that people, in which all the citizens, high and
low, had freedom to produce at their maximum.
There never was a nation in which ever indi-
vidual had individual worth on a national scale
annwas mnde to niov the whole There never

Drew Pearsoe
Robed S.Allen
% 10
WASHINGTON-There was one man in Wash-
ington who read the Roberts report on the
Pearl Harbor disaster with particular personal
He was Rear Admiral James O. Richardson,
former commander-in-chief of the U. S. fleet,
who was replaced by Admiral Husband Kimmel,
whom the Roberts report .ondemned for "dere-
liction of duty."
Richardson is now a member of the Navy
General Board, which advises the Secretary of
Navy on naval policy and strategy. Richardson
goes about his duties quietly, keeps out of the
limelight and awaits the time when he will be
He has never uttered a word about why he was
relieved as CINCUS (commander-in-chief U.S.),
But friends tell a very interesting story.
They claim he was relieved because he refused
to keep the fleet bottled up in Pearl Harbor, as
it was when the Japs made their sneak air attack
on fateful Dec. 7.
According to Richardson's friends, he insisted
on anchoring the fleet in dispersed positions out-
side the harbor. Certain officers, and particu-
larly their wives, strongly objected to this be-
cause it prevented the officers from enjoying
the comforts of shore life and Honolulu society
except on week-ends.
Richardson disregarded these complaints.
Friends say he didn't trust the Japs and was
determined to take no chances. So wires were
pulled with the brasshats and their wives in
Washington. Richardson was advised to bring
the fleet into the harbor.
He refused. Whereupon, his friends claim, he
was summoned to Washington and soon there-
after Kimmel was appointed CINCUS in Rich-
ardson's place.
Vichy Champagne
If champagne will put fighting spirit into the
Germans, they should be all hopped up.
Intelligence reorts from Europe are that
the Nazis "bought," commandeered and stole
more than 25,000,000 bottles of French
champagne between last January 1 and June 1.
Also, that the Nazis are now "buying" French
champagne (with printing press money) at the
rate of about 350,000 bottles a week.
The Germans also are reported to be taking
large quantities of French cognac. However, this
is understood to be for re-export to provide the
Germans with desperately needed foreign cur-
rency. The champagne, however, is for German
consumption-with cheese.
The Intelligence reports state that the Nazis
have forced the French to fork over ten thousand
tons of cheese. Originally the Nazis offered in
return 300,000 tons of potatoes. However, the
German potato crop last year was largely ruined
by an early frost. So instead of delivering the
Potatoes, the Nazis now are planning to ask
France to deliver potatoes to Germany-to the
extent of 600,000 tons.
MacArthur's Brain Trust
General MacArthur recommended for a War
Department decoration last week two of his gen-
erals. Behind one of these recommendations was
an interesting story,
MAJOR General Jonathan M. Wainwright,
praised by MacArthur, is the man who
worked out the strategy MacArthur used to re-
tire to the Bataan Peninsula.
"Skinny" Wainwright, as he is known in the
army, long ago figured that the high plateau
region of the Bataan Peninsula was the ideal
place to make a last ditch stand. The plateau
rises steeplyso that troops on the top have the
advantage of shooting down on the advancing
enemy. Thus it would be absolutely impregnable
if it were not for Japanese air strength.
There is not much food on the plateau, but it

is reported that MacArthur was able to drive
herds of cattle onto the peninsula ahead of him.
Red Cross Blood Drive
Needs Student Help.
TWO MONTHS AGO, three thousand seem-
ingly earnest students jammed Hill Audi-
torium to learn how they might help in the war
effort. Five days ago, their first real opportunity
to do so came, the Red Cross blood drive, but
only one hundred and seventy students have
What has become of the nine hundred men
who declared in the defense survey their willing-
ness to donate blood? What has happened to
the much spoken of but little evidenced support
of the many campus organizations?
Perhaps the apparent non-interest may be
explained by lack of knowledge that such a drive
is taking place, but the appointment booths are
conspicuously placed in the lobbies of the League
and Union. Or, perhaps, the students do not
realize the purpose or importance of the drive.
This is no trumped-up war time attempt to
create a patriotic glow in the all too propaganda-
conscious breasts of University students. The
Red Cross blood plasma drive has the vitally
important purpose of attempting to save the
lives of thousands of soldiers and civilians who
unavoidably are going to be injured in our war
THE VALUE of blood transfusions has been
recognized by the medical men of our coun-
try as one of the greatest means of saving lives
that is known today. Recently the Surgeon-
General of the Army stated and emphasized that
" imnrtance in an attemn tto at civiian eon-n

VOL. LII. No. 96
Publication in the Daly Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University.
Registration for Selective Service:
1. Date of Registration, February
16. One day only.
2.dWho Shall Register. All male stu- i
dents born between the dates of Feb-
ruary 17, 1897 and December 31, 1921
inclusive. Anyone who fails to regis-
ter must individually bear full re-
sponsibility for this failure.
Individuals who have previously
registered for the Selective Service
Act do not reregister at this time.
Foreign students must register and-
give country of citizenship, Those
have taken out first citizenship pa-
pers only are not citizens of the Unit-
ed States.
Students whose permanent home
addresses are in Ann Arbor, members
of the faculty, administrative staff,
or other university employees within
the age limits should register in the
city at their regular polling places.
They should not register in the Uni-
versity as our machinery is authorized
to handle only students from outside
Ann Arbor who cannot get home for
Members of the federally recognized
active national guard; officers reserve
corps; regular army reserve; enlisted
reserve corps; and members of the
advanced corps, senior division,
ROTC, are exempt from registration.
3. Place of Registration. Please
register according to the school in
which you are enrolled, as follows:
L.S.A.: Alumni Memorial Hall.
Engineering School: 348 West En-
gineering Building.
Medical School: Recorder's Office.
College of Pharmacy: 250 Chemis-
try Building.
School of Dentistry: Exhibit Room,
Kellogg Institute.
School of Education: 1431 Univer-
sity Elementary School.
College of Architecture: Library,
Architecture Building.
Law School, School of Business Ad-
ministration, School of Forestry and
Conservation, School of Music, Grad-
uate School, School of Public Health:
Students in these six Units will reg-
ister in 116 Hutchins Hall
4. Time of Registration: Registra-
tion offices will be open at 7 a.m. and
will not close until 9 p.m. Since reg-
istration is being handled by volun-
tary workers who receive no pay, stu-
dents are requested whenever pos-
sible to register between the hours of
eight and five in order that a mini-
mum staff may take care of other
hours, Please register at- the earlist
possible moment.
5. Registration Certificate: Each
registrant will be given a registra-
tion certificate which he should carry
at all times, "as he may be required
to show it from time to time."
Change of Address After Registra-
tion: Each student who changes his
address at any time after registration
should address a communication to
the Selective Service Board in his
home city indicating his new address.
This is the individual student's re-
sponsibility and cannot be borne or
shared by anyone.
Robt. L. Williams
Income-Tax Consultation: The lo-
cal office of the Internal Revenue
Department, 608 Ann Arbor Trust
Building, will be open for consulta-
tion on questions relating to the
income tax from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00
p.m., January 26 to February 18.
From February 18 to March 16 the
local office will furnish consultation
service at the Main Street offices
of the Ann Arbor Commercial and

Savings Bank and the State Savings
Bank, from 10:00 aIm, to 3:00 p.m.
daily, Telephone inquiries cannot be
answered from the banks. This in-
formation has been furnished by the
local office of the Internal Revenue
Department for the benefit of mem-
bers of the faculties and staff who
may desire advice in connection with
the preparation of their federal in-
come-tax reports.
Shirley W. Smith
Change in Telephone Numbers: As
a result of the formation of the War
Board, the telephone number of Miss
Edith Smith, Budget Assistant, has
been changed to 2197. The War
Board telephone numbers are 2143
(Professor Heneman, Executive Direc-
tor) and 2196 (Mr. Tibbitts, Secre-
tary). Please save delays by observ-
ing the above changes.
Campus Mail: The campus mes-
senger service is receiving from cam-
pus offices a large quantity of mail
with insufficient, and in some cases
illegible, addresses. Obviously, this
not only delays delivery of the poor-
ly addressed mail but also all other.
mail, as directories must be consult-
ed by the messengers. With frequent
changes in personnel the problem has
become increasingly difficult. The
cooperation of everyone toward the
elimination of this problem is solicit-
A letter has been received from the
Teachers Insurance and Annuity
Association summarizing certain
modifications which have been adop-
ted with respet to the retiremen f


contract by simply resuming premi-
um payments (without payment of
the "omitted" premiums) if he does
so at the close of such service or
within six months thereafter. At that
time he will be expected to sign an
appropriate agreement as to reduc-
tion of the contractual benefits cor-
responding to the omitted premiums,
and the premium resumed will be on
the same actuarial basis as it would
have been if premiums had been
paid continuously.
2. All new life insurance policies
applied for after December 9, 1941,
will contain a provision excluding the
from service outside the continental
limits of the United States, Canada,
and Newfoundland in a military,
naval or air force of a country at
war, or (b) from operating or riding
in any kind of aircraft, except as a
fare-paying passenger on scheduled
airline flights. In event of death
under such excluded circumstances,
the reserve under the policy, less any
indebtedness, will be payable to the
beneficiary. This procedure applies
to all kinds of newly-written life in-
surance policies; including collective
insurance, but of course not to life
insurance policies previously written
without any such clause or to any
annuity contract. Among some
groups of applicants particularly
likely to enter the forces, the total
amount of insurance the Association
will write on an individual is reduced.
Herbert G. Watkins,
Assistant Secretary
Faculty, School of Education: The
February meeting of the faculty will
be held on Monday, February 16, in
the University Elementary School
Library. Tea will be served at 3:45
p.m. and the meeting will convene at
4:15 p.m.
Eligibility for Freshmen: A fresh-
man, during his second semester of
residence, may be granted a Certifi-
cate of Eligibility provided he has
completed 15 hours or more of work
with (1) at least one mark of A. or
B and with no mark of less than C, or
(2) at least 2/ times as many honor
points as hours and with no mark
of E.
Fraternities: . Social fraternities
are reminded that they may not ini-
tiate a pledge who .has not been cer-
tified by the Dean of Students as be-
ing scholastically eligible for initia-
tion. It is the responsibility of the
president of the chapter to secure
such certificates on forms obtain-
able in Room 2, University Hall.
Alien (Enemy) Registration: The
Office of the Counselor to Foreign
Students has received the regulations
as to alien enemies pertaining to
registration as follows:
All German, Italian, ,and Japanese
nationals (persons born in these
countries or in Austria who have
not received FINAL papers of
citizenship and have not yet tak-
en the oath of allegiance to the Unit-
ed States before a Federal Judge) are
required to file application for a
Certificate of Identification at the
Ann Arbor General Postoffice up to
February 28. Failure to comply with
the new regulations may be punished
by severe punishments including
possible internment of the enemy
alien for the duration of the war.
The alien enemy must furnish the
following documents and information
at the time of the application: 1) the
alien enemy must present his Alien
Registration Card. All persons who
have not as yet received their cards
should report to the Counselor's Of-
fice at once for information con-
cerning obtaining his card; 2) the
alien enemy must present three
photographs which, are 2x2 inches
in sizeand which have been taken
within 30 days of the date they are
submitted. They must be on thin
paper, unmounted, and unretouched,
ni ti m m. ef I n 0 fl ii 0414 - h 1O fmlfli A

lations with regard to any questions
or problems arising out of the regis-
tration or application.
Male students in good physical
condition and free from hernia, heart
trouble, or other weakness which
would interfere with hard work, are
wanted for various patrol and labor
positions on western National Forests
from June 1 to October 1. While
Forestry and pre-forestry students
are desired, applications of others will
be considered. Information may be
obtained from Miss Train, Room
2048 Natural Science Building, until
February 25. Wages, including ex-
penses, after reaching the job, will
amount to $125 to $140 a month.
S. T. Dana, Dean
Notice to Advisers and Counselors
of Students. The University, support-
ed by a resolution of the Board of
Regents, will circularize the students
relative to their plans for attendance
at the University after the close of
this semester. This inquiry is to be
completed during the current week.
All counselors and advisers have been
charged with the obligation of dis-
tributing and collecting the inquiry
A short luncheon meeting is to be
held Tuesday, February 17, at 12:15
in the large Blroom of the Union
to familiarize you with the form to
be filled out and the procedureito
be followed. It is a matter of first
importance that you attend this lun-
cheon. If it is entirely impossible for
you to attend this meeting, please call
the University War Board Office (Ex-
tension 2196 on Monday.
College of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, Schools of Education, Mu-
sic, and Public Health: Students who
received marks of I or X at the close
of their last term of attendance
(viz., semester or summer session)
will receive a grade of E in the course
unless this work is made up by
March 12. Students wishing an ex-
tension of time beyond this date
should file a petition addressed to the
appropriate official in their- school
with Room 4 U.H., where it will be
Robt. L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Attendance report
cards are being distributed through
the departmental offices. Instruc-
Jors are requested to report absences
of sophomores, juniors, and seniors
to 1220 Angell Hall, on the buff cards
which are now being distributed
to departmental secretaries. Green
cards are being provided for report-
ing freshmen absences. All fresh-
men attendance reports should be
made on the green cards and sent
directly to the office of the Academic
Counselors, 108 Mason Hall.
Please note especially the regula-
tions concerning three-week absences,
and the time limits for dropping
courses. The rules relating to ab-
sences are printed on the attendance
cards. They may also be found on
page 52 of the current Announce-
ment of our College.
E. A. Walter
Assistant Dean
Mechanical, Electrical and Engin-
eering Mechanics Seniors: A repre-
sentative of the Chrysler Corpora-
tion, Detroit, Michigan, will inter-
view seniors in the above groups on
Tuesday afternoon, February 17, in
Room 218 West Engineering Build-
Students interested may sign for
interviews on the Mechanical Engin-
eering Department bulletin board,
Students, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Election cards
filed after the end of the first week
of the semester may be accepted by
the Registrar's Office only if they are
approved by Assistant Dean Walter,
.Chu,, a xx. .. fa il fn ilm f ni . la -

"You listen to nee, Agnes-If I'm not too old Wo register, I'm not
to old to ask about the girls in Bali or Pago Pago!"

By Lichty

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