Slightly Warmer.
'a A,
4 aiti
Action Must Follow
Appeasement Of Vichy . .
Nine Defeats
Broneos, 5-3,
On Home Run
In 8thInning
Four Runs Score On Hit
By Bud Chamberlain;
Three Pitchers Display
Best Form Of Season
Varsity Will Meet
Wayiie Here Today
(Special to The Daily)
KAL AMAZOO, April 21. - Heavy-
hitting Bud Chamberlain socked a
home run with three teammates
aboard today to give the Wolverines
a much desired 5-3 win over a stub-
born Western Michigan nine.
For more than seven innings it
appeared as - though the Broncos
would take their fourth straight win
over the Varsity in the last two years,
but Curley Anderson, Western Mich-
igan hurler, made the mistake in the
eighth of filling the bases with Wol-
verine base runners when he only
had a 2-0 lead. He gave Chamberlain
Michigan's baseball team will
make its home debut against the
Wayne Tartars on the Ferry Field
diamond today. The game will
start at 4 p.m. Pro Boim and Paul
Goldsmith are slated to pitch for
the Wolverines, with Bob White
opposing them for Wayne. Stu-
dents will be admitted free upon
presentation of their identifica-
tion cards.
a fat one and Bud blasted a long
homer over the right fielder's head,
giving Michigan four runs and the
ball game.
The pitching at Haynes field this
afternoon was by far the best that
the Wolverines have displayed all
season long. Coach Ray Fisher used
Mickey Fishman, Bill Cain and Dick
Savage during the course of the
Fishman turned in the top per-
formance by allowing one hit and no
earned runs in the three innings he
worked. Although Cain was tagged
for three hits in the four frames he
was on the mound, the bespectacled
sophomore had only one unearned
run scored off him.
The contest started out as a pitch-
ing battle with neither team scoring
until the fourth inning when the
Wolverines became generous and
handed the Broncos their first run
on two errors.
In that frame Bob Metzger, slug-
ging Western Michigan third base-
Turn To Page 3, Col. 1
Patients Fed
B Volunteers
Nearly a thousand bedridden Uni-
versity Hospital patients were fed by
volunteer helpers, clerks and stenog-
raphers yesterday following' a walk-
out by a crew of kitchen workers
which temporarily hampered food
service in the world's eighth largest
Dr. Harley Haynes, hospital direc-
tor, said that 19 of a group of ap-
proximately 35 kitchen maids struck
at 11:30 a.m. for a pay increase
which would boost their total hourly
rate to 50 cents per hour. The pres-
ent rate, he said, is 40 to 44 cents
per hour, depending upon the length
of employment.
A strike notice had been filed with
the hospital Monday and an eight
o'clock conference yesterday failed
to alleviate the tension.
In contrast to a strike of hospital
elevator operators last May, the
demons trators werenot discharged.
Dr. Haynes told the workers that
the hospital "was sympathetic with
the problem," but could not grant an
immediate pay raise without makingj
Turn to Page 7, Col. 1
Wiscoiisih 'Cashes
Wi' (n MacA rthur
MADISON, Wis., April 21.-(P)--
Decision of the University of Wis-
consin Board of Reger.ts to award
an honorary degree to Gen. Douglas
MacArthur was branded "a cheap
publicity stunt" today by the Daily
Cardinal, student newspaper.
"The University has seen the op-
portunity to cash in on some of Mac-
State Educators' Club
To Convene Tomorrow
Schoolmen Will Register For Th)ee-Da leeting;
To Hear Discussions Of Wartime Education
Berlin Reports Air
Eaid Alarms
Throughout Central, West Japan;
Nazi Drive Unlikely, Russia Says
Bringing together teachers and ad-
ministrators from the entire state,
the Michigan Schoolmasters' Club
will tomorrow open its registration
for the fifty-sixth annual meeting,
to be held through Saturday in Ann
Scheduled opening meetings to-
morrow are the Thirteenth Annual
Conference on Teacher Education,
the Eighth Annual Conference on
Problems in School and College Co-
operation and the Modern Language
Teacher Education Division {
Sponsored by the School of Edu-
cation of the University as a part
of the Schoolmasters' convention, the
teacher education division will meet
at 10 a.m. in the Terrace Room, sec-
ond floor of the Michigan Union.
Dean James B. Edmonson of the
School of Education will act as chair-
man while four educators discuss
"War Demands on Schools and Im-
Nine enators
To Be Chosen
In Student Poll'
Small Group To Determine
Policy Of Organization;
17 Are Entered I Race
Last-ditch campaigns were opened
yesterday by 17 candidates for the
newly high-geared Student Senate
to be chosen in an all-campus elec-
tion Friday.
Out of the present list of nominees,
nine Senators will be selected to form
a policy-making group wlich has
been freed from past Senates' ham-
pering restrictions.
Previous senates-which contained
30 members-were recently criticized
for their lack of efficiency and in-
All candidates' statements for
The Daily Battle Page should be
turned in to Dan Behrman at the
Student Publications Building be-
fore 5 p.m. today. No statements
received after deadline will be giv-
en publication.
ability to realize legislation. In order
to eliminate these deficiencies, the
senate's constitution was given a
sweeping revision in March.
The senate also holds the position
of being the only representative
body chosen by the entire campus.
There are no qualifications of affilia-
tion or class standing for senators
or voters.
Friday's election is expected to
turn out an unusually large vote as
candidates chosen represent nearly
every group on campus. Only one
organization, the University Party,
is entering a solid ticket. All other
candidates are independent of party
Balance payments for the 1942
Michiganensian must be made on
or before Monday, April 27, at the
'Ensian business office, upstairs
in the Student Publications Build-
ing. Hours: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
plications for Teacher Education."
The conference on school and col-
lege cooperation, sponsored by the
Bureau of Cooperation with Educa-
tional Institutions, will meet for the
first time at 12:15 p.m. tomorrow
when a luncheon in the Small Ball-
room of the Union will bring the
group together to hear a discussion
by Dean Ivan C Crawford of the Col-
lege of Engineering of "Engineering
Education in Wartime." Prof. Har-
old M. Dorr of the political science
department, chairman of the Sub-
committee on Relations with Second-
ary Schools, will be chairman.
Cooperation In Wartime
At 2 p.m. the program will con-
tinue in the Terrace Room, with
"School and College Cooperation in
Wartime" the topic under discussion.
Dr. George E. Carrothers, director of
the University's Bureau of Coopera-
tion with Educational Institutions,
will be chairman, and five speakers
will present aspects of the problem
and lead general discussion.
The two-day Modern Language
Conference will open at 6 p.m. tomor-
row with a dinner at the' Michigan
League. This will be the occasion for
a survey and discussion of problems
of particular interest to college
teachers of language.
All college teachers are invited to
attend and take part in the discus-
sion. Reservations for the dinner
may be made with the secretary of
the conference, Lafayette F. Dow of
the romance language department.
Founded In 1886
The Michigan Schoolmasters' Club
was founded in 1886 and has held a
comprehensive annual meeting every
year since. Of its charter members,
two are still living, John Dewey, pres-
ident emeritus of philosophy at Col-
umbia University, and Joseph H.
Drake, Sr., professor emeritus of law
of the University.
The purpose of the organization
is expressed in the words of President
Ruthven, written upon the occasion
Turn to Page 7, Cl. 7
Of Carse Clu
Ends Friday
As part of the Law School's 17th
annual Founders Day celebration the
final arguments in this year's Case
Club competition will be presented
The decision will be made by a
court composed of the Hon. Henry M.
Butzel of the Supreme Court of Mich-
gan, the Hon. Frank A. Picard,
United States District Judge for the
Eastern District of Michigan, and
the Hon. John P. Barnes, United
States District Judge for the North-
ern District of Illinois.
Contestants in the final round are
Neil McKay and E. George Rudolph,
counsel for the plaintiff, and John
T. Ryan and Samuel D. Estep,
counselafor the defense. Alternate,
serving as Bailiff will be George T.
Shilling. All are Law School .juniors.
The day's activities, to be begun by
a l'mcheon at the Union for the
judges, will be concluded by a ban-
quet at 6:30 p.m. at which Congress-
man Robert Ramspeck of Georgia
will speak on "Labor and the War."
Possible British-American
Thrust In West Checks
German Spring Assault
Reserves Compose
Main Hitler Army
MADRID, April 21.-(A)-For-
cign Minister Ramon Serrano
Suner said today that Generalis-
simo Francisco Franco had de-
clared that if Germany were un-
able to hold "the tremendous Rus-
sian danger," Spain would afd the
Reich, "not with 15,000, but 1,000,-
000 men."
KUIBYSHEV, U.S.S.R., April 21.-
(P)-The Russians reported today
that Adolf Hitler's once bright hopes
for a spring offensive, by the ad- "
mission of his own Soviet-captured"
officers, have all but vanished under
the haunting fear of a British-Ameri-
can thrust in the west.
Soviet authorities said their own!
predictions that the threatened Nazi
offensive would come in the summer
instead of the spring-if it comes at;
all-had been borne out by state-
ments of a, Major Bittner, captive
German transport officer.
The Russians said this officer re-1
lated that the specter of double trou-
ble-war on two fronts-had seeped
into the German High Command it-!
self and that Nazi hopes of big spring7
operations were growing dim.
Prisoners seen by foreign corres-
pondents and information gathered'
by the Russians show that the main
force of the German army, whittled"
down by the Red Army's winter op-"
erations, now is made up of reserves'
who are family meti over 30 instead
of the youths originally thrown into"
the battle of Russia.
On the fighting fronts, meanwhile,
the Russians were reported attacking
Smolensk, center of German military
power, under cover of an artillery
bombardment with the Nazi defend-
ers floundering in swampy forest
The Moscow radio announced that
General Zhukov's troops approach-
ing Smolensk from the northeast re-
pulsed several fierce enemy counter-
attacks, killing 1,800 Germans in two
days. In one day five Soviet snipers
were credited with bagging 106 Nazis.
Third Leadership
Talk To Be Given.
By Mauer'T
Techniques of leading group dis-
cussion will be described by Prof.
Wesley Maurer of the journalism de-
partment in the third lecture of the
leadership program at 7 p.m. today
in Room 305 of the Union.
The talk will be directed towards
presenting methods for securing full
audience participation in group con-
ferences, with the purpose of foster-
ing principles essential to good citi-
The session is meeting at an earlier
hour than usual tonight, so that all
those who wish to attend the Swing
Concert may do so without missing
class. "
Next lecturer will be Clark M. Tib-
betts, director of the Institute of Hu-
man Adjustment and Secretary to
the War Board, who will speak on
"Surveying Resources for Defense"
next Wednesday.
Barnet To Play
JGP Hit Songy
Charlie Barnet will give students
something of their own today when
he puts his 15 piece swing band
through a complete arrangement of
"Why," hit tune from this year's
Junior Girls Play.
This swing concert-the first to
be presented in Hill Auditorium-will
begin at 8 p.m. today.
According to Buck Dawson, '43,
conce' chairman, who received def-
inite word late last night, Barnet
said he would be glad to push a tune
"I think will go places." "Why," a
senimnenli hihe number.was o enm-
High School Bands, Orchestras
Of State To Play Here Saturday
Festival Program Includes
600 In Solo, Ensemble
Entry, Marching Groups
More than fifty high school concert
bands and orchestras will gather in
Ann Arbor Saturday for the annual
Michigan State Band and Orchestra
Festival. In addition, six marching
bands will participate, and over 600
entries have been received for the
solo and ensemble competition.
Although the festival will not be
as large this year as before, due to
additional eliminations in the dis-
trict festivals, Prof. William D. Rev-
elli, conductor of the University Con-
cert Band and Mr. Paul L. Rainier,
president of the Michigan School
Band Orchestra Association, have
found it necessary to reserve three
auditoriums to accommodate the
Opens At 8:30 A.M.
With the first program opening
festivities at 8:30 a.m. Hill Auditor-
ium, Ann Arbor High School Audi-
torium and Waterman Gymnasium
will be filled all day with orchestras,
bands and ensembles competing for
high ratings, The schedule is ar-
ranged so that each orchestra will
give a program lasting approximately
half an hour.
The colorful Marching Band Festi-
val, with six bands participating, will
take place at 4:00 p.m. in the Yost
Field House with nationally known
directors conducting tloe great mass-
ed numbers. A small admission fee
will be charged to see the pageantry.
Students of the University's School
of Music are cooperating with the
officials of the conference by acting
as guides, monitors, registrars, typ-
ists, and by working on stage and in
Hillel Opens
Stunt Show
Ticket Sale
Comedy, gaiety and surprise are
the keywords to "Hillelzapoppin',"
eightkact stunt and fun show to be
presented by the Hillel Foundation
at 8 p.m. Friday in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
The production which replaces the
annual theatrical presentation of the
Hillel Players will be held to raise
funds for the Boniber Scholarship
and other war agencies.
The eight acts, which will be en-
acted. by various fraternity, sorority
and league house groups cooperating
with the Foundation, will be under
the general direction of Mildred Ger-
son and Dan Seiden, both '43.
A fun-fest featured by Woody
Block, '42, and Hal Cooper, '44, as
masters of ceremony, will open with
a satire to be given by members of
Zeta Beta Tau on "The Psychiatric
Sigma Alpha Mu will present an
Turn to Page 6, Col. 2
the sight reading rooms during the
festival. A local committee under
Mr. Revelli has been working to fur-
nish equipment' for the three con-
cert stages and the sight-reading
Anmimportant feature of the festi-
val is the group of adjudicators who
will rate the entries, filling out di-
visional rating sheets and making
constructive comments to assist di-
rectors in improving their organiza-
tions. These adjudicators will refrain
from conversing with participating
band and orchestra directors, or
among themselves, until the rating
sheets are turned in at the end of
the festival.
Annual Event
High school orchestras from all
over the state have been preparing
for this convention as an annual
highly-competitive competition. In
addition to already-prepared selec-
tions, the senior high school orches-
tras will play several numbers at
sight. Sight reading is optional for
junior high school orchestras.
Working with Professor Revelli on
the local committee is Harold Bach-
man, who has been taking care of
furnishing scores.
New Deadline
For Petitioning
Set ByCouncil'
President, Vice-President
To Be Chosen Monday;
Posts Open To Juniors
Postponement of the deadline for
petitioning for president and vice-
president of the Men's Judiciary
Council to noon, Friday has been
announced by William Slocum, '42,
present head of the Council.
Originally set for last Saturday, the
deadline was moved up because of the
lateness of appointments for other
organizations and because of the fact
that disciplinary action is at present
demanding the attention of the
Petitions should contain the appli-
cant's school, campus activities, ex-
act scholastic point average, draft
status and any recommendations that
he may have for improving student
government. Second semester jun-
iors in all undergraduate schools are
Theother members of the Council.
as a result of the recent revision of
the Council's constitution, will be the
new managing editor of The Daily,
the incoming presidents of Congress,
the IFC, the Union and the Engi-
neering Council.
Selection of the president and vice-
president will take place Monday by
a committee consisting of the out-
going holders of the above-named
offices (except Engineering Council
president) and the Dean of Students,
Joseph E. Bursley.
MacArthur Appoints Staff,
Formally Begins Duties
As Supreme Allied Chief
American Bombers
Will Join With RAF
(By The Associated Press)
Central and western Japan were
held under new air alarm yesterday
afternoon, the Berlin radio reported,
but the Japanese themselves confined
their broadcasts to deprecatory re-
ports on Saturday's raids on four
great cities and to hints of a peace
offensive in a lengthy account of
prayers by Japanese Christians for
an early peace.
The German report said that
alarms sounded between 4 and 5 p.m.
Japanese time (3 and 4 a.m., Eastern
War Time), and that "for central
Japan the all-clear sounded about 5
p.m., while the alarm remained in
force for western Japan, especially
for Kyushu."
Strategic Area
Kyushu is the most southern and
westerly of the four main Japanese
islands, nearest China. It has many
steel mtills, the great Sasebo Naval
Base and the important port of Na-
The German broadcast said noth-
ing of planes or bombs, so the alarms
may have been precautionary or
nervous reaction to the raids Satur-
day on Tokyo, Yokohama, Nagoya
and Kobe.
The Tokyo radio said Premir Hi-
deki Tojo would leae Wednesday on
a tour of industrial establishment
in Miye Prefecture, a district some
250 miles west of Tokyo and contain-
ing many war industries.
Pray For Peace
The Japanese broadcast on prayers
for peace quoted Toyohko Kagawa,
most famous Japanese Christianlead-
r, as saying that more than 200
Japanese Christians prayed day and
night for a week before the outbreak
of war and that even now "prayers
are being said daily 'for an early
;onclusion of the war and restora-
tion of peace throughout the world."
This broadcast might be a cautious
feeler in a "peace offensive"-of the
type which Archibald MacLeish,
iirector of the Federal Office of Facts
ind Figures, predicted Monday the
Axis would launch this summer.
MacArthur Begins
Duties As Comm ander
Australia, April 21.-Q)-Gen. Doug-
las MacArthur selected today a staff
headed up by his old comrades of the
Philippine campaign and formally
began his tour of duty as supreme
Allied commander of the southwest
Pacific by issuing his first military
communique for this entire theatre,
a roundup of the Allied position from
Luzon south to Australian sea fron-
While his vast command was thus
put into smooth operation as one in-
tegrated unit, thepolitical leadership
of this commonwealth issued to the
world through the Australian Army
Minister Francis M. Forde one of the
most heartening declarations since'
first the enemy's shadow began to
fall to the south from the Dutch East
Speaking at Rockhampton, Forde
"The war has turned in our favor.
"We will not rest until we are at
full strength and our forces are fully
"When the Allied offensive against
the Axis is unfolded it will be a stag-
gering spectacle. The day for it to
be unleashed is not yet here, but it.
is not too far off."
Nevertheless the minister predicted
that the war would be long and that
there would be more Allied reverses.
American Bombers
To Fly With RAF
(By The Associated Press)
LONDON, April 21.-Heavy bomb-
ers of the U.S. Air Force, the first
of the all-American striking units
which will soon fly wing-to-wing with
the RAF against the Nazi continent,
are being ferried to British operation-
al bases, it was reported reliably to-
Am, ,is, nw tehpRrin,. Pvn ...,
Scholutic Fort Besieged:
Marshall Slashes At Colleges'
Failure To Inform On War
Michigan Gets Melodious hymn:
"The failure of our educational
system in enlightening the people to
their duties as citizens was a great
factor in bringing about America's
j entrance in the war," according to
S. L. A. Marshall, radio commenta-
tor and military critic of the Detroit
News, speaking for the Women's
Field Army for the Control of Cancer
Stressing the fact that we need "to
come down from our ivory towers and
realize that we have a tremendous
job to do," he stated that it is not
possible for a young man to grow up
in the United States and go to a
single American college, with the pos-
sible exception of Princeton Univer-
sity, and graduate capable of going
to Congress and talking intelligently
about militar' affairs.
1' ii ,.Phnn . .hr,,r h fs on.(
there is no longer any choice, that
there is no half-way stand to take.
A man is either for the war and its
whole hearted prosecution or against
it and against his country."
Stating that our main difficulty
arises from the fact that we have
been so little affected by the war, he
said that we have only begun to sac-
rifice and goin without cars, sugar
and cuffs is just the beginning. The
question of whether or not the public
is awake to the war can be measured,
not by what they say but by their ac-
tions in time of crisis.
In Marshall's opinion the greatest
single need of America is the regen-
eration of democracy and this can
be obtained not by sitting around and
waiting for a leader to tell us what to
do but by acting as individuals.
Asco.-rt' mo ha ," wei d i hn oneI
Student Song To Be Introduced
AtGlee Club's Spring Concert
Written by two University students,
a new and melodious Michigan hymn
will be introduced to the campus at
the annual spring concert of the
Men's Varsity Glee Club which will
be held at 8:15 p.m. tomorrow in Hill
This hymn takes its title and
theme from the University motto,
"Artes, Scientia, Veritas" (Mater
Michigan) and is dedicated to Presi-
dent Ruthven by the authors. Clar-
ence Klopsic, '42BAd, business man-
ager of the glee club wrote the words
for the hymn, while Donald Plott,
'44SM, student conductor of the club
and also student conductor of the
University Choir composed the music.
The hymn will be sung by the
glee club in the second half of the
formal program, consisting of various
secular and sacred selections. Dur-
ing some of the numbers, the organ
will accompany the piano and sing-
ers. One of the songs ,"The Voice of
Freedom," which will be thus ac-
companied, is based on Rubenstein's
"Kammenoi Ostrow." The arrange-
ment for men's chorus by Cailliet
which will be used retains all the
power and beauty of the selection as
written by the composer.
Although the second part of the
concert will be of a lighter nature,
it will close on a more serious tone.
Four songs, popular during the
United States' great wars, will be
rendered. These will include "Yankee
Doodle," "Battle Hymn of the Re-