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April 21, 1942 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-04-21

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__ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _ TuE MLGHG.AN. DAILY

r. ir rig t t i1

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941.42
Editorial Staff

Emile 0e14
Alvin Dann
David Lachenbrucni
Jay McCormick
Gerald E. Burns .
hlal Wilson
4Janet Hooker
Grace Miller
Virginia Mitchell
Daniel Ri. Hluyett,
James B. Collins
Louise Carpenter
Evelyn Wright

Managing Editor
.Editorial Director
.. . . City Editor
. Associate Editor
Associate Editor
. Sports Editor
Women's Editor
Assisant Women's Editor
Exchange Editor

Business Staff
* . . Business Manager
Associate Business Manager
. Women's Advertising Manager
. Women's Business Manager

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
'Old Guard' Republicans
Still Isolatioists . .
IT LOOKS AS IF Wendell Willkie is
going to have a difficult time saving
the world from the Old Guard of his adopted
These gentlemen flatly refuse to have any-
thing to do with Willkie's proposal to the Re-
publican National Committee-now meeting in
Chicago-that it renounce finally and irrevo-
cably the party's traditional isolationist position.
The proposal, in the form of a resolution, would
pledge Republicans to a policy of full participa-
tion in world affairs after the war is ended. But
a majority of the Committee members seem to
be in opposition to any such policy.
It taes more than two world wars to change
some men's minds; it takes more than years of
death and destruction to make some men love
peace well enough to risk their political life for
it; it takes more than tyranny in nation after
nation to shake some men into the realization
that democracy must be defended contipually if
it is to last. And for some reasn most of these
men are in the Republican Party.
THERE ARE, however, a few Republicans who
see that this war is not being fought so that
we may return to the status quo which is largely
responsible for the condition of the world today.
One of these men is Sinclair Weeks, national
treasurer, who recently declared:
"Isolationism, of course, is dead, but here is a
vital opportunity for the Republican Party not
only to declare that isolationism is dead for
today but that it is dead for all time and to put
ourselves on record four-square for future full
participation in world affairs to the end that
insofar as is humanly possible the United States
and like-minded peoples will see to it that this
thing shall not happen again."'
IT IS statements like these and it is men like
Weeks and Willkie that may yet make the
Republican Party a force for peace and democ-
racy in the world. It is evident that they are
attempting to uncover every person who still
has a tinge of isolation about him, expose him
to the public, and have him repudiated at the
fall elections.
For the future peace and freedom of the world,
we hope they are successful. We hope the people
of the United States have at last realized that
this nation cannot live in isolation now or ever.
And we hope that the voters show how they feel
about it by electing only men--be they Republi-
can or Democrat--who declare themselves un-
equivocally for a new order aimed at maintaining
peace and democracy after this war is over.
-homer Swander
Unr'eleniting o B<>iubing
Of Japan Advocated . .
S bombing states that "there can be
small military ad antage resulting from the day-
light raid." Perhaps not from this single raid,
but this war depends not only on air power, but
unrelenting bombing both night and day to over-
come the thorcughness and military ability of a
nation that we carelessly underrate.
We must defeat a people that has more school-
ing than ours in most of the states, more elec-

The Reply Churlish
do not like to upset anyone's business apple
cart. However, now that the senior sucker
list has been made available to the general pub-
lic, I feel that a word to the parents of graduat-
ing seniors might not be amiss. I should advise
that those of the seniors who feel as I do about
this subject should clip this column and mail it
home for future reference.
Saturday my mother received the following
letter in the mail. The letterhead reads "Mark
Van Aken, 423 Lloyd House, University of Michi-
gan, Ann Arbor, Mich." I do not know Mr. Van
Aken, but from the personal and friendly tone
of the letter, I gather thatl he knows me well
enough to call me by my first name. In accord-
ance with my time-honored custom of not print-
ing my own name in this column, I shall leave
blank spaces for the proper names in the letter.
That seems to have been Mr. Van Aken's idea
Dear Mrs.
The Senior Class List shows that (my first
name here) is due to graduate this spring. As
representative of the Student Plaque Bureau,
I wish to acquaint you with the plaque avail-
able to the Class of 1942. As you may see it is
the bronze seal of Michigan University ... .
and has the student's name and year of grad-
uation individually engraved on the bronze
Because of the present emergeny, some of
the Seniors will be forced to postpone gradua-
tion. The most appropriate gift to Seniors,
whether they are able to graduate or whether
they are serving their country, is undoubtedly
the school plaque.
As you wish to receive the plaque in time for
graduation, please sign and mail the enclosed
card. The cost of the plaque C.O.D. is $5.25
and the engraving charge is seventy-five cents.
Yours truly,
M. Van Aken
OW undoubtedly Mr. Van Aken thought he
had a real idea here. And probably if it
were left alone, Mr. Van Aken might make some
money out of his good idea. But I do not think
I shall leave it alone. I request that Mr. Van
Aken read the next few sentences very very care-
In the first place, Mr. Van Aken, I do not
know you. Not at all. The Wording of your
letter might lead my parents to believe that
somehow you were a person who knew me well
enough to call me by my first name. You and I
know different, Mr. Van Aken. In the second
place, you have-quite legally of course-taken
to yourself the official sounding title of Student
Plaque Bureau, which you know very well sounds
as if these plaques of yours were sort of smiled
on by the University. Almost a requirement for
graduation, so to speak. In the third place,
your appeal to the parents of those seniors who
will be in the army instead of the diploma line
constitutes a piece of that amazing heartless
bad taste which is to be encountered only in the
born business man. And finally, Mr. Van Aken,
your shotgun technique in the last paragraph,
where you so calmly assume that the parents of
seniors will want to buy one of these plaques
from the Student Plaque Bureau, is a great big
old mistake. You should have learned in your
sales technique course that Diamond Jim Brady
is dead, and that you do not hand people a pen,
frown, and accept the contract when they have
signed, victims of your terrific personality.
NOW for the benefit of my parents, and of
those other parents who received such form
letters, let me say this. A bronze plaque with
the University seal may be purchased at any
book store in Ann Arbor. Bookends, stationery,
pennants, and in fact almost any conceivable
souvenir may also be purchased with the seal at
any time during the four years we are here. And
few of us purchase these things. I do not wish
to buy a plaque. I do not wish to receive a plaque
from my parents because they, not knowing the
setup here, not understanding the sharp, finan-
cial minds to be found among the student body,
think they ought to get me one. There will

probably be other letters of this sort, perhaps
a bit less crude than Mr. Van Aken's, but aimed
in the same direction, that proud feeling of the
parents when their son or daughter is about to
graduate from the University. Little friendly
letters, with tha~t nice tone so much employed in
American advertising, that appeal to the better
sort of genuine emotions, a nasty, two-bit sort of
appeal, often mistaken for the 'real thing by
people like parents, who believe in their own
kids, and are willing to believe in all kids. So I
say, clip this column, mail it to your parents,
and tell them thanks, folks, but just having you
put me through school is enough of a present.
Don't bother with emotional ghouls like Mr.
Van Aken.
AND to the authorities who are keepers of the
graduation list, *;ust an innocent quer as to
how Mr. Van Aken obtained his sucker list.
Business as usual, of course, but if you please,
not quite so as usual. Thank you very m1ch.
So long until soon.
going into China, Malaya, the Netherlands' In-
dies, and is attempting to crack Australia. Luck-
ily, we are fighting on a 12,000 mile front instead
of a 3,000 mile one from Alaska or the Aleutian
Islands. But Japan has her motives - she must
protect those little islands from bombing-it is
about time we took advantage of it.
THE UNITED STATES must bomb Japan's ar -
senals, shipyards, storehiouses, factories and
plants from bases in the Aleutians and Alaska.
It must strike at the indutsrial nucleus instead
of attempting to recover the lost ground of the
Pacific mile by mile.

Drew PedsoR
Robert S.Ae
ASHINGTON-Several days ago Rear Ad-
miral Randall Jacobs, chief of the Bureau
of Navigation, vigdrously urged the House Naval -
Affairs Committee to approve a bill to create a
Women's Auxiliary Reserve in order to release
much-needed men for combat duty. The Navy,
the Admiral gravely warned, is facing a serious
shortage of seagoing officers and sailors to man
its rapidly expanding fleets.
Jacob's testimony was extraordinary in the
light of what other Navy brasshats are doing in
the problem of seagoing personnel.
It may sound unbelievable but it is an abso-
lute fact that these brasshats today are pre-
paring to place on the retired list'on June 30
hundreds of experienced regular Navy and Ma-
rine Corps officers with from 10 to 25 years of;
active service.
On that day the Navy careers of these officers
are slated to come to an end. Because of the
great war need, actually they won't be let out.
What will happen is this: They will be placed on
the retired list and simultaneously recalled to
active duty. But as far as chances for promotion
or a Navy future is concerned, they are all wash-
ed up. When the war is over they will revert to
retired status and be dropped.
This is nothing new. It has been' going on for
years. Selection Boards, made up of brasshats,
have "passed over" thousands of officers often
because of some personal pique against them or
their wives or because, as happened several years
ago in the case of a group of world-famous
pilots, they were not Annapolis graduates.
These officers entered the Navy's fledgling air
branch during the World War. They became the
backbone of this service, pioneering many devel-
opments and setting many world records. But
because they did not have the Annapolis label
when they became eligible for promotion to the
rank of Commander, a Selection Board "passed
over" every one of them and earmarked ther for
Outraged by this gross unfairness, Congress
passed a special bill to save these officers. But
the brasshats were more powerful than Congress.
They went to the President and gt him to veto
the bill.
Today, these officers are still serving their
country in dangerous posts - as "discards" who,
if they survive the war, will be retired as a "re-
ward" for their service.
Sons Of Rich Men
WTHILE axing officers of faithful service who
are fighting for their country on the high
seas, the brasshats are quietly dishing out com-
missions and soft berths to scores of draft elig-
ibles who have the good fortune to be the sons
of rich and influential fathers.
The other day the Navy Department issued a
press release giving the names of 461 men com-
missioned as "aviation administrative" officers.
Between the ages of 27 and 42, they will hol
down desk jobs at induction centers, services
schools, etc.
A large percentage of this list of newly-made
officers are rich young men of the Social Reg-
ister. These are a few of them:
Colby M. Chester III. son of the chairman of
General Foods Corp.; August Belmont, scion of
the famous socialite family; Clifford V. Brokaw,
son of a prominent New York broker; Sherman
Chickering, son of a leading San Francisco cor-
poration lawyer; Michael Cudahy, of the famous
packing fpmily; Herbert Fleishhacker, Jr., son of
a San Francisco banker: Channing Frothing-
ham, of a prominent Boston family; Arthur A.
Dunn, son of a wealthy St. Louis (Mo.) realtor;
Robert Patterson, Jr., and William P. Patterson,
of the National Cash Register family; John S.

Pillsbury, Jr., son of the Minneapolis flour fam-
ily; Ogden Phipps of the Long Island Phippses.
Washington is overrun with these young,
wealthy socialites who have wangled Navy com-
missions and are fighting the war on the exciting
fronts of the Capital's embattled cocktail
lounges, salons and exclusive clubs. For some
reason the Social Registerites seem to prefer the
Navy. Maybe it's because Navy commissions
are more easily obtained by the "right people"
than Army commissions.
Meanwhile, local draft boards are peppering
Washington authorities with complaints about
Navy requests for the deferment of certain reg-
istrants facing induction on the ground that they
are in line for a Navy commission.
NOTE: Latest member of an influential fam-
ily to be given a commission by the Navy is
Hiram Johnson III, grandson of the bitter iso-
1;i tionist. California Senator.
R1,Uo'-Ja)tilI est'War7 ' (fCi1atI
ONE of the principal subjects discussed by
Harry Hopkins and Gen. Marshall in London
was Russian involvement in the war in the Pa-
cific. Allied chiefs are convinced that the ques-
tion no longer is whether Russia and Japan will
fight, but when.
The answer to this question is of greatest
moment to both sides. Russian participation in
the Pacific would mean many vital strategic ad-
vantages to the United States. The spectacular
U. S. bombing raid from Australia to Manila,
could be duplicated on Tokio if U. S. planes
could use Vladivostok as a landing base.
We are spending millions of dollars on mech-
anized ground equipment, forgetting that the

(Continued from Page 2)
Will each graduate, therefore, be
certain that the Diploma Clerk has
his correct mailing address to insure
delivery by mail. The U. S. Mail
Service will, of course, return all
diplomas which cannot be delivered.
Because of adverse conditions abroad,
foreign students should leave ad-
dresses in the United States, if pos-
sible, to which diplomas may be
It is preferred that ALL diplomas
be personally called for.
Herbert G. Watkins,
Assistant Secrtary
Effective April 20 the following
rates will apply to the use of Uni-
versity-owned cars and trucks:
Sedans, $0.07 per mile; Station
wagons, $0.10 per mile; Minimum
charge $2.00.
Trucks, 2 ton and under, with
driver, $1.75 per hour.
Trucks, 2 11 ton and over, with driv-
er, $2.25 per hour. Minimum charge,
These charges will be made to the
appropriate departmental budgets by
the usual routine.
E. C. Pardon, Superintendent
Buildings and Grounds
To All Members of the Faculty and
Administrative Staff: If it seems cer-
tain that any telephones will not be
used during the summer months,
please notify the Business Office, Mr.
Peterson. A saving can be effected
if instruments are disconnected for
a period of a minimum of three
months. Herbert G. Watkins
Faculty, College of Engineering:
There will be a meeting of the Fac-
ulty of this College today at 4:15
p.m., in Room 348, West Engineering
Building. One purpose of the meet-
ing will be to discuss a revision of
the Chemical and Metallurgical En-
gineering curriculum.
A. H. Lovell, 'Secretary
College of Engineering: Seniors
who expect to graduate in May, 1942,
should fill out the blank for diploma
application, in the Secretary's Office,
Room 263 West Engineering Building,
not later than April 28.
A. H. Lovell, Secretary
Detroit Armenian Women's Club
Scholarship: The Detroit Armenian
Women's Club offers a scholarship
for $100 for the year 1942-43 for
which young men and women of
Armenian parentage,; living in the
Detroit metropolitan district who
demonstrate scholastic ability and
possess good character and who have
had at least one year of college work,
are eligible. Further information
may be obtained from me.{
Dr. Frank E. Robbins,
1021 Angell Hall
Seniors: The University sends out
interesting and instructive informa-
tion several times each year to all of
the alumni. In order that you may
receive these, please keep your cor--
ret address at all times on file in the
Alumni Catalog Office.
If you are entering the U.S. Army
or Navy Service, please advise the
Catalog Office of such fact, giving a
permanent address for the duration.
Your co-operation in this will be
greatly appreciated.
Lunette Hadley, Director
Senior Life Saving for Women:
Certificates from the first semester
and badges and pins from the second
semester may be obtained in Office
15, Barbour Gymnasium from 9:00
to 12:00 daily this week.

Residence Halls for Men and Wo-
men Applications for Staff Positions:
Upperclass, graduate, and profession-
al students who wish to apply for
Staff Assistantships and other stu-
dent personnel positions in the Resi-
dence Halls may obtain application
blanks in the Office of the Director
of Residence Halls, 205 South Wing.
Unmarried members of the faculty
holding the rank of Teaching Fellow
or above are invited to apply for
Resident Adviserships in the Quad-
rangles House Masteiships). Posi-
tions of all grades will be open foi
the Fall and Spring Terms; and it is
probable that there will be a limited
number of student and faculty staff
vacancies for the Summer Term.
Karl Litzenberg
Notice to Property Owners: If you
have e purch mased improved pr(- rty
on a land contract and owe a bal-
anice il the proximity of G0 per ccell
of the valute of the propert ,Y, thi
Investment Office, 10 South Wing
of University Hall would be glad t
discuss the possibilities of refinan
cing your conitract through 'the niedi-
um of a mortgage. There are advan
tages to be had in this manner o
Teaching Departments Wishing to
Recommend tentative May graduate
from the College of Literature, Sci
ence and the Arts and the School o
Education for Departmental Honor
should send such names to( the Regis
trar's Office, Room 4, U. ;hall befor
May 15, 1942.
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar.

"If this outfit don't scare the boss into giving me a raise, nothing will!"


Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason
Hall; office hours 9-12 and 2-4.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information
Academic Notices
The Botanical Seminar will meet
Wednesday, April 22, at 4:30 p.m. in
room 1139 Natural Science building.
Mr. S. G. Wildman will give papers
entitled "The Release of Auxin from
Isolated Leaf Proteins of Spinach by
Enzymes" and "The Instability of
Tryptophane under Conditions of
Mild Alkalinity." All interested are
Pre-medical Students: Attention is
again called to the Medical Aptitude
Test of the Association of American
Colleges which will be given here on
Friday, April 24. This test is a nor-
mal requirement for admission to
practically all medical schools, and
is given but once a year. Students
who expect to enter a medical school
in the school year of 1943-1944
should take the examination at this
time. Requirements for admission
to a medical school do not need to
be completed at the time of the test.
However, it is doubtful that anyone
with less than sophomore standing
will be prepared at this time for the
Further information may be ob-
tained in Room 4 University Hall,
and tickets should be purchased im-
mediately at the Cashier's Office.
Doctoral Examination for Harry
Franklin Williams, Romance Lan-
guages (French); thesis: "A Critical
Study of Floriant et Florete." To-
day, 110 Romance Language Build-
ing, 4:00 p.m. Chairman E. B. Ham.
By action of the Executive Board
the Chairman may invite members
of the faculties and advanced doctor-
al candidates to attend the examina-
tion and he may grant permission to
those who for sufficient reason might
I wish to be present.
C. S. Yoakum
May Festival Tickets: A limited
number of tickets for each of the six
May Festival concerts are still avail-
able. When the supply for any con-
cert is exhausted, a limited number
of standing room tickets will be
placed on sale at the office of the
University Musical Society in Burton
Memorial Tower.
Charles A. Sink, PresidentI
Student Recital: Joan Bondurant,
soprano, has chosen songs by Han-
del, Mozart, Schumann, Schubert,
Debussy and Massenet, as well as
ra gr"oup in English, for her recital
at 4:15 p.m. today in Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theater. Given in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for the
* degree of Bachelor of Music, the re-
cital is open to the public.
Student Recital: Mary Romig,
violinist, will give a recital in Rack-
ham Assembly Hall at 8:30 tonight
A student of Wassily Besekirsky and
a member of the University Sym-
yphony Orchestra, Miss Romig ha
Sarranged a program to include works
- of handel, Mozart and Faure. The
recital is given in partial fulfillment
g of the requirements of the degree 0
o Master of Music and is open to the
The regular Tuesday evening pro.
f gram of recorded music in the Men's
Lounge of the Rackham Building a'
8:00 p.m. will be as follows:
o Haydn: Symphony No. 101 in D
's Major ("Clock").
Debussy: Suite Bergamasque (fo:
f piano).
s Bach: Brandenburg Concertos.
e The annual spring concert of th
University of iMicigan Men's Gle
Club, David Mattern, Conductor, wi]
be given Thursday, April 23, at 8:3
p.m. in Hill Auditorium. The publi

Exhibition, College of Architecture
'and Design: An exhibition of ink-
and-brush life drawings by Milton
Horn of New York City, a resident
sculptor under a Carnegie Founda-
tion Grant at Olviet College, is being
shown in the ground floor cases of
the Architecture Building. Open
daily 9 to 5, except Sunday, through
April 28. The public is invited.
University Lecture: Dr. M. S. Di-
mand, Curator of Near Eastern Art
in the Metropolitan Museum of Art,
New York City, will lecture on the
subject, "Coptic Art of the Muham-
madan Period" (illustrated), under
the auspices Qf the Museum of Art
and Archaeology at 4:15 p.m. on
Wednesday, April 22, in the Rackham
Amphitheatre. The public is cordial-
ly invited.
Events Today
Freshmen majoring in chemistry
or chemical engineering: The Fresh-
man Chemistry Club will meet
tonight at 8:00 in 303 Chem. Bldg.
Dr. C. B. Slawson will speak on
Varsity Glee Club: Special rehear-
sal tonight at 8:00 in the Glee Club
Freshman Discussion Group: "What
Is the Basis 'for Deciding What is
Right and What is Wrong?" will be
discussed at Lane Hall tonight at
Alpha Nu meeting tonight at 7:30,
fourth floor Angell Hall. Keys pre-
sented to new members. Plans for
initiation of new members discussed.
All members are asked to attend and
to call all members by phone whom
they believe will miss this bulletin.
Sigma Rho Tau will meet at 7:30
tonight in the Union. Speech con-
tests will be continued, featuring this
week the hall of fame group final
round and the preliminaries in the
project speech category. All mem-
bers are requested to attend.



The Patrons Committee
Spot Hop will meet today
p.m. in the League. Please

for the
at 4:30
bring a

The Bibliophiles Section of the
Women's Faculty club will meet at
2:30 p.m. today at the home of Mrs.
Frank Finch, 1619 S, University Ave.
Episcopal Students: Tea will be
served for Episcopal students and
their friends at Harris Hall this after-
noon, 4:00 to 5:30.
Christian Science Orgarlization will
meet tonight at 8:15 in the chapel
of the Michigan League.
o Coming Events
Athena Literary Society: Election
of officers on Thursday, April 23, at
8:15 p.m. Attendance compulsory.
Alpha Nu, Zeta Phi Eta, Delta Sig-
tua Rho and Sigma Rho Tau arein-
vited by Athena to hear Professor
Mentor Williams talk on Russia on
Thursday, April 23, at 9:00 p.m., in
the Kalamazoo Room of the League.
Theta Sigma Phi will hold initia-
tion services on Wednesday, April 22,
at 5:00 p.m. at the League. All mem-
bers must attend.
Graduate Students in Speech: The
April meeting of the Graduate Study
Club will be held at 4:00 p.m. Wed-
nesday, April 22, in the East Confer-
ence Room of the Rackham Building.
The German Roundtable, Interna-
tional Center, which meets at 9:00
pm. on Wednesday in Room 23 of the
Center. will be led by Thor Reykdal.


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