PAGE TWO THE MICHIG~AN DAILY TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 194 xe .uo. . .nyv.... . .nn u4/ wuv:sR. Eittyai Cecil Brown To t Will Discuss Cecil Brown-the modern Dante who radioed the Hell of Axis warfare in something less than soothing verse to world-wide audiences-will relate the story of his perilous adventures m a war mad world when he pre- sents his oratorical series lecture here Monday, April 2-7, in Hill Auditorium. A survivor of the Nazi march on r Yugoslavia, part of the English cam- paign in Libya, and the sinking of the Repulse, Brown is internationally famous as a "long-nosed, persistent" news reporter who manages to get into and out of one, catastrophe after the other, each time with a differ- ent admore exciting story to tell. Besides being one of the outstanding war correspondents of CBS, he also writes articles for several of the pop- ular magazines. Brown began his journalistic career as soon as he graduated from Ohio Rev. Coughlin Admits Control Of Magazne -ROYAL OAK, April 20.-(R)-The Rev. Charles E. Coughlin, long a crit- ic of the Administration, assumed personal responsibility today for the control, policies and contents of the magazine "Social Justice," language of which Attorney General Biddle has described as "clearly seditious." Biddle said last Friday that a Dis- trict of Columbia Grand Jury would receive "evidence of any tie-up with the Axis." In a statement issued from his of- fice in the Shrine of the Little Flow- er, from which he broadcast on na- tion-wide networks his ideas for social and monetary reforms in re- cent years, Father Coughlin said to- day: "Time and again I have said, and here repeat, that I am neither the editor, publisher, nor owner of Social Justice Magazine. However, I do here and now publicly state that I alone am responsible for and do control 'the magazine, its policies and con- tents. This sole responsibility and control over the policy-making and content of the magazine I have ex- ercised personally and officially by my effective moral and spiritual in- fluence and direction over the edi- tors, publishers and owners of Social Justice. "If Social Justice, as Attorney Biddle is reported to have declared In his press conference, is 'clearly seditious,' the responsibility is mine alone." The magazine, Coughlin has stated, is owned by his parents, Thomas J. and Amelia Coughlin of Royal Oak, and is edited by E. Perrin Schwartz. A Justice Department official at ashington said today Coughlin's 6tatement of responsibility would rave "no effect whatsoever" on the grand jury investigation. Postmast- er General Walker has scheduled a hearing at Washington April 29 to determine whether his recent order barring use of the mails to "Social Justice" should be made permanent. Triangles Taps Ten Ten members of the sophomore class in the engineering college were tapped last night by Triangles, junior engineering honor society, on the basis of their campus achievements, The new members of Triangles are Dick Bieneman, George Snow, Ralph Amstutz, George Kozloff, Dick Spath, Charles Dotterer, Art Geib, Walt Stewart, Lou Haughey, and Bill Courtright. ecture Here' Another Fire On The. Normandie. War Experiences U t State University in 1929. As he rolled from paper to paper and from place to place he gathered new experiences and ideas and built up an enviable reputation. In 1937 he went to Eur- ope as a free-lance correspondent. but his unusual talents were realized and he was immediately hired by the International News Service and went to work in Paris. In 1940 he was sent to Rome where he joined the staff of CBS. During the beginning of the war and the first Mediterranean fighting Brown spoke from Rome, telling the American public what was going on there. His accounts were too ac- curate for the Fascist government and he was soon compelled to leave Italy. From Rome Brown was sent to cover the Balkan war for CBS and reached Yugoslavia just in time to meet the German invaders. Nar- rowly missing death by Nazi motor- cycle squads, he tangled with Panzer units, was held up by suspicious Ger- man officers and finally barely man- aged to escape. Next he was sent to Cairo from which he broadcast the German para- chute invasion of Crete and described the escape of Greece's King George under the fire of Nazi troops. Then Brown got one of his biggest and toughest assignments. He was sent to cover the Far Eastern con- flict and has since sent over some of the most sensational stories of the war to date. He was a passenger on the Repulse when it sailed from Singapore and was sunk by the Jap- anese last Dec. 8 consequently getting one of the greatest journalistic scoops of the year. Engineers' Banquet WillBe Held May 6 Plans for the annual All-Engineer- ing banquet, to be held Wednesday, May 6, in the Union Ballroom, are well underway, announced chairman Bob Collins, '42E, and tickets will go on sale tomorrow. "The Engineer in the Post-War World" will be the theme of this year's banquet, with Dr. William E. Wiokenden, president of the Case School of Applied Science. Cleveland, presenting his views on the subject. Dr. Wickenden will be introduced by Dean Ivan C. Crawford of the engi- neering college. The talk is to be followed by the presentation of new officers of the engineering college professional fraternities. Ted Ken- nedy, '42E, class president, will be toastmaster. Working with chairman Collins, a committee of six is making arrange- ments for the estimated crowd of 300 engineers who will attend the ban- quet. M' Glee Club To Give Annual SpringConcert Spirituals, Scottish Tunes To Be Sun Thursday; Audience To Participate Almost obscured by smoke lies the overturned hull of the former French liner Normandie at her pier in the Hudson River in New York. A private company was Barged with "gross carelessness" by a Naval court of inquiry investigating this third fire aboard the liner. Ziichigan Schoolmasters Club Will Appearing in its annual spring concert, the Men's Varsity Glee Club will present a program of some of the best known works for a male chorus ever written, at 8:15 p.m. Thursday in Hill Auditorium. Headlining the first half of the concert, which will be of a formal nature, will be the presentation of an arrangement for men's chorus of "De Glory Road," a dramatic song in the mode of a Negro spiritual by Jacques Wolff. Bible Verses To Be Sung The fifty singers, who are under the direction of Prof. David E. Mat- tern, will also give "The Creation," a musical setting to the first six verses of the Bible, which brings out all the drama of the Biblical story of the creation of the world. It was written by Richter. For a change in mood, the lilting old Scotch tune, "Mary," and the Negro spiritual, "I'm a Baptist," will also be rendered by the group. Audience To Sing "Let's All Sing" will be the keynote of the second half of the program when the audience will be asked to join in singing many of the old favor- ites. To aid in stimulating the at- mosphere of this type of group sing- ing, a quartet with the aid of a pan- tomime will harmonize on some of the accepted barbershop songs. The club decided to turn over part of this year's concert to the audience,, because of the statements by Army and Navy morale officers that there is no better cure for "war jitters" than singing. The concert by the Glee Club will be the first all-campus, sing to be sponsored for this purpose since the war began. The concert, as in former years, will be free to the public, and all the campus is invited to attend. Finals To Be Held fm Intercollegiate BridgeTourney The National Intercollegiate Bridge Tournament playoffs will be held at 8 p.m. tomorrow in Room 304 of the Union, with four teams representing Michigan in the nation-wide tourney. The competing teams are: Jack Gordon, '43, and Cyrus Neuman, '43; Nickerson Kinckley, '42E, and David Ipsen, '42E; Hamilton Hoyt, '43L, and Jerrold Richards, '42L; James Porter, '42, and Fred Wellington, '44E. The scores of the local playoff will be sent to the headquarters of the national tournament and upon the basis of the scores from all colleges, the winner will be chosen. The col- lege winning first place will receive a cup, the one winning second place will donate $100 to the Red Cross. Harvard was last year's winner. CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY WANTED TO BUY Hold Conference Here This Week For the 56th time in as many years the Michigan Schoolmasters Club will convene here Thursday, Friday and Saturday when more than 2,000 edu- cators representing the entire state will gather to discuss current educa- tional problems. Built around the general theme, "Education in the Present Crisis." the convention will meet in both general and divisional sessions to hear prominent speakers from this and other educational institutions" throughout the state, and to partici- pate in round-table discussions of various problems. Tape To Open Conference The general meeting of the con- ference will be opened by President H. A. Tape of the Northern Michigan College of Education in Marquette, president of the organization, who will lead a business meeting at 8:45{ a.m. Friday. Members will hear Dr. A. J. Stod- dard, superintendent of schools of Philadelphia and chairman of the American Policies Commission of the National Education Association, speak on "Giving Reality to the Demo- cratic Way" at 9:15 a.m. Response will be given by Dr. Owen A. Em- mons, principal of the large Cooley High School in Detroit and president MICHIGAN Playing Thrwugh TFhurday /HE PICTURE EVERYONE WANTh 7 0SEE! Alexander Korda presents Lon"'rd :. . 'f DAILY OFFICI TUESDAY, APRIL 21, 1942 VOL. LII. No. 150 Publication in the Daly Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices Registration for Selective Service: 1. Date of Registration: April 27. One day only. 2. Who Shall Register: All males who have not registered for Selective Service at earlier times and who will not have passed their sixty-fifth birthday on April 27, 1942. Individuals who have previously registered for the Selective Service do not reregister at this time. 3. Places of Registration: For the convenience of University employees the following arrange- ment.s have been made for their registration: (a) University Hospital staff and patients will register in the Hospital at a time and place to be designated by Mr. A. B. Cook, Assistant Director. (b) Buildings and Grounds em- ployees will register at a time and place to be announced by Mr. E. C. Pardon, Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds. tc) Assistant Dean Charles T. Olmsted will be in charge of the regis- tration of all other University em- ployees. Registration for this group will be held in ioom1 4. University Hall from 8 a.i, I o 12 noon, and from 1:30 1).m. to 4:30 p.m. Any individual wishing to register before or after these designated hours may do so at Tappan School or Slauson School. 4. Registration Certificates: Each registrant will be given a cer- tificate which he should carry at all times, "as he may be required to show it from time to time." 5. Change of Address after Regis- tration: Each individual who changes AL BULLETIN his address at any time after regis- tration should address a communi- cation to his Selective Service Board indicating his new address. This is the individual's responsibility and cannot be borne or shared by any- one. Robert L. Williams Commencement Tickets: TicketsI for Commencement may be obtained on request after May 11 at the In- formation Desk in the Business Office, Room 1, University Hall. Be- cause the Yost Field House will be used for the exercises, rain or shine. and because of its limited seating capacity, only three tickets will be available for each senior. Please pre- sent identification card when ap- plying for tickets. Herbert G. Watkins. Assistant Secretary. Notice to graduating senior engin- eers: Caps and gowns will be distrib- uted on Wednesday and Thursday from 2:00 to 5:30 p.m. at the League. The limited number of caps and gowns makes it necessary that first come be first served. Class dues must be paid before obtaining gowns. To Students Graduating at Cora- mencenent, May 30, 1942: The bur- den of mailing diplomas to members of the graduating class who do not personally call for their diplomas has grown until in 1940 it cost thr Uriversily over $400 to pertorn lhis service. Thi, rule has been laid down, as a result, that diplomas not called for at the Sports Building immediate- ly after the Commencement Exeircis- es or at the University Business Of- fice within three business days after Commencement will be mailed C.O.D. The mailing cost will be approximate- ly 30c for the larger sized rolled diplomas and 45c for the book form. (Contnmed on P 4) of the Michigan Secondary School Association. Following this the group will at- tend the annual Honors Convocation at 11 a.m. in Hill Auditorium. Chair- man of the meeting will be Dean of Students Joseph A. Bursley, chair- man of the Honors Convocation Com- mittee. The principal address at this meeting will be offered by Dr. C. S. Boucher, chancellor of the University of Nebraska. Members And Friends Invited All members and friends of the Scloolmasters' Club are invited to a reception at 5:15 p.m. Friday in the Union Ballroom. This will be fol- lowed, at 6 p.m., by a banquet in the same room. Robert Kazmayer, noted journalist and news analyst, will give an address on "Japan, Rising or Set- ting Sun?" and the University Choir, under the direction of Prof. Hardin Van Deursen, will provide musical entertainment for guests. Mr. Kazmayer will speak a second time before the general assembly when he discusses "Education's Con- tribution to Democracy" at 9:30 a.m. Saturday in the Rackham Lecture Hall. Seven divisions will convene after this session to discuss the various aspects of the general theme-mental health, school participation in war activities, understandings among var- ious peoples, post-war safeguarding of ideals, obligations of the schools, school administration and school services. More than forty experts in these various fields will present their viewpoints and results of recent investigations at these discussion groups. Sessions Friday On Art Smaller groups wlil meet at ses- sions on Friday to discuss art, biol- ogy, business education, the classics, counseling of girls education, Eng- lish, general science, geography, guid- ance, mathematics, modern lan- M- E. Dimand To Speak Here CopLic Art' To Be Subjet Of Lecture Tomrrow Under the auspices of the Museum of Art and Archaeology, Dr. M. S. Dimand, Ctrator of Near Eastern Art in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, will speak at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Rackhamn Amphitheatre. Titled, "Coptic Art of the Arabic Period," the lecture will be illustrat- ed, and the public is cordially invited to attend. Dean of American scholars on Is- lamic art, Dr. Dimand has published many works on Coptic and Islamic. He is a contributor and consulting member of Ars Islanicia, a Univer- sity publication. Dr. Dimandh 1as been connected with the Metropolitan Museum fuor more than 15 years, and since 1935 he has directed excavations at Nish- apur, Persia. His lecture here will be of special interest for University excavations in Egypt immediately lprecede the Coptic period, and show the beginnings of its influence. guages, music, physics, chemistry and astronomy, school health and physi- cal education, school library, social studies, speech and vocational edu- cation. The Thirteenth Annual Conference on Teacher Education will convene at 10 a.m. Thursday in the Union. At this time superintendents and ed- ucators will consider problems of war demands on schools and the implica- tions for teacher education. The Eighth Annual Conference on Problems in School and College Co- operation, sponsored by the Bureau of Cooperation with Educational In- stitutions of the University, will dis- cuss engineering education and school and college cooperation in wartime at a luncheon and an after- noon meeting on Thursday. The Twenty-fifth Annual Confer- ence of the Michigan High School Fcrensic Association, sponsored by the University Extension Service, will also be held Friday. Prof. Koella Directs Cast In Avent ure' "Jack of all trades" might well be applied to the Cercle Francais' agile director, Prof. Charles E. Koella, who is now r'ehearsing a cast of 16 for the annual French play, "La Belle Aven- ture," to be presented April 29 in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Because of the intricate details of pronunciation, diction and intona- tion which require so much time in the process of perfection, Professor Koella has scheduled rehearsals of the three acts of the comedy for al- most every day between now and curtain time. But it isn't always so easy to find a time when all of the characters in an act can get together, so "le direc- teur" has*to step in and give Helene in as small a voice as possible or to assume the poker faced role of Di- dier, the butler. When this happens, as it must dur- ing many rehearsals, a certain ele- ment of surprise appears. For when le Comte d'Eguzon puts on his most serious mood, preparatory to deliv- ering the most fatherly of counsels, only a strong variety of concentra- tion will rule out a broad smile as he looks into the face of Professor Koella. Dr.. (.aplan To 'Talk Here Dr. B. Bernard Caplan, Detroit psychiatrist and authority on family relations, will speak on "Adjustment in Marriage" at 8 p.m. today at the Hillel Foundation. This is the second in a series sponsored by Hillel, Tickets for the SeIior Engiu- ccrins picnic May l. will be scald in the lobby of the East Engineer- ing Building from a.m. to noon, and from I p.m. to 2 p.m. Wednes- day, Thursday and Friday. Class dues can also be paid during that time. Cost of the tickets to the picnic is 25 cents. CLOTHES BOUGHT AND SOLD- Ben the Tailor, 122 East Washing- ton. Phone after 6 o'clock, 5387. CLOTHING WANTED TO. BUY- Pay $5 to $500 for Suits, Overcoats, Typewriters, Saxophone, Fur Coats (Minks and Persian Lambs), Watches, and Diamonds. Phone Sam, 5300. MISCELLANEOUS ROTC Band Makes Debut Gives First Performance At Defense Talk Here A new addition to the ROTC, a fifty-five piece band, made its first appearance on campus last night at the County Defense Council spon- sored talk in Hill Auditorium. This organization, made possible through the cooperation of Prof. Earl V. Moore, Director of the School of Music, Herbert G. Watkins, business manager of the bands, and Prof. Wil- liam D. Revelli, director of the Uni- versity Bands. It was built around a nucleus of the twenty-eight piece drum and bu- gle corps, which has previously pro- vided all the martial music for the Corps of Cadets. The Drum and Bugle Corps will continue to function in addition. Responsible for the training of the band are Cadet Captain Robert G. W. Brown, Cadet First Sergeant, and Conductor Borst J. Theodoroff, Ca- det Technical Sergeant Donald Wal- lace, drum major, and Cadet Supply Sergeant Paul G. Liddicoat. Robert J. Roush is librarian. The Band and the Drum and Bu- gle Corps drill and practice during the regular battalion drills each Tuesday and Friday from 5 to 6 p.m. They furnish music for the cere- monial parade which concludes each drill period. This practice antd drill will be cul- minated by the annual federal in- spection May 7 in the Stadium. President Alexander G. Ruthven and staff will review the Corps on this occasion. MIMEOGRAPHING - Thesis bind- ing. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 S. State. 6c WASHED SAND AND GRAVEL - Driveway gravel, washed pebbles. Killins Gravel Company, phone 7112. 7c FARMS FOR SALE 20 ACRES-4 miles, good road. Nice building spot. Some old material, $12,500. Terms-Farley, 2-2475. LOST and FOUND LOST: Phi Gamma Delta fraternity pin. Reward. Call Bob Cole, 2-4401. 330c LAUNDERING LAUNDRY -2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. . 2c FOR SALE BOOK SALE-College texts and mis- cellaneous books, many out-of - print at bargain prices-Biddle's Bookstore, 11 Nickels Arcade. 331c TYPING L. M. HEYWOOD, experienced typist, 414 Maynard Street, phone 5689. MISS ALLEN-Experienced typist. 408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935. VIOLA STEIN - Experienced legal typist, also mimeographing. Notary public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland. HELP WANTED A YOUNG MAN STUDENT to work for his room the balance of this semester and probably the next. 321 S. Division St. 333c YOUNG graduate student desires work caring for children a few evenings a week until Commence- ment. Fond of children-Tel. 7960. 335c .I I I i ". . ... . . _. Mr.S. L. A. MARSHALL WAR COMMENTATOR for the Detroit News Spooking on I I I ; " .... °:;, w tltl fl i i iKir. i tt'+ . " 1 i I I I