THE MICHIGAN DAILY j g Ā£rgtait antty Washington Merry-Go-Round By DREW PEARSON and ROBERT S. ALLEN Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republicatisn of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other .matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.00, by mail $5.00. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERT3ING NY National Advertising Service, Inc. . College Publishers Representative 420 MADiSON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CNICAGO * BOSTON * LOS AGELUS * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Editorial Staff Emile Gel . Alvin Dann . David Lachenbruct Jay McCormick Gerald E. Burns hal Wilson Janet Hooker . Grace Miller Virginia Mitchell Daniel H. Huyett James B. Collins Louise Carpenter Evelyn Wright . . . . . Managing Editor . . . . . Editorial Director h . . . . . City Editor . . . . . Associate Editor . . . . . Associate Editor . . . . . Sports Editor . . . . . Women's Editor . . . Assistant Women's Editor . . . . . Exchange Editor Business Staff S. . Business Manager . . Associate Business Manager . . Women's Advertising Manager Women's Business Manager WASHINGTON-You can write it down defi- nitely that there is one thing the Republican National Committee, which meets tomorrow in Chicago, will do. It will continue Representative Joe Martin as National Chairman. In recent months the hard-working little New Englander's leadership has been under fire in influential party circles. Anti-isolationists have been critical of his isolationist voting record and the appointment of militant isolationists to high Committee posts. On the other hand, isolationists also have been gunning for his scalp. Senator Bob Taft of Ohio marched a delega- tion, of GOP members of Congress into Martin's office and frankly told him they thought he ought to vacate the Chairmanship. When he asked whom they favored as his successor, Taft replied, "Alf Landon." But when other Republican congressional lead- ers heard of this, they vigorously turned thumbs down on Landon and advised Martin to sit tight. Similar strong counsel came from other potent GOP chiefs. As a result, Martin is certain he is secure in the saddle and will fight any move to oust him. That means there will be no fight, because the last thing all factions want is an inner party tangle that would be sure to leave painful scars. Note: At a rally he is staging before the GOP meeting, Democratic Mayor Ed Kelly of Chicago intends to make a big point of the fact that the Republican Committee is convening on Hitler's birthday. GOP Campaign Strategy IN PREPARATION for the Chicago pow-wow, Martin in recent weeks has held a number of private conferences with State leaders at which he outlined his views on what the GOP strategy should be in this year's crucial congressional elections. The nub of Martin's plan is that the Republi- cans should concentrate all their fire on the Ad- ministration's conduct of the war. Martin said he was certain the Democrats will try to stick the isolationist label on the GOP and RECORDS- Good Idea To Buy Records Before Shortage Is Felt T will probably be difficult to get the records you want in the very near future, so it would be a good idea to purchase them as soon as pos- sible. Production of records has been severely curtailed, although good music is essential to good morale. In fact one record concern, in the near future, will not sell you a record unless you give an old record in exchange-like the toothpaste tube idea--as there is an extreme shortage of shellac, most of which used to come from Java. charge it with obstructing the defense program. He admitted that the activities of certain Repub- licans, such as Congressman Fish and Clare Hoffman, would play into the halds of the Democrats. But Martin pointed out that the Republicans could cite the fact that the No. 1 isolationist leader on Capitol Hill was a Democrat, Senator Burt Wheeler. Also, that since Pearl Harbor, the GOP has voted for every war appropriation and measure asked for by the White House. Martin told the State leaders that the cam- paign stand the Republican party should take is that the real issue is not what happened before. December 7, but how the war has been run since. On that ground, he declared, the GOP will find plenty of material to blast the Democrats. However, with characteristic realism, Martin warned the leaders that in the end the campaign will be decided largely by military developments. That is, if by fall the Allies have won some major victories and prospects for victory have materially improved, the chances will favor the Democrats to retain control- of the House. On the other hand, if the Allied picture continues gloomy, it will be a good bet that the Republicans will come out on top. Old Appeasers WTHEN Philippine High Commissioner Francis B. Sayre appeared before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee at a closed-door session he related many things that are military secrets. But one piece of information is not taboo. Sayre nailed as wholly unfounded reports that an ex- tensive pro-Jap appeasement movement exists in the Philippines. There has been some appeasement activity, he said, but it is definitely not serious. Filipinos are as loyal to the United States as ever. The suffering and adversity they have endured have intensified their patriotism. Sayre reported that only a few politicians were responsible for the appeasement activity and they carried no influence with the people. Naming these politicians, he added: "Most of. them are old and feeble." "Some of us are old and feeble, too," piped up 75-year-old Senator Hiram W. Johnson of Cali- NIGHT EDITOR: WILLIAM A. MacLEOD The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. A Proper Perspective On Tokyo Bombing 0 0 fornia, a bitter isolationist. There was a ripple of creased to a roar as Sayre tor, how can you say that. You just imagine it." laughter, which in- replied: "Why, Sena- You really aren't old. DESPITE the doubtless value of bring- ing home to the populace of Japan the fact that the forces of the Rising Sun are not the only ones with the power of death and destruction at their disposal, it is well to remem- ber that there can be small military advantage resulting from yesterday's daylight raid on Tokyo and that such a raid does not necessarily herald a general offensive against the citadel of Hiro- hito's power. Any other conclusion must assume extensive and, in the case of America, unbelievably secret preparations indicating a disregard for the im- provement of the situation in either Burma or the Philippines. The only possible influence on the fortunes of the Allied forces in the Far Eastern theatre is the recall to the homeland of a few anti-aircraft batteries, and this is doubtful in view of the value to the Japs of maintaining aerial superior- ity on the fighting fronts. Effect on Jap morale other than the announc- ing of our presence is to be discounted because even in the event of a deliberate attack on the notably vulnerable centers of prjiulation, the periodic subjection of the Japanese people to elemental buffetings would serve only to crystal- lize against the Allies a resentment which could not be expresed against an earthquake or tidal wave. ON THE OTHER HAND, our home front is offered a valuable and easily apparent ex- ample of the propaganda technique of the Axis press in the Tokyo broadcasts of the attack. The characterization of successfully bombed targets as "cultural establishments" and the complete absence of damage to military objectives is typi- cal of the state-inspired publicity emanating from thi "anti-Comintern" camp, It may well be remembered if continued reverses make us more susceptible t' the poisoned Goebbels pen. - William A. M cfeod Must Not Be 'olerated ... w. W HEN riots broke out at Detroit's Sojourner Truth Housing Project, they were excused with the usual slogans about decline in property value, inherent distrust; of Negroes and "While" neighborhoods. These e(:IlSees were made in hefawe ofthe knowledge that the (i1kts about the project were ornanizerd. The Orgnivcz itr5 We. now find out, wer~e peOlpl: Who I ad great expcrb-iwc in rabble-rousing. Two leaders of the pickets were brought before the Federal Court under indictments of violation of the Negroes' civil rights and seditious con- spiracy to hinder the execution of a Federal law. A third leader is still at large. The men arraigned stood mute before the court. But their past actions betrayed their thoughts. Those men were also known to the police as leaders of an alleged Fascist, vigilante organization, the National Workers League, the successor to the hooded Black Legion. Parker Sage, Garland L. Alderman, officers of the National Workers League, and Virgil Chandler, president of a landlord's group, started enough trouble at Sojourner Truth Project to postpone the occupancy of the project for weeks. At any rate, you will certainly want about three of the fine new Victor which in both technical quality and have reached a peak. to know releases, artistry, COAUSSON-Concerto in D major for Violin, Piano and String Quartet.-Heifetz, San- roma and the Musical Art Quartet. (Victor DM- 877) Chausson was a pupil of Cesar Franck and thus his music is patterned after that of Franck. The Concerto, one of the outstanding products of French chamber music, is sometimes known as C"usson's Sextet," because it is prl1narily a piece of beautiful chamber music, and only secondarily a virtuoso concerto. The themes of this excellent work are of high artistic merit, demonstrating Chausson's finely formulated mu- sical ideas. Except for its first movement, it is pervaded by a rather wistful melancholy, which is often found in Chausson's music. The exquisitely delicate performance of the Musical Art Quartet is greatly enhanced by the superb work of Heifetz and Sanroma. Those who love good chamber 11111sic., spccially of the Fran(kian school, should hail this performance as filling a long-standing need. )VORAK-Symphony No. I n )major-The Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, Vaclav Tal- ich, Conductor. (Victor DM-874) This is the first recording Wo a cheerful, whole- some work. It is a rarely heard symphony, mainly because it has always been in the shadow of Dvorak's fourth and fifth symphonies. It is true that this work is not equal in caliber to the New World Symphony. but nevertheless it is a work of the first order. T'lw. performance by the Czech Philharmonic, under Talich, one of the greatest interpreters of Dvor;ik. leaves liftfle to be desired. One of the fiest single records to leave the Victor presses is the 12-inch disc of Prokofieff's "Prince and the Princess," Scene infernal and March, from Love For Three Oranges (Victor 18497), by the NBC Symphony Orchestra, con- ducted by Leopold Stokowski. Some of these brilliant excerpts from the Soviet composer's opera have previously been recorded by Kous- sevitzky and the Boston Symphony and Coates with the London Symphony, but never have they topped the power and beauty they attain on this new disc. Indeed a remarkable recording you owe it to yourself to hear it. Also in the new releases is a two-piano version of the overworked Dance Macabre as played by Pierre Luboshutz and Genia Nemenoff on a Victor record. c- D. L. Note: A son-in-law of President Wilson, Sayre can well remember how "youngster" Johnson twenty years ago led the Senate fight against the League of Nations. lio~inie Says " ATURE is too thin a screen; glory of the omnipresent God bursts through every- where." So Emerson wrote. This is the prevail- ing view of God and His providence which the good have held and many great men have relied upon. As we stand in the presence of death, walk our several ways among the men who step out to danger and thus shield us who are at home, only prayer is adequate. We must learn nearness to that ultimate conserver of every noble deed, Our Father Almighty. He alone can bring good out of our willingness and cause right to prevail. No less is genuine faith. Men need to "dig again the wells which were digged." That is, experience has taught us much truth. In every moral and spiritual way eah unst find sources of power, Those with insight teach that he serves best in emergency who can feel that under society, lying far beneath the daily round of professional and political life, more basic than human desire or will, in the very structure of the Universe, there is a source on which all may draw. We of America are most apt to discover the religious attitude by turning anew to the words of Jesus as He taught His disciples. For example, He related food to God, "Give us this day our daily bread.' Do we thank God for the meal be- fore our 'ar1,"C wot ls, ready to satisfy the htim- ger we feel? The nearness of God may more readily be learned through grace at meal than in any other situation. This is why dietary laws play a central role in every great religion. Like- wise, Jesus lived His friendships in the conscious presence of God. "Forgive us our sins as we for- give those who have sinned against us." Ability to forgive, eagerness to restore the good-will which may have been temporarily destroyed is a route to God as well as a valid route to social solidarity and national strength. The creation of adefense wvithouit ate will depend uiion a courage w ti, transcends man. It is born of fa ith.As , o eeydeclares of certainty, "ill action tie mind Ibrows a viw.' ihe certaint~y thus Projce('ted( is tlh(' laitli of religion. The ma- ture and the wise will carry this contribut ion into our Democracy. T IS by such practice on the part of an ever- increasing community of men that the weaker members of a society are built up. Religion stills the fear, tames the anger, replaces the will to do evil, and establishes the soul in confidence. When so set, the mind can function and only then will it function well. When so set, the juices of the body can function and not until then will they ,eirve as they should. When so set, community can begin and without this religious attittide even saintly men are unable to continue. By no less than religiousness can a community called "team" or "family" or "partnership" or "com- pany" or "nation" hope to succeed. Jacques Mar- DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) Prospective Applicants for the Com- bined Curricula: Students of the Col- lege of Literature, Science, and the Arts wishing to apply for admission to one of the combined curricula for September 1942 should fill out appli- cations for such admission as soon as possible in Room 1210 Angell Hall. The final date for application is Mon- day, April 20. Pre-medical students should please note that application for admission to the Combined Curriculum. A separate application should be made out for the consider- ation of the Committee on Combined Curricula. Edward H. Kraus LaVerne Noyes Scholarships: Pre- sent holders of these scholarships who desire to apply for renewals for 1942-43 should call at 1021 Angell Hall and fill out the blank forms for application for renewal. Frank E. Robbins Public Health Assembly: Dr. Haven Emerson, Professor Emeritus of Public Health Practice, Columbia University, and Lecturer in Public Health Prac- tice, University of Michigan, will speak to the students in the School of Public Health on Monday, April 20, at 4:00 p.m. in the Kellogg Audi- torium. The subject of his address is "Caribbean Health Problems." All students in the School are requested to be present, and others interested are welcome. Henry F. Vaughan, Dean Residence Halls for Men and Wo- men Applications for Staff Positions: Upperclass, graduate, and profession- al students who wish to apply for Staff Assistantships and other stu- dent personnel positions in the Resi- dence Halls may obtain application blanks in the Office of the Director of Residence Halls, 205 South Wing, Unmarried members of the faculty holding the rank of Teaching Fellow or above are invited to apply for Resident Adviserships in the Quad- rangles (House Masterships). Posi- tions of all grades will be open for the Fall and Spring Terms; and it is probable that there will be a limited number of student and faculty staff vacancies.for the Summer Term. Karl Litzenbrg College of Engineering: Seniors who expect to graduate in May, 1942,! should fill out the blank for diploma application, in the Secretary's Office, Room 263 West Engineering Building, not later than April 28. A. H. Lovell, Secretary Faculty, College of Engineering: There will be a meeting of the Fac- ulty of this College on Tuesday, April 21, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 348, West Engineering Building. One purpose of the meeting will be to discuss a revision of the Chemical and Metal- lurgical Engineering curriculum. A. 1. Lovell, Secretary Men's Residence Balls: Reappli- cation blanks for the Men's Resi- dence Halls are now available in the Office of the Dean of Students. Re- application for the Summer Term or the Fall and Spring Terms will be due on or before May 1. Actions of the Administrative Board College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: A student was dropped from English 1 with a grade of E, because he had plagiarized in writing one of the assignments for that Course. German Table for Faculty Mem- hers will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Founders' Room Michigan Un- ion. Members of all departments are cordially invited. There will be a brief talk on "Ehescheidung in Reno" by Mr. Rabel. Notice to graduating senior engiix- cers: Caps and gowns will be distrib- uted on Wednesday and Thursday from 2:00 to 5:30 p.m. at the League. The limited number of Cai) and gowns makes it necessary that first come be first served. Class dues must be paid before obtaining gowns. Senior Life Saving for Women: Certificates from the first semester and badges and pins from the second semester may be obtained in Office 15, Barbour Gymnasium from 9:00 to 12:00 daily this week. A1 /C IflI- Not-ices 'T ha eteriulog ica! Sriinas wvil >meet i oon 1564 East Medica l Building on Monday. April 20, at 8:00 p.m. The subject will be "Pub- lic Health Aspects of Venereal Dis- ease Control." All interested are cordially invited. The Preliminary Examinations for the Doctorate in the School of Edu- cation will be held on May 13, 14 and 15. Anyone who desires to take thes examinations should notify my office immediately. Clifford Woody, C hairnian of C'ommi ttee on G 'adiia e Study Gieography 74: This class will no meet on Monday, April 20. American Red Cross Water Safeti Instructors: The Water Safety Cours Room 15, Barbour Gymnasium be- m fore 4:00 p.m. Monday. o w Doctoral Examination for Harry c Franklin Williams, Romance Lan- B guages (French); thesis: "A Critical M Study of Floriant et Florete." Tues- n day, April 21, 110 Romance Language t Building, 4:00 p.m. Chairman, E. w B. Ham. II By action of the Executive Board the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doctor- li al candidates to attend the examina- ti tion and he may grant permission to t those who for sufficient reason might t wish to be present, C' C. S. Yoakum R ---- - -___ti ConcertsT Organ Recital: Mary McCall Stub- bins, director of music and organist of the First Congregational Church of Ann Arbor, will present an organ recital today at 4:15 p.m. in Hill s Auditorium. p Mrs. Stubbins has arranged a pro- R gram of compositions by Marcello, c Bach, Sowerby and Vierne. Given in partial fulfillment of the require- ments of the degree of Master of w Music, the recital is open to the p public.M - - - N Carillon compositions by Percival p Price, University Carillonneur, will be a presented from 7:15 to 8:00 this evening, as the sixth program of the current spring series of carillon con- l certs. Professor Price and Hugh t Glauser, Guest Carillonneur, will close w the program with a duet for carillon. 2 V Student Recital: Joan Stevens, pianist, will give a recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a the degree of Master of Music at 6 8:30 p.m. Monday, April 20, in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham Build- ng. A student of Joseph Brinkman, Miss Stevens has arranged a pro- v gram of compositions for piano by a Mozart, Chopin and Brahms. The public is invited. I Student Recital: Joan Bondurant, v soprano, has chosen songs by Han- del, Mozart, Schumann, Schubert, t Debussy and Massenet, as well as a group in English, for her recital at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday, April 21, inC Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Givens in partial fulfillment of the require- ments for the degree of Bachelor of Music, the recital is open to the public.-s Student Reital: Mary Romig,r violinist, will give a recital in Rack-i ham Assembly Hall at 8:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 21. A student of Wassily Besekirsky and a member of the University Symphony Orchestra, Miss Romig has arranged a programr to include works of Handel, Mozart and Faure. The recital is given int partial fulfillment of the require- ments of the degree of Master ofr Music and is open to the public. May Festival Tickets: A limiteda number of tickets for each of the sixj "ay Festival concerts are still avail- able. When the supply for any con- cert is exhausted, a limited iiuinber 1 of standing room tickets will be t placed on sale at the office of theR - University Musical Society in Burton I Memorial Tower.- Charles A. Sink, President Exhibitions SExhibition: Museum of Art and Archaeology, The Maud Ledyard von e Ketteler Collection of the University e of Michigan, Rackham Galleries, e April 9-22, Hours 2-5 and 7-10 p.m., European and Far Eastern Art Ob- jects. t CLecures University Lecture: Dr. M. S. Di- mand, Curator of Near Eastern Art y in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, e New York City, will lecture on the iander of the Citizens' Defense Corps f the Michigan Council of Defense, ill deliver the third lecture in the ourse, "Precautions Against Aerial ombardment," in Hill Auditorium [onday evening at 8:00 p.m. The ew R.O.T.C. band will take part in he program. The general public, as ell as University students and staff embers, is urged to attend. Henry Russel Lecture: Dr. Wil- am H. Worrell, Professor of Semi- cs, will give the Henry Russel Lec- ure on the subject, "An Account of he Copts from Coptic Sources" on 'uesday, April 28, at 4:15 p.m. in the ackham Amphitheater. At this ime public announcement of the enry Russel Award will be made. 'he public is cordially invited. Events Today Varsity Glee Club: All members hould report in formal attire at 7:00 .m. this evening in the Glee Club oom for the International Center oncert. Pre-Medical Picnic: All pre-medics ho have made reservations for the icnic to be held today will please neet, at the north entrance of the ratural Science Building, at 5:00 .m. We will leave for Loch Alpine t that time, so please be PROMPT. Graduate Outing Club plans a onger hike for today to Third Sis- er Lake, about an hour's walk each ,ay. Supper at the Lake. Meet :30 p.m., northwest door, Rackham. isitors welcome. Wyvern Members are reminded of very important meeting today at :30 p.m. in the League. Michigan Outing Club will hike to Dexter State Park today. Group vill leave steps of Hill Auditorium t 2:30 p.m. University Glee Club Concert: The international Center offers the Uni- versity Glee Club for its final Sunday Evening Program tonight at 8:00 in he Ballroom of the Michigan Union. Gamma Delta Lutheran Student Club will hold its regular fellowship supper at 5:45 this evening at St. Paul's Lutheran Church. Women's Glee Club memlners should report at the First Presbyteri- an Church this morning at 9:45 for rehearsal before the service. Meet in the choir room in the basement. Coming Events Research Club: The Annual Me- morial Meeting of the Research Club will be held in the Rackham Amphi- theatre on Wednesday, April 22, at 8:00 p.m. The members of the Wo- men's Research Club and of the Jun- ior Research Club are cordially in- vited. Professor Roy W. Sellars will read a paper on Galileo Galilei and Professor Frederick F. Blicke a paper on Karl Wilhelm Scheele. Economics Club: On Monday, April 20, at 8:00 p.m. in the West Confer- ence room, Rackham Building, Messrs W. D. Knight and D. B. Suits will discuss "The Teaching of Elementary Economics." Freshmen majoring in chemistry or chemical engineering: The Fresh- man Chemistry Club will meet Tues- day, April 21, at 8:00 p.m. in 303 Chem. Bldg. Dr. C. B. Slawson will speak on "Diamonds." Graduate Students in Speech: The April meeting of the Graduate Study Club will be held at 4:00 p.m. Wed- nesday, April 22, in the East Confer- ence Room of the Rackham Building. The Annual French Play: Le Cerele Francais will present "La BelleAven- -Lt. ~ - ,,. a . 1 , . ,M -r ,,, A _ t . f '} r t -.. ' - Off.; A t.. ca "Tourist business no good! Chief Big Bear go see Great White Father about war contract!" GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty