'9tTU-rhi)jAT, AxPRii,12, 194
Vital Alaskan Bases Preserve
Communications, Baxter Says
Alaska's air and naval bases are
the most important single factor in
preserving Our vital lines of commun-
ication with this Territory and, in
turn, these bases .and communica-
tion lines are exceedingly vital if we
are to use Alaska as a poten-
tial springboard for an attack up-
on Japan, Prof. Dow V. Baxter of
the School of Forestry and Conser-
vation said in an interview yester-
In explaining what the war means
to Alaska, Professor Baxter was ap-
prehensive of a possible enemy block-
ade around the Territory since that
land may well be the world's next
battleground. He pointed out that
the coastline from Dixon's Entrance
to the Aleutian Islands is thorough-
ly fortified, and upon these air bases
depends the future of the resident
Professor Baxter, who has spent
the many field seasons studying for-
est pathology in this region, said
that "although most of Alaskan
friends were expecting a war with
Japan long before Pearl Harbor, they
have been unable to supply them-
selves with necessities over long peri-
Speakers Ask
Socia1 Change
For Just Peace
Professors Say Dynamic
Fight Against Fascisin
Everywhere Is Needed
(Continued from Page 1)
ods." Because there are no roads
through Canada, vital supplies to the
canneries, mines, and the people
themselves must be carried along the
sea lanes which are now guarded by
the Army and Navy bases.
As an example of Alaskan depend-
ence upon this country for certain
staples, he emphasized that each year1
the Terirtory imports many millions
of dollars worth of American prod-t
ucts. "It is evident," he said, "thatj
this country, which is potentially one
of the world's next battlefields, is
wholly dependent upon waterways forY
the transportation of supplies to
them and the conveyance of war
minerals and other products of her
industries to the United States. The
canning industry is especially con-Y
"However, as long as the air fields
at Kodiak, Anchorage and Dutch E
Harbor still stand," he declared, strik-
ing an optimistic note, "a blockade
is not very likely."
The function of these bases to1
facilitate air transportation as well
as to protect it should not be over-
looked, he also mentioned. Many of
the large boats formerly used to
transport essentials for the Alaskan
peace-time needs are now being em-
ployed to supply military garrisons,,
and freighting material by air may
become a greater necessity than ever
Even prior to the war-times planes
were used within the Territory to,
transport machines, parts, and heavy
mining equipment to isolated areas.
While discussing the possibilities
of war reaching this northern land,
Professor Baxter felt that the cli-
mate of the country would be a fac-
tor in the determination of the suc-
cess or failure of air protection
against the enemy. "The visibility
at the time of conflict is exception-
ally important," he claimed, "for
those Alaskan fogs along the coasts
will have much to do with defensive
or offensive air tactics."
illfel To Give
Humor Show
Proceeds Will Be Giveni
To War Relief Groups
Applause by the audience will be
the criterion for award of the cup
for the best act in "Hillelzapoppin' "
Hillel Foundation's stunt show which
will open at 8 p.m. Friday at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
The cup will be the least incentive
for excellence, for, more important,
the total gate of the show will be
given to various war relief agencies.
The major portion will go to the
Bomber Scholarship Fund.
Seven acts in all will comprise the
show. The individual acts will be
presented by fraternities, sororities
and League houses.
"Hillelzapoppin'" replaces the Hil-
lel Players' annual major production.
The suspension of the play was made
as part of Hillel Foundation's pro-
gram to aid the war effort.
The acts in "Hillelzapoppin'" in-
clude humor, satire and "drama." But
even the acts aid the war effort with
one double or nothing quiz for de-
fense stamps.
Sergeant Takes Girl;
Journal Gets Srgeant
ATLANTA, April 17.--UP)-After
several office boys joined the Army,
Cancer Control
Body To Ho
S. L. A. Marshall, Nekws
C.oinmejilator', To Tfaii.
Here Tuesday Oti War
In the first public lecture ever to
be included in the annual campaign
of the Women's Field Army for the
Control of Cancer, S. L. A. Marshall,
radio commentator and critic for the
Detroit News, will speak on "Our
Part In the War Today" at 8:15 p.m.
Tuesday in Hill Auditorium.
Marshall, well-known to radio and
newspaper audiences, is also the au-
thor of several recent books on mili-
tary subjects. Among these are
"Blitzkrieg," "How the Army Organ-
ized for War" and "Armies On
Wheels." His lecture will include
excerpts from his varied career as an
Army officer and newspaper man.
He is a veteran of the first World
War, having served as a'lieutenant in
France and Italy with the Army En-
gineering Corps. In 1917, while in-
strutting at Camp Travis, he origi-
nated'the hand grenade throw which
is still in use.
s His career as a newspaper man has
been an eventful one. In 1936-37 he
covered the Spanish Civil War for
the Detroit News and acted as spe-
cial writer on Mexican affairs and
military policy for the North Ameri-
can Newspaper Alliance.
The funds from the lecture, along
with other receipts from the month-
long campaign, will be used to furth-
er the research, education and cure
of cancer. Part of the money will
be donated to the two local hospitals,
and the rest will be sent to the State
and National headquarters of the
The purpose of the drive, under
the direction of Mrs. H. Marvin Pol-
lard, commander of the Ann Arbor
unit, is to acquaint the public with
the real facts about cancer. Canis-
ters have been placed in schools for
donations, the downtown business
districts have been canvassed, and
the local women's clubs have been
In a recent radio address sponsored
by the Women's Field Army, Dr. F. J.
Hodges, head of the roentgenology
department of the University Hospi-
tal, stated that eventual victory in
the war against cancer could be won
only through public knowledge of the
K'ir-Seeley To Get
Navy 'E' Peinaii
The Navy's recognition for out-
standing industrial achievement, the
"E" pennant will soon be awarded
to the King-Seeley Corp.
Receiving official notification from
Washington, Detroit Navy authori-
ties announced the forthcoming
award yesterday. The pennant is
given for "outstanding production of
ordnance material for the Navy."
Extending from the plant to its
workers, the award will include but-
tons attesting excellence to be given
to the emnployes of the factory.
The second plant in the county to
be officially recognized for industrial
excellence, King-Seeley is the first
plant in Ann Arbor to receive the
coveted "E" pennant. Ceremonies
concerned with the presentation are
expected to be announced next week.
Exhibit Of French Art
Ends ror In Detroit
VOL. LIT. No. 148
Puablicaton in the Daily Official
Fiulletin iii conjstructive notice to iil
ror the University.
Senior and Graduate Students:
Those senior and graduate students
who have been invited to be guests, of
honor at the Nineteenth Annual Hon-
ors Convocation of the University of
Michigan are requested to order caps
and gowns immediately at the Moe
Sport Shop or Van Boven Inc. It is
necessary to place these orders at
once in order that the caps and
gowns may be delivered in time for
the Convocation, April 24.
fra M. Smith, Secretary
C(imittee on Honors Convocation
Prospective Applicants for the Com-
blined Curricula: Students of the Col-
lege of Literature, Science, and the
Arts wishing to apply for admission
to one of the combined curricula for
September 1942 should fill out appli-
cations for such admission as soon
as possible in Room 1210 Angell Hall.
The final (late for application is Mon-
day, April 20. Pre-medical students
'should please note that application
for admission to the Combined
Curriculum. A separate application
should be made out for the consider-
ation of the Committee on Combined
Curricula. Edward H. Kraus
College of Engineering: Seniors
who expect to graduate in May, 1942,
should ill out the blank for diploma
application, in the Secretary's Office,
Room 263 West Engineering Building,
not later than April 28.
A. H. Lovell, Secretary
Sophomore, Junior and Senior En-
Jineers: Mid-semester reports for
grades below C are now on file and
open to inspection in the office of
the Assistant Dean., Room 259 West
ln: ineering Building.
A. 11. Lovell, Assistant Dean
Publie Hlealth Assembly: Dr. Haven
Emerson, Professor Emeritus of Public
Heal h Practice, Columbia University,
and L ecturer in Public Health Prac-
tice. University of Michigan, will
speak a the students in the School
of Public Health on Monday, April
20, at 4:00 p.m. in the Kellogg Audi-
t orium. The subject of his address is
"Carribean Health Problems." All
d ud(nts in the School are requested
( epand others interested
lenry F. Vaughan, Dean
(cotnirtued on Page 4)
Cam p u
Following the election of officers
for the following year's activities in
the Disciples Guild, an Installation
banquet and candlelight service will
be held at 6:15 p.m. today in the
Union, Roberta Rolland, chair'man,
Officers elected at the annual ban-
quet of the University Club held
Thursday night in the Union Ball-
room were Prof. John S. Worley,
president, Prof. Karl Litzenberg, sec-
retary, Prof. Harry Bouchard, direc-
tor for the next three years, T. Haw-
ley Tapping, treasurer.
S * *
Capt. Donald S. Leonard, of the
Michigan State Police, will present
the third in a series of lectures on
civilian protection at 8 p.m. Mon-
day in Hill Auditorium..
Commandant of the Citizens'
Defense Corps and reresenting the
Michigan Council of Defense, Cap-
tain Leonard will discuss "Pre-
cautions Against Aerial Bombard-
The Graduate Outing Club will re-
sume its outdoor activities with a
hike to Third Sister Lake in the
Saginaw Forest, leaving at 2:30 p.m.
tomorrow from the northwest door of
the Rackham Building.
The hikers will carry lunch with
them and will return in the evening.
Graduates who are not members of
the Outing Club are invited to at-
TUXEDO --Size 36. Call Larry, TEACHERS: College Iowa-Plhysics
25-8671. 325c 1900; Kansas Languages ,120Q plus
_____ ____ keep -Women's Physical Educa-
CASH for used clothing; men and tion, same salary; Elementary and
ladies. Claude H. Brown, 512 S. Secondary positions of all kinds-
Main St. Phone 2-2736. 5c Many States-One mail last ,week
brought 67 calls-Enroll for better
CLOTHES BOUGHT AND SOLD- position-Cline Teachers' Agency,
Ben the Tailor, 122 East Washing- East Lansing, Michigan. 324c
ton. Phone after 6 o'clock, 5387. _ _ ___
Pay $5 to $500 for Suits, Overcoats,
Typewriters, Saxophone, Fur Coats
(Minks and Persian Lambs),
Watches, and Diamonds. Phone
Sam, 5300.
MIMEOGRAPtING - Thesis bind
ing. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308
S. State. 6c
Driveway gravel, washed pebbles.
Killins Gravel Company, phone
7112. 7c
FOR SALE-Kalart micromatic flash
synchronizer. Call 8877 after 7
o'clock. Ask for Walt, 322c
BOOK SALE-College texts, Medical,
Nursing, Law, Reference, Fiction,
and miscellaneous BOOKS. Buy
some for your collection at this
Anniversary Sale. Biddle's Book-
store, 11 Nickels Arcade. 323c
____ - _ - -n: - T~ - ___ __ ____T
Professor Kingsley, in pointing out
again and again that to win the war
and the peace we must continually
expand democracy while we fight,
laid down a 10-point program which
he said "is the minimum of social
change we must accomplish." The
program is:
1. Universal democracy and civil
2. Limitation of national sovereign-
ty-particularly in economic matters.
3. Sharp reduction of trade bar-
4. Internationalization of capital
placement, which would include an
international bank.
5. Free movement of population.
6. Cultural but not political au-
tonomy for minority groups in the
small nations of Europe.
7. Internationalization of colonies
with the promise of future independ-
8. Dual access to raw materials.
9. Minimum guaranteed living
standard for all-"it is criminal to
allow anyone to go undernourished
in these times."
10. National and regional economic
planning with mixed public controls
and private enterprise.
New Society
Kingsley said that the society
which would come from such a pro-
gram as he outlined would be neither
socialism nor capitalism but some-
thing entirely new.
"It is," he said, "a large order, but
it is the basic minimum for democ-
racy and for peace. It cannot be
realized on an international level
first, however. The changes can
come only if they are first brought
about inside the nations-especially
in America, for we will be the only
nation in position at the end of the
war to assist in the economic recon-
struction of the world."
Never Compromise
Dr. McMahon also blasted in his
talk any thought of a negotiated
peace. Terming it "a cancerous
thought," he said that "we must
never compromise and never appease
those who collaborate with the Axis."
"We cannot be friends with the
friends of Hitler," he declared in call-
ing for the immediate capture of
lichy-held islands such as Mada-
gascar. "These may be taken easily
if we do so within 72 hours but if
we wait two weeks the task will be
infinitely greater."
HUtssey Is Named
As Administrator
For V- Program
(Continued from Page 1)
All V-1 candidates will be enrolled
in a Navy-directed physical education
program which will probably be
started at the opening of the sum-
mer term, June 15. Tentative plans
call for four of five hours of work
each week in mass calisthenics.
Students in the V-1 program will
be given a special insignia to wear
which shows that they have enlisted
in the Naval Reserve.
Academic requivements for V-1
state that the candidates must have
"enough mathematics so that they
can solve problems in elementary al-
gebra,yplane geometry, and trigo-
nometry accurately and quickly."
The "essential" physics course will
the Atlanta Journal sought to hold Students of the French language
down turnover by hiring pert, red- and culture will have a last oppor-
haired Elsie Cook to run copy for tunity today to view an exhibition
the newsroom. of North American French works now
Today Elsie announced that she being shown in Detroit.
had joined the Army-in a way- Including approximately 300 works1
by marrying Sergeant W. L. Evans of art, periodicals and other printed
who is stationed at Selma, Ala. matter, the exhibit was organized by
But the Journal hasn't given up. Prof. Denis Janisse of the University
Successor to 19-year-old Elsie will of Detroit to be shown in conjunc-
be a 17-year-old schoolmate, Marie tion with the meeting of the Associa-
Sargeant. tion of Modern Language Teacher :
of the Central West and South.
One Killed In Air Mishap Residents of Michigan should be
especially interested in the collec-
PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad, April tion, since their state has been so
17.--UP)-One United States airman closely identified with the story of
vas killed and another injured when France in the New World.
10 training planes were forced down Those interested will find Professor
in the Venezuelan jungles by adverse Janisse's exhibition on the 12th floor
weather Sunday, the U. S. command of the J. L. Hudson Company.
announced tonight. In the first an- -
nouncement of the mishaps last night
it was stated that two men were in-
Ending Today
Bert Lahr
in --r tc a w ,
(Curator, Will Give
Coptic Art Speech
here Wednesday
Dr% M. S. Dimand, Curator of Near
Eastern Art in the Metropolitan Mu-
seum of New York City, will lecture
at 4:15 p.m. Wednesday in the Rack-
ham Amphitheatre on "Coptic Art
of the Arabic Period."
The lecture, which will be illus-
trated, is open to the public and is
being sponsored by the Museum of
Art and Archaeology.
Dean of American scholars of Is-
lamic' art, Dr. Dimand has been con-
nected with the Metropolitan Mu-
seum for more than 15 years, and
since 1935 has directed Metropolitan
excavations at Nishapur, Persia, a
city of the Middle Ages.
For many years, Dr. Dimand has
suI Coptic art and its relation to
Is:lamic art in Egypt. His lecture will
be of major interest to Ann Arbor, be-
cause University excavations in Egypt
imnmediately precede the Coptic peri-
odl and show the beginnings of the
Co))p1ic influence.
Dr. Dimand is also a contributor
and a. consultant to Ars Islamica, a
University publication.
1 _-_3.5.--9 P.M.
Last Times Today!
Paramount presents
9eIN tW,/OZOR!
j Coming Sunday
512 East Huron
Rev. C. H. Loucks, Minister.
Mrs. Gail Orcutt, Associate Student Counselor
The Church at Study
10:15 A.M. Undergraduate class with Mr. Loucks
in the Guild House, 502 East Huron St.
Graduate class with Prof. Charles Brassfield
at the church.
11:00 A.M.aThe Church at Worship. "Strength
and Weakness", sermon.
6:30 P.M. Roger Williams Guild meeeting at the
Guild House. A student discussion: "Explor-
ing Our Personal Beliefs".
State Street between Washington and Huron
Ministers: Charles W. Brashares and
J. Edward Lantz
Music: Hardin Van Deursen, director
Mary Porter Gwin, organist
9:30 A.M. University Student Class.
10:40 A.M. Church School for Nursery, Begin-
ners, and Primary Departments where young
children may be left during Worship Service.
10:40 A.M. Worship Service. Dr. Brashares' sub-
ject is "Conviction."
3:30 P.M. Drama Festival presents "America on
Trial," "Hands That Give," "Marriage-Not
6:00 P.M. Wesleyan Guild. Supper and Fellow-
ship hour followed by election of officers.
7:30 P.M. Drama Festival preesents 'There
Came A Leper," "Eternal Life," "The Triumph
of Love." Public invited.
Location: State and William Streets
Minister: Rev. Leonard A. Parr
Director of Student Activities: Mrs. Vera
Bucknell Thompson.
10:45 A.M. Services of public worship. Dr. Parr
will preach on the subject, " The Gods Before
the Flood."
5:30 P.M. Ariston League, high school group.
The second discussion in the group study of
the world's living religions will be led by
Erston Butterfield, on the topic, "Hinduism:
The Vedic Religion."
7:15 P.M. Student Fellowship in the church
parlors. Election of officers will be held, after
which the group will attend the Luchnokaia
service in the sanctuary.
8:00 P.M. Sigma Eta Chi, the Congregational
national sorority, will conduct its annual
Luchnokala service in the sanctuary of the
church. This is the only ritual of the sorority
which is open to the public.
Division at Catherine
The Rev. Henry Lewis, D.D., Rector.
The Rev. Frederick W. Leech, Student
The Rev. John G. Dahl, Curate
George Faxon, Organist and Choirmaster.
8:00 A.M. Holy Communion.
10:00 A.M. High School Class.
11:00 A.M. Kindergarten, Harris Hall.
11:00 A.M. Junior Church.
11:00 A.M. Morning Prayer and Sermon by Dr.
4:00 P.M. H-Square Club Social Meeting, Har-
Cis Hall.
(Evangelical and Reformed)
423 South Fourth Avenue,
Theodore Schmale, Pastor.
9:00 A.M. Service in German.
9:30 A.M. Church School.
10:30 A.M. Morning Worship. S5
"The More Abundant Life."
6:00 P.M. Student Guild.
7:00 P.M. Young People's League.
Worries Away"
plus --- ---
"miss Polly",
Colnmuoentary by
a. I I. A I JICR N
C isoA,
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