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April 17, 1942 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-04-17

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] inal Campus
Teehic' Sale
Will Be Today
Issue Featuaring Articles
By Students To Relieve
War-Burdened Faculty
Sounding the last call for those
who wish to secure an April edition
of the Michigan Technic, engineer-
ing publication, the new Technic
staff has announced that the issue
will go on sale today for the last time.
In order to relieve war-burdened
faculty members, student-submitted
articles have been substituted for the
usual faculty stories.
Paul S. Kennedy, '44E, has written
an article on "Petroleum Products.
Production"; Blaine Newman, '43E,
has investigated the alumnium short-
age; and "Tau Beta Pi" is explained
by Arthur W. C. Dobson, '42K.
Following a precedent set byrTech-
nic editors in thie past, the regular
feature departments are continued in
this latest issue. Special presenta-
tions are the character sketch of re-
tiring Managing Editor John Burn-
ham, '42E, Joe Hallissey, '42E, and'
Professor Axel Marin of the mechan-
ical engineering department.t
"The Technic Rambles" depart-
ment features an interview with Ser-
geant R. J. Hopkins of the military
science department.
Sales will begin today at 8:00 a.m.
and continue with an hour recess at
noon until 2:00 p.m. Salesmen will
be stationed over the Engineering
Arch, in the lobby of the East Engi-
neering Building and in front of the
secretary's office in the West Engi-
neering Building.

Laitala Wins
$100 Award
From A.I.A.
Walter M. Laitala. '43A, is the re-
cipient of the $100 prize which is
given each year by the Detroit chap-
ter of the American Institute of Ar-
chitecture, Dean Wells I. Bennett of
the College of Architecture and De-
sign announced yesterday.
Laitala, who is also a member of
Ann Arbor's 'junior chapter of the
A. I. A., was notified of the award
Wednesday, when the Detroit chap-
ter met here to select the winner. He
received it on the basis of his schol-
arship and activity in the junior
chapter. During the past year he
has served as vice-president of this
Each summer the prize-winner isj
expected to travel somewhere in the
United States in order to further his
studies in his particular field. Lai-
tala, who claims to be surprised to
receive this recognition, has made no
plans concerning this trip, but he did
say guardedly that he might study
architectural design, his chosen field,
either in Florida or in the West. He
will return from this trip next fall to
make a report to the Detroit chapter
concerning his summer studies.
I a~~b~~h~k~~am -u m T' -

'One Small Tanker Sunk Of f Atlantic Coast'

French Fleet May Be Given
To Axis Powers, Mill States

This is one of the now anonymous tankers which German submarines have sent to the bottom off the
Atlantic Coast in the last two months. Most of those sunk are of the same old-fashioned, slow-moving type
as that pictured above. This tanker was reported torpedoed with a laconic reference to "one small tanker sunk
off the Atlantic Coast."
Brau OfCooperation Determines
Re-It*,n 0 OSipSwih"H S chools

Naval Affairs Club Hears
Actual Pre-War Figures
Of Nazi's Sea Strength
"Laval's.return to power will prob-
ably mean the turning over of the
French Fleet to the Axis," Edward
W. Mill of 'the political science de-
partment declared before the Naval
Affairs Club yesterday.
In a lecture dealing with "The
German and French Navies," Mill
presented figures of the actual pre-
war sea strength of the Axis, said
to be available for the first time in
Ann Arbor.' His talk included a com-
parison of the French and German
navies at the out-set of the war and
dealt particularly with the possible
German use of the French Fleet.
At the beginning of the war, Mill
said, the Germans had five battle-
ships as compared to the 21 of the
British, She also possessed at least
three heavy and five light cruisers,
.two aircraft carriers and 35 destroy-
ers, all of which she has probably in-
creased since that time.
Germany's greatest strength lies
in her submarines, of which she had
at least 70 at the beginning of the
war, Mill declared, and it is here, as
in the last war, that she has been
most successful in her attempt to cut
off her opponents' supply lines.
Germany's total tonnage of 443,000
at the beginning of the war was com-
pared to the 641,000 tons possessed by
the French at the same period. At
that time the Germans had a naval
personnel of 45,000, the French, one
of 70,000. One of the most startling
of his figures was that of the 78

submarines possessed by the French-
at the outbreak of the war compared
to the 70 of Germany, whose. great-
est strength lies in her submarine
The implications of Laval's return
to power are all the more disheart-
ening in view of the strength;of the
French Fleet which will probably be
given bodily to the Germans. He
offered a more cheerful note, how-
ever, in pointing out that the English
have a good percentage of the French
Fleet at Cairo and Alexandria.
When asked for suggestions of ways
to combat the German submarine
menace, Mill mentioned several that
have been used to some extent or are
now being developed. Most promis-
ing of these are the sub-detecting de-
vice which the British are perfect-
ing,. the use of blimps to hover over
suspected areas, and the use of naval
aircraft to spot the submarines.
Tire Law Ev aers
Waed By State
LANSING April 16.-(A')-Arthur
H. Sarvis, state rationing administra-
tor, said today he had discovered ef-
forts to evade tire rationing regula-
tions, and that the evaders are sub-
ject to federal penal action. He said
some persons have "rented" new tires
from dealers, and then purchased the
tires as "used' tires after driving
them a couple of thousand miles.
"They might just as well get it out
of their heads right now that this is
a loophole in the law," Sarvis said.
"The person who accepts such an of-
fer from a dealer is as much liable to
federal discipline as the dealer."


I.al [ 0111' Hidden away in a corner of Uni-
versity Hall, in Room 12, and little
I Soi -ht known by the student body, but
nevertheless extending considerable
influence over their scholastic life
r° ~is the University's Buretaui of Coop-
65)0 Additional lRegintrar e'a tiwith Edcatonac l Institutions.
Needed For Program Under theldirection of Dr. George
E. Carrot hers and his uwo assistants,
A call for 650 additional registrars Prof. Edgar G. Johnston and Prof.
needed for Washtenaw County's role Harlan C. Koch, approximately 60
imembers of the University's staff
in the new state occupational survey determine relationships with the 600
program is being answered by Ann accredited high schools in Michigan,
Arbor's Civilian Defense Office. The attend conferences dealing with vari-
request was made by Mrs. Mary ous problems in education and work
Kopka, chairman of organized patri- with the other institutions of higher
learing in the state.
otic groups._____,_ ,r

Studn t


To Give ProgramI
.Of One-A ct Plays
For the second time this year, stu-
dent directors in Play Production will
put on four one-act plays in an all-
student program at 7:30 p.m. Mon-
day in the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
The plays, which include an Amer-
ican tragedy, a comic drama, a heavy
drama and a draft comedy, will be
directed respectively by Willis Pitts,
Grad., Barbara Bowne, Spec., Bill
Kinzer, and David Rich, '42.
Rich will direct an original com-
edy by Buzz Stuch, '43, and will also
do Athe scenery for his play. Stu-
dents in advanced stagecraft classes
will also design the sets for the other
plays. Pitts will do his own, Irene
Ferguson, '42, will do Miss Bowne's
and Clarence Foster, Grad., will do
The plays will be given only once
and the public is welcome to attend
without charge.
School Of Architecture
Exhibits Work By Horn
An exhibition of ink-and-brush
drawings by Milton Horn of New York
City, a resident sculptor under Car-
negie Foundation Grant at Olivet
College, is being shown in the ground
floor cases of the College of Archi-
tecture and Design,
Mr. Horn, who is to serve on the
jury of the Ann Arbor Art Associa-
tion's local artists exhibition in the
near future, is an accomplished
draftsman as well as a sculptor. These
drawings of the nude figure are done
in the arabesque manner with a,
strong feeling for spatial as well as
linear design.

The shortage of registrars will be
remedied by registration chairmen
in every city, village and township,
all under the supervision of Mrs. Fin-
ley Riggs, who with Mrs. Kopka, has
authorized twenty registrars for each
township, with aditional workers as-
signed to cover Manchester, Chelsea,
Saline and Dexter.
To allay the threatened labor
shortage of 30 million in 1943, Mich-
igan leads her' sister states in re-
cording present occupations and oc-
cupational availability for farm and
factory of all women 16 years of age
and older and men between the ages
of 16 and 18 and over 65.
The local registration drive, insti-
gated Wednesday, will end on April
Registration neither guarantees
work to the individual nor does it
oblige him or her to accept work if
offered in the future. Its primary
purpose is to create a "labor reser-
voir" of non-war workers who may
be called in production labor short-
Governor Requests Books
LANSING, April 16.-P--Gover-
nor Van Wagoner today called on
Michigan citizens to contribute booksC
for the use of men in the armed
forces, specifying they should be
"good books-not unwanted books,
but books that will entertain and
stimulate the men." He said they
could be deposited with local pub-
lic libraries, and would be distributed
from there.

Perhaps even Michigan resident
students have not known that the
roster of accredited secondary schools
in their state is only three-fourths
of the total number of schools, that
By The Gunner
In the 327th Infantry of the 82nd
"All-American" Division, Forrest A.
Bartlett was appointed acting cor-
poral and bugler instructor for the
regiment at Camp Claiborne, La.
Corporal Bartlett, who has shown
considerable enthusiasm for life in
the outfit that gave Sergeant York
to the roster of American heroes, is
not the only educator in his family.
(He was director of music at the
Everett Public School in Lansing.)
His father was for many years a
teacher of mathematics at Thomas
Jefferson High School, Elizabeth,
N. J.
In the Naval Air Corps, Robert W.
Ayers, Edward G. Martin, Richard L.
Youngquist and Phillip C. DeLong
were sworn in at the Grosse Ile base,
and will enter immediately upon a
month's preliminary training.
At Chicago, James Everett enlisted
for flight training and will report
soon for primary flight training at
the U. S. N. R. air base at Glenview,
Ill. r
Augustine B. Reyholds, Jr., and
Herbert A. Kent have successfully
passed the elimination training and
Have been transferred to the Naval
Air; Station at0,Penv scola.
The War Department recently an-
nounced the proimotion of Daniel E.
Culver, Jr., to the rank of first lieu-
tenant. Lient. Culver, who received
his degree from the University in
1940, is stationed at Turner Field,
Albany, Ga.

graduates of approximately9200 Mich-
igan high schools must take entrance
examinations, in addition to fulfill-
ing other qualifications, before they
will be admitted to the University.
Schools Visited
Every year members of the Bureau
visit 350 to 400 schools in stat e wide
check-ups. These are done on a basis
of a visit every one, two or three years
to each of the accredited schools-
those with the highest rating being
checked every three years and the
others receiving visitors annually or
every other year, again according to
In addition, the Bureau cooperates
with the State Department of Public
Instruction and participates in con-
ferences with various groups of
schools desirous of settling some of
the many problems concerning cur-
riculum reorganization, improvement
of instruction, consolidation of
schools, securing of better buildings
and equipment and other aspects of
The same problems are met in co-
operation with institutions of higher
learning, including junior colleges
and church-affiliated schools.
On this campus the Bureau, in co-
operation with the Registrar's Office
and with the Committee on College
Relations of the Michigan Secondary
School Association, sponsors an an-
nual Principal-Freshman Confer-
ence. This year the conference was
held Nov. 13 and was attended byF
190 representatives from 104 secon-
dary schools and junior colleges from
various parts of Michigan and neigh-
boring states.
Work Began In 1870
The history of the type of work
done by the Bureau of Cooperation
with Educational Institutions in con-
nection with the University began in
1870 from which time for approxi-
mately 20 years high school inspec-
tion was a major concern of the
president. During the 90's a commit-
tee of the literary college took over
and in 1900 a single man was put
in charge.
It was not until July 1, 1941, that
the present system came into being

-that of having afull-time director
and two assistants working with ap-
proximately 60 others in the tasks
that fall in the Bureau's domain.
General directory committees of the
Bureau are drawn from all units
of the University. The committee on
cooperation with educational institu-
tions includes Dean James B. Ed-
monson of the School of Education,
chairman; Dean Wells I. Bennett, of
the architecture college; Prof. Har-
old M. Dorr of the political science
department; State Superintendent
Eugene B. Elliott; Dean Edward H.
Kraus of the literary college; Prof.
Howard B. Lewis, director of the Col-
lege of Pharmacy; Alfred H. Lovell,
assistant dean and secretary of the
College of Engineering; Registrar
Ira M. Smith and Dean C. S. Yoakum
of the graduate school.
Faculty On Committees
On the Committee on Relations
with Institutions of Higher Educa-
tion are Dean Bennett, chairman;
Prof. Arthur E. R. Boak, chairman
of the history department; Prof.
Thomas Diamond, professor of voca-
tional education; Prof. Edward L.
Eriksen, chairman of the Department
of Engineering Mechanics; Dean
Kraus; Peter Okkelberg, assistant
dean of the graduate school and Dr.
Robert L. Williams, assistant regis-
Responsibility on the Committee
on Relations with Secondary Schools
rests with Professor Dorr, chairman;
Prof. Francis D. Curtis, secretary of
the faculty of the education school;
Dean Lovell; Prof. George M. Mc-
Conkey, professor of architecture;
Prof. Daniel L. Rich of the physics
department; Registrar Smith and
Prof. Mentor L. Williams of the Eng-
lish department.
At present the Bureau is engaged
mainly in secondary school evalua-
tion, which is expected to be com-
pleted sometime in May, and in pre-
paration for the Eighth Annual Con-
ference on Problems in School and
College Cooperation which will be
conducted April 23 as a part of the
Michigan Schoolmasters' Club.

I __ _ _ _ _ _ - ____ _ _® __-


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All in ady's Work...
ow salvagin even
IN THESE DAYS of shortages and priorities, critical
materials cannot be wasted. The Detroit Edison
Company is salvaging even floor sweepings-the
litter that falls to the ground from the reduction
furnace, where insulation is burned from old
wires and cables. Furnace sweepings consist of
dirt, ashes, and bits of metal. All this residue is
shoveled into a mechanical separator. The dirt
and ashes are discarded, and the metalsreclaimed,
This is all in a clay's work-part of our business
of running the Company efficiently. Efficient
operation helps lower the cost of manufacturing
and delivering electricity to our customers, brings
better service at lower rates. Salvaged materials
and equipment that produce revenue include old
rubber, pipe insulation, brass bases from lamp
bulbs, gaskets, lumber from old poles, lead-cov-
ered cable and copper wire, turbines and boilers.
They include such items as cinders and tar, brass
and scrap iron, paper and cardboard, firebrick,
and more than five hundred other odds and ends.
Since the war, salvage and reclamation work has
assumed added importance. Always a matter of
economy and 'good business, it has now become
a patriotic obligation. Critical metals are con-
served, and the re-use of salvaged items often
saves a great portion of the labor which entered
into the manufacture of the original article. This
releases additional man-hours for new produc-
tion vital to the war effort. The Detroit Edison

Transfer of Lieut. John E. Green,
who graduated from the University
in industrial engineering, to Napier
Field was announced today by the
public relations office there.

7 1


Shift into your sports rOutiine
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Slacks were mce n)1 t o letyou
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24-mch knees ..
18-inch bottoms ..
deep-fold pleats .;.
low-set belt loops . . r
snap top . .
Talon fastener ..-.
new weaves and
color tones . . .
a 50 I 5|-3




The IPicnic and Party season is upon us, and Beer, the ideal drink, plays an
imnportmt part in this gay season. Since we have the largest selection of
Beer in Ann Arbor, we are prepared to serve yout in a royal manner.
We (f/so have ont haind a greal varie/y of domiesiic ard 11impor/ed winttes.

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.r .



. I 1

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