THE MICHIGAN DAILY - FRIDAY, APR~i 17,1 142 Washington Merry-Go-Round By DREW PEARSON and ROBERT S. ALLEN WASHINGTON-Federal Security trator Paul McNutt has the inside head of the War Manpower agency shortly be established. Adminis- track for that will Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except, Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also 'reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.00, by mail $5.00. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTISING 9Y National Advertising Service, Inc. , College Pbdlisbers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N.Y. CHICAGO *' BOSTON . LOS AmGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Editorial Staff Emile Gel . Alvin Dann David Lachenbruen Jay McCormick Gerald E. Burns hal Wilson Janet Hooker. Grace Miller Virginia Mitchell Daniel H. Huyett James B. Collins Louise Carpenter Evelyn Wright . . Managing Editor . .Editorial Director . . . City Editor Associate Editor * .Associate Editor . Sports Editor . . Women's Editor Assistant Women's Editor . Exchange Editor . . . Business Staff . . " . Business Manager . Associate Business Manager . Women's Advertising Manager . Women's Business Manager NIGHT EDITOR: HOMER SWANDER The editorials published in The Michigan- Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Post-War Conference Should Be Supported. . . E HAVE an opportunity tonight and tomorrow to show that we are inter- ested in our future and in the future of America; we have an opportunity to prove to a lot of doubting professors and others of the "older veneration" that college students are determined to .take an active part in shaping a post-war world. The proof depends upon how many of us--- students at the University-attend the all- campus Post-War Conference which begins to- night with a general meeting and continues to- morrow with three discussion panels. At a time when the United Nations seem to be losing the war on every front but one, it is not an easy thing to sit down and calmly talk of post war reconstruction; it is not easy to say we shall do this or that with our former enemies and with ourselves once we have won. People tend, too, to scoff at arming for the peace when we have not armed fully for the war. And yet it is something we must do. If this war is to be worth the suffering and the sacrifice necessary for victory a new, more equitable, more peaceful society must grow out of it. The last conflict proved that it takes pre-war planning to obtain a decent post-war world. And it is up to those of us in the nation's colleges and universities to take the lead in this kind of planning. It is up to youth to take an active interest in their future-and we can do so by attending the Post-War Conference tonight. - Homer Swander College Fraternities Must Change Course . F the National Interfraternity Con- ference is sincere in its reform movement, it probably will survive the drastic changes in society which are bound to take place after this war. There remains little doubt that the increasing mutterings against useless class- forming organizations are arousing a great deal of anger which will bring about the destruction of these decadent groups. It is quite evident that sororities and fraterni- ties can be included in a list of useless associa- tions. Especially is this true at the present time when frills are rapidly being discarded. They can in no way justify their place in this war era; this era which demands the cooperation of the black and the white, the "high-brows" with the "low-brows." It's going to be harder than ever for students to complete their college educa- tion, and they are not going to stand for petty discrimination on campus. The cellar is pretty well cluttered up; it's got to be cleaned out. The National Interfraternity Conference is trying to "justify" its existence-at least they are waving the banner of reform. If their new policy can convince the frat brothers that this is the only way to insure their survival, perhaps they will be successful in carrying out their measures. They are advocating the eradication of "Hell Week" and other pleasurable activities. They are urging financial house-cleaning and increased campus cooperation. The Conference has pointed the way to the fraternities; all that is needed now is constructive action. However, this reformation should not take place solely for fraternities. Sororities need a The tall, handsome Indianan is the choice of the four-member committee to whom the Presi- dent turned over the job of picking a man and drafting the setup of the agency. The four are Justice William C. Douglas, Judge Sam Rosen- man of the New York Supreme Court, Budget Director Harold Smith, and Mrs. Anne Rosen- berg, White House labor adviser. Smith and Mrs. Rosenberg were the big Mc- Nutt rooters. Both have personal peeves against Sidney Hillman, who has been Roosevelt's labor chief since the days of the original National Defense Commission in 1940. Smith is sore at Hillman because the latter slapped him down when Smith tried to sidetrack Hillman when OPM was set up. Mrs. Rosenberg is anti-Hillman because he didn't bring her into the defense picture. Personally, Hillman is not a candidate for the Manpower post. It has not been revealed but he has twice offered his resignation to the President since OPM was disbanded. On both occasions Roosevelt warmly praised Hillman's work and, loyalty and insisted that he had to remain in Washington. Note: When the presidential committee asked War Production Chief Donald Nelson whom he favored for the Manpower job, he replied that he had no choice. His only recommendation was that the new agency be made a part of his organization. Where Honor Is Due Although Gen. MacArthur's spectacular de- fense of the Bataan Peninsula gathered all the headlines, praise and honor is also due other high-ranking officers who kept up the unspec- tacular but very necessary part of the defense. In all 16 generals besides Lieut.-Gen. Wain- wright are now on Corregidor or were on Bataan Peninsula, many of them completely unknown to the American public but genuine heroes just the same. One unsung hero who has done a great job is Maj.-Gen. George F. Moore, in command of the harbor defenses of Corregidor. Gen. Moore's anti-aircraft guns have bagged so many Japa- nese planes that the Japs don't relish flying over Corregidor any more. Then there is Brig.-Gen. Charles C. Drake, the quartermaster, who has the heart-breaking job of rationing supplies down to almost nothing. Another man who performed military miracles is trig.-Gen. Albert M. Jones. He commanded College Fraternities Meet The Crisis. . UNIVERSITY fraternities and sorori- ties are facing their gravest crisis to date. The war has brought with it the practical problems of reduced membership and higher ex- penses and has forced upon the organizations a heap of criticism for their traditional customs and admitted fallacies. Yesterday in New York City the National Interfraternity Conference advocated a series of reforms that are designed to streamline fraterni- ties and guarantee their continuation during the present conflict. Most suggestions of the group centered around the abolition of the so- called "frills" of fraternal life, extending to cur- tailment of social functions and activities like "hell week." The conference went on to advocate coopera- tive action to reduce expenses and stricter finan- cial policies. Rushing during the entire school year was put forth as a means of solving the membership question. Not even the strongest fraternity man or sorority woman would attempt to claim that their organizations were flawless. They are perfectly willing to agree that they have their faults. They are also just as perfectly willing to accept constructive suggestions for improve- ment. BU' they can justly object to being made the scapegoat of university life during the wax. Criticisms have been directed at them with un- diminished fury since the United States was attacked on December 7, 1941. Much of this criticism has been destructive, calling for com- plete subjection of all college fraternal groups. They have been accused of "frills," as weak financial structures and as forces making for a class consciousness at a time when class divi- sions must be forgotten in an all-out war effort. To meet this rising chorus of somewhat exag- gerated complaints, fraternities and sororities alike are cutting down on their parties, attempt- ing to economize and aiding the war effort in any way they can. The charge of class consciousness is the most misdirected of all criticisms, however. True, fraternities and sororities select their own mem- ers and maintain a separate existence from other campus groups. But why should they be denied their right to do so? An individual's right to live with whom lie chooses and do what he wishes is one of the fundamental corollaries of democracy. To deny that right is to defeat one of the causes for which we are fighting. In the last war, fraternity houses on the Uni- versity of Michigan campus were used to quarter officers who were in training here. Organiza- tions were temporarily suspended, but they re- turned in the post-war years. In the interim their members gave their all in the nation's armed forces. IN THIS WAR present-day members are doing the same. Fraternity men, oblivious to any the southern sector of Luzon, south of Manila, and accomplished the seemingly impossible job of withdrawing his beach defenses to join the forces of Gen. Wainwright on Bataan. Then there is Gen. James R. N. Weaver, in command of tanks, together with Generals Jo- seph P. Vachom, William E. Brougher, Bradford G. Chynoweth, William F. Sharp, Allan C. Mc- Bride, Clyde A. Selleck, Clinton A. Pierce, and Arnold J. Funk, all unsung heroes. Cookie Pushers In certain official quarters there is strong skepticism regarding the State Department's deal with Brazil for wild rubber. These authori- ties contend that the agreement actually will produce little rubber for the U. S. This is due, it is held, to the failure of the State Department to drive a realistic bargain on the question of Brazil's domestic consumption of rubber. Vice President Wallace's Board of Eco- nomic Warfare and Nelson Rockefeller's Intet- American Affairs urged that a specific quota be required of Brazil in order to insure that Brazil's home consumption would not eat up the entire rubber output. But the State Department overruled this. Act- ing Secretary of State Sumner Welles claimed that the agreement would produce between 60 and 70 thousand tons of rubber-more than Bra- zil's record production in 1912. Brazil's normal domestic consumption is 20,000 tons, and rubber experts point out that the tire shortage in Brazil will tremendously stimulate tire manufacturing there, using up the increased rubber output. There is nothing in the new agreement to prevent this, and the Staste Depart- ment took the position there must not be. But the hard-boiled economists of the Eco- nomic Warfare Board, disgusted with State De- partment cookie-pushing, have enlisted the sup- port of Vice President Wallace and have hopes through his influence to put a domestic con- sumption quota on Brazil. Note: Meanwhile, Argentina is negotiating to buy rubber in competition with the U. S. from two other South American markets, Ecuador and Bolivia. Argentina has tire factories of her own, and is offering high prices. Schenck's Views Misrejpresentted' (Since the public has refused to follow the lead of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and the government in condemning Lew Ayres, MGM has seen fit to mail us the following official statement of their presi- dent, Nicholas Schenck. We hope Schenck, the gov- ernment, and the movie fans will remember it after the war.-Emile Gelb.) NICHOLAS M. SCHENCK, president of Loew's Inc., Tuesday issued the following statement, in the form of "an open letter to Lew Ayres" : "The newspapers this week have carried a story from Miami which has distressed me deeply because things I said have been misquoted. These are the facts: "During an informal dinner in my home at Miami Beach where I spent a few days, you were being discussed and severely criticized. I felt that my guests should know you as I do. It was not my province to judge your philosophy or the road you have taken. I said: 'Since Lew Ayres is not with us, since this boy is away at camp, I can speak as an individual and not as the head of a company in which he is a star.' "I told my guests that you were one of the finest men it has ever been my privilege to know, a person of utter sincerity. I explained to them that you had asked your country to send you to the front lines as an ambulance driver no matter how great the risk, that it was your hope to save human lives, that you could not kill. In this connection I told them a fact with which they were not familiar, that you did not eat fish or meat or anything that had to be killed. I told them that in all Hollywood there was no more charitable individual, that there was no cause for which you did not give bountifully. I pointed out specifically the splendid work you have been doing for the Red Cross. I told them that you not only made large contributions of money but that day and night, apart from your studio duties, you had devoted yourself to conducting classes in first aid. "Among those present was a Miami newspaper- man. He expressed great interest in many of these statements, was delighted to get a true picture of an individual who has been misunder- stood. Mind you, at no time did I discuss or express agreement with the stand you have taken. Frankly, I must confess that I have never understood your position. It is a pecu- liarity beyond my personal comprehension. "What you saw in the papers was a distressing misrepresentation, doubtless unintentional. I wanted you to know." Lewis Can't Discredit Labor Movenentit John L. Lewis is the sort of man we don't like even for the enemies he makes, and John L. makes some beauts. His icy hatred of FDR has driven him to crimes against national and labor unity that one would expect only from nightshirt Fascists and open-shop fanatics. Only the nightshirt Fascists and open-shop fanatics will profit from his current drive to bring the farmers of the nation into the UMW. However, in order to profit they must berate Lmis pvnlynift the ntion' rear and haird of DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN FRIDAY, APRIL 17, 1942 VOL. LII.. No. 147 Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices To Students Graduating at Com- mencement, May 30, 1942: The bur- den of mailing diplomas to members of the graduating class who do not personally call for their diplomas has grown until in 1940 it cost the University over $400 to perform this service. The rule has been laid down, as a result, that diplomas not called for at the Sports Building immediate- ly after the Commencement Exercis- es or at the University Business Of- fice within three business days after Commencement will be mailed C.O.D. The mailing cost will be approximate- ly 30c for the larger sized rolled diplomas and 45c for the book form. Will each graduate, therefore, be certain that the Diploma Clerk has his correct mailing address to insure delivery by mail. The U. S. Mail Service will, of course, return all diplomas which cannot be delivered. Because of adverse conditions abroad, foreign students should leave ad- dresses in the United States, if pos- sible, to which diplomas may be mailed. It is preferred that ALL diplomas be personally called for. Herbert G. Watkins, Assistant Secretary1 Public Health Assembly: Dr. Haven Emerson, Professor Emeritus of Public Health Practice, Columbia University,; and Lecturer in Public Health Prac- tice, University of Michigan, will speak to the students in the School of Public Health on Monday, April, 20, at 4:00 p.m. in the Kellogg Audi- torium. The subject of his address is "Carribean Health Problems." All students in the School are requested to be present, and others interested are welcome. Henry F. Vaughan, Dean Senior and Graduate Students: Those senior and graduate students who have been invited to be guests of honor at the Nineteenth Annual Hon- ors Convocation of the University of Michigan are requested to order caps and gowns immediately at the Moe Sport Shop or Van Boven Inc. It is necessary to place these orders at once in order that the caps and gowns may be delivered in time for the Convocation, April 24. Ira M. Smith, Secretary Committee on honors Convocation Notice to Property Owners: If you have purchased improved property on a land contract and owe a bal- ance in the proximity of 60 per cent of the value of the property, the Investment Office, 100 South Wing of University Hall would be glad to discuss the possibilities of refinan- cing your contract through the medi- um of a mortgage. There are advan- tages to be had in this manner of refinancing. Gardens: Arrangements have been completed for the use of several acres of land at the Botanical Gardens for any University employees, or faculty members, who may be desir- ous of planting gardens this summer. It is planned to have the land plowed and fitted ready for use at the proper time. If interested, kindly contact the undersigned by telephone or mail for your garden space. As the available acreage is limited, applications will be accepted in the order received. O. E. Roszel, Storehouse Department Phone: 4121-Ext. 337 University Cars: Those who wish to requisition au tomoiles for University trips are r'equiested to notify us 48 hours in advance. :. C. Pard, Auto Director Sophomore, Junior and Senior En- gineers: Mid-semester reports for grades below C are now on file and open to inspection in the office of the Assistant Dean, Room 259 West Engineering Building. A. 11. Lovell, Assistant Dean Faculty, College of Engineering: There will be a meeting of the Fac- ulty of this College on Tuesday, April 21, at 4:15 p.m., in Room 348, West Engineering Building. One purpose of the meeting will be to discuss a revision of the Chemical and Metal- lurgical Engineering curriculum. A. U. Lovell, Secretary Residence Balls for Men and Wo- men Applications for Staff Positions: Upperclass, graduate, and profession- al students who wish to apply for Staff Assistantships and other stu- dent personnel positions in the Resi- dence Halls may obtain application blanks in the Office of the Director of Residence Halls, 205 South Wing. Unmarried members of the faculty holding the rank of Teaching Fellow or above are invited to apply for Resident Adviserships in the Quad- rangles (House Masterships). Posi- tions of all grades will be open for the Fall and Spring Terms; and it is probable that there will be a limited number of student and faculty staff 5 4 4 O 2942, Chicgo 'Times, Inc --7 leg. U S.Pat. Off., All n _._es. "It's easy enough for you to advise patients to be cheerful-you can get tires any time you need 'em!" GRIN AND BEAR IT By Lichty Prospective Applicants for the Com-f bined Curricula: Students of the Col-T lege of Literature, Science, and theI Arts wishing to apply for admission to one of the combined curricula for1 September 1942 should fill out appli- cations for such admission as soonc as possible in Room 1210 Angll Hall.s The final date for application is Mon- day, April 20. Pre-medical students should please note that applicationI for admission to the Combined Curriculum. A separate application should be made out for the consider- ation of the Committee on Combined Curricula. Edward H. Kraus German Table for Faculty Mem- bers will meet Monday at 12:10 p.m. in the Founders' Room Michigan Un- ion. Members of all departments are cordially invited. There will be a brief talk on "Ehescheidung ini Reno" by Mr. Rabel. To Students Whose Fathers are Rotarians: Each year the Ann Arbor Rotary Club gives a luncheon to the students whose fathers are members of Rotary International. The 1942 meeting will be held at the Michi- gan Union on Wednesday, April 29, at twelve noon. To make certain that all sons and daughters of Ro- tarians receive invitations, we ask that every such student now enrolled in the University leave his or her name, and Ann Arbor address, with Miss Velma Louckes, Room 4, Uni- versity Hall, as soon as possible. Ann Arbor Rotary Club, Samuel T. Dana, President The University Bureau of Appoint- ments has received notice of the fol- lowing examination to be conducted by the Personnel Board of the State of Washington. Merit Examination: Position in the Office of the State Personnel Board. Test Technician: $175 per month (Mailed applications must be post- marked before midnight April 23, 1942. Further information may be ob- tained from the announcement which is on file at the offices of the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall, office hours 9-12 and 2-4. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information. The University Bureau of Appoint- ments has received notice of the fol- lowing Civil Service Examinations. Detroit Civil Service Technical Aid (Bus. Adm., male and female (medical science), $1,560 ($1,716 after 7-1-42), May 4, 1942. Junior Engineering Aid (male and female), $1,740 ($1,914 after 7-1-42), May 4, 1942. Further information may be ob- tained from the announcement which is on file at the offices of the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall, office hours 9-12 and 2-4. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Maurice Hamilton Fouracre, Education; the- sis: "The Relationship between the Advent of Menstruation and the De- gree of Physical Development in Ad- olescent Girls." Today, East Coun- cil, Rackham Building, 3:30 p.m. Chairman, S. A. Courtis. By action of the Executive Board the Chairman may invite members of the faculties and advanced doctor- al candidates to attend the examina- tion and he may grant permission to those who for sufficient reason might wish to be present. C. S. Yoakum Doctoral Examination for William Blythe Wright, Jr., Pharmaceutical Chemistry; thesis: "The Action of Heat on gamma-Alkoxybutyryl Chlor- ides; the Condensation of alpha- Thiophenealdehyde with Nitroparaf- fins." Today, 309 Chemistry, 4:00 p.m. Chairman, F. F. Blicke. ,0, nnfinr offlh T- nt- fr 'n a for new instructors will be given on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, AprPi 20, 22, 23, and 24 from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m., and Saturday, April 26 from 9:00 a.m. to 12 noon at the Intramural Pool. Those inter- ested in a refresher course should attend the Monday evening session and two others. Men and women who are interested, please sign in Room 15, Barbour Gymnasium be- fore 4:00 p.m. Monday. Concerts Organ Recital: Mary McCall Stub- bins, director of music and organist of the First Congregational Church of Ann Arbor, will present an organ recital Sunday, April 19, at 4:15 p.m. in Hill Auditorium. Mrs. Stubbins has arranged a pro- gram of compositions by Marcello, Bach, Sowerby and Vierne. Given in partial fulfillment of the require- ments of the degree. of Master of Music, the recital is open to the public. Student Recital: Joan Stevens, pianist, will give a recital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Music at 8:30 p.m. Monday, April.20, in the Assembly Hall of the Rackham Build- ng. A student of Joseph Brinkman, Miss Stevens has arranged a pro- gram of compositions for piano by Mozart, Chopin and Brahms. The public is invited. Exhibitions Exhibition: Museum of Art and Archaeotlogy The Maud Ledyard von Ketteler Collection of the University of Michigan, Rackham Galleries, April 9-22, Hours 2-5 and 7-10 p.m., European and Far Eastern Art Ob- jects. Students and Faculty of the Uni- versity are invited to attend an ex- hibition of North American French books, periodicals, newspapers and works of art being held in Detroit this week through Saturday, on the twelfth floor of J. L. Hudson's de- partment store under the auspices of the Department of Modern . Lan- guages, University of Detroit. A. J. Jobin, Department of Romance Languages. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Luis Alber- to Sanchez, Professor of American and Peruvian Literature in the Uni- versity of San Marcos, Lima, Peru, will lecture on the subject, "La Tra- dicion y la Raza bn la Literature His- pano-Americana," under the auspices of the Department of Romance Lan- guages, at 4:15 p.m. today in the Rackham Amphitheater. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Dr. M. S. Di- mand, Curator of Near Eastern Art in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York City, will lecture on the subject, "Coptic Art of the Muham- madan Period" (illustrated), under the auspices of the Museum of Art and Archaeology at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday, April 22, in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is cordial- ly invited. Biochemical Lecture: Dr. C. F. Huffman, Research Professor of Dairy Husandry at Michigan State College, will discuss "The Role of Magnesium in Nutrition," at 11:00 a.m., Saturday, April 18, in the East Lecture Room -of the Rackham Building. All interested are invited. Events Today The Post-War Conference will open tonight at 8 o'clock in the Rackham Auditorium with keynote speeches by President A. G. Ruth- ven, Professor F. McMahon of Notre Dame, and Professor J. D. Kingsley r