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April 16, 1942 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-04-16

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Annual Dance
To Be May 1
In Law Club
D'Amico Has, Been Featured
With Crosby, Norvo, Himber;
Has Also Appeared In Movies
Hank D'Amico, known to hep-cats
as one of the country's three leading
clarinetists, will bring his orchestra
here Friday, May 1, for the annual
Crease Ball to be given by the lawyers
in the main lounge of the Law Club.
D'Amico, who has been featured
with such top bands as Bob Crosby,
Red Norvo and Richard Himber, is
rated along with Benny Goodman
and Artie Shaw in top-flight musi-
Played For Crosby
He has also recorded records with
Bing Crosby and Connie Boswell and
was featured in two motion pictures,
the last of which was "Sis Hopkins,"
starring Jerry Colonna and Judy
By tradition the Crease Ball com-
petes with Slide Rule, but this year
they were forced to break with prece-
dent, and will compete with the
dentists and their Odonto Ball in-
stead. ,
Ticket Sales Continue
Ticket sales for the ball, the date
of which has been moved up by the
central committee to accommodate a
change in exams, are well under,
way. They may be purchased by Law
School students only.
Marion L. Bradbury, '42L, and
Dean G. Beier, '42L, have been named
co-chairmen for tfie dance. Raymond
J. Fraser, '42L, is in charge of ticket
sales and Seymour Spelman, '42L,
takes care of the publicity.
Displayed Slide Rule
The '41 Crease Ball had Everett
Hoagland and his orchestra, while
decorations consisted of 12-foot-high
legal tomes with a caricature of
Crease Court.
The ball was given on April 4 at
the League, where they proudly dis-
played the famed slide rule which
had been stolen from its decorative
position at Slide Rule Ball held by
the engineers the same night in the+

. Leading Clarinetist

Barbour Scholarship Answers
Orient's Call For More Science

18th Annual
Horse Show
Will Be' Soon
Any man or woman on campus is
urged to brush up on his or her post-
ing technique, and enter the 18th
annual Horse Show to be sponsored
by the Crop and Saddle Riding Club
at 2 p.m. Saturday, May 2, at the
Golf-Side Riding Stables.
Entries for the show are due by
April 27, and are to be made by
calling Sybil Graham, '44, president
of the Crop and Saddle Club. Miss
Graham may be reached at 8476. Be-
sides an event for the members of
the women's riding club, there will
be six other classes. For those on
campus there will be a University of
Michigan men's class and, also, a
University women's class. Events for
boys and girls of high school age and
for children will be sponsored.
Open to all will be the jumping
class, and,. lastly, a feature of the
horse show will be a pair class. This
will be a teaming up in pairs of a
member of Crop and Saddle Club and
a member of the Cadet Officer's Rid-
ing Club. The winners of this event
will be chosen on the basis of their
ability to ride in pairs.
The show will be held rain or
shine, as both the inside and outside
rings will be available for use. Every-
one on campus is invited to attend,
and there will be no charge for ad-
mission. Specific, prizes to be awardi-
ed to thie winlners of different evenits
Have not yet been announced.

Committee Awards Scholarship
Of $800 Per Year With No
Definite Limit As To Numbers
The Honorable Levi L. Barbour,
former Regent of the University,
upon traveling extensively through
the Orient, recognized the need for
more scientifically trained women
there and realized what could be done
by the University of Michigan along
these lines. Thus the Levi Barbour
Scholarship fund for Oriental Wo-
men was founded and in 1917 the
first scholarships were awarded.
Scholarship Is $800
This scholarship, which amounts
to $800 per student, is awarded by
merit and is administered "by the
Committee consisting of the Presi-
dent, the Dean of the Graduate
School, the Dean of the Literary Col-
lege, the Dean of the Medical College
and the Dean of Women.
The qualifications required of each
candidate are high standards of
character, physical fitness, scholas-
tic achievements, fitness for Univer-
sity work, the ability to use the Eng-
lish language and a desire to return
to their native country and be of
service there. The scholars are con-
sidered by recommendations from ac-
credited schools.
No Restrictions
There are no limitations as to the
number of scholars from any one
country or in the field of endeavor
they choose. No restrictions are en-
forced concerning race or religion.
The policy of the past has been to
select Oriental women only from Or-
New Fashion Gadget
Is Charm Lapel Pin
The season for suits has officially
arrived and jewelry shops are being
combed clean for interesting lapel
pins. One interesting gadget has
been designed to replace, or supple-
ment, the charm bracelet. In the
form of a sterling silver tree charms
may be hung from the branches.
The miniature figures may be pur-
chased with the pin or added from
your own collection. This pin will
serve the dual purpose of brightening
up your suit and as a conversation
Slightly Mistaken C
INDIANAPOLIS. «t'> -Mrs. Pearl
Prout and her three "hildr"n be-
came ill after supper.
Police asked her what they had
eaten and she told them a cake she'd
baked with sour milk a relative had
They looked at what was left in
the bottle from which Mrs. Prout
said she got the milk. It was liquid
floor wax.
Art Group Has Display
Under the auspices of the Museum
of Art and Archaeology, the Maud
Ladyard von Ketteler collection will
be on exhibition in the central gal-
lery of the Rackham Building until
April 22.
The collection will be open to the
public from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. and
7 p.m. to 9 p.m. daily except Sunday.

iental countries, rather than nation-
als living abroad. With the present
war emergency, this policy will be
necessarily altered because of tra-
veling conditions. Also a problem
has been created as to caring for the
graduate scholars now in the country.
There are now 24 Barbour schol-
ars at the University. There have
been as many as 45 at one time.
Hold Annual Dinner
The Barbour Scholarship fund has
paid high dividends in the training
of these women. The Barbour wo-
men are outstanding educational
leaders in the Orient today. Among
these outstanding women are two
college presidents: Dr. Yi-Fang Wu
of Ginling College and Lucy Wang
of Hwa Nan College.
In 1929, the policy was inaugurated
to hold an annual dinner which is
given by and for the Barbour Schol-
ars and members of the committee
in charge of the scholarships. This1
dinner will be held Saturday at the
League. The affair will be colored by
native dishes and costumes.
Campus Quilds
To Hold Annual
Dance, April 24
Like Topsy, Interguild's annual
party project "just grew," and now
the complete building of the WAB
must be taken over to hold the 2001
persons and more who are expected.
The six guilds on campus are in
charge of the party, which will be
held at 8:30 p.m. Friday, April 24.
A small charge is being made, the
proceeds of which will go to the
WSSF for foreign student aid, Stan
Summers, '44, general chairman said.
Conducted by leaders from Detroit,
square dancing will be held in one
part of the building. Cartoons will
also be shown, and in the basement
a miniature fair with booths handled
by each guild house will offer bingo.
turtle-racing, fortune telling and
throwing baseballs at the "honorable"
A mysterious 'novelty entertain-
ment" is being offered at the end of
the evening and a quartette will pre-
senlt the world ptremie~re ofi"We, All
Love Michigan"aand ;a new versi4n
of "1 Wanna Go Back to Michigan."
Members of the general committee
are Tom Jolson, '44, publicity;
Peggy Jeffers, '44, finance; Elaine
Spangler. '43, booths and Roberta
Holland, '43, refreshments.
Other committee members are Inez
Chamberlin, DH., Jim Balfour, '42,
and Roger Kelley, '42. In charge of
the novelty entertainment are Edwin
Ellis, Spec., Ann Johnson, '45SM,
and Earl Miller, '43.

Ball To Have
Ruthvens Heading
Patrons List
The committee for International
Ball, which will be held from 9 p.m.
to 1 a.m. Friday-in the Union Ball-
room, has announced the following
patrons and patronesses:
President and Mrs. Ruthven, the
Rev. and Mrs. HI. L. Pickerill, the
Rev. and Mrs. C. H. Loucks, Dean
Joseph Bursley, Dean and Mrs. Erich
A. Walter, Dean and Mrs. Clarence
Yoakum, Dean and Mrs. Edward H.
Kraus, Dean and Mrs. Peter Okkel-
berg, Dr. and Mrs. Charles Fisher,
Dr. and Mrs. James D. Bruce, Dr.
Buenaventura Jimeniz, Dr. and Mrs.
Reuben Kahn and Dr. Rafael R. San-
List Continues
Di. and Mrs. John Alexander, Dr.
and Mrs. Alexander Turyn, Dr. and
Mrs. John Sundwall, Dr. Otto Stahl,
Colonel ind Mrs. William Ganoe,
Prof. and Mrs. William W. Blume,
Prof. and Mrs. Everett Brown, Prof.
and Mrs. Philip Bursley, Prof. and
Mrs. George E. Carrothers, Prof. and
Mrs. Walter Colby, Prof. and Mrs.
L. O. Davis, Prof. and Mrs. Charles
Koella, Prof. and Mrs. Thomas Lov-
cring, Pi'of. and Mr's. David Mat-
tern, Prof. and Mrs. Ferdinand Mene-
Prof. and Mrs. Percival Price, Prof.
and Mrs. Henry E. Riggs, Prof. and
Mrs. W. R. Taylor, Prof. Valentine
Windt, Prof. and Mrs. John Worley,
Prof. and Msr. Louis Karpinsky, Prof.
and Mrs. Hayward Keniston, Prof.
and Mrs. Paul Leidy.
Professor Included /
Prof. and Mrs. Harold J. McFarlan,
Prof. and Mrs. Norman Maier, Prof.
and Mrs. Walter V. Marshall, Prof.
and Mrs. Earl V. Moore, Prof. and
Mr . Burke Shartel, Prof. and Mrs.
John E. Tracy, Prof. and Mrs. Joseph
Yamagiwa, Miss Elvra Brickell, Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Gray, Miss Ellen
Hinsdale, Miss Mary Hinsdale, Miss
Mildred Hinsdale.
Miss Helen Ladd, Mrs. Alfred Lee,
Miss Ethel McCormick, Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Morgan; Mr. and Mrs. Roger
L. Morrison, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Muel-
ler, Mrs. Walter Newell, Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred Nye, Miss Carolyn Ow-
ens, Mr.'. Martha Ray, Miss Sara
Rowe, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Shaw,
Mrs. Helen Snyder, Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Staehler, Mrs. Wen-jung
Wang, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wilson,
Mrs. Kamci' A,-Oglu, Mi. and Mrs.
Laiwrence F. Cuimmingrs, Mrs. Leona
Dickeina, Mrs. Waldo Johnston, Mrs.
Philip Wygant.
Grad Has Role
Ada MacFarland, Grad., remem-
bered on the campus last year for her
lead roles in "Margin for Error,"
"Much Ado About Nothing," and "The
Little Foxes," plays the part of the
"first witch" in "Macbeth," starring
Maurice Evans and Judith Anderson.

Orchids To llmacArthur:
Men Freeze Corsage Gesture
To Contribute To War Effort

It's SPRING! A wealth of cliches
pop into the mind: birds 'n bees,-a
young man's fancy-and the inevit-
able spring formal, by which almost
every sorority celebrates this joyous
season: "two gardenias, please."
Sorority dances are traditionally
the only campus functions at which
corsages are entirely in order and
because they do come so few and far
between, are doubly appreciated when
they do arrive.
It seems, however, that right now
the people of this country are in no
position to squander 100 dollars or
so at a single function for anything
as useless as a floral offering. It
seems much more pertinent to the
times to direct the funds that would
be spent on this luxury to a cause
closer to the needs of the United
Many colleges have workcd out a
plan under which a sorority girl's
date for a formal dance donates the
sum of money which he would have
spent for a corsage to an organized
group, which corresponds on our
campus' to Lane Hall, Hillel, or the
campus-wide defense group. This
organization uses the funds for a
specific purpose such as the Bomber-
Scholarship Fund, and notifies the
girl that a contribution has been
This plan has worked with great
success on such large campuses as
Cornell and Wisconsin, so it stands to
Hostie To Speak
"World Reoi'ganization" will be the
fopie of a discussion to be led by
Prof. Jan F. Hostie of the political
science department at the Just and
Durable Peace Seminar at 7:30 p.m.
today in Lane Hall.
Rexall Original
Sale 1;

reason that the size of this Univer-
sity would not handicap the plan. The
project has 'won great acclaim at
these colleges and every student
seems satisfied that it is a worthy
It is granted that a sacrifice is in-
volved. ' A lovely gesture would be
omitted from sorority affairs. This
fact seems to pale into insignifi-
cance, however, in light of the amount
of money that could be directed into
worthwhile channels.

1 F


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