Continued Warm.
4a at
Suspension Of Coughlin's
Organ Is Overdueea.
Middies Trim
Michigan Nine
7-5 In Initial
Spring Clash
Varsity Pitching Mediocre
As Wolverines Outslug
Navy; Fishman To Pitch
Against Maryland Today
Veteran Net Squad
To Meet State Here
(Special to The Daily)
ANNAPOLIS, Md., April 15.-Coach
Ray Fisher tested a trio of his inex-
perienced sophomore mound crew
against a powerful Navy nine here
today and lost the ball game before
he found the right one. -
Factual details were these: Michi-
gan lost the first clash of its 1942
campaign and the initial contest in
its four-game southern trip. Navy
racked up its 17th win in 20 starts,
including professional competition.
The score was 7 to 5.
Less obvious conclusions that may
be drawn from engagement with
the Midshipmen are that Michigan
has a good sound ball club that
should produce after a little more
game experience and that the num-
ber one pre-season problem remains
Fisher's chief headache -namely,
Bonm Is Starter
Ray nominated the husky Chicago
lad whom he considered his best
mound prospect, Irving (Pro) Boim
for the starting assignment. Pro
grooved a strike on leadoff man Jack
Stowe, tossed a slow ball, then an-
other fast pitch which Stowe made
a lot faster as he lifted it- over left
fielder Don Holman's low head for a
home run.
Left Lavrakas, number eight man
in the Middies' potent lineup, dupli-
cated the feat in the second inning
with a man on first via a walk. Pro
then passed two more men but suc-
cessfully weathered the inning with-
out further mishap. But when he
bega te third whih an.other w_ alk,
Fisher bade Boim to take one, and
brought in another first year man,
sophomore Don Smith.
One More In Fourth
Things went better until the fifth,
although Navy added one more mark-
er in the fourth on a walk, a sacrifice
and a cheap single over short.
But in the fifth it only took a trio
of batsmen to send Smith running.
Art Gillis and Joe Watson singled to
left and Lavrakas cleared the bases
with his second homerun, a mighty
clout deep down the left field line.
The Wolverines had picked- up
a lone tally in the first frame on
Davie Nelson's leadoff single, a stol-
Turn to Page 3, Col. 1
Veteran Net Squad
Meets State Here
Michigan's defending Western
Conference championship tennis
team opens the 1942 campaign today
when it battles Michigan State on tide
new Har-Tru courts at Ferry Fielfi
with the action slated to begin at
3:15 p.m.
The Wolverines, who defeated the
Spartans twice last season, have ,
veteran squad on hand and are fav-
ored to start the season successfully.
The State aggregation, on the other
hand, has only two lettermen back
and all the other positions are held
down by sophomores who have played
only three matches in collegiate
Coach Leroy Weir of the Maize and
Blue was undecided whom he would
start against the visitors who have
Admission to today's tennis
matches is free. The new Har-Tru
courts are located at the west end
of the Sports Building and the
gate on Hoover Street will be open
for the use of the public. The
matches are scheduled to begin at
3:15 p.m.
captured one decision out of three
matches thus far this season. He in-
dicated, however, that he would prob-
ably put Co-Captain Lawton Ham-
mett in the number one spot, Jim
Porter at two and Co-Captain Wayne
Stille at three, with Gerry Schaf-
Turn to Page 3, Col. 3
Gen. Hugh Johnson,
Dies In Washington.
WAirHT4TN(arTrON Apni 15 __011-
Post- War Conference
Will OpenTomorrow
Kingsley Will Discuss Strategy Of War And Peace;
McMahon To Speak On 'Fight For Freedom'
To Speak Today
American Bombers Raid
Jap Bases In Philippines
In Thrust From Australia
Organized on the premise that if
we are to fight well we must know
what we are fighting for, the Michi-
gan Post-War Conference scheduled
for tomorrow and Saturday will in-
clude talks by nationally famous
speakers and open student discussion
on problems of post-war reconstruc-
The Conference-an all-campus
affair-will get under way with a
general session and three keynote
addresses at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the
1Rackham Auditorium.
Three Keynoters
The keynoters-men who have for
years shown a great interest in youth
and in attaining a world in which
there is permanent peace-are Pres-
ident Ruthven, Dr. Francis McMahon
of Notre Dame University and Prof.
New Officers
Elected Heads
Of Tau Beta Pi
Sundquist And Hutcherson
Named Top Men; Four
Other Engineers Chosen
Robert J. Sundquist, '43E, yester-
day was elected president of Tau
Beta Pi, highest engineering honor-
ary fraternity. William W. Hutch-
erson, '43E, was named vice-presi-
Other officers include Carter Tay-
lor, '43E, corresponding secretary;
J. Ross Clark, '43E, recording secre-
tary; Kenneth R. Moehl, '43, cata-
loguer, and Donald C. West, '43E,
representative to the Engineering
All the new officers are active in
various campus activities. Sundquist,
a mechanical engineer, is a member
of the junior staff of the Michigan-
ensian. Hutcherson -i -de new -edi-
tor-in-chief of the Michigan Technic.
Taylor and Clark are presidents of
their fraternities, Theta Xi and
Acacia, respectively, while Moehl is a
member of the Technic staff. West
is a member of the Union staff.
Retiring officers are Robert T. Wal-
lace, '42E, president; Donald R. Whit-
ney, '42E, vice-president; Harper H.
Hull, '42E, corresponding secretary;
Kenneth M. Nelson, '42E, recording
secretary; Arthur W. Clifford, '42E,
cataloguer, and George P. Gotschall,
'42E, representative to the Engineer-
ing Council.
Prof. Axel Marin of the mechani-
cal engineering department was
unanimously reelected as faculty ad-
Movies To Be Shown
On Operations Of Navy
Two movies of the Navy in opera-
tion and training will be shown at
7:30 p.m. today in the Union.
The first of the pictures, "Sub-
marines and Practice at Sea," con-
cerns the training of the volunteers
in the "pig boat" fleet. The second
film entitled "First Line of Defense"
will show actual scenes of the war
J. Donald Kingsley of Antioch Col-
Dr. McMahon will speak on "The
Fight for Freedom" and "will at-
tempt to combine in the right propor-
tions the need for winning the war
and winning the peace.",
One of the most outspoken Cath-
olic opponents of Father Charles
Coughlin, Dr. McMahon has long
taken an active part in the fight of
which he is going to talk. He is
chairman of the Indiana Fight For
4 Freedom Committee, president of the
I Catholic Association for Internation-
al Peace and was one of the founders
of Freedom House in New York City.
The address of Professor Kingsley
will concern itself with "The Strategy
of the War and the Peace." A politi-
cal scientist, he will naturally con-
centrate upon the political problems
of the post-war settlement.
Well-Known Author
In addition to his speaking and
professorial duties, Kingsley is edi-
tor of the Antioch Review and a well
known author. His most recent book
is entitled "The Strategy of Demo-
The third speaker - President
Ruthven-has long evidenced an in-
tense interest in the problems of
post-war reconstruction. His talk
will deal with the part which the
colleges and universities of the na-
tion must play in planning for peace
and-in establishing a just world order
after the war is over.
The three discussion panels plan-
ned for 2 p.m. Saturday in the Union
are as follows:
1. Can we establish world-wide ec-
onomic democracy?
Turn to Page 2, Col. 2
SCampus Life
Shiown Today
In April Garg
If you're smart today, that light
~jingle from the direction of your
pocket is the purchase price of an
April Gargoyle.
Here's one time you can't say
"there's always tomorrow," for with
the greatest collection of photos in
any issue since the "Life" takeoff
last year, and with six of these pic-
tures taken of the same number of
beautiful coeds-well, probability is
that magazines won't waste any time
in disappearing from the hands of
the "Garg" salesmen.
Sports enthusiasts will welcome
Spring Sports Calling, which gives
magic-eye action photo sequences in
golf, track, tennis and baseball. Some
of Michigan's most prominent ath-
letes have demonstrated their best
form for this feature.
Student authorities have been se-
cured, too, to write the regular feat-
ures on books, music and drama,
with Daily Editor Jay McCormick,
'42, leafing through latest publica-
tions; Bill Sawyer of Union fame ad-
vising on music and Play Produc-
tion's own Bill Altman, '42. giving
judgments based on his theatre ex-
Much could be said about these
and the numerous additional features
of this big new issue, but in no time
at all you can see for yourselves!
University Student Confesses
Firing Through Hillel Window
-Courtesy Aun jror News
Michigan's chief air raid warden,
Lieut.-Col. Owen J. Cleary, will lec-
ture on mutual responsibilities of
raid wardens and civilians at 8 p.m.
today in Hill Auditorium. The talk
is sponsored by the University War
Board and the County Defense
Council and will be augmented by
a 25-minute motion picture, "Iteady
on the Home Front." All stu-
dents, faculty members and towns-
people are invited.
ROTC Review
Will Be Held
Here May
Ruthven, Deans Will View
Inspection Maneuvering
Of RegimentIn Stadium
A war-time precedent will be set
when PresidentrAlexanderG. Ruth-
yen takes the review of the ROTC
regiment in the Stadium May 7 with
the Deans acting as his staff, on the
occasion of the annual federal in-
spection of the unit.
This will be the first time that the
Stadium has been used for any other
military maneuvers than those of the
band. Permission was secured only
recently from Director of Athletics
Herbert O. Crisler to hold the inspec-
tion there.
At this time rePre etative DJ the
Commanding General of the Sixth
Corps Area will make a thorough'in-
spection of all units, Infantry, Signal
Corps, Ordnance, Corps of Engineers
and Medical Corps. In the past the
University has always received a rat-
ing of Excellent, shown by the blue
stars worn on the sleeves of all
Two student aides, Cadet Lieut.-
Col. Lindley M. Dean and Cadet
Lieut. Phillip E. Sharpe, have been
asignedi to the president for the day.
Members of the War Board and facul-
ty members will sit in a special sec-
tion of the stands.
A special, ROTC band has been
organized for the ceremony, replac-
ing the drum and bugle corps of the
past few years, and will add its bit
to the heightened military atmos-
Blood Donors
Drive Slowed
Only 67 Volunteers Sign;
Union Seeks 1,000
Volunteering for the second Red
Cross blood drive slowed appreciably
yesterday with only 15 persons reg-
istering, raising the total to 67 for the
first three days of the week-long
Goal of the Union-conducted drive
is a reserve list of 1,000 volunteer
donors for future emergencies. To
date, only a very few of the 2,000
persons who indicated in the defense
survey their willingness to donate
blood, have registered for the drive.
Fraternities, sororities and other
campus organizations are urged to
register in groups.
Registration will continue through-
out the week from 2 to 5:30 p.m. in
the lobby of the Union. Actual dona-
tions will be taken from 1 to 5 p.m.
Friday at the Women's Athletic
Art Cinema Group
To Show Pictures
Two movies, "The Man Who Seeks
the Truth" and "Night Mail," will
be shown by the Art Cinema League
at 8:15 p.m. today, tomorrow and
Saturday in the Lydia Mendelssohn
W. H. Auden of the English de-
Culprit Arrested Tuesday
For Stealing Police Car;
Claims Act Was Prank
Richard R. Stofflett, '43E, the Uni-
versity student who rode himself into
jail in a stolen police car, told re-
porters yesterday that it was he who
sent a .25 calibre bullet whizzing
through a window of the Hillel
Foundation late Monday night.
However, police said, he has re-
fused to sign a statement admitting
that he fired the shot which imbedded
itselfinto a wall only four feet from
Bob Warner, '43.
Stofflett was arrested early Tues-
day morning along with Helen Neu-
berg, '43Ed., for unlawfully driving a
police squad car. Both have been
bound to a circuit court trial.
"It was just a prank," Stofflett
said. "I don't know why I did it. No,
I wasn't drunk, but perhaps it would
be better for me now if I had been."
(Stofflett told a Detroit reporter
earlier in the day that both he and
Miss Neuberg visited a tavern Mon-
day night before they began their
escapade. MissrNeuberg admitted
when she was arrested that she had
had a "few beers").
The city prosecutor's office said
yesterday that Stofflett could be
charged with carrying a concealed
weapon, a felony, and be prosecuted
for unlawfully discharging a firearm
John Hunter
Wins. Speech
Contest Final
Declaring that after the present
crisis we have an opportunity to cre-
ate a new world order, John Hunter,
'44, took first place in the finals of
the Speech 32 classes held yesterday
in Natural Science Auditorium. 1
Hunter was selected winner for his
speech "Whitherbound" in which he
declared that the interpretation of
one of Nebuchadnezzar's dreams
could apply to our times.
Hayden Crawford, '44, took second
place honors, and Betty Allen, '43,
captured third place position. The
other students who took part in this
contest were John McCarthy, '44,
John Meuhl, '44, and Strawan Rob-
ertson, '44.
. The contest was under the chair-
manship of Hugh Norton of the
Department of Speech. The judges
for the contest were also of the de-
partment. They were Prof. H. Har-
lan Bloomer, Prof. G. E. Densmore,
and Richard Woellhaf.
The contestants were chosen from
a group of students who represented
all the Speech 32 classes in a pre-
liminary meet held Monday.
All fraternity presidents will
meet today at the Alpha Delta
Phi house. -John Fauver
within the city limits, a city ordin-
ance which carries a 90-day penalty.
His alleged theft of the car is a felony.
A spokesman for Prosecutor George
Meader said that Sherman L. Mort-
enson, chief of police, has not yet
pressed the charges.
Miss Neuberg was released on bail'
Tuesday and Stofflett said last night
that he expects his father to bring
$500 from Detroit today to secure his
Men's Judicial
Posts Petitions
New Constitution Revision
Announced By Slocum;
Awaits Faculty Action
Anouncement was made yesterday
by William Slocum, '42, president of
the Men's Judiciary Council, that
the Council's constitution has been
revised and also that petitions for
president and secretary will be due
by noon, Saturday at the student
offices of the Union.
Under the revised constitution,
which at present is awaiting approval
by the Committee on Student Affairs,
the president and secretary will be
appointed by the outgoing Judiciary
Council, together with the Dean of
Students. The other members will
include the presidents of the Union,
Interfraternity Council; Congress and
Engineering Council and the man-
aging editor of The Daily. In the
past, all seven members were ap-
pointed by a special committee, com-
posed of the president of the Judici-
ary Council together with the above
men (except the president of the En-
gineering Council) and the Dean of
A big step in student government
was made by giving the Council the
right to initiate investigation in stu-
dent conduct cases preparatory to
making recommendations of disci-
plinary action to the University Sub-
Committee on Discipline. Formerly,
the Council could only investigate
cases referred to it by the Dean of
Students. Also, no direct mention of
the judiciary power of the group was
made in the old constitution.
Other powers of the Council in-
clude governing of all campus elec-
tions except those otherwise provided
for by the Committee on Student Af-
fairs, regulating the initiations and
general conduct of all honor societies,
passing rules regarding other student
Turn to Page 6, Col. 6
Prof. Lowell J. Carr of the soci-
ology department will address the
weekly class on leadership on
"Leadership as a Social Responsi-
bility" at 8 p.m. today in the small
ballroom of the Union.
New Japanese Offensive
In Burma May Break
ChineseSupply Routes
Comniander Given
DFC For Mission
(As.sociated Press Correspondent)
Australia, April 15.-()-In the most
spectacular aerial thrust of the Pa-
cific war, 13 American Army bombers
crossed the vast stretches from Aus-
tralia and heavily assaulted Japanese
bases on three Philippine islands to
redeem before the world the first in-
stallment of Gen. Douglas MacAr-
thur's pledge that the invader would
yet be cast out of his lodgements
This great striking force, which
covered 4,000 miles in the round trip
to Manila and at least 2,800 miles to
and from Davao on Mindanao Island,
accomplished its mission with the
loss of but a singleplane-and that
plane's entire crew was saved.
It was personally commanded by
Brig.-Gen. Ralph Royce, native of
Hancock, Mich., whose triumphant
arrival back in' Australia at the head
of his squadron was announced to-
Just as he climbed from his plane
the general, by the direction of Presi-
dent Roosevelt, was awarded the Dis-
tinguished Flying Cross, Gen. Rush
Lincoln making the presentation in
behalf of Lieut.-Gen. George H.
Brett, Allied Air Commander for the
southwest Pacific.
Japanese Thrust
At Chinese Lifeline
(By The Associated Press)
NEW DELHI, India, April 15.-The
Japanese launched a sudden, major
offensive into the Shan States of
eastern Burma today, opening a full-
fledged new front to isolate China
from Burma and India at a time
when British and Chinese alike are
fighting a desperate rear-guard ac-
tion to delay the conquest of Central
Burma's oil wealth.
The offensive, launched in the Sal-
ween River region near the Upper
Thailand border where Japanese and
Chinese troops have been sparring
inconclusively for weeks, apparently
was aimed at cutting the Mandalay-
Lashio Railroad.
Its object also would be to separate
the Chinese forces in the Shan States
from those in the Sittang River Val-
ley to the southwest.
The Mandalay-Lashio Railroad is
the last feeder link to the old Burma
Road, and also would be used as part
of the new routes planned from India
to China, across Upper Burma.
Engineers Elect
Six Positions Are Filled
On Governing Body
More than 900 freshman, sopho-
more and junior engineers went to
the polls yesterday to elect two rep-
resentatives from each class to un-
dergraduate positions in the Engi-
neering Council.
David Upton, '45E, Robert Wil-
liamson, '45E, Bud Burgess, '44E,
Karl Reed, '44E, Robert Mott, '43E,
and Fred Betzhold, '43E,, won repre-
sentative positions on the council,
student governing body of the engi-
neering college.
Officers were selected on Tuesday
by the retiring council and were an-
nounced yesterday in The Daily.
They are James M. Edmunds, '43E,
president, and Robert Sforzini, '43E,
In the freshman elections, David
Upton took first place and a three
year position on the council with a
total of 128 votes. Robert Williamson
was elected to the one year freshman
post with 74 votes.
Bud Burgess took first place among
the sophomore candidates with 62
votes. He will fill a two year place
on the council. Placing second with
50 votes was Karl Reed, who will fill
a n vwa nit
s' .
Inter raternity Conference:
Committee Urges Elimination
Of 'Hell Week', Other Reforms
.+4 _ __ __1
Foreign Students Do Their Part:
Turkish University Graduates
Work In U.S. Defense Plants
Condemning 'Hell Week' activities
as "silly pranks on which the public
will not gaze indulgently," the Na-
tional Interfraternity Conference,
held at New York City, set forth a
sweeping program designed to aid
fraternities in meeting wartime exig-
encies and to make their existence for
the duration justified.
Theme of the broad reform is the
elimination of superfluous and ex-
pensive chapter practices with great-
er emphasis on making fraternal life
more purposeful. Unable to justify
the improprieties of 'Hell Week'
"when other college men are dying on
land and sea for their country," the
War Committee of the national con-
ference asks all fraternities to dis-
continue the practice.
Daily displaying of the American
flag is urged by the War Committee
as noart of thefraternitv nriogam to
solutions to this problem, the War
Committee suggests making rushing
an all-year activity with shortened
periods of defcrrec pledging and ear-
lier initiations, even modifying schol-
arship restrictions as a war measure.
Weak point of any fraternity war-
time program is finances. Urging a
complete revolution in happy-go-
lucky fraternity accounting., the War
Committee advocates a 'pay-as-you-
eat-and-sleep policy,' with bills paid
promptly and no accounts receivable.
If such a policy is campus-wide,
chapters will have an easier problem
of enforcement, the committee points
Equally important is careful econ-
omizing in house management and
social programs. 'Party frills' at
dances, such as name bands, expen-
sive programs, decorations, favors
and refreshments are out for the dur-
ation. Careful nurchasing of supplies
Aiding the forces of democracy in
the battle of production are 12 for-
mer University students from Turkey
who are working in defense plants in
various parts of the nation.
Ordnance officers in the Turkish
Army and Navy, most of them earned
their Master of Science degrees at
the University. They studied here to
fulfill the Turkish regulations which
require full fledged engineers to have
a masters degree.
Although all born and raised in
Turkey and not naturalized citizens
of this country, they were given spe-
cial permission by the War, Navy and
State Departments to work in the
vital plants as official representa-
tives of the Turkish Government.
Most of the former students hone
the war in 1939. They had passed
special governmental examinations
and had been taking engineering
training in Germany. With the out-
break of the present conflict, how-
ever, they were recalled to Turkey.
After studying English at Roberts,
College in Istanbul for a period, they
came here.
Four of the students are working
in New Jersey armament plants. Two,
who received their masters degrees in
1941 and who are captains in the
Turkish Army, Beker Turgay and Ali
Alev, hold posts there.
Commander Frank Erler, M.S., '41,
and Lieutenants Ibrahim Elveren,
M.S., '41, and Cama Kostem, M.S.
'41, are stationed at the Portland,
Me., shipyards. Others are employed
at Pittsburgh defense plants and at