TIE MIHIGrN PI X SATTYRfl.4 ~ ITIIRUARY 14, 1~l2 Play Production Comedy Will Go, To Army Camp George Washington Slept Here' Will Be Given' At Request,_Of Soldiers Plans for taking the dramatic pro- duction "George Washington Slept Here" to Camp Custer Feb. 20 and 21 were announced yesterday by Miss Ethel McCormick, social director of the League. Miss McCormick added that the soldiers have been asking that the show go out there for a long time, but it had not been possible until. now. The Kaufman-Hart comedy has had a wide showing in Ann Arbor, having been presented last summer by the Michigan Repertory Players and last month by Play Production of the Department of Speech to audi- ences totalling about 5200. The original crew of 17 will leave very early Friday to set up the show in time for a dress rehearsal in the afternoon. The cast of 20 will not arrive until early afternoon. Both will return to Ann Arbor Friday after the evening performance and go back to the camp Saturday afternoon to give a second performance that night. The showings will be given in the USO Theater in Augusta, just outside of the camp. United Service Organi- zation committees both in Ann Ar- bor and Augusta will sponsor the trip and the performances which will, of course, be given without admission charges. Student Assistants Give Advice To Jordanites On Dating, Study ASSOCIATED PRESS "They help you get over the feel- ing that you don't know what you're doing." This statement by Marge Hall, '45, one of the freshmen living in Jordan this year, characterizes the senti- ments of all Jordan freshmen on the value of student assistants. According to a definition by Miss Esther Colton, house director of Jordan, the student assistants should represent a "typical cross-section of the campus" and must embody theI qualities of leadership, responsibility, friendliness, good scholarship, fine1 character and well-rounded person-I ality. Each assistant, who may be either a sorority or independent woman, takes approximately 10 freshmen un- der her wing, attempting to alleviate signs of homesickness by getting Gutbernatorial Veto Of Time SChange Asked LANSING, Feb. 13.-("l)-Letters and telegrams demanding that Gov- ernor Van Wagoner veto a bill adopted by the legislature which would turn back the time an hour in Michigan poured into the executive office today. Although the measure declares the time change should be effective Monday at 2 a.m., the Governor said he would not sign it into law by that time, and hinted he might veto it. He has until February 25 to decide whether to sign the measure into immediately effective law, or to veto it. CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY TYPING MISS ALLEN-Experienced typist. 408 S. Fifth Ave. Phone 2-2935 VIOLA STEIN-Experienced legal typist, also mimeographing. Notary public. Phone 6327. 706 Oakland. WANTED TO BUY CASH for used clothing; men and ladies. Claude H. Brown, 512 S. Main St. Phone 2-2736. 5c MEN'S AND LADIES' CLOTHING, suits, overcoats, typewriters, musi- -al instruments, ladies' furs, Per- sian lamb, mink, watches, dia- monds. Pay from $5 to $500. Phone Sam, 3627. 229c' MISCELLANEOUS MIMEOGRAPHING -Thesis bind- ing. Brumfield and Brumfield, 308 S. State.. 6c WASHED SAND AND GRAVEL- Driveway gravel, washed pebbles. Killins Gravel Company, 7112. phone 7c Rural Republican members of the' legislature promptly served notice they would attempt to override a veto if one is imposed, but some doubt existed whether they could muster enough votes in the Senate. "We've got the votes to do it," Rep. Maurice E. Post, Republican,I Rockford, declared. He is a leader1 of the "slow time" bloc. The legislature has power to over- ride a Governor's veto of its enact- ments by two-thirds vote of the House and Senate. Van Wagoner said he would delay decision on the bill to give people of Michigan a chance to express their views to me and to the legislature." He said hitherto only those who wanted the change had been heard, principally farmers who objected to having their work schedules upset by the advent of "war time" last Mon- day. The Governor disclosed he was disturbed during the night by per- sons telephoning his home to tell him they felt it would be "unpatriotic" to take Michigan off war time. One telegram on his desk suggested that "perhaps the farmer legislators do not know Michigan is at war as well as the other 47 states." The controversial bill in question would return Michigan to the Cen- tral Time Zone. Because of- the Fed- eral advanced time order, this would be the same as the time which ex- isted before clocks were turned ahead an hour last Monday. Michigan Delerates To Attend Meeting LANSING, Feb. 13. -(IP)- Michi- gan will send a delegation, headed by Governor Van Wagoner, to Washing- ton to attend a conference Sunday which will explore further the sub- ject of Federal supplementation of unemployment compensation benefits. The Governor said he was making the trip, accompanied by a group of legislators, because "tremendous op- position to any such plan has de- veloped from many states which are not so vitally concerned as Michigan with war transition disemployment." "The prospects for Federal aid for Michigan have not brightened in the last few days," he said, "so it is im- portant that Michigan should again present a strong case of our needs in Washington." theminterested hi xtrac-urr 1(1. activities-including dating, Student assistants Ann McMillanI '44, and Helen Mae Kresbach, '44, in a recent interview, expressed their opinions of the work they are doing. Ann: "I've never had so much fun in all my life. We act as general in- formation bureaus for all kinds of questions from "What shall I wear to the Union tonight?" to "How can I study Geology II?" It's very good experience for personnel work. I ma- jor in psychology and it has helped me lots. The funny part of the homesickness problem, though, is that we have more trouble with homesick parents than students!" Helen: "For the first week or two. it takes quite a bit of time, but not after that. We handle roommate troubles, men troubles and even hand out aspirins for headaches. The Quads keep our telephone buzzers busy calling for blind dates, so we also act as dating bureaus. Marge Hall clinched the question by stating: "You couldn't do -without them, that's a cinch." Petitions are due at noon today and interviewing will take place in the week beginning Monday. Panel To Debate War Problems' Auto Plants Conversion To Be Discussed Today Converting Detroit's assembly lines from the production of automobiles to the making of war materials will be discussed at the panel sponsored by the American Association of Uni- versity Women on "The Contribution of Management and Labor to the Defense Effort" at 11:00 a.m. today in the Rackham Amphitheatre. Members of the panel will be Prof. Margaret Elliot, labor expert of the economics department; Prof. John W. Riegel, of the School of Business Administration; Frank Rising, gen- eral manager of the Automotive Parts Association of Detroit, and Victor G. Reuther, assistant coordinator of the Defense Appointments Division of the UAW and the CIO. Because a large number of dele- gates will attend the State Workshop Meeting to be held at 9:30 a.m. today in the Rackham Building, attendance at the panel will be limited to mem- bers of the AAUW and certain classes in the University. Early Curtailment Of Civilian Radio Production Hinted WASHINGTON, Feb. 13.-(IP)- Predictions that all production of civilian radio sets will be halted by April 22 were heard today after the War Production Board served an ul- timatum giving the industry four months to convert to armament manufacture or have its equipment and labor commandeered by the gov- ernment. One spokesman for the Radio Manufacturers Association promptly declared that the quick conversion could be achieved only if the gov- ernment expedited the granting of war orders to the industry. Manufacturers' representatives received the ultimatum from R. R. Guthrie, Assistant Chief of the WPB Bureau of Industry operations, and were told at the same time that board orders finally halting civilian output were being drafted, with April 22 tentatively set as the shutdown dead- line. Officials said there was some chance the date might be advanced, but little possibility that it would be postponed. At present, the $200,000,000 radio equipment industry is operating un- der orders curtailing its civilian out- put about 40 percent below 1941 pro- duction. Civilian Defense Heads Appointed By Governor H E A R T O F A C t T Y E N D A N G E R E D -SI N C A PO R E--These modern buildings comprise the civic center of singa- pore, the city on the lowver tip of Singapore Island, Britain's base under terrific assault by Japanese forces. Island itself is 26 miles long. DO N OR-To express "in a small way, my love and devo- tion to my country," Bill Wil- liams (above) has given $800.59, proceeds of a day's business in his Philadelphia restaurants, to Uncle Sam. He was born Vasilios Vassiliades in Turkey. F I R M -Rep. Robert Rams- peck (D-Ga.), who fathered the bill providing pensions for re- tiring congressmen, says he has "no apologies" for the already- signed but still-disputed Iaw. POCTURE NEWSL LAUNDERING LAUNDRY - 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low price. 2c BEAUTY SHOPS PERMANENTS, $3.00-$7.00. Sham- poo and set, 65c all week. Gingham Girl Beauty Shop, 302 S. State. Phone 2-4000. LOST and FOUND LOST--A multicolored Waterman eversharp with name Alvira Sata. If found call 2-3225. Reward. HAMILTON wrist watch. Lost in Union washroom. If found please call 2-4401, 225 Wenley. 'Reward. 245c TAILORING and SEWING TaOCKWELL and Mosher-Jordan residents-Alterations on women's garments promptly done. Opposite Stockwell. Phone 2-2678. 3c HELP WANTED CHECKING THE NAVY BELL.-Special divers check a U. S. navy diving bell, one of the type of rescue bells used to liberate men trapped in a sunken submarine. Unless sub is equipped with special escape chambers, bell cannot be used. I T' S H I S, H E S A Y S-Pardon the yawning boredom of "Herky" after he'd won an obedience test at Madison Square Boys' club pet show in N. Y. You can see how much trophy means to Tommy Logerfo, 17 months. Herky's almost pure police dog. COUPLE-Cook and porter for ternity house. Call 2-1682. Geddes. fra- 1824 246c ire you HUNGRY? LANSING, Feb. 13.-IP)-Governor Van Wagoner today appointed heads of the six divisions which will con- stitute the State Civilian Defense Corps, under command of Capt. Don- ald S. Leonard of the State Police. Oscar G. Olander, State Police Commissioner, will head the auxil- iary police and fire fightinv divisions. Air raid wardens will be headed by Owen J. Cleary, of the Cleary Busi- ness College, Ypsilanti. Dr. C. C. Young, director of the State Health Laboratories, will head the emer- gency medical division, with G. Don- aid Kennedy, State Highway Com- missioner, in charge of public works division. Richard H. Barkell, engineer and member of the State Public Service Commission, will head the utility di- vision. The jobs of the air raid wardens, police and fire workers, and those of the emergency medical corps are made clear by their titles. The pub- lic works division will have charge of De Luxe Dinner. every Sunday. From 11:00 a.m. 'gill midnight. 75c to $2.00 Are you tired of the same old foods, flavors and feed-time frustrations? Are you really hungry for lively new taste- thrills and fragrant flavorings? Then you'll like eating here, where food is famous for it's character and individual- ity. Come in today for a treat! Sp~_FndSneiatis - if it swims, we have it! .. ,: > .--r - -v