TRlE MICITGAN- DAILY '. tx t CYi ly Bomber-Scholarship Plan's Purpose, Procedure, Progress Are Clarified Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to, it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school yepr by car- rier $4.00, by mail $5.00. RISPiEENTEO FOR NATiONAL ADVERT13ING 0Y National Advertising Service, Inc, o College Publishers Representative 420 MADiSON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO OSTON * Los A94-S SAN FNAICISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Editorial Staff Emile Alvin David GeMd Dann Lachcnbrucn * . . . Managing Editor . . . Editorial Director * .. . . City Editor Jay McCormick Gerald E. Burns, Hal Wilson . . Janet Hooker. Grace Miller . Virginia Mitchell Daniel H. Huyett . James B. Collins Louise Carpenter . Evelyn Wright . Associate . . Associate . . Sports Women's As4 ant Women's . Exchange Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Business Stafff . . . Business Manager . Associate Business Manager . Women's Advertising Manager Women's Business Manager NIGHT EDITOR: CHARLES THATCHER The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. India's Refusal Is Severe Allied Loss. . . RANKING IN IMPORTANCE with the defeats in France, Singapore, Java and the Philippines is the Allied setback in India. The United Nations have lost the effective and willing cooperation of a nation of 390,000,000 people that controls resources and a potential industrial strength which would be invaluable i any Allied offensive. Indecision over the division of control of India's defense between the British and an Indian au- thority is blamed for the breakdown in negotia- tions. The All-India Congress Committee, how- ever, goes further and claims that the British proposals were of such a nature that "real free- dom might become an illusion." ADMITTEDLY, the forces of democracy were once again too late. Several years ago Nehru, the Indian nationalist leader, warned that any war-necessitated British offer of dominion status would not, be accepted. Had democracy been realized earlier in India the present crisis might have been avoided. But part of the responsibility for the failure of Sir Stafford Cripps' mission rests with the In- dians themselves. They were offered what they had long demanded-a guarantee of independ- ence in the form of dominion status in the Brit- ish commonwealth of nations. That this promise came in the face of the rising threat of the Japanese hordes was immaterial. It was, never- theless, the long-awaited recognition of India's rights to self-government. Certainly India must realize the full conse- quences of a. Japanese conquest. With the Brit- ish naval defeats in the Bay of Bengal the menace of that conquest becomes astonishingly more real. The only thing that stands in its way are the British armies in India and the will to resist of the native Indians themselves. Na- tionalist leaders have repeatedly called upon the people for a total resistance to any Japanese attack. Some of them have mistakenly implied that a policy of passive resistance will be enough to assure the failure of such an attack. Here lies their tragic error. Only a tremendous Allied effort supported wholeheartedly by every seg- ment of India's population will repel the Nippon- ese invasion attempt if it comes. COMPROMISE ALONE could have assured the success of the recent negotiations in New Delhi. In the words of Sir stafford Cripps him- self: "Compromise there must be, if a strong and free India is to come into being." Great Britain's intent to compromise was limited only to the extent of her wish to retain direction of actual military operations under her own officers and to obtain priorities on supplies and arms for the Imperial army. India sought priorities for the native militia, and an Indian defense minister. The British conceded the defense minister but insisted on retenton of major powers by Gen- eral Wavell. The final break came over this issue and the priorities for supplies. The case of Great Britain is clear. Control of military meas- ures by a copetent commander was an as- lute necessity. India should have been agreeable to receiving moderate control through a defense minister who handled enlistments and civilian protection plans. To the Editor: T0 ANSWER numerous inquiries regarding the success of the Bomber-Scholarship Plan and for the purpose of clarifying various issues con- cerning its purpose, procedure and progress, I herewith present the record of the campaign since its formal inauguration March 12, 1942 Purpose:The purpose of the Bomber-Scholar- ship Plan is to provide a means whereby students who remain on campus can sacrifice as do those who are leaving for the war. It is to mobilize the social activities of both individuals and organiza- tions as a source of contributions to a scholar- ship fund to be used after the war for the "edu- cational rehabilitation" of the dozens and per- haps hundreds of undergraduate students in every school and college of the University Whq enter the armed services of the United States The tremendous need for such a scholarship fund is perfectly obvious. The peculiarity of the situation enables us to use the contributions for two purposes. We can buy a bomber with them now by buying defense bonds. We can turn the bonds in after the war and provide scholarships. The plan, therefore, calls for the purchase of $100,000 worth of defense bonds-the goal of this campaign, and the cost of a lightweight army bomber-and the conversion of these bonds into scholarships after the war. Procedure: Copies of the plan (each six mim- eographed pages) were sent to 196 student or- ganizgtions. Each organization was asked to consider the plan at its next meeting, record its action on a postcard to be sent to tl Dean of Students, Rm. 2, University Hall. The Dean was also made official recipient of all contributions, Those who consent to support the plan are to contribute on a voluntary basis whatever amount they think is equitable and just. Progress: Reaction to the plan has been all the way from ultra-enthusiastic support to re- jection. Immediately following the adoption of the plan, the J-Hop committee voted to con- tribute 75% of the profits from the J-Hop to the fund. This amounted to approximately $1,950. The Soph Prom committee gave all of its, profits-$85. The Michigan Union con- tributed $1,000. To date forty-four other or- ganizations have registered their support with the Dean of Students. Each either contributed or made it a policy to do so. Total contributions amount to $3,450. These organizations and individuals are to be commended for their decisions-for their realiza- tion that they too have a part to play in this war. The Student War Board has approved the Bomber-Scholarship Plan as a war project for each organization that registers its support with the Dean of Students. Perhaps I am impatient, but where are the answers from the other 152 organizations? Why hasn't the plan received unqualified and unanimous support? Doubtless, some of these organizations have voted to sup- al, Drew Ndf50# XG, ~ad . -9 Rrbert5 Allen " (Editor's Note: The following is another article in the series on the crucial U. S. shipping situation.) WASHINGTON-One of the chief criticisms insiders make against the Maritime Com- mission is its resistance to independent initiative and ideas. The Truman Committee has a big stack of complaints from enterprising business men eager to risk their own money to build ships but unable to get a break from the Com- mission. A graphic illustration of the hide-bound atti- tude permeating the Commission is the case of the West Stanislaus County, Calif., bean growers., Military and civilian war chiefs consider it vital that every one on the home front be made to feel that lie is playing a direct and personal part in the war effort. Every war agency spends much time and effort devising ways of stimulat- ing this spirit of patriotic participation. Without any spurring from Washington, the patriotic bean growers of West Stanislaus County figured out a plan to make a personal contribu- tion to the War production program. So they wrote a letter to the Maritime Commission saying: "You need scrap steel for ships and we farmers need an outlet for an overwhelming desire to help our country. We don't want to sell our scrap to junk dealers. We don't want anyone to make any money on it. We want to give it to tIC government, We are realy to make a country- wide drive to collect every available pound of scrap. We can promise to collect enough scrap to build a ship and we will deliver it to a mill and the mill can mail a check--earmarked as a contribution for more ships-to the U. S. Treasury. "We're cooperating in the 'Food for Victory Program,' we're organized on Civilian Defense, but what we really want to do is to get in on the offense." The response to this stirrinlg patriotic otfer was a polite bucket of cold water. In a letter to the farmers, hear Admiral How- ard L. Vickery, vice chairman of the Maritime Commission, gave a number of picayune reasons why the scrap offer could not be accepted. There wasn't one of these minor objections that port the plan but have neglected to notify the dean. For the others, I have no rationalizations to offer. It is only logical to conclude that apathy has not yet been defeated in these cases. SOME STUDENTS are reluctant to accept re- sponsibility-to sacrifice for things they have never gone without. Some will never compre- hend what democracy means until it is torn from their daily lives. With many it is just a matter of time to gain an understanding. Others don't know how to sacrifice (An excellent way is to show your appreciation to students in the trenches by staying home from the movie to- night and giving the 40c to the Bomber-Scholar- ship Fund so they can pay their lab fees in 1945 or whenever they come back.) Some object on the grounds that they or members of their or- gaiizations won't get' the scholarships. All this is indicative of the hangover from peacetime rugged individualism that has contaminated the American conscience and shattered the reality of a common fight for a common ideal. Even today as we slovenly walk from one bor- ing class to another, our friends and defenders are marching to the beat of drums toward the "rising sun"-thinking of their mission, not of their return. Some of them will not come back. STo the spirit in which they will have fought and died, we owe and want to give our humble devo- tion. But to those who return we owe tangible things. All of us who have bad eyes-too bad to see the Japs but OK for the movies-poor teeth, flat feet, or some other minor defect that keeps us from the army but not from the dances; all of us who write our thankful parents that the draft board has given us another deferment be- cause we happen to be in the type of work that war encourages rather than interrupts; all of us who are exempt from the conscription act because of age or sex, WE NEED TO GIVE. DEMOBILIZATION DAY will be a day of reck- oning for those of us who refuse to awaken to the need of sacrifice. How will we feel when we meet them coming back? Some of them will not be able to stand erect Some will be in wheelchairs, on crutches, crippled, blind, shell- shocked, hysterical wrecks of human bondage. How will we feel when they tell us the bombers didn't come, the ammunition failed to arrive, they were trapped without provisions? How are we going to feel when they ask us what WE have done? If we have done our part, we will feel like Americans. If we haven't, we will do our sacri- ficing then in the form of torture from our own consciences. We need to give until we feel some smallj measure of that sacrifice that is tearing flesh from bones over there. Those of us who only stand and wait are not serving. - Art Rude, '42 The Reply Churlish by TOUCHSTONE "1HEY CALL IT the Hopwood fever. In the old days you did not meet up with it in quite so violent a form. People went home for spring vacation with their typewriters, and had it, and when they came back all the people they knew who did not write thought they must have had a hell of a time because they looked so tired. But this year, if nothing else has been accom- plished worthy of note in the field of belles lettres, the brutal fact of writing has been brought home with a bang to Ann Arbor. For this year, the writers stayed in town. In addi- tion to the usual bull market on Swan Linen, the typists' Saturnalia. there was the strongly felt presence of the artist at work. People have observed, thank the good Lord, and that should excuse me from a bit of work which comes hard today. In short I am too punch diunk right now to hit a typewriter any longer, and I turn over a paragraph apiece to several of my more charitable colleagues. Mr. Emile Geld will speak first. T 1S ALI OVER. NOW, andth cre is really little more to say except possibly about the judges. In the little red pamphlet there is a list of te past temporary and pesent permanent board of judges; and they are just the sort of men I would have selected myself. All have sound scholastic backgrounds; all are known for their literary taste; and all have that tolerance for the neophyte that is so necessary in the Hop- woods. Win or lose, I'm all for the judges-now. :^1M THUMB SPEAKS: (quote) In 1926 I entered the University of Michigan specific- ally for the purpose of entering some of my prized manuscripts in the contests. Since my freshman year when I flunked ,English I and Geology II, I have not been eligible. A D or an E scattered here and there has always kept my novel, "They Also Serve Who Only," a tale of conflicting emotions on a tropical island, out, of the running. This year I am the one who is NOT entering the Hopwoods. Any compensation awards will be welcomed. Contact my publishers, "Tom Thumb Spicy Publishing Co., 820 East Kingsley, City. Unquote. *~ * * j WAS THERE WHEN IT IIAPPENElD for weeks i have been living in a small, dimly- lit room with a balding, frustrated genius who created by night create create create don't breatAic near me i am creating how can i create when you just stand there brushing your stupid yellowish teeth wine, wine, ol light the incense knave the mood is coming. * *w TIHE ABOVE anonymous contribution was CLASSIFIED DIRECTORY TUESDAY, APRIL 14, 1942 VOL. LII. No. 144 Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. No IicCs Student Tea: President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home toastudents Wednesday afternoon, April 15, from 4 to 6 o'clock. To Students Graduating at Com- mencement, May 30, 1942: The bur- den of mailing diplomas to members of the graduating class who do not personally call for their diplomas has grown until in 1940 it cost the University over $400 to perform this service. The rule has been laid down, as a result, that diplomas not called for at the Sports Building immediate- ly after the Commencement Exercis- es or at the University Business Of- fice within three business days after Commencement will be mailed C.O.D. The mailing cost will be approximate- ly 30c for the larger sized rolled diplomas and 45c for the book form. Will each graduate, therefore, be certain that the Diploma Clerk has his correct mailing address to insure delivery by mail. The U. S. Mail Service will, of course, return all diplomas which cannot -be delivered. Because of adverse conditions abroad, foreign students should leave ad- dresses in the United States, if pos- sible, to which diplomas may be' mailed. It is preferred that ALL diplomas be personally called for. Herbert G. Watkins, Assistant Secretary Notice to Property Owners: If you have purchased improved property' on a land contract and owe a bal- ance in the proximity of 60 per cent of the value of the property, the Investment Office; 100 South Wing of University hall would be glad to discuss the possibilities of refinan- cing your contract through the medi- um of a mortgage. There are advan- tages to be had in this manner of refinancing. Detroit Armenian Women's Club Scholarship: The Detroit Armenian Women's Club offers a scholarship for $100 for the year 1942-43 for which young men and women of Armenian parentage, living in the Detroit metropolitan district who demonstrate scholastic ability and possess good character and who have had at least one year of college work, are eligible. Further information may be obtained from me. Dr. Frank E Robbins, 1021 Angel hall Men's Residence [falls: Reappli- cation blanks for the Men's Resi- dence Halls are now available in the Office of the Dean of Students. Re- application for the Summer Term or the Fall and Spring Terms will be due on or before May 1. Sniors: The University sends out interesting and instructive informa- tion several times each year to all of the alumni. In order that you may receive these, please keep your cor- rect address at all times on file in the Alumni Catalog Office. If you are entering the U.S. Army or Navy Service, please advise the Catalog Office of such fact, giving a permanent address for the duration. Your co-operation in this will be greatly appreciated. Lunette Iadley, l)irector' Admission to School of Business Administration: Applications -for ad- mission to this School for the Sum- mer Term must be filed not later than May t by candidates for the B..A. degree. Applica ions for ad- mission 1 ider 'olimbini(' cirriculun must be filed not later than Aprill 20, in (le it (ollege ofl hi itera ture, Sci- ence, and the Arts. Application blanks and information regarding the B.B.A. program available in Room 108 Tappan Hall. 'o Students Whose Fathers are Rotarians: Each year the Ann Arbor Rotary Club gives a luncheon to the students whose fathers are members of Rotary International. The 1942 meeting will be held at the Michi- gan Union on Wednesday, April 29, at twelve noon. To make certain [that all sons and daughters of Ro- tarialcs receive invitations, we ask (1 1't very such sliitdeut now enrolled in l] wUniversity h'ave his 0r, her name, and Ann Arbor address, with Miss Veilma 1ouckes, Room 4, Uni- versity Hall, as soon as possible. Ann Arbor Rotary Club, Samuel T. Dana, President Important Federal Civil Service Examinations: Junior Professional Assistant, $2,000. Closing date April 27- -open to all college seniors gradu- ated by July 1, 1942, and to all col- le(e graduates. Eligibles are partic- ularly desired in Public Administra- tion, Business 'Analysis, Economics HilmoEconomics, Library Science aind Maill lhirtics through caltlusa This is the examination which Dr. O'Rourke of the Civil Service Com- mission mentioned when he was on the campus recently. GRIN AND BEAR IT - I ~ .71 ance, in Washington only. Closing date May 13. Notices giving complete require- ments are on file at the University Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall; office hours 9-12 and 2-4. Some of these files may be closed sooner than the date given if an excessive number of applications is received; therefore promptness in fil- ing will be an advantage. Uiversity Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information Academic Notices Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet tonight at 7:30 in Room 319 West Medical Building. Topic \will be "Recent Studies of the Chemistry of Lipids-Bacterial and Tissue Lipids." Concerts Concert: The 29th Annual Spring Concert of the University of Michi- gan Concert Band will be given tonight at 8:30 in Hill Audi- torium. William D. Revelli, Con- ductor, has arranged a program to include compositions by Cheru- bini, Dukas, Padilla, Enesco, Gould, Schuman, Harris and Sousa. Jo- hana Harris, wife of the composer- conductor, Roy Harris, will appear as soloist. The concert will be open to the general public. The Regular Tuesday Evening Re- corded Program in the Men's Lounge of the Rackham Building is cancelled this week because of the University Band Concert in Hill Auditorium. Exhibitions Exhibition: Museum of Art and Archaeology, The Maud Ledyard von Ketteler Collection of the University of Michigan, Rackham Galleries, April 9-22, Hours 2-5 and 7-10 p.m., European and Far Eastern Art Ob- jects. Lectures University Lectures on War Prob- lems: Dr. Haven Emerson, formerly Professor of Epidemiology, School of Medicine, Columbia University, and ,t trustee of the W. K. Kellogg Foundation, will lecture on the sub- iect, "Public Health in Wartime," uinder the auspices of the University War Board tonight at 8:00 in the Rackham Lecture Hall. The public is cordially invited. University Lecture: Dr. Luis Alber- to Sanchez, Professor of American and Peruvian Literature in the Uni- versity of San Marcos, Lima, Peru, will lecture on the subject, "La Tra- dicion y la Raza en la Literature His- ; pano-Americana," under the auspices of the Department of Romance Lan- guages, at 4:15 p.m. on Friday, April 17, in the Rackham Amphitheater. The public is cordially invited. Biochemical Lecture: Dr. C. F lluffman, Research Professor o Dairy Husbandry at Michigan State College, will discuss "The Role o1 Magnesium in Nutrition," at 11:00 a.m., Saturday, April 18, in the Eas Lecture Room of the Rackham Building. All interested are invited. Civilian Protection Lecture Course I Col. Owen J. Cleary, State Chief Ai Raid Warden, will deliver the second - lecture in the course, "Mutual Re * sponsibilities of Air Raid Warden - and Citizens," in Hill Auditorium a 8:00 p.m., Thursday, April 16. Th general public, as well as Universit students and staff members, is urge to attend. Events Today Mathematics Club will meet to this week the elimination rounds in the hall of fame group. All mem- bers are requested to attend. The WAA Board will have a supper meeting today at 5:45 p.m. at the WAB. Attention is compulsory. Phi Beta Kappa: Annual meet- ing today at 4:15 p.m. in 1018 Angell Hall. Members are urged to attend. Freshman Discussion Group: All Freshmen interested in a frank dis- cussion of religious and ethical prob- lems are invited to come to Lane Hall at 7:30 this evening. The topic of discussion will be: "Happiness- what is it, and is it the goal of life?" Gj'aduate Student-Senior Lun- cheon today at 12 noon in Room 3201 E. Engr. Bldg. Professor John S. Worley will speak on the subject, "Contracting wit4 the Government, a Complicated Procedure." Mr. J. H. Wishart, Research Direc- tor of the U.A.W. (CIO), will speak on "Organized Labor and Educa- tional Facilities in Defense Areas" at a meeting of the Michigan Uni- versity Chapter of the Progressive Librarians Council tonight at 7:45 in the East Conference Room of the Rackham Building. A discussion will follow. All who are interested are welcome. The Merit Committee will meet to- day at 3:15 p.m. Episcopal Students: Tea will be served for Episcopal students and their friends at Harris Hall this afternoon, 4:00 to 5:30. Christian Science Organization will meet tonight at 8:15 in the chapel of the Michigan League, Coming Events Junior Mathematics Society will meet on Wednesday, April 15, at 8:00 p.m., in 3201 A.H. Mr. Richard Frankel will talk on "Advanced Plane Geometry." Refreshments. The Anatomy Research Club will meet on Wednesday, April 15, at 4:30 p.m. in Room 2501 East Medical Bldg. Mr. N. B. Everett will present a paper entitled: "Observational and Experimental Evidence Relating to Sthe Originand Differentiation of Germ Cells in Mice." Tea will be served in Room 3502 from 4:00 to 4:30 p.m. All interested are cordially invited. I Psychological Journal Club: Mr. Robert Waldrop will discuss "Prob- lems Involved in Constitutional Stud- ies," on Thursday, April 16, at 7:30 p.m.hin the East Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Refresh- ments will be served. All who are interested are cordially invited. The Cercle Francais will meet on Wednesday, April 15, at 8:00 p.m., at f the Michigan League. All members are urged to attend. f - - -- Phi Delta Kappa membership t meetings will be held Wednesday and I Friday evenings at 7:30 in the Rack- ham Building, West Council Room. The Friday meeting will include some general business. r Ushering Committee for Theater - Arts: Ushers are needed for the Art s Cinema League movie, "The Man t Who Seeks the Truth," being given e April 16, 17, and 18. The sign-up Y sheet is posted on the bulletin board d in the Undergraduate Office of the League. Please sign up as soon as possible. German Roundtable, International - Center. The German Roundtable, "How you expect to get married and keep house is beyond me, ' Alicia-you can't cook, and you wouldn't know the first thing to do about an incendiary bomb on the roof!" By Lichty