THE MIIChIGAN DAILY 0 Recreation Jobu xamrinations To Begin Soon Positions As Life Guards, Playleaders Are Open For Student Applicants Examinations for summer em3loy- ment with the Detroit Recreation De- partment for both men and women will be held on Saturday, April 18, and Saturday, April 25, in Ann Ar- bor. Life guards, swimming instructors, playleaders and recreation instruc- tors are needed. Titles of the posi- tions open to men, with the rates of pay, are: life guard (pool and beach), 65 cents to 90 cents an hour; swim- ming instructor, $1860 per year; playleader, $5.50 to $6 per day; and junior recreation instructor, $1500 per year. Open to women are swim- ming instructor, playleader and jun- ior recreation instructor. The rates of pay are the same as for men. The present municipal budget calls for salaried positions receiving a ten per cent increase in pay after July 1. Women applicants and men apply- rng for life guard positions must be residents of Detroit. Other male po- sitions are open to any male resident of the United States. All applicants, however, must be United States citi- zens and come within the age limits of 18 to 40 years. Life guard and swimming instruc- tor positions require a current senior red cross life saving and water safety certificate. Age and residence re- strictions do not apply to soldiers, sailors, marines or those formerly in =:uch service. Applications may be obtained by writing to the Detroit Civil Service Commission, 15th floor, Water Board Building, 735 Randolph Street, De- troit, Mich. The examinations on April 18 are for playleader and rec- reation instructor, Co-Op To Hold Forum The Intercooperative Council will sponsor a forum on "Cooperatives in the War Effort" at 3 p.m. today in Rochdale House. The speakers in- clude Marvin Lerner, '43, George Wills, '43E, Dave Tyner, '44, and Betty Zunk, '42. A buffet supper is to be served. The public is invited. PERMANENTS, FINGE R WAVES Let us make you look "pretty as a picture" by giving you a t new permanent, or creating a new hair style for you. All you have to do is call 9616 for an appointment, and we'll take care c r of the rest. U TINTS A SPECIALTY BLUEBIRD BEAUTY SliOP 0 5 Nickels Arcade X010< 4=>0 =>0 0 x<= =>( Lutheran Groups Will Observe Annversaries At Banquet Today Luther College Registrar Will Give. Talk, Student A CapellaChoir To Sing By BETTY AWREY Not one, but two anniversaries will be celebrated by the Lutheran Stu- dent Foundation in conjunction with the Lutheran Student Association on campus, with an anniversary banquet at 6 p.m. today in the Union. Exactly 25 years ago, the local Lutheran Student Association began to work with Lutheran students at the University when Rev. and Mrs. E. C. Stellhorn and members of Zion Lutheran church opened its facilities to the students. Since then, the work has been carried on continuously, and for the past 20 years has been jointly sponsored by Zion and Trin- ity Lutheran churches in Ann Arbor. The 20th anniversary of the Na- tional Lutheran Student Organiza- tion, founded at Toledo, 0., is being observed today throughout America. One of the leading denominational student organizationsinrthe United States and Canada, more than 250 active, associations are found on uni- versity and college campuses. Prof. Rolfe Haatvedt, former Uni- versity student and now registrar and teacher in classics at Luther College, Hill Recitals StartTodayI Organ Programs To Open With FriedaOp't Halt Miss Frieda Op't Holt, director of music at the Zion Lutheran Church and a member of the School of Music theory faculty, will give the first of three Sunday afternoon organ re- citals at 4:15 p.m. today at Hill Auditorium. Miss Op't Holt will play Prelude and Fugue in C minor, and two tran- scriptions of Instrumental move- ments from the Cantatas "I Stand With One Foot in the Grave" and the choral-finale from "Jesus Took Un- to Himself the Twelve" by Bach, Pre- lude by Schmitt, Scherzo by Whit- lock, Passacaglie by Bingham and a Sonata on the Ninety-Fourth Psalm by Reubke. Next Sunday Mary McCall Stub- bins will present the second recital, and the third will be given on April 26 by Clair Coci. Six University Graduates Serve In American Army News has been received by T. Haw- ley Tapping, secretary of the Alumni Association that Lieut.-Col. R. V. Bird, '18DDS, Captains Clay Bullis, '12DDS, Douglas Crowe, '35DDS, Jos- eph Hellman, '26DDS, Maj. Robert Melcher, '18DDS, and Capt. S. W. Vander Merwe, '22DDS, are on active service with the South African medi- cal corps. Lieut. A. W. Elksteen, 'l8DDS, former member of the same corps, is now a war prisoner in Ger- many. Ia., will give the principal address, and Louis Dyll, Detroit attorney, will serve as toastmaster. Under the di- rection of Miss Marian Leininger, the Lutheran Student A Capella Choir will sing. Prof. Paul Kauper, a member of the Law School faculty, with Mr. Melvin Anderson of Grand Rapids and Mr. Walter Grosshaus are mem- bers of the committee on arrange- ments. Dorothy Wiedman, '42A, Bet- ty Partenfelder, '42, Betty Haas, '43, and Grant Hagen, '42E, are repre- senting the Association on the com- mittee. Band Concert Will Feature Modern Music i 1 t t t 3 i 1 l' r 1 1 1 Roy To In Harris Compositions Be Special Attraction Annual Presentation (Continued from Page 1) C to represent contemporary American music at the International Confer-s ence of Musicologists in New York int 1939. No less talented, Mrs. Harris is ak Victor red seal recording artist, and has served on the faculty of the Juil-I liard School of Music summer session. Her appearance Tuesday will be her first formal appearance in Ann Ar- bor.< In addition to the work of the Harris family, the University Band will reinforce its contemporary pre- sentations with Morton Gould's "Guaracha," also written for the Uni- versity Band; William Schuman's "Newsreel," Georges Enesco's "Rou- manian Rhapsody" and Paul Dukas'[ "The Sorcerer's Apprentice." Other compositions to be played on the evening's program will be "Over- ture to Anacreon" by Cherubini, "Ele Relicario" by Padilla; and Sousa's immortal "Stars and Stripes For- ever." No admission charge is being made for the concert, Stuart A. Park, '42,1 band business manager, has an-1 nounced, and no seat reservations willE be made." Norris Is New Congress Head Continued from Page 1 retary, organization chairman and a member of the student welfare com- mittee. Frazier is a transfer student who has been active in the West Quad. A resident of Winchell House, he was treasurer for his dorm during the school year of 1941-42 and a member of the Winchell House Judiciary Council during 1940-41. In Con- gress, he was chairman of the schol- arship committee this year. Wohl, new executive secretary, is a member of Congress' executive body as an elected rooming house repre- sentative. He has worked on vari- ous committees throughout the pres- ent school year. Inductees' Letters Will Be Featured In New Gargoyle In tune with the times-that's Gargoyle's April issue, which will be at the disposal of the campus on Thursday. For the benefit of those who have left and of those who were left be- hind, "Garg" offers on its pages a section devoted to the University's inductees. Letters from prominent figures who have deserted the cam- pus for the camps tell of life in uni- form. Early morning risers in Ann Arbor, those who stumble blindly to eight o'clocks, fighting off the desire to curl up on a convenient doorstep, should find consolation in the tales told by these men. Supplementing the letters is a car- toon feature presenting the vast dif- ferences which separate University life from that in the Army. PLAY or WORK /j 1" -ex ROTC Team Places Fifth TMeet Five seems to be the lucky-or unlucky-number of the University ROTC Rifle Team this semester, as the squad captured a fifth place in both the Big Ten Match and the Hearst Trophy Match, meanwhile taking a sixth place in the Sixth Corps Area firing done during the same period. Firing a score of 915 in the Hearst match, the tniversity first team was supported by ninth and sixteenth places taken by other University squads, turing in scores of 887 and 857 respectively. Michigan Tech won the trophy. In spite of a closing victory over the University of Wisconsin by a score of 1845 to 1833, Michigan was credited with six wins and three losses in the Big Ten firing, while the Uni- versity of Minnesota went on to win the title with eight victories against only one loss. University of Illinois riflemen swept to a victory in the Sixth Corps Area matches, while Michigan's score of 3,602 brought a poor sixth in that competition. Michigan Tech, winner of the Hearst Match, placed third in this match. Richard O. Jones, '43E, fired a score of 182 to lead his teammates in the Hearst firing, while Bob Ehrlich, '43E, fired a high 371 to take the honors in the Corps Area match and Jones fired 370 to place high in the Big Ten closer against Wisconsin. The Rifle Team is captained by Vorne C. Kennedy, '42E, while Lieut. L. W. Peterson of the military science department is coach. Engineers ought For Duty In Nwvy Qualified graduates and members of the class graduating in May with a degree of electrical engineering or physics, are being sought by the Navy for special duty in connection with electronics, radio and communication work. Such graduates, whether they have or have not specialized in communi- cation, may apply for ensignships in the Naval Reserve through Capt. R. E. Cassidy, professor of Naval Sci- ence and Tactics, North Hall. WVPB To Mfeet In letroit DETROIT, April 11.-UP)---A mass transportation program for the De- troit area concerned in the arms pro- duction effort is one objective of a conference scheduled here Monday by the War Production Board. Rep- resentatives of thevarious govern- mental agencies dealing with the production of military equipment have been invited to the meeting. ___ __ flfRILYfl ...1 £~ve4 fl SUMMER DRESSE-S FIRST SHIPMENTS ARE NOW IN'. Frocks that will be worn from now until late fall. Remember that selections of styles, colors, and fabrics are better now than they will be later. Our prices, as usual, are as low as consideration for quality will permit. to $19.75 Warden-Civilian Duties Will Be Cleary Topic Mutual responsibilities of air raid wardens and civilians will be dis- cussed at 8 p.m. Thursday in Hill Auditorium by Michigan's chief air raid warden, Lieut.-Col. Owen J. Cleary. The lecture is jointly sponsored by the University War Board and the County Defense Council and is open to students, faculty members and townspeople. Augmenting the lecture will be a 25-minute moving picture, "Ready on the Home Front." Prof. Baxter Will Publish Book First announcement concerning In it will be discussed such topics the publishing of his latest book, as the factors responsible for the "Pathology in Forest Practice," was occurrence of abnormal conditions received yesterday by Prof. Dow V. both in living trees and wood prod- Baxter, instructor of silvics and for- ucts. est pathology in the School of For- Professor Baxter is amply quali- estry and Conservation. fied to discuss such a weighty sub- This book, which is a practical ject, for in addition to being a high- treatment designed to provide a ly trained forester and plant path- working knowledge of the conditions ologist, he has had many years of which cause forest disease and of teaching and research experience and practical measures to combat its in- also extensive field experience in the cidence, will appear commercially United States, Alaska, Canada and soon after the end of this semester. Europe. _: : } =r :, } ? II S k <" x ¢ w fi ;z x f; :.' 1 ;n' fu' , . ,: . i ,: is :a f S yy },4 4 Y 4 The tI1ARJ LYN Sho rre 529-531 E. Liberty S Michigan Theatre Bldg. 3 I- I Make DINING Helena- Rubinstein s gives your eyes fascination with . .. Your May Fes tival Guests a Pleasure by making your RESERVATIONS NOW at the Michigan League Main Dining Room. . J APOR0f mascara t P jl ' .. w -} , q \. , . t \, f Waterproof Mascara will make your lashes look longer, darker, more luxuriant instantly! Walk in the rain, swim, get "smoke in your eyes".. this revolutionary new cream mascara will neither smudge nor run. Made of finely textured, adherent oils. Black, brown, LUNCHEONS from 12:00 to 1:30 P. M. DINNERS from 6:00 to 7:30 P.M. FOR RESERVATIONS, Phone 23-25-1 blue. Helena Rubinstein Wa-rplo" I Sppcial Set with Waterproof Mascara, Herbal Eyelid Oil and Eyelash Comb, 150. II II