Weather Little Chaange Y itt aitl Eitorial Bataan Defenders' Heroism Praised VOL. LIL No. 143 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUTDAY, APRIL 12, 1942 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS New V-1 Program Nois Fills I . l In Naval Training To Be Given Here Navy Department University As For Enlistment Chooses Center Plan if i Post As Head Of Congress John Frazier Is Appointed Secretary; Albert Wohi Is Executive Secretary New President Is Active On Campus Congress, Independent Men's Or- ganization, reached into its bag of candidates for office and yesterday came up with two Michigan boys to head activties for the coming year. Norton Norris, '43, of Detroit, was appointed president and John Fraz- ier, '43, of Dearborn, was named sec- Underclassmen Will BeEligible By HOMER SWANDER Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox yesterday notified President Ruthven that the University has been desig- nated one of the nation's centers for the new V-1 program. Under this plan freshmen and sophomores between the ages of 17 and 19 will be given the opportunity to enlist in the Navy and at the same time continue their college education with the possibility of qualifying as a Naval Officer within two years. After the enrollees-to be desig- nated Apprentice Seamen on the in- active list-have successfully com- Detailed instructions for enlist- ing in Class V-1 of the Naval Re- serve will appear in The Daily as soon as they are available. pleted approximately one-and-a-half years of regular college work they will be required to take a compre- hensive examination prepared by the Navy. Those who rank sufficiently high in the examination and who meet the physical requirements then have their choice of two Naval programs- V-5 '(Aviation Cadet) or V-7 (Deeak and Engineering Officers). May Finish School Year Volunteers for the former will be permitted to finish at least the see- on calendar year of college work and will then be called to active duty to receive training for their Jobs as com- missioned officers in the Naval Air Corps.. Those students who choose the V-7 program are to continue in the Uni- versity until they have received their bachelor's degree. Upon graduation they will be ordered to active service for training as a Deck or Engineer- ing Officer. V-1 trainees who do not qualfy for either of the officer's training pro- grams will be called to active duty as Apprentice Seamen at the conclu- sion of their second calendar year of academic work. Any student who fails to pass his college work or drops out of school may also be ordered to active duty by the Navy at any time. Mathematics Required While the basic scholastic program ordinarily followed by University un- derclassmen is not interfered with all the V-I candidates will be required to take certain elementary courses in algebra, plane trigonometry, plane geometry and general physics. Each student will also be required to take a minimum of four-and-a- half hours rigorous physical training per week. Designed to develop rug- gedness and endurance on the part of the trainees, the Navy terms the course a "hardening program." The suggested plan includes three one-and-a-half hour periods per week, each period to be divided into two parts. The first 45 minutes is to be devoted to calisthenics, obstacle racing, mass combat activities and rough and tumble drills. The second part would include competitive ac- tivities such as boxing, wrestling, track, swimming, handball, touch football, soccer and speedball. New Freshmen Accepted ' The Navy has also announced that qualified high school seniors who pre- sent credentials of their acceptance for enrollment in the freshman class of the University may be accepted for immediate enlistment in Class V-1. Both University and Navy officials have emphasized that persons enter- ing upon V-1 training are performing a service to the country. In his tele- gram to President Ruthven, Secre- tary Knox pointed out that "young men who apply for enlistment and training under this plan . . . will be serving the nation if they continue their college courses no less than those ... alumni who are already in active service." Four Will Be Inducted Into AlphaOmega Alpha One member of the faculty of the Fishbein Talk' Will Consider War Medicine. Dr. Morris Fishbein, editor of the Journal of the American Medical Society and well-known writer on medical subjects, will speak on "American Medicine and the War" at a public lecture at 8:30 p.m. to- morrow in the Rackham Lecture Hall. Noted for his work in medical or- ganizations, upholding the national medical societies, Dr. Fishbein has been a medical journalist since 1915. Among his books are "Mirrors of Medicine," "The Human Body and its Care," "Shattering Health Super- stitions," "Syphilis" and "Your Diet and Your Health." A graduate of Rush Medical Col- lege in 1912, he has since contributed articles to such magazines as the Pictorial Review, American Mercury, and the Saturday Evening Post. He also has written popular articles on medicine for the NEA syndicate. Dr. Fishbein's lecture, on a subject of interest both to the medical pro- fession and the general public, will be given under the auspices of Alpha Omega Alpha, honorary medical fra- ternity. New Chemists Needed To Fill War Positions University Will Attempt To Alleviate Shortage ,With Further Training The demand in essential war in- dustries for chemists and chemical engineers-two of the most impor- tant units of our production army- will far exceed the supnly in 1942 and succeeding years. This year alone from 2.000 t:o ,.000 more trained men in the field will be} needed than are to be graduated or otherwise available, according to the latest figures of the American Chem- ical Society. In addition, the Na- tional Roster of Scientific and Tech- nical Personnel indicates that while there are 10,000 chemistry majors now in American colleges and uni- versities, many times that number will be needed in the near future. In spite of this appalling short- age, a recent survey shows that the output of chemists from the nation's educational institutions is not in- creasing-in fact, has actually de- creased since last year. The University has taken steps to help in alleviating the shortage by including sufficient courses this sum- mer to allow students to plan a satis- factory program. The longer Sum- mer Term will include a practically complete program for undergradu- Turn to Page 2, Col. 2 Countrywide China Relief DriveBegins Ruthven, Fowler To Lead Ann Arbor Campaign; Local Goal Is $3,000 Nationally and locally, the United China relief campaign will begin to- day under the combined auspices of nine nation-wide organizations. The drive for $7,000,000 from the nation was introduced to the public yesterday with a national radio net- work program. A message from Pres- ident Roosevelt was read aind Wen- dell Willkie, honorary chairman of the campaign, spoke. Fourfold in purpose the drive wiU secure funds for relief and rehabili- tation in China, attempt to reassure the Chinese people of staunch Ameri- can friendship, acquaint Americans with China's problems and signifi- cance and unify aid-to-China efforts. All-Inclusive Aid Pledged Aid to beseiged, embattled China will include direct relief of food, clothing and shelter, medical aid, care of needy children, industrial ex- pansion and reconstruction and the training of skilled workers and lead- ers. Locally the quota for the drive is $3,000. Honorary chairman of the Ann Arbor China Relief Committee will be President Alexander G. Ruth- ven, and R. Earl Fowler, local banker, will act as executive chairman. Campus solicitations among wo- men students will be handled by a committee headed by Miss Ethel Mc- Cormick, social director of women. Other members of the committee will be Natalie Mattern, '45, sorority collections, and Lorraine Judson, '43, women's dormitories and League Houses. Carrothers To Head Drive Head of the Bureau of Cooperation with Educational Institutions, Prof. George E. Carrothers, will head the drive among faculty members. Dr. A. C. Kerlikowske will direct solici- tations at the University Hospital. University drives will be assisted by the Chinese students. They will speak at campus and local meetings for the campaign. Collection boxes for contributions will be placed in various parts of the campus to reach students who have not been solicited from other sources. McMahon To Keynote Michigan Post-War Conference Friday Defenders Of Corregidor Keep Up Stubborn Fight; In dia Rej ects British Plan NORTON NORRIS retary. They will be formally induct- ed to office at a later date. Also named to fill a senior post was Albert Wohl,.'43,.of Middleburgh, N.Y. He will be new executive secre- tary of the organization. Detroit Free Press reporter and legman last summer. Norris was Win- ter Parley personnel chairman on Pres. Ruthven Will Speak; Three Panels Scheduled For Student Discussion Dr. Francis McMahon-chairman of the Indiana Fight For Freedom Committee and a favorite target of Father Charles Coughlin-will key- note the Michigan Post-War Con- ference scheduled for Friday and Saturday. Accompanying Dr. McMahon on the speakers' platform at the general session at 8 p.m. Friday in the Rack- ham Auditorium will be President, Ruthven and Prof. J. Donald Kings- ley, editor, author and- member of the political science department of Antioch College. Sponsored by the Michigan Post- War Council, the Conference will continue with three discussion panels at 2 p.m. Saturday in the Union. A graduate student in economics, poli- tical science or sociology will lead the discussion in each panel, and a fac- ulty man is scheduled to be present to offer factual information when it is needed. Famous Internationalist Dr. McMahon-professor of phil- osophy at Notre. Dame University since 1933-haslong been one of the nation's foremost internationalists. In addition to being state chairmnan of Fight For Freedom, he was one of the founders of Freedom House and is vice-president of the Catholic Association for International Peace. He has gained nation-wide atten- tion as one of the most out-spoken Catholics allied against Father Charles Coughlin. In retaliation, ECoughlin has frequently attacked. him in his newspaper, "Social Just- ice." Dr. McMahon will speak Friday on "The Fight For Freedom," in which he "will attempt to combine in the right proportions the need for win- ning the war and for winning the, peace." Kingsley To Speak The other out-of-town speaker, Professor Kingsley, is also a well- known liberal and has constantly urged the necessity of planning now for the peace which is to come. Editor of the Antioch Review, he is also co-author of the recently pub- lished "Strategy of Democracy." His talk at the Conference will be some- what along this same line, as he is scheduled to speak on "The Strategy of the War and the Peace." The three discussion panels on Saturday will consider the following questions: 1. Can we establish world-wide economic democracy? 2. Can international politics be or- ganized to safeguard the peace of the future? 3. Can we overcome social and psy- chological insecurity? Directed by a qualified graduate student in each field, the panels are intended to allow student discussion of the ideas expressed in the talks of the keynoters andany ideas of their own which apply to post-war prob- lems. A comprehensive bibliography on planning for the peace will be dis- tributed by the Council at the meet- ing. This is in line with its expressed purpose of fostering study and dis- cussion of post-war problems. On the back of the programs of the keynoters and any ideas of their vided for those interested in cooperat- ing with the Council in future activi- ties on the campus. Present plans include regular meetings of a lecture- discussion nature every two weeks. Student Senate *Nominations 'To Open Soon Election To Decide Entire Person'nel; Petitions Due During Week In Union Michigan's student body will have its first chance to pump some life- blood into a resurrected Student Sen- ate with the opening of candidates' petitioning Wednesday through Mon- day from 3 to 5 the Union. Twenty-five signatures plus one dollar registration fee are required of all prospectiveaspirants for the nine posts open. The election April 24 will see an entirely new Senate as none of the present members are considered incumbent. Ballot positions are open to men and women students in every Univer- sity school and college, according to Harold Klein, '42, chairman of the Senate elections committee. Eligi- bility cards are required. This election will be the first sen- atorial contest since a complete con- stitutional reorganization plan was adopted. It will choose a nine-mem- ber Senate instead of the previous body of 30. Many campus quarters look to the forthcoming senate election as a final barometer of student interest in rep- resentative government. The previous senate had voted its reorganization after much criticism of certain ineffi- ciencies basic in a body as large as 30 members. The Senate to be selected will be a policy-making body without any of the committee functions which have 'hampeyed past campus solons. A special administrative unit, respon- sible to the Senate, will be set up under the new constitution to per- form these functions. JOHN FRAZIER campus last year. He is also secre- tary of the University Junior Na- tional Education Association, secre- tary of the Pilgrim Fellowship, is on the staff of the International Cen- ter and is a member of the University Naval Affairs Club. In Congress, he was recording sec- Turn to Page 6, Col. 3 Faculty Drive Aims To Help1 SovietRelief Under the direction of Prof. John F. Shepard, of the psychology de- partment, a two-week drive will be initiated tomorow by the faculty Rus- sian War Relief division. Funds will be utilized to purchase medical and surgical supplies for Russia, including anesthesia masks, dressing and instrument sterilizers, gauze, wound clips, hospital field tents and certain vital drugs. Clo- thing and reference books will sup- plement the RWR supplies. Letters written by Professor Shep- ard will be sent tomorrow morning to all faculty members, asking for contributions. Donations will be ac- cepted by Prof. Leroy Waterman, chairman of the Department of Ori- ental Languages and treasurer of the local RWR group, and may be paid in one sum or according to an in- stallment plan advocated by Profes- sor Shepard. The local RWR organization, head- ed by Prof. Stanley Dodge, of the geography department, is composed of three individual units, known as the student, faculty and townspeo- ple RWR groups, led by Harry Stutz, Professor Shepard, and Mrs. Lila Pargment of the Russian language department, respectively. Dr. Emersoii To Give Talk Japanese Troops, Planes Force Assault On Cebu; CorregidorUnder Fire British Withdrawal Endangers Burma By RICHARD MCMURRAY (Associated Press War Editor) The battle-stained men of Corregi- dor fought valiantly on last night while the Japanese extended their invasion of the Philippines with cost- ly landings on Cebu, and in India the Allied defense problem was compli- cated enormously by the rejection of a British offer of dominion status. The thunder of battle came even closer to India when the British defenders of next-door Burma with- drew to 58 miles north of Prome, and the Japanese advanced over the bodies of 2,000 of their dead against the Chinese armies deployed along the Sittang front, Australia was quiet, and the sea and air action in the Bay of Bengal appeared to have died down after punishing blows to the British Navy and to the enemy's sky force. Submarine Scores A United States submarine cruising the western Pacific sank a 7,000 ton merchant ship and a submarine cha- ser and scored hits on a 4,000 ton freighter. Bombers and artillery, based around Manila Bay and on Bataan Peninsula where the epic defense of four months ended Thursday, hurled shell after shell upon the two mile square fortress of Corregidor and its nearby strongholds. Despite the in- tensity of the bombardments, te damage was small and the csualties among the hungri and weary heroea were slight. Corregidor's big guns duelled with enemy shore batteries. The Japanese insisted their war- ships had joined in the shelling, but this was unconfirmed as was a Japa- nese claim of the capture of six boat- loads of United States troops fleeing Bataan. Fate Unknown Whether the U.S. and Filipino troops on the rocky peninsula had surrendered in exhaustion or whether some had escaped to harry the over- whelming number of Japanese in guerrilla warfare was not known. The landing at several points on Cebu, a narrow island well to the south of Luzoh, were made by 12,000 enemy troops protected by dive- bombers and naval vessels. Defend- ing troops inflicted frightful casual- ties and held the invaders in small pockets. The Japanese landed tanks to continue their drive in the moun- tainous island. The Japanese said they had captured burning Cebu, sec- ond city of the Philippines. An unspecified number of dog- tired soldiers and nurses joined the 3,500 marines and sailors evacuated to Corregidor in hair-taising escapes from Bataan. Some swam through the shark-infested waters. Jag Flag Flies The Japanese claimed their flag was planted on the southernmost tip of Bataan, the defense of which had caused one Japanese commander to commit suicide in frustration. The enemy also reported the attempted surrender of the Bataan forces, but his story lacked details as to numbers and time. Bataan's defense had not been in vain. Manila Bay-finest harbor in the western Pacific-still was de- nied to the Japanese fleet by Corregi- dor. One battleship and six other large vessels had been sunk and more than 200 planes, many of them large bombers, had been shot from the aid. Unspecified thousands of Japa- nese soldiers had been killed and huge amounts of Japanese materiel had been destroyed or used up. Quarterdeck Announces List Of New Members The Quarterdeck Society of mar- ine engineers and naval architects, announces the following new mem- bers elected to the organization: James Bourquin, '42E, William Brown, '42E, Walter Cowles, '42E, Frank Ford, '42E, Robert Getts, '42E, Indian Student Says New Offer Of English Cloaks Imperialismi i I - i , HOPWOOD ENTRIES All manuscripts to be entered in the amiual Avery Hopwood liter- ary competition must be submit- ted before 4:30 p.m. tomorrow in Room 3221 Angell hail. ,i University Band Under Revelli Will Pr1esent Coneert Tuesday