T HE MICHIGAN AILY SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1942 ------------ Ul r Mie14ttau &i Washington Merry-Go-Round By DREW PEARSON and ROBERT S. ALLEN Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.00, by mail $5.08. REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL ADVERTIaNG BY National Advertising Service, Inc. College Publishers Representative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO . BOSTON * LOS ANGELES * SAN FRANCISCO Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Emile Gel6 Alvin Dann David Lachenbruc Jay McCormick Hal Wilson . Arthur Hill. Janet Hiatt. Grace Miller Virginia Mitchell Daniel H. Huyett James B. Collins Louise Carpenter Evelyn Wright Editorial Staff * . . . . Managing Editor Editorial Director ,,h . .City Editor . Associate Editor . . . . . Sports Editor . . . Assistant Sports Editor * . . . Women's Editor . Assistant Women's Editor . . . . . Exchange Editor Business Stafff . .Business Manager , , Associate Business Manager . Women's Advertising Manager Women's Business Manager NIGHT EDITOR: GLORIA NISHON The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. New Responsibility Of French Navy. .0 B RITISH air and surface craft fran- tically scoured the gray North Sea yesterday in search of three Nazi warships, free again to raid United Nations shipping, after they routed the British at Brest, cutting down 42 planes and probably sinking or seriously damag- ing "several" destroyers. With the complete collapse of Singapore per- haps only hours away, the audacious escape of the two battleships and a cruiser from the chan- nel port may well assume far more serious pro- portions than those of a major British naval disaster. Now, with the battleships Scharnhorst and Gneisenau and the heavy 10,000-ton cruiser Prinz Eugen unpocketed and steaming once again on the high seas, possible Vichy naval collaboration with the Axis becomes at once more possible and ominous. French Admiral Darlan, who one day expects to be "Admiral of Europe," has long been a warm friend of the Axis and is considered by many as capable of a coup-d'etat to seize the yet-strong and well- manned French fleet. TO the French seamen-from the deck offi- cers to mess boys-we of the United Nations must look for help in a common cause. For should the French and Nazi fleets be effica- ciously combined, an all-out attack in the Far Eastern theatre, through the Japanese-held Singapore sea lanes, could force anti-Axis fight- ers back to the southernmost islands of the East Indies or to Australia.- Possibilities of collaboration are suggested by the recent Vichy aid to the Axis in Libya during the last three months when five French ships ferried 12,000 tons of wheat, 5,500 tons of motor fuel, 2,000 trucks and cars and 1,500 tons of olive oil to Gen. Rommel's Libyan forces. Bungling, carelessness, complacency-what- ever the reason the Nazi ships effected their sneak from "closely guarded" Brest, it will have to be offset by the loyalty of the average French seamen should Hitler pull a naval squeeze play to help his Nipponese ally in the Far East. - Will Sapp Role Of GOP In War Time . . THE REPUBLICAN PARTY had bet- ter carefully consider its wartime position. By a bungling policy, it might well sound its own death knell. Since the 1940 presidential election, Repub- licans have faced a crisis. Divided over party leadership and foreign policy and weakened from lack of federal patronage, they looked forward to a loss in prestige and popular sup- port. Discounting Mr. Willkie, the traditional Republican stand on foreign affairs has been isolationist. The now-obvious fallacy of such a policy hurt the party's prestige and cut down the number of its followers. Nevertheless, it is true that the Republican Party is a force to be reckoned with in national politics. In the last election it won the highest number of votes in its history although losing the election. Its local organizations are still strong and can function effectively. Its whole future hinges on the success of its wartime de- cisions. The brass ring, good for one free ride on The Washington Merry-Go-Round, goes this week to Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek, who is making history by his visit to India. WASHINGTON-The visit of Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek to the capital of India is one of the most significant in the history of an- cient Asia. Perhaps not since the days of Kubla Khan has the leader of one great Asiatic race totalling 400 million people visited the capital of another great Asiatic race, numbering 300 million people. A few years ago, the British would have viewed such a visit with misgiving, even horror. For in the past they have desired no unity between the brown and yellow races of Asia. However, there is extremely significant diplo- macy behind the trip of the Chinese general- issimo to India. First, it foreshadows a new route for Chinese supplies through India; for if the Burma Road should be closed, China must have a new supply route or quit fighting. Second, it means that China is going to play a greater part in the Far Eastern war. It hasn't leaked out yet, but Chiang Kai-shek had to use hard-boiled diplomacy to win all this. In fact he almost threatened to pull an Aguinaldo and join the Japanese. China Is Rebuffed HERE is the inside story of what happened. . Shortly after General Wavell was appointed commander-in-chief of the Far Eastern forces, Chiang Kai-shek offered him three Chinese army corps to fight in either Burma or Singapore or both. However, Wavell turned a cold shoulder. No explanation was given, but the Chinese got the impression that the British Indian Government had political reasons for not wanting Chinese troops involved. After this rebuff, Foreign Minister T. V. Soong, stationed in Washington, slyly suggested that it might be good strategy for the United States to employ the same strategy as the British-namely, let other people do the fighting for them in the East. Just as the English were using Indian, Malay and Anzac troops, Dr. Soong suggested, the United States might use Chinese troops. And he guaranteed that his countrymen were itching to fight. All they needed was a little help in get- ting artillery, machine guns, airplanes and tanks. Soong pointed out that China had an army of veterans seasoned by five years of fighting. By False Economy In FSA Abolition ... O UR ECONOMIZING SENATORS who make up the Byrd Economy Com- mittee. are determined to save the taxpayers' money during this war. One of the more con- venient ways, they have found, is to eliminate the Farm Security Administration, a New Deal agency which is wasting its money on the re- habilitation and relief of tenant farmers. Senator Byrd, the chairman of the committee, and his colleagues, Senators Glass and McKellar, all of whom are from the South, were the leaders in convincing the committee to turn a majority report advocating abolition of the FSA. Ob- viously, even the mere allegation that the FSA had paid poll taxes for some of its people would sour these public-spirited money savers. One of the main levers for the dislodgement of the FSA has been the charge that the loans in- cluded sufficient sums to bring the tenant farm- ers back to the republic by the payment of poll taxes. But the committee might have consider- able difficulty in getting its mass of unsworn evidence accepted in an impartial court. WITHOUT EVEN the most essential proofs of mismanagement, the committee has decided to try to eliminate an agency whose potentialities and past work are eminently worthy of support. The only fault found by the committee which can be proved is that the FSA has given enough in loans to allow payment of the poll taxes. Th tortuous processes of senatorial thought have evolved the thesis that it is a terrible crime to allow underprivileged groups to vote. It does not speak highly to say that the Federal gov- ernment must intervene in state matters to ex- tend the franchise. Nor is it commendable that the senators from the poll tax states must oppose for their own political good the extension of the vote. Now that the committee has found an excel- lent way to save money we can go on to build more battleships which, no doubt, we will man with the tall, strong sons of the tenant farmers. Another benefit to the nation might come about in the increased consumption of corn meal and pork side which should result from the low standard of living the South will be able to maintain. Perhaps now that the committee has accomplished an eminent piece of work to save us money, they will find new and fertile grounds to continue their excellent economizing. Leon Gordenker gressmen to play petty politics. While they were no more to blame for the long fiasco over price control than some of their esteemed Democratic colleagues, another such situation must not oc- cur again. Indecision is damaging both to na- tional morale and to the morale of our Allies. President Roosevelt has called for unity in Congress. He does not want a rubber stamp Con- gress. He asks only the relaxation of strict po- litical divisions and political animosities. No one denies the Republican Party the right of criti- cism suggestion. OF COURSE, under no circumstances must arming them, he said, the United States could get started in the Far East without waiting to train its own men. Also the United States could save the long haul of troops half way around the world to the East Indies. However, when U. S. military men sat down and began to figure that a soldier in the field (at least an American soldier) needs 100 pounds of supplies and ammunition daily, they didn't see how they could supply a very big Chinese army. So they gave the Chinese a discouraging answer. Chiang Threatens Peace IT WAS ABOUT THIS TIME that diplomatic dynamite exploded in the Far East. In the first place, Secretary of the Navy Knox popped off with his statement about Hitler being our chief enemy-which made the Chinese think we were willing to appease Japan. Second, Captain Fritz Wiedemann, ex-Nazi consul in San Francisco and World War aide to Hitler, was in China trying to do some appeasing himself. According to diplomatic dispatches, what Wiedemann told the Chinese was some- thing like this: "You have been fighting for years, and where are you? Furthermore, what are your great friends the British and Americans sending you? nothing. And if they win, they will be back de- manding extra-territorial rights. On the other hand, if we win, you can count on Germany to help you make a fair peace with Japan." That was the inside reason behind the half billion dollar loan suddenly rushed through Con- gress; also the reason for Britain's sudden loan. That also is behind the Generalissimo's present trip to India. Finally, and even more important, he also demanded 100 U. S. commercial planes to fly war goods across India to China. And he is going to get them. U. S. airlines are already preparing the planes. The new Burma Road will be through the air. The reply Churlish by TOUCHSTONE WORKING HARD on the novel, so just to spite myself and the many friends who are interested, I took Thursday night off. Went to the movies with the entire rooming house and saw Sullivan's Travels, which despite a probable demur from comrade Tom Thumb is a rather funny show but from dedication. Preston Stur- gis has that knack of the idiom, the mustard on the hot dog, and though he gives evidence of a vague social unrest, it was vague enough Thurs- day night to keep the reels turning and Veronica Lake-the glamour girl-got through all right too. Sturgis apparently writes his own scripts, and probably if any single thing is the matter with his output so far, it is a certain aspiration toward the universal, which if he doesn't mind my telling him, he brings off much better in the careless licks than in the drama division. And as I or Preston will tell you any day of the week, those careless licks ain't careless. A nice job, Sullivan's Travels though, and even if we don't all propose to Veronica Lake or get out of our chain gangs, we have John Ford for the serious side, and could stand more Sturgises producing a superior brand of fluff. We liked Philadelphia Story too. Call me incipient something or other, fellows. Yes, I paid for my ticket. BUT THEN, after enjoying myself even to the newsreel, I came out at eleven o'clock and there were the headlines, State to Set Clocks Back. It didn't register at first. We stared, and looked at each other, but somehow we had all got the idea that the headlines meant the same thing we just did last Monday-remember?- and what was cooking, the newspapers bringing out black, type about it at this late date. All of a sudden somebody snapped his fingers and yelled "Back-you get it? Back." We said back back back, and suddenly, as if a great blinding light had flashed into our be- fuddled brains we all yelled "Back." They were going to set the clocks back. Yeah. Well, I don't want to dwell too much on the subject of time, but just this once more I want to say this is too much. One of the boys-the one who wasn't going to eat until seven-started slapping me on the back with shouts of glee, crying "We get our hour back." I acquiesced. The level-headed boy didn't say anything. He had known it all along. Just the same he looked confused and said, "When does it start?" Sim just stood still and gazed blankly at the side- walk. "I kind of got to like it," he said. "It would have been all right if we hadn't had to get up so early in the morning." AND I kind of got to like it too. Not that I didn't resent having somebody-that man- take my hour away. But giving it back so soon. Before I really got a chance to beef. This way it doesn't even rate a ceremony. We'll just do it, unless as is rumored and I said rumored, this country club outfit decides to stick with Sparta and Detroit (Michigan). Little Holland and the tulips are enjoying their hour in the sun. Most of the rest of us will enjoy our hour Monday morning, maybe setting the alarm clock for six so we can shut it off and not get up until seven. But I'll1miss it all. It has been fun sort of, hasn't it though? And such a fine excuse for eight o'clock cuts. You got lost. NOBODY writes me any letters any more ex- cept the magazine of the Methodist student movement, called motive (lower case) for which I write all sorts of articles. Even Norman An- ning and F. A. S. have disappeared from the mail drawer, and also someone called Glow- worm or Gloworm-,it was all so long ago DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1942 VOL. LI. No. 95 Publication in the Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices Campus Mail: The campus mes- senger service is receiving from cam- pus offices a large quantity of mail with insufficient, and in some cases illegible, addresses. Obviously, this not only delays delivery of the poor- ly addressed mail but also all other mail, as directories must be consult- ed by the messengers. With frequent changes in personnel the problem has become increasingly difficult. The cooperation of everyone toward the elimination of this problem is solicit- ed. Change in Telephone Numbers: As a result of the formation of the War Board, the telephone number of Miss Edith Smith, Budget Assistant, has been changed to 2197, The War Board telephone numbers are 2143 (Professor Heneman, Executive Direc- tor) and 2196 (Mr. Tibbitts, Secre- tary). Please save delays by observ- ing the above changes. Faculty, School of Education: The February meeting of the faculty will be held on Monday, February 16, in the University Elementary School Library. Tea will be served at 3:45 p.m. and the meeting will convene at 4:15 p.m. Victory Book Campaign: Students and members of the University fac- ulties are invited to contribute books for use in military camps, defense areas, and on ships of the navy and the merchant marine today. Books will be received at col- legiate and departmental libraries on the campus, and may also be de- posited in boxes provided at the Michigan League, the Michigan Un- ion, the Engineering Arch, etc. Up- to-date technical books, history, bio- graphy, economics, and the like, as well as fiction, will be useful. Con- tributions for the purchase of books may be sent to 210 Library. Warner G. Rice Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Attendance report cards are being distributed through the departmental offices. Instruc- tors are requested to report absences, of sophomores, juniors, and seniors to 1220 Angell Hall, on the buff cards which are now being distributed to departmental secretaries. Green cards are being provided for report- ing freshmen absences. All fresh- men attendance reports should be made on the green cards and sent directly to the office of the Academic Counselors, 108 Mason Hall. Please note especially the regula- tions concerning three-week absences, and the time limits for dropping courses. The rules relating to ab- sences are printed on the attendance cards. They may also be found on page 52 of the current Announce- ment of our College. E. A. Walter Assistant Dean Male students in good physical condition and free from hernia, heart trouble, or other weakness which would interfere with hard work, are wanted for various patrol and labor positions on western National Forests from June 1 to October 1. While Forestry and pre-forestry students are desired, applications of others wvill be considered. Information may be obtained from Miss Train, Room 2048 Natural Science Building, until February 25. Wages, including ex- penses, after reaching the job, will amount to $125 to $140 a month. S. T. Dana, Dean Fraternities: Social fraternities are reminded that they may not ini- tiate a pledge who has not been cer- tified by the Dean of Students as be- ing scholastically eligible for initia- tion. It is the responsibility of the president of the chapter to secure such certificates on forms obtain- able in Room 2, University Hall. Eligibility for Freshmen: A fresh- man, during his second semester of residence, may be granted a Certifi- cate of Eligibility provided he has completed 15 hours or more of work with (1) at least one mark of A. or B and with no mark of less than C, or (2) at least 21/ times as many honor points as hours and with no mark of E. Mechanical, Electrical and Engin- eering Mechanics Seniors: A repre- sentative of the Chrysler Corpora- tion, Detroit, Michigan, will inter- view seniors in the above groups on Tuesday afternoon, February 17, in; Room 218 West Engineering Build- ing. Students interested may sign for interviews on the Mechanical Engin- eering Department bulletin board. Outdoor Activities-Women Stu- dents: Skis and toboggans are avail- able at the Women's Athletic Build- ing on week days and Sundays when there is snow. GRIN AND BEAR IT !" .+."'r" s" !' '..' . .--+wi r w w.r ....: . rrWYUll wwin r.sr.. . .. r - "We'll have to . s :-- - 1; .. ' I .: ' ' X31 , : i , '_ - ._ to spoil her-that's our responsibility!" be secured at the office of the Bur- eau. University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational In- formation Academic Notices Biological Chemistry Seminar will meet on Monday, February 16, at 7:30 p.m., in Room 319, West Medical Building. "Human Nutrition-War and National Defense" will be dis- cussed. All interested are invited. Physics Colloquium on Monday, February 16, at 4:00 p.m. in the staff- room, Randall Laboratory. Dr. Carle- ton V. Kent will speak on "Some Free Electron Phenomena in Liquid Me-" tals." Bacteriological- Seminar will meet Feb. 16, at 8:00 p.m. in 1564 East Medical Bldg. Subject: "Role of1 Fermentation Industries in the De- fense Effort." All interested are cordially invited. Mathematics 11, Section 1 (Dr. El- der's section) will meet in 3011 An-; gell Hall beginning Monday. Required Hygiene Lectures for Wo- men-1942: All first and second sem- ester freshmen women are required to take the hygiene lectures, which1 are to be given the second semester.' Upperclass students who were in the1 University as freshmen and who did not fulfill the requirement are re- quired to take and satisfactorily com- plete this course. Enroll for these lectures at the time of regular classi- fication at Waterman Gymnasium. These lectures are a graduation re- quirement. Students should enroll for one of the two following sections. Women in Section I should note change of first lecture from February 23 to 25 on account of the legal holiday, Section No. I: First lecture, Wed- nesday, Feb. 25, 4:15-5:15, Natural Science Aud. Subsequent lectures, successive Mondays, 4:15-5:15, Na- tural Science Aud. Examination (fin- al), April 6, 4:15-5:15, Natural Sci- ence Aud. Section No. II: First lecture, Tues- day, Feb. 24, 4:15-5:15, Natural Sci- ence Aud. Subsequent lectures, suc- cessive Tuesdays, 4:15-5:15, Natural Science Aud. Examination (final) Tuesday, April 7, 4:15-5:15, Natural Science Aud. MArgaret Bell. M.D. Medical Adviser to Women Language Services, International Center: These languages are: Portu- guese, Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Ja- panese, German and French. Watch the D.O.E. for announcements as to the timne of meeting. There is a small tutorial fee charged. Concerts Organ Recital: Palmer Christian, University Organist, will present a recital at 4:15 p.m. Wedneseday, Feb- ruary 18, in Hill Auditrium. The program, the first in a series sched- uled for the second semester, will in- clude works of Bach, Gluck, Stanley, Guilmant, Copland, Martini and De- Lamarter. The public is cordially invited. Exhibitions Exhibition, College of Architecture and Design: Professional work in industrial design of Mr. Richard Lip- pold, Instructor in Design in the College of Architecture and Design. Ground floor corridor cases. Open daily 9 to 5 through today. The public is invited. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. William H. Weston, Professor of Cryptogamic Botany, Harvard University, will lec- ture on the subject, "Fungi and Fel- Laoratory of Vertebrate Genetics, on Tuesday, February 24, at 8:00 p.m. in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is cordially invited. Events Today Linguistics Study Group: A group for the purposes of studying general linguistics will meet in the Interna- tional Center today at 4:15 p.m. Per- sons interested in joining this group should read chapters one, two, and three of Hayakawa: "Language in Action." International Center Luncheon Group No. 1: The luncheon group, for foreign students and their friends; will meet in the Russian Tea Room of the Michigan League at 12:00 noon today. The Opera will be broadcast from the Men's Lounge of the Rackham Building today at 2:00 p.m. All stu- dents are welcome. Cadet Officers' Riding Club: Meet at the Engineering Arch today at 1:00 p.m. for the first ride of this semester. An election of officers will be held. Coming Events Acolytes: Prof. W. H. Auden, of the English department, will . discuss "Philosophy and Poetry" at a meeting to be held Monday evening, Feb. 16, at 7:45 p.m. in the East Conference Room of the Rackham Building. Anyone interested is invited. Michigan Outing Club will have a breakfast hike Sunday morning at 8 o'clock. Anyone planning to attend should bring his own breakfast and small fee for cocoa. The group will meet in front of the Women's Ath- letic Building and return before noon. For more details, call Dan Saulson (9819) or Libby Mahlman (2-2539). Graduate Outing Club will meet Sunday at 2:30 p.m. Activities will depend upon the weather. If the snow persists, a :special toboggan trip will be made. Graduates and faculty members not already ac- quainted with the Outing Club are invited. Supper in the Clubroom. Rackham, northwest door. Sunday Evening Program, Inter- national Center: The Korean stu- dents of the University offer a pro- gram in celebration of the Korean New Year at the International Cen- ter, Sunday, February 15, at 7:00 p.m. They will offer a pantomime of a Korean New Year Celebration, folk songs, and a piano recital by Miss Choon Cha Lee. Because of the unusual character of this program, the usual community sing will be omitted. Supper will be served for foreign students and their friends, and for persons interested in International affairs, at 6:00 p.m. before the pro- gram. The Polish Ballet program, under the auspices of the Polonia Society, will be presented Monday, February 16, at 8:15 p.m. in Hill Auidtorium Tickets are on sale at the Michigan League, the Michigan Union, the Campus Book Stores, and at the Hill Auditorium Box Office. The Meeting of the Bibliophiles Section of the Women's Faculty Club will be held at the home of Mrs. Charles Davis, 2104 Brockman Blvd., at 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday, February 17. The Michigan Dames Click and Stitch Group will meet at the home of Mrs. Charles H. Griffitts, 1507 Charlton Ave., on Monday, February 16, at 8:00 p.m. Churches Memorial Christian Church (Dis- ciples): 10:45 a.m., Morning Worship, Rev. Frederick Cowin, Minister. '6:00 p.m., Disciples Student Guild, i~~J 1 I s a) - ) C.\S ( )1042, Chcago Tm, rne. I. Reg. U S.Fat, Orf, All iUfs Rem. be firm with father and mother-they're not Tt 11 1 1 -r m- By Liclay