W' eather No Change in Temperature. .4fIt, Qan aU t Why Labor Unions Must Be Defended. editorial "I i I VOL. LII. No. 142 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SAtURDAY, APRIL 11, 1942 Z-323 \ PRICE FIVE CENTS Britain's Plan Turned Down By Congress Party In India Definite National Set-Up Is Reported Requisite For Satisfactory Pact With English Leaders Defense Solution Seen Improbable NEW DELHI, India, April 10.-() -Final rejection by the All-India Congress Party of the British plan for post-war dominion status was re- ported late tonight. (The Reuters News Agency indi- cated that the final differences had arisen over a transitional government system to be employed until after the war, when Britain has offered full dominion status. (Reuters said the Congress, in a 1,500-word letter to the British ne- gotiator, Sir Stafford Cripps, said it was prepared to participate and take office in a central government only if it was a truly national government with cabinet responsibility, and not merely an extension of the Governor General's Executive Council.") Indian Negotiations Thus negotiations over the Indian question, which only yesterday ap- peared to have received its answer in a general agreement, appeared al- most certainly to have broken down amid Hindu charges that Sir Staf- ford Cripps, the British emissary, had been hamstrung by the London dWar Cabinet. Louis Johnson, President Roose- velt's personal emissary to India, who had been hailed by the nationalist press as "the hero of the hour" and a "super Cripps" for the part he played in the complex negotiations, was believed to be ardently striving to prevent complete collapse of the talks, but without the assent of the big Hindu bloc this appeared almost hopeless. The wIened-little spiritual leader of the Hindus, Mohandas K. Gandhi, who went back to Wardha and his silence last week atter advising against acceptance of the British of- fer of post-war dominion status, ap- peared to have left the imprint of his counsel an a majority of the working committee of the All-India Congress Party. Four-Hour Session In a four-hour session today, it was reported, President Maulana Abul Kalan Azad and Pandit Jawa- harlal Nehru told their colleagues that as a result of their talk with Cripps last evening a satisfactory settlement on the defense of India' issue was improbable. It was understood that the Con- gres, after examining the new British formula for Indian defense, had re- jected it as "inadequate and there- fore unsatisfactory." (Authoritative London quarters said they had no word of any actual rejection, but that this would appear to be a logical development.) Despite this, Nehru was reported eager to come to terms with the Brit- ish. He was joined, it was said, by a fellow committee member, Chakra- varthi Rajagopalachariar, the Con- gress Party leader in Madras, but they were reported to have been out- voted by a majority more in line with Gandhi's wishes. FDR Plans Move To Stop Inflation With Official Aid WASHINGTON, April 10.-(IP)- President Roosevelt disclosed today that further steps to combat inflation were under consideration and in- formed quarters said certain officials had suggested the freezing of wages at some recent level. The Chief Executive himself would not discuss possible types of action when he told a press conference that a general line of attack on inflation was being mapped. Along with wage controls, it is un- derstood, however, that higher taxes and more extensive rationing and price control have been advanced by one or more officials as ways of deal- ing with the problem. Congress May Require Registration Of Unions rASrfTNMVTm Anril 10 --UP)-A Ganges Basin Menaced Small Force, On Bataan Escapes By Jap Air, Naval Fleet To Corregidor As Japs Bombard British Aircraft Sunk By Jap Carrier Navy In LONDON, April 10.-(P)-Britain's Wavell marshalled every available man-o-war, airplane and soldier to- night for the defense of the Ganges Basin of India, menaced by a Japa- nese air and naval fleet which had sunk the-British aircraft carrier Her- mes and two heavy cruisers in a four- day battle in the Bay of Bengal. The hard-hitting flying fortresses of the American Major General Lewis H. Brereton were believed to be the chief reliance of the commander in chief for India, Gen. Sir Archibald P. Wavell, in his attempt to find and strike the Japanese invaders be- fore they are able to make landings. Defenses Crippled With British naval defenses crip- pled by Japanese air power, the Allies were placing ever-growing rbliance in these huge American B 17's. The Japanese paid a heavy price for the destruction of the three Brit- ish ships-the 23-year-old aircraft carrier Hermes and the heavy cruis- ers Dorsetshire and Cornwall. An in- En ine Council Election Slate Is Announced our juniors, Six Five Freshmen Candidates For Sopis, To Be Posts A slate of four juniors, six sopho- mores and five freshmen was indi- cated for the coming Engineering Council elections yesterday as the deadline for submitting petitions ex- pired and candidates had their pic- tures taken.; Running for two positions as Coun- cil representatives from the junior class will be Fred C. Betzhold, Dick Schoel, Harry Altman and Robert Mott. Both winners will serve for one year. Sophomore candidates are Harry Scott, Jr., Karl Reed. Bud Burgess, Jack Brown, Allan Gardner and Buck Coveney. The candidate re- ceiving the highest number of votes will serve for two years, while the runner-up will get a one-year term. In the freshman class candidates' will be Don Hafer, Walter Bauer, Warren Shwayder, Robert William- son and Stephen Selby, the highest vote to elect a man for three years, while the runner-up will again serve a one-year term. Warning candidates against post- ing any campaign literature in any campus building. Election Director Bob Sforzini, '43E, announced that pictures of the candidates would be posted Tuesday on the Engineering Council Bulletin Board in the West Engineering Building. Dr. Fishbein To Talk Here Dr Morris Fishbein, editor of the Journal of the American Medical As- sociation, will speak on "American Medicine and the War" in a public lecture at 8:30 p.m. Monday in the Rackham Lecture Hall. Sponsored by Alpha Omega Alpha, honorary medical fraternity, the lec- ture will follow the annual initiation banquet of the fraternity at the Union, at which Dr. Fishbein will be the guest speaker. A leading writer in the field of medicine, Dr. Fishbein is the author of "Fads and Quackery in Healing", and "Frontiers of Medicine." Hermes, Heayy Cruisers Bay Of Bengal Battle formed observer placed enemy air- craft losses at 75 in the actions. The sinking of the Dorsetshire and Cornwall had been announced yes- terday, but not until today was it disclosed that the Hermes had gone down. She sank about 10 miles off Ceylon, the site of the Trincomalee British naval base protecting India at the western side of the Bay of Bengal. An authoritative source disclosed that bombers and not torpedo planes sank the 10,850-ton Hermes, the old- est carrier in British service. It was believed in London that she fought without support from shore-based aircraft and it was presumed that the 20 planes she carried were over- whelmed by waves of Japanese bomb- ers. Naval Power Springs The Japanese naval power which has smashed this opening in the Brit- ish naval wall protecting India springs from aircraft based on at least two regular carriers and prob- ably one auxiliary carrier as wel, a well-informed source said. Most of these planes are fighter bombers and it is probable that the Anglo-American air force will not attack in great strength until the Allied bombers can be escorted by shore-based fighters. From the hill country of the north and from the flat naked plains Brit- ish Indain troops are concentrated at strategic points from which mo- bile columns could be launched to strike at an invader. India's coast- line is too long to allow the British to rely on linear defense. Sea Losses Heavy While British losses at sea had been heavy and punishing, they had been by no means as severe as Tokyo had alleged. The Japanese claimed that aside from the HermesaDorsetshire and Cornwall, two additional British cruisers had been sunk off Trin- comalee Naval Station. To this the Admiralty returned the specific, official denial: "The Japanese claim is known to be quite untrue." Plasma Drive Seeks Donors Registration For Student's Starts Monday In Union Setting a minimum quota of 65 new blood donors, the second Red Cross plasma drive will begin with regis- tration of student volunteers from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Monday in the lobby of the Union and will continue throughout the week. The Red Cross blood donor service needs approximately 65 students for this donation which will be con- ducted from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Fri- day at the Health Service. How- ever, considerably more than 65 ap- plications will be accepted inasmuch as there will be another drive held sometime in the middle of May. Completely painless, blood dona- tions require only 45 minutes and are conducted by trained physicians. Only one pint of blood is taken from each person and after a 10 minute rest the donor is able to resume his usual activities. American Ships Attacked NORFOLK, Va., April 10.-UP)- Crewmen of two American merchant ships, one torpedoed and the other attacked by submarine shellfire off the Atlantic Coast, abandoned their vessels but later reboarded their craft and saw them brought safely to port, the Navy disclosed tonight. Physical exhaustion caused the failure of an attempted counter- attack on Bataan Peninsula, Lieut.-Gen. Jonathan M. Wainwright advised the War Department, telling that the defense had been over- come. Corp. Ray "Slats" Spencer, dispatch rider, cat-napped by his guns here. (U.S. Army Signal Corps photo from Associated Press.) Allied Chiefs Ask More Planes To Hold Offensive Against Japs MELBOURNE, April 10. - UP) - United States and Australian airmen whose experience and equipment are increasing steadily have seized the offensive and intend to keep it, but a great deal more is required before the Japanese can be driven back by a full-scale sustained drive, the high- est chiefs of the United Air Forces declared today. Lieut.-Gen. George H. Brett, the American who commands the com- bined air corps in this theater, de- clared: "We've taken the offensive against the Japanese in 'the air and we'll continue to increase it. Our only limitation is equipment." Drakeford Warns Australian Air Minister Arthur Drakeford, however, warned: "It would be fatal to think that the Japanese have been brought to a halt, although Australian and Allied air blows north of Australia in the past month have been spectacular." As if to substantiate his words, seven Japanese bombers accompan- ied by fighters again raided Port 0 n FortessBegn Inasin OfCeb Fatigue Overcomes Bataan Defender Moresby, New Guinea. Little damage was reported and the raiders sped away when Allied fighters rose to challenge them. At least one hostile bomber was believed shot down. Drakeford said that 126 Japanese planes had been positively knocked out of action in the past month and that the losses probably were far greater, but that it was essential for the Allies not to overestimate these drains on the enemy's resources near Australia. Japanese bases behind the occu- pied are of islands north of Australia are maintaining a steady supply of planes to the forward fields, he added. General Brett said his "plans were clearcut." 'Assigned Task' "I was assigned the task of unify- ing and commanding the Allied air forces," he said, "the goal of my unified command is to smash Japan in the air. Of the three forces under General MacArthur's command, the Allied air force is organizing and carrying the fight to the enemy's camp. "Planes and equipment are flowing here at an ever-increasing rate. They have to come a long way, but they are coming with equipment." Brett said the big problem he was tackling now was supply, noting that "the average consumption of gaso- line by an airplanes is 55 gallons an hour." Tokyo Reports Occupation Of Cabeaben As U.S. Forces Retreat At Mariveles Enemy Naval Units Mass At Manila By RICHARD L. TURNER WASHINGTON, April 10.-OP)-The sailors and marines-originally some 3,500 of them-who manned the beaches of Bataan and fought off dozens of furious Japanese landing attempts have been withdrawn to Cor- regidor, and the American flag still flies over that stubbornly unyielding fortress. This was the gist of announcements made today by the Army and Navy in the aftermath of the smashing of Gen. Jonathan Wainwright's exhausted last-stand army by the more numerous Japanese forces on that famed peninsula. At the same time, the Army disclosed that the Japanese, pounding Cor- regidor with tons of explosives, were simultaneously extending their con- quest to the island of Cebu, some 375f' miles to the southward. The Cebu radio, which had been functioning throughout the war, stopped respond- ing to calls. In the invasion opera- tion, swift darting American motor- torpedo boats sank a Japanese cruiser. Another large Japanese vship of war, described as either an "'auxiliary cruiser or a large tender," a vessel "heavily armed," was officially re- ported meanwhile to have been sunk in the Celebes Sea by an American submarine. Ships Destroyed In addition, the Navy disclosed that a United'States submarine ten- der, the Canopus, a minesweeper, the Bittern, a Naval tug, the Napa, and the Dewey floating drydock which had seen service at and about Cor- regidor and Bataan had been de- stroyed by American forces to pre- vent their use by the enemy, if cap- tured. While these announcements were being made, tributes to the gallant defenders of Bataan were accumulat- ing. Notably, there was one from, Gen. Douglas MacArthur. who until a few weeks ago commanded the army of Bataan. "The Bataan force went out as it wished-fighting to the end of its flickering forlorn hope," the Gen- eral said at his headquarters in Aus- tralia. "No army has ever done so much with so little. Nothing became it like its last hour of trial and agony. Cabcaben Falls In Face Of Japanese Advance TOKYO (from Japanese broad- casts). April 10.-(AP)-Japanese dis- patches said tonight her forces had captured Cabcaben, on the southeast shore of Bataan Peninsula, and were advancing towards the last enemy- held town, Mariveles, on the south coast. Mariveles was reported in flames set by United States forces as they fell back. Everywhere on the Bataan goast huge columns of smoke arose, the Domei News Agency said, and the Americans appeared to have de- stroyed every 5ingle military installa- tion on the road below Cabcaben. The dispatches said Japanese naval units were at the entrance of Manila Bay to prevent the United States General Wainwright from removing his troops to the island fortress of Corregidor aboard some small vessels he had collected at Cochinos Point. the extreme southernmost tip of Bataan. U' Conference Is Approved Unanimously Student War Board Votes For Post-War Meeting Planned April 17, 18 The Student War Board-channel for all campus war effort activities- yesterday unanimously approved the two-day Post-War Conference to be held here April 17 and 18 in Rack- ham Lecture Hall. "We feel that a successful confer- "nce will result in an accelerationof war activities," the war board de- clared in a statement issued after its weekly meeting. "Students will more actively support the war if they are convinced that a democratic peace -will result." In addition to nationally-famous speakers, the conference wil hear leading members of the faculty at its sessions. The war board also put a stamp of approval on a lecture series spon- sored by Athena, honorary speech sorority, but it only granted a pro- visional O.K. to a Hillel "Stunt Night" project. Fully approval will be accorded this yoposapwhen the board is fully in- formed of plans for allocation of pro- ceeds, Chairman Bob Wallace, '42E, declared. Other board action saw the de- feat of an Alpha Phi Omega plan to ollect student war savings albums for the Bomber-Scholarship Fund. Board opinion held that student say- ng would be hamperedby such a move. Art Cinema Series To Present 'Man Who Sees Trut1 Starring the famous French actor, Raimu, "The Man Who Seeks the Truth" will be shown to holders of Art Cinema League Series tickets as a bonus performance at 8:15 p.m. April 16, 17and 18 at Lydia Mendels- sohnTheatre. Allocation of 200 tickets for the performances will be made to the Bomber-Scholarship Fund, the pro- ceeds to go to the fund. Tickets will be sold at the League, Wahr's Book- store and the Union. An added feature, "Night Mail,". a movie of the carrying of mail from Scotland to Ireland during the night will be included on the program. The commentator is W. H. Auden, famous poet and author and mem- ber of the English department. A color cartoon will also be shown. Raimu, most famous of the French comedians, was the star of the wide- ly acclaimed movie, "The Baker's Wife." "The Man Who Seeks the Bruth" is the last movie made by Raimu before the war. Annual Campus Aid-To-China Campaign Will Begin Monday Deadline Nears For Hopwoods Students planning to enter the an- nual Hopwood literary contest must submit manuscripts by 4:30 p.m. Monday, in Room 3221 Angell Hall. For the eleventh year since its in- auguration in 1922, when Avery Hop- wood, '05, bequeathed one-fifth of his estate to the University, income therefrom to be awarded annually "for the encouraging of creative work in writing," the competition will give out nearly $10,000 in prize money. Specific instructions concerning preparation of manuscripts and se- lection of pseudonyms may be found in the Hopwood pamphlet, available in Room 3221. Alun1i Will Hold Annual C onference When the alumni of the School of Business Administration meet for their annual spring conference to- day, the general theme of the meet- ing will be "Business in an All-Out War Economy."' The conference will open with roundtable discussions at 10 a.m. in the Michigan Union. At the noon t t t By CLAYTON DICKEY On campus, in Ann Arbor and throughout the nation the second an- nual United China Reliefscampaign will begin Monday under the com- ,bined auspices of nine national aid- to-China organizations. The campaign, which has a local goal of $3,000 and a national goal of $7,000,000, will be opened with a nation-wide radio broadcast at 9 p.m. today. . The program will include a message from President Roosevelt and an addres hv Wendell Willkie. chairman and R. Earl Fowler, local banker, as executive chairman. Soli- citing contributions among Univer- sity women students will be a com- mittee headed by Miss Ethel Mc- Cormick, social director of women, assisted by Natalie Mattern, '45, sor- ority collections, and Lorraine Jud- son, '43, women's dormitories and League houses. Prof. George E. Carrothers, direc- tor of the Bureau of Cooperation with Educational Institutions, will direct Dormitories Complete Plans For Protection Against Bombs By GEORGE SALLADE Should Hitler's or the Mikado's air- planes drop their death-dealing mis- siles on Ann Arbor, the University Residence Halls will be prepared to meet the resulting emergency. Detailed plans for air raid precau- tions for the residence halls have been completed by staff members under the supervision of director Dr. Karl Litzenberg and business mana- ger F. C. Shiel, both members of the University's Plant and Personnel Pro- tection Committee. Precautions have been worked out for the 22 halls and houses operating under the Board of Governors as well as for the Law Club and Martha Cook, both of which operate under separate boards. Cou- zens Hall air raid arrangements are under hospital authorities. case of an air raid have been desig- nated but await approval of the en- gineering division of the Plant and Personnel Protection Committee. Plans are being made for possible complete evacuation of the buildings themselves. Typical organization is like that of Stockwell Hall. House director, Mrs. Martha L. Ray, serves as per- sonnel warden. Under her are a dep- uty and a morale and first aid offi- cer. Building warden is dietitian Martha McBride. Four members of the staff are assistant personnel war- dens, each in charge of a particular area. The areas are subdivided among group wardens who supervise a group of girls numbering from 10 to 15. The group warden assembles the t l i Goolian To Present Piano Recital TOday In partial fulfillment of the re- quirements for the degree of Bache- lor of Music, Richard Goolian, '428M, will present a piano recital at 8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia Mendelssohn