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April 10, 1942 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-04-10

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t.C. t Mlt tt l

Washington Merry-Go-Round

(Continued from Page 2)


By Lic hy


WASHINGTON-Hottest home front problem
furrowing inner circle brows is the question of
freezing wages, prices and profits.
With several key pay-increase demands pend-
ing before the War Labor Board, the AFL and
CIO are vehemently opposed to a wage blanket.
They contend that with war contractors making
huge profits on one hand and living costs rising
steadily on the other, workers are entitled to
more pay.
Certain farm and business elements also have

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second Class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
, College Publishers Representative
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42

Two-Year Program
Educationally Sound

. . .

Emile Gelb
Alvin Dann.
David Lachenbruc
Jay McCormick
Gerald E. Burns
Hal Wilson
Janet Hooker .
Grace Miller
Virginia Mitchell
Daniel H. Huyett
James B. Collins
Louise Carpenter
Evelyn Wright

Editorial Staff
* . . .Managing Editor
.Editorial Director
, . . . . . City Editor
S . . . . Associate Editor
. . . Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Women's Editor
. . . Assistant Women's Editor
Exchange Editor
Business Staff


. . . Business Manager
. Associate Business Manager
. Women's Advertising Manager
. Women's Business Manager

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Obstructionist Lewis
At Work Again . .
O UT TO GET everybody who was his
friend, John L. Lewis, still president
of the United. Mine Workers and, unfortunately,
powerful in the CIO, is doing' a fine job of de-
struoion in the organization that he built.
Beginning with his isolationist stand. John
Lewis has always been at odds with his chief,
Philip Murray. Now he is trying to provoke the
president of the CIO into retaliatory measures
by not paying dues, pulling UMW organizers
out of the big union and crippling the locals of
other unions by raiding.
It is apparent now that the deep-voiced, Bible-
quoting Lewis is trying to lead an insurrection
in the very organization that led the walk-out
from the American Federation of Labor in 1935.
The glory and power of being the helmsman for
five million workers of the CIO transcends any
former regard he may have had for his followers.
Once recognized as the greatest labor leader
in the nation, the hope of the progressive labor
unions, John L. Lewis is now the blacksheep of
the unions. His followers-still loyal to their
fallen god-are helping him sabotage the great
industrial unions..
WHEN the final rupture of relations between
Lewis and the CIO comes, there is no doubt
that he will try to begin a new union, com-
manded by him, loyal to him, selfish and greedy
as he himself. Then there will be a three-way
split in the union movement.
With a cleanup of Lewis' henchmen the future
of the labor movement might be preserved.
Raids on other unions would be stopped, solid-
arity re-established and combined action would
be possible.
It is time that labor recognize the menace
of John Lewis. He and his henchmen should be
purged from the movement, left without follow-
ers and repudiated by the rank and file.
-- Leon Gordenker
British Freedom
Of Pres ~f~ i I
0. P~ress Thlreatene ..
T HE ISSUE of freedom of the press is
once again coming to the fore in
Great Britain. Last week in the House of Com-
mons British Home Secretary Herbert Morrison
threatened the suppression of one of the
Churchill government's sternest critics, the Lon-
don Daily Mirror.
Since the beginning of the war this newspaper
has devoted itself to a bitter criticism of the
British war effort. Almost a legend in England
is the Mirror's columnist, Cassandra. Typical
Cassandran comment which has provoked the
attacks upon the Mirror are his evaluations of
the British Army: "At the top you have the
military aristocracy of the Guards' regiments
with a mentality not very foreign to that of
Potsdam. In the center you have a second-class
snobocracy and behind it all the cloying inertia
of the Civil Service bogged down by regulations
from which they cannot extricate themselves."
NOT EVEN the staunchest defender of the
press would attempt to justify this misin-
formed journalism. Regardless of its recent

IN HIS letter to The Daily yesterday
attacking the two-year Bachelor of
Arts Degree program, Harry Levine properly
emphasized the main point of dispute on the
issue of two versus four years: whether it is
possible to acquire a liberal education in - two
years. While the economic aspects of the short-
ened program are added reason for its adoption,
it must find its ultimate justification in its
fundamental educational soundness.
We believe in the two-year degree because it
provides what the average liberal arts student
is after-a broad background of knowledge. Few
students seek to become experts in some such
field as English, economics or history. But that
is exactly what the four-year program obliges
us to do when it requires us to concentrate in
some limited field during the junior and senior
years. A high degree of learning in some spe-
cialized field simply is not needed in the ma-
jority of occupations. And the two-year degree
provides a suitable dividing point between "gen-
eral" education, which everyone desires, and
"specialized" education, which a minority need
in order to enter their chosen pursuits.
But, Levine says, "The important thing about
a liberal education is that it gives the student
four years to think things over and to find him-
self in an atmosphere conducive to thought."
Furthermore, "Ie is given the opportunity to
experiment, to read, to mature in the most even-
tempered atmosphere possible." And, Levine
concludes, "two years are not enough."
We agree with Levine in this statement. And
we will add that neither are four years nor six
years enough. We question whether it is possi-
ble for anyone to achieve intellectual maturity
in college, or whether that is even the purpose of
a college education. We believe this purpose is
to provide the broad background we have empha-
sized so repeatedly, and which, when combined
with experience, will eventually lead to maturity.
Perhaps Levine cannot conceive of achieving
a liberal education in two years because of the
present constitution of the liberal arts curricu-
lum in most universities and colleges. Under the
elective system, it is true, it is next to impossible
to acquire such a general background. Courses
are greatly limited in their scope and are un-
related to each other. To be effective the two-
year degree must be accompanied by a broad-
ening of courses. Call them "general," "survey,"
or "introductory" courses; call them what you
will. They are well-known these days, having
been tried successfully by such universities as
Chicago and Minnesota.
Finally, the four-year degree was adopted by
Harvard at a time when the high school pro-
gram was only two years in length. High school
has long since become a four-year proposition,
but colleges have made no compensating adjust-
ment. Higher education, as it exists today, is a
requisite for success in life. But it is so con-
stituted that the majority of the people simply
cannot afford to acquire it. The fact that the
purpose of college can be realized for most stu-
dents after two years of general education, makes
the two-year degree desirable for college students
in general, as well as for those who, through eco-
nomic necessity, have been forced to forego
higher education entirely.
- Clayton Dickey
effort and of the Churchill government would
become an impossibility.
It is indeed strange that at a time when coi -
plaints against the present cabinet are growing
stronger to the extent of suggesting possible suc-
cessors to Winston Churchill that the Prime
Minister should intensify his campaign against
the free press. In the summer of 1940 when the
British Expeditionary Force was facing its se-
verest test in France Morrison himself was in-
sisting in the Mirror "that the people want less
muddled advice from the top." More recently,
however, typifying the new attitude of his gov-
ernment toward the press, Churchill warned the
Conservative Party that he could not allow "a
propaganda to disturb the Army, which is now
so strong and solid, or to weaken the confidence
of the country and the armed forces in the qual-
ity and character of our devoted corps of offi-
BOTH the House of Commons and the entire
L British press have risen in a storm of protest
to support the London Daily Mirror and what,
they believe to be one of the fundamental Brit-

ish freedoms. Maintenance of morale and con-
fidence in the government and in the nation's
armed forces will not be guaranteed by sup-
pression. France tried if and the result speaks
for itself.
Great Britain and her Allies are about to enter
into one of the most crucial and perhaps decid-
ing periods of the war. While all groups and
factions must be expected to unite in the prose-
cution of the war effort, there should be no sus-
pension of the watchful eye of the press. It as-
sures an informed public and is a protection
against inefficient and lax war direction.

voiced strong opposition to the freezing pro-
posal on various grounds.
Chief freezing advocate in the inner circle is
hard-boiled Price Administrator Leon Hender-
son, to whom the menace of disastrous inflation
is an ever-present nightmare. Henderson's in-
sistence on wage controls has brought down on
his head bitter labor recriminations.
But he is sticking to his guns and, at a secret
session of the entire War Labor Board, ham-
mered home his argument with a barrage of
sizzling statistics. These are the principal points
made by Henderson:
1. That henceforth 50 to 60 percent of wage
increases will come out of the U. S. Treasury-
that is, tax revenue-and not out of corporation
profits as contended by the AFL and CIO.
2. That an increase of 15 percent in basic
wage rates if extended througlut industry
would have "disastrous" effect' on the cost of
3. That average industrial hourly earnings
since September, 1939, the start of the war, have
risen twice as much as the cost of living. That
weekly earnings have risen three times as much.
Further, that in December, 1941, real hourly
earnings were 11 percent above the September,
1939, level and real weekly earnings 25 percent
4. That the principle of adjusting wages to
living costs must be limited to workers receiving
"sub-standard" pay. The spread between them
and the better organized and better paid work-
ers must be reduced; otherwise, Henderson said,
the latter will get an "even bigger piece of the
Robert Noble, grandstanding Los Angeles Fas-
cist arrested on sedition charges, either has a
sense of humor or he is prescient. When Noble
registered in the February 16 draft he gave the
following answer to the question where mail
would always be sure to reach him-
"/o R. B. Hood, special agent in charge FBI,
Los Angeles."
Discouragement In iPilippines
Those who have talked with High Commis-
sioner Francis B. Sayre since his return from
the Philippines get the impression that the
American soldiers fighting on Bataan may never
get out alive.
Sayre doesn't say this in so many words, but
his other comments add up to this conclusion.
Sayre is politely scornful of the stories that
"we have already won the battle of the Pacific
supply routes." He points out that the end of our
supply routes-southern Australian ports-is
4,000 miles from Manila.
There's a "tremendous task" of getting sup-
plies to Australia, in the first place, Sayre says.
Then there's the difficulty of transportation by
rail across a continent as large as the United
States, and after that a still more difficult ship-
ping problem across the barrier of the Japanese-
occupied Netherlands East Indies.
While this tedious effort is going on, the men
in Corregidor are "living like rats underground,"
in a place which the Japanese could take if they
cared to pay the price. If they don't, they merely
have to sit at the threshold, enjoying command
of both air and sea, and wait for the American
soldiers to starve.
The most discouraging element is that the
men on Bataan have only limited supplies, and
when those supplies are gone, they must face
not one enemy but two-the Japs and starvation.
/lIrnly Nerve Center
One day recently, moving vans pulled up at
the heavily guarded rear entrance of the Public
Health Building on Constitution Avenue, de-
livered equipment that had to do with the over-
all health of the world-the belongings of the
British military staff which cooperates with the
American staff in planning war strategy.
The British staff occupied the entire third
floor of the building, Surgeon General Parran
and his health experts having long since de-
parted. Every room in the building now is ten-
anted by men in uniform. The first two floors
are occupied by AImerica n officers.
In this building are held meetings of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff (U. S. Army with U. S. Navy);
also the Combined Chiefs of Staff (Joint Chiefs
plus British Chiefs, with occasional Dutch or
Chinese Chiefs thrown in).

This is the building where they used to keep
track of the number of cases of measles in the
public schools.
En ougih I CLV
Razor-tongued Secretary Harold Ickes doesn't
like the press and the press generally recipro-
cates this dislike. So it was with much surprise
that the House Appropriations Committee noted
a $100 increase for the purchase of newspapers
in Ickes' new budget.
"Do you think that it is necessary at this
time?" demanded Representative Robert Rich,
Pennsylvania New Deal hater.
"That item is for the power division," broke
in Assistant Secretary of Interior Ebert K. Bur-
"Yes, the power division wanted that," grinned
Iteles. "I didn't ask for the money. Heaven
knows, I don't want to read any more news-
Philippine Commissioner J. M. C"Mike") Eliz-
alde says it' now or never for the Japs on Ba-
taan Peninsula. If they don't capture Corregi-
dor before the wet season begins next month,
rain and typhoons will throw their military ma-

Minutes of the meetings of March
9 and March 12, 1942.
Subjects offered by members of
the Council.
Report of the Committee on Pro-
gram and Policy concerning Regula-
tions for Council Membership, J. P.
Report of the Advisory Board on 1
University Policies concerning the
Problem of the Instructorship, W. C.
Report of the Committee on Edu-
cational Policies concerning Physical
Examinations of Members of the
Faculty, R. Schorling.
Reports from the Standing Com-
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary.
To Students Graduating at Com-
mencement, May 30, 1942: The bur-
den of mailing diplomas to members
of the graduating class who do not
personally call for their diplomas
has grown until in 1940 it cost the
University over $400 to perform this
service. The rule has been laid down,
as a result, that diplomas not called
for at the Sports Building immediate-
ly after the Commencement Exercis-
es or at the University Business Of-
fice within three business days after
Commencement will be mailed C.O.D.
The mailing cost will be approximate-
ly 30c for the larger sized rolled
diplomas and 45c for the book form.
Will each graduate, therefore, be
certain that the Diploma Clerk has
his correct mailing address to insure
delivery by mail. The U. S. Mail
Service will, of course, return all
diplomas which cannot be delivered.
Because of adverse conditions abroad,
foreign students should leave ad-
dresses in the United States, if pos-
sible, to which diplomas may be
It is preferred that ALL diplomas
be personally called for.
Herbert G. Watkins,
Assistant Secretary
Notice to Property Owners: If you
have purchased improved property
on a land contract and owe a bal-
ance in the proximity of 60 per cent
of the value of the property, the
Investment Office, 100 South Wing
of University Hall would be glad to
discuss the possibilities of refinan-
cing your contract through the medi-
um of a mortgage. There are advan-
tages to be had in this manner of
Gardens: Arrangements have been
completed for the use of several acres
of land at the Botanical Gardens
for any University employees, or
faculty members, who may be desir-
ous of planting gardens this summer'
It is planned to have the land plowed
and fitted ready for use at the proper
If interested, kindly contact the
undersigned by telephone or mail for
your garden spa. As the available
acreage is limited, applications will
be accepted in the order received.
O. E. Roszel,
Storehouse Department
Phone: 4121-Ext. 337
Mentor Reports: Reports on stand-
ings of all Engineering Freshmen
will be expected from faculty mem-
bers during the 11th week of the sem-
ester. This report will be due about
April 18. Report blanks will be fur-
nished by campus mail. Please refer
routine questions to Miss Buda, Of-
fice of the Dean, (Extension 575),
who will handle the reports; other-
wise, call A. D. Moore, Head Mentor,
Extension 2136.
T1e Glover Scholarship in Actuari-
al Mathematics will again be award-
ed for the coming academic year
This scholarship covers tuition foi
two semesters in either the Graduate
School or School of Business Admin-
istration. Applicants must be in resi-
dence at the University of Michigan
and have completed by this summer
all requirements for the A.B. degree,

and all prerequisites for Mathematics
221. Application blanks may be se-
cured in the Mathematics Depart-
ment Office;3012 A.H., and should be
returned to that office before May 1.
Hopwood contestants should ap-
ply fox' their records this week, so
that the record offices may have time
to make transcripts before Monday
R. W. Cowden
Prospective Applicants for th
Combined Curricula: Students of th
College of Literature, Science, and th
Arts wishing to apply for admissioi
to one of the combined curricula for
September 1942 should fill out appli
cations for such admission as soon a
possible in Room 1210 Angell Hall
The final date for application is Apri
20, 1942. Pre-medical students shoul
please note that application for ad
mission to the Medical School is no
application for admission to the Com
bined Curriculum. A separate appli
cation should be made out for th
consideration of the Committee oa
Combined Curricula.
Edward 11. Kraus

that every such student now enrolled
in the University leave his or her
name, and Ann Arbor address, with
Miss Velma Louckes, Room 4, Uni- A
versity Hall, as soon as possible. K
Ann Arbor Rotary Club, o
Samuel T. Dana, President A
The University Bureau of Appoint- j
ments has need of an applicant with
the following qualifications: a young
man with shorthand speed of 100 or
over, accurate typing; must be draft
rejectee. This position is for a stu- b
dent who wishes to do graduate work G
in an Eastern University. H
Further information may be ob- tI
tained from the University Bureau s
of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall; i
office hours 9-12 and 2-4. a
Bureau of Appointments and t
Occupational Information v
The University Bureau of Appoint-
ments has received notification of t
the change in the announcement for a
Senior Technical and Scientific Aid, v
1$2,000. w
Technical and Scientific Aid, $1,- d
800. p
Assistant Technical and Scientific .
Aid, $1,620. g
Junior Technical and Scientific 1
Aid, $1,440. T
Optional Branches for above: Ra-
dio, Explosives, Chemistry, Physic,
Metallurgy, Fuels.
Applications will be rated as soon
as practicable after receipt until
June 30, 1942. A
The first paragraph under Recency1
has been changed to read . . . "eli- s
gibles will be considered first who.
show that they have had at least 1 1
year of the required education or
experience within the five years im-
mediately preceding the date of re-
ceipt of application." Women are
urgently needed who have completed p
two years of college education withf
courses in mathematics.
Further information may be ob-e
tained from tlhe announcement which9
is on file at the office of the Bureaur
of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall;
office hours 9-12 and 2-4.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information.'
A cadenc NoUtces
Music Education Students are re-c
quested to attend a lecture by Mr. Don
Malin of Chicago on "Materials for
the Music Education Department in
Secondary Schools and Teacher-I
training Institutions," today at 4:15A
p.m., fourth floor, Burton .Memorial
David Mattern
Student Recital: Richard Goolian,t
Pianist, will include works of Bee-
thoven, Scriabine, Stravinsky, Szy-
manowski and Brahms in his recital
in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater at
8:30 p.m. on Saturday, April 11. Giv-
en in partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements of the degree of Bachelor
of Music, the program is open to the
public. Mr. Goolian is a pupil of
- Joseph Brinkman of the School of;
Organ Recital: Frieda Op't Holt, a
member of the faculty of the School
of Music, will present an organ re-
e cital at 4:15 p.m. on Sunday, April
e 12, in Hill Auditorium. The first of
e a series of three Sunday afternoon
a organ programs, Miss Op't Holt will
r play compositions by Bach, Schmitt,
- Whitlock, Bingham and Reubke.
.s The public is cordially invited.
i Robert Iluneriager, a student of
d Wassily Besekirsky, will give a re-
- cital in partial fulfillment of the re-
t quirements for the degree of Master
- of Music at 8:30 p.m. on Monday,
- April 13, in the Assembly'Hall of the
e Rackham Building. He will be ac-
n companied by William Schottstaedt
in a program of works for the violin
,by Brahms. Saint-Saens and Sibeli-

Exhibition: Museum of .Art and
rchaeology, The Maud Ledyard von
etteler Collection of the University
f Michigan, Rackham Galleries,
pril 9-22, Hours 2-5 and 7-10 p.m.,
uropean and Far Eastern Art Ob-
University Lecture: Dr. John Al-
recht Walz, Professor Emeritus of
ermanic Languages and Literatures,
arvard University, will lecture on
he subject, "Goethe," under the au-
pices of the Department of German-
e Languages and Literatures tofay
t 4:15 p.m. in the Rackham Amphi-
heater. The -public is cordially in-
University Lecture: Dr. Luis Alber-
o Sanchez, Professor of American
nd Peruvian Literature in the Uni-
ersity of San Marcos, Lima, Peru,
ill lecture on the subject, "La Tra-
licion y la Raza en la Literature His-
ano-Americana," under the auspices
f the Department of Romance Lan-
uages, at 4:15 p.m. on Friday, April
7, in the Rackham Amphitheater.
the public is cordially invited.
The Alpha Omega Alpha lecture
will be given by Dr. Morris Fishbein,
Editor of the Journal of the Ameri-
an Medical Association, on Monday,
April 13, at 8:30 p.m. in the Rack-
iam Lecture Hall. Dr. Fishbein will
peak on "American Medicine and
he War." The public is cordially
Events Today
Beta Chapter of Iota Alpha will
present a record dance in the Rack-
ham Assembly Hall, this evening
from 9 to 12. All graduate engin-
eers are invited to attend. The pro-
gram will include dancing, refresh-
ments, and games.
Frosh Project Dance Committee
will meet in the League ballroom to-
day at 4:00 p.m. to judge the skits for
the program.
Frosh Project Music Committee
will meet in the League ballroom to-
day at 4:00 p.m.
Members of Frosh Project Decora-
tions Committee will meet in the
League today, 1:30-5:30 p.m., and
Saturday all day.
Westminster Student Guild: Roll-
er Skating Party tonight. Meet at
the church at 8:30 p.m.
Wesley Foundation: Bible Class
tonight at 7:30 with Dr. Brashares.
The group will meet to leave on a
Treasure Hunt at 9:00 p.m.
Hillel Town Hall: Professor Har-
old Door and Professor Arthur Smi-
thies will discuss "Prelude to Chaos?
Is a Just Peace Possible?" this eve-
ning at 8:30 at the Hillel Foundation,
Oakland at East University. A social
and discussion will follow. Everyone
is cordially invited.
Coig Events
Graduate Outing Club will meet
Sunday for an afternoon hike. Group
supper out-of-doors if the weather
permits. Start at 2:30 p.m., north-
west door, Rackham Building. Visit-
ors welcome,
Graduate Mixer on Saturday at
9:00 p.m. in Rackham Assembly Hall.
Games, dancing, refreshments. In-
formal, dating optional. Open to all
graduate students and faculty. Spon-
sored by Graduate Council.
Interviews of girls who would like
to be on the freshman orientation
central committee will be held in
the League Council Room Saturday
Aril 11. from 9-10. and from 11-12

bers of the University Senate
attend the meeting:

"I want you to decide for yourself about this insurance-I'll
drop back about three paces and let you think it over!"


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