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April 10, 1942 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-04-10

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'The Wind and the Rain
in Your Hair'




Obstructionist Lewis
At Work Againp.




British, Indian
Leaders Said
To Be Agreed
On Final Plan

Japs Sink Two Cruisers;
Open India To Invasion
Planes Blast British Warships Dorsetshire, Cornwall
As Enemy Fleet Dominates Bay Of Bengal

Gallant Bataan Defense Collapses


Terrific Sustained Assault

Compromise Is Reported
To Inchule Dominion
Status; U.S. Influence
Was Important Factor
Moslei Question
Is Still Unsettled
NEW DELHI, India. April 9.-()-
Britain and the Hindu leaders of
India were generally reported tonight
to have come to terms on the delicate,
danger-fraught question of independ-
ence for India. The influence of the
United States appeared to have
weighed heavily in the final bargain-
Apart from the still open question
of adherence to the compromise plan
by the Moslem League, there appeared
to be lacking little more than the for-
malities of signature and promul-
gation to give India a national gov-
ernment now, guarantee her domin-
ion status after the war, with a do-
minion's right of secession, and place
her in the front as an Asiatic bul-
wark of the United Nations.
Johnson Helpful Influence
The successful formula compound-
ed by Britain's negotiator-in-chief,
Sir Stafford Cripps, and leadersof
the dominant All-India Congress
Party, with the helpful influence of
President Roosevelt's personal emis-
sary to India, Louis Johnson, was re-
ported to provide for a clear division
of functions under the projected na-
tional government for India.
Gen. Sir, Archibald P. Wavell, Brit-
ish Commander for India, it is said,
would be supreme- commander for
conduct of the war under an Indian
war cabinet whose defense minister
would be an Indian.
Both Cripps and Johnson were be-
lieved to be eager that Pandit Jawa-1
harlal Nehru, past President of the
Congress Party and one of its rank-o
ing leaders, take the defense port-
Plan Composes Differences
The consolidation of Indian andi
British direction of India's war ef-i
fort, as envisaged, was believed to
have composed the sharpest differ-
ence between the Congress Party and,
the British. The original plan car-
ried by Cripps to New Delhi last
month provided that responsibility
for the Indian defense remain in
British hands.
Late last week, amid signs of a
breakdown over the British plan and
the Congress Party's rejection, John-
son arrived at New Delhi. TonightI
Indian commentators were callingr
him the hero of the hour. Although
the precise part he played in the ne-
gotiations was not known, a national-
ist newspaper, the Bombay Sentinel,I
dubbed him a "super Cripps."
Cecil Brown k
To Talk Here'
'Repulse' Sinking Survivor
To Discuss Pacific War
CBS Far Eastern correspondent
Cecil Brown-whose reporting of the
sinking of the British battleship "Re-
pulse" and of the true state of affairs
in Singapore aroused world-wide
comment-will deliver the final lec-
ture of the Oratorical Series at 8:15
p.m. Monday, April 27, in Hill Audi-
Brown will replace Quentin Rey-'
nolds, foreign correspondent and
author of "London Can Take It,"
who was unable to fulfill his en-
gagement in the series. Patrons
holding season tickets can use the{
Quentin Reynolds stub for ad-
mittance to Brown's lecture.-
Brown, who will discuss "The War
in the Pacific," joined the CBS staffc

in 1940. He covered Yugoslavia at;
the time of the Nazi invasion, Syria,
and Cairo, from which he broadcast
his account of the German conquest
of Greece.;
Thatcher Elected
AIChE President
The American Institute of Chemi-i
cal Engineers yesterday announced
the election of its officers for the
cominL' veax_

LONDON, April 9.-tom)-JapaneseJ
planes have blasted the British heavy
cruisers Dorsetshire and Cornwall to
the bottom of the Indian Ocean, thus
virtually opening the way for an in-
vasion of India.
The Ganges Basin now is left un-
defended at sea save for light forces,
well-informed observers declared as
the Admiralty announced the loss of
the two heavier warships.
Ceylon Naval Base Bombed
Other British communiques re-
ported that the Japanese bombed
the Ceylon naval base of Trincomalee
this morning and that several Allied
Parry Thrust
Below Tobruk
London Reveals Sinking
Of Big Italian Cruiser
By British Submarine
(By The Associated Press)
CAIRO, April 9.-A British column
of all types of arms including tanks
was testing strength tonight with
Axis armored forces at Sidi Bregisch,
60 miles southwest of Tobruk, in a
fight for control of the wide Libyan
desert no man's land.
As Both sides jockeyed for posi-
tion in the North African sands, the
Admiralty announced the sinking of
a 10,000-ton Italian cruiser by a
British submarine in the central
Mediterranean on the Axis' vital sup-
ply lane to the battlefront.
Naval observers said in London
that loss of the ship, which sank
eight minutes after the torpedo ex-
plosions, left Italy with only two of
the seven 10,000-ton cruisers she had
at the outset of the war.
Despite the flare-up of fighting
in the desert, with the Germans and
Italians throwing in "quite strong
forces," informed sources saw no tan-
gible evidence that a large scale of-
fensive was taking form.
British military observers said the
Axis units might be trying to set up
strong forward points to guard their
badly battered airport at Martuba,
or simply were feeling out the lineup
of British troops oppostie their posi-
A communique announced that
"the enemy did not attempt to ad-
vance further" during the day after
having struck forward suddenly last
The war bulletin reported the cap-
ture of a number of Axis troops
"trying to establish a strong point
between Tmimi and El Gazala," some
20 miles apart.
This was taken as an indication
that Axis detachments were trying
to dig in at several points ahead of
their Tmimi-El Mechili line.
Every fraternity is requested to
send a sophomore representative, ;
including the present sophomore
staff to the IFC meeting at 5 p.m.
Monday in the Union.

merchant ships had been destroyed
by combined naval and air attacks
in the Indian Ocean, thus making
ominously apparent the scope and
strength of the Japanese thrust
across the Bay of Bengal.
The 9,975-ton Dorsetshire-whose
torpedoes supplied the coup de grace
to the German battleship Bismarck
in the Atlantic last May-and the
10,000-ton Cornwall apparently were
seeking the Japanese naval squad-
ron whose carriers launched planes
against Colombo on Sunday.
Attacked By Carrier Planes
"Aircraft from those very carriers
found them and destroyed them be-
fore they were able to close to gun-
nery range," declared one London
The date and the place of the sink-
ings were not given, but a Japanese
radio announcement said the cruis-
ers were destroyed in operations up to
April 7.
The broadcast Japanese communi-
que also claimed destruction of 21
Allied merchantmen and severe dam-
age to 23 others in the Bay of Bengal.
An announcement from New Delhi
said only that several ships had been
sunk and that 400 to 500 survivors
had been landed on the coast of
Orissa, Indian province.
Japs In Bay Of Bengal
Aircraft alone were mentioned in
destruction of the cruisers, but it
was apparent that a strong Japanese
naval force including aircraft car-
riers was on the prowl in the Bay of
Bengal. It wa; assumed to be op-
erating from the Japanese-occupied
Andaman Islands, about 800 miles
east of Madras.
Seniors Vote
For Open Air
Over two hundred seniors took an
overdose of Ann Arbor spring yester-
day to register their opinions in a
Student War Board poll of com-
mencement plans.
The cross-section thus gained
showed 195 seniors intending to at-
tend the ceremonies against 10 up-
perclassmen who will not be present.+
On the poll's second question, 149
seniors stated their objection to hold-
ing commencement ceremonies at
Yost Field House instead of Ferry
Field. Only 32 approved the change.
The survey on number of guest+
tickets needed by each individual
showed 47 seniors preferring four
tickets. This was the highest vote
on any number, as only 35 would
need more than six tickets and only
two isolated instances wanted one.
Results of the war board poll will
be turned over to the University
Committee on Commencement Ar-
Robert Wallace, '42E, president ofI
the war board, also stressed the need
for all organizations to turn in re-
ports of their war activities.
Only 30 organizations have report-
ed on their activities, up-to-date,+
Wallace declared. Organizations un-
reported will be considered inactive
as far as the war effort is concerned.


Reinforced Japanese


Rayburn Declares United States
Makes 3,300 Planes A Month


r Of House
War Fact

e Calls

-(A')-Speaker of the House Sam
Rayburn said today the United States
now is making more than 3,300
planes a month and that it already
has on worldwide fighting fronts six
times as many soldiers as General
Pershing had with the AEF after 10
months of the first World War.
"We and our Allies can and will
House Claims
Senate Profits
Committee Says Passage
Would Slow Production;
Prefers Tax Scheme
WASHINGTON, April 9. - (A') -
House Ways and Means committee-
men contended today that the Sen-
ate-approved profit limitation bill
would "slow down" the war effort
because of contract difficulties.
They argued that excessive war
profits should be recaptured through
existing tax formulae rather than
through the scheme approved by the
Senate Tuesday giving the War and
Navy departments and the Maritime
Commission broadasuthority to re-
negotiate questfi'iable contracts and
to require certain repayments.
Senate's Formula Complicated
Voicing the sentiments of some of
the committee members, who are now
studying stiffer excess profits taxes
for war-contract industries as part
of a new $7,000,000,000 tax bill, Rep.
Disney (Dm.-Okla.) said:
"The Senate's formula is so com-
plicated that contractors could not*
safely make a contract with the gov-
ernment because of the very nature
of it and the risk that they might
lose virtually all of their profits.
"Then, after that, the Internal
Revenue Bureau might come along
and claim that the War Depart-
ment's arbitrary computations of ex-
cess profits were not in accord with
the tax laws. Then the Treasury
would take another slice of income.
"Like the Administration, I am for
profit limitations, but the whole Ad-
ministration is against this plan and
all the Administration heads have
testified against it."
House Must Impose Taxes
From other Congressional sources
came an expression that the Consti-
tution would not permit Congress to
divert from the House to government
departments and agencies the right
to impose taxes.
Meanwhile, Representative Case,
(Rep.-S.D.), author of the flat 6
per cent profit limitation attached
as a rider to an $18,000,000,000 bill
for the War Department, said he
would be willing to abandon a def-
inite percentage in favor of more
general language. He took that posi-
tion originally when the big appro-
priation was being debated, but par-
liamentary rules defeated his purpose
and he had to shift to a definite
amendment. p
J1diciary Council
Positions Are Open
Second semester juniors in any of
the undergraduate schools are eligi-
ble to petition for the positions of
president and secretary of the Men's
Judiciary Council for the coming
school year, it was announced by
William Slocum, '42, present head of
the Council.
Under the reorganized constitution
of the Judiciary Council, only the
two above-mentioned positions will
be open.
Due at the student offices of the
Union by noon, Saturday, April 18,
the petitions should contain the ap-
nlicant's school his activities on cam-

build two and one-half times as
manyrplanes as all our enemies put
together," he said, speaking at a
Texas unity rally.
"Without divulging military secrets
I can say that one factory alone is
turning out each day an entire train-
load of tanks."
Every element of the nation's war
production effort "right now is either
up to or ahead of the program that
has been outlined."
Rayburn characterized the build-
ing of the nation's munitions indus-
try as "the most remarkable ac-
complishment in all history."
Other figures he said he could not
give because of their military nature,
but said "it is not true that our men
are training with broomsticks."
There must be an uninterrupted
flow of war production, Rayburn said
in discussing labor.
"There must be no strikes, no lock-
outs, no stoppages. I believe we
should have a 48-hour week in war
production, without overtime or
double time, and that will come.
"This is no time for capital to be
greedy and labor to be unreasonable.
Production must be uninterrupted in
every quarter."
Present production rates "indicate
125,000 planes in 1943, 100,000 of
which will be combat planes," Ray-
burn said.
"Your son is .not being sent to
battle until he is the best trained and
equipped soldier that ever went to
war. We will not let them down-
we will not let you down.
"Trust your leadership. Whether
you love or hate President Roosevelt,
he is the leader and the Commander-
in-Chief, and he will be until Janu-
ary 20, 1945."
Savings Plan
University employes are finding out
today that the cashier's office has
instituted a convenient voluntary
savings plan for the systematic pur-
chase of war bonds through payroll
Any employe of the University-
from president to janitor-may avail
himself of the opportunity of invest-
ing a portion of his salary in Series
"E" war bonds, according to Prof.
C. L. Jamison, chairman of the Uni-
versity Committee on War Bonds
and Stamps.
"Many employes who have been
purchasing bonds by making deduc-
tions from savings accounts in local
banks will now find it more conveni-
ent to secure bonds by authorizing
payroll deductions through the busi-
ness office," Professor Jamison said.
In an attempt to duplicate the
large scale payroll bond-buying rec-
ord of many industries, the Regents
recently authorized the investment
department of the business office to
make payroll deductions for the pur-
chase of bonds.
Staff members who desire to allo-
cate portions of their salary to buy
war bonds should secure an alloca-
tion blank from the Cashier's Office,
the Office of the Superintendentiof
Buildings and Grounds or at the busi-
ness office of the University Hospital.
Payroll deductions will be made in
amounts of $3.75 or multiples there-
of. ThehUniversity's 5,000 employes
can purchase, through the payroll de-
ductions, Series "E" non-transfer-
able bonds in denominations of $25,
$50, $100, $500, and $1,000.
Dr. Morris Fishbein
To Give Lecture Here
Widely-known editor and medical
authority, Dr. Morris Fishbein will
discuss "American Medicine and the
War" in a public lecture at 8:30 p.m.
Monday in the Rackham Lecture

Dr. Fishbein, editor of the Journal
of the American Medical Association,
will speak here under the auspices
of Aloha Omega Alpha. honorary

36,000 American, Filipino Forces Are Slain
Or Facing Capture; Exhausted Troops
Fail In Final Bitter Counter-Attack-
Corregidor, Island Fortresses
Endangered, Stimson Declares
WASHINGTON, April 9.-(AP)-The heroic epic of Bataan Peninsula
ended today, with the Japanese victorious through the sheer overwhelming
weight of hordes of fresh troops,-and with most of the 36,853 American
and Filipino soldiers slain or facing captivity.
Cut off from reinforcement, outnumbered by five, six, seven or even
eight to one, tragically deficient in air power, and exhausted by short ra-
tions, disease and constant battle, a courageous band of fighting men was
forced to a bitter but inevitable defeat.
For days, the Japs had been attacking in waves, sending rank upon
rank of fresh troops against sleepless and fatigue-ridden men.
Enemy Envelops Eastern Flank
Today, Lieut.-Gen. Jonathan Wainwright, who took command when
General Douglas MacArthur was transferred to Australia, reported that
the enemy had enveloped his eastern flank manned by his second corps.
To relieve the situation he ordered the first corps to counter-attack. It
did, but the "complete physical exhaustion" of the troops made it unsuc-
cessful. In view of these developments the War Department concluded and
announced that "this situation indicates the probability that the defenses
on Bataan have been overcome."
And to this, Secretary of War Stimson added at a press conference:
"Our troops, outnumbered and worn down by successive attacks by
fresh troops, exhausted by insufficient rations and disease prevalent on
Sthat peninsula, finally had their lines

Tulaoi Raided
By Jap Planes;
.Allies Counter
Stab At Australian Supply
Route Feared; Bombers
Strike Back At Rabaul
MELBOURNE, April 9.-('P)-A
Japanese air raid on the Florida Is-
land capital of Tulagi, administrative
center of the Solomon chain across
the Coral Sea from northeastern Aus-
tralia, stirred fears anew tonight that
the Japanese might be clearing the
way for a stab closer to the vital
supply lane from the United States.
Reports from Port Moresby said
Allied bombers countered quickly
with an attack of their own this af-
ternoon on Rabaul, Japanese-held
COLOMBO, Ceylon, Friday, April
10. -(A)- Allied Indian forces
straddled a Japanese aircraft car-
rier with high explosives yesterday
and shot down at least 10 Japanese
planes and perhaps 16, it was offi-
cially announced today. Japanese
bombers, apparently based on the
aircraft carrier sought by the
Allied force, first attacked the Brit-
ish naval base at Trincomalee on
this island.
base on New Britain which serves the
invaders as a stepping stone from
their foothold on New Guinea to the
Many Japanese aircraft, caught on
the ground in the surprise blow at
the Rabaul base, were said to have
been destroyed.
Casualties were reported inflicted
by strafing of enemy personnel.
Heavy bombers struck at shipping
in Rabaul harbor and airdrome in-
tallations and hangars.
The raiders dived to low levels to
get at their targets, Port Moresby
dispatches said.
The exchange of air blows came on
a day when the defenders of Aus-
tralia learned of a further spread of
the Japanese grip on the scattered
islands to the north.
A communique said aerial recon-
naissance revealed that the Japanese,
probably landing some time ago, had
occupied Lorengau on the mountain-
ous Manus Island, largest of the Ad-
miralty group 350 miles north of Lae,
Japanese-seized capital of northeast
New Guinea.
Prime Minister John Curtin an-
nounced that five Japanese planes
took part in the raid on Tulagi,
sweeping over at 5,000 feet and drop-
ping 30 to 40 bombs.
The imperative need for safeguard-
ing the sea lane to the United States
was underscored by Ronald H. Cross,
Rrf.rhM ahmCs mmicci ,. r ,.rA,-

broken and enveloped by the enemy.
"A long but gallant defense has
been worn down and overthrown.
"We have nothing but praise and
admiration for the commanders and
the men who have conducted this
epic chapter in American history."
And he spoke the views of a visibly
distressed capital, when he added:
"This is only a temporary loss. We
shall not stop until we drive the in-
vaders from the islands,"
Efforts To Get Reinforcements
With the battle ended, he was able
to announce for the first time, that
urgent efforts had been made to get
reinforcements to MacArthur and
Wainwright, despite Japanese control
of sea and air.
Brig.-Gen. Patrick J. Hurley, now
Minister to New Zealand, had been
given the special mission of sending
in supplies. Several shiploads ar-
rived, but for every supply ship that
reached Corregidor, an average of
nearly two was lost. Because of those
which ran the gauntlet successfully,
however, the army of Bataan never
lacked ammunition, although it had
been on short rations for weeks.
The end was foreseen yesterday,
apparently, for Stimson said that
President Roosevelt then sent a mes-
sage to Wainwright, praising him and
his men without limit, and authoriz-
ing him to make any decision neces-
sary to meet the developing situation.
Filipino Soldiers Numerous
Filipino soldiers made up the bulk
of the 36,853 fighting men on Bataan,
Stimson explained. The American
contingent comprised the 3,1st In-
fantry regiment, the crews of two
tank battalions, units of self-propel-
led artillery, air force ground crews
and sailors and marines from the
abandoned Cavite Naval Base. Air
force personnel numbered 5,000 men
at the start, but there was a heavy
loss of aircraft at the opening of the
campaign, and in its later stages
some 2,000 air corps men fought as
Corregidor, and the other rocky
island fortresses at, the entrance to
Manila Bay, were still in American
An intensive earthquake rocked the
whole Bataan Peninsula during fin-
al stages of the battle, a Japanese
news dispatch from Bataan, inter-
cepted by the CBS short wave lis-
tening station, declared tonight,
The dispatch, transmitted in
code, was from a Domei (Japanese
news service) correspondent, and
was dated "with the Japanese on
Bataan, April 9."
"The main force of the temblor,"
said the dispatch, "lasted five min-
utes, causing Filipino buts to crum-
ble and several landslides."
hands, Stimson declared, but how
long they could hold out was ques-
This, aside from the fact that
more than half of the islands in the
arnlin -a-(Na a stil -11 A 1V A a

Bright Spot In Day's News:
Red Troops Make Successful
Counter-Attack On Kalinin Front

LONDON, April 9-(P#)-Red Army
troops were reported tonight to have
broken two German divisions on one
sector of the northwestern Kalinin
front after the Nazis had attempted
a surprise counter-attack.
The Moscow radio said the Ger-
mans suffered heavily, and then re-
A supplementary Rusian communi-
que also said that 900 Nazis were
slain on this front, but it was not
clear whether this referred to the
same engagement. In the western
sector toward Smolensk, the Russians
said their troops had occupied 40
more Nazi dugouts.
The regular midnight Soviet com-
munique said no substantial changes
occurred on the front today, but that
the Soviets scored a 25-to-6 aerial
victory Wednesday over the Ger-
Junkers bombers fresh from the
factories of Germany are being rush-
ed o th h Eastern Front and nut into

continued, "anti-aircraft gunners of
the same battalion shot down three
more planes released from the fac-
tory in March, 1942."
The appearance of these brand new
Nazi planes seemed to be another in-
dication that Hitler is concentrating
all the strength he can possibly spare
on the Eastern Front in preparation
for the spring offensive.
Bits of information here and there
in the Russian reports from the front
indicate that the Russians are fight-
ing bitterly in every sector, either to
keep the Germans on the defensive
or to prevent even the smallest Nazi
offensive operation.
Today's Russian communique told
of fighting for one populated place on
the front west of Moscow after which
"the approaches to the village were
littered with the bodies of the Hitler-
ite soldiers."
In another sector more than 300

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