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April 09, 1942 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-04-09

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rITURSDAY, Arun-. 9, im



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H A V E N F 0 R A P L A N E ' S 'N 0 .S E-To protect the, delicate engine parts of 'this ,"Grass-
hopper" observation plane used by the field artillerymen at Fort Bragg, N.C., to locate "enemy targets,".
the nose is covered over by a tent during repairs. Blowing sands might sift into cogs an~d shafts- Planes
are flown by artillery personnel rather than by the Air Corps.


H E R W! N N E R Eight-,year old Joan Lentz of Wauwatosa,
Wis., spotted this Bedlington terrier, at a Chicago show and picked
him as a sure winner. Champion Tyneside Taraleeds is owned by
William A. Rockefeller of New York.

HO4W D 0E S YOQU RCGA R D EN G ROW ?--Lilies, roses and wistaria blossoms bloom atop
(;%% n Crawford, Betty cochiran, M~ary Feddersohn, Barbara Forbuzsh at a faslalonabic fete in Vasadella.

;: '


O K A Y, M I S "T E R, I T'S A K A Y O-Eyes closed, Diego. Hidalgo of. Burlington, Ia,, setties
on the canvs, after knockout barrage from Lou Am yo in Western A.A.UJ. tourney _at Denver, Colo.

SILVERED BY T H E 'SUNSET bust against the
evenIng sky at EFllingto'n Field, Texas, is an AT-9, hi-motored ;ad-
vanced training plane soon to take off on a flight. World's largest
.mulWti-.motored flying school is at the fielld.

S 0 U N D S aA L L R!I G H T- "Corporal Bolo" strings along
approvingly with Emanuel Feuerrnann, cellist, who recently played
for the officers and men at Cavalry replacement training center in
Fort Rilev, Kas. The corporal is two months cold.

S U C C E S S - Continents were
spanned in the romance of Peggy
Hlealy (above), New York model
who has Just married Aloysio de
Salles, a, magazine editor at Rio
de Janeiro. They met when Miss
Healy shared in a. "good neigh-
bee" fashion show in Rio.

NO0T T HE S AM E-..One of those "world's famous crossroads"
turns up, with quite a. difference, in Canada, where American
workmen are busy building a highway through British Columbia,
with Alaska as eventual terminus of the road.

F E E D E R-When this sap boy'
was taken from Los Angeles
home to, detention center for
aliens at Santa Anita race track
he brought along, his appetite, as
YOU can see.


V -

.:..:...:: .



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