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April 08, 1942 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-04-08

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c err irl ig trt tTt

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
420 MADIsoN AvE. NEW YORK. N. Y.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42
Editorial Staff

Emile Geld
Alvin Dann
David Lachenbructi
Jay McCormick
Gerald E. Burns
Hal Wilson .
Janet Hooker .
Grace Miller . .
Virginia Mitchell
Daniel H. Huyett
James B. Collins
Louise Carpenter
Evelyn Wright

Managing Editor
Editorial Director
City Editor
. Associate Editor
Associate Editor
Sports Editor
Women's Editor
. Assistant Women's Editor
Exchange Editor
Business Stafff

Associate Business
Women's Advertising
Women's Business


Thc editorials published in Thc Micugan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
LaFollette Bill
Can Stop Laho War . . .
NCREASED anti-labor sentiment ac-
tivated by war brought the recent
LaFollette-Thomas bill, outlawing "oppressive
labor practices," to the floor of the Senate.
Pressure on labor was partially eliminated by
the Wagner Act. but there were still loopholes
permitting continLuation of untair labor prac-
tice. The new bill proposes criminal penalties
for labor-baiting employers.
Teeth for the NLRA in the form of criminal
penalties for nine practices are provided:
1.The use of labor spies.
2. Use of strikebreakers.

Drew Pearson
Roabe . A1en
WASHINGTON -Deadliest testimony against
the Vinson-Smith bill to repeal the 40-hour week
did not come from WPB Chief Donald Nelson
or labor leaders Bill Green and Phil Murray,
though the trio got the headlines. It came from
one of the most militant advocates of the meas-
He was Mervyn K. Hart, head of the New
York State Economic Council, who appeared as
a witness for the legislation. But his testimony
quickly turned into a boomerang when Repre-
sentative Mike Bradley of Pennsylvania started
grilling Hart about his background.
Among other things. Hart admitted:
(1) That he had been an active foe of the
Lend-Lease program; (2) that he had been a
member of the America First Committee; (3)
that he attended the anti-Roosevelt rally in
Madison Square Garden, at which Fritz Kuhn
and other Bundists were present; and (4) that
his organization advocated disfranchising relief
While admitting that his organization had
"participated" in the New York meeting, Hart
vehemently denied any relations with the Bund.
"Fritz Kuhn wasn't invited," Hart declared.
"He just happened to show up."
"Has your organization ever advocated dis-
franchising WPA workers and other people on
relief?" asked Bradley.
"Yes, we believe that such people shouldn't
have the right to vote."
There were two very red faces in the commit-
tee room when Hart concluded his damaging
testimony. They belonged to Representatives
Carl Vinson of Georgia and Howard Smith of
Virginia. co-authors of the repeal bill.
Federal Housing Commissioner Abner Fer-
guson prepared a speech for delivery before
the American Bankers Association in New York
City and in accordance with regulations sub-
rnitted the manscript to the Office of Facts
and Figures for approval.
The speech came back with a note from Cap-
tain Robert Kintner noting an "inaccuracy" on
page six.,
In the most formal and restrained language,
Ferguson replied to this effect: "Dear Captain
Kintner: I have taken note of the 'inaccuracy'
contained in my prepared address, but I desire
respectfully to call your attention to the fact
that this passage was taken from the 'Report
to the Nation,' prepared and issued by the Of-
fice of Facts and Figures"
IFiflet Iy Fit.iwiiic>s
Joseph Fanelli is t .brilliant young lawyer
who is Chairman of the Board of Immigration
Appeals. His mother, Mrs. Mary Fanelli, came
to the United States .from Bai, Italy, in 1905.
She has raised eight children in America, but
has never become a citizen herself, because she
couldn't pass the educational tests. 1
But in the early days, she scrubbed the floors
in New York office buildings so that her chil-
dren might be educated. Appreciating deeply
the opportunities of America, she sent her boy
Joe to Dartmouth, and then to Harvard Law
His brilliance was recognized. Now he presides
over immigration matters in the Justice Depart-
Every year, Mrs. Fanelli comes to Washington
to see Joe. She comes on his name day - Saint
Joesph's Day, March 19.
But this year she didn't come. Joe wondered
what was wrong. Next day, however, she ap-
peared, overjoyed to see him, but still upset about
what had happened.
"Dat District Attorney," cried Mrs. Fanelli,

"he don' latta me come see my Joe! I tall heem
my boy Joe cesa beeg man in Washington. But
hl don' la m' come. W t'sa matter'?"
The mttelr was that Mrs. Fa:elli. 37 years a
resident of hIlle United States, and the mother
of an inortant official iii the Juslice Depart-
ment, was obliged to get a peniit from the Dis-
trict Attorney befoi'e she could leave the com-
Reaon: She is an "enemy alien.'
Military InforniatillI
No announcement has been made, but the
Senate and house Military Affairs Committees
have won their1 battle to be kept informed of the
progress of the war effort.
During World War I. the two committees were
kept advised oil m ilary developments a'broad
and war pr(Auction a I.home at confidential
sessions with Coo'l Ieonard P. Ayres, chief
statisteia I of f'i-ers of (he War Departmienl. Ayr('s
hlds Ie iail 1: posi il li his warl', and last yea'
began a sirilnar 1'series ( of 'ese meetings.
-But they were abirptly en(Ied after Pearl
Harbor. Chairman Andrew J. May of the House
Committee complained to Secretary Stimson,
and got the explanation that the War Depart-
ment wanted to avoid "leaks."
This drew such irate protests from both com-
mittees that Stimsoi has backed down and Ayres
has been aut horized to resume his reports on
"the inside lowdown."
4NJeITy4; O-ofii .
If you ha v(; a sol, relative, or1 1'ie gtoig into
the Army, give him a copy of "To the Colors,"
by Col. R. Ernest Dupuy, the Army's ace author.
Brief and readable, the book will give the young

® A Nauseating,
tow Repulsive Tale
THERE WAS ONCE a little girl named May
Fuddy. She had a laugh like a plumber's-
friend and used the words "repulsive" and "nau-
seating" to excess. So one day her mother said:
(quote) "I think that little May is becoming
absolutely nauseating., I shall send her away to
the finest school money can buy."
Money couldn't buy any fine schools-at least
not for little May-so Mrs. Fuddy sent May to
When most girls first arrive at Michigan they
are t-h-r-i-1-1-e-d. But not little May. She was
nauseated. After all, little May had been
The first day May was at Michigan, a near-
sighted freshman asked her for a date. "I'd be
absolutely nauseated," replied little May. She
later told the girls that he was repulsive. Little
did she know that this man would some day be
the greatest steeplejack the world would ever
A MONTH LATER little May was invited to a
sorority tea. "I hate sororities. I think
they'se absolutely repulsive, and all that sort of
guff," she told the sisters. "In fact they make
me gag." May Fuddy pledged to the sorority
the next day.
Someone asked her why she didn't try out for
The Daily. "Oh," she said, "amateur journalism
is repulsive. It nauseates me." She started
writing women's fashions for The Daily in'her
most repulsive manner.
Soon she was a senior and people pointed as
she passed on the street. "That's May Fuddy,"
they said, "she's eccentric." Everyone would
look and they'd shake their heads and say,
"isk, tsk."
Someone said why don't you try out for the
JGP, and she said "I hate the JGP, I think it's
repulsive, and besides I was in it last year when
I was a junior." So she wrote the play and
asked that they withhold her name because she
thought JGP's were nauseating.
M AY met another eccentric during her senior
year-a man who had never had a haircut,
and they became inseparable companions. One
could often see them strolling across campus
enveloped in their ivory tower. Every few min-
utes May would look up and say, "Repulsive,"
a'nd her companion, with a knowing look, would
whisper tenderly. "Nauseating."
Finally graduation day came near. Someone
asked May if she were going to attend the com-
mencement ceremonies. "Oh. no," she replied
"I think commencement is absolutely nauseating.
I gag to think of it." Little May, in her cap and
gown, was the star of the commencement cere-
After graduation little May went around look-
ing for a job. She went to several newspapers
and asked them for jobs on their nauseating,
repulsive rags. They said no. Finally she got
a job in an advertising agency.
One day May Fuddy's mother was reading a
perfume ad. It said: "Exotic as a jungle flower
.. deep . . . passionate, irresistible, it will drive
men insane with desire."
Mrs. Fuddy looked up and said: "How posi-
tively repulsive."
May Fuddy had written that ad.
War Songs JiJ s Cn't
Seem To Cook W3ith (ts
T IS UNFORTUNATE that most of the recent
releases have to do with war, because war
songs are poor songs for the most part. For a
change we will start with the Hot Jazz section.
If you're not interested in Hot Jazz, skip the
next paragraph:

Jay McShann, a great Boogie Woogie man
with a great hand, i often overlooked by the
experts. His Decca recording this week, So You
Won't Jiumhp, displays some excellent pianisties.
Flipover side, One Woman's Man, is good blues
... Louis Jordan is really coming up on the list
of Jazz greats. Ills Decca T-Bone Blues is intro-
duced by the inellowest alto sax this reviewer
has heard in many moons. Reverse side is Pine-
top's Boogie Woogie. Speaking of Boogie, I re-
heard Zurke's Honky Tonk Train on a Decca
record yesterday and am convinced that next to
Meade "Lux" Lewis' it's the best.
Artie Shaw takes us back to the old days with
Just Kiddin' Around on a Victor platter. Some
great clarinet by Shaw, a fine trumpet chorus
by "Hot Lips" Page-the tune penned by trom-
bonist ?Iay Conill '.. Reverse side is a slow,
comimiercial, bri OK-ish, Sometimes I leel Like
a Motherless Child, with vocal by "Hot ls'.'.
. Stan Kenton las recorded some very comuer-
cial "swing" in his own nauseating manner for
Decca. His stiffness is only matched by his lack
of brilliance in Concerto for Doghouse and La-
ment Gitano . . . 'Tain't No Good, Calloway's
latest on OKeh Label, backed by I Want To
Rock-two more of Cab's commercials . .
DD pseudo-patriotic rot: Yankee Doodle Ain't
Doodlin' Now, slightly better-than-average
hymn of hate, by Dick ,Jur,'g('ns. Reverse side--
another war-i tarl- jerker, She'll Always R1inem-
her OKebh . .. Kate Smith gets real blood-
tlhiirsty in Iwr latest Cohunbia record, 'Ihis Time,
backed by The Marines' Ilyinu. Much better re-
cording is the one by Victor Military Band,
backed by The Caissons Go Rolling Along . . .
Two new Glenn Miller tunes that are slightly

(Continued from Page 2)
Candidates for degrees or certifi-
cates may fill out cards at once at
the office of the secretary or record-
er of their own school or college (stu-
dents enrolled in the College of Lit-
erature, Science, and the Arts, School
of Music, School of Education, and
School of Public Health, please note
that application blanks may be ob-
tained and filed in the Registrar's
Office, Room 4, University Hall).
Please do not delay until the last
day, as more than 2500 diplomas and
certificates must be lettered, signed,
and sealed and we shall be greatly
helped in this work by the early fil-
ing of applications and the resulting
longer period for preparation.
The filing of these applications
does not involve the payment of any
fee whatsoever.
Shirley W. Smith
University Council: There will be a
meeting of the University Council on
Monday, April 13, at 4:15 p.m., in the
Rackham Amphitheater. All tnem-
bers of the University Senate may
attend the meeting:
Minutes of the meetings of March
9 and March 12, 1942.
Subjects offered by.members of
the Council.
Report of the Committee on Pro-
gram and Policy concerning Regula-
tions for Council Membership, J. P.
Report of the Advisory Board on1
University Policies concerning the,
Problem of the Instructorship, W. C.
Report of the Committer: on Edu-
cational Policies concerning Physical
Examinations of Members of the
Faculty, R. Schoring
Reports from the Standing Con-
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary.
Staff Travel by Automobile: As a
measure of economy it is requested
that faculty and staff members who
have occasion to travel on Univer-
sity business by personally owned or
University owned automobile report
their plans in advance to the office
of Dr. Frank E. Robbins, Assistant to
the President (Campus telephone
328), in order that, when feasible,
persons going to the same place at
the same time may ride in the same
car and save both tires and expense.
A record of such plans will be kept
in the President's Office, and those
who find it necessary to make a trip
may inquire there as to the possi-
bility of riding with others. Waste
is sabotage
LaVerne Noyes Scholarships: Pre-
sent holders of these scholarships
who desire to apply for renewals for
1942-43 should call at 1021 Angell
Hall and fill out the blank forms for
application for renewal.
Frank E. Robbins
The Student War Hoard has been
established to coordinate all student
activities directed toward the fur-
therance of the war effort; and in
pursuance of this aim, it set up the
following regulations:
1) All organizations' are required
to submit to this board, in room 1009
Angell Hall, a rep#rt of current ac-
tivities in relation to war efforts, by
April 9, 1942.
2) Henceforth all organizations
who are planning such projects
should have the permission of this
committee before taking action.
Prospective Applicants for the
Combined Curricula: Students of the
College of Literature, Science, and the
Arts wishing to rpply for admission
to one of the combined curricula for

September 1942 should fill out appli-
cations for such admission as soon as
possible in Room 1210 Angell Hall.
The final date for application is April
20, 1942. Pre-medical students should
please note that application for ad-
mission to the Medical School is not
application for admission to the Com-
bined Curriculum. A separate appli-
cation should be made out for the
conside'ation of the Committee on
Combined Curricula.
Edward 11. Kraus
Juiors in the Engineering College,
Chemistry Department, and School
of Business Administration: The
Proctor & Gamble Company, Ivory-
dale, Ohio, will give a test to inter-
ested studen s in the above groups
on Tlmrsday, April 9, in Room 348
WestEngineering uilding, starting
at 4:00 p.m. Student unable to report
at 4 o'(,o:k may start any time up to
5 o'clock. The test will occupy from
one and one-half to two hours' time
The Glover Scholarship in Actuari-
al Mathematics will again be award-
ed for the coming academic year
This scholarship covers tuition for
two semesters in either the Graduat
School or School of Business Admin
istration. Applicants must be in resi
dence at the Univcrsity of Michigan
and have completed by this summe
all requirements for the A.B. degree
and all prerequisites for Ma thematic
221. Application blanks may be se-
cured in the Mathematics Depart
ment Office, 3012 A.H., and should b
returned to that office before May 1.

3. Action of private guards
4. Collection of ammunition


"These are bad times for us missionaries, Snodgrass-religion we can
explain to the natives, but how are we going to explain civilization?"

off company
in industrial

5. Vigilante activities.
6. Blacklisting.
7. "Yellow-dog" contracts.
8. Attempts to prevent collective bar-
9. Refusal to supply information to NLRB.
Industrial warfare wich has been part of so
many labor disputes could be eliminated through
this law. Each of the trouble spots have been
covered by its broad provisions.
The criminal penalty provisions would finally
bring to justice the conspirators against labor
who have caused riots and refused to cooperate
with the NLRB. And now when labor is being
forced back by reactionary elements the bill is
needed to protect the gains it has won.
Senator LaFollette pointed out in the Senate
that the bill would be a powerful morale booster.
as well as an antidote against the indiistrial
poison of unfair practices.
In a broader sense the bill is a definite step
toward industrial democracy, toward alleviation
of labor's weak bargaining position. Its enact-
ment would mean not only stoppage of employer
anti-labor drives now, but l)ositive protection
after the war.
- Leon Gordemker
BENJAMIN M. ANDERSON, Prolesr of c1-
nomiCs at f lie University of California at Los
Angeles, strikingly stale Oil( way of looking at
the forty-hour week:
We have a situation where, by a law enacted
by the Congress of the United States, a situa-
tion is created which would be the equivalent
of a strike of one-sixth of our workers for a
50 percent increase in wages. In other words,
you can only get extra labor, say, from forty to
forty-eight hours p'er week, by paying a 50 per-
cent increase in wages, and industry cannot
pay it.
To pilt it in aijol her way, if the forty-hour
week were cctenced If) a forty-eight-hour week
- which by all standards of health is a reason-
able working week in m1(s1t iiultitriC, we coulCd
forthwith increase he available labor supply
at 'current wages by one-fifth, or 20 percent.
Though war industries can afford to work

that every such student now enrolled
in the University leave his or her
name, and Ann Arbor address, with
Miss Velma Louckes, Room 4, Uni- i
versity Hall, as soon as possible. f
Ann Arbor Rotary Club, i
Samuel T. Dana, President t
The University Bureau of Appoint- to
ments and Occupational Information
has received notification of the fol-
lowing Civil Service announcements.
The closing date is given in each p
case. p
United States Civil Service m
Senior Bookkeeping Machine Oper-M
ator, $1,620, May 19, 1942. d
Junior Chemist (Junior Profes- w
sional Assistant Examination) $2,000 r
until further notice. t
Detroit Civil Service
Life Guard, Male (Beach) .75 to
.90 hr., April 20, 1942.
Life Guard, Male (Pool), .65 to .80,
April 20, 1942.
Swimming Instructor (Male) $1,860 R
April 20, 1942. O
Swimming Instructor (Female) $1,- t
860, April 20, 1942.
Farm Supervisor (Orchard and u
Garden, Male), $1,980, April 17, 1942: m
Playleader (Male), $5.50 to $6.00 A
day, April 13, 1942. 1
Playleader (Female), $5.50 to $6.00 t
day, April 13, 1942.
Junior Recreation Instructor (Fe-
male), $1,500, April 13, 1942.
Junior Recreation InstructorG
(Male), $1,500, April 13, 1942.
Dietitian (Female), $1,860, April 14, '
1942. t
Transportation Equipment Opera- s
tor (Male) $.79 to .84 hr., April 6, '
Asst. Public Service Attendant R
(Male-Female) .35 to .65 hr., April 7, i
Materials Laboratory Aid (Male),t
$1,740, April 10, 1942.
Michigan State Civil Service a
Machinery Inventory Executive I,v
$155 per month, April 17, 1942. R
Machinery Inventory Executive II,
$200, April 17, 1942.
Machinery Inventory Executive III,
I $250, April 17, 1942.
Police Radio Operator A, $135,
April 17, 1942,
Weights and Measures Inspector
A2, $125, Apri 17, 1942.
Further information may be ob-r
tained from the announcement whichi
is on file in the office of the Univer- r
sity Bureau of Appointments and Oc-s
cupational Information, 201 MasonI
hall. Office hours 9-12 and 2-4. 1
Bureau of Appointments and E
Occupational Information 1
Acadeiiic Notices
Biological Chemistry Seminar willt
meet tonight at 7:30 in Room 319,1
West Medical Building. The topic toc
be discussed is "Hemoglobin and Re-
lated Pigments." All interested are1
The Botanical Seminar will meet
today at 4:30 p.m. in room 1139 Na-
tural Science building. Dr. Elzada
U. Clover will give a paper entitled
"Floristic Studies in Havasupai Can-
yon, Arizona." All interested are in-
Zoology Seminar will meet lThurs-
day, April 9, at 7:30 p.m. in the Am-
i phitheater of the Rackham Building.
Reports by Mr. Charles W. McNeil on
( "Pathology and embryology of the
- giant kidney worm, Dioctophyma
- renale (Goeze, 1782) and a compari-
son of its larva with the larva of
r Paragordius varius (Leidy, 1851)",
e and Mr. Ray Moree on "Influence of
- interspecific hybridization on sperm-
- atogenesis in Peromyscus and its
n bearing on genetic relationship."
Psychology 153: Dr. Meyer will not
s meet this class today.
- Doctoral Examination for Samuel
e Kushner, Chemistry; thesis: "The
Synthesis of Analogs of Estrone and

May Festival /Tickets: All remain-
ng tickets for the May Festival, both
or the series (6 concerts) and for
ndividual concerts are on sale over
he counter at the offices of the
Jniversity Musical Society in Bur-
on Tower.
Charles A. Sink, President
Student Recital: Charles Mathe-
on, tenor, will present a recital in
artial fulfillment of the require-
nents of the .degree of Bachelor of
dusic at 8:30 tonight in Lydia Men-
elssohn Theater. Mr. Matheson,
ho had the leading male role in the
ecent production of "Cavalleria Rus-
icana," is a pupil of Arthur Hackett.
The public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Dr. Carl G.
3ossby of the Institute of Meteorol-
gy, University of Chicago, will lec-
ure on the subject, "Recent Develop-
ments in the Science of Meteorology,"
nder the auspices of the Depart-
nents. of Aeronautical Engineering,
kstronomy, Geography, and Geology,
in Thursday, April 9, at 4:15 p.m. in
ihe Rackham Amphitheatre. The
)ublic is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Dr. John Al-
irecht Walz, Professor Emeritus of
Germanic Languages and Literatures,
Harvard University, will lecture on
he subject, "Goethe," under the au-
pices of the Department of German-
c Languages and Literatures, on Fri-
ay, April 10, at 4:15 p.m. in the
Rackham Amphitheater. The public
s cordially invited.
University Lecture: Dr. Luis Alber-
to Sanchez, Professor of American
and Peruvian Literature in the Uni-
versity of San Marcos, Lima, Peru,
will lecture on the subject, "La Tra-
dicion y la Raza en la Literature His-
pano-Americana," under the auspices
of the Department of Romance Lan-
guages, at 4:15 p.m. on Friday, April
17, in the Rackham Amphitheater.
The public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Dr. M. S. Di-
mand, Curator of Near Eastern Art
in the Metropolitan Museum of Art,
New York City, will lecture on the
subject, "Coptic Art of the Arabic
Period" (illustrated), under the aus-
pices of the Museum of Art and Arch-
aeology at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday,
April 22, in the Rackham Amphithe-
atre. The public is cordially invited,
The Alpha Omega Alpha lecture
will be given by Dr. Morris Fishbein,
Editor of the Journal of the Ameri-
can Medical Association, on Monday,
April 13, at 8:30 p.m. in the Rack-
ham Lecture Hall. Dr. Fishbein will
speak on "American Medicine and
the War." The public is cordially
Events Today
The Program of Recorded Music
at the International Center tonight,
7:30-9:00, will include: Hayden, Sym-
phony No. 13; Mozart, Symphony No,
38, and Beethoven, Symphony, No. 4.
Everyone is invited.
German Roundtable at the Inter-
national Center will meet at 9:00 to-
night in Room 23. The group will
read from "Wilhelm Busch." Anyone
who is interested in speaking German
is invited.
American Institute of Electrical
Engineers will meet tonight at 8:'00 in
the Union. Mr. Frank M. Duff will
seak on applications of artificial
lightning. Refreshments,
Girl's Glee Club rehearsal tonight
at 9:00 in the Kalamazoo Room of
the League, Will all members please
I hp. nrpsnt_

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