I SWeather Continued Cold, 4tit a %ait . Editorial LaFoellette Bill Can Stop Labor Wara. I, VOL. LIIL No. 139 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 1942 Z-323 PRICE FIVE CENTS Nelson Order Will Ban Steel In Production For Civilians Manufacture Of Durable Goods For Consumers To Be Stopped May 31; Construction Is Curbed Senate Votes War Profit Restriction WASHINGTON, April 7.-(P)-The manufacture of most consumers' dur- able goods will be halted for the dur- ation of the war by May 31, Chair- man Donald M. Nelson of the War Production Board reported today in announcing two imminent new or- ders-a civilian construction stop- order and a ban on the use of steel in hundreds of civilian articles. These two actions, added to the swift succession of production cur- tailments and stoppages which will be almost complete by May 31, are of equal importance to "the winning of a major battle," Nelson told a press conference.. Non-Defense Building Stopped The building order will suspend non-defense construction and stop the use in building materials of war- essential metals, Nelson said. The steel order will not only prohibit the use of iron and steel in a multitude of common items, but also will ban the use of other metals and scarce plastics as substitutes. The normally cautious Nelson gave an unexpectedly optimistic view of the speed and scope of industry's transition from peacetime gadget- making to the output of the imple- ments of war. "I am more pleased with the con- version effort at this time than at any time since I've been on the job," he said. "Sound But Lean" The meaning of the transition to the average citizen is a "sound but le n" ivilian economy, the produc- tion chief reported. "We don't know how lean it can be, but it will get leaner and leaner as time goes on. The consumers' durable goods in- dustries whose doom he sounded are those producing such characteristic elements of the American standard of living as automobiles, refrigerators, washing machines, vacuum cleaners and other articles having a relatively long life. All the articles named are under stop-production orders. "History will record whether we have moved too fast or too slow," Nelson said with reference to the sweeping change in this country's in- dustrial complexion. An informal tabulation revealed that production already has been halted in five major industries and production ordered stopped in 15 others. Nelson acknowledged that "indus- trial casualties"-plants forced to shut down for inability to convert or for lack of materials-would be in- evitable. Modified Profit Curb Passed By Senate WASHINGTON, April 7. -(A)- A modified measure for limiting war profits emerged from the Senate late today attached to the latest $19,212,- 773,260 appropriation bill. Before it actually will apply to the billions of dollars of present and fu- ture contracts, the profit restriction faces further modification by a joint Senate-House committee that must adjust many differences between the two chambers over the huge wartime appropriation. The provision-largely limited to authority to re-negotiate contracts which might yield unreasonable pro- fits-was advanced as a compromise by Administration leaders to avoid an assortment of proposed riders dealing with wartime labor problems, union dues, the flat six per cent profit limit voted by the House, and the sliding scale limit of two to 10 per cent substituted by the Senate Appropriations Committee. Lit Seniors Get Final Chance To Pay Dues Literary college seniors will be giv- en a last chance to pay their senior dues and order commencement an- nouncements from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. every afternoon this week in Angell Hall Lobby. Seniors in the School of Educa- New Jap Troops Force Slow Retreat In Bataan American Sub Sinks Two Nipponese Merchantmen In China Sea Raid, Navy Department Reveals United Automobile Workers Vote To Suspend Premium Week-End, Holiday Pay For Duration Of War ro WASHINGTON, April 7. - (A) - 1 Fresh troops thrown into the battle of Bataan by the Japanese today clawed their way further into the stubbornly defended positions of the American-Filipino forces. A late day communique from the War Department reported that the greatly outnumbered troops under Lieut.-Gen. Jonathan M. Wain- Iwright, fighting desperately to hold their line midway across Bataan Pen- insula, were being forced back slowly. Beginning the fourth day of al- most ceaseless pounding of the center of Wainwright's line, the Japanese were aided by tanks as well as intense artillery fire, aerial bombardment and strafing. Losses were heavy to- day on both sides. Hospital Bombed Concentrating their assault on the front lines and rear positions on the mainland, the enemy left the forti- fied island of Corregidor free of aerial attack for the fourth successive day, but for the second time in little more than a week bombed a base hospital in Bataan, killing a large number of woundedhsoldiers who were being treated there. The attack on the hospital was carried out this morning by three flights of heavy bombers, the Depart- ment reported. After the same hos- pital was bombed March 30, the Jap- anese command in the Philippines broadcast 'an apology, but the De- partment asserted that the second attack on the plainly marked build- ing "tends to prove that both raids were intentional." Severe Bombardment Yesterday, said an earlier com- munique, the defending forces were subjected to a particularly severe aerial bombardment behind the lines, and the Japanese aimed a con- centrated air attack at the south coast of Bataan in an apparent effort to shatter Wainwright's vital com- munications with Corregidor, two miles offshore. The enemy also directed a two- hour artillery barrage against Cor- Atlantic Ship Losses Drop, Knox Reveals WASHINGTON, April 7. - (') - A sharp decline in the number of U-boat attacks off the Atlantic Coast was reported today by Secretary Knox, who said that recently-adopted methods of combatting the submer- sibles might be responsible. He did not, however, overlook the possibility that the drop might be due in part at least to the German practice of sending out submarines in waves, with intervening periods in which few U-boats are actually operating far from their bases. However, Knox pointed out that: last week there were but two attacks in the coastal area--one upon a tanker and the other on a tow-boat and its barges. During the week the Navy announced 14 attacks but twelve of these occurred before March 29 or in Caribbean waters, not covered by the Secretary's an- nouncement. In addition, Knox revealed that ''very careful study" is being given to the whole problem of operating the merchant marine. No decisions have yet been reached, he said, but a possibility remained that the Navy might take charge of ships assigned to "long voyages." regidor and Fort Hughes from land' batteries on the Cavite shore of Man- ila Bay, but the Department reported that neither casualties nor damage resulted from the shelling. The guns of the forts laid down a counter-bat- tery fire, the results of which were not reported. Sub Hits Two Jap Ships In Daring China Sea Raid WASHINGTON, April 7.-(A')-A daring American submarine, striking directly at Japanese shipping in the hazardous waters of the China Sea, has sunk two merchant vessels to- taling 15,000 tons, the Navy an- nounced tonight. It was the third Navy communique in four days dealing with the success- es of the far-ranging American un- dersea raiders against the extended Japanese supply lines. The three an- nouncements listed 12 Japanese ves- sels, including two light cruisers, as sunk or damaged. Altogether, American submarines have destroyed or damaged 52 Jap- anese ships in the Pacific theatre. The latest victims were identified as a 10,000-ton combination cargo and passenger ship and a 5,000 cargo vessel. Yesterday, the Navy disclosed that two submersibles had sunk three Japanese ships. Allies Smash At Jap Bases IIn New Guinea Supply Group Adopts Plan To Coordinate Supplies Of U.S.-Aussie Troops By C. YATES McDANIEL MELBOURNE, April 7,-(,P)-For the third successive day Royal Aus- tralian Air Force and American planes smashed at the Japanese in New Guinea areas today, swooping in a low-level attack on Lae where they planted sticks of bombs on grounded aircraft and the airdrome buildings and runways. Correspondents at Port Morseby, Australian base in New Guinea, said fires were started by the attack and that the damage inflicted in the three: successive days of attacks must have been extensive. The Allied bombers were accom- panied by fighting planes which shot down the lone Japanese fighter who tried to interfere with the attack. He crashed into the sea. Meanwhile, Navy and Munitions Minister J. M. Makin declared that "Australia never stood in a better position than she does today" to repel a Japanese invasion. Production of munitions and war equipment is mounting rapidly, he declared. The Allied Supply Council, holding what Supply Minister John Beasley described as its most important meet- ing yet, adopted a plan today to co- ordinate supplies and equipment for United States and Australian troops from materiel available here and that arriving from America under the Lend-Lease program. Army Minister Francis M. Forde announced that he had ordered an official report from soldiers who es- caped from Rabaul in New Guinea and brought stories that Australian prisoners had been pinioned, shot and bayoneted by the Japanese. Engineering Students Evaluate Teachers, Courses In Survey EEC 'Si (" a a 0 UAW Delegates Demand Manufacturers of War Materials Share In Sacrifices; 48-Hour Week Most Efficient, FDR Says E. Al. Baker Says Results Have Given Information Helpful To Instructors (Editor's Note: This is the second in a series of articles explaining the vari- ous aspects of the problem of evaluat- ing members of the faculty.) By >IOMER SWANDER In a move which "yielded a large amount of information that can be of great help to the administration and to individual instructors," the College of Engineering in May, 1940 asked its students to evaluate their teachers and their courses. Prof. E. M. Baker of the chemical engineering department-author of the above statement-is chairman of the permanent Committee on Coor- dination and Teaching which for nearly two years has been studying the results of the student evaluation survey. The survey is similar in nature to one which the faculty of the literary school approved early last fall. The latter school, however, failed to carry through with its plan and, at the be- hest of the Executive Committee of the College, voted to postpone any action for the duration of the emer- gency. In releasing hitherto unpublished data of general significance which was uncovered by the engineering school's survey, Professor Baker pointed out that the students who were questioned regarded the sur- vey as an opportunity to offer seri- ous contributions and their sug- gestions "time after time resulted Colonel Ganoe To Inaugurate Union Course Commandant Of ROTC To Begin Leadership Talk Series Tomorrow Col. William A. Ganoe, comman- dant of the local ROTC unit, will in- augurate the new Union-sponsored course in leadership when he speaks at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the small ballroom of the Union. His topic will be "Treatment." Everyone interested in enrolling for the course-which will be composed of a lecture every Thursday-may do so by contacting Ed Holmberg, '43, or by registering in the Student Of- fices of the Union. The course was to be limited to 50 members, but widespread demand has made it necessary to allow double that number of enrollees. Holmberg emphasized that only those persons who intend to attend all the lectures should register. The tentative program of lectures is as follows: L. J. Carr of the sociol- ogy department, speaking on "The Social Scene and the War"; Prof. Wesley Maurer of the journalism de- partment, on "Leading Group Discus- sion"; Clark Tibbetts, secretary of the War Board, on "Community Self Studies"; and Prof. H. Y. McCluskey of the School of Education, on "Com- munity Efforts and Defense." Each speaker's talk is to be mimeo- graphed and presented to the stu- dents at the following lecture so as to insure continuity. At the end of the course the various lecture copies will be combined to form a syllabus on leadership. Seniors Will Vote Comm~nmcemen t Site §omorro'w Senior opinion on the University's proposed shifting of commencement from Ferry Field to Yost Field House will be polled tomorrow by the Stu- dent War Board in an all-campus in much needed corrections that otherwise might never have been made." The questionnaires, which were filled out by nearly every student in the engineering school, asked for such information as:,the difficulty of the course; the interest and enjoy- ability; the quality of the teaching; the suitability of the text; the corre- lation of the lecture, laboratory and quiz sections; and the total number of hours worked per credit hour for the course. A space was also provided on the specially prepared cards for general comment and suggestions for im- provement of the course. Although the latter information was the most difficult to assimilate in any precise manner, Professor Bak- er said that in many instances it was the most valuable. Three cases cited by Professor Bak- er as illustrating the value of the survey were: 1. In one class the students replied that the total amount of work as- Turn to Page 6, Col. 1 Paul Lim-Yuen Win1s Northern Speech Finals DETROIT, April 7.-(P)-A war conference of United Automobile Workers (CIO) delegates tonight approved unanimously, by -voice vote, an executive board recommendation that premium pay for weekend and holi- day work be waived for the duration. At the same time, the delegates, representing more than a half-million workers in automobile and arcraft plants-in the nation, demanded that manufacturers of war material be compelled to make "equal sacrifices." Acceptance of the executive board's proposal to forego extra pay for Saturday, Sunday and holiday work except when such work constitutes a sixth or seventh consecutive working day followed a day-long session which at times became boisterous when opponents displayed reluctance to waive pre- mium wages unless "excess profits" '> were banned war manufacturers by Congress or the President. Earlier, President Roosevelt, in a letter to the conference, informed the UAW-CIO that premium pay Forty M iles "puts a brake on" wartime produc- tion and '.helps our enemies." In addition to waiving premium pay, the conference reaffirmed a pledge to refrain from strikes or work British Defenders Destroy stoppages and to submit all disputes O -C en Ista ton ,to mediation for the war's duration, Oil, Cement Installations agreed to increase production by "all In Burma Withdrawal means available," and urged that arms plants be operated on a 24- NEW DELHI, India, April 7.--(R)--- hour day 7-day week basis through A continuing Japanese push north- establishment of swing shifts." ward up the broad, sea-level valley The board submitted, for Con- of the Irrawaddy River in Burma was gressional action, what it termed a reported today by the British, who "victory through equality of sacri- announced the defending forces had fice" program proposing wartime fallen back more than 40 miles north laws to limit family or individual in- from Prome after destroying oil and comes to $25,000 a year and corpor- cement installations at Thayetmyo ate earnings to three per cent on in- and Alanmyo. vested capital, in return for which, The Japanese columns last were it said, labor would agree that all reported at Kama, on the west bank wages for time over 40 hours a week of the Irrawaddy 15 miles above be paid in special non-negotiable de- Prome, and at Nyaungbinzeik on the fense bonds, east bank, a British communique Mr. Roosevelt's letter, addressed to said. UAW-CIO President R. J. Thomas, Other Japanese elements are mov- stated that "every factory and every ing northeast up the Sinjok Valley, shipyard should be working seven farther east on the path to Manda- days a week, night and day." lay, still more than 200 miles dis- tant_ Prize Address New Pacific Stewart Also Proposes Charter; Honored A plea for liberation of the Asiatic peoples gained first place for Paul Lim-Yuen, '43, in the University fin- als of the Northern Oratorical League contest yesterday in Angell Hall. In his speech, "The Pacific Char- ter," Lim-Yuen declared that "the so-called democracies should draw up a Pacific Charter similar to the re- cent Atlantic Charter." For his oration, "The Cynic and the Saint," D. Richard Stewart, '44, was selected alternate. Albert Cohen, '44, and Bennet Yanowitz, '44, also participated in this meet. Dr. Glen E. Mills was the chair- man of this finals contest, and the judges were taken from the faculty of the Department of Speech. Dr. Louis M. Eich arranged both the pre- liminary and final meet for the Uni- versity. Lim-Yuen will attend the Northern Oratorical League contest at North- western University May 1, where he will represent the University in com- petition with the other universities in this district. From this meet a first and second place winner will be chosen. Students taking Japanese are eligible to apply for scholarships, if they are in financial need, from the American Council of Learned Societies, it was announced yes- terday. 48-Hour Week Is Most Productive, FDR Says WASHINGTON, April 7. - (1?) - President Roosevelt's studies of the efficiency of workmen have led him to the conclusion that a 48-hour week is more productive than a 60-hour week. Surveys here, in Great Britain and on the European continent have shown, he said today, that a man working 60 hours produces less than. one working 48. That, he told a press conference, was a fact which the American people should examine and get into their heads. He added that Henry Ford, after investigating the question, had said that more than 44 or 48 hours a week did not increase the number of things produced by the individual workers. The question of working hours has provided one of the hottest of war- time controversies. For weeks a drive has been on in Congress to suspend for the duration of the war, the pro- visions of the wage-hour law; com- pelling the payment of time and a half for more than 40 hours work in a week. i . With fighting momentarily con- fined to patrol skirmishes, the Brit- ish said their forces still were tak- ing up new defense positions north of Thayetmyo and Alanmyo. , The main Burmese oil fields are around Minbu, about 65 miles far- ther north. Air activity conitinued scanty, but the Japanese bombed a'n unidenti- fied town in Central Burma Monday, causing a few casualties, the British announced. A Chinese Army spokesman at Chungking said the Japanese ad- vance up the .Irrawaddy was being made with 100 trucks and a number of tanks. He said the Chinese forces who hold the Sittang River Valley, the east sector of the Burma defense lines, were engaging a. Japanese striking force in the Toungoo region south of Kyibuangan. All-India Congress Party Rejects British Program NEW DELHI, India, April 7.-(A)- Rejection of the British program for post-war Indian independence was reported tonight to be the reiterated stand of the powerful All-India Con- gress Party, despite a British offer to appoint an Indian native as de- fense minister of this country. In the face of renewed American efforts toward an agreement and this major British concession to the Congress Party's earlier contentions, new objections were raised on other points-and without the Congress Party's acquiescence the entire plan is considered unlikely to succeed. Year-Round Basis Adopted By Naval ROTC For Cadets Latest department of the Univer- sity to go on a year-round basis, the Naval ROTC will offer courses for sophomore and junior cadets during the summer term, Capt. R. E. Cassidy, Commandant, announced yesterday. Although attendance on the sum- mer program will not be compulsory, cadets who enroll in other University summer term courses must also enroll Engineers Take Over: john Fauver, Paul Wingate Win Top IFC Positions For 1942-43 World War I Grim Reminder: Prof. Dawson Advises Against Unjustly PunishingDissenters v',i By EUGENE MANDEBERG John Fauver, '43E, was elected president of the Interfraternity Council yesterday at its regular president's meeting. Fauver, a member of Phi Kappa Psi fraternity and enrolled in the advanced corps of the ROTC replaces Don Stevenson, '42, of Beta Theta Pi as Council head. Secretary-treasurer of the IFC is Paul Wingate, '43E, a member of Zeta Beta Tau fraternity and Tau Beta Pi, engineering honor society. John Fletcher, '43, Phi Delta Theta, represents District 5. Stevenson leaves the leadership of the Interfraternity Council with an impressive record of achievement, both local and national. As the University's delegate to the National Undergraduate Interfraternity Coun- cil, Stevenson was elected president of the session, and will remain in office until December. Locally, the former Council presi- dent has succeeded in revising sev- eral portions of the IFC constitution, with special regard to rushing, al- ways a sore point. Stevenson was Declaring that the record of prose- cutions in 1917 and 1918 suggests "how not to deal with the problem of dissenting minorities," Prof. John P. Dawson of the law school said yesterday that "unless we can prove specific wrongs already committed, or attempts through language to pro- duce specific injuries that have some chance of success, the only wise pol- icy is to refrain from punishment." Professor Dawson asserted in a University War Board lecture in the Rackham Auditorium that the "cen- tral question we must ask ourselves is: What immediate and pressing danger do we seek to avert?" Inquiring if we feared "the result of debate over our reasons for enter- ing the war, or the effects of Father ourselves we shall not find that in the struggle for liberty we have for- feited our own." He said that we are dealing with dangerous enemies who have taught up that words are weapons. "But that does not mean," he contended, "that a firm policy of self-restraint and toleration of dissent compels us to abandon all realism and leave ourselves exposed and helpless." Citing the gain of the last 20 years -"an increasing awareness of the whole problem of civil liberties, the clarification by Supreme Court de- cisions, the organization of more ef- fective means of protecting civil rights-," Professor Dawson added the the organization and perfor- mance of the FBI which he said