. THE MICHIGAN DAILY Freshman Project Will Spotlight Measles At 'Spot-Hop' In League Ballroom April 18 That present Michigan affliction, the red and spotted measles, will be the theme around which this year's Freshman Project centers and the name of the project will be "Spot Hop," to be held from 9 p.m. to mid- night, Saturday, April 18, in the League Contagious Ward, otherwise known as the ballroom. According to Frances Thompson, general chairman of the affair, the supply of decorations will also be rather measly, featuring caricatures of the current BMOC's and BWOC's who have had the measles at some recent time or another. Have A Germ Barbara Heym, decorations chair- man, states that "there will also be present "The Measly Mites," whose duty will be to spread the germs that can get the best of you out of a bluebook or an unwanted blind date." The revelation of these decoration plans also solves the problem of those mysterious spotted posters which have been seen around campus lately. A date bureau under the auspices of Anna Louise Stanton, patrons chairman, has been established and will begin its activities from 3 p.m. ROTC Dance Tickets Will Qo On General Sale Advanced corps ROTC pay checks. to be paid Wednesday, will afford 'advanced corps members their last chance to get a ticket to the annual Military Ball, which will be held Fri-- day, April 24, as all remaining tickets will go on general campus sale start- ing Thursday. Already sold are almost 200 tickets to the dance, Lieut. L. W. Peterson of the military science department revealed yesterday, and as a number of advanced corps students have been waiting for their checks, it is ex- pected that only a few tickets will be available to non-military students Thursday. Meanwhile the music committee is having more than its share of trou- ble, chairman John Scheibe, '42M, has announced, because most of the big- name bands have good spots in the East and refuse to hit the road for the West until absolutely necessary. Dancing will be from 10 p.m. until 2 a.m. in the Union Ballroom, women having special late permission for the evening. The daaice will be pre- ceded by a special dinner for ad- vanced corps members, to be spon- sored by Scabbard and Blade. Until Thursday ROTC students may obtain tickets only from Lieu- tenant Peterson or at the pay desk on Wednesday. After that time they may s.Iso be purchased from Military Ball coimmittee members, to 5 p.m. today in the main lobby of the Union. At that time all gentle- men who wish dates for the Fresh- man Project will be given an oppor- tunity to sign up. Women Register The women who will act as dates for signees will register at the League from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Thursday of this week and next week in the Council Room. Leatrice Keller and Glenn McDan- iel, co-chairmen of the entertain- ment committee, say that tryouts for all freshman organizations interested in giving skits during intermission will be held at 4 p.m. Friday in the League. Appointments for tryouts may be made with Miss McDaniel. Skits are not to be longer than five minutes and should pertain to some phase of campus life. Tickets On Sale The orchestra for the dance has been selected and will be announced at a later date. In the meantime, tickets may be obtained from Miss Thompson, Obeline Elser, Miss Stan- ton, Miss McDaniel, Barbara Heym, Virginia Chandler, Jean Loree, Miss Keller, Charlotte Haas, Mary Jane Trainer and Shelby Dietrich. They are also on sale at the League and Union desks. All freshman women who have not paid their dues as yet are requested to do so as soon as possible, said Miss Thompson. I __ _ , . nrt; , .~w'~r -T--.. fi JCa y k £14 Pe~tkes Pomnics de Tfrrc 3, i' , Out of the west last week-out of the great Hollywood silos whose capa- city for the little golden kernels is astonishingly unlimited came a triumph which should remain unchallenged for some time in the realm of purest field corn. The nastiest part about this film was the fact of the reams of publicity which had been written about it-blurb which would lead even the most suspicious to believe that here, at last was something to make Ibsen cough apologetically and make up hasty excuses for those piffling things he called plays. The authors-for those of us who want material proof-had been paid $200,000 for the script, and for the literary group, let us tell you that this epic got four stars. from Liberty, by gad! Well, we saw it. It was called "Woman of the Year." And we wish to report that the one really fine thing about it was its consistency. The pro- ducers were absolutely impartial in refusing to pass up a single tried and true situation or line. The great big homey, folksy, verile Ame'rican man; the sophisticated, she-could -manage-her- career-but-Che-didn't-know-he-had-a-w ill- -of-his-own Wife; the extremely funny and novel gag of the American insulting the i r . ' i .) , i r t SMOOTH I S THE i 4. to .SOP non-English-speaking foreigner, the latter taking every gibe with a cheery smile; the little honey chile whose tender innocence brings the two together in the end. But the most outrageous of all the trite scenes which this picture managed to bring together so charmingly was the pip where, with the hero and his wife separated, the offending heroine is brought face-to-face with the realities and responsibili- ties of marriage by-guess what? Uh huh, a church scene. She stands in the back with glycerine tears sliding down her pan, and a gruesome old couple sitting together near her let their hands slide together in one of the most repulsive gestures any modern movie which we have seen has been able to produce. Many of our friends said that the movie was a thing of exquisite beauty -with both rib-cracking humor and heart-rending tyou will laugh at its comedy and thrill at its warm, human tenderness!> pathos. Trhe only time during the whole picture that we fought the tears was the horrible moment when it occurred to us that we had paid a quarter for that warm, human tenderness! On this tender note we will leave you this week, hoping that we have made your life a little better, a little sweeter, a little more bearable. i I WO TRD I describe the glamorous creature We feel surC t hat no other word could so -aptly 7 )eddings ngagements i Trade-In-Tubes' Drive Meets Wide Public Cooperation Here The engagement of Jacquelyn Glair, '42, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Glair of Flossmoor, Ill., to Henry T. Fielding, Jr., '42E, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Fielding of Plain- field, N. J., was announced Sunday at a dinner at the Alpha Phi House. Miss Glair is a member of Alpha Phi and was secretary and house manager of the sorority. Mr. Field- ing is affiliated with Phi Gamma Delta and also is a member of Tri- ang"le, Vulcans anld Mimes. Announced At Party Announcement of the engagement of Barbara Hoult Bradfield, '38, and William Howard Taft, IIIL was made Saturday at a party given by the bride-elect's aunt, Mrs. Martin J. Dregge of Grand Rapids. The wed- ding will take place this summer. Miss Bradfield is the daughter of Mrs. Walter Charles Schaefer and Thomas Parks Bradfield of Grand Rapids, and Mr. Taft is the son of Senator and Mrs. Robert A. Taft of Cincinnati, O., and Washington, D. C. He is the grandson of Mrs. William Howard Taft of Washington and the late Mr. Taft, twenty-seventh presi- dent of the United States. Affiliated Here Miss BIradfield received her mas- ter's degree at the University where she was affiliated with Delta Gamma sorority. She will receive the degree of doctor of philosophy in history from Bryn Mawr College in June. Mr. Taft was graduated from the Taft school, received his bachelor's degree from Yale University in 1937 and will take his doctorate in English from Princeton University. At pres- ent he is instructoi in English at Havorford -College, Haverford, Pa. To Wed In June Dr. and Mrs. Alvin H. Seibert of Detroit announce the engagement of their daughter, Elzabeth Seibert, '41, to Harry Pratt , son of Mr. and Mrs. iarry Pratt of Detroit. The wedding; The drug store revolution of new tubes for old is now fully launched. The government's need for the valu- able tin found in the flexible metal tubes in which is encased tooth paste, shaving cream, ointmints and a host of other drugs, is being met by a new law under which no such prod- uct can be purchased without a "1rade-in" of a used tube. According to the proprietor of a local drug store, the public is, on the whole, very cooperative and under- stands the situation. He has been greatly amused, however, at several individual reactions. While most people are quite aware of the setup, they do not seem to think it is actually a law, but merely a voluntary drive such as the one to collect old newspapers. "Women a little more than men," said the lproprietory, seem vague on the sub- ject and often 'forget' to accompany their purchase with a used tube. They Legion To Hold Tea For Latin-American Students, Teachers The Erwin Prieskorn Post No. 46,' of the American Legion, and the American Legion Auxiliary, will en- tertain the Latin-American students and exchange professors at a pro- gram and tea to be held at 2:30 p.m. Sunday on the terrace at the Union. Professor John L. Brumm of the journalism department will speak on the "Unity of the Americas." There will also be a talk by a Brazilian pro- fessor, followed by refreshments. Mrs. Lenore Shurtliff, of Ann Ar- bor, Pan-American Chairman of the American Legion Auxiliary of the Second District and of the local unit, is in charge of the affair. Guests are expected from all posts and units in the second district, and all persons on campus interested are invited to attend. To Be Interviewed All women interested in working seem almost startled when we 'crack down' and refuse to sell them what they want. When we explain, how- ever, just what the old tubes will be used for, they are one hundred per- cent cooperative." He wvent. on to say thatl.lhe',,rmu up avainst a (coulet'of IiiifortlunateI sitution wiica I h's hadto L() 1111 ly, refuse :aee, but on the whole he waI surprised and pl'asd a. the recep- tion of the "new order. ' Most cus- tomers are interested in the drive, and this proprietor expressed the hope that the cooperation will con- tinue. I I Coke Bar Will Honor Sophomores Today In Union Ba')llroomn Today will, witness a furter edi- tion of the present Coke Bar series, sponsored by the Union, at 4 p.m. in the main ballroom. 'Sophomore Day' will be the 1iheme of this bar, meaning that all sopho- mores may consider themselves in- vited as special guests. With Spring in the air and young men's fancies turning, the Coke Bar provides an opportunity for complet e relaxation. Men who bring dates wil be a ble to enjoy the company of Iheiri "bcter halves" more fully than in the lKast due to the new policy of special "no- cut" dances. As usual, this Coke Bar will feature a campus queen as main hostess. Beatryce Nickoll will preside this week, ably assisted by an at- tractive bevy in keeping with the Union policy of the "best in beauty," quote the Coke Bar publicity men. Pi Beta Phi Donates Sum To Red Cross In place of an annual faculty te., Pi Beta Phi sorority is donating i sum of money equal to tiexpendi- tures of this affair to the local chap- ter of the Red Cross. It is that the amount of money spet for invitations and refreshmnents for scv- Arbor witht hCVCtevy best in uc1 ltry, cConlmy anid service. IProfcsSional lau-nderies really do 9VC yOU betilCr SCVICC, 5 way Iot ChCC yOU r costs against the samplC bundle shown below. For Safe, Efficient, and Economical Service your shirts and washables in top Condition. There is no uead of going to the trouble and eXpCSC of SCIdilg you laUndry all the way home, wien you caj have it done here in Ann pictured above. There aren't many fellows who wouldn't be glad to call her their own. But, really, there's no secret formula involved, men. The surest way you have of making cer- tain you'll always be at your best is to be smooth yourself, -by having an immaculate per- sonal appearance. The tried and true way of makiing certain of this important item is to always have Sanaple Studetat Bundle "J ;iss So 6I;RII(tlC vIieti 2 Suit~s of IiUnerwea.r ' it Towl sit 1 Finish ed Mendred;ea#.d nttons Rieplaced ieturned Dried and Fluffed - noet Ironed. 0,00.$1010o Arro~iumae 4os KYER LAUNDRY Phone 4185 \AHITF SWAAN1 I A 1]R VARSITY LAUNDRY Phone 23-1-23 TPO IAN I AtIwkfPy I it