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April 07, 1942 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-04-07

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I r M:441,gan Raitij

Washington Merry-Go-Round

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
- College Publishers Representative
420 MADsoN AvE.NEw YORK. N. Y.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42
Editorial Staff
Emile Gel . . . . . . Managing Editor
Alvin Dann . . . . . .Editorial Director
David Lachenbruen . . . . . City Editor
Jay McCormick . . . . . Associate Editor
Gerald E. Burns . . . . . Associate Editor
Hal Wilson . . . . . Sports Editor
Janet Hooker . . . , . . Women's Editor
Grace Miller . . . . Assistant Women's Editor
Virginia Mitchell . . . . Exchange Editor
Business Staff
Daniel H. Huyett . . . . Business Manager
James B. Collins . . Associate Business Manager
Louise Carpenter. . . Women's Advertising Manager
Evelyn Wright . . Women's Business Manager
The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Allies Must Win
India's Support A
THE OUTCOME of the present nego-
tiations between Indian nationalist
leaders and Sir Stafford Cripps will affect every
American. Hanging momentarily in the balance
is not only the fate of 390,000,000 but the chances
for success of the 1942 Allied war program.
That this second most populated nation in the
world now holds the news spotlight is clearly
understandable. With the Japanese knocking at
India's Burma gateway and a possible German
drive through the Russian Caucasus threatening
her from the other side, she becomes the chief
strategical center in the world's war picture.
Loss of India would deprive the Allies of their
last remaining route for supplies to the valiant
Chinese and of potential air bases for the of-
fensive that promises to send the Japanese reel-
ing back on their heels.
Not to be forgotten in any strategical consider-
ation of the India crisis are the nation's rela-
tively untapped sources of manpower and her
huge, although undeveloped, resources of coal
and iron. Unfortunately, both these resources
and India's industrial area are concentrated
within 200 miles of Calcutta, only 300 miles
from the present fighting lines in Burma.
HE SITUATION is rapidly becoming urgent.
Every nerve of the United Nations must be
strained to bolster India against any Nipponese
assault. Failure to win Indian cooperation would
not only forecast an Allied military defeat from
which recovery would be long and difficult but
would also represent a psychological setback for
the Allies. One of the main tenets of the At-
lantic Charter-the guarantee of democracy to
all the wold's peoples--woild no longer be
worth the paper it was printed on. No promise
of an eventual better order could be held forth
to other conquered people or to our enemies.
Success of any defense of India depends on>
the extent of native support. This support hinges
on the present New Delli conversations. While
the British have received a measure of war sup-
port from India, for the most part they have
been faced with a policy of passive resistance.
Shortly after the Viceroy declared war on Ger-
n'.ny without asking the consent of the All-
India Congress Party most of the provincial
governments resigned, leaving India a despotism
ruled by the Viceroy's imperial government.

Now, the Japanese threat has forced upon the
Indian nationalist leaders and the British the
realization that an a irecment must be reached
before it is too late.
India post-war dominion status. The prob-
lem, nevertheless, is not so simple. The Hindu-
Moslem conflict and the position of the native
princes to whom the British are bound by treaty
have long defied solution. The Congress Party
rightfully further asks that India be given some
control over her own defense.
But one must rot be too quick to place respon-
sibility for the successful outcome of the present
deliberations solely upon Great Britain. Indian
nationalists must be willing to make concessions
for the common good of the democratic front.
Moslem-Hindu differences must not be permitted
to interfere with the national war program.
Negotiations between the British and Indian
leaders cannot -be allowed to break down. The
maiority of the nation is willing to accept the.

WASHINGTON-That shipbuilders are mak-
ing enormous war profits is not news. Much
sensational evidence on this has been revealed
by several congressional committees.
But what is news is the fact that despite these
huge profits-gross inefficiency, waste and even
worse are rampant in many shipyards.
In fact so serious has the situation become
that ship production has been gravely affected,
and the Justice Department and Truman "com-
mittee have begun quiet probes preliminary to
drastic crack-downs.
Evidence already in the hands of investigators
shows that the worst. offenders are the old,
established companies, who have been given the
bulk of the contracts by the Maritime Commis-
sion on the ground that they had the "know-
how" to built ships fast and in large numbers.
Actually, production records tell a different
The most efficient yards are the new ones, in
many cases erected and operated by men with-
out any previous shipbuilding experience.
For example: The ace plant in the country is
the Portland (Ore.) Shipyard, one of the Henry
Kaiser properties. Builder of Boulder Dam and
other giant projects, Kaiser had never made a
ship until, as a war measure, he got into the
business last year. Today he has a number of
West Coast yards which are turning out ships
by the most advanced and efficient methods on
a continuous 24-hour, seven-day operational
The best of these yards is the Portland plant,
managed by his son Edgar. He had never built
a ship before and only three of his executives
had previous shipbuilding experience. Also only
a fraction of the thousands of workers in the
yard are shipbuilders.
In contrast is the Bethlehem Shipbuilding Co.,
one of the largest and oldest in the country,

which investigators report doesn't even begin to
approach the Kaiser yards in efficiency.
Bethlehem is described as being the "biggest
obstacle" to a three-shift system. It has vigor-
ously resisted this on the ground that it is im-
possible to obtain enough trained supervisors.
Bethlehem insists on two ten-hour shifts, which
means a loss of four production hours a day.
Kaiser's and other three-shift yards have had
no trouble training all the foremen they needed.
Why giant Bethlehem is unable to do so is a
mystery-which the Maritime Commission, that
has so lavishly favored the corporation, has not
deemed necessary to do anything about.
. . . And Worse
DIE-HARD STUBBORNNESS and inefficiency
are only one part of the sour shipbuilding
picture. The investigators have come across
the trail of other things that emit an odor.
Among the charges they are probing are-
1. That repairs on a Russian ship, sent over
for a cargo of urgently needed war supplies,
were "deliberately" stalled in one yard for weeks.
According to information given investigators,
the repairs ordinarily could have been completed
in a week. Instead the job took more than a
month as a result of "deliberate" delays caused
by a constant shifting of workers, assigning
workers without tools, withholding materials,
and other dilatory tactics.
2. That scores of workers drawing high pay
are constantly standing around idle at another
drydock because of lack of efficient production
methods. Also that "overcrowding and over-
loading" of ships is a common occurrence at
this plant.
3. That more than 50 high-pay craftsmen at
a third plant worked from six weeks to four
months on the private homes and farms of cer-
tain company executives and that their pay was
charged to the government.

Letters To The Editor

World Socialist
To the Editor:
STUDENT DISCUSSIONS on war aims are of
the utmost importance at the present time.
Unless out of this international madhouse of
slaughter and brutality there shall arise a world
organization which will provide a solid structure
for permanent peace, the present conflict will
have meaning only as a naked struggle for power
between rival nationalisms and imperialisms.
The official Allied war aims as stated in the
eight-point Atlantic Charter consist of noble
phrases with which one can have little quarrel.
They include such ideals as: national self-
determination, free international trade, aban-
donment of the use of force, etc. Similar prin-
ciples were contained in President Wilson's Four-
teen Points. But a vindicative and not an ideal-
istic Versailles treaty was enforced. And today
there is much ground for believing that not the
Atlantic Charter, but an even more vicious
treaty than Versailles will be carried out if the
present Allied political leadership remains in
power t assuming,of course, our victory). For
example, Secretary Knox's statement: "The only
kind of peace which is available in this world in
which we live is the kind of peace that can and
will be enforced through the superior power of
those nations that love justice and seek after
peace." (Oct. 1, 1941) And Churchill: "The
germ center of hatred and revenge should be
constantly and vigilantly curbed." (Dec. 25,
1941). Such attitudes plUt into effect will lay a
solid basis for World War III some twenty-five
or fifty years hence.
rT'HE PRESENT CONFLICT-it is generally
admitted-is essentially a continuation of the
1914-18 struggle. Both the Allied and Axis
powers are figrhting today, as Hien, for the con-
trol of the raw materials, markets and capital
investments in China, India, South America, the
Near East, etc. by competing business and finan-
cial interests who e ambitions are supported by
ticir respective national governments. But such
conflicts, at first purely economic, then military,
are inherent in capitalism. They will continue
to recur as long as the system t hat gives rise to
them cmiidures. True enough, we are not living
in al a1gc of pure "laissez-faire" capitalism--if
it ever existed. The activities of the business
man are restricted in many ways by the state.
This is more true of Fascism than "democratic"
capitalism. But the fundamental common de-
nominator remains: private ownership of indus-
try and the profit motive. And it is the rivalries
between competing business and financial in-
terests of different countries that leads ulti-
mately to war in the modern era.
'HERE IS only one basis upon which the world
can organize for a lasting peace and social
and economic reconstruction and that is a
World Socialist Federation. Reduced to its barest
essentials, Socialism means the social ownership
and democratic management of the means of
production. Production will be planned for pub-
lic use and not for private lprofit. With such a
foundation, national economic rivalries along
with super-patriotism and fanatical nationalism
will in large measure be abolished.
To some this will sound "utopian." But any
talk of organizing the world for peace on the
basis of a resurrected League of Nations or World
Federation which is founded on capitalism--no
matter how "democratic"-is, in my opinion, a
thousand times more "utopian."

Quartets On up eat .. .
To the Editor:
SINGING IN QUARTET, says Touchstone all
too truly, has been in abeyance in Ann Arbor
of late. There was a time when quartets were
common around the campus, and organizations
like the Friars and the Gamma Delta Nus filled
the air with song, but such singing gradually
died out. This demise is to be lamented, but
fortunately interest in barbershop harmony
seems to be returning again, and the future is
bright for this delightful type of musical recrea-
tion. Whoever has known the charms of singing
good quartet harmony will tell you it is one of
the most rewarding forms of relaxation and
entertainment to be found. There is something
about the blend of a diminished seventh chord,
truly rendered by four or more voices in good
tune, that banishes care and all the baser emo-
tions. It has been said that if Hitler and his
Prussian cohorts could have had a good session
of close harmony now and then. over a few litres
of that good Muenchener beer, the current inter-
national roughhouse might have been averted.
However that may be, it is certainly true that
whenever men sing together, feelings of bitter-
ness, frustration and bad will disappear, while
friendship flourishes, even among strangers. The
Amicitia Musicorum transcends differences of
race, creed and background.
r'HE PSURFS, Touiclhstone may be glad to
know. 'are more active than ever this year
and are making the most of the short time they
have before going to war in furthering the cause
of barbershop singing. They are seeking to do
i a small way what the SPEBSQSA (Society
for the Preservation and Encouragement of Bar-
bershop Quartet Singing in America) is doing
for thle coun try at large. They believe that;
people should sing more and talk less and that
music, to be good, ned not be formal. So many
college glee clubs seem to have taken the "glee"
from their singing by performing only heavy
and serious music when most of their audience
would prefer something lighter and livelier.
I would like to see a number of small informal
singing groups in Ann Arbor. Universit y life,
for students and faculty alike, is conducive t')
such groups, and several have already beer,
formed. Trained voices are not necessary. You
don't have to be a soloist to sing good harmony.
All you need is someone in each part who can
pick up the harmony and hang on to it. And
you've got to realize that this sort of singing is
worth spending a little time on. If you can
assemble the same singers fairly regularly, be-
fore you know it, you'll be surprized at how good
it's beginning to sound. There are lots of songs
which aren't difficult, have an easy first tenor
part, and sound great after a short practice.
The Psurfs now have a library of many dozen
songs, and can put any group of aspiring barber-
shoppers on the right track as far as music goes.
1,EFORE LONG the Interfraternity Sing and
Lantern Night will turn the spotlight on
campus group singing, as each fraternity and
sorority publicly performs a song, and the
Psurfs and Pi Phis add their bit to the program..
This is also a good time for quaitets to get to-
gether after the larger groups finish practice,
and try out their pipes on some of the old fa-
vorites, and even some of the new. Self-
entertainnient comes first in quartet singing,
but before long you're apt to find yourself with
an audience, and if they don't throw shoes at

(Continued from Page 2)
ly 30c for the larger sized rolled
diplomas and 45c for the book form.
Will each graduate, therefore, be
certain that the Diploma Clerk has
his correct mailing address to insure
delivery by mail. The U. S. Mail
Service will, of course, return all
diplomas which cannot be delivered.
Because of adverse conditions abroad,
foreign students should leave ad-
dresses in the United States, if pos-
sible, to which diplomas may be
It is preferred that ALL diplomas
be personally called for.
Herbert G. Watkins,
Assistant Secretary
The Student War Board has been
established to coordinate all student
activities directed toward the fur-
therance of the war effort; and in
pursuance of this aim, it set up the
following regulations:
1) All organizations are required
to submit to this board, in room 1009
Angell Hall, a report of current ac-
tivities in relation to war efforts, by
Apl-il 9, 1942.
2) Henceforth, all organizations
who are planning, such projects
should have the permission of this
committee before taking action.
Detroit Armenian Women's Club
Scholarship: The Detroit Armenian
Women's Club offers a scholarship
for $100 for the year 1942-43 for
which young men and women of
Armenian parentage, living in the
Detroit metropolitan district who
demonstrate scholastic ability and
possess good character and who have
had at least one year of college work,
are eligible. Further information
may be obtained from me,
Dr. Frank E. Robbins,
1021 Angell Hall
German 't'able for Faculty Mem-
hers will meet Saturday, April 11
instead of Monday, April 13) at 12:10
p.m. in the Founders' room, Michi-
gan Union. Members of all depart-
ments are cordially invited. The
guest of honor will be Professor John
A. Walz of Harvard University.
Certificate of Eligibility: At the be-
ginning of each semester and sum-
mer session every student shall be
conclusively presumed to be ineligible
for any public activity until his eli-
gibility is affirmatively established
by obtaining from the Chairman of
the Committee on Student Affairs, in
the Office of the Dean of Students, a
Certificate of Eligibility.
Before permitting any students to
participate in a public activity, the
chairman or manager of such activ-
ity shall (a) require each applicant
to present a certificate of eligibility,
{b> sign his initials on the back of
such certificate, and (c) file with the
Chairman of the Committee on Stu-
dent Affairs the names of all those
who have presented certificates of
eligibility and a signed statement to
exclude all others from participation.
Blanks for the chairmen's lists may
be obtained in the Office of the Dean
of Students.
Admission to School of Business
Administration: Applications for ad-
mission to this School for the Sum-
mer Term must be filed not later
than May 1 by candidates for the
B.B.A. degree. Applications for ad-
mission under combined curriculum
must be filed not later than April
20, il the College of Literature, S-i
ec', and the Arts. Applicatio
blanks and information regarding the
B.B.A. program available ill Room
108 Tappan Hall.
Juniors in the Engineering College,
Chemistry Department, and School

of Business Administration: The
Proctor & Gamble Company, Ivory-
da Ic, Ohio, will give a test. to inter-
est d stfudlents in the above groups
on Thursday. April 9, in Room 348
Wcst, Engine(iring Building, starting
at 4:00 p.m. Student unable to report
at 4 o'clock may start any time up to
5 o'clock. The test- will occupy from
one and one-half to two hours' time
/1-4 C(UC- Noicesa
Biological Chemistry Seminar wil
lileelon Weednesday, April 8, at 7:3
p)m, in Room 319, West Medica
Building. The topic to be discussed
is "Hemoglobin and Related Pig
ments." All interested are invited.
Zoology Seminar will meet Tiurs
clay, April 9, at 7:30 p.m. in the Am
phi theater of the Rackhaim Building
SReports by Mr Charles W. McNeil o
"Pathology and embryology of th
giant kidney worm, Dioctophyma
revile tGoce, 1782) and a compari
son o its Ilarva with the larva of
Paratordius varius (Leidy, 1851)'
and Mr. Ray Moree on "Influence o
interspecific hybridization on sperm
atogewesis inl Peromyscus and it
bearing on genet ic relationship."
The Botanical Seminar will mew
Wednesday, April 8, at 4:30 p.m. i
room 1139 Natural Science building
Dr. Nlzada U. Clover will give
paper entitled "Floristic Sti idies i
Ilavasupai Canyon, Arizona." A
interested are invited.
?sychology 34, 38: Those student
who desire to substitute a personal

ofm1 chy s!"
li,'g 0U %Pal. Oft.. All RI, RIX
"We must bow to priorities, men',-No more paper panties on
lamb chops!."

2:00 to 4:30 p.m. in the Union Lobby.
The first lecture in the course will t
be given Thursday evening at 8:00
p.m. in the Union by Colonel Ganoe "
of the ROTC.
Women interested in registering w
for the course may be interviewed by a
the Women's Judiciary Council to-
day from 3:00 to 5:30 p.m. Further o
information may be had by calling U
either Lorraine Judson, President of
the Women's Judiciary Council, or ti
Ed Holmberg of the Union Executive t
Council. The series will continue n
every Thursday thereafter with vari- B
ous important University officials
leading the discussion. e
- t
Concerts '
May Festival Tickets: All remain-
ing tickets for the May Festival, both a
for the series (6 concerts) and for r
individual concerts are on sale over o
the counter at the offices of the i.
University Musical Society in Bur- b
ton Tower. c
Charles A. Sink, President
Student Recital: Vladimir Luka- 1
shuk, violinist, will give a recital to-
night at 8:30 in Lydia Mendelssohn a
Theatre. t
In Tschaikowsky's Concerto in D 1
major Mr. Lukashuk will be accom- A
panied by the University Symphony
Orchestra, of which he is Concert-
master. The recital, in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements of the u
degree of Bachelor of Music, is open r
to the public.
Student Recital: Charles Mathe-
son, tenor, will present a recital int
partial fulfillment of the require-f
ments of the degree of Bachelor ofI
Music at 8:30 p.m., on Wednesday,t
April 8, in Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-c
ter. Mr. Matheson, who had the lead-e
ing male role in the recent produc-
tion of "Cavalleria Rusticana," is a
pupil of Arthur Hackett.1
'The public is cordially invited. E
The Regular Tuesday Evening Pro-
gram of Recorded Music in the Men's 1
Lounge of the Rackham Building at1
8:00 p.m. will be as follows:l
Beethoven: Leonore Overture No.r
Mozart: Haffner Symphony.
Tschaikowsky: Swan Lake Ballet.
Ravel: Daphnis and Chloe.t
l jiversity Lectures onl WarIi' roW'
leis: Professor John B. Dawso, of i
the Law School, will lecture on theI
subject, "The War and Civil Lib-t
eerties," under the auspices of the'
University War Board in Rackham
Lecture Hall tonight at 8:00. The
public is cordially invited.
llUiiversity Lecture: Dr. Carl G.
ltossby of the Institute of Meteorol-
1 ogy, University of Chicago, will lec-
0 ture on the subject, "Recent Develop-
I ments in the Science of Meteorology,"
: under the auspices of the Depart-
- ments of Aeronautical Engineering,
Astronomy, Geography, and Geology,
on Thursday, April 9, at 4:15 p.m. in
- the Rackham Amphitheatre. The
- public is cordially invited.
n University Lecture: Dr. John Al-
e brecht Walz, Professor Emeritus of
a Germanic Languages and Literatures,
- Harvard University, will lecture on
f the subject, "Goethe," under the au-
, spices of the Department of German-
f ic Languages and Literatures, on Fri-
- day, April 10, at 4:15 p.m. in the
s Rackham Amphitheater. The public
is cordially invited.
t American Chemical Society Lee-
n ture: Dr. M. C. Teague of the U.S.
g. Rubber Company will speak on "Rub-
a ber-Latex in Peace and in War" to-
n day at 4:15 p.m. in Room 303 Chem-
11 istry Building. ThA meeting is open
to tihe public.
S vents Today
4- i. . .r (',l w l

Botanical Journal Club will meet
ight at 7:30 in Room N.S. 113.
Reports by: Stephen S. White,
Problems of bipolar distribution."
Howard S. Gentry, "A review of
ork carried on at the Desert Labor-
Thomas Cobbe, "The differentation
f the dociduous forest of Eastern
rnited States."
Jose V. Santos, "The Vernay-Cut-
ing Expedition, 1938. Report on
he vegetation and flora of the Hpi-
naw and Htawgaw hills, northern
"The upper Burma plants collect-
d by Captain F. Kingdon Ward on
he Vernay-Cutting Expedition, 1938-
39. E. D. Merrill."
Varsity Glee Club: Special rehears-
1 tonight at 7:30 in the Glee Club
oom. The club will sing at the U.
f M. Club meeting at 8:00 at the
Michigan Union. Glee Club mem-
ers in Choral Union are asked to
ome in time for this appearance.
There will be a Glee Club serenade
onight, all members first meeting at
0:15 in the Glee Club room.
Members are reminded of appear-
nces scheduled for the evenings of
he following dates: Saturday, April
1; Sunday, April 19; and Thursday,
April 23.
University Oratorical Contest: The
Northern Oratorical League Contest
will be held at 4:00 p.m. today in
oom 4203, Angell Hall. Open to the
Sigma Rho Tau will meet at 7:30
tonight in the Union. Preparations
for the National Convention to be
held in Toledo on May 9 will be got-
ten under way with a series of speech
contests. All members are request-
ed to attend.
Alpha Nu meets tonight at 7:30 on
the fourth floor of Angell Hall.
Agenda'for meeting is 1. New Mem-
bership, 2. Nomination of officers,
3. Discussion of proposed dance, 4.
Discussion of time and manner of
Key Presentation, 5. Treasury's Re-
port, 6. Program for April 21. All
members are asked to make special
effort to attend.
The Merit Committee will meet
today at 3:15 p.m.
Freshman Discussion Group:
Freshmen who are interested in a
frank discussion of religious and eth-
ical questions are invited to take
part in the Freshman Discussion
Group at Lane Hall tonight at 7:30,
The subject will be "Immortality."
Badminton-Men and Women Stu-
dents: The regular hours for open
badminton in Barbour Gymnasium
have - been discontinued. Students
wishing to play will be able to use
the courts beginning today on Tues-
day, Wednesday and Thursday eve-
nings from 7:30 to 9:30 until fur-
ther notice.
Christian Science Organization will
meet tonight at 8:15 in the chapel of
the Michigan League.
Episcopal Students: Tea will be
served for Episcopal students and
their friends at Harris Hall, this
afternoon, 4:00 to 5:30 p.m.
Michigan Dames' General- Meet-
ing tonight at 8:00 in the Rackhaxn
Coming Events
The Program of Recorded Music
at the International Center, Wed-
nesday, April 8, 7:30-9:00 p.m., will
include Hayden, Symphony No. 13,
Mozart, Symphony No. 38; and Bee-
thoven, Symphony No. 4. Everyone
is invited.
German Roundtable at the Inter-
national Center will meet at 9:00
p.m. Wednesday, April 8, in Room
22rh.ogrmin will rd frm "Ap-

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