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April 07, 1942 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-04-07

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Intermittent Rain.


4 alt 3


Allies Must Win
India's Support,..

m mEnbDA - 74



Soviet Fliers.
Gunners Take
Terrific Nazi
Aircraft Toll
Russians Bag 415 Planes
Over Eight Day Period
While Losing Only 84;
Weekend Count Is 221
RAF Armada Hits
Germany, France
KUIBYSHEV, Russia, April 6.-01')
-Russian airmen and ground bat-
teries, scoring one of the biggest bags
of the war, destroyed 415 German
planes in blazing aerial war during
the eight-day period up to and in-
cluding yesterday, a Soviet communi-
que announced tonight.
This tremendous toll was rolled
up, a Moscow communique said, at a
cost of only 84 Soviet planes. On Sat-
urday and Sunday alone, it added,
221 Nazi craft were destroyed.
Erupting in full fury over the
weekend, the biggest day's total was
reported yesterday, when 119 Nazi
craft were listed as destroyed in the
air and on the ground after Satur-
day's count reached 102.
The communique said briefly that
' No essential changes took place at
the front."
Worse-than-usual weather of a
sodden Russian spring, along with the
Red Army's unceasing pressure on
the key German forward bases, was
regarded tonight as seriously dam-
pening German hopes fcsr an early
spring drive to the east.
An unprecedented Easter snow on
some parts of the bat ;lefront empha-
sized the lateness of she season this
year and underlined the prospect of
weeks of slow thawin'g that will turn
roads into rivers of mud and fields
into quagmires.
RAF Spreads Destruction
Over France, Germany
LONDON, April 6.-(R -One of the
ightiet British air fleets ever to
cross the English Channel-a force
of more than 300 bombers-cast a
thousand tons of explosive and
countless fire bombs upon German
war plants in an overnight raid ex-
tending from the French coast in-
land to the Parisian industrial sub-
urbs and on east to the heart of the
In this great attack, a part of a
master plan to choke the flow of
German arms eastward to the Rus-
sian front, only five British craft
were lost, the Air Ministry announced
today in briefly recapitulating one of
the most successful operations of re-
cent months.
Speech Classes
Select Finalists
Winners In Preliminaries
To Meet Tomorrow
Six students were chosen in a pre-
liminary speech contest yesterday to
represent the Speech 31 classes in
a final meet at 4 p.m. Wednesday in
the Natural Science Building audi-
The winners of this preliminary
contest and their speeches were
Archie Bonk, '44, "The English Lan-
guage"; Roy D. Boucher,.'45, "A Look

at American Labor Unions"; Alan E.
Brandt, '44, "Academic Snobbery";
Maurine Peterson, Grad., "Justice for
All"; Clare Tucker, '44, "For Whose
Freedom"; and Marjorie Young, '44,
"To This There Is No End."
The judges for this contest were
chosen from the members of the De-
partment of Speech. They were Ed-
ward J. Lantz, Prof. Richard Hol-
lister, Dr. Glenn E. Mills, Prof. Henry
M. Moser, Hugh Norton, Dr. Arthur
Secord and Neil Smith.
Four students will participate in
the University finals of the Northern
Oratorical League contest at 4 p.m.
today in Room 4203 Angell Hall.
There will be one winner and one
alternate chosen from this meet. The
participants will be Albert Cohen, '44,
Paul Lim-Yuen, '43, Richard Stuart,
'44, and Bennet Yanowitz, '44.
Violinist To give recital
In Mendelssohn Theatre
In partial fulfillment of the re-
quirements for the degree of Bache-

Allies Gain In Pacific

In War


Four Months
head In Far East As Japs
iStruggle Of Attrition

United Nations Forging A
Lose Men, Materiel In
WASHINGTON, April 6.-(A)-The
Pacific war turns the four-month
mark tomorrow with the United Na-
tions apparently forgirg ahead in a
savage struggle of attrition to com-
pensate partly for previous losses of
territory to the Japanese.
A mounting score of Japanese ships
and planes destroyed or crippled tops
developments buoying hopes of a
turning tide. Others include:
Arrival in Australia of Gen. Doug-
las MacArthur and "considerable
numbers" of American ground and
air forces, to halt the enemy's south-
ward drive and make ready for a
future offensive.
British success in smashing Japan's
"sudden death" air onslaught on the
Colombo, Ceylon, base in the Indian
Ocean. At least 57 of possibly 75 at-
tacking planes were downed or dam-
aged in this Easter attack.
Raids of American submarines in
the Java Sea and the Indian Ocean
which sank or damaged two enemy
light cruisers and five other vessels.
Evidence that American fliers may
have won aerial mastery over the
northern approaches to Australia,
where this last weekend they de-
stroyed a score or more of enemy
planes at a cost of three of their own.
Four months after Pearl Harbor,
however, the Japanese are hammer-
ing with renewed fury at the be-
sieged defenders of the Philippiies,
and continue to push forward in
Burma on the eastern border of In-
Military movements arouse suspi-
Award Given
W H. Auden
Renowned Poet Granted
Foundation Fellowship
For EnglishLetters
To University Lecturer Wystan
Hugh Auden, perched on the brink
of induction into the Nation's Armed
Forces, the Guggenheim Memorial
Foundation yesterday sent news of
a fellowship award for work to be
done in English
No announce-
ment was made
regarding the sum
of the award, al-
though in the past
the stipend has
usually been $2,-
500 for one year.
The work to
which the Guggenheim Committee
referred in their choice probably in-
cluded "The Double Man," generally
considered as among the best volumes
of poetry published last year; "The
Ascent of F6" and "The Dog Beneath
the Skin," both done in conjunction
with Christopher Isherwood; and
the "Letters from Iceland," done in
conjunction with Louis MacNeice.
English by 1rth and a graduate of1
Oxford University, Auden came to
the United States in January, 1939,
to continue with his work. He )ec-
tured in the Rackham Auditorium
in January, 1940, and has acted as
a poetry judge in past Hopwood con-
Funds forthcoming from the Foun-
dation, Auden said, will be used dur-
Turn to Page 2, Col. 7

'cion too that they may soon clash
with Russia in Siberia, synchronizing
their attack with a Nazi offensive in
the West.
In the Philippines, the renewed
Japanese onslaught on the Bataan
Peninsula and the nearby Manila
Bay fortifications has confronted the
defenders with the severest test since
General MacArthur fought the foe to
a standstill in February.
The fourth month of the war
brought a succession of bad news for
the United Nations which was only
partly offset by successes.
Java, citadel of the Netherlands
Indies, fell at the start of the month,
major resistance apparently ceasing
March 8.
In the battle of the Java Sea Feb.
Turn to Page 2, Col. 6
Allies Smash '
Japs' Harbor
'In New Britaina
Three Japanese Merchant.
Vessels Sunk By Navy;.
Admiral Lost At Sea
Australia, April 6.-(?)--Raids de-
scribed as "among the heaviest yet '
made by the Allies" were reported 1
carried out today by flying Aussies1
and Americans striking at Rabaul1
and Gasmata in New Britain where
Japan was said to be reinforcing her
badly wrecked and overmatched air,
The Sydney Herald, which report-c
ed the raids, said direct hits were
scored on large Japanese ships in1
Rabaul Harbor on the northeast New
Britain coast, where the Japanese
secured their first foothold on Aus-
tralia's outer island rim.
Both at Rabaul and at Gasmata,
cn the south coastt of New Britain
aircraft were said to have been dam-i
aged on the airdromes.1
Earlier it had been reported that
Japan was strengthening her air
forces in that area to bolster her fal-
tering Australian offensive, and it
was assumed that the Allies deter-
mined to destroy the new planes be-'
fore they could get in action. t
Admiral Wilcox
Lost Overboard1
WASHINGTON, April 6. -UP)-
Rear Admiral J. W. Wilcox, Jr., hasC
been lost overboard "at sea in heavy
weather during normal cruising," the
Navy announced today.
No additional details were disclosedv
by the Department.
Admiral Wilcox had been on duty
at sea since November, 1941.J
The Navy also disclosed that Amer-
ican submarines battering steadily
at Japan's long supply lines in the
Western Pacific have sunk three more
enemy merchant ships, two of them
heavily laden tankers.
Destruction of these vessels raised
to a total of 51 the Japanese shipsv
blasted by far-roving U.S. undersea
raiders--a total made up of 30 sink-
ings, 10 probable sinkings and thet
damaging of 11 other ships. Thea
over-all score of Japanese vessels
sunk and damaged by both Army andc
Navy forces mounted to 209 in thes
four months of war ending today.r

Few Ballots
Cast As City
Has Election
Moore, Kurtz, Doll, Pew,
Allmendinger Chosen
In Alderman Contests
Va der Velde, Alien
Fail To Win Posts
Voting machines-back in Ann Ar-
bor after 16 years of paper ballot-
ing-sent officials home before 9 p.m.
yesterday in a city election which was
conspicuous for the light vote cast
and which saw Prof. Arthur D. Moore
(R), of the engineering department,
gain a 130 to 66 victory over Prof.
John L. Brumm (D), of the journal-
ism department, for the post of sixth
ward alderman.
Total number of votes registered
on the machines fell below the 1,500
The race for first ward alderman
was a close affair all the way, with
Prof. Lewis G. Vander Velde (D), of
the history department, finally suc-
cumbing to his Republican rival, Her-
man D. Allmendinger 63 votes to 82.
Edwards Takes Seventh
Prof. Shirley W. Allen (D, of the
forestry school, was only able to
garner 136 votes for the post of
seventh ward alderman, while John
W. Edwards (R) was rolling up 216
to win.
In the other aldermanic races,
Walter L. Kurtz (D) defeated Mark
M. Mayne (R), 179 votes to 109 in
the second ward. Cecil O. Creal (R)
piled up a 124-39 advantage over
Ralph Atwell (D), third ward. 1Mtaur-
ice F. Doll (D) received 192 votes
against the 98 for Lester H. Pollock
(R) in the fourth ward-only one to
go completely Democratic. Thomas
C. Pew's 105 Republican votes were
enough to defeat William X. Pegan's
81 in the fifth ward contest.
Fitch D. Forsythe (R) received
88 votes and was returned first ward
supervisor over Leon H. Pierce (D),
who received only 56. In the second
ward, Harold J. Finkbeiner (R) de-
feate-. Alfre Boworth D, 168
votes to 119 for supervisor. New su-
pervisor for the third ward is Fred
J. Williams (R) whose 108 votesj
carried him to victory over the 60
Duane S. Wiltsee (Dreceived.
O'Brien Defeats Rhoades
Lewis C. Rhoades (R) went down
to defeat before Francis L. O'Brien
(D) in the race for fourth ward su-
pervisor. The vote was 192 to 101.
Supervisor for the fifth ward is John
H. Pielemeier (R, who defeated his
Democratic opponent Elona A. Eck-
stein, 103 to 81.
Warren E. Forsythe (R), director
of the Health Service, ran alone for
sixth ward supervisor as incumbent
and Mrs. Jesse E. Coller (R) was also
uncontested for the post of seventh
ward supervisor.
Board To Poll
Senior Plans
On Graduation
The commencement plans of a
war-disrupted Class of '42 will be sur-
veyed Thursday when the Student
War Board polls senior opinion on
the questions of attendance, location,
and guests for the annual ceremonies.
Polling boxes will be set up at all
central points on campus and every
senior will be given a chance to par-

The main question up for refer-
endum is the prospective shifting of
the ceremonies' location from Ferry
Field to Yost Field House. In the
past, Ferry Field has been used with
the Field House held ready in the
event of unseasonable weather.
Seniors will be asked if they plan
to be present at the May 30 com-
mencement and also the number of
guest tickets each individual plans to
Since holding commencement in-
doors would be a wartime economy
measureuthe Student WarBoard
voted last Friday to hold the poll.,

Japanese Bombers Raid
Towns Along India Coast;
Enemy Gains On Bataan

Waves Of Assault Troops
Gain Ground In Third
Day Of Fierce Fighting
Pacific Command
Aided By Quezon
WASHINGTON, April 6. - (P) -
The Japanese hurled wave upon wave
of assault troops at Lieut.-Gen. Jon-
athan Wainwright's American-Fili-
pino forces today, and gained ground
in the third day of fierce fighting on
the Bataan Peninsula.
A late day communique from the
War Department said the attacks
were supported by heavy artillery fire
and dive bombers, and, for the second
time in three days, reported that
"the enemy made some gains," al-
though paying heavily in casualties.
Anti-aircraft gunners shot down one
of the dive bombers, the second they
have bagged in two days.
Japs Repulsed Twice
On the east coast of the peninsula,
where the Japanese have been re-
pulsed twice in the last 72 hours in
attempts to land troops for a flank
attack, enemy artillery harassed the
defenders, firing from barges in Man-
ila Bay. Most of the shells fell short
of their targets, the communique
The action reported today was the
seventh massed drive against the
Bataan defenses in less than two
weeks. Since Saturday the hammer-
ing at the right center of Wain-
wright's line has been almost contin-
There was no mention in depart-
tent of casulaites among the defend-
ment communiques today of the ex-.
ing forces in the savage fighting of
the last three days, but it was be-
lieved likely that they have been
much lighter than the Japanese
Landing Frustrated
A morning communique, covering
the fighting of yesterday, had report-
ed the Japanese unable to gain and
related the frustration of the second
attempt to land troops from barges
on the peninsula shore.
Light artillery fire from the beach
defenses broke up the landing at-
tempt, a Department communique
said, and the Japanese, despite the
tremendous power of the attack on
the Bataan line, were unable in sev-
eral hours of savage fighting to ex-
tend the slight gains they had made
in a similar attack the day before..
Philippine President
Aids Allies In Australia
MELBOURNE, April 6.-(P)-Man-
uel Quezon, the small dynamic leader
of the Philippine people, is working
hard with military authorities some-
where in Australia on preparations
for eventual reconquest of his island
commonwealth. ,
Details of Quezon's trip to Aus-
tralia still cannot be published be-
yond saying that he had the oppor-
tunity of conferring personally with
many of his people and assuring him-
self of their firm loyalty to the Com-
monwealth and United States gov-
Information reaching the presi-
dential party from the occupied por-
tions of the Philippines reports that
the Japanese are proving their own
worst enemy by brutal treatment of
the people.

Faces Sedition Charge

Silver Shirt leader, advocate of
totalitarian, anti-Semitic William
Dudley Pelley is in custody today,
by order of Attorney General Bid-
dIe under the Espionage Act of
1917. Revived by new application,
the old law, reassuming importance,
will be explained by Prof. John P.
Dawson in a War Board lecture in
Rackham Amphitheatre at 8 p.m.
today. His topic will be "War and
Civil Liberties."
New First Aid
Class For Men
To Start Today
Union To Present Movies
On American Seapower
In Defense Show Today
In answer to the desires of a large
number of men as indicated in the
recent defense survey, first aid class-
es-for men only-will begin at 7:30
p.m. today in Room 316 of the Union.
The six-week course is under the
sponsorship of the Union and will
be supervised by the Red Cross. The
instructor is to be a professional doc-
tor and a Red Cross certificate will
be presented to every student who
successfully completes the course.
Two courses are to be offered, one
meeting Tuesdays and the other
Thursdays. Each class will be two
hours long.
Any man interested in enrolling in
either course is asked to contact Ed
Holmberg, '43, of the Union Execu-
tive Council.
The third in a series of defense
movies will be shown at 7:30 p.m.
today in Room 319 of the Union.
Two films, furnished by the Detroit
Naval Station, are scheduled to be
shown. They are entitled "Submar-
ines at Sea" and "American Sea-
The series, under the auspices of
the Michigan Alumni Association and
the Student Offices of the Union,
will continue every Tuesday and
Thursday. Scheduled for Thursday is
a movie on the Army Air Corps,
which was taken at Wright Field in
Dayton, Ohio.

Naval Force Is Disclosed
Ranging Bay Of Bengal
As War Reaches India
U.S. Representative
Enters India Parley
(By The Associated Press)
NEW DELHI, India, April 6. -
Bombs fell among the people of India
proper today when Japanese planes,
attacking the Indian coast for the
first time, raided two ports in Madras
Presidency, and worse to befall was
hinted in the disclosure that a Jap-
anese naval force is ranging the
Bay of Bengal.
The naval force, which includes at
least one aircraft carrier, already has
attacked commerce both with its sur-
face ships and its planes, said a com-
First Manifestations Of War
These first direct. manifestations
of war came to India as its people
still were torn with hesitation on
their political future and a few hours
after Premier Gen. Hideki Tojo.in a
broadcast from Tokyo had warned
of "great calamities" to her 390,000,-
000 people. These would be unavoid-
able, he said, "in the course of our
subjugation of Britsh forces," a
reference which seemed plainly to
indicate his determination to direct
a Japanese invasion.
The raiding force which attacked
Vizagapatam, a city of more than 40,-
000 and site of a British naval base,
and Cocanada, nearby provincial
capital of 40,000, was officially de-
scribed as small.
Vizagapatam and Colombo, capital
of Ceylon and sixth largest port in
the British Empire which the Jap-
anese attacked on Sunday, are two
of, the points from which the Japan-
ese might expect war . mPlies AP.
move to Burma from China.
Only Slight Damage
Slight damage to the Vizagapatam
Harbor area, which was attacked
twice, was reported and only a few
casualties occurred at Cocanada-
possibly because the raiding force
had been dealt with so severely when
it attempted the surprise blow at
Colombo only to be ambushed by a
waiting RAF which asserted 27 of
the 75 raiding planes were shot down
and 30 more damaged.
Vizagapatam and Cocanada, al-
most half way up the Eastern Indian
coast between Madras and Calcutta,
are about 800 miles from the Anda-
man Islands where Japan secured
her first foothold in the Bay of
The towns are just north of Masu-
lipatam where the British made their
first settlements in India, and north
of the region where Robert Clive,be-
gan the conquest of India nearly two
centuries ago. Cocanada has a large
export trade.
Two Aircraft Carriers
(A hint came from London naval
quarters that the Japanese *naval
force included two aircraft carriers
and that British warships already'
might be searching for the Japanese
task force.
(London observers pointed out that
Rome broadcasts 10 days ago report-
ed a strong British squadron, in-
cluding two battleships, two carriers
and several cruisers and smaller war-
ships had rounded the Cape of Good
Hope en route to the.Indian Ocean.)
American Emissary
Joins Indian Parleys
NEW DELHI, India, April 6.-(A')-
Louis' Johnson, a special emissary
from the United States, sought in a
round of conferences today to assist
in solution of the complex Indian
independence question, rendered
even more urgent by the first Jap-
anese air attacks on the mainland.
Friendly assurances of the Ameri-
can government's interest in India's
freedom and future were believed to

have been given by Johnson in talks
yesterday and today with Pandit
Jawaharlal Nehru and Maulana
Abul Kalan Azad, leaders of the All-
India Congress Party, the country's
major political group of Hindus.
Johnson then conferred with Sir
Stafford Cripps, British dabinet min-
itser who brought to India an offer
of post-war dominion status.
While the American position was
rloc-rnharln in nnva enc~a 4nvrnldna

It's Up To John Q. Citizen:
Home Defense Burden Rests
On People, Brewer Asserts

Coeds : Late Hours For Bomber Fund:
Tickets For Barnet's Swing
Concert To Go On Sale Today

Success of civilian defense in the
last analysis depends on John Q.
Citizen, Major W. A. Brewer warned
a Hill Auditorium audience yesterday
in the first lecture of a series on home
defense sponsored by the University
War Board and the County Defense
Deputy Chief of the Training sec-
tion, civilian protection division, of
the Office of Civilian Defense, Major
Brewer declared that it is up to the
American citizen to see that the
"enemy is sent back with his mission
unaccomplished." While admitting
that the defense activity of the pri-
vate citizen is limited. Major Brewer
pointed out that the individual can

ous in every section of the country
but particularly so in areas where
war industries are concentrated.
"This state," he said, "is fortunate in
having the University to take the
lead and contribute as it has in so
many directions to a successful pro-
gram of civilian defense."
Chief responsibility for civilian de-
fense rests with the local communi-
ties according to Major Brewer. The
federal government is willing, how-
ever, to offer plans and advice and
to serve in a supervisory capacity. It
is in this respect that the American
system differs from the British set-
up. In Britain all measures are di-
rectly under the Ministry of Home
of Security and are secondarily the

Treasury Faces Fact-
Defense Becomes War
WASHINGTON, April 6.-(AP)-De-
fense Bonds and Stamps today be-
came officially "War Savings Bonds
and Stamps."
Persistent suggestions that the
change be made have been received
by the Treasury ever since Pearl Har-


Sale of tickets for Charlie Barnet's
swing concert here April 22-two and
a half hours with "the King pf the
Sax"-will begin today, according to
concert chairman Buck Dawson, '43.
Alpha Phi Omega representatives
will canvass campus dormitories to-
night and explain the concert and
its purpose of contributing to the
Bomber-Scholarship Fund. Tickets
will be sold in dorms Thursday.
The fraternities will be covered to-
morrow night, according to Dawson,
and Thursday will see the nnoningI

plan for aiding student war veterans
after the Armistice.
Barnet's rise to royalty in the
realm of jazz has been almost phe-
nomenal. Virtually unknown a few
years ago, he crashed the nation's
juke boxes with such favorites at
"Pompton Turnpike," "Cherokee,"
and "Between 18th and 19th on
Chestnut Street."
(In addition to placing him among
America's top musicians, "Cherokee"
also made Barnet an honorary Indian

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