More than 1,000 students at the University of Notre Dame united recently in working up a
gigantic War Charities Carnival. Held in the campus Fieldhouse, the carnival was complete
with stage, midway and barkers. Proceeds of the three-day event went to such groups as the
Red Cross and Navy Relief Fund. Sponsored by the Notre Dame Knights of Columbus under
the patronage of the Rev. Hugh O'Donnell, C. S. C., the carnival was planned by 35 campus'
A blanket and radio raffle was sponsored by the Commerce Forum, and their booth proved a
profitable venture for charity. This booth was one of about 25 on the midway.
An Arch of Steel shields Honorary Cadet Colonel Dorot
is escorted by Cadet Colonel Jack Witt after receiving her c<
annual Military Ball sponsored by the Missouri School of M
Society of American Military Engineers. Collegiate
Battle of the Sexes - Shirley Cadmus, blonde tap dancer from' Farmville State Teachers Col-
lege, is on her way to open "Quiz-A-Roo", an annual contest between the men of Hampden-
Sidney College and the women of Farmville. The schools, located seven miles apart, "fight it
out" for the benefit of the local hospital. Collegiate Digest Photo by Robertson