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April 04, 1942 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1942-04-04

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Deadline Set
For Hopwood
Entries Are Due April 13;
$10,000 To Be Shared
By Best Student Writers
Students planning to compete for
nearly $10,000 in prize money in the
forthcoming Hopwood literary con-
test, must present their manuscripts
by 4:30 p.m. April 13, in Room 3221
Angell Hall.
The Hopwood contest, eleven years
on the campus, originated when play-
wright Avery Hopwood, '05, willed
one-fifth of his estate to the Regents
of the University in 1922, the income
from which to be distributed annu-
ally "for the encouraging of creative
work in writing."
The first competition was held in,
1931, after the bequest had been di-
vided into two parts, known as the
major awards (open to senior and
graduate students) and the minor
awards (open to undergraduates) re-
Only students regularly enrolled in
the University, taking at least one
composition course in the English or'
journalism departments, and rating
"C" or better in each of their sub-
jects are eligible to enter the fiction,
drama, poetry and essay divisions of
the Hopwood.
This is the same contest which
boosted into the literary limelight
Mildred Walker ("Fireweed," "Dr.
Norton's Wife," "The Brewers' Big
Horses"); Iola Fuller ("The Loon
Feather"); Vivian La Jeunesse Par-
sons ("Lucien"); and Maritta Wolff
("Whistle Stop").
Technical instructions on the prep-
aration of manuscripts and important
suggestions for the contest may be
found in the Hopwood pamphlet,
available in Room 3221 Angell Hall.
Lindbergh Starts
Willow Run Job
DETROIT, April 3.-(/I)-Charles
A. Lindbergh reported for duty at the
Ford Motor Co.'s new bomber plant
at Willow Run today.
Like all other war plant workers
in the Detroit area, the famous flier
wore in his lapel a badge bearing
his picture.
Lindbergh, long a personal friend,
of Henry Ford, will engage in aero-
nautic and engineering research. He
will work with Charles E. Sorenson,
general manager of the company.
"I want to contribute as effectively
as I can to the war effort," Lindbergh
said. "Now that we are in the war it
is everybody's duty to do what he
can to help."

Comnands Corps Area

Council Plans
For Assembly
On War Aims,

lleasures , Taken By The University
For War Effort Are Summarized

Churches Tell
Easter Plans


Crowds Expected
Attend Services


Post-War Meeting
Include Speeches
Panel Discussions

Major General George Grunert
(above) has taken command of the
Sixth Corps area. He succeded
Maj.-Gen. Joseph M. Cummins in
the area comprising Illinois, Wis-
consin and Michigan.
State lEmploye
Scarcity -Grave
Owfing ToWa
LANSiNG, April 3,-(/P)-Thomas
J. Wilson, State Personnel Director,
reported today that the Civil Service
Department is confronted by an im-
mediate shortage of state employes
and doesn't know what to do about it.
He said he was considering several
plans to present to the Civil Service
Commission to offset the steady loss
of workers. attracted either by the
armed forces or by higher wages in
war industries.
"The trouble is," he declared, "a
plan that looks good today, is old to-
morrow. Last July we boosted wages
for attendant nurses in our hospitals
and some people thought we were too
high. Now we are losing nurses.
They are getting war plant jobs at,
$50 a month more than we havel
been paying."
Losses are being felt most keenly'
in the state hospitals and prisons,
Wilson said, referring to a report by
Charles F. Wagg, secretary of the
State Hospital Commission, that 83
"key" employes resigned during,
March at Ypsilanti State Hospital,
most of them skilled trades workers.
Stam ps Sell Rapidly
With campus response at an unusu-
ally high pitch. $120 in defense
stamps were sold yesterday by the
Student Senate in the first of a proj-
ected weekly series of Defense Stamp

Meeting in the conference room of
the Board of Regents yesterday, the
Michigan Post-War Council formu-
lated more definite plans for the all-
campus Post-War Conference sched-
uled for April 17 and 18, and dis-
cussed various proposals for a long-
range permanent program.
Yesterday's meeting was the firstj
in which the faculty advisory com-
mittee has participated. Headed by
President Ruthven, this committee
includes Prof. Harlow Heneman, ex-
ecutive director of the Universityj
War Board, Prof. James K. Pollock
of the political science department,
Dr. Edward Blakeman, Councilor in
Religious Education, and Prof. Ar-
thur Smithies of the economics de-
The program of the Post-War Con-
ference, as announced yesterday by
Chairman Cliff Straehley, '44, is as
follows: Friday, April 17, a general
session at which speakers of national
fame will speak and answer student
questions; Saturday, April 18, four
discussion panels on narrower topics
of the post-war problem and a con-
cluding general session in the eve-
Several suggestions were also
brought forth at the meeting in re-
gard to the problem of continuing
the program of the Council success-
fully and enabling it to keep the stu-
dents interested in post-war ques-
Professor Pollock recommended
that regular weekly meetings in the
form of coffee hours be scheduled.

A brief but all-inclusive picture of
the University at war-which ap-
pears in the Weekly Calendar re-
leased today-brings together for the
first time the essential facts of Mich-
igan's contribution to victory.
Although the largest part of the
material is completely accurate, it is
difficult to give exact statistics of
University personnel--faculty, stu-
dents, alumni-furnished to the
armed forces, government depart-
ments and war industries. For this
reason, the data in that section
should be regarded as illustrative
examples rather than definitive data.
The complete summary follows:
Acceleration of the teaching pro-
gram. Commencement this year
moved from June 20 to May 30, with
omission of the spring recess. Three-
term program adopted for the dura-
tion of the emergency; three terms a
year, each equivalent to a semester,
to permit the regular four-year pro-
gram to be completed in two years
plus two terms. Summer term begins
June 15, Summer Session June 29.
Instruction in subjects directlyeor
indirectly dealing with military serv-
ice and the war; 110 such courses;
5,423 elections this term.
Training for professions needed in
connection with the war and in which
there are shortages. Number in
training (numbers in parentheses are
those of May 30 graduates): medi-
cine, 518 (116); dentistry, 233 (42);
engineering, 2,010 (315); public
health, 142 (45); nursing, 203 (53);
chemistry, 238 (85) ; physics, 40 (13) ;
pharmacy, 75 (19); geology, 31 (19);
mathematics, 87 (44); business ad-
ministration, including production
management, industrial relations,
and accountancy, 118 (56); inter-
preters and translators of Japanese,
37 (37), of Russian, 85 (85), of Ara-
bic, 5 (5), and of Malay, 6 (6); teach-
ing industrial arts, 16 (16); account-

ants, 322 (53). In addition there are
about 225 premedical and 75 pre-
dental students.
Reserve officer training. Present
enrollment, Army and Navy ROTC,
1,314; to be commissioned May 30,
about 80; commissioned .in the U. S.
Army Reserve since 1922, 1,130.
C.A.A. pilot training for students.
Primary training completed by 243
since 1939; second training by 77.
Personnel furnished to U. S. armed
services, government agencies, and
war industries: FACULTY-30 of
professorial rank on leave for Army
or Navy duty, or for other govern-
ment work; many engaged in govern-
ment research on the campus. STU-
ments in government service or war
industry since June, 1940, by College
of Engineering, 284; recommenda-
tions for similar placement by Bu-
reau of Appointments and Occupa-
tional Information in February, 1942,
alone, 500; engineering graduates
furnished to Naval Ordnance labor-
atory, 150. More than 1,000 students
estimated to have entered the armed
services by enlistment or induction.
Naval reserve commissions given to

graduates in 1940-41 and 1941-42,
121; to be given to students now in
college, 72; additional applications
pending, 94.
Research for the Federal Govern-
ment. Contracts, recent, current, or
pending, about 30, of -a confidential
Army base hospital unit completely
organized with University Hospital
personnel (32 doctors); subject to
immediate call.
Special training courses conducted
for the Government. Five groupsof
ESMDT (Engineering, Science, and
Management Defense Training)
courses given; already trained, about
3,000; sixth group, 33 courses, about
1,000 enrolled, to begin April 13.
War Information Center, furnish-
ing all available information on op-
portunities for enlistment and train-
ing programs in the armed forces and
on the operation of the Selective
Service Act, established in Room
1009 Angell Hall. This office has
been designated by the U. S. Office
of Education as one of the key war
information centers, for the use of
the general public as well as students.

The Presbyterian Church will hold
two morning services Easter Sunday.
The first service will be held at 9
a.m. and the second at 10:45 a.m.
Overflow crowds will meet in the
social hall of the church.
Dr. W. P. Lemon will conduct the
worship at'the regular meetings and
Dr. George Evans will preside over
the congregation in the social hall.
Members of the Episcopal Students
Guild will have a breakfast after
the 7 a.m. service Easter morning.
Chairman Barbara Bartley, and her
assistants, Doris Kirk, John Bingley
and Clarence Fox plan to feature egg
rolling at the party.
* * *
A public performance of "Barrabas,
The Murderer," selected as the an-
nual Easter Play, will be given by
Westminster Guild members at 7:30
p.m. Easter Sunday in the Presby-
terian Social Hall, director Francis
Chalmers announced.


_ _.





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lo6 E. Washington


A I. - - - 4 s







State Street between Washington and Huron
Ministers: Charles W. Brashares and
J. Edward Lantz
Music: Hardin Van Deursen, director
Mary Porter Gwin, organist
8:30 and 10:40 A.M. Indentical Easter Worship
Services. Dr. Brashares' subject is "Easter."
9:30 A.M. No student class.
10:40 A.M. Church school for nursery, begin-
ners, and primary departments where young
children may be left during worship service.
6:00 P.M. Tea in the Student Lounge.
6:45 P.M. Members of the Community Drama
Club will present "The Terrible Meek."
7:30 P.M. Newly-Weds meet in the Parlors -
"Discussion of the Budget," led by Julius Van
Holsbeck. Refreshments.
State and Huron Streets
H. P. Marley, Minister
Recognizing the fact that the country is at war,
the Easter sermon at the Unitarian church
will be on the subject "The Tomb of the Un-
known Soldier Revisited." The minister, Rev.
11. P. Marley will describe a visit which he
made to Arlington Cemetery at Washington
D. C., and will speak on the sacrifice to hu-
manity made by the common soldier in all
periods of history.
For the occasion, there will be a special
floral arrangement in the chancel. Miss June
McKee will read a poem by Allan Seeger who
was killed in action in France during the
last war. There will be no special music, but
the hymns and responses will be selected to
fit the occasion.
512 East Huron
Rev.C. H. LoucksMinister.
Mrs. Gail Orcutt, Associate Student Counselor
10:15 A.M. The Church at Study. Undergrad-
uate class with Mr. Loucks in the Guild
House, 503 E. Huron St. Graduate class with
Prof. Charles Brassfield in the church.
11:00 A.M. The Church at Worship. Sermon,
''}t 11i'EUm115 lsRoad."
:001 P.M. An Easter play, "The Half of My
C'=os," will be given in the church by mem-
hers of tihe Guild,.
Division at Catherine
'he Rev. Henry Lewis, D.D.. Rector.
The Rev. Frederick W. Leech, Student
-rhe Rev. Jolui G Dahl, Curate
(rroir'e I axon, Organist and Choirmaster.
7:00 A.M. Holy Communion (Choral). Music
by Men and Boys Choir.
9:00 A.M. Holy Communion (Choral) and ser-
mon by the Rev. Frederick W. Leech. Music
by Junior Church Choir.
11:00 A.M. Festival Service, Sermon, and Holy
Communion. Sermon by the Rev. Henry
Lewis. Music by Men and Boys Choir.
4:00 P.M. Easter Pageant, "The Risen Lord"
1)1esentecd by the Junior Church. Music by
Junior Cliti ch Cloh. Presentation of Mite
l13oxe: .
sponsored jointly by
Zion and Trinity Lutheran Churches
Zioni Luthleran Church,
E. Washington St. at S. Fifth Ave.
9:00 A.M. Easter Service by children of Sunday
10:30 A.M. Church Worship Service. Sermon,
"JesUs. out Ho1 of Life" by Rev. E. C. Stell-
iyr LCn.h
Trinity Lutheran Church,
W, m~iI n.s o e K cf s at.q ~f iA vn

Michigan League Chapel,
Leonard Verduin, Pastor.
10:30 A.M. "The Lord is Risen Indeed!"
7:30 P.M. "The Great Commission."
Among the private papers of an early Amer-
ican statesman was found a Bible in which
the Gospel ended with "and he rolled a great
stone to the door of the sepulchre and de-
parted" - the rest had been deleted. Can
Christianity get along without its resurrec-
tion story?
409 S. Division St.
Wednesday evening service at 7:30.
Sunday morning service at 10:30, subject, "Un-
Sunday school at 11:45.
Free public Reading Room at 106 E. Wash-
ington St., open every day except Sundays
and holidays from 11:30 a.m. until 5 p.m.,
Saturdays until 9 p.m.
(Evangelical and Reformed)
423 South Fourth Avenue,
Theodore Schmale, Pastor.
6:30 A.M. Sunrise Easter Service under direction
of the Young People's League. Breakfast will
be served after the service. Price 15c.
9:00 A.M. Easter Service in the German lang-
10:30 A.M. Main Easter Service with special mu-
sic by the Junior and Senior Choirs: Sermon
topic: "Easter Hope and Duty."
Evening meetings will be omitted.
Place of meeting: Second floor, Y.M.C.A.
Building, 110 N. Fourth Ave.
10:00 A.M. Scripture study. Lesson topic: "Christ
and Life After Death."
11:00 A.M. Morning worship. Garvin M. Toms
will preach on the subpect: "The ,Truth
About the Resurrection."
8:00 P.M. Evening preaching service. The ser-
mon, entitled "Baptized Into Christ," will
be the fifth in a series on "Christian Bap-
Wednesday, April 8
8:00 P.M. Midweek Bible Study. Everyone is
invited to all services.
William P. Lemon, D.D., Minister
Mark W. Bills, Director of Music
Franklin Mitchell, Organist
7:00 A.M. Tuxis Society Easter Breakfast. The
Sunrise Service will be led by the Vice Presi-
dent, Jean MacKaye. There will be no'evening
9:30 A.M. Church School special Easter Pro-
gram conducted by the Intermediate Depart-
9:00 and 10:45 AM. Morning Worship Services,
"Life After Life," sermon by Dr. Lemon,
10:45 A.M. Nursery during morning worship.
6:00 P.M. Sunday Evening Club supper meeting
in Russel Parlor. Phone 2-4833 for supper
7:15 P.M. Westminister Student Guild Easter
Play, "The Great Choice." Directed by Fran-
ces Chalmers and enacted by students of the
Guild. A cordial invitation is extended to all.
Location; State and William Streets
rairsi .. -" t ~ r - rl.. a rr m.



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