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April 03, 1942 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1942-04-03

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yw 4iw>yr ".

Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications._
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
.The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use. for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights
of republication of all other matters herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second class mall matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.00, by mail $5.00.
National Advertising Service, Inc.
; C llege Psblishers Representaaive
420 MAisON Ave. NEW YoRncN.Y.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941.42

Editorial Staff

Emile Gelb
Alvin Dann
David ,Lachenbruch
Jay McCormick,.
Gerald E. Burns .
Hal Wilson . .
Janet Hooker.,
Grace Miller
Virginia Mitchell

, Managing Editor
Editorial Director
. . . . City Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
. . . . Associate Editor
. . . . Sports Editor
. . . Women's Editor
. . Assistant Women's Editor
. . . . Exchange Editor

Daniel H. Huyett
James B. Collins
Louise Carpenter
Evelyn Wright

Business Staff
. . . . Business Manager
Associate Business Manager
* . Women's Advertising Manager
. . Women's Business Manager

The editorials published in The Michigan
Daily are written by members of The Daily
staff and represent the views of the writers
Studeit War Board
May Fill Need..
T HE STUDENT BODY of the Univer-
sity of Michigan has not compiled
a very enviable record in its war activity since
December 7. It has treated blood banks and
defense savings drives with the same smug diffi-
dence it once reserved for mere campus issues.
the Committee of 1942, born in a blaze of pub-
licity, was gently ignored along with any of its
attempts to awaken interest in the war.
N ORDER to stimulate some awareness of our
present situation and its demands, in order
40 answer the often-heard screams for "some-
thing to do, and in order to infuse cohesion into
existing campus war projects, the Student War
Board has been set up. It has already asked for
lull reports on current activities and it has been
granted the right of jurisdiction over future
There have already been some criticisms of
this new board for the manner in which it was
chosen, and there probably will be even more.
No group can attempt to bring government into
anarchy without some loud howls. The Com-
mittee of 1942 didn't try to make anything com-
pulsory. It met every so often in a big room at
the Union, and sometimes it gave the campus
something to do-if the campus wanted to do it.
The Committee of 1942 was a harmless, sort of
speech society. That was all.
T HE NEW Student War Board is not a guaran-
tee of immediate conversion of campus leth-
argy into all-out war work. Such a hope would
be inconsistent with every aspect of this Uni-
versity's student body, besides a flaunting of
precedent. It is, however, the most representa-
tive and most efficient group that could be set
up in a situation where time had been too long
considered a free good. It is also the best that
could be done on a campus that is not too well
acquainted with efficient representative gov-
Now is not the time to quibble over methods
of selectiop nor tQ stand up for one's cherished
right to do nothing. The Student War Board
offers men and women students alike an in-
strument with which they can forge the begin-
nings of an equitable campus contribution to
the nation's struggle. But if the students con-
tinue to show the same disinterest in the United
States' greatest crisis, then we can only suggest
-Dan Bernan
Pearson And Allen's
'Sixth Column' . .
THREE WEEKS AGO, on their Sun-
day evening broadcast, Pearson and
Allen joined the Sixth Column of those unwit-
tingly aiding our Axis enemies.
They told an anxiously waiting world how
Genevieve Samp, 25-year-old worker ait the Na-
tional Stamping Company, had been suspended
from Local 270, UAW (CIO) because she
"worked too hard on war production." Pearson
and Allen stated that the union's local had
caused her to lose her job there on the grounds
that by working too fast she had "killed jobs"

Emergency Fund . .
To the Editor:
HlE Emergency Fund for Foreign Students has
been made possible by the generous support
given the International Dinner, the proceeds of
which have gone into this fund the past two
years. There have been from time to time other
contributions to the fund from individual friends
and from organizations of various sorts. Alto-
gether, the Fund has remained pitiably limited;
at most it has provided $300 a year. But looking
back over the two years-the two dreadful
years-I wonder how I could have managed
without it.
I cannot violate the confidence of my students
to speak too concretely of the situations in which
the Fund has been used where recourse to the
regular loan funds of the University would have
broken the pride and morale of young people
already suffering all they could bear. I can say
in general that this Fund has been used in small
amounts to meet emergencies requiring imme-
diate help, ministered in a personal and sympa-
thetic way: students trying to do their work
without textbooks or drawing instruments; stu-
dents embarrassed by delayed funds, attempting
to get along without proper food, students in-
adequately clothed for our rigorous winter
weather. If the account of these cases could
ever be told, it would be a tragic evidence of
what the accursed war has done to the young
lives of the flower of the countries that have
gone down in the cataclysm.
THE FUND is used at the discretion of the
Counselor; it is a revolving fund; the student
understands that he is lent the money to meet
his immediate need, that when, and if, he can
return it, it will be used to help another in a
similar situation, but he is made to feel that he
must not allow any sense of obligation add to
his already heavy burden of distress. As has
been the experience of the University over years
of lending to students, the students have been
conscientious in appreciating and honoring the
generous and humane policy with which this
Fund is administered.
For more than a quarter of a century the
Counselor to Foreign Students has urged the
need of such a fund. He still hopes that the small
beginning may lead to the final achievement of
an adequate provision of this sort. Meantime
such projects as the International Ball, and the
International Dinner supplemented by gifts from
our friends will continue to make possible many
humane provisions for student needs.
- J. Raleigh Nelson
Draft Yoth. .
To the Editor:
WE, the youth of America, have been called
apathetic. This may apply to some of us.
But why are we all thus vilified? Is it because
we are frivolous and fickle? No, it is because we
are frustrated, torn between the desire of com-
pleting our education and the responsibility of
serving our country. In solving this problem
many of us have heeded the advice of our elders
and stayed in school. But still we are called
It has been suggested that we be given the
mental and fioral responsibility of voting and
keeping physically fit for war. Yet we feel that
we should do something more in meeting the
present needs. Aren't there some responsibilities
for us to assume right now? We who have not
yet been called to the colors want a vital part
in winning this war now!
DO YOU KNOW that a bare minimum of 2,000
male students in the University of Michigan
are not taking, or cannot take, advantage of the
summer term this year? These are accurate fig-
ures from the War Board and exclude those
medical, dental and engineering students whose
technical education cannot' be interrupted at
this time. Imagine what potentialities are con-
tained in this group and others like them!

There is a definite need for many things that
our idle manpower can supply. The U. S. needs
a military highway to Alaska. Let us build it!
There is a crying need for laborers on the farms
and in the factories. Let us be labor! Harness
our idle power and give us our deserved part in
this war. Let government recruit us as labor.
Would it be too much to ask of us to give four
to six months of our college careers to our coun-
try? Send us to Alaska, to the farms and fac-
SOME WILL SAY that the education of youth
for post-war reconstruction must not be dis-
rupted. But would a brief break in our educa-
tion work any hardships on us? No! Besides,
before we can reconstruct the post-war world,
we must first win the war. Having shared in
the great effort to preserve democracy, youth
will face the task of reconstruction with an
increased faith in democracy.
We must put all of our energies into winning
this war. We must create a firmer democracy
from the common backbreaks and heartbreaks
that are to come. There is a job to do; let us do
it! Why not call on youth to work for victory?
- John F. Woog, '44
out on a very weak limb and were caught with
their bare faces hanging out in a sniping trick
that backfired.
MISS SAMP, her union local and independent
observers maintained, was suspended be-
cause she continually was in the center of quar-
rels and that her action disrupted production.
Well, the pressure of the columnists yesterday
forced the Union to reinstate Genevieve Stamp,

Drew Perso
Roben SAllen4
WASHINGTON-A short time ago Australian
Minister Casey received a cable from Melbourne
which read:
"Please arrange meetings for me with heads
of AF of L and CIO. Want no lahledah enter-
tainment while I'm in Washington."
The instruction came from Casey's boss, Aus-
tralian Minister of External Affairs Herbert J.
Casey, extremely popular with Washington's
social upper crust, had to reply that he did not
know any American labor leaders, could not ar-
range the introductions. Casey has since re-
signed as Australian Minister to enter the British
cabinet, but his chief, External Minister Evatt,
is now in Washington and is the most invig-
orating visitor this country has seen since Win-
ston Churchill.
Reason Minister Evatt wanted to meet U.S.
labor leaders was because he is a member of
one of the few labor governments in the world,
and because he is convinced that American
labor could profit by some of the mistakes and
lessons of Australian labor.
"In Australia," says Evatt, "we haven't had
one strike, Labor has patched up all its differ-
ences for the duration. We have the same fac-
tions that you do ._-. like your AF of L and CIO -
but there's no quarrel between them now. The
last thing they want is to row while the country's
in danger."
Nelson Mystery
FRIENDS of war production chief Donald Nel-
son are baffled. They can't understand why
he isn't ridding his staff of dollar-a-year men
whose incompetence and profit-minded obstruc-
tionism are hampering him and bringing down
on his head a storm of public criticism.
Personally sincere, conscientious and able, Nel-
son, in the three months hie has been WPB
boss, has accomplished much in bringing order
and drive into the production program. He has
licked many tough problems and shown himself
an executive of courage and imagination - ex-
cept in one vital respect. That is in failing to
surround himself with assistants of top caliber
and punch.
It was expected when Nelson took charge that
he would purge the deadwood and worse that
had made such a tragic shambles of OPM. In-
stead, he took over the OPM high command
practically intact. Further, of the few changes
he did make, several were worse than the officials
they replaced.
For example: Philip Reed, glad-handing Gen-
eral Electric mogul, had been anything but a
shining success in several key OPM posts. It
was an open secret that one of his chiefs was
trying to find a way to ease him out. Insiders
took it for granted that Reed would be one of
the first dropped by Nelson. Instead, to every-
one's astonishment, the dawdling dollar-a-yearer
was made head of the key Bureau of Industry
However, nothing was said publicly about this
situation at the time in the belief that it was
inly temporary and that as soon as Nelson had
disposed of more pressing matters he would
clean up his staff.
Note: Among the nearly 300 dollar-a-year men
:n Nelson's staff is Ralph Wolf, an official of
Standard Oil of New Jersey, who is assistant
director of the synthetic rubber section of WPB.
Merry-Go-Rowt (
NjfAYNE COY, brainy young White House as-
sistant, is slated for a promotion. The ex-
Indiana newsman will be made Assistant Budget
Director. Coy will continue as head of the Office
of Emergency Management.

crease the output of war materials, and are doing
everything in their power to do it,
"The fact is that there were some distiurbances
in the plant which had nothing whatever to do
with increasing production and I must frankly
admit that I contributed my share toward these
disturbances. I recognize my responsibility for
the disturbances and sincerely regret that they
"The first I knew of the statements of Pearson
and Allen was when my attention was called to
their reikiks on the radio. I do not know
where they got their information, but I dO know
that it is not true.
"Tt seems ,t me that the people who are circu-
lating this false story are trying to use Ine as a
tool to discredit my union and organized labor.
I have been a member of the UAW (CIO) for
many years and no one knows better than I do
the need which workers have for their unions
and the benefit they get from them.
"Anyone who says that the members of my
union are not doing everything they can t,) in-
crease production of war materials is either
ignorant or an enemy of unions or is himself
trying to interfere with turning out war work..
"I am proud to be a loyal member of a union
which is doing its patriotic dutyr and I deeply
resent the attempt on the part of labor haters to
make incidents of disturbances which are en-
tirely personal and give thene a vicious arid
unfounded meaning."
WE do not accuse Pearson and' Allen of malice.
We do accuse them of extremely, danger-
ously poor journalism. The sources of the story
were dubious, and the custodians of American
nnii nn ,4onVI ha x to h4fl V 10 h ,-.-i u,, 41 a i In

(Continued from Page 2)
of the graduating class who do notg
personally call for their diplomasa
has grown until in 1940 it cost the
University over $400 to perform this
service. The rule has been laid down,
as a result, that diplomas not calledO
for at the Sports Building immediate-v
ly after the Commencement Exercis-d
es or at the University Business Of-t
fice within three business days after t
Commencement will be maied CO.D.
The mailing cost will be approximate-p
ly 30c for the larger sized rolleda
diplomas and 45c for the book form.A
Will each graduate, therefore, beC
certain that the Diploma Clerk hasn
his correct mailing address to insure
delivery by mail. The U. S. Mail
Service will, of course, return all
diplomas which cannot be delivered.
Because of adverse conditions abroad,
foreign students should leave ad-e
dresses in the United States, if pos-p
sible, to which diplomas may bed
It is preferred that ALL diplomasb
be personally called for.c
Herbert G. Watkins, n
Assistant Secretaryb
Notice to Property Owners: If youf
have purchased improved property a
on a land contract and owe a bal-
ance in the proximity of 60 per cent
of the value of the property, thet
Investment Office, 100 South WingP
of University Hall would be glad toe
discuss the possibilities of refinan-
cing your contract through the medi-e
um of a mortgage. There are advan-
tages to be had in this manner ofr
Gardens: Arrangements have beenv
completed for the use of several acres
of land at the Botanical Gardens1
for any University employees, or
faculty members, who may be desir-
ous of planting gardens this summer.
It is planned to have the land plowed
and fitted ready for use at the properr
If interested, kindly contact thet
undersigned by telephone or mail fort
your garden space. As the availableE
acreage is limited, applications willr
be aecepted in the order received. S
O. E. Roszel,r
Storehouse Department
Phone: 4121-Ext. 337
To the Members of the Faculty oft
the College of Literatur , Science,
and the Arts: The sixth regular meet-
ing of the Faculty of the College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts for4
the academic session of 1941-19421
will be held in Room 1025 Angellt
Hall, on Monday. April 6. at 4:101
1. Consideration of the minutesj
of the meetings of February 25th,1
1942 (pp. 808-815), and of MarchI
2nd, 1942 (pp. 815-824), which were
distributed by campus mail.
2. Memorial: J. E. Reighard. Com-
mittee: Peter Okkelberg, J. F. Shep-
ard, and G. R. La Rue, Chairman.
3. Consideration of reports submit-C
ted with the call to the meeting:
a. Executive Committee, Professor
H. H. Barlett.
b. University Council, Associate1
Professor N. E. Nelson.
c. Executive Board of the Gradu-
ate School, Professor Z. C. Dickin-
d. Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs, Professor Camp-
bell Bonner.
e. Deans' Conference, Dean E. H.
4. Dates of faculty meetings
5. New business.
6. Announcements.

who are planning such projects
should have the permission of this
committee before taking action.
School of Music Students: Coursess
dropped after the end of the eighth1
week of the semester, that is, aftert
April 4, will be recorded with thec
grade of E except under extraordin-4
ary circumstances.l
Tom I. KinkeadC
All University building wardens and
other University employees who havec
volunteered for the University civilian
defense organization are urged to at-
tend the course of Civilian Protec-
tion lectures which begins in Hill
Auditorium, Monday, April 6, at 8:00
p.m., with an address on "The NatureF
and Purpose of Civilian Defense" byC
Major W. A. Brewer, of the National 1
Office of Civilian Defense in Wash-.
Edward C. Pardon, Co-Chairman r
Universit' Committee on Plant andi
Personnel Protection.t
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Midsemester re-
ports are due not later than Satur-b
day, April 4.
Report cards are being distributed
to all departmental offices. Greent
cards are being provided for fresh-t
man reports; they should be returned
to the office of the Academic Coun-
selors, 108 Mason Hall. White cards,
for reporting sophomores, juniors,
and seniors should be returned to
1220 Angell Hall.
Midsemester reports should name
those students, freshman and up-
perclass, whose standing at midsem-
ester is D or E, not merely those who
receive D or E in so-called midsem-
ester examinations. r s
Students electing our courses, but
registered in other schools or col-
leges of the University should be re-t
ported to the school or college inc
which they are registered.
Additional cards may be had atT
108 Mason Hall or 1220 Angell Hall.t
E. A. Walter, Assistant Dean
Freshmen, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Freshmen may
not diop courses without E grade
after Saturday, April 4. In adminis-
tering this rule, students with lesst
than24 hours of credit are consider-
ed freshmen. Exceptions may be
made in extraordinary circumstances,
such as severe or long continued ill-
E. A. Walter
School of Education Freshmen:
Courses dropped after Saturday,
April 4, will be recorded with the
grade of E except under extraordin-
ary circumstances. No course is con-
sidered officially dropped unless it
has been reported in the office of
the Registrar, Room 4, University
Attention llopwood Contestants:
All manuscripts must be in the Eng-
lish Office, 3221 Angell Hall, by 4:30
p.m., Monday, April 13. No manu-
script will be accepted after this
Students are urged to read care-
fully the rules for the contests. Note
especially kind of paper and details
of binding. Manuscripts not done in
conformity with the rules will not be
accepted. R. W. Cowden
School of Music, School of Educa-
tion, College of Architecture and De-
sign: Midsemester reports indicating
students enrolled in these units do-
ing unsatisfactory work in any unit
of the University are due in the office
of the school on Saturday, April 4, at
noon. Report blanks for this pur-
pose may be secured from the office
of the school or from Room 4, Uni-
versity Hall.
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar
All R.O.T.C. Cadets, both Basic
1,, ,A " l, n rl . _am - -luyai


k -
w r v
"Don't scold her, Henry-you know the sound of a bicycle horn
at the curb wouldn't be very loud."

By Lichty

gram to include Bach's Two Chorale
Preludes, Prologus Tragicus by Kag-
Elert and Good Friday Music by
Wagner. The public is cordially in-
Student Recital: Ivor Gothie,
425M, a pupil of Joseph Brinkman,
will give a recital in partial fulfill-
ment of the degree of Bachelor of
Music at 8:30 p.m. on Monday, April
6, in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater. Mr.
Gothie has arranged a program of
compositions for the piano by Res-
pighi, Handel, Mozart and Liszt.
The public is cordially invited,
Exhibition: An Introduction to
Architecture. An elaborate educa-
tional exhibition produced by the
Ann Arbor Art Association in collab-
oration with the College of Architec-
ture and Design. This exhibition is
intended to give the layman a better
understanding of the meaning of
architecture, to demonstrate the
modern techlniques of museum dis-
play. of visual materials as instru-
ments of education, and for its ap-
peal to those interested in art. The
exhibit is in the Rackham Galleries,
and will continue through April 4.
Open daily, 2-5 and 7-10, except Sun-
days. The public is cordially ivited.
Exhibition, College of Architec-
ture and Design: Color schemes and
arrangements by the Interior Design
classes. - Weaving by primitive Mexi-
can Indian tribes, from the collection
f Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lippold.
Ground floor cases, Architecture
Building. Open daily 9 to 5, except
Sunday, until April 4. The public is
Latin American Exhibit: Univer-
sity Elementary School Library -
Room 1502. An exhibit of recent
books, handicraft, and pamphlets is
on display through Saturday, April
4. This is a traveling exhibit loaned
by Library Service Division, U. S.
Office of Education. Hours, 8:00-
12:00 a.m., 1:30-5:00 p.m., Monday
through Friday. 8:00 a.m-3:00 p.m.
on Saturday.
University Lecture: Dr. Carl G.
Rossby of the Institute of Meteorol-
ogy, University of Chicago, will lec-
ture on the subject, "Recent Develop-
ments in the Science of Meteorology,"
nder the auspices of the Depart-
ments of Aeronautical Engineering,
Astronomy, Geography, and Geology,
on Thursday, April 9, at 4:15 p.m. in
the Rackham Amphitheatre. The
public is cordially invited.
University Lecture: Dr. John Al-
brecht Walz, Professor Emeritus of
Germanic Languages and Literatures,
Harvard University, will lecture on
the subject, "Goethe," under the au-
spices of the Department of German-
c Languages and Literatures, on Fri-
day, April 10, at 4:15 p.m. in the
Rackham Amphitheater. The public
s cordially invited.
Events Today
Phi Eta Sigma initiation fee must
be paid in the office of the Dean of
Students, Room 2 University Hall, by
closing time today.
French Roundtable, International
Center will be omitted today because
of Good Friday.
The Graduate Student Council will
meet in the East Lecture Room of
the Rackham Building today at
5:00 p.m.
Hillel Foundation: W. H. Auden
will speak this evening at 8:30 on
"Faith," at the Hillel Foundation,
Oakland at East University. .His.talk
will be followed by a fireside discus-
sion and a social. Everyone is cordi-
ally invited.

Episcopal Students: Tea will be
served for Episcopal students and
their friends at Harris Hall this after-
noon, 4:00 to 5:30.
Zion Lutheran Church: Good Fri-
day services from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m.
with sermon by Vicar Clement Shoe-
maker on "Shall I Crucify Your
Good Friday Evening Service at
7:30 with sermon by Rev. E. C. Stell-
horn on "Jesus Claiming the Throne."
The service of Holy Communion will
follow the sermon.
Trinity Lutheran Church: Good
Friday Service, 1:00-3:00 p.m., with
the Litany Hymns and prayers for
Good Friday and meditations by the
pastor on "The Seven Last Words
from the Cross." Holy Communion
Service after 3:00 p.m.
Coming Events
University Oratorical Contest: The
Northern Oratorical League Contest
will be held at 4:00 p.m. on Tues-
day, April 7, in room 4203, Angell
Hall. Open to the public.
"Capital versus Labor" will be the
topic of an open discussion held by
the Young Socialist League on Sun-
day, April 5, Michigan Union, room
302, at 3:00 p.m. All are welcome.
Graduate Outing Club will hike
Sunday if the weather permits. A
short trip down the river, with sup-
"'- i Ia nn - in +n rltrhn.

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