TAE MICHIGAN DAILY' 3irhijgan Bally i 71I ORA ' ' Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during the regular school year by car- rier $4.00, by mail $5.00. REPRESENTED POR NATIONA. ADVERT3ING BY National Advertising Service, Inc. ~ V College P"Uhihrs Represemat iv 420 MADimAvE. N w YORK. N. Y. cutcAGO BOSTON e Los ANGELES * SAN FRARCISco Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1941-42 Editorial Staff Emile Alvin; Dlavid Ge16 D3ann. Lachenbruch . . . . Managing Editor . . . . Editorial Director . . . . .City Editor Jay Mc~ormick , Gerald E. Burnsa Hal Wilson . Janet Hooker. . Grace Miller Virginia Mitche l . . * , . Associate S . . Associate . . . Sports Women's . Assistant Women's . . . Exchange Editor Editor Editor Editor Editor Etlitar Daniel H. Huyett James B. Collins Louise Carpenter Evelyn Wright Business Stafff . . . . Business Manager . . Associate Business Manager . . Women's Advertising Manager * . Women's Business Manager NIGHT EDITOR: WILL SAPP? The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. Ayres Unjustly treated By Press... W HY are American newspapers out to get conscientious objectors? Lew Ayres, a movie actor, was sent to a con- scientious objectors' camp, and the papers came out with thick, black. banner headlines. The Chicago Sun said: "TLEW AYRES WAR EVADER" and the Detroit News printed: "Lew Ayres Interned as War Objector.". "So, in my opinion we will never stop wars until we individually cease fighting them and that's what I propose to do. I propose we pro- claim a moratorium on all presumed debts of evil done us, to start afresh by wiping the slate clean and continuing to wipe it clean," Lew Ayres told the nation in a prepared statement that was printed by the same papers that insulted him in their headlines. rHOSE PAPERS and many others insulted Lew Ayres. He is not a "war evader." He is, as his statement shows, a conscientious objector who is following the course dictated by his con- science. The connotations of the adjectives used in the headlines are not truthful. k Nor was Lew Ayres "interned." He is being sent to a camp where he and many other "C. O.'s" are serving their draft term. His "in- ternment" is exactly parallel to any man's being sent to the army. Conscientious objectors are mistaken, but are not enemies who should be given the exorbitant publicity. The whole splurge is a slap in the face to every conscientious objector. They have suffered enough and deserve our tolerance in- stead of the press's insults. Never again must such an affair come about. - Leon Gordenker Plea For Browder A Misrepresentation.. SINCE Communistic Russia has be- come our ally in the war, new pleas re being made for the release of Earl Browder, former General Secretary of the Communist Party of the United States, from the Federal Penitentiary at Atlanta, Georgia, on the grounds that the sentence imposed on Browder was unjust. In a column which appeared in The Daily, the writer claimed that Browder was sentenced to four years in prison and fined $2,000 on a "trumped-up charge-jailed for his political be- liefs." The writer went on to explain that Brow- der was charged with making a false statement, that he had denied possession of a passport when he had one, and that he was not charged with the use of a false passport. BROWDER, the author said, was unjustly jailed for his political beliefs, an act which is undemocratic and un-American, and there- fore he should be pardoned. Probably there are few Americans who would consent to court discrimination against a person because of his political beliefs or political party. aut the facts as given by this writer, and several others who take the same stand, are incorrect, or at least not fully represented. The New York Times of Sunday, March 30, 1941, states that Browder "was convicted of ob- taining passports in an illegal way." It seems Drew Pearson ~RbeaSAll$ WASHINGTON-The Washington Merry-Go- Round wishes to correct an earlier statement that John L. Lewis had three relatives on union payrolls whose salaries, plus his own, gave the family an -annual "take" of $48,500 from the collections of union dues. We regret to say that on further investigation we find we erred grievously. We apologize to Mr. Lewis for underestimating his capacities and print below the full Lewis family payroll show- ing that the miner czar has not three but nine relatives in cushy jobs and that the family "take" is not $48,500 but $70,500: John L. Lewis, president United Mine Workers ............$25,000* Kathryn Lewis, daughter, secretary- treasurer, District 50, UMW........7,500* Denny Lewis, brother, head of United Construction Workers Organizing Committee1...........10,000* J. R. Bell, brother-in-law, CIO controller...................0,000 Orin Miller, brother-in-law, superintendent of the UMW office building in Indianapolis, Ind. .. 5,000 Dan Collins, brother-in-law, CIO organizer.3,600 William Thomas, cousin, superinenden t UMW 'building in Washington . .. 5,000 Margaret Lindig, sister-in-law of Denny, UMW stenographer ...... 2,400 Ann Miller, daughter of brother-in-law Orin Miller, UMW stenographer .. 2,400 Son-in-law of Floyd Bell, another Lewis brother-in-law, District 50 organizer 3,600 Total Lewis family payroll-$70,500 (*In addition to their big salaries, Lewis, his daughter, and brother also have fat expense accounts. What they spend is their secret. No figures have ever been revealed, even to union members) And Still More I MPOSING as is this payroll list, it still does not tell the whole story. There is one Lewis relative who is not on a union payroll but who garners a high-bracket in- dome from unions controlled by John L. He is brother-in-law Floyd Bell, an insurance agent. Representative of a surety company, Bell has what amounts to a monopoly on the business of bonding all national, district and local UMW officers and all CIO officials. His commissions are estimated at $40,000 a year. This sum, plus the payroll listed above, would bring the total "take" of the Lewis family up to $111,500 a year. Gene Cox Of Georgia JUSTICE DEPARTMENT big-shots have a bear by the tail and don't know what to do with it. The bear consists of accusations that Repre- sentative Gene Cox of Georgia violated the crim- inal statute (Title 18, U.S. Code, Sec. 203) which prohibits members of Congress from receiving compensation for representing private clients be- fore government agencies. Most of the Justice Department big-shots are in a cold sweat over the case and want quietly to bury it. They are scared stiff over the pros- pect of tangling with Cox. The raucous-voiced little Georgian is a potent figure in the House. He is a leader of the powerful bloc of Southern, anti-New Deal, labor-baiting Democrats, rank- ing member of the migty Rules Committee, and on close personal terms with House floor chiefs, Also he is a resourceful and tough fighter, especially when under fire. So most of the Justice big-shots want to let Cox off, perhaps, with some private tsk-tsking. But younger members of the Department are demanding legal action. They contend that the law is explicit and that it is the duty of the Department to enforce it without fear or favor. Attorney General Francis Biddle has not yet made up his mind. He is not noted for decisive action. Note:Several years ago Cox was disclosed as being the No. 1 nepotist in the House. At that time he had eight relatives on the government payroll for a total take, including his $10,000 sal- ary, of more than $55,000 a year. re-trial by the Supreme Court was turned down. This is not the view of the case which one would get from reading some of the editorials which advocate Browder's release. As additional proof, "similar" cases in the Southern District of New York were pointed out, in which the persons found guilty of passport violations received much lighter penalties, aver- aging from 30 to 0clays. It is stated that Brow- der's penalty was, with one exception, the high- est ever given a passport case. JJUT perhaps the many other cases cited were not "similar"-for Browder had had a pre- vious prison record. During the first World War he was sentenced to one year for refusing to register for the draft, and later to two more for conspiring to obstruct conscription. Might not this make the circumstances different , from those surrounding the other cases, and bring on a more severe sentence? The Reply Churlfsh by TOUCHSTONE MR. MALCOLM BINGAY, of the Detroit Free Press who conducts the "just us folks" column right next to Eddie Guest, known to his intimates as Eddie, has been for several weeks past conducting a campaign against that sport variously referred to as the sport of kings, America's national pastime, etcetera etcetera, namely baseball. Mr. Bingay has made baseball an issue somehow involved with that topic of topics, national defense. What Mr. Bingay wants people to do is forget about the swat heroes and concentrate on the men who are fighting the war. All well and good. The public is, though Mr. Bingay would probably doubt this, quite capable of making a distinction between baseball heroes and army or navy heroes. And yet, it is possible, except to the most literal minded of us, to admire several sets of heroes at one and the same time. As far as that is concerned, I am not very sure just where the hell Mr. Bingay got the idea that the professional baseball player is re- garded as a hero, unless it might be that Mr. Bingay's long association with the sport as Iffy the Dopester has gone somewhat to Mr. Bingay's head. IF ALL MEN who are the topics of barber shop conversations were to be classed as heroes, the list would extend from Herbert Hoover to Fibber McGee. True, the kids are inclined to be pretty loyal to DiMaggio, or Ted Williams, but from personal observation of the younger gen- eration, I can safely say that the armed forces are holding their own. The kids know who Colin Kelly is, and I hear I hem singing the Marine Hymn a little off key. Mr. Bingay needn't worry about esprit de corps being sabotaged by base- ball. The whole thing looks very much like a crimson herring to me. True I must allow a certain hysteria to Mr. Bingay. He has never given evidence that he might bear up under a strain without being unreasonable at least once. But the point is, of all the trivial things Mr. Bingay could have picked, nothing, unless per- haps the strained spinach question, could have been quite so harmless, quite so innocuous, quite so damned foolish, as a campaign against base- ball on the grounds of national defense. IGHT NEXT TO Mr. Bingay's ,columns on the issue of the hour, are editorials which take that polite anti-labor stand, not too much you know, because it would hurt circulation if anyone ever really got the idea, which has be- come familiar to whole generations of free Press readers. Statistics were printed in Tuesday's paper which showed, as statistics always do, that 25 billion dollars of an increased national income went to wage earners, while only a bit over three billion went to stockholders of our large cor- porations. Nothing too suggestive, understand. Just a hint that national unity demands some- thing of all of us, and that any controversy, such as the deplorable scrap between capital and labor, should be ended peacefully, and let the managers run things the way they want, and the men should go to work no matter what. Mr. John Knight is rather skillful in such matters. You can't really pin him down on anything. After all, doesn't he say that the rich should make sacrifices too? Leave one of their cars in the garage for the duration, or fire one maid, or go to Red Cross classes. Everybody ought to do his part. But in view of these sacrifices, should- n't the laboring man work Sundays, or even Sat- urdays for a flat rate? Nobody should make any money of the war, says the Free Press. Seventy or eighty percent of all a corporation makes over say one million dollars profit, is taken by the government. That leaves a measly three hundred thousand with which they must make both ends meet. And next door, Mr. Bingay's column. Couched in the homespun terms which have endeared him to thousands of upstanding citizens, he com- plains whimsically that the count of votes on baseball versus no baseball was "fixed." Mr. Bingay is out to get baseball. He will leave other matters to just plain old ordinary horse sense, and the National Association of Manufacturers. They are self-made men, like Mr. Bingay. They too agree -that something should be done to arouse the public to a full realization of what this war means. So long until soon. English instructors recommend that students take a lesson in the development of the theatre by seeing the latest God-guided Play Production opus, Under the Gaslight. It is strictly period stuff, and as such, it is to be accepted or re- jectcd. It is no mere 'corn mnellerdrammer,' but instead a serious attempt to jump back into the period of the 1870's. Present-day audiences for- get, if we may become profound for a minute, that our honorable ancestors completely ac- cepted the stiff proprieties. Judged by the standards of that day, this show is excellent. The direction reveals an understanding of the period, andl the play nev,"erreks into the slash- bang tempol() of most modwer-i takeoffs. Por this, it deserves special mention . It is doubtful whether the directors could have selected a better example of this period. It has cradle-snatchings, jewel robberies, vicious so- ciety women, and a multitude of tried-but-true underground characters. The train rushes down upon a poor innocent victim, the heroine. is thrown into the river, and the hero passes through a long moral crisis before reaching the happy 'tomorrow.' 1t has everything character- istic of Uncle Tom's Cabin and Seven Nights in a Barroom, and it must have been something DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 2) without re'cord will be Saturday, April 4. A course may be dropped only with the permission of the clas- sifier, after conference with the in- structor. The final day for removal of in- completes will be Saturday, April 4. A. H. Lovell, Secretary Faculty, College of Literature, Sci- ence, and the Arts: Midsemester re- ports are due not later than Satur- day, April 4. Report cards are being distributed to all departmental offices. Green cards are being -provided for fresh- man reports; they should be returned to the office of the Academic Coun- selors, 108 Mason Hall. White cards, for reporting sophomores, juniors, and seniors should be returned to 1220 Angell Hall. Midsemester reports should name those -students, freshman and up- perclass, whose standing at midsem- ester is D or E, not merely those who receive D or E in so-called midsem- ester examinations.a Students electing our courses, but registered in other schools or col- leges of the University should be re- ported to the. school or college in which they are registered. Additional cards may be had at 108 Mason Hall or 1220 Angell Hall, E. A. Walter, Assistant Dean School of Music, School of Educa- tion, College of Architecture and De- sign: Midsemester reports indicating students enrolled in these units do- ing unsatisfactory work in any unit of the University are due in the office of the school on Saturday, April 4, at noon. Report blanks for this pur- pose may be secured from the office of the school or from Room 4, Uni- versity Hall. Robert L. Williams, Assistant Registrar Freshmen, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Freshmen may not drop courses without E grade after Saturday, April 4. In adminis- tering this rule, students with less than 24 hours of credit are consider- ed freshmen. Exceptions may be made in extraordinary circumstances, such as severe or long continued ill- ness. E. A. Walter Attention Hopwood Contestants: All manuscripts must be in the Eng- lish Office, 3221 Angell Hal, by 4:30 p.m., Monday, April 13. No manu- script will be accepted after this time. Students are urged to read care- fully the rules for the contests. Note especially kind of paper and details of binding. Manuscripts not done in conformity with the rules will not be accepted. R. W. Cowden Aeronautical Engineering Stu- dents: There will be available in the Department of Aeronautical Engin- eering one laboratory assistantship and three student assistantships for the summer and fall terms. These assistantships are in general restrict- ed to upperclassmen and graduate students, and the selection is made very largely on the basis of scholastic standing. Applications for these positions will be received up to April 15, 1942. Students wishing to make application should address them to Professor E. A. Stalker, B-47 East Engineering Building, and should give a brief statement of their qualifica- tions and experience in regard to both their scholastic work and any outside experience they may have had. A statement should also be ade giving their plans for further study in Aero- nautical Engineering. School of Education Freshmen: Courses dropped after Saturday, April 4, will be recorded with the grade of E except under extraordin- ary circumstances. No course is con- sidered officially dropped unless it has been reported in the office of the Registrar, Room 4, University Hall. Conference on Guidance and Occu- pational Information: Today, 4:00 p.m. "State Civil Service Positions for Men" will be presented by Mr. Thomas J. Wilson, State Personnel Director, Michigan State Civil Serv- always credible. The work of these leads is the best indication of good direction. Rhodes and Altman never gave the impression that they were consciously overacting, instead it seemed like a matter of true signifi- cance to them. That, in a proverbial nutshell, accounts for the success of the production. Of the leading characters, Merle Webb as Byke, the villain, was the only outstanding example of mis- casting. His mannerisms showed an untheatrical self-consciousness, a jarring note in an otherwise sober effort. Bill Kinzer, the hero's helper, was guilty, to a lesser extent, of this same fault. Margaret Cotton, the nasty of' Mrs. Van Dam, gave all of her poised self to her role. Blanche Holpar, the old villainess plunged over a cliff by a runaway horse, and Judy Fletcher, a questionable char- acter with a heart of gold, were com- mendable. The bit roles were all ice Commission, and Mr. Edward H. I Litchfield, 'Cheif, Division of Re- t search and Training, Michigan State i Civil Service Commission, will speak on "State Civil Service Positions for t Women."a All meetings will be held in the a Rackham Lecture Hall. University turean of Appointments and Occupational Information . Academic Notices Preliminary Ph.D. Examinations in Economics will be held during thes week beginning May 4. Qualifiedt students wishing to write the exam- i inations should leave their names in the Department office as soon as possible.C Concertsv i May Festival Tickets: The over- the-counter sale of remaining May Festival tickets, both for the season and for individual concerts, will be- gin Monday morning, April 6, and will continue so long as tickets last, at the offices of the University Musical1 Society, Burton Memorial Tower. Prices, including tax, are: ueasone tickets (six concerts) $8.80, $7.70 and $6.60. (If Festival coupon from current Choral Union season ticket is returned, deduct $3.30 from above prices). Individual concerts: maine floor $2.75, first balcony $2.20, and the top balcony $1.65 and $1.10. a Orders received by mail or left ate the offices of the Society prior to t Friday noon, April 3, will be filled in1 sequence in advance.c Charles A. Sink, President.1 Organ Recital: Music in keeping with the significance of the Easter season will be presented by Palmer Christian, University Organist, at 4:15 p.m. on Good Friday, April 3, in Hill Auditorium. Mr. Christian has arranged a program to includeI Bach's Two Chorale Preludes, Pro- logus Tragicus by Karg-Elert and Good Friday Music by Wagner. The1 public is cordially invited., The Ann Arbor Art Association, inl connection with its present exhibi- tion, An Introduction to Architecture, presents an evening of recorded music under the direction of Richard Lip- pold of the Architecture faculty, to-, night, 8:00-10:00, in the Rackham1 Galleries. Following a brief inform- al talk on the music, authentic ex- amples of the Egyptian, Classic, Med- ieval, Baroque, and Modern periods will be presented. The public is cord- ially invited. Exhibitions Exhibition: An Introduction to Architecture. An elaborate educa- tional exhibition produced by the Ann Arbor Art Association in collab- oration with the College of Architec- ture and Design. This exhibition is intended to give the layman a better' understanding of the meaning of architecture, to demonstrate the modern techniques of museum dis- play of visual materials as instru- ments of education, and for its ap- peal to those interested in art. The exhibit is in the Rackham Galleries, and will continue through April 4. Open daily, 2-5 and 7-10, except Sun- days. The public is cordially invited. Exhibition, College of Architec- ture and Design: Color schemes and arrangements by the Interior Design classes. Weaving by primitive Mexi- can Indian tribes, from the collection )f Mr. and Mrs. Richard Lippold Ground floor cases, Architecture Building. Open daily 9 to 5, except Sunday, until April 4. The public is invited. Latin American Exhibit: Univer- sity Elementary School Library - Room 1502. An exhibit of recent books, handicraft, and pamphlets is (on display through Saturday, April GRIN AND BEAR IT ByLichty I.- Department as the last lecturer of the current series today at 4:15 p.m., n Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. He will speak on "Spanish Art in he Golden Age." There will be no admission charge and both faculty and students are cordially invited. The Alpha Omega Alpha lecture will be given by Dr. Morris Fishbein, Editor of the Journal of the Ameri- can Medical Association, on Monday, April 13, at 8:30 p.m. in the Rack- hiam Lecture Hall. Dr. Fishbein will speak on "American Medicine and the War.". The public is cordially nvited. Geology Lecture: Dean Ivan C. Crawford of the Engineering School will speak on "Early Days in Lead- ville, Colorado" today at 5:00 p.m. n Room 2054 N.S. Events Today Psychological Journal Club: Mr. W. W. Morris of Pontiac State Hos- pital will discuss the Rorschach Test at 7:30 tonight in the West Confer- nce Room' of the Rackham Build- ing. All who are interested are cord- ially invited. Attention Honorary Speech Soci- eties: Delta Sigma Rho, Sigma Rho Tau, Alpha Nu, and Zeta Phi Eta are invited by Athena Literary Soci- ety to hear Professor William Hobbs talk on "South America and its Re- lation to the Present War" tonight at 9:00 in the League Kalamazoo Room. U. of M. Flying Club will meet to- night in Room 325 of the Union at 9:30. Any persons interested in join- ing the club are invited. La Sociedad Hispanica, will meet this evening at 8:00 in the Michigan League. Mrs. W. W. Blume will give a short talk and a musical program with Spanish Songs has been arranged. Everyone interested is invited. See Bulletin in League for room number. Michigan Sailing Club will meet in Room 321 in the Union tonight at 7:30. Movies of small boat racing will be shown. All prospective mem- bers are invited. Graduate Coffee Hour today, 4:30- 6:00 p.m., in the Rackham School. All faculty members and graduate stu- dents are welcome. Seminar on A Just and Durable Peace: Professor Smithies will speak on economic aspects of post-war re- construction at Lane Hall tonight at 7:30. Open Swimming - Women Stu- dents: The Union Pool is available for the use of women students on Tuesday and Thursday evenings from 7:30 to 9:30. First Presbyterian Church: Com- munion service and Reception of new members will be held at the Maundy Thursday Communion at 8:00 p.m. Hillel Foundation: Because of the Passover holiday, there will be no PM at the Hillel Foundation today. The regular' weekly PM's will be re- sumed from 4 to 6 next Thursday afternoon. Coming Events New and Old W.A.A. Board: In- stallation for new members of the W.A.A. Board will be held at the W.A.B. on Monday, April.6, at 4:45 p.m. The Graduate Student Council will meet in the East Lecture Room of the Rackham Building on Friday at 5:00 p.m.